Exemplo n.º 1
if (!empty($data['color'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Colour:</td><td><div class="circle" style="background-color: ' . specialchars($data['color']) . ';"></div> ' . specialchars($data['color']) . "</td></tr>\n";
if (!empty($data['problemtext_type'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Problem text:</td><td class="nobreak"><a href="problem.php?id=' . urlencode($id) . '&amp;cmd=viewtext"><img src="../images/' . urlencode($data['problemtext_type']) . '.png" alt="problem text" ' . 'title="view problem description" /></a> ' . "</td></tr>\n";
echo '<tr><td>Run script:</td><td class="filename">' . '<a href="executable.php?id=' . urlencode($data['special_run']) . '">' . specialchars($data['special_run']) . "</a>" . (@$defaultrun ? ' (default)' : '') . "</td></tr>\n";
echo '<tr><td>Compare script:</td><td class="filename">' . '<a href="executable.php?id=' . urlencode($data['special_compare']) . '">' . specialchars($data['special_compare']) . "</a>" . (@$defaultcompare ? ' (default)' : '') . "</td></tr>\n";
if (!empty($data['special_compare_args'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Compare script arguments:</td><td>' . specialchars($data['special_compare_args']) . "</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n" . addEndForm();
if (IS_ADMIN) {
    echo "<p>" . exportLink($id) . "\n" . editLink('problem', $id) . "\n" . delLink('problem', 'probid', $id) . "</p>\n\n";
echo rejudgeForm('problem', $id) . "<br />\n\n";
if ($current_cid === null) {
    echo "<h3>Contests</h3>\n\n";
    $res = $DB->q('TABLE SELECT c.*, cp.shortname AS problemshortname,
	                            cp.allow_submit, cp.allow_judge, cp.color
	               FROM contest c
	               INNER JOIN contestproblem cp USING (cid)
	               WHERE cp.probid = %i ORDER BY starttime DESC', $id);
    if (count($res) == 0) {
        echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No contests defined</p>\n\n";
    } else {
        $times = array('activate', 'start', 'freeze', 'end', 'unfreeze');
        echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\" class=\"sorttable_numeric\">CID</th>";
        echo "<th scope=\"col\">contest<br />shortname</th>\n";
        echo "<th scope=\"col\">contest<br />name</th>";
        echo "<th scope=\"col\">problem<br />shortname</th>";
Exemplo n.º 2
 $tclist = "<tr><td>testcase runs:</td><td>" . $tclist . "</td></tr>\n";
 if ($lastjud !== NULL) {
     $lastjudging_ended = !empty($lastjud['endtime']);
     list($lasttclist, $sum_lastruntime, $max_lastruntime) = display_runinfo($lastruns, $lastjudging_ended);
     $lasttclist = "<tr class=\"lasttcruns\"><td><a href=\"submission.php?id={$lastsubmitid}\">s{$lastsubmitid}</a> runs:</td><td>" . $lasttclist . "</td></tr>\n";
 $state = '';
 if (isset($jud['rejudgingid'])) {
     $reason = $DB->q('VALUE SELECT reason FROM rejudging WHERE rejudgingid=%i', $jud['rejudgingid']);
     $state = ' (rejudging <a href="rejudging.php?id=' . urlencode($jud['rejudgingid']) . '">r' . specialchars($jud['rejudgingid']) . '</a>, reason: ' . specialchars($reason) . ')';
 } else {
     if ($jud['valid'] != 1) {
         $state = ' (INVALID)';
 echo rejudgeForm('submission', $id) . "<br /><br />\n\n";
 echo "<h2 style=\"display:inline;\">Judging j" . (int) $jud['judgingid'] . $state . "</h2>\n\n&nbsp;";
 if (!$jud['verified']) {
     echo addForm($pagename . '?id=' . urlencode($id) . '&amp;jid=' . urlencode($jid));
     if (!empty($jud['jury_member'])) {
         echo ' (claimed by ' . specialchars($jud['jury_member']) . ') ';
     if ($jury_member == @$jud['jury_member']) {
         echo addSubmit('unclaim', 'unclaim');
     } else {
         echo addSubmit('claim', 'claim');
     echo addEndForm();
 echo "<br /><br />\n\n";
 echo 'Result: ' . printresult($jud['result'], $jud['valid']) . ($lastjud === NULL ? '' : '<span class="lastresult"> (<a href="submission.php?id=' . $lastsubmitid . '">s' . $lastsubmitid . '</a>: ' . @$lastjud['result'] . ')</span>') . ', ' . 'Judgehost: <a href="judgehost.php?id=' . urlencode($jud['judgehost']) . '">' . printhost($jud['judgehost']) . '</a>, ';
Exemplo n.º 3
if (!empty($data['color'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Colour:</td><td><div class="circle" style="background-color: ' . htmlspecialchars($data['color']) . ';"></div> ' . htmlspecialchars($data['color']) . "</td></tr>\n";
if (!empty($data['problemtext_type'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Problem text:</td><td class="nobreak"><a href="problem.php?id=' . urlencode($id) . '&amp;cmd=viewtext"><img src="../images/' . urlencode($data['problemtext_type']) . '.png" alt="problem text" ' . 'title="view problem description" /></a> ' . "</td></tr>\n";
echo '<tr><td>Run script:</td><td class="filename">' . '<a href="executable.php?id=' . urlencode($data['special_run']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($data['special_run']) . "</a>" . (@$defaultrun ? ' (default)' : '') . "</td></tr>\n";
echo '<tr><td>Compare script:</td><td class="filename">' . '<a href="executable.php?id=' . urlencode($data['special_compare']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($data['special_compare']) . "</a>" . (@$defaultcompare ? ' (default)' : '') . "</td></tr>\n";
if (!empty($data['special_compare_args'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Compare script arguments:</td><td>' . htmlspecialchars($data['special_compare_args']) . "</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n" . addEndForm();
echo "<br />\n" . rejudgeForm('problem', $id) . "\n\n";
if (IS_ADMIN) {
    echo "<p>" . exportLink($id) . "\n" . editLink('problem', $id) . "\n" . delLink('problem', 'probid', $id) . "</p>\n\n";
if ($current_cid === null) {
    echo "<h3>Contests</h3>\n\n";
    $res = $DB->q('TABLE SELECT c.*, cp.shortname AS problemshortname,
	                            cp.allow_submit, cp.allow_judge, cp.color
	               FROM contest c
	               INNER JOIN contestproblem cp USING (cid)
	               WHERE cp.probid = %i ORDER BY starttime DESC', $id);
    if (count($res) == 0) {
        echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No contests defined</p>\n\n";
    } else {
        $times = array('activate', 'start', 'freeze', 'end', 'unfreeze');
        echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\" class=\"sorttable_numeric\">CID</th>";
Exemplo n.º 4
    echo ", time since judgehost last checked in: " . printtimediff($row['polltime']) . 's.';

if (IS_ADMIN) {
    $cmd = $row['active'] == 1 ? 'deactivate' : 'activate';
    echo addForm($pagename) . "<p>\n" . addHidden('id', $row['hostname']) . addHidden('cmd', $cmd) . addSubmit($cmd) . "</p>\n" . addEndForm();
if (IS_ADMIN) {
    echo "<p>" . delLink('judgehost', 'hostname', $row['hostname']) . "</p>\n\n";
echo rejudgeForm('judgehost', $row['hostname']) . "<br />\n\n";
echo "<h3>Judgings by " . printhost($row['hostname']) . "</h3>\n\n";
// get the judgings for a specific key and value pair
// select only specific fields to avoid retrieving large blobs
$cids = getCurContests(FALSE);
if (!empty($cids)) {
    $res = $DB->q('SELECT judgingid, submitid, starttime, endtime, judgehost,
	               result, verified, valid FROM judging
	               WHERE cid IN (%Ai) AND judgehost = %s
	               ORDER BY starttime DESC, judgingid DESC', $cids, $row['hostname']);
if (empty($cids) || $res->count() == 0) {
    echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No judgings.</p>\n\n";
} else {
    echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\" class=\"sorttable_numeric\">ID</th><th " . "scope=\"col\">started</th><th scope=\"col\">runtime</th><th " . "scope=\"col\">result</th><th scope=\"col\">valid</th><th " . "scope=\"col\">verified</th></tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n";
    while ($jud = $res->next()) {
Exemplo n.º 5
        } else {
            echo "Critical";
    echo ", time since judgehost last checked in: " . printtimediff($row['polltime']) . 's.';

if (IS_ADMIN) {
    $cmd = $row['active'] == 1 ? 'deactivate' : 'activate';
    echo addForm($pagename) . "<p>\n" . addHidden('id', $row['hostname']) . addHidden('cmd', $cmd) . addSubmit($cmd) . "</p>\n" . addEndForm();
echo rejudgeForm('judgehost', $row['hostname']);
if (IS_ADMIN) {
    echo "<p>" . delLink('judgehost', 'hostname', $row['hostname']) . "</p>\n\n";
echo "<h3>Judgings by " . printhost($row['hostname']) . "</h3>\n\n";
// get the judgings for a specific key and value pair
// select only specific fields to avoid retrieving large blobs
$cids = getCurContests(FALSE);
if (!empty($cids)) {
    $res = $DB->q('SELECT judgingid, submitid, starttime, endtime, judgehost,
	               result, verified, valid FROM judging
	               WHERE cid IN (%Ai) AND judgehost = %s
	               ORDER BY starttime DESC, judgingid DESC', $cids, $row['hostname']);
if (empty($cids) || $res->count() == 0) {
    echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No judgings.</p>\n\n";
Exemplo n.º 6
    if (is_readable($countryflag)) {
        echo '<img src="' . $countryflag . '" alt="' . specialchars($row['country']) . '" /> ';
    echo specialchars($row['country']) . "</td></tr>\n";
if (!empty($row['members'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Members:   </td><td>' . nl2br(specialchars($row['members'])) . "</td></tr>\n";
if (!empty($row['comments'])) {
    echo '<tr><td>Comments:</td><td>' . nl2br(specialchars($row['comments'])) . "</td></tr>\n";
echo "</table></div>\n";
if (IS_ADMIN) {
    echo "<p class=\"nomorecol\">" . editLink('team', $id) . "\n" . delLink('team', 'teamid', $id) . "</p>\n\n";
echo rejudgeForm('team', $id) . "\n\n";
if ($cid) {
    echo "<h3>Score</h3>\n\n";
    putTeamRow($cdata, array($id));
echo '<h3>Submissions';
if (isset($key)) {
    $keystr = "";
    switch ($key) {
        case 'probid':
            $keystr = "problem";
        case 'langid':
            $keystr = "language";
        case 'judgehost':
Exemplo n.º 7
        foreach ($teams as $i => $team) {
            if ($i != 0) {
                echo '</td></tr>';
                echo '<tr><td></td><td>';
            echo '<a href="team.php?id=' . $team['teamid'] . '&cid=' . $id . '">';
            echo $team['name'] . ' (t' . $team['teamid'] . ')';
            echo '</a>';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo "</table>\n\n";
if (IS_ADMIN) {
    if (in_array($data['cid'], $cids)) {
        echo "<p>" . rejudgeForm('contest', $data['cid']) . "</p>\n\n";
    echo "<p>" . editLink('contest', $data['cid']) . "\n" . delLink('contest', 'cid', $data['cid']) . "</p>\n\n";
echo "<h3>Problems</h3>\n\n";
$res = $DB->q('TABLE SELECT *
               FROM problem
               INNER JOIN contestproblem USING (probid)
               WHERE cid = %i
               ORDER BY shortname', $id);
if (count($res) == 0) {
    echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No problems added yet</p>\n\n";
} else {
    echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\" class=\"sorttable_numeric\">probid</th>";
    echo "<th scope=\"col\">name</th>";
    echo "<th scope=\"col\">shortname</th>";
Exemplo n.º 8
<tr><td>Time factor:  </td><td><?php 
echo specialchars($data['time_factor']);
<tr><td>Compile script:</td><td class="filename">
if (empty($data['compile_script'])) {
    echo '<span class="nodata">none specified</span>';
} else {
    echo '<a href="executable.php?id=' . urlencode($data['compile_script']) . '">' . specialchars($data['compile_script']) . '</a>';
<tr><td>Extensions:  </td><td><?php 
echo specialchars(implode(', ', json_decode($data['extensions'])));

echo addEndForm();
if (IS_ADMIN) {
    echo "<p>" . editLink('language', $data['langid']) . "\n" . delLink('language', 'langid', $data['langid']) . "</p>\n\n";
echo rejudgeForm('language', $data['langid']) . "<br />\n\n";
echo "<h2>Submissions in " . specialchars($data['name']) . "</h2>\n\n";
$restrictions = array('langid' => $id);
putSubmissions($cdatas, $restrictions);
require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
Exemplo n.º 9
            if ($i != 0) {
                echo '</td></tr>';
                echo '<tr><td></td><td>';
            echo '<a href="team.php?id=' . $team['teamid'] . '&cid=' . $id . '">';
            echo $team['name'] . ' (t' . $team['teamid'] . ')';
            echo '</a>';
echo '</td></tr>';
echo "</table>\n\n";
if (IS_ADMIN) {
    echo "<p>" . editLink('contest', $data['cid']) . "\n" . delLink('contest', 'cid', $data['cid']) . "</p>\n\n";
    if (in_array($data['cid'], $cids)) {
        echo rejudgeForm('contest', $data['cid']) . "<br />\n\n";
echo "<h3>Problems</h3>\n\n";
$res = $DB->q('TABLE SELECT *
               FROM problem
               INNER JOIN contestproblem USING (probid)
               WHERE cid = %i
               ORDER BY shortname', $id);
if (count($res) == 0) {
    echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No problems added yet</p>\n\n";
} else {
    echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\" class=\"sorttable_numeric\">probid</th>";
    echo "<th scope=\"col\">name</th>";
    echo "<th scope=\"col\">shortname</th>";
    echo "<th scope=\"col\">points</th>";
Exemplo n.º 10
 echo "<h2 style=\"display:inline;\">Judging j" . (int) $jud['judgingid'] . $state . "</h2>\n\n&nbsp;";
 if (!$jud['verified']) {
     echo addForm($pagename . '?id=' . urlencode($id) . '&amp;jid=' . urlencode($jid));
     if (!empty($jud['jury_member'])) {
         echo ' (claimed by ' . htmlspecialchars($jud['jury_member']) . ') ';
     if ($jury_member == @$jud['jury_member']) {
         echo addSubmit('unclaim', 'unclaim');
     } else {
         echo addSubmit('claim', 'claim');
     echo addEndForm();
 echo rejudgeForm('submission', $id);
 echo $lastjud === NULL ? '' : "<span class=\"testcases_prev\">" . "<a href=\"javascript:togglelastruns();\">show/hide</a> results of previous " . "<a href=\"submission.php?id={$lastsubmitid}\">submission s{$lastsubmitid}</a>" . (empty($lastjud['verify_comment']) ? '' : "<span class=\"prevsubmit\"> (verify comment: '" . $lastjud['verify_comment'] . "')</span>") . "</span>";
 echo '<br/><br/>';
 echo 'Result: ' . printresult($jud['result'], $jud['valid']) . ($lastjud === NULL ? '' : '<span class="lastresult"> (<a href="submission.php?id=' . $lastsubmitid . '">s' . $lastsubmitid . '</a>: ' . @$lastjud['result'] . ')</span>') . ', ' . 'Judgehost: <a href="judgehost.php?id=' . urlencode($jud['judgehost']) . '">' . printhost($jud['judgehost']) . '</a>, ';
 // Time (start, end, used)
 echo "<span class=\"judgetime\">Judging started: " . printtime($jud['starttime'], '%H:%M:%S');
 if ($judging_ended) {
     echo ', finished in ' . printtimediff($jud['starttime'], $jud['endtime']) . ' s';
 } elseif ($jud['valid']) {
     echo ' [still judging - busy ' . printtimediff($jud['starttime']) . ']';
 } else {
     echo ' [aborted]';
 echo "</span>\n";
 if (@$jud['result'] !== 'compiler-error') {
     echo ", max/sum runtime: " . sprintf('%.2f/%.2fs', $max_runtime, $sum_runtime);
Exemplo n.º 11
 echo "<h2 style=\"display:inline;\">Judging j" . (int) $jud['judgingid'] . $state . "</h2>\n\n&nbsp;";
 if (!$jud['verified']) {
     echo addForm($pagename . '?id=' . urlencode($id) . '&amp;jid=' . urlencode($jid));
     if (!empty($jud['jury_member'])) {
         echo ' (claimed by ' . htmlspecialchars($jud['jury_member']) . ') ';
     if ($jury_member == @$jud['jury_member']) {
         echo addSubmit('unclaim', 'unclaim');
     } else {
         echo addSubmit('claim', 'claim');
     echo addEndForm();
 echo rejudgeForm('submission', $id) . '<br/><br/>';
 echo 'Result: ' . printresult($jud['result'], $jud['valid']) . ($lastjud === NULL ? '' : '<span class="lastresult"> (<a href="submission.php?id=' . $lastsubmitid . '">s' . $lastsubmitid . '</a>: ' . @$lastjud['result'] . ')</span>') . ', ' . 'Judgehost: <a href="judgehost.php?id=' . urlencode($jud['judgehost']) . '">' . printhost($jud['judgehost']) . '</a>, ';
 // Time (start, end, used)
 echo "<span class=\"judgetime\">Judging started: " . printtime($jud['starttime'], '%H:%M:%S');
 if ($judging_ended) {
     echo ', finished in ' . printtimediff($jud['starttime'], $jud['endtime']) . ' s';
 } elseif ($jud['valid'] || isset($jud['rejudgingid'])) {
     echo ' [still judging - busy ' . printtimediff($jud['starttime']) . ']';
 } else {
     echo ' [aborted]';
 echo "</span>\n";
 if (@$jud['result'] !== 'compiler-error') {
     echo ", max/sum runtime: " . sprintf('%.2f/%.2fs', $max_runtime, $sum_runtime);
     if (isset($max_lastruntime)) {
         echo " <span class=\"lastruntime\">(<a href=\"submission.php?id={$lastsubmitid}\">s{$lastsubmitid}</a>: " . sprintf('%.2f/%.2fs', $max_lastruntime, $sum_lastruntime) . ")</span>";