Exemplo n.º 1
        $id_client = $admin["id_client"];
        $q = "SELECT * FROM {$pro_mysql_client_table} WHERE id='{$id_client}';";
        $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said: " . mysql_error());
        $n = mysql_num_rows($r);
        if ($n != 1) {
            die("Client record not found line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__);
        $client = mysql_fetch_array($r);
        $tld = find_domain_extension($edit_domain);
        if ($tld === FLASE) {
            die("Domain TLD not found line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__);
        $price = find_domain_price($tld);
        if ($price === FALSE) {
            die("TLD price not found line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__);
        $price = $_REQUEST["num_years"] * $price;
        $remaining = $client["dollar"] - $price;
        if ($remaining < 0) {
            die("Not enough money on the account line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__);
        $renew_return = registry_renew_domain($edit_domain, $_REQUEST["num_years"]);
        // If renew successful, remove some money from the account, and update expiration date of the domain
        if ($renew_return["attributes"]["status"] == 0) {
            $q = "UPDATE {$pro_mysql_client_table} SET dollar='{$remaining}' WHERE id='{$id_client}';";
            $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said: " . mysql_error());
            $q = "UPDATE {$pro_mysql_domain_table} SET expiration_date=DATE_ADD(expiration_date, INTERVAL " . $_REQUEST["num_years"] . " YEAR) WHERE name='{$edit_domain}';";
            $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said: " . mysql_error());
Exemplo n.º 2
function drawNameRenew($domain_name, $admin)
    global $adm_login;
    global $adm_pass;
    global $addrlink;
    global $renew_added_price;
    global $registry_api_modules;
    global $pro_mysql_client_table;
    global $pro_mysql_domain_table;
    $form_start = "<form action=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adm_login\" value=\"{$adm_login}\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adm_pass\" value=\"{$adm_pass}\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"addrlink\" value=\"{$addrlink}\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dtcrm_action\" value=\"renew_domain\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"add_regortrans\" value=\"renew\">\n";
    //first step : renewable ?
    $domlookup = registry_check_renew($domain_name);
    if ($domlookup["is_success"] != 1) {
        $out = "<font color=\"red\">" . _("Could not connect to domain renew server: please try again later!") . "</font><br>" . $domlookup['response_text'];
        return $out;
    if ($domlookup["attributes"]["renewable"] != 1) {
        $out = "<br>\n" . _("Sorry, the domain name ") . " <b>{$domain_name}</b> " . _("is NOT renewable. The registration server returned: ") . "<br><font color=\"red\">" . $domlookup["response_text"] . "</font>\n<br><br>";
        return $out;
    $out = "<br><font color=\"green\">" . _("RENEW CHECK SUCCESSFUL") . "</font><br><br>";
    // second step : price and payment
    if ($admin["info"]["id_client"] != 0) {
        $remaining = $admin["client"]["dollar"];
    } else {
        $out .= _("You don't have a client ID. Please contact us.");
        $remaining = 0;
        return $out;
    $fqdn = $domain_name;
    $price = registry_get_domain_price($fqdn, 1);
    $fqdn_price = $price + $renew_added_price;
    $out .= "<i><u>Step3: Proceed for renew</u></i><br>";
    $out .= _("Remaining on your account: ") . " \$" . $remaining . "<br>\n" . _("Total price: ") . " \$" . $fqdn_price . "<br><br>";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["inner_action"]) && $_REQUEST["inner_action"] == "return_from_paypal_domain_add") {
        $ze_refund = isPayIDValidated(addslashes($_REQUEST["pay_id"]));
        if ($ze_refund == 0) {
            $out .= "<font color=\"red\">" . _("The transaction failed, please try again!") . "</font>";
        } else {
            $out .= "<font color=\"green\">" . _("Your account has been credited!") . "</font><br>";
            $q = "UPDATE {$pro_mysql_client_table} SET dollar = dollar+" . $ze_refund . " WHERE id='" . $admin["info"]["id_client"] . "';";
            $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said " . mysql_error());
            $remaining += $ze_refund;
    if ($fqdn_price > $remaining) {
        $payid = createCreditCardPaiementID($fqdn_price, $admin["info"]["id_client"], "Domain name renew " . $_REQUEST["toreg_extention"], "no");
        $return_url = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?adm_login={$adm_login}&adm_pass={$adm_pass}" . "&addrlink={$addrlink}&add_domain_type=" . $_REQUEST["add_domain_type"] . "&add_regortrans=" . $_REQUEST["add_regortrans"] . "&toreg_domain=" . $_REQUEST["toreg_domain"] . "&toreg_extention=" . $_REQUEST["toreg_extention"] . "&dtcrm_owner_hdl=" . $_REQUEST["dtcrm_owner_hdl"] . "&dtcrm_admin_hdl=" . $_REQUEST["dtcrm_admin_hdl"] . "&dtcrm_billing_hdl=" . $_REQUEST["dtcrm_billing_hdl"] . "&toreg_dns1=" . $_REQUEST["toreg_dns1"] . "&toreg_dns2=" . $_REQUEST["toreg_dns2"] . "&toreg_dns3=" . $_REQUEST["toreg_dns3"] . "&toreg_dns4=" . $_REQUEST["toreg_dns4"] . "&toreg_dns5=" . $_REQUEST["toreg_dns5"] . "&toreg_dns6=" . $_REQUEST["toreg_dns6"] . "&toreg_period=1&inner_action=return_from_paypal_domain_add&payid={$payid}";
        if (isset($_REQUEST["action"])) {
            $return_url .= "&action=" . $_REQUEST["action"];
        if (isset($_REQUEST["dtcrm_action"])) {
            $return_url .= "&dtcrm_action=" . $_REQUEST["dtcrm_action"];
        $paybutton = paynowButton($payid, $fqdn_price, "Domain name renew " . $_REQUEST["toreg_extention"], $return_url);
        $out .= _("You currently don't have enough funds on your account. You will be redirected to our payment system. Please click on the button below to pay.") . "<br><br>\n{$paybutton}";
        return $out;
    // Check for confirmation
    if (!isset($_REQUEST["toreg_confirm_renew"]) || $_REQUEST["toreg_confirm_renew"] != "yes") {
        $out .= _("You have enough funds on your account to proceed with transfert. Press the confirm button to proceed.") . "<br><br>\n{$form_start}\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"toreg_confirm_renew\" value=\"yes\">\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Proceed to name-renew") . "\">\n</form><br><br>";
        return $out;
    // START OF DOMAIN NAME RENEW           //
    $q = "SELECT * FROM {$pro_mysql_domain_table} WHERE owner='{$adm_login}';";
    $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Cannot query {$q} line " . __LINE__ . " file " . __FILE__ . " sql said: " . mysql_error());
    $n = mysql_num_rows($r);
    if ($n > 0) {
        $new_user = "******";
    } else {
        $new_user = "******";
    //	sleep(2);
    $regz = registry_renew_domain($domain_name);
    if ($regz["is_success"] != 1) {
        $out .= "<font color=\"red\"><b>" . _("Renew failed") . "</b></font><br>\n" . _("Server said: ") . "<i>" . $regz["response_text"] . "</i>";
        return $out;
    $out .= "<font color=\"green\"><b>Renew succesfull</b></font><br>\nServer said: <i>" . $regz["response_text"] . "</i><br>";
    $operation = $remaining - $fqdn_price;
    $query = "UPDATE {$pro_mysql_client_table} SET dollar='{$operation}' WHERE id='" . $admin["info"]["id_client"] . "';";
    mysql_query($query) or die("Cannot query \"{$query}\" !!!" . mysql_error());
    $out .= "<font color=\"green\"><b>" . _("Successfully renew your domain name") . "</b></font><br><br>";
    return $out;