function wikiplugin_addfreetag($data, $params) { global $user; $object = current_object(); if (isset($params['object']) && false !== strpos($params['object'], ':')) { list($object['type'], $object['object']) = explode(':', $params['object'], 2); } if ($object['type'] == 'wiki page' && !ctype_digit($object['object'])) { $identifier = 'wp_addfreetag_' . str_replace(array(':',' '), array('_',''), TikiLib::lib('tiki')->get_page_id_from_name($params['object'])); } else { $identifier = 'wp_addfreetag_' . str_replace(array(':',' '), array('_',''), $params['object']); } if ($object['type'] == 'trackeritem') { $permobject = TikiLib::lib('trk')->get_tracker_for_item($object['object']); $permobjecttype = 'tracker'; } else { $permobject = $object['object']; $permobjecttype = $object['type']; } if (! TikiLib::lib('tiki')->user_has_perm_on_object($user, $permobject, $permobjecttype, 'tiki_p_freetags_tag')) { return ''; } if (!empty($_POST[$identifier])) { $_POST[$identifier] = '"' . str_replace('"', '', $_POST[$identifier]) . '"'; TikiLib::lib('freetag')->tag_object($user, $object['object'], $object['type'], $_POST[$identifier]); if ($object['type'] == 'trackeritem') { // need to update tracker field as well $definition = Tracker_Definition::get($permobject); if ($field = $definition->getFreetagField()) { $currenttags = TikiLib::lib('freetag')->get_tags_on_object($object['object'], 'trackeritem'); $taglist = ''; foreach ($currenttags['data'] as $tag) { if (strstr($tag['tag'], ' ')) { $taglist .= '"'.$tag['tag'] . '" '; } else { $taglist .= $tag['tag'] . ' '; } } // taglist will have slashes TikiLib::lib('trk')->modify_field($object['object'], $field, stripslashes($taglist)); } } require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index($object['type'], $object['object']); $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; header("Location: $url"); die; } $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $smarty->assign('wp_addfreetag', $identifier); return $smarty->fetch('wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_addfreetag.tpl'); }
function flag_revision($pageName, $version, $flag, $value) { global $prefs; $attributelib = TikiLib::lib('attribute'); $histlib = TikiLib::lib('hist'); if ($version_info = $histlib->get_version($pageName, $version)) { $tx = TikiDb::get()->begin(); if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $logslib->add_action(self::ACTION, $pageName, 'wiki page', "flag={$flag}&version={$version}&value={$value}"); } $attribute = $this->get_attribute_for_flag($flag); $attributelib->set_attribute('wiki history', $version_info['historyId'], $attribute, $value); require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('pages', $pageName); refresh_index('pages', "{$pageName}~~latest"); $tx->commit(); return true; } else { return false; } }
public function replace_tracker($trackerId, $name, $description, $options, $descriptionIsParsed) { $trackers = $this->trackers(); $data = array('name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'descriptionIsParsed' => $descriptionIsParsed, 'lastModif' => $this->now); $logOption = 'Updated'; if ($trackerId) { $conditions = array('trackerId' => (int) $trackerId); if ($trackers->fetchCount($conditions)) { $trackers->update($data, $conditions); } else { $data['trackerId'] = (int) $trackerId; $data['items'] = 0; $data['created'] = $this->now; $trackers->insert($data); $logOption = 'Created'; } } else { $data['created'] = $this->now; $trackerId = $trackers->insert($data); } $optionTable = $this->options(); $optionTable->deleteMultiple(array('trackerId' => (int) $trackerId)); foreach ($options as $kopt => $opt) { $this->replace_tracker_option((int) $trackerId, $kopt, $opt); } $definition = Tracker_Definition::get($trackerId); $ratingId = $definition->getRateField(); if (isset($options['useRatings']) && $options['useRatings'] == 'y') { if (!$ratingId) { $ratingId = 0; } $ratingoptions = isset($options['ratingOptions']) ? $options['ratingOptions'] : ''; $showratings = isset($options['showRatings']) ? $options['showRatings'] : 'n'; $this->replace_tracker_field($trackerId, $ratingId, 'Rating', 's', '-', '-', $showratings, 'y', 'n', '-', 0, $ratingoptions); } $this->clear_tracker_cache($trackerId); $this->update_tracker_summary(array('trackerId' => $trackerId)); if ($logOption) { $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $logslib->add_action($logOption, $trackerId, 'tracker', array('name' => $data['name'])); } require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('trackers', $trackerId); if ($descriptionIsParsed == 'y') { $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $tikilib->object_post_save(array('type' => 'tracker', 'object' => $trackerId, 'href' => "tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId={$trackerId}", 'description' => $description), array('content' => $description)); } return $trackerId; }
/** * @param $page */ function refresh_index_wiki($page) { refresh_index('pages', $page); }
/** * @param $parent * @param $categId * @param $name * @param $description * @param $childrenType * @param $viewableChildren * @param $allowSites * @param $showCount * @param $editorGroup * @return mixed */ function dir_replace_category($parent, $categId, $name, $description, $childrenType, $viewableChildren, $allowSites, $showCount, $editorGroup) { if ($categId) { $query = "update `tiki_directory_categories` set `name`=?, `parent`=?, `description`=?, `childrenType`=?, `viewableChildren`=?, `allowSites`=?, `showCount`=?, `editorGroup`=? where `categId`=?"; $this->query($query, array($name, (int) $parent, $description, $childrenType, (int) $viewableChildren, $allowSites, $showCount, $editorGroup, (int) $categId)); } else { $query = "insert into `tiki_directory_categories`(`parent`,`hits`,`name`,`description`,`childrenType`,`viewableChildren`,`allowSites`,`showCount`,`editorGroup`,`sites`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $this->query($query, array((int) $parent, 0, $name, $description, $childrenType, (int) $viewableChildren, $allowSites, $showCount, $editorGroup, 0)); $categId = $this->getOne("select max(`categId`) from `tiki_directory_categories` where `name`=?", array($name)); } require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('directory_categories', $categId); return $categId; }
/** * @param $galleryId * @param $name * @param $description * @param $theme * @param $user * @param $maxRows * @param $rowImages * @param $thumbSizeX * @param $thumbSizeY * @param $public * @param string $visible * @param string $sortorder * @param string $sortdirection * @param string $galleryimage * @param $parentgallery * @param string $showname * @param string $showimageid * @param string $showdescription * @param string $showcreated * @param string $showuser * @param string $showhits * @param string $showxysize * @param string $showfilesize * @param string $showfilename * @param string $defaultscale * @param string $geographic * @param string $showcategories * @return mixed */ function replace_gallery($galleryId, $name, $description, $theme, $user, $maxRows, $rowImages, $thumbSizeX, $thumbSizeY, $public, $visible = 'y', $sortorder = 'created', $sortdirection = 'desc', $galleryimage = 'first', $parentgallery = -1, $showname = 'y', $showimageid = 'n', $showdescription = 'n', $showcreated = 'n', $showuser = '******', $showhits = 'y', $showxysize = 'y', $showfilesize = 'n', $showfilename = 'n', $defaultscale = 'o', $geographic = 'n', $showcategories = 'n') { global $prefs; // if the user is admin or the user is the same user and the gallery exists then replace if not then // create the gallary if the name is unused. $name = strip_tags($name); $description = strip_tags($description); // check if the gallery already exists. if yes: do update, if no: update it if ($galleryId < 1) { $galleryId = $this->getOne("select `galleryId` from `tiki_galleries` where `name`=? and `parentgallery`=?", array($name, $parentgallery)); } if ($galleryId > 0) { $query = "update `tiki_galleries` set `name`=?,`visible`=?, `geographic`=?,`maxRows`=? , `rowImages`=?,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`thumbSizeX`=?, `thumbSizeY`=?, `description`=?, `theme`=?,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`lastModif`=?, `public`=?, `sortorder`=?, `sortdirection`=?, `galleryimage`=?,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`parentgallery`=?,`showname`=?,`showimageid`=?,`showdescription`=?,`showcategories`=?,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`showcreated`=?,`showuser`=?,`showhits`=?,`showxysize`=?,`showfilesize`=?,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`showfilename`=?,`defaultscale`=?, `user`=?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere `galleryId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($name, $visible, $geographic, (int) $maxRows, (int) $rowImages, (int) $thumbSizeX, (int) $thumbSizeY, $description, $theme, (int) $this->now, $public, $sortorder, $sortdirection, $galleryimage, (int) $parentgallery, $showname, $showimageid, $showdescription, $showcategories, $showcreated, $showuser, $showhits, $showxysize, $showfilesize, $showfilename, $defaultscale, $user, (int) $galleryId)); } else { // Create a new record $query = "insert into\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`tiki_galleries`(`name`,`description`,`theme`,`created`,`user`,`lastModif`,`maxRows`,`rowImages`,`thumbSizeX`,`thumbSizeY`,`public`,`hits`,`visible`,`sortorder`,`sortdirection`,`galleryimage`,`parentgallery`,`showname`,`showimageid`,`showdescription`,`showcategories`,`showcreated`,`showuser`,`showhits`,`showxysize`,`showfilesize`,`showfilename`,`defaultscale`,`geographic`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $bindvars = array($name, $description, $theme, (int) $this->now, $user, (int) $this->now, (int) $maxRows, (int) $rowImages, (int) $thumbSizeX, (int) $thumbSizeY, $public, 0, $visible, $sortorder, $sortdirection, $galleryimage, (int) $parentgallery, $showname, $showimageid, $showdescription, $showcategories, $showcreated, $showuser, $showhits, $showxysize, $showfilesize, $showfilename, $defaultscale, $geographic); $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars); $galleryId = $this->getOne("select max(`galleryId`) from `tiki_galleries` where `name`=? and `created`=?", array($name, (int) $this->now)); TikiLib::events()->trigger('tiki.imagegallery.create', array('type' => 'imagegallery', 'object' => $id, 'user' => $user)); } require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('galleries', $galleryId); return $galleryId; }
/** * @param $type * @param $object * @param bool $process * @return bool */ function refresh_index($type, $object, $process = true) { require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; return refresh_index($type, $object, $process); }
private function uncategorize_user_tracker_item($user, $group) { global $tikilib; $userid = $this->get_user_id($user); $tracker = $this->get_usertracker($userid); if ( $tracker && $tracker['usersTrackerId'] ) { $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); $categlib = TikiLib::lib('categ'); $itemid = $trklib->get_item_id($tracker['usersTrackerId'], $tracker['usersFieldId'], $user); $cat = $categlib->get_object_categories('trackeritem', $itemid); $categId = $categlib->get_category_id($group); if (!$categId) { return false; } $cat = array_diff($cat, array($categId)); $trklib->categorized_item($tracker["usersTrackerId"], $itemid, '', $cat, array(), true); require_once('lib/search/refresh-functions.php'); refresh_index('trackeritem', $itemid); } }
function reindex_all_files_for_search_text() { $query = "select fileId, filename, filesize, filetype, data, path, galleryId from `tiki_files` where `archiveId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array(0)); $rows = array(); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $rows[] = $row; } foreach ($rows as $row) { $search_text = $this->get_search_text_for_data($row['data'], $row['path'], $row['filetype'], $row['galleryId']); if ($search_text !== false) { $query = "update `tiki_files` set `search_data`=? where `fileId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($search_text, $row['fileId'])); } } include_once "lib/search/refresh-functions.php"; refresh_index('files'); }
function rebuild_index($pContentType, $pUnindexedOnly = false) { global $gBitSystem, $gLibertySystem; $arguments = array(); $whereClause = ""; ini_set("max_execution_time", "3000"); if (!$pUnindexedOnly) { delete_index_content_type($pContentType); } $query = "SELECT `content_id`, `content_type_guid` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_content`"; if (!empty($pContentType) && $pContentType != "pages") { $whereClause = " WHERE `content_type_guid` = ?"; $arguments[] = $pContentType; } if ($pUnindexedOnly) { if (empty($whereClause)) { $whereClause = " WHERE "; } else { $whereClause .= " AND "; } $whereClause .= "`content_id` NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT `content_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "search_index`)"; } $orderBy = " ORDER BY `content_type_guid` "; $result = $gBitSystem->mDb->query($query . $whereClause . $orderBy, $arguments); $count = 0; if ($result) { $count = $result->RecordCount(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { if (isset($gLibertySystem->mContentTypes[$res["content_type_guid"]])) { $type = $gLibertySystem->mContentTypes[$res["content_type_guid"]]; require_once constant(strtoupper($type['handler_package']) . '_PKG_PATH') . $type['handler_file']; $obj = new $type['handler_class'](NULL, $res["content_id"]); refresh_index($obj); unset($obj); } } } return $count; }
function replace_article($title, $authorName, $topicId, $useImage, $imgname, $imgsize, $imgtype, $imgdata, $heading, $body, $publishDate, $expireDate, $user, $articleId, $image_x, $image_y, $type, $topline, $subtitle, $linkto, $image_caption, $lang, $rating = 0, $isfloat = 'n', $emails = '', $from = '', $list_image_x = '', $list_image_y = '', $ispublished = 'y', $fromurl = false) { $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); if ($expireDate < $publishDate) { $expireDate = $publishDate; } $hash = md5($title . $heading . $body); if (empty($imgdata) || $useImage === 'n') { // remove image data if not using it $imgdata = ''; } $query = 'select `name` from `tiki_topics` where `topicId` = ?'; $topicName = $this->getOne($query, array($topicId)); $size = $body ? mb_strlen($body) : mb_strlen($heading); $info = array('title' => $title, 'authorName' => $authorName, 'topicId' => (int) $topicId, 'topicName' => $topicName, 'size' => (int) $size, 'useImage' => $useImage, 'image_name' => $imgname, 'image_type' => $imgtype, 'image_size' => (int) $imgsize, 'image_data' => $imgdata, 'isfloat' => $isfloat, 'image_x' => (int) $image_x, 'image_y' => (int) $image_y, 'list_image_x' => (int) $list_image_x, 'list_image_y' => (int) $list_image_y, 'heading' => $heading, 'body' => $body, 'publishDate' => (int) $publishDate, 'expireDate' => (int) $expireDate, 'created' => (int) $this->now, 'author' => $user, 'type' => $type, 'rating' => (double) $rating, 'topline' => $topline, 'subtitle' => $subtitle, 'linkto' => $linkto, 'image_caption' => $image_caption, 'lang' => $lang, 'ispublished' => $ispublished); $article_table = $this->table('tiki_articles'); if ($articleId) { $oldArticle = $this->get_article($articleId); $article_table->update($info, array('articleId' => (int) $articleId)); // Clear article image cache because image may just have been changed $this->delete_image_cache('article', $articleId); $event = 'article_edited'; $nots = $tikilib->get_event_watches('article_edited', '*'); $nots2 = $tikilib->get_event_watches('topic_article_edited', $topicId); $smarty->assign('mail_action', 'Edit'); $smarty->assign('mail_old_title', $oldArticle['title']); $smarty->assign('mail_old_publish_date', $oldArticle['publishDate']); $smarty->assign('mail_old_expiration_date', $oldArticle['expireDate']); $smarty->assign('mail_old_data', $oldArticle['heading'] . "\n----------------------\n" . $oldArticle['body']); } else { $articleId = $article_table->insert($info); global $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_score'] == 'y') { $this->score_event($user, 'article_new'); } $event = 'article_submitted'; $nots = $tikilib->get_event_watches('article_submitted', '*'); $nots2 = $tikilib->get_event_watches('topic_article_created', $topicId); $smarty->assign('mail_action', 'New'); // Create tracker item as well if feature is enabled if (!$fromurl && $prefs['tracker_article_tracker'] == 'y' && ($trackerId = $prefs['tracker_article_trackerId'])) { $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); $definition = Tracker_Definition::get($trackerId); if ($fieldId = $definition->getArticleField()) { $addit = array(); $addit[] = array('fieldId' => $fieldId, 'type' => 'articles', 'value' => $articleId); $itemId = $trklib->replace_item($trackerId, 0, array('data' => $addit)); TikiLib::lib('relation')->add_relation('tiki.article.attach', 'trackeritem', $itemId, 'article', $articleId); } } } $nots3 = array(); foreach ($nots as $n) { $nots3[] = $n['email']; } foreach ($nots2 as $n) { if (!in_array($n['email'], $nots3)) { $nots[] = $n; } } if (is_array($emails) && (empty($from) || $from == $prefs['sender_email'])) { foreach ($emails as $n) { if (!in_array($n, $nots3)) { $nots[] = array('email' => $n, 'language' => $prefs['site_language']); } } } global $prefs; if ($prefs['user_article_watch_editor'] != "y") { for ($i = count($nots) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($nots[$i]['user'] == $user) { unset($nots[$i]); break; } } } if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } if ($prefs['feature_user_watches'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_daily_report_watches'] == 'y') { $reportsManager = Reports_Factory::build('Reports_Manager'); $reportsManager->addToCache($nots, array('event' => $event, 'articleId' => $articleId, 'articleTitle' => $title, 'authorName' => $authorName, 'user' => $user)); } if (count($nots) || is_array($emails)) { include_once 'lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'; $smarty->assign('mail_site', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $smarty->assign('mail_title', $title); $smarty->assign('mail_postid', $articleId); $smarty->assign('mail_user', $user); $smarty->assign('mail_current_publish_date', $publishDate); $smarty->assign('mail_current_expiration_date', $expireDate); $smarty->assign('mail_current_data', $heading . "\n----------------------\n" . $body); sendEmailNotification($nots, 'watch', 'user_watch_article_post_subject.tpl', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'user_watch_article_post.tpl'); if (is_array($emails) && !empty($from) && $from != $prefs['sender_email']) { $nots = array(); foreach ($emails as $n) { $nots[] = array('email' => $n, 'language' => $prefs['site_language']); } sendEmailNotification($nots, 'watch', 'user_watch_article_post_subject.tpl', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'user_watch_article_post.tpl', $from); } } require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('articles', $articleId); $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $tikilib->object_post_save(array('type' => 'article', 'object' => $articleId, 'description' => substr($heading, 0, 200), 'name' => $title, 'href' => "tiki-read_article.php?articleId={$articleId}"), array('content' => $body . "\n" . $heading)); return $articleId; }
function removeFriend($user, $oldFriend) { $follow = $this->getRelation('follow', $user, $oldFriend); $followInvert = $this->getRelation('follow.invert', $user, $oldFriend); $request = $this->getRelation('request', $user, $oldFriend); $requestInvert = $this->getRelation('request.invert', $user, $oldFriend); if ($follow) { $this->relationlib->remove_relation($follow); if ($this->networkType == 'friend') { // Friendship breakups are bidirectional, not follow ones $this->relationlib->remove_relation($followInvert); } require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('user', $user); refresh_index('user', $oldFriend); return true; } elseif ($request || $requestInvert) { $this->relationlib->remove_relation($request); $this->relationlib->remove_relation($requestInvert); require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('user', $user); refresh_index('user', $oldFriend); return true; } else { return false; } }
function replace_tracker($trackerId, $name, $description, $options) { $explicit = $options['useExplicitNames'] == "y" ? true : false; $createNewTracker = $trackerId == false; if (!$explicit || $this->check_table_name($name, $trackerId == true)) { if ($explicit && $trackerId) { $oldName = $this->get_table_id($trackerId, $explicit); } elseif (!$explicit) { // TODO code to change from (explicit/non explicit) } // ------------------- if ($trackerId) { $query = "update `tiki_trackers` set `name`=?,`description`=?,`lastModif`=? where `trackerId`=?"; $this->query($query, array($name, $description, (int) $this->now, (int) $trackerId)); } else { $this->getOne("delete from `tiki_trackers` where `name`=?", array($name), false); $query = "insert into `tiki_trackers`(`name`,`description`,`created`,`lastModif`) values(?,?,?,?)"; $this->query($query, array($name, $description, (int) $this->now, (int) $this->now)); $trackerId = $this->getOne("select max(`trackerId`) from `tiki_trackers` where `name`=? and `created`=?", array($name, (int) $this->now)); } $this->query("delete from `tiki_tracker_options` where `trackerId`=?", array((int) $trackerId)); $rating = false; foreach ($options as $kopt => $opt) { $this->query("insert into `tiki_tracker_options`(`trackerId`,`name`,`value`) values(?,?,?)", array((int) $trackerId, $kopt, $opt)); if ($kopt == 'useRatings' and $opt == 'y') { $rating = true; } elseif ($kopt == 'ratingOptions') { $ratingoptions = $opt; } elseif ($kopt == 'showRatings') { $showratings = $opt; } } // ------------------- // creation de la table des items // si elle n'existe pas deja. if ($createNewTracker && $trackerId) { $dsn = null; $this->create_value_table($trackerId, $explicit, $dsn); } elseif ($explicit) { $query = "alter table {$oldName} rename to " . $this->EXPLICIT_PREFIX . $name; $this->query($query); } // ------------------- $ratingId = $this->get_field_id($trackerId, 'Rating'); if ($rating) { if (!$ratingId) { $ratingId = 0; } if (!isset($ratingoptions)) { $ratingoptions = ''; } if (!isset($showratings)) { $showratings = 'n'; } $this->replace_tracker_field($trackerId, $ratingId, 'Rating', 's', '-', '-', $showratings, 'y', '-', '-', 0, $ratingoptions); } else { $this->query('delete from `tiki_tracker_fields` where `fieldId`=?', array((int) $ratingId)); } // ------------------- global $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_search'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_search_fulltext'] != 'y' && $prefs['search_refresh_index_mode'] == 'normal') { require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('trackers', $trackerId); } // ------------------- return $trackerId; // ------------------- } return false; }
function post_new_comment($objectId, $parentId, $userName, $title, $data, &$message_id, $in_reply_to = '', $type = 'n', $summary = '', $smiley = '', $contributions = '', $anonymous_name = '') { if (!$userName) { $_SESSION["lastPost"] = $this->now; } if (!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; } // Check for banned userName or banned IP or IP in banned range // Check for duplicates. $title = strip_tags($title); if (!$userName) { if ($anonymous_name) { $userName = $anonymous_name . ' ' . tra('(not registered)'); } else { $userName = tra('Anonymous'); } } else { if ($this->getOne("select count(*) from \n\t\t\t`tiki_user_postings` where `user`=?", array($userName), false)) { $query = "update `tiki_user_postings` " . "set `last`=?, `posts` = `posts` + 1 where `user`=?"; $this->query($query, array((int) $this->now, $userName)); } else { $posts = $this->getOne("select count(*) " . "from `tiki_comments` where `userName`=?", array($userName), false); if (!$posts) { $posts = 1; } $query = "insert into \n\t\t `tiki_user_postings`(`user`,`first`,`last`,`posts`) \n\t\t values( ?, ?, ?, ? )"; $this->query($query, array($userName, (int) $this->now, (int) $this->now, (int) $posts)); } // Calculate max $max = $this->getOne("select max(`posts`) from `tiki_user_postings`", array()); $min = $this->getOne("select min(`posts`) from `tiki_user_postings`", array()); if ($min == 0) { $min = 1; } $ids = $this->getOne("select count(*) from `tiki_user_postings`", array()); $tot = $this->getOne("select sum(`posts`) from `tiki_user_postings`", array()); $average = $tot / $ids; $range1 = ($min + $average) / 2; $range2 = ($max + $average) / 2; $posts = $this->getOne("select `posts` " . "from `tiki_user_postings` where `user`=?", array($userName), false); if ($posts == $max) { $level = 5; } elseif ($posts > $range2) { $level = 4; } elseif ($posts > $average) { $level = 3; } elseif ($posts > $range1) { $level = 2; } else { $level = 1; } $query = "update `tiki_user_postings` " . "set `level`=? where `user`=?"; $this->query($query, array($level, $userName)); } $hash = md5($title . $data); $query = "select `threadId` from `tiki_comments` where `hash`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($hash)); // print( "<pre>result:" ); // print_r( $result ); // print( "</pre>" ); // Check if we were passed a message-id. if (!$message_id) { // Construct a message id via proctological // extraction. -rlpowell $message_id = $userName . "-" . $parentId . "-" . substr($hash, 0, 10) . "@" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; } // Break out the type and object parameters. $object = explode(":", $objectId, 2); // If this post was not already found. if (!$result->numRows()) { $query = "insert into\n\t\t`tiki_comments`(`objectType`, `object`,\n\t\t\t`commentDate`, `userName`, `title`, `data`, `votes`,\n\t\t\t`points`, `hash`, `parentId`, `average`, `hits`,\n\t\t\t`type`, `summary`, `smiley`, `user_ip`,\n\t\t\t`message_id`, `in_reply_to`)\n\t\tvalues ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,\n\t\t\t0, 0, ?, ?, 0, 0, ?, ?, \n\t\t\t?, ?, ?, ?)"; $result = $this->query($query, array($object[0], (string) $object[1], (int) $this->now, $userName, $title, $data, $hash, (int) $parentId, $type, $summary, $smiley, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $message_id, (string) $in_reply_to)); } $threadId = $this->getOne("select `threadId` from\n\t\t`tiki_comments` where `hash`=?", array($hash)); /* Force an index refresh of the data */ include_once "lib/search/refresh-functions.php"; refresh_index_comments($threadId); global $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { global $logslib; include_once 'lib/logs/logslib.php'; global $tikilib; if ($parentId == 0) { $l = strlen($data); } else { $l = $tikilib->strlen_quoted($data); } if ($object[0] == 'forum') { $logslib->add_action($parentId == 0 ? 'Posted' : 'Replied', $object[1], $object[0], 'comments_parentId=' . $threadId . '&add=' . $l, '', '', '', '', $contributions); } else { $logslib->add_action($parentId == 0 ? 'Posted' : 'Replied', $object[1], 'comment', 'type=' . $object[0] . '&add=' . $l . '#threadId' . $threadId, '', '', '', '', $contributions); } } if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') { global $contributionlib; include_once 'lib/contribution/contributionlib.php'; $contributionlib->assign_contributions($contributions, $threadId, 'comment', $title, '', ''); } if ($prefs['feature_search'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_search_fulltext'] != 'y' && $prefs['search_refresh_index_mode'] == 'normal') { require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('comments', $threadId); } $this->update_comment_links($data, $object[0], $threadId); return $threadId; //return $return_result; }
/** * Re-indexes the forum posts within a specified forum * @param $forumId */ private function index_posts_by_forum($forumId) { $topics = $this->get_forum_topics($forumId); foreach ($topics as $topic) { if ($element === end($array)) { //if element is the last in the array, then run the process. refresh_index('forum post', $topic['threadId'], true); } else { refresh_index('forum post', $topic['threadId'], false); //don't run the process right away (re: false), wait until last element } } }
function wikiplugin_addrelation($data, $params) { if (isset($params['source_object']) && false !== strpos($params['source_object'], ':')) { list($source_object['type'], $source_object['object']) = explode(':', $params['source_object'], 2); } else { $source_object = current_object(); } if (isset($params['target_object']) && false !== strpos($params['target_object'], ':')) { list($target_object['type'], $target_object['object']) = explode(':', $params['target_object'], 2); } else { $target_object = current_object(); } if ($source_object == $target_object) { return tra('Source and target object cannot be the same'); } if (!isset($params['qualifier'])) { return WikiParser_PluginOutput::argumentError(array('qualifier')); } else { $qualifier = $params['qualifier']; } if (!empty($params['label_add'])) { $labeladd = $params['label_add']; } else { $labeladd = tra('Add Relation'); } if (!empty($params['label_remove'])) { $labelremove = $params['label_remove']; } else { $labelremove = tra('Remove Relation'); } if (!empty($params['label_added'])) { $labeladded = $params['label_added']; } else { $labeladded = tra('Relation Added'); } if (!empty($params['button_id'])) { $id = 'wp_addrelation_' . $params['button_id']; } else { $id = 'wp_addrelation_0'; } $relationlib = TikiLib::lib('relation'); if (isset($_POST[$id])) { if ($_POST[$id] == 'y') { $relationlib->add_relation($qualifier, $source_object['type'], $source_object['object'], $target_object['type'], $target_object['object']); } elseif ($_POST[$id] == 'n') { $relation_id = $relationlib->add_relation($qualifier, $source_object['type'], $source_object['object'], $target_object['type'], $target_object['object']); $relationlib->remove_relation($relation_id); } require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index($source_object['type'], $source_object['object']); refresh_index($target_object['type'], $target_object['object']); } $relationsfromsource = $relationlib->get_relations_from($source_object['type'], $source_object['object'], $qualifier); $relationexists = false; foreach ($relationsfromsource as $r) { if ($r['itemId'] == $target_object['object'] && $r['type'] == $target_object['type']) { $relationexists = true; break; } } $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $smarty->assign('wp_addrelation_id', $id); $smarty->assign('wp_addrelation_action', $relationexists ? 'n' : 'y'); $smarty->assign('label_add', $labeladd); $smarty->assign('label_added', $labeladded); $smarty->assign('label_remove', $labelremove); return $smarty->fetch('wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_addrelation.tpl'); }
function reindex_all_files_for_search_text() { $files = $this->table('tiki_files'); $rows = $files->fetchAll(array('fileId', 'filename', 'filesize', 'filetype', 'data', 'path', 'galleryId'), array('archiveId' => 0)); foreach ($rows as $row) { $search_text = $this->get_search_text_for_data($row['data'], $row['path'], $row['filetype'], $row['galleryId']); if ($search_text !== false) { $files->update(array('search_data' => $search_text), array('fileId' => $row['fileId'])); } } include_once "lib/search/refresh-functions.php"; refresh_index('files'); }
$userid = $userlib->get_user_id($user); } if (empty($user) && $prefs['feature_antibot'] == 'y' && !$captchalib->validate()) { $smarty->assign('freetag_error', $captchalib->getErrors()); $smarty->assign_by_ref('freetag_msg', $_POST['addtags']); } elseif ($object = current_object()) { $freetaglib->tag_object($userid, $object['object'], $object['type'], $_POST['addtags']); require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index($object['type'], $object['object']); } } if (($tiki_p_admin == 'y' || $tiki_p_unassign_freetags == 'y') && isset($_REQUEST['delTag'])) { if ($object = current_object()) { $freetaglib->delete_object_tag($object['object'], $object['type'], $_REQUEST['delTag']); require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index($object['type'], $object['object']); } $url = $tikilib->httpPrefix() . preg_replace('/[?&]delTag=' . preg_quote(urlencode($_REQUEST['delTag']), '/') . '/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); header("Location: {$url}"); die; } if ($object = current_object()) { $tags = $freetaglib->get_tags_on_object($object['object'], $object['type']); } else { $tags = array(); } $smarty->assign('freetags', $tags); if ($tiki_p_freetags_tag == 'y' && $prefs['freetags_multilingual'] == 'y') { $ft_lang = null; $ft_multi = false; if (!empty($tags['data'])) {
/** * importSQLForum importSQLForum will import the forum data from the specified SQL file and * the specified forum ID, and append it to the end of the data in the * destination forum. Datestamps will be retained. * * @param string $dbType * @param string $dbPrefix * @param string $sqlFile * @param string $fF SQL file * @param mixed $tF * @access public * @return int number of posts */ function importSQLForum($dbType, $dbPrefix, $sqlFile, $fF, $tF) { $fHash = array(); $row = array(); $hash = array(); // If part of a thread, this is the new parent threadId. // Select the table for the main forum information. if ($dbType == 'TikiWiki') { $table = 'comments'; $ftable = $dbPrefix . $table; $ftable2 = $dbPrefix . 'forums'; } else { return -1; } // Parse the SQL file and grab all posts for the source forum. $fHash = $this->parseSQL($dbType, $dbPrefix, $table, $sqlFile, $fF); $fPosts = count($fHash); $fPosts2 = $fPosts; // In order to accommodate out of order posts and still keep integrity // with threads, if a record has a parent ID (meaning it is part of a // thread), then when looping through the array, stick it on the end // and continue with the next one. for ($count = 0; $count < $fPosts2; $count++) { $row = array_shift($fHash); $pid = 0; if ($row['parentId'] != 0 && !$hash[$row['parentId']]) { array_push($fHash, $row); $fPosts2++; continue; } else { if ($row['parentId'] != 0) { $pid = $hash[$row['parentId']]; } } if ($dbType == 'TikiWiki') { $query = 'insert into `tiki_comments` (`objectType`, `object`, `commentDate`, `userName`, `title`, `data`, `votes`, `points`, `hash`, `parentId`, `average`, `hits`, `type`, `summary`, `user_ip`, `message_id`, `in_reply_to`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $result = $this->query($query, array('forum', $tF, $row["commentDate"], $row["userName"], $row["title"], $row["data"], (int) $row["votes"], $row["points"], $row["hash"], $pid, $row["average"], (int) $row["hits"], $row["type"], $row["summary"], $row["user_ip"], $row["message_id"], $row["in_reply_to"])); $abbb = $this->getOne("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() from {$ftable}"); if (!$abbb) { $abbb = $this->getOne("SELECT max(tableId) from {$ftable}"); } $hash[$row['threadId']] = $abbb; } else { die("Only TikiWiki is supported at this time.\n"); } } // Update forum counters. $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `objectType` = 'forum' and `object` = ?"; $tComments = $this->getOne($query, array((int) $tF)); $query = "select count(*) from `tiki_comments` where `objectType` = 'forum' and `object` = ? and `parentId` = 0"; $tThreads = $this->getOne($query, array((int) $tF)); $query = 'update `tiki_forums` set `comments` = ?, `threads` = ? where `forumId` = ?'; $result = $this->query($query, array((int) $tComments, (int) $tThreads, (int) $tF)); // Force an index refresh on comments table. include_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index_forums(); refresh_index('comments'); return $fPosts; }
function action_process($input) { $id = $input->id->int(); $userid = $input->userid->int(); $username = $input->username->text(); $fieldId = $input->fieldId->int(); $command = $input->command->word(); $svntag = $input->svntag->text(); $item = Tracker_Item::fromId($id); if (!$item->canViewField($fieldId)) { throw new Services_Exception_Denied(); } $field = TikiLib::lib('trk')->get_tracker_field($fieldId); $options = json_decode($field['options']); if (!is_object($options) && is_array($field['options_array'])) { // Support Tiki 11 $options = new stdClass(); $options->domain = $field['options_array'][0]; $options->remoteShellUser = $field['options_array'][1]; $options->publicKey = $field['options_array'][2]; $options->privateKey = $field['options_array'][3]; } $domain = $options->domain; $conn = ssh2_connect($domain, 22); $conntry = ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($conn, $options->remoteShellUser, $options->publicKey, $options->privateKey); if (!$conntry) { $ret['status'] = 'DISCO'; return $ret; } $infostring = "info -i {$id} -U {$userid}"; $infostream = ssh2_exec($conn, $infostring); stream_set_blocking($infostream, TRUE); $infooutput = stream_get_contents($infostream); $ret['debugoutput'] = $infooutput; if (strpos($infooutput, 'MAINTENANCE: ') !== false) { $maintpos = strpos($infooutput, 'MAINTENANCE: '); $maintreason = substr($infooutput, $maintpos + 13); $maintreason = substr($maintreason, 0, strpos($maintreason, '"')); $ret['maintreason'] = $maintreason; $ret['status'] = 'MAINT'; return $ret; } $versionpos = strpos($infooutput, 'VERSION: '); $version = substr($infooutput, $versionpos + 9); $version = substr($version, 0, strpos($version, PHP_EOL)); $version = trim($version); $ret['version'] = $version; $statuspos = strpos($infooutput, 'STATUS: '); $status = substr($infooutput, $statuspos + 8, 5); $status = trim($status); if (!$status || $status == 'FAIL') { $ret['status'] = 'FAIL'; } else { $ret['status'] = $status; $sitepos = strpos($infooutput, 'SITE: '); $site = substr($infooutput, $sitepos + 6); $site = substr($site, 0, strpos($site, ' ')); $ret['showurl'] = $site; $ret['showlogurl'] = $site . '/info.txt'; $ret['snapshoturl'] = $site . '/snapshots/'; if ($site && $ret['status'] == 'ACTIV') { $value = 'active ' . substr($site, 0, strpos($site, '.')); // the 'active' is useful for filtering on TikiLib::lib('trk')->modify_field($id, $fieldId, $value); require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('trackeritem', $id); } elseif ($ret['status'] == 'NONE') { $value = 'none'; TikiLib::lib('trk')->modify_field($id, $fieldId, $value); require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('trackeritem', $id); } } if (!empty($command)) { if (($command == 'update' || $command == 'reset' || $command == 'destroy') && !TikiLib::lib('user')->user_has_permission($user, 'tiki_p_admin') && $user != $creator) { throw new Services_Exception_Denied(); } if (empty($svntag)) { $fullstring = "{$command} -u {$creator} -i {$id} -U {$userid}"; } else { $fullstring = "{$command} -t {$svntag} -u {$username} -i {$id} -U {$userid}"; } $stream = ssh2_exec($conn, $fullstring); stream_set_blocking($stream, TRUE); $output = stream_get_contents($stream); fclose($stream); $ret['debugoutput'] = $fullstring . "\n" . $output; if ($command == 'snapshot') { $ret['status'] = 'SNAPS'; } else { if ($command == 'destroy') { $ret['status'] = 'DESTR'; } else { if ($command == 'create' || $command == 'update') { $ret['status'] = 'BUILD'; } else { if ($command == 'reset') { if (strpos('ERROR', $fullstring) !== false) { $ret['status'] = 'RENOK'; } else { $ret['status'] = 'RESOK'; } } } } } } $ret['debugoutput'] = '-' . $status . '- ' . $ret['debugoutput']; $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); $cacheKey = 'STO-' . $options->domain . '-' . $fieldId . "-" . $id; $cachelib->invalidate($cacheKey); return $ret; }
function replace_faq($faqId, $title, $description, $canSuggest) { // Check the name if ($faqId) { $query = 'update `tiki_faqs` set `title`=?,`description`=? ,`canSuggest`=? where `faqId`=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($title, $description, $canSuggest, (int) $faqId)); } else { $query = 'delete from `tiki_faqs` where `title`=?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($title), -1, -1, false); $query = 'insert into `tiki_faqs`(`title`,`description`,`created`,`hits`,`canSuggest`) values(?,?,?,?,?)'; $result = $this->query($query, array($title, $description, (int) $this->now, 0, $canSuggest)); $faqId = $this->getOne('select max(`faqId`) from `tiki_faqs` where `title`=? and `created`=?', array($title, (int) $this->now)); } require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('faqs', $faqId); return $faqId; }
function replace_article($title, $authorName, $topicId, $useImage, $imgname, $imgsize, $imgtype, $imgdata, $heading, $body, $publishDate, $expireDate, $user, $articleId, $image_x, $image_y, $type, $topline, $subtitle, $linkto, $image_caption, $lang, $rating = 0, $isfloat = 'n', $emails = '', $from = '', $list_image_x = '', $list_image_y = '', $ispublished = 'y') { global $smarty, $tikilib; if ($expireDate < $publishDate) { $expireDate = $publishDate; } $hash = md5($title . $heading . $body); if (empty($imgdata) || $useImage === 'n') { // remove image data if not using it $imgdata = ''; } $query = 'select `name` from `tiki_topics` where `topicId` = ?'; $topicName = $this->getOne($query, array($topicId)); $size = $body ? mb_strlen($body) : mb_strlen($heading); if ($articleId) { $oldArticle = $this->get_article($articleId); $query = 'update `tiki_articles` set `title` = ?, `authorName` = ?, `topicId` = ?, `topicName` = ?, `size` = ?, `useImage` = ?, `image_name` = ?, '; $query .= ' `image_type` = ?, `image_size` = ?, `image_data` = ?, `isfloat` = ?, `image_x` = ?, `image_y` = ?, `list_image_x` = ?, `list_image_y` = ?, `heading` = ?, `body` = ?, '; $query .= ' `publishDate` = ?, `expireDate` = ?, `created` = ?, `author` = ?, `type` = ?, `rating` = ?, `topline`=?, `subtitle`=?, `linkto`=?, '; $query .= ' `image_caption`=?, `lang`=?, `ispublished`=? where `articleId` = ?'; $result = $this->query($query, array($title, $authorName, (int) $topicId, $topicName, (int) $size, $useImage, $imgname, $imgtype, (int) $imgsize, $imgdata, $isfloat, (int) $image_x, (int) $image_y, (int) $list_image_x, (int) $list_image_y, $heading, $body, (int) $publishDate, (int) $expireDate, (int) $this->now, $user, $type, (double) $rating, $topline, $subtitle, $linkto, $image_caption, $lang, $ispublished, (int) $articleId)); // Clear article image cache because image may just have been changed $this->delete_image_cache('article', $articleId); $event = 'article_edited'; $nots = $tikilib->get_event_watches('article_edited', '*'); $nots2 = $tikilib->get_event_watches('topic_article_edited', $topicId); $smarty->assign('mail_action', 'Edit'); $smarty->assign('mail_old_title', $oldArticle['title']); $smarty->assign('mail_old_publish_date', $oldArticle['publishDate']); $smarty->assign('mail_old_expiration_date', $oldArticle['expireDate']); $smarty->assign('mail_old_data', $oldArticle['heading'] . "\n----------------------\n" . $oldArticle['body']); } else { // Insert the article $query = 'insert into `tiki_articles` (`title`, `authorName`, `topicId`, `useImage`, `image_name`, `image_size`, `image_type`, `image_data`, '; $query .= ' `publishDate`, `expireDate`, `created`, `heading`, `body`, `hash`, `author`, `nbreads`, `votes`, `points`, `size`, `topicName`, '; $query .= ' `image_x`, `image_y`, `list_image_x`, `list_image_y`, `type`, `rating`, `isfloat`,`topline`, `subtitle`, `linkto`,`image_caption`, `lang`, `ispublished`) '; $query .= ' values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $result = $this->query($query, array($title, $authorName, (int) $topicId, $useImage, $imgname, (int) $imgsize, $imgtype, $imgdata, (int) $publishDate, (int) $expireDate, (int) $this->now, $heading, $body, $hash, $user, 0, 0, 0, (int) $size, $topicName, (int) $image_x, (int) $image_y, (int) $list_image_x, (int) $list_image_y, $type, (double) $rating, $isfloat, $topline, $subtitle, $linkto, $image_caption, $lang, $ispublished)); $query2 = 'select max(`articleId`) from `tiki_articles` where `created` = ? and `title`=? and `hash`=?'; $articleId = $this->getOne($query2, array((int) $this->now, $title, $hash)); global $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_score'] == 'y') { $this->score_event($user, 'article_new'); } $event = 'article_submitted'; $nots = $tikilib->get_event_watches('article_submitted', '*'); $nots2 = $tikilib->get_event_watches('topic_article_created', $topicId); $smarty->assign('mail_action', 'New'); } $nots3 = array(); foreach ($nots as $n) { $nots3[] = $n['email']; } foreach ($nots2 as $n) { if (!in_array($n['email'], $nots3)) { $nots[] = $n; } } if (is_array($emails) && (empty($from) || $from == $prefs['sender_email'])) { foreach ($emails as $n) { if (!in_array($n, $nots3)) { $nots[] = array('email' => $n, 'language' => $prefs['site_language']); } } } global $prefs; if ($prefs['user_article_watch_editor'] != "y") { for ($i = count($nots) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if ($nots[$i]['user'] == $user) { unset($nots[$i]); break; } } } if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } if ($prefs['feature_user_watches'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_daily_report_watches'] == 'y') { $reportsManager = Reports_Factory::build('Reports_Manager'); $reportsManager->addToCache($nots, array('event' => $event, 'articleId' => $articleId, 'articleTitle' => $title, 'authorName' => $authorName, 'user' => $user)); } if (count($nots) || is_array($emails)) { include_once 'lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'; $smarty->assign('mail_site', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); $smarty->assign('mail_title', $title); $smarty->assign('mail_postid', $articleId); $smarty->assign('mail_user', $user); $smarty->assign('mail_current_publish_date', $publishDate); $smarty->assign('mail_current_expiration_date', $expireDate); $smarty->assign('mail_current_data', $heading . "\n----------------------\n" . $body); $smarty->assign('mail_heading', $heading); $smarty->assign('mail_body', $body); sendEmailNotification($nots, 'watch', 'user_watch_article_post_subject.tpl', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'user_watch_article_post.tpl'); if (is_array($emails) && !empty($from) && $from != $prefs['sender_email']) { $nots = array(); foreach ($emails as $n) { $nots[] = array('email' => $n, 'language' => $prefs['site_language']); } sendEmailNotification($nots, 'watch', 'user_watch_article_post_subject.tpl', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'user_watch_article_post.tpl', $from); } } require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('articles', $articleId); global $tikilib; $tikilib->object_post_save(array('type' => 'article', 'object' => $articleId, 'description' => substr($heading, 0, 200), 'name' => $title, 'href' => "tiki-read_article.php?articleId={$articleId}"), array('content' => $body . "\n" . $heading)); return $articleId; }
function deleteActivity($id) { $info = $this->streamTable()->delete(array('activityId' => $id)); require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('activity', $id); }
} else { $_REQUEST["categId"] = 0; $info["name"] = ''; $info["description"] = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST["removeObject"])) { $access->check_authenticity(); $category = $categlib->get_category($_REQUEST["parentId"]); $categorizedObject = $categlib->get_categorized_object_via_category_object_id($_REQUEST["removeObject"]); $categlib->remove_object_from_category($_REQUEST["removeObject"], $_REQUEST["parentId"]); // Notify the users watching this category. $values = array("categoryId" => $_REQUEST["parentId"], "categoryName" => $category['name'], "categoryPath" => $categlib->get_category_path_string_with_root($_REQUEST["parentId"]), "description" => $category['description'], "parentId" => $category['parentId'], "parentName" => $categlib->get_category_name($category['parentId']), "action" => "object leaved category", "objectName" => $categorizedObject['name'], "objectType" => $categorizedObject['type'], "objectUrl" => $categorizedObject['href']); $categlib->notify($values); // update search index if required require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index($categorizedObject['type'], $categorizedObject['itemId']); } if (isset($_REQUEST["removeCat"]) && ($info = $categlib->get_category($_REQUEST['removeCat']))) { $access->check_permission('tiki_p_admin_categories', '', 'category', $_REQUEST['removeCat']); $access->check_authenticity(tra('Click here to delete the category:') . ' ' . $info['name']); $categlib->remove_category($_REQUEST["removeCat"]); } if (isset($_REQUEST["save"]) && isset($_REQUEST["name"]) && strlen($_REQUEST["name"]) > 0) { check_ticket('admin-categories'); // Save if ($_REQUEST["categId"]) { if ($_REQUEST['parentId'] == $_REQUEST['categId']) { $smarty->assign('msg', tra("Category can`t be parent of itself")); $smarty->display("error.tpl"); die; }
/** * Updates a blog post * * @param int $postId * @param int $blogId * @param string $data * @param string $excerpt * @param string $user * @param string $title * @param string $contributions * @param string $priv * @param bool $is_wysiwyg * @access public * @return void */ function update_post($postId, $blogId, $data, $excerpt, $user, $title = '', $contributions = '', $priv = 'n', $created = 0, $is_wysiwyg = FALSE) { global $prefs; $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); if ($is_wysiwyg) { $data = TikiFilter::get('purifier')->filter($data); $excerpt = TikiFilter::get('purifier')->filter($excerpt); } $wysiwyg = $is_wysiwyg == TRUE ? 'y' : 'n'; if ($prefs['feature_blog_edit_publish_date'] == 'y') { if (!$created) { $created = $tikilib->now; } $query = "update `tiki_blog_posts` set `blogId`=?,`data`=?,`excerpt`=?,`created`=?,`user`=?,`title`=?, `priv`=?, `wysiwyg`=? where `postId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($blogId, $data, $excerpt, $created, $user, $title, $priv, $wysiwyg, $postId)); } else { $query = "update `tiki_blog_posts` set `blogId`=?,`data`=?,`excerpt`=?,`user`=?,`title`=?, `priv`=?, `wysiwyg`=? where `postId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array($blogId, $data, $excerpt, $user, $title, $priv, $wysiwyg, $postId)); } if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $logslib->add_action('Updated', $blogId, 'blog', "blogId={$blogId}&postId={$postId}#postId{$postId}", '', '', '', '', $contributions); } require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('blog_posts', $postId); $tikilib->object_post_save(array('type' => 'blog post', 'object' => $postId), array('content' => $data)); }
/** * Perform actions with file metadata stored in the database * * @param numeric $fileId fileId of the file in the file gallery * @param string $action action to perform regarding metadata * * The following actions are handled: * 'get_array' Get file metadata from database column or, if that is empty, extract metadata from the * file, update the database and return an array of the data. * * 'refresh' Extract metadata from the file and update database - nothing is returned * * @return array $metadata array of metadata is returned is action is 'get_array' */ function metadataAction($fileId, $action = 'get_array') { //get the tiki_files table $filesTable = $this->table('tiki_files'); if ($action == 'get_array') { //get metadata for the file from the database $metacol = $filesTable->fetchColumn('metadata', array('fileId' => $fileId)); } //if metadata field is empty, or if a refresh, extract from the file if ($action == 'get_array' && empty($metacol[0]) || $action == 'refresh') { //preparing parameters $path = $filesTable->fetchColumn('path', array('fileId' => $fileId)); if (!empty($path[0])) { global $prefs; $file = $prefs['fgal_use_dir'] . $path[0]; $ispath = true; } else { $file = $filesTable->fetchColumn('data', array('fileId' => $fileId)); $file = $file[0]; $ispath = false; } //extract metadata $metadata = $this->extractMetadataJson($file, $ispath); //update database for newly extracted metadata $filesTable->update(array('metadata' => $metadata), array('fileId' => $fileId)); // update search index require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('files', $fileId); } else { $metadata = $metacol[0]; } if ($action == 'get_array') { //return metadata as an array return json_decode($metadata, true); } }
private function update_index($type, $threadId, $parentId = null) { require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; global $prefs; if ($type == 'forum') { $type = 'forum post'; $root = $this->find_root($parentId ? $parentId : $threadId); refresh_index($type, $root); if ($prefs['unified_forum_deepindexing'] != 'y') { if ($threadId != $root) { refresh_index($type, $threadId); } if ($parentId && $parentId != $root && $parentId != $threadId) { refresh_index($type, $parentId); } } return $type; } else { refresh_index('comments', $threadId); return $type . ' comment'; } }
/** Update a wiki page @param array $hash- lock_it,contributions, contributors **/ function update_page($pageName, $edit_data, $edit_comment, $edit_user, $edit_ip, $description = '', $minor = false, $lang = '', $is_html = false, $hash = null, $saveLastModif = null, $wysiwyg = '', $wiki_authors_style) { global $smarty, $prefs, $dbTiki, $histlib, $quantifylib; include_once "lib/wiki/histlib.php"; include_once "lib/commentslib.php"; $commentslib = new Comments($dbTiki); if (!$edit_user) { $edit_user = '******'; } $this->invalidate_cache($pageName); // Collect pages before modifying edit_data (see update of links below) $pages = $this->get_pages($edit_data); if (!$this->page_exists($pageName)) { return false; } // Get this page information $info = $this->get_page_info($pageName); // Use largest version +1 in history table rather than tiki_page because versions used to be bugged // tiki_history is also bugged as not all changes get stored in the history, like minor changes // and changes that do not modify the body of the page. Both numbers are wrong, but the largest of // them both is right. $old_version = max($info["version"], $histlib->get_page_latest_version($pageName) + 1); $lastModif = $info["lastModif"]; $user = $info["user"]; if (!$user) { $user = '******'; } $ip = $info["ip"]; $comment = $info["comment"]; $data = $info["data"]; // WARNING: POTENTIAL BUG // The line below is not consistent with the rest of Tiki // (I commented it out so it can be further examined by CVS change control) //$pageName=addslashes($pageName); // But this should work (comment added by redflo): $version = $old_version + 1; if ($prefs['quantify_changes'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y') { include_once 'lib/wiki/quantifylib.php'; $quantifylib->recordChangeSize($info['page_id'], $version, $info['data'], $edit_data); } $html = $is_html ? 1 : 0; if ($html && $prefs['feature_purifier'] != 'n') { require ""; $purifier = new HTMLPurifier(); $edit_data = $purifier->purify($edit_data); } $mid = ''; if (is_null($saveLastModif)) { $saveLastModif = $this->now; } $bindvars = array($description, $edit_data, $edit_comment, (int) $saveLastModif, $version, $edit_user, $edit_ip, (int) strlen($data), $html, $wysiwyg, $wiki_authors_style); if ($lang) { $mid .= ', `lang`=? '; $bindvars[] = $lang; } if (!empty($hash['lock_it']) && ($hash['lock_it'] == 'y' || $hash['lock_it'] == 'on')) { $mid .= ', `flag`=?, `lockedby`=? '; $bindvars[] = 'L'; $bindvars[] = $user; } else { if (empty($hash['lock_it']) || $hash['lock_it'] == 'n') { $mid .= ', `flag`=?, `lockedby`=? '; $bindvars[] = ''; $bindvars[] = ''; } } if (empty($hash['contributions'])) { $hash['contributions'] = ''; } if (empty($hash['contributors'])) { $hash2 = ''; } else { foreach ($hash['contributors'] as $c) { $hash3['contributor'] = $c; $hash2[] = $hash3; } } $bindvars[] = $pageName; $query = "update `tiki_pages` set `description`=?, `data`=?, `comment`=?, `lastModif`=?, `version`=?, `user`=?, `ip`=?, `page_size`=?, `is_html`=?, `wysiwyg`=?, `wiki_authors_style`=? {$mid} where `pageName`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, $bindvars); // Parse edit_data updating the list of links from this page $this->clear_links($pageName); // Pages collected above foreach ($pages as $page) { $this->replace_link($pageName, $page); } if (strtolower($pageName) != 'sandbox' && !$minor) { $maxversions = $prefs['maxVersions']; if ($maxversions && ($nb = $histlib->get_nb_history($pageName)) > $maxversions) { // Select only versions older than keep_versions days $keep = $prefs['keep_versions']; $oktodel = $saveLastModif - $keep * 24 * 3600; $query = "select `pageName` ,`version`, `historyId` from `tiki_history` where `pageName`=? and `lastModif`<=? order by `lastModif` asc"; $result = $this->query($query, array($pageName, $oktodel), $nb - $maxversions); $toelim = $result->numRows(); while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) { $page = $res["pageName"]; $version = $res["version"]; $query = "delete from `tiki_history` where `pageName`=? and `version`=?"; $this->query($query, array($pageName, $version)); if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') { global $contributionlib; include_once 'lib/contribution/contributionlib.php'; $contributionlib->remove_history($res['historyId']); } } } } // This if no longer checks for minor-ness of the change; sendWikiEmailNotification does that. if ($prefs['feature_wiki_history_full'] == 'y' || $data != $edit_data || $description != $info["description"] || $comment != $edit_comment) { if (strtolower($pageName) != 'sandbox') { $query = "insert into `tiki_history`(`pageName`, `version`, `lastModif`, `user`, `ip`, `comment`, `data`, `description`)\n\t\t values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; # echo "<pre>";print_r(get_defined_vars());echo "</pre>";die(); $result = $this->query($query, array($pageName, (int) $old_version, (int) $lastModif, $user, $ip, $comment, $data, $description)); if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') { // transfer page contributions to the history global $contributionlib; include_once 'lib/contribution/contributionlib.php'; $query = 'select max(`historyId`) from `tiki_history`where `pageName`=? and `version`=?'; $historyId = $this->getOne($query, array($pageName, (int) $old_version)); $contributionlib->change_assigned_contributions($pageName, 'wiki page', $historyId, 'history', '', $pageName . '/' . $old_version, "tiki-pagehistory.php?page={$pageName}&preview={$old_version}"); } /* the following doesn't work because tiki dies if the above query fails if (!$result) { $query2 = "delete from `tiki_history` where `pageName`=? and `version`=?"; $result = $this->query($query2,array($pageName,(int) $version)); $result = $this->query($query,array($pageName,(int) $version,(int) $lastModif,$user,$ip,$comment,$data,$description)); } */ } if (strtolower($pageName) != 'sandbox') { global $logslib; include_once 'lib/logs/logslib.php'; include_once 'lib/diff/difflib.php'; $bytes = diff2($data, $edit_data, 'bytes'); $logslib->add_action('Updated', $pageName, 'wiki page', $bytes, $edit_user, $edit_ip, '', $this->now, $hash['contributions'], $hash2); if ($prefs['feature_contribution'] == 'y') { global $contributionlib; include_once 'lib/contribution/contributionlib.php'; $contributionlib->assign_contributions($hash['contributions'], $pageName, 'wiki page', $description, $pageName, "tiki-index.php?page=" . urlencode($pageName)); } } if ($prefs['feature_multilingual'] == 'y' && $lang) { // Need to update the translated objects table when an object's language changes. $this->query("UPDATE tiki_translated_objects SET lang = ? WHERE objId = ? AND type = 'wiki page'", array($lang, $info['page_id'])); } if ($prefs['feature_user_watches'] == 'y' && $prefs['wiki_watch_minor'] != 'n') { // Deal with mail notifications. include_once 'lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php'; global $histlib; include_once "lib/wiki/histlib.php"; $old = $histlib->get_version($pageName, $old_version); $foo = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $machine = $this->httpPrefix() . dirname($foo["path"]); require_once 'lib/diff/difflib.php'; $diff = diff2($old["data"], $edit_data, "unidiff"); sendWikiEmailNotification('wiki_page_changed', $pageName, $edit_user, $edit_comment, $old_version, $edit_data, $machine, $diff, $minor, $hash['contributions']); } $query = "delete from `tiki_page_drafts` where `user`=? and `pageName`=?"; $this->query($query, array($GLOBALS['user'], $pageName)); if ($prefs['feature_score'] == 'y') { $this->score_event($user, 'wiki_edit'); } } if ($prefs['feature_search'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_search_fulltext'] != 'y' && $prefs['search_refresh_index_mode'] == 'normal') { require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index('pages', $pageName); } }
//smarty is not there - we need setup require_once 'tiki-setup.php'; $access = TikiLib::lib('access'); $access->check_script($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], basename(__FILE__)); global $prefs; global $tiki_p_freetags_tag; if ($prefs['feature_freetags'] == 'y' and $tiki_p_freetags_tag == 'y') { $freetaglib = TikiLib::lib('freetag'); if (isset($_REQUEST['freetag_string'])) { $tag_string = $_REQUEST['freetag_string']; } else { $tag_string = ''; } global $user; if (!isset($cat_desc)) { $cat_desc = ''; } if (!isset($cat_name)) { $cat_name = ''; } if (!isset($cat_href)) { $cat_href = ''; } if (!isset($cat_lang)) { $cat_lang = null; } $freetaglib->add_object($cat_type, $cat_objid, FALSE, $cat_desc, $cat_name, $cat_href); $freetaglib->update_tags($user, $cat_objid, $cat_type, $tag_string, false, $cat_lang); require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index($cat_type, $cat_objid); }
function uncategorize($catObjectId, $categId) { global $prefs; $query = "delete from `tiki_category_objects` where `catObjectId`=? and `categId`=?"; $result = $this->query($query, array((int) $catObjectId, (int) $categId), -1, -1, false); $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); if ($prefs['categories_cache_refresh_on_object_cat'] != "n") { $cachelib->empty_type_cache("allcategs"); } $info = TikiLib::lib('object')->get_object_via_objectid($catObjectId); if ($prefs['feature_actionlog'] == 'y') { $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $logslib->add_action('Uncategorized', $info['itemId'], $info['type'], "categId={$categId}"); } TikiLib::events()->trigger('tiki.object.categorized', array('object' => $info['itemId'], 'type' => $info['type'], 'added' => array(), 'removed' => array($categId))); require_once 'lib/search/refresh-functions.php'; refresh_index($info['type'], $info['itemId']); }