echo <<<END Run this script to rewrite the messages array in the files languages/messages/MessagesXX.php. Parameters: \t* lang: Language code (default: the installation default language). You can also specify "all" to check all the languages. \t* help: Show this help. Options: \t* dry-run: Don't write the array to the file. \t* no-unknown: Don't list the unknown messages. END; exit; } # Get the language code if (isset($options['lang'])) { $wgCode = $options['lang']; } else { $wgCode = $wgContLang->getCode(); } # Get the options $wgWriteToFile = !isset($options['dry-run']); $wgListUnknownMessages = !isset($options['no-unknown']); # Get language objects $wgLanguages = new languages(); # Write all the language if ($wgCode == 'all') { foreach ($wgLanguages->getLanguages() as $language) { rebuildLanguage($language, $wgWriteToFile, $wgListUnknownMessages); } } else { rebuildLanguage($wgCode, $wgWriteToFile, $wgListUnknownMessages); }
TEXT; exit(1); } # Get the language code if (isset($options['lang'])) { $wgCode = $options['lang']; } else { $wgCode = $wgContLang->getCode(); } # Get the duplicate message source if (isset($options['remove-duplicates']) && strcmp($options['remove-duplicates'], '')) { $wgDupeMessageSource = $options['remove-duplicates']; } else { $wgDupeMessageSource = ''; } # Get the options $wgWriteToFile = !isset($options['dry-run']); $wgListUnknownMessages = !isset($options['no-unknown']); $wgRemoveUnknownMessages = isset($options['remove-unknown']); $wgRemoveDuplicateMessages = isset($options['remove-duplicates']); $messagesFolder = isset($options['messages-folder']) ? $options['messages-folder'] : false; # Get language objects $languages = new languages(); # Write all the language if ($wgCode == 'all') { foreach ($languages->getLanguages() as $languageCode) { rebuildLanguage($languages, $languageCode, $wgWriteToFile, $wgListUnknownMessages, $wgRemoveUnknownMessages, $wgRemoveDuplicateMessages, $wgDupeMessageSource, $messagesFolder); } } else { rebuildLanguage($languages, $wgCode, $wgWriteToFile, $wgListUnknownMessages, $wgRemoveUnknownMessages, $wgRemoveDuplicateMessages, $wgDupeMessageSource, $messagesFolder); }
# Show help if (isset($options['help'])) { echo <<<END Run this script to rewrite the messages array in the files languages/messages/MessagesXX.php. Parameters: \t* lang: Language code (default: the installation default language). You can also specify "all" to check all the languages. \t* help: Show this help. Options: \t* dry-run: Don't write the array to the file. END; exit; } # Get the language code if (isset($options['lang'])) { $wgCode = $options['lang']; } else { $wgCode = $wgContLang->getCode(); } # Get the write options $wgWriteToFile = !isset($options['dry-run']); # Get language objects $wgLanguages = new languages(); # Write all the language if ($wgCode == 'all') { foreach ($wgLanguages->getLanguages() as $language) { rebuildLanguage($language, $wgWriteToFile); } } else { rebuildLanguage($wgCode, $wgWriteToFile); }