function usersearch($lang) { $with_name = true; $with_website = true; $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['usersearch_search']) or isset($_GET['q'])) { $action = 'search'; } $pagesize = 20; $page = 1; $what = false; switch ($action) { case 'search': if (isset($_POST['usersearch_what'])) { $what = readarg($_POST['usersearch_what']); } else { if (isset($_GET['q'])) { $what = readarg($_GET['q']); if (isset($_GET['p'])) { $page = readarg($_GET['p']); if (!is_numeric($page)) { $page = 1; } } } } break; default: break; } $count = 0; $result = false; switch ($action) { case 'search': $r = user_search($what, $pagesize, $page); if (!$r) { break; } list($count, $result) = $r; $edit_url = url('adminuser', $lang); foreach ($result as &$r) { $r['edit'] = $edit_url . '/' . $r['user_id']; } break; default: break; } $output = view('usersearch', $lang, compact('what', 'page', 'pagesize', 'count', 'result', 'with_name', 'with_website')); return $output; }
function remindme($lang) { $with_name = true; $with_captcha = true; $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['remindme_send'])) { $action = 'remindme'; } $login = $confirmed = $code = $token = false; if (!empty($_SESSION['login'])) { $login = $_SESSION['login']; } else { if (!empty($_SESSION['user']['name'])) { $login = $_SESSION['user']['name']; } else { if (!empty($_SESSION['user']['mail'])) { $login = $_SESSION['user']['mail']; } } } switch ($action) { case 'remindme': if (isset($_POST['remindme_login'])) { $login = strtolower(strflat(readarg($_POST['remindme_login']))); } if (isset($_POST['remindme_confirmed'])) { $confirmed = readarg($_POST['remindme_confirmed']) == 'on' ? true : false; } if (isset($_POST['remindme_code'])) { $code = readarg($_POST['remindme_code']); } if (isset($_POST['remindme_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['remindme_token']); } break; default: break; } $missing_code = false; $bad_code = false; $bad_token = false; $missing_login = false; $bad_login = false; $missing_confirmation = false; $email_sent = false; $user_page = false; $internal_error = false; $contact_page = false; switch ($action) { case 'remindme': if (!isset($_SESSION['remindme_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['remindme_token']) { $bad_token = true; } if ($with_captcha) { if (!$code) { $missing_code = true; break; } $captcha = isset($_SESSION['captcha']['remindme']) ? $_SESSION['captcha']['remindme'] : false; if (!$captcha or $captcha != strtoupper($code)) { $bad_code = true; break; } } if (!$login) { $missing_login = true; } else { if ((!validate_user_name($login) or !is_user_name_allowed($login)) and (!validate_mail($login) or !is_mail_allowed($login))) { $bad_login = true; } } if (!$confirmed) { $missing_confirmation = true; } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'remindme': if ($bad_token or $missing_code or $bad_code or $missing_login or $bad_login or $missing_confirmation) { break; } require_once 'models/'; $user_id = user_find($login); if (!$user_id) { $bad_login = true; require_once 'log.php'; write_log('password.err', substr($login, 0, 40)); break; } $user = user_get($user_id); if (!$user) { $internal_error = true; break; } if (!$user['user_active'] or $user['user_banned']) { $bad_login = true; break; } require_once 'newpassword.php'; $newpassword = newpassword(); if (!user_set_newpassword($user_id, $newpassword)) { $internal_error = true; break; } require_once 'emailcrypto.php'; global $sitename, $webmaster; $to = $user['user_mail']; $subject = translate('email:new_password_subject', $lang); $msg = translate('email:new_password_text', $lang) . "\n\n" . translate('email:salutations', $lang); if (!emailcrypto($msg, $newpassword, $to, $subject, $webmaster)) { $internal_error = true; } else { $email_sent = $to; } $confirmed = false; break; default: break; } if ($internal_error) { $contact_page = url('contact', $lang); } else { if ($email_sent) { $user_page = url('user', $lang); } } $_SESSION['remindme_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('missing_login', 'bad_login', 'missing_confirmation', 'missing_code', 'bad_code', 'internal_error', 'contact_page'); $infos = compact('email_sent', 'user_page'); $output = view('remindme', $lang, compact('token', 'with_captcha', 'with_name', 'login', 'confirmed', 'errors', 'infos')); return $output; }
function nodecomment($lang, $node_id, $node_user_id, $node_url, $nomore) { $user_id = user_profile('id'); $moderator = user_has_role('moderator'); // $user_id == $node_user_id || user_has_role('moderator') $now = time(); $message_maxlen = 1000; $with_captcha = false; $action = 'init'; if ($user_id) { if (isset($_POST['comment_comment'])) { $action = 'comment'; } else { if (isset($_POST['comment_edit'])) { $action = 'edit'; } else { if (isset($_POST['comment_validate'])) { $action = 'validate'; } else { if (isset($_POST['comment_moderate'])) { $action = 'moderate'; } else { if (isset($_POST['comment_modify'])) { $action = 'modify'; } else { if (isset($_POST['comment_delete'])) { $action = 'delete'; } } } } } } } $id = $message = $token = false; switch ($action) { case 'validate': if (isset($_POST['comment_code'])) { $code = readarg($_POST['comment_code']); } /* fall thru */ /* fall thru */ case 'comment': case 'edit': if (isset($_POST['comment_message'])) { $message = readarg($_POST['comment_message'], true, false); // trim but DON'T strip! } if (isset($_POST['comment_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['comment_token']); } break; case 'moderate': if (isset($_POST['comment_moderate'])) { $id = readarg($_POST['comment_moderate']); } break; case 'modify': case 'delete': if (isset($_POST['comment_id'])) { $id = readarg($_POST['comment_id']); } if (isset($_POST['comment_message'])) { $message = readarg($_POST['comment_message'], true, false); // trim but DON'T strip! } if (isset($_POST['comment_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['comment_token']); } break; default: break; } $missing_code = false; $bad_code = false; $bad_token = false; $missing_id = false; $bad_id = false; $missing_message = false; $message_too_long = false; switch ($action) { case 'validate': if ($with_captcha) { if (!$code) { $missing_code = true; break; } $captcha = isset($_SESSION['captcha']['comment']) ? $_SESSION['captcha']['comment'] : false; if (!$captcha or $captcha != strtoupper($code)) { $bad_code = true; break; } } /* fall thru */ /* fall thru */ case 'comment': case 'edit': case 'modify': case 'delete': if (!isset($_SESSION['comment_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['comment_token']) { $bad_token = true; } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'moderate': case 'modify': case 'delete': if ($bad_token) { break; } if (!$id) { $missing_id = true; break; } if (!is_numeric($id)) { $id = false; $bad_id = true; break; } if (!$moderator) { $r = node_get_comment($node_id, $id, $lang); if (!$r) { $id = false; $bad_id = true; break; } extract($r); /* comment_user_id, comment_created */ if (!($comment_user_id == $user_id and $comment_created + 15 * 60 > $now)) { $id = false; $bad_id = true; break; } } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'comment': case 'validate': case 'edit': case 'modify': if ($bad_token or $missing_code or $bad_code or $missing_id or $bad_id) { break; } if (!$message) { $missing_message = true; } else { if (strlen(utf8_decode($message)) > $message_maxlen) { $message_too_long = true; } } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'validate': if ($bad_token or $missing_code or $bad_code or $missing_message or $message_too_long) { break; } $ip_address = client_ip_address(); $r = node_add_comment($node_id, $user_id, $ip_address, $message, $lang); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } require_once 'serveripaddress.php'; require_once 'emailme.php'; global $sitename; $ip = server_ip_address(); $timestamp = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time()); $subject = 'comment' . '@' . $sitename; $msg = $ip . ' ' . $timestamp . ' ' . $user_id . ' ' . $lang . ' ' . $node_id . ' ' . $node_url; @emailme($subject, $msg); $message = false; break; case 'modify': if ($bad_token or $missing_id or $bad_id or $missing_message or $message_too_long) { break; } $r = node_set_comment($node_id, $id, $message, $lang); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } $id = $message = false; break; case 'delete': if ($bad_token or $missing_id or $bad_id) { break; } $r = node_delete_comment($node_id, $id); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } $id = $message = false; break; default: break; } $newcomment = $user_page = false; if (!$id and !$nomore) { if ($user_id) { $newcomment = true; } else { $user_page = url('user', $lang); } } $comments = node_get_all_comments($node_id, $lang); $moderated = false; if ($comments) { if ($moderator) { $moderated = true; } else { $moderated = array(); foreach ($comments as $c) { if ($c['comment_user_id'] == $user_id and $c['comment_created'] + 15 * 60 > $now) { $moderated[] = $c['comment_id']; } } } } $_SESSION['comment_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('missing_code', 'bad_code', 'missing_message', 'message_too_long'); $output = view('nodecomment', $lang, compact('token', 'with_captcha', 'comments', 'moderated', 'id', 'newcomment', 'message', 'message_maxlen', 'user_page', 'node_url', 'errors')); return $output; }
function newsletterpage($lang, $newsletter, $page) { global $with_toolbar; $newsletter_id = thread_id($newsletter); if (!$newsletter_id) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } $page_id = thread_node_id($newsletter_id, $page, $lang); if (!$page_id) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } $r = thread_get($lang, $newsletter_id); if (!$r) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } extract($r); /* thread_type thread_name thread_title thread_abstract thread_cloud thread_nocloud thread_nosearch thread_nocomment thread_nomorecomment */ $newsletter_name = $thread_name; $newsletter_title = $thread_title; $newsletter_nocloud = $thread_nocloud; $newsletter_nosearch = $thread_nosearch; $r = thread_get_node($lang, $newsletter_id, $page_id); if (!$r) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } extract($r); /* node_number node_ignored node_name node_title node_abstract node_cloud node_modified */ if ($node_ignored) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } $page_name = $node_name; $page_title = $node_title; $page_abstract = $node_abstract; $page_cloud = $node_cloud; $page_modified = $node_modified; if ($newsletter_title and $page_title) { head('title', $newsletter_title . ' - ' . $page_title); } else { if ($page_title) { head('title', $page_title); } else { if ($newsletter_title) { head('title', $newsletter_title); } } } head('description', false); head('keywords', false); head('robots', 'noindex, nofollow'); $message_title = $message_html = $message_text = false; $r = newsletter_get_message($newsletter_id, $page_id, $lang); if ($r) { list($message_title, $message_html, $message_text) = $r; } $postnews = false; $with_mail = false; $mailto = false; $missing_mail = false; $bad_mail = false; $email_sent = false; if (user_has_role('administrator') and $message_title and ($message_html or $message_text)) { require_once 'userprofile.php'; $mailto = user_profile('mail'); $with_mail = true; if (isset($_POST['newsletterpage_send'])) { if (isset($_POST['newsletterpage_mailto'])) { $mailto = strtolower(strflat(readarg($_POST['newsletterpage_mailto']))); if (!$mailto) { $missing_mail = true; } else { if (!validate_mail($mailto)) { $bad_mail = true; } } } if (!($missing_mail or $bad_mail)) { require_once 'emailhtml.php'; $cssfile = ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'css' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'newsletter.css'; $css = @file_get_contents($cssfile); $r = emailhtml($message_text, $message_html, $css, $mailto, $message_title); if ($r) { $email_sent = true; } } } $postnews = build('postnews', $lang, $newsletter_id, $page_id); } $prev_page_label = $prev_page_url = false; $r = thread_node_prev($lang, $newsletter_id, $page_id); if ($r) { extract($r); /* prev_node_id prev_node_name prev_node_title prev_node_number */ $prev_page_label = $prev_node_title ? $prev_node_title : $prev_node_number; $prev_page_url = url('newsletter', $lang) . '/' . ($prev_node_name ? $prev_node_name : $prev_node_id); } $next_page_label = $next_page_url = false; $r = thread_node_next($lang, $newsletter_id, $page_id); if ($r) { extract($r); /* next_node_id next_node_name next_node_title next_node_number */ $next_page_label = $next_node_title ? $next_node_title : $next_node_number; $next_page_url = url('newsletter', $lang) . '/' . ($next_node_name ? $next_node_name : $next_node_id); } $content = view('newsletterpage', $lang, compact('page_id', 'page_title', 'page_modified', 'message_title', 'message_text', 'message_html', 'prev_page_url', 'prev_page_label', 'next_page_url', 'next_page_label', 'postnews', 'with_mail', 'mailto', 'missing_mail', 'bad_mail', 'email_sent')); $search = false; if (!$newsletter_nosearch) { $search_text = ''; $search_url = url('search', $lang, $newsletter_name); $suggest_url = url('suggest', $lang, $newsletter_name); $search = view('searchinput', $lang, compact('search_url', 'search_text', 'suggest_url')); } $cloud = false; if (!$newsletter_nocloud) { $cloud_url = url('search', $lang, $newsletter_name); $byname = $bycount = $index = true; $cloud = build('cloud', $lang, $cloud_url, $newsletter_id, false, 15, compact('byname', 'bycount', 'index')); } $headline_text = $newsletter_title ? $newsletter_title : $newsletter_id; $headline_url = url('newsletter', $lang); $headline = compact('headline_text', 'headline_url'); $title = view('headline', false, $headline); $sidebar = view('sidebar', false, compact('search', 'cloud', 'title')); $search = !$newsletter_nosearch ? compact('search_url', 'search_text', 'suggest_url') : false; $edit = user_has_role('writer') ? url('newsletteredit', $_SESSION['user']['locale']) . '/' . $newsletter_id . '/' . $page_id . '?' . 'clang=' . $lang : false; $validate = url('newsletter', $lang) . '/' . $page_name; $banner = build('banner', $lang, $with_toolbar ? compact('headline', 'search') : compact('headline', 'edit', 'validate', 'search')); $toolbar = $with_toolbar ? build('toolbar', $lang, compact('edit', 'validate')) : false; $output = layout('standard', compact('toolbar', 'banner', 'content', 'sidebar')); return $output; }
function donateme($lang) { global $supported_currencies; $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['donateme_donate'])) { $action = 'donate'; } $amount = $currency = $token = false; switch ($action) { case 'donate': if (isset($_POST['donateme_amount'])) { $amount = readarg($_POST['donateme_amount']); } if (isset($_POST['donateme_currency'])) { $currency = readarg($_POST['donateme_currency']); } if (isset($_POST['donateme_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['donateme_token']); } break; default: break; } $missing_amount = false; $bad_amount = false; $missing_currency = false; $bad_currency = false; $bad_token = false; switch ($action) { case 'donate': if (!isset($_SESSION['donateme_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['donateme_token']) { $bad_token = true; break; } if (!$amount) { $missing_amount = true; } else { if (!(is_numeric($amount) and $amount >= 1)) { $bad_amount = true; } } if (!$currency) { $missing_currency = true; } else { if (!validate_currency($currency)) { $bad_currency = true; } } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'donate': if ($bad_token or $missing_amount or $bad_amount or $missing_currency or $bad_currency) { break; } unset($_SESSION['donateme_token']); require_once 'actions/paypalcheckout.php'; paypalcheckout($lang, $amount, $currency); break; default: break; } $_SESSION['donateme_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('missing_amount', 'bad_amount', 'missing_currency', 'bad_currency'); $output = view('donateme', $lang, compact('token', 'supported_currencies', 'amount', 'currency', 'errors')); return $output; }
function search($lang, $arglist = false) { global $search_all, $search_pertinence, $rss_thread; $cloud = false; if (is_array($arglist)) { if (isset($arglist[0])) { $cloud = $arglist[0]; } } $cloud_id = $cloud_name = false; $thread_nocloud = $thread_nosearch = false; if ($cloud) { $cloud_id = cloud_id($cloud); if (!$cloud_id) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } if ($cloud_id == $rss_thread) { if (!user_has_role('administrator')) { return run('error/unauthorized', $lang); } } $r = cloud_get($lang, $cloud_id); if (!$r) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } extract($r); /* cloud_name cloud_title cloud_action */ $r = thread_get($lang, $cloud_id); if (!$r) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } extract($r); /* thread_type thread_nocloud thread_nosearch */ if ($thread_type == 'thread' or $thread_nosearch and $thread_nocloud) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } } else { if ($search_all === false) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } if ($search_all !== true) { $thread_nosearch = true; } } $action = 'none'; if (isset($_POST['search'])) { $action = 'search'; } $searchtext = $taglist = false; $rsearch = false; switch ($action) { case 'none': if (!empty($arglist['q'])) { $searchtext = $arglist['q']; $taglist = explode(' ', $searchtext); } break; case 'search': if (isset($_POST['searchtext'])) { $searchtext = readarg($_POST['searchtext'], true, false); // trim but DON'T strip! if ($searchtext) { global $search_distance, $search_closest; $taglist = cloud_match($lang, $cloud_id, $searchtext, $search_distance, $search_closest); } } break; default: break; } if ($taglist) { $rsearch = cloud_search($lang, $cloud_id, $taglist, $search_pertinence); } $search_title = translate('search:title', $lang); $search_url = false; $search = $cloud = $title = false; if ($rsearch) { if (!$thread_nosearch) { $search_url = url('search', $lang, $cloud_name); } if (!$thread_nocloud) { $cloud_url = url('search', $lang, $cloud_name); $byname = $bycount = $index = true; $cloud = build('cloud', $lang, $cloud_url, $cloud_id, false, 30, compact('byname', 'bycount', 'index')); } $headline_text = $search_title; $headline_url = false; $headline = compact('headline_text', 'headline_url'); $title = view('headline', false, $headline); $content = build('searchlist', $lang, $rsearch, $taglist); } else { $headline_text = $cloud_id ? $cloud_title : $search_title; $headline_url = false; if (!$thread_nosearch) { $search_url = url('search', $lang, $cloud_name); } $cloud_url = url('search', $lang, $cloud_name); $headline = compact('headline_text', 'headline_url'); $title = view('headline', false, $headline); $byname = true; $bycount = $index = false; $content = build('cloud', $lang, $cloud_url, $cloud_id, false, false, compact('byname', 'bycount', 'index')); } if ($search_url) { $search_text = $searchtext; $suggest_url = url('suggest', $lang, $cloud_name); $search = view('searchinput', $lang, compact('search_url', 'search_text', 'suggest_url')); } $sidebar = view('sidebar', false, compact('search', 'cloud', 'title')); if ($search) { $search = compact('search_url', 'search_text', 'suggest_url'); } $banner = build('banner', $lang, compact('headline', 'search')); head('title', $cloud_id ? $cloud_title : $search_title); head('description', false); head('keywords', false); head('robots', 'noindex, nofollow'); $output = layout('standard', compact('banner', 'content', 'sidebar')); return $output; }
function subscribe($lang) { global $sitekey, $system_languages; $with_locale = count($system_languages) > 1; // true, false $with_captcha = true; $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['subscribe_send'])) { $action = 'subscribe'; } $confirmed = $code = $token = false; $user_mail = user_profile('mail'); $user_locale = user_profile('locale'); if (!$user_locale) { $user_locale = $lang; } $unsubscribe_page = false; switch ($action) { case 'init': if ($sitekey) { $unsubscribe_page = url('newsletterunsubscribe', $lang); } break; case 'subscribe': if (isset($_POST['subscribe_mail'])) { $user_mail = strtolower(strflat(readarg($_POST['subscribe_mail']))); } if ($with_locale) { if (isset($_POST['subscribe_locale'])) { $user_locale = readarg($_POST['subscribe_locale']); } } if (isset($_POST['subscribe_confirmed'])) { $confirmed = readarg($_POST['subscribe_confirmed']) == 'on' ? true : false; } if (isset($_POST['subscribe_code'])) { $code = readarg($_POST['subscribe_code']); } if (isset($_POST['subscribe_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['subscribe_token']); } break; default: break; } $missing_code = false; $bad_code = false; $bad_token = false; $missing_mail = false; $bad_mail = false; $duplicated_mail = false; $missing_locale = false; $bad_locale = false; $missing_confirmation = false; $email_registered = false; $internal_error = false; $contact_page = false; switch ($action) { case 'subscribe': if (!isset($_SESSION['subscribe_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['subscribe_token']) { $bad_token = true; } if ($with_captcha) { if (!$code) { $missing_code = true; break; } $captcha = isset($_SESSION['captcha']['subscribe']) ? $_SESSION['captcha']['subscribe'] : false; if (!$captcha or $captcha != strtoupper($code)) { $bad_code = true; break; } } if (!$user_mail) { $missing_mail = true; } else { if (!validate_mail($user_mail) or !is_mail_allowed($user_mail)) { $bad_mail = true; } else { if (newsletter_get_user($user_mail)) { $duplicated_mail = true; } } } if ($with_locale) { if (!$user_locale) { $missing_locale = true; } else { if (!validate_locale($user_locale)) { $bad_locale = true; } } } if (!$confirmed) { $missing_confirmation = true; } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'subscribe': if ($bad_token or $missing_code or $bad_code or $missing_mail or $bad_mail or $duplicated_mail or $missing_locale or $bad_locale or $missing_confirmation) { break; } $r = newsletter_create_user($user_mail, $user_locale); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } require_once 'serveripaddress.php'; require_once 'emailme.php'; global $sitename; $ip = server_ip_address(); $timestamp = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time()); $subject = 'subscribe' . '@' . $sitename; $msg = $ip . ' ' . $timestamp . ' ' . $lang . ' ' . $user_mail; @emailme($subject, $msg); $email_registered = true; $confirmed = false; break; default: break; } if ($internal_error) { $contact_page = url('contact', $lang); } $_SESSION['subscribe_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('missing_mail', 'bad_mail', 'missing_locale', 'bad_locale', 'duplicated_mail', 'missing_confirmation', 'missing_code', 'bad_code', 'internal_error', 'contact_page'); $infos = compact('email_registered'); $output = view('subscribe', $lang, compact('token', 'with_captcha', 'user_mail', 'with_locale', 'user_locale', 'confirmed', 'unsubscribe_page', 'errors', 'infos')); return $output; }
function login($lang) { $with_name = true; $with_captcha = true; $with_facebook = false; $with_newuser = true; $with_newpassword = true; if ($with_facebook) { require_once 'facebook.php'; $facebook = facebook(); } $login = $password = $code = $token = false; if (isset($_SESSION['login'])) { $login = $_SESSION['login']; } $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['login_enter'])) { $action = 'enter'; } switch ($action) { case 'init': if ($with_facebook) { $facebook_user = $facebook->getUser(); if ($facebook_user) { try { $facebook_user_profile = $facebook->api('/me', 'GET'); if (!empty($facebook_user_profile['email'])) { $login = $facebook_user_profile['email']; } $action = 'facebook'; } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { } $facebook->destroySession(); } } break; case 'enter': if (isset($_POST['login_login'])) { $login = strtolower(strflat(readarg($_POST['login_login']))); } if (isset($_POST['login_password'])) { $password = readarg($_POST['login_password']); } if (isset($_POST['login_code'])) { $code = readarg($_POST['login_code']); } if (isset($_POST['login_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['login_token']); } break; default: break; } $missing_code = false; $bad_code = false; $bad_token = false; $missing_login = false; $bad_login = false; $missing_password = false; $access_denied = false; switch ($action) { case 'enter': if (!isset($_SESSION['login_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['login_token']) { $bad_token = true; break; } if ($with_captcha) { if (!$code) { $missing_code = true; break; } $captcha = isset($_SESSION['captcha']['login']) ? $_SESSION['captcha']['login'] : false; if (!$captcha or $captcha != strtoupper($code)) { $bad_code = true; break; } } if (!$password) { $missing_password = true; } /* fall thru */ /* fall thru */ case 'facebook': if (!$login) { $missing_login = true; } else { if (!(validate_user_name($login) or validate_mail($login))) { $bad_login = true; } } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'enter': case 'facebook': if ($bad_token or $missing_code or $bad_code or $missing_login or $bad_login or $missing_password) { break; } require_once 'models/'; $user = user_login($login, $password); if (!$user) { $access_denied = true; require_once 'log.php'; write_log('enter.err', substr($login, 0, 100)); $_SESSION['login'] = $login; break; } $user['ip'] = client_ip_address(); if (in_array('administrator', $user['role'])) { require_once 'serveripaddress.php'; require_once 'emailme.php'; global $sitename; $ip = server_ip_address(); $timestamp = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time()); $subject = 'login' . '@' . $sitename; $msg = $ip . ' ' . $timestamp . ' ' . $user['id'] . ' ' . $lang . ' ' . $user['ip']; @emailme($subject, $msg); if ($action == 'facebook') { $access_denied = true; break; } } session_regenerate(); $_SESSION['user'] = $user; unset($_SESSION['login']); unset($_SESSION['login_token']); return true; default: break; } $connectbar = false; if ($with_facebook) { $scope = 'email'; $facebook_login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl(compact('scope')); $connectbar = view('connect', $lang, compact('facebook_login_url')); } $password_page = $with_newpassword ? url('password', $lang) : false; $newuser_page = $with_newuser ? url('newuser', $lang) : false; $_SESSION['login_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('missing_code', 'bad_code', 'missing_login', 'bad_login', 'missing_password', 'access_denied'); $output = view('login', $lang, compact('token', 'connectbar', 'with_captcha', 'with_name', 'password_page', 'newuser_page', 'login', 'errors')); return $output; }
function threadeditsummary($lang, $clang, $thread) { global $supported_threads, $with_toolbar; if (!user_has_role('writer')) { return run('error/unauthorized', $lang); } $confirmed = false; $thread_id = thread_id($thread); if (!$thread_id) { return run('error/notfound', $lang); } $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['thread_edit'])) { $action = 'edit'; } else { if (isset($_POST['thread_reorder'])) { $action = 'reorder'; } else { if (isset($_POST['node_create'])) { $action = 'create'; } else { if (isset($_POST['node_copy'])) { $action = 'copy'; } else { if (isset($_POST['node_delete'])) { $action = 'delete'; } else { if (isset($_POST['node_confirmdelete'])) { $action = 'delete'; $confirmed = true; } else { if (isset($_POST['node_hide'])) { $action = 'hide'; } else { if (isset($_POST['node_show'])) { $action = 'show'; } } } } } } } } $thread_type = $thread_name = $thread_title = $thread_abstract = $thread_cloud = $thread_image = false; $thread_search = $thread_tag = false; $thread_comment = $thread_morecomment = $thread_vote = $thread_morevote = false; $thread_ilike = $thread_tweet = $thread_plusone = $thread_linkedin = $thread_pinit = false; $thread_visits = false; $thread_nosearch = $thread_nocloud = $thread_nocomment = $thread_nomorecomment = $thread_novote = $thread_nomorevote = true; $new_node_name = $new_node_title = $new_node_number = false; $old_node_number = false; $p = false; switch ($action) { case 'init': case 'reset': $r = thread_get($clang, $thread_id, false); if ($r) { extract($r); /* thread_type thread_name thread_title thread_abstract thread_cloud thread_image thread_visits thread_nosearch thread_nocloud thread_nocomment thread_nomorecomment thread_novote thread_nomorevote */ } $thread_search = !$thread_nosearch; $thread_tag = !$thread_nocloud; $thread_comment = !$thread_nocomment; $thread_morecomment = !$thread_nomorecomment; $thread_vote = !$thread_novote; $thread_morevote = !$thread_nomorevote; break; case 'edit': case 'create': case 'copy': case 'delete': case 'hide': case 'show': case 'reorder': if (isset($_POST['thread_type'])) { $thread_type = readarg($_POST['thread_type']); } if (isset($_POST['thread_title'])) { $thread_title = readarg($_POST['thread_title']); } if (isset($_POST['thread_name'])) { $thread_name = strtofname(readarg($_POST['thread_name'])); } if (!$thread_name and $thread_title) { $thread_name = strtofname($thread_title); } if (isset($_POST['thread_abstract'])) { $thread_abstract = readarg($_POST['thread_abstract']); } if (isset($_POST['thread_image'])) { $thread_image = readarg($_POST['thread_image']); } if (isset($_POST['thread_cloud'])) { $thread_cloud = readarg($_POST['thread_cloud'], true, false); // trim but DON'T strip! preg_match_all('/(\\S+)/', $thread_cloud, $r); $thread_cloud = implode(' ', array_unique($r[0])); } if (isset($_POST['thread_search'])) { $thread_search = readarg($_POST['thread_search']) == 'on' ? true : false; $thread_nosearch = !$thread_search; } if (isset($_POST['thread_tag'])) { $thread_tag = readarg($_POST['thread_tag']) == 'on' ? true : false; $thread_nocloud = !$thread_tag; } if (isset($_POST['thread_visits'])) { $thread_visits = readarg($_POST['thread_visits']) == 'on' ? true : false; } if (isset($_POST['thread_comment'])) { $thread_comment = readarg($_POST['thread_comment']) == 'on' ? true : false; $thread_nocomment = !$thread_comment; } if (isset($_POST['thread_morecomment'])) { $thread_morecomment = readarg($_POST['thread_morecomment']) == 'on' ? true : false; $thread_nomorecomment = !$thread_morecomment; } if (isset($_POST['thread_vote'])) { $thread_vote = readarg($_POST['thread_vote']) == 'on' ? true : false; $thread_novote = !$thread_vote; } if (isset($_POST['thread_morevote'])) { $thread_morevote = readarg($_POST['thread_morevote']) == 'on' ? true : false; $thread_nomorevote = !$thread_morevote; } if (isset($_POST['thread_ilike'])) { $thread_ilike = readarg($_POST['thread_ilike'] == 'on' ? true : false); } if (isset($_POST['thread_tweet'])) { $thread_tweet = readarg($_POST['thread_tweet'] == 'on' ? true : false); } if (isset($_POST['thread_plusone'])) { $thread_plusone = readarg($_POST['thread_plusone'] == 'on' ? true : false); } if (isset($_POST['thread_linkedin'])) { $thread_linkedin = readarg($_POST['thread_linkedin'] == 'on' ? true : false); } if (isset($_POST['thread_pinit'])) { $thread_pinit = readarg($_POST['thread_pinit'] == 'on' ? true : false); } if (isset($_POST['new_node_title'])) { $new_node_title = readarg($_POST['new_node_title']); $new_node_name = strtofname($new_node_title); } if (isset($_POST['new_node_number'])) { $new_node_number = readarg($_POST['new_node_number']); } if (isset($_POST['old_node_number'])) { $old_node_number = readarg($_POST['old_node_number']); } if (isset($_POST['p'])) { $p = $_POST['p']; // DON'T readarg! } break; default: break; } $thread_contents = array(); $r = thread_get_contents($clang, $thread_id, false); /* node_id node_number node_ignored node_name node_title node_cloud thread_image */ if (!$r or count($r) != count($p)) { $p = false; } if ($r) { $pos = 1; $thread_url = url('threadedit', $lang) . '/' . $thread_id; foreach ($r as $c) { $c['node_url'] = $thread_url . '/' . $c['node_id']; $c['pos'] = $p ? $p[$pos] : $pos; $thread_contents[$pos] = $c; $pos++; } } $missing_thread_name = false; $bad_thread_name = false; $missing_thread_type = false; $bad_thread_type = false; $missing_new_node_title = false; $bad_new_node_title = false; $bad_new_node_number = false; $missing_old_node_number = false; $bad_old_node_number = false; switch ($action) { case 'edit': if (!$thread_name) { $missing_thread_name = true; } else { if (!preg_match('#^\\w+(-\\w+)*$#', $thread_name)) { $bad_thread_name = true; } } if (!$thread_type) { $missing_thread_type = true; } else { if (!in_array($thread_type, $supported_threads)) { $bad_thread_type = true; } } break; case 'create': case 'copy': if (!$new_node_title) { $missing_new_node_title = true; } else { if (!$new_node_name) { $bad_new_node_title = true; } else { if (!preg_match('#^\\w+(-\\w+)*$#', $new_node_name)) { $bad_new_node_title = true; } } } if (!$new_node_number) { $new_node_number = false; } else { if (!is_numeric($new_node_number)) { $bad_new_node_number = true; } else { if ($new_node_number < 1 or $new_node_number > count($thread_contents) + 1) { $bad_new_node_number = true; } } } if ($action == 'create') { break; } /* fall thru */ /* fall thru */ case 'delete': case 'hide': case 'show': if (!$old_node_number) { $missing_old_node_number = true; } else { if (!is_numeric($old_node_number)) { $bad_old_node_number = true; } else { if ($old_node_number < 1 or $old_node_number > count($thread_contents)) { $bad_old_node_number = true; } } } break; case 'reorder': break; default: break; } $confirm_delete_node = false; switch ($action) { case 'edit': if ($missing_thread_name or $bad_thread_name or $missing_thread_type or $bad_thread_type) { break; } $r = thread_set($clang, $thread_id, $thread_name, $thread_title, $thread_type, $thread_abstract, $thread_cloud, $thread_image, $thread_visits, $thread_nosearch, $thread_nocloud, $thread_nocomment, $thread_nomorecomment, $thread_novote, $thread_nomorevote, $thread_ilike, $thread_tweet, $thread_plusone, $thread_linkedin, $thread_pinit); if (!$r) { break; } break; case 'create': case 'copy': if ($missing_new_node_title or $bad_new_node_title or $bad_new_node_number or $action == 'copy' and ($missing_old_node_number or $bad_old_node_number)) { break; } $user_id = user_profile('id'); if ($action == 'copy') { $node_id = $thread_contents[$old_node_number]['node_id']; $np = thread_copy_node($clang, $user_id, $thread_id, $node_id, $new_node_name, $new_node_title, $new_node_number); } else { $np = thread_create_node($clang, $user_id, $thread_id, $new_node_name, $new_node_title, $new_node_number); } if (!$np) { break; } extract($np); /* node_id node_number node_ignored */ $node_ignored = false; $node_title = $new_node_title; $node_url = url('threadedit', $lang) . '/' . $thread_id . '/' . $node_id; $pos = $node_number; if ($thread_contents) { foreach ($thread_contents as &$c) { if ($c['node_number'] >= $pos) { $c['node_number']++; } if ($c['pos'] >= $pos) { $c['pos']++; } } array_splice($thread_contents, $pos - 1, 0, array(compact('node_id', 'node_title', 'node_number', 'node_ignored', 'node_url', 'pos'))); } else { $pos = 1; $thread_contents = array($pos => compact('node_id', 'node_title', 'node_number', 'node_ignored', 'node_url', 'pos')); } $new_node_name = $new_node_title = false; $new_node_number = $node_number + 1; $old_node_number = false; break; case 'delete': if ($missing_old_node_number or $bad_old_node_number) { break; } if (!$confirmed) { $confirm_delete_node = true; break; } $node_id = $thread_contents[$old_node_number]['node_id']; $r = thread_delete_node($thread_id, $node_id); if (!$r) { break; } unset($thread_contents[$old_node_number]); $thread_contents = array_values($thread_contents); foreach ($thread_contents as &$c) { if ($c['node_number'] >= $old_node_number) { $c['node_number']--; } if ($c['pos'] >= $old_node_number) { $c['pos']--; } } $new_node_number = $old_node_number = false; break; case 'hide': if ($missing_old_node_number or $bad_old_node_number) { break; } $node_id = $thread_contents[$old_node_number]['node_id']; $r = thread_set_node_ignored($thread_id, $node_id, true); if (!$r) { break; } $thread_contents[$old_node_number]['node_ignored'] = true; break; case 'show': if ($missing_old_node_number or $bad_old_node_number) { break; } $node_id = $thread_contents[$old_node_number]['node_id']; $r = thread_set_node_ignored($thread_id, $node_id, false); if (!$r) { break; } $thread_contents[$old_node_number]['node_ignored'] = false; break; case 'reorder': if (!$p) { break; } $neworder = range(1, count($p)); array_multisort($p, SORT_NUMERIC, $neworder); $number = 1; $nc = array(); foreach ($neworder as $i) { $c =& $thread_contents[$i]; if ($c['node_number'] != $number) { thread_set_node_number($thread_id, $c['node_id'], $number); $c['node_number'] = $number; } $c['pos'] = $number; $nc[$number++] = $c; } $thread_contents = $nc; break; default: break; } head('title', $thread_title ? $thread_title : $thread_id); head('description', false); head('keywords', false); head('robots', 'noindex, nofollow'); $headline_text = translate('threadall:title', $lang); $headline_url = url('threadedit', $lang) . '?' . 'clang=' . $clang; $headline = compact('headline_text', 'headline_url'); $view = $thread_name ? url('thread', $clang) . '/' . $thread_id . '?' . 'slang=' . $lang : false; $scroll = true; $banner = build('banner', $lang, $with_toolbar ? compact('headline') : compact('headline', 'view')); $toolbar = $with_toolbar ? build('toolbar', $lang, compact('view', 'scroll')) : false; $title = view('headline', false, $headline); $sidebar = view('sidebar', false, compact('title')); $inlanguages = view('inlanguages', false, compact('clang')); $errors = compact('missing_thread_name', 'bad_thread_name', 'missing_thread_type', 'bad_thread_type', 'missing_new_node_title', 'bad_new_node_title', 'bad_new_node_number', 'missing_old_node_number', 'bad_old_node_number'); $content = view('editing/threadeditsummary', $lang, compact('clang', 'inlanguages', 'supported_threads', 'thread_id', 'thread_type', 'thread_title', 'thread_name', 'thread_abstract', 'thread_cloud', 'thread_image', 'thread_visits', 'thread_search', 'thread_tag', 'thread_comment', 'thread_morecomment', 'thread_vote', 'thread_morevote', 'thread_ilike', 'thread_tweet', 'thread_plusone', 'thread_linkedin', 'thread_pinit', 'thread_contents', 'new_node_name', 'new_node_title', 'new_node_number', 'old_node_number', 'confirm_delete_node', 'errors')); $output = layout('editing', compact('toolbar', 'banner', 'content', 'sidebar')); return $output; }
function nodeeditor($lang, $clang, $node_id, $content_types) { $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['node_edit'])) { $action = 'edit'; } $node_name = $node_title = $node_abstract = $node_cloud = $node_image = $node_comment = $node_morecomment = $node_vote = $node_morevote = false; $node_ilike = $node_tweet = $node_plusone = $node_linkedin = $node_pinit = false; $node_visits = false; $node_nocomment = $node_nomorecomment = $node_novote = $node_nomorevote = true; switch ($action) { case 'init': case 'reset': $r = node_get($clang, $node_id, false); if ($r) { extract($r); } $node_comment = !$node_nocomment; $node_morecomment = !$node_nomorecomment; $node_vote = !$node_novote; $node_morevote = !$node_nomorevote; break; case 'edit': if (isset($_POST['node_title'])) { $node_title = readarg($_POST['node_title']); } if (isset($_POST['node_name'])) { $node_name = strtofname(readarg($_POST['node_name'])); } if (empty($node_name) and !empty($node_title)) { $node_name = strtofname($node_title); } if (isset($_POST['node_abstract'])) { $node_abstract = readarg($_POST['node_abstract']); } if (isset($_POST['node_cloud'])) { $node_cloud = readarg($_POST['node_cloud'], true, false); // trim but DON'T strip! preg_match_all('/(\\S+)/', $node_cloud, $r); $node_cloud = implode(' ', array_unique($r[0])); } if (isset($_POST['node_image'])) { $node_image = readarg($_POST['node_image']); } if (isset($_POST['node_visits'])) { $node_visits = readarg($_POST['node_visits']) == 'on' ? true : false; } if (isset($_POST['node_comment'])) { $node_comment = readarg($_POST['node_comment']) == 'on' ? true : false; $node_nocomment = !$node_comment; } if (isset($_POST['node_morecomment'])) { $node_morecomment = readarg($_POST['node_morecomment']) == 'on' ? true : false; $node_nomorecomment = !$node_morecomment; } if (isset($_POST['node_vote'])) { $node_vote = readarg($_POST['node_vote']) == 'on' ? true : false; $node_novote = !$node_vote; } if (isset($_POST['node_morevote'])) { $node_morevote = readarg($_POST['node_morevote']) == 'on' ? true : false; $node_nomorevote = !$node_morevote; } if (isset($_POST['node_ilike'])) { $node_ilike = readarg($_POST['node_ilike'] == 'on' ? true : false); } if (isset($_POST['node_tweet'])) { $node_tweet = readarg($_POST['node_tweet'] == 'on' ? true : false); } if (isset($_POST['node_plusone'])) { $node_plusone = readarg($_POST['node_plusone'] == 'on' ? true : false); } if (isset($_POST['node_linkedin'])) { $node_linkedin = readarg($_POST['node_linkedin'] == 'on' ? true : false); } if (isset($_POST['node_pinit'])) { $node_pinit = readarg($_POST['node_pinit'] == 'on' ? true : false); } break; default: break; } $missing_node_name = false; $bad_node_name = false; switch ($action) { case 'edit': if (empty($node_name)) { $missing_node_name = true; } else { if (!preg_match('#^\\w+(-\\w+)*$#', $node_name)) { $bad_node_name = true; } } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'edit': if ($missing_node_name or $bad_node_name) { break; } $r = node_set($clang, $node_id, $node_name, $node_title, $node_abstract, $node_cloud, $node_image, $node_visits, $node_nocomment, $node_nomorecomment, $node_novote, $node_nomorevote, $node_ilike, $node_tweet, $node_plusone, $node_linkedin, $node_pinit); if (!$r) { break; } if (!$node_comment) { $node_morecomment = false; } if (!$node_vote) { $node_morevote = false; } break; default: break; } $content_editor = build('nodecontenteditor', $lang, $clang, $node_id, $content_types); $inlanguages = view('inlanguages', false, compact('clang')); $errors = compact('missing_node_name', 'bad_node_name'); $output = view('editing/nodeeditor', $lang, compact('clang', 'inlanguages', 'node_name', 'node_title', 'node_abstract', 'node_cloud', 'node_image', 'node_visits', 'node_comment', 'node_morecomment', 'node_vote', 'node_morevote', 'node_ilike', 'node_tweet', 'node_plusone', 'node_linkedin', 'node_pinit', 'content_editor', 'errors')); return $output; }
function unsubscribe($lang) { $with_captcha = true; $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['unsubscribe_send'])) { $action = 'unsubscribe'; } $confirmed = $code = $token = false; $user_mail = user_profile('mail'); $subscribe_page = false; switch ($action) { case 'init': $subscribe_page = url('newslettersubscribe', $lang); break; case 'unsubscribe': if (isset($_POST['unsubscribe_mail'])) { $user_mail = strtolower(strflat(readarg($_POST['unsubscribe_mail']))); } if (isset($_POST['unsubscribe_confirmed'])) { $confirmed = readarg($_POST['unsubscribe_confirmed']) == 'on' ? true : false; } if (isset($_POST['unsubscribe_code'])) { $code = readarg($_POST['unsubscribe_code']); } if (isset($_POST['unsubscribe_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['unsubscribe_token']); } break; default: break; } $missing_code = false; $bad_code = false; $bad_token = false; $missing_mail = false; $bad_mail = false; $unknown_mail = false; $missing_confirmation = false; $mail_unsubscribed = false; $internal_error = false; $contact_page = false; switch ($action) { case 'unsubscribe': if (!isset($_SESSION['unsubscribe_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['unsubscribe_token']) { $bad_token = true; } if ($with_captcha) { if (!$code) { $missing_code = true; break; } $captcha = isset($_SESSION['captcha']['unsubscribe']) ? $_SESSION['captcha']['unsubscribe'] : false; if (!$captcha or $captcha != strtoupper($code)) { $bad_code = true; break; } } if (!$user_mail) { $missing_mail = true; } else { if (!validate_mail($user_mail) or !is_mail_allowed($user_mail)) { $bad_mail = true; } else { if (!newsletter_get_user($user_mail)) { $unknown_mail = true; } } } if (!$confirmed) { $missing_confirmation = true; } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'unsubscribe': if ($bad_token or $missing_code or $bad_code or $missing_mail or $bad_mail or $unknown_mail or $missing_confirmation) { break; } require_once 'urlencodeaction.php'; $id = 1; // confirmnewsletterunsubscribe, see saction $param = $user_mail; $s64 = urlencodeaction($id, $param); if (!$s64) { $internal_error = true; break; } $saction_page = url('saction', $lang); if (!$saction_page) { $internal_error = true; break; } global $base_url; $url = $base_url . $saction_page . '/' . $s64; require_once 'emailtext.php'; $to = $user_mail; $subject = translate('newsletter:unregister_subject', $lang); $f = translate('newsletter:unregister_text', $lang); $s = sprintf($f, $url); $msg = $s . "\n\n" . translate('email:salutations', $lang); emailtext($msg, $to, $subject, false); $mail_unsubscribed = $user_mail; $confirmed = false; break; default: break; } if ($internal_error) { $contact_page = url('contact', $lang); } $_SESSION['unsubscribe_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('missing_mail', 'bad_mail', 'unknown_mail', 'missing_confirmation', 'missing_code', 'bad_code', 'internal_error', 'contact_page'); $infos = compact('mail_unsubscribed'); $output = view('unsubscribe', $lang, compact('token', 'with_captcha', 'user_mail', 'confirmed', 'subscribe_page', 'errors', 'infos')); return $output; }
function nodecontenteditor($lang, $clang, $node_id, $content_types) { global $contents_model; $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['content_modify'])) { $action = 'modify'; } else { if (isset($_POST['content_create'])) { $action = 'create'; } else { if (isset($_POST['content_delete'])) { $action = 'delete'; } } } $new_content_type = $new_content_number = false; $old_content_number = false; $node_contents = false; $id = false; $p = false; switch ($action) { case 'init': case 'reset': $r = node_get_contents($clang, $node_id); if ($r) { $pos = 1; $node_contents = array(); foreach ($r as $c) { $c['content_pos'] = $c['content_number']; $node_contents[$pos] = $c; $pos++; } } break; case 'modify': case 'create': case 'delete': if (isset($_POST['content_new_type'])) { $new_content_type = readarg($_POST['content_new_type']); } if (isset($_POST['content_new_number'])) { $new_content_number = readarg($_POST['content_new_number']); } if (isset($_POST['content_old_number'])) { $old_content_number = readarg($_POST['content_old_number']); } if (isset($_POST['content_id'])) { $id = $_POST['content_id']; // DON'T readarg! } if (isset($_POST['content_p'])) { $p = $_POST['content_p']; // DON'T readarg! } if (isset($_POST['content_ignored'])) { $ignored = $_POST['content_ignored']; // DON'T readarg! } break; default: break; } $bad_contents = false; switch ($action) { case 'create': case 'delete': case 'modify': if (!$id or !$p and !(is_array($id) and is_array($p) and count($id) == count($p))) { $bad_contents = true; } else { foreach ($id as $i => $v) { if (!is_numeric($v) or !(isset($p[$i]) and is_numeric($p[$i]))) { $bad_contents = true; break; } } } if ($bad_contents) { break; } $node_contents = array(); foreach ($contents_model as $type => $fields) { foreach ($fields as $fname => $props) { $fieldname = "content_{$type}_{$fname}"; if (isset($_POST[$fieldname]) and is_array($_POST[$fieldname])) { foreach ($_POST[$fieldname] as $i => $value) { $v = readarg($value, true, false); // trim but DON'T strip_tags! if (!isset($node_contents[$i])) { $content_ignored = isset($ignored[$i]) && $ignored[$i] == 'on'; $node_contents[$i] = array('content_id' => $id[$i], 'content_pos' => $p[$i], 'content_ignored' => $content_ignored, 'content_type' => $type, $fieldname => $v); } else { $node_contents[$i][$fieldname] = $v; } } } } } if (!$node_contents) { $bad_contents = true; break; } ksort($node_contents); break; default: break; } $missing_new_content_type = false; $bad_new_content_type = false; $bad_new_content_number = false; $missing_old_content_number = false; $bad_old_content_number = false; switch ($action) { case 'create': if (empty($new_content_type)) { $missing_new_content_type = true; } else { if (!$content_types or !in_array($new_content_type, $content_types)) { $bad_new_content_type = true; } } if (empty($new_content_number)) { $new_content_number = false; } else { if (!is_numeric($new_content_number)) { $bad_new_content_number = true; } else { if ($new_content_number < 1) { $bad_new_content_number = true; } else { if ($new_content_number > count($node_contents)) { $new_content_number = false; } } } } break; case 'delete': if (empty($old_content_number)) { $missing_old_content_number = true; } else { if (!is_numeric($old_content_number)) { $bad_old_content_number = true; } else { if ($old_content_number < 1 or $old_content_number > count($node_contents)) { $bad_old_content_number = true; } } } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'create': if ($missing_new_content_type or $bad_new_content_type or $bad_new_content_number) { break; } $nc = node_create_content($clang, $node_id, $new_content_type, $new_content_number); if (!$nc) { break; } $content_id = $nc['content_id']; $content_pos = $nc['content_number']; $content_type = $new_content_type; $content_ignored = false; $fields = compact('content_pos', 'content_id', 'content_type', 'content_ignored'); foreach ($contents_model[$content_type] as $fname => $props) { $fieldname = "content_{$content_type}_{$fname}"; $fields[$fieldname] = isset($props['default']) ? $props['default'] : false; } if ($node_contents) { foreach ($node_contents as &$c) { if ($c['content_pos'] >= $content_pos) { $c['content_pos']++; } } array_splice($node_contents, $content_pos - 1, 0, array($fields)); } else { $content_pos = 1; $node_contents = array($content_pos => $fields); } if ($new_content_number) { $new_content_number++; } $new_content_type = false; break; case 'delete': if ($missing_old_content_number or $bad_old_content_number) { break; } $c = $node_contents[$old_content_number]; $content_id = $c['content_id']; $content_type = $c['content_type']; $r = node_delete_content($node_id, $content_id, $content_type); if (!$r) { break; } unset($node_contents[$old_content_number]); $node_contents = array_values($node_contents); foreach ($node_contents as &$c) { if ($c['content_pos'] >= $old_content_number) { $c['content_pos']--; } } $old_content_number = false; break; case 'modify': if ($bad_contents) { break; } $neworder = range(1, count($p)); array_multisort($p, SORT_NUMERIC, $neworder); $number = 1; $nc = array(); foreach ($neworder as $i) { $c =& $node_contents[$i]; $c['content_pos'] = $number; $nc[$number++] = $c; } $node_contents = $nc; $r = node_set_contents($clang, $node_id, $node_contents); if (!$r) { break; } break; default: break; } $errors = compact('missing_new_content_type', 'bad_new_content_type', 'bad_new_content_number', 'missing_old_content_number', 'bad_old_content_number'); $output = view('editing/nodecontenteditor', $lang, compact('clang', 'content_types', 'new_content_type', 'new_content_number', 'old_content_number', 'node_contents', 'errors')); return $output; }
function useredit($lang, $user_id) { global $system_languages, $supported_roles; $is_admin = user_has_role('administrator'); $is_owner = $user_id == user_profile('id'); $with_name = true; $with_status = ($user_id != 1 and $is_admin); $with_delete = ($user_id != 1 and $is_admin and !$is_owner); $with_newpassword = false; // ($user_id != 1 and $is_owner); $with_locale = count($system_languages) > 1 ? true : false; $with_role = ($user_id != 1 and $is_admin); $with_timezone = ($user_id != 1 and $is_admin); $with_website = true; $with_info = false; $confirmed = false; $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['useredit_modify'])) { $action = 'modify'; } if ($with_newpassword) { if (isset($_POST['useredit_change'])) { $action = 'change'; } } if ($with_delete) { if (isset($_POST['useredit_delete'])) { $action = 'delete'; } else { if (isset($_POST['useredit_confirmdelete'])) { $action = 'delete'; $confirmed = true; } else { if (isset($_POST['useredit_cancel'])) { $action = 'cancel'; } } } } $user_name = $user_mail = $user_locale = $user_timezone = false; $user_website = false; $user_active = $user_banned = false; $user_accessed = false; $user_role = false; $user_newpassword = false; $user_lastname = $user_firstname = false; $token = false; switch ($action) { case 'init': case 'reset': $r = user_get($user_id); if ($r) { extract($r); /* user_name user_password user_newpassword user_seed user_mail user_timezone user_website user_created user_modified user_accessed user_locale user_active user_banned */ } $user_newpassword = false; if ($with_info) { $r = user_get_info($user_id); if ($r) { extract($r); /* user_lastname, user_firstname */ } } if ($with_role) { $user_role = user_get_role($user_id); } break; case 'modify': case 'change': case 'delete': case 'cancel': if ($with_info) { if (isset($_POST['useredit_lastname'])) { $user_lastname = readarg($_POST['useredit_lastname']); } if (isset($_POST['useredit_firstname'])) { $user_firstname = readarg($_POST['useredit_firstname']); } } if (isset($_POST['useredit_name'])) { $user_name = strtolower(strflat(readarg($_POST['useredit_name']))); } if (isset($_POST['useredit_mail'])) { $user_mail = strtolower(strflat(readarg($_POST['useredit_mail']))); } if (isset($_POST['useredit_website'])) { $user_website = strtolower(strflat(readarg($_POST['useredit_website']))); } if (isset($_POST['useredit_timezone'])) { $user_timezone = readarg($_POST['useredit_timezone']); } if (isset($_POST['useredit_locale'])) { $user_locale = readarg($_POST['useredit_locale']); } if ($with_role) { if (isset($_POST['useredit_role'])) { $user_role = readarg($_POST['useredit_role']); } } if ($with_status) { if (isset($_POST['useredit_active'])) { $user_active = readarg($_POST['useredit_active']) == 'on'; } if (isset($_POST['useredit_banned'])) { $user_banned = readarg($_POST['useredit_banned']) == 'on'; } if (isset($_POST['useredit_accessed'])) { $user_accessed = (int) readarg($_POST['useredit_accessed']); } } if ($with_newpassword) { if (isset($_POST['useredit_newpassword'])) { $user_newpassword = readarg($_POST['useredit_newpassword']); } } if (isset($_POST['useredit_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['useredit_token']); } break; default: break; } $bad_token = false; $missing_lastname = false; $missing_firstname = false; $missing_name = false; $bad_name = false; $duplicated_name = false; $missing_mail = false; $bad_mail = false; $duplicated_mail = false; $bad_role = false; $bad_website = false; $missing_locale = false; $bad_locale = false; $bad_timezone = false; $missing_newpassword = false; $bad_newpassword = false; $account_modified = false; $password_changed = false; $internal_error = false; $contact_page = false; switch ($action) { case 'modify': if (!isset($_SESSION['useredit_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['useredit_token']) { $bad_token = true; } if ($with_info) { if (!$user_lastname) { $missing_lastname = true; } if (!$user_firstname) { $missing_firstname = true; } } if ($with_name and !$user_name) { $missing_name = true; } if ($user_name) { if (!validate_user_name($user_name)) { $bad_name = true; } else { if (!user_check_name($user_name, $user_id)) { $duplicated_name = true; } } } if (!$user_mail) { $missing_mail = true; } else { if (!validate_mail($user_mail)) { $bad_mail = true; } else { if (!user_check_mail($user_mail, $user_id)) { $duplicated_mail = true; } } } if ($user_role) { foreach ($user_role as $role) { if (!validate_role($role)) { $bad_role = true; break; } } } if ($user_website) { if (!validate_website($user_website)) { $bad_website = true; } else { $user_website = normalize_website($user_website); } } if ($user_timezone) { if (!validate_timezone($user_timezone)) { $bad_timezone = true; } } if ($with_locale and !$user_locale) { $missing_locale = true; } if ($user_locale) { if (!validate_locale($user_locale)) { $bad_locale = true; } } break; case 'change': if (!$user_newpassword) { $missing_newpassword = true; } else { if (!validate_password($user_newpassword)) { $bad_newpassword = true; } } break; default: break; } $confirm_delete = false; switch ($action) { case 'modify': if ($bad_token or $missing_name or $bad_name or $duplicated_name or $missing_mail or $bad_mail or $duplicated_mail or $bad_role or $bad_website or $bad_timezone or $missing_locale or $bad_locale or $missing_lastname or $missing_firstname) { break; } $r = user_set($user_id, $user_name, $user_mail, $user_website, $user_locale, $user_timezone); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } if ($is_owner) { $_SESSION['user']['name'] = $user_name; $_SESSION['user']['mail'] = $user_mail; $_SESSION['user']['website'] = $user_website; $_SESSION['user']['locale'] = $user_locale; $_SESSION['user']['timezone'] = $user_timezone; } if ($with_info) { $r = user_set_info($user_id, $user_lastname, $user_firstname); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } if ($is_owner) { $_SESSION['user']['lastname'] = $user_lastname; $_SESSION['user']['firstname'] = $user_firstname; } } if ($with_role) { $r = user_set_role($user_id, $user_role); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } } if ($with_status) { $r = user_set_status($user_id, $user_active, $user_banned); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } } $account_modified = true; break; case 'change': if ($missing_newpassword or $bad_newpassword) { break; } $r = user_set_newpassword($user_id, $user_newpassword); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } $password_changed = true; break; case 'delete': if (!$confirmed) { $confirm_delete = true; break; } $r = user_delete($user_id); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } return false; default: break; } $user_newpassword = false; if ($internal_error) { $contact_page = url('contact', $lang); } $_SESSION['useredit_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('missing_name', 'bad_name', 'duplicated_name', 'missing_mail', 'bad_mail', 'duplicated_mail', 'bad_timezone', 'bad_website', 'missing_locale', 'bad_locale', 'missing_newpassword', 'bad_newpassword', 'missing_lastname', 'missing_firstname', 'internal_error', 'contact_page'); $infos = compact('account_modified', 'password_changed'); $output = view('useredit', $lang, compact('token', 'errors', 'infos', 'with_name', 'user_name', 'user_mail', 'with_timezone', 'user_timezone', 'with_website', 'user_website', 'with_role', 'user_role', 'supported_roles', 'with_locale', 'user_locale', 'with_status', 'user_banned', 'user_active', 'user_accessed', 'with_newpassword', 'user_newpassword', 'with_info', 'user_lastname', 'user_firstname', 'with_delete', 'confirm_delete')); return $output; }
function postnews($lang, $newsletter_id, $page_id) { $postdate = $scheduled = $mailed = false; $r = newsletter_get_post($newsletter_id, $page_id, $lang); if ($r) { extract($r); // newsletter_post_scheduled, newsletter_post_mailed $scheduled = $newsletter_post_scheduled; $mailed = $newsletter_post_mailed; } if ($mailed) { return view('postnews', $lang, compact('mailed')); } $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['postnews_post']) and !$scheduled) { $action = 'post'; } else { if (isset($_POST['postnews_cancel']) and $scheduled and !$mailed) { $action = 'cancel'; } } $hmin = 8; $hmax = 18; $token = false; $date = false; $hour = $hmin; $minute = 0; switch ($action) { case 'init': break; case 'post': if (isset($_POST['postnews_date'])) { $date = readarg($_POST['postnews_date']); } if (isset($_POST['postnews_hour'])) { $hour = readarg($_POST['postnews_hour']); } if (isset($_POST['postnews_minute'])) { $minute = readarg($_POST['postnews_minute']); } if (isset($_POST['postnews_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['postnews_token']); } break; case 'cancel': break; default: break; } $bad_token = false; $missing_date = false; $bad_date = false; $internal_error = false; switch ($action) { case 'post': if (!isset($_SESSION['postnews_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['postnews_token']) { $bad_token = true; } if (!is_numeric($hour)) { $hour = $hmin; } else { if ($hour < $hmin) { $hour = $hmin; } else { if ($hour >= $hmax) { $hour = $hmax; $minute = 0; } } } if (!is_numeric($minute)) { $minute = 0; } else { if ($minute < 0) { $minute = 0; } else { if ($minute > 59) { $minute = 59; } } } if (!$date) { $missing_date = true; } else { if (!preg_match('#^([0-9]{4})([/-])([0-9]{2})\\2([0-9]{2})$#', $date, $d)) { $bad_date = true; } else { if (!checkdate($d[3], $d[4], $d[1])) { $bad_date = true; } } } if ($missing_date or $bad_date) { break; } $postdate = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $d[3], $d[4], $d[1]); if ($postdate < mktime($hmin, 0, 0)) { $bad_date = true; } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'post': if ($bad_token or $missing_date or $bad_date) { break; } $r = newsletter_schedule_post($newsletter_id, $page_id, $lang, $postdate); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } $scheduled = $postdate; break; case 'cancel': $r = newsletter_cancel_post($newsletter_id, $page_id, $lang); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } $scheduled = false; break; default: break; } if (!$scheduled) { $postdate = mktime($hour, $minute, 0); if (time() > mktime($hmax + 1, 0, 0)) { $postdate = strtotime('+1 day', $postdate); } } $_SESSION['postnews_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('missing_date', 'bad_date', 'internal_error'); $output = view('postnews', $lang, compact('token', 'scheduled', 'mailed', 'hmin', 'hmax', 'postdate', 'errors')); return $output; }
function mailme($lang, $to = false, $with_appointment = false, $with_captcha = true, $with_home = true) { $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['mailme_send'])) { $action = 'send'; } $mail = $subject = $message = $date = $hour = $minute = $code = $token = false; if (isset($_SESSION['user']['mail'])) { $mail = $_SESSION['user']['mail']; } switch ($action) { case 'send': if (isset($_POST['mailme_mail'])) { $mail = strtolower(strflat(readarg($_POST['mailme_mail']))); } if (isset($_POST['mailme_subject'])) { $subject = readarg($_POST['mailme_subject']); } if (isset($_POST['mailme_message'])) { $message = readarg($_POST['mailme_message']); } if ($with_appointment) { if (isset($_POST['mailme_date'])) { $date = readarg($_POST['mailme_date']); } if (isset($_POST['mailme_hour'])) { $hour = readarg($_POST['mailme_hour']); } if (isset($_POST['mailme_minute'])) { $minute = readarg($_POST['mailme_minute']); } } if (isset($_POST['mailme_code'])) { $code = readarg($_POST['mailme_code']); } if (isset($_POST['mailme_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['mailme_token']); } break; default: break; } $missing_code = false; $bad_code = false; $bad_token = false; $missing_mail = false; $bad_mail = false; $missing_subject = false; $bad_subject = false; $missing_message = false; $bad_appointment = false; $email_sent = false; $home_page = false; $internal_error = false; switch ($action) { case 'send': if (!isset($_SESSION['mailme_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['mailme_token']) { $bad_token = true; } if ($with_captcha) { if (!$code) { $missing_code = true; break; } $captcha = isset($_SESSION['captcha']['mailme']) ? $_SESSION['captcha']['mailme'] : false; if (!$captcha or $captcha != strtoupper($code)) { $bad_code = true; break; } } if (!$mail) { $missing_mail = true; } else { if (!validate_mail($mail)) { $bad_mail = true; } } if (!$subject) { $missing_subject = true; } else { if (is_mail_injected($subject)) { $bad_subject = true; } } if (!$message) { $missing_message = true; } if ($with_appointment) { if ($date) { if (!preg_match('#^([0-9]{4})([/-])([0-9]{2})\\2([0-9]{2})$#', $date, $d)) { $bad_appointment = true; } else { if (!checkdate($d[3], $d[4], $d[1])) { $bad_appointment = true; } else { if (mktime(0, 0, 0, $d[3], $d[4], $d[1]) <= mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("y"))) { $bad_appointment = true; } } } } if (is_numeric($hour) and is_numeric($minute)) { if ($hour < 0 or $hour > 23 or $minute < 0 or $minute > 59) { $bad_appointment = true; } } } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'send': if ($bad_token or $missing_code or $bad_code or $missing_mail or $bad_mail or $missing_subject or $bad_subject or $missing_message or $bad_appointment) { break; } require_once 'emailme.php'; if ($date) { $f = translate('email:appointment', $lang); $s = sprintf($f ? $f : "%s %02d:%02d", $date, $hour, $minute); $message .= "\n\n{$s}"; } $r = emailme($subject, $message, $mail, $to); if (!$r) { $internal_error = true; break; } $subject = $message = $date = $hour = $minute = false; if ($with_home) { global $home_action; $home_page = url($home_action, $lang); } $email_sent = true; break; default: break; } $_SESSION['mailme_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('missing_code', 'bad_code', 'missing_mail', 'bad_mail', 'missing_subject', 'bad_subject', 'missing_message', 'bad_appointment', 'internal_error'); $infos = compact('email_sent', 'home_page'); $output = view('mailme', $lang, compact('token', 'with_captcha', 'with_appointment', 'mail', 'subject', 'message', 'date', 'hour', 'minute', 'errors', 'infos')); return $output; }
function upload($lang) { $maxfilesize = 1000000; $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['upload_put'])) { $action = 'upload'; } $file = $name = $type = $error = false; $size = 0; $token = false; switch ($action) { case 'upload': if (isset($_POST['upload_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['upload_token']); } if (isset($_FILES['upload_file'])) { if (isset($_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'])) { $file = $_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name']; } if (isset($_FILES['upload_file']['error'])) { $error = $_FILES['upload_file']['error']; } if (isset($_FILES['upload_file']['name'])) { $name = $_FILES['upload_file']['name']; } if (isset($_FILES['upload_file']['type'])) { $type = $_FILES['upload_file']['type']; } if (isset($_FILES['upload_file']['size'])) { $size = $_FILES['upload_file']['size']; } } break; default: break; } $bad_token = false; $missing_file = false; $bad_file = false; $bad_name = false; $bad_size = false; $bad_copy = false; $copy_error = false; $file_copied = false; switch ($action) { case 'upload': if (!isset($_SESSION['upload_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['upload_token']) { $bad_token = true; break; } if (!$file) { $missing_file = true; } else { if (!is_uploaded_file($file)) { $bad_file = true; } else { if ($error != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $bad_copy = true; } else { if ($size > $maxfilesize) { $bad_size = true; } else { if (!validate_filename($name) or !is_filename_allowed($name)) { $bad_name = true; } } } } } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'upload': if ($bad_token or $missing_file or $bad_file or $bad_size or $bad_name or $bad_copy) { break; } $filecopy = FILES_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; if (!@move_uploaded_file($file, $filecopy)) { $copy_error = true; break; } $file_copied = true; break; default: break; } $_SESSION['upload_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('missing_file', 'bad_file', 'bad_size', 'bad_name', 'bad_copy', 'copy_error'); $infos = compact('file_copied'); $output = view('upload', $lang, compact('token', 'maxfilesize', 'name', 'errors', 'infos')); return $output; }
function threadeditall($lang, $clang) { global $supported_threads, $with_toolbar; if (!user_has_role('writer')) { return run('error/unauthorized', $lang); } $confirmed = false; $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['thread_create'])) { $action = 'create'; } else { if (isset($_POST['thread_delete'])) { $action = 'delete'; } else { if (isset($_POST['thread_confirmdelete'])) { $action = 'delete'; $confirmed = true; } else { if (isset($_POST['threadlist_reorder'])) { $action = 'reorder'; } } } } $new_thread_name = $new_thread_title = $new_thread_type = $new_thread_number = false; $old_thread_number = false; $p = false; switch ($action) { case 'init': case 'reset': break; case 'create': case 'delete': case 'reorder': if (isset($_POST['new_thread_title'])) { $new_thread_title = readarg($_POST['new_thread_title']); } if ($new_thread_title) { $new_thread_name = strtofname($new_thread_title); } if (isset($_POST['new_thread_number'])) { $new_thread_number = readarg($_POST['new_thread_number']); } if (isset($_POST['new_thread_type'])) { $new_thread_type = readarg($_POST['new_thread_type']); } if (isset($_POST['old_thread_number'])) { $old_thread_number = readarg($_POST['old_thread_number']); } if (isset($_POST['p'])) { $p = $_POST['p']; // DON'T readarg! } default: break; } $thread_list = array(); $r = thread_list($clang, false, false); if (!$r or count($r) != count($p)) { $p = false; } if ($r) { $pos = 1; $thread_url = url('threadedit', $lang); foreach ($r as $b) { $b['thread_url'] = $thread_url . '/' . $b['thread_id']; $b['pos'] = $p ? $p[$pos] : $pos; $thread_list[$pos] = $b; $pos++; } } $missing_new_thread_title = false; $missing_new_thread_name = false; $bad_new_thread_name = false; $missing_new_thread_type = false; $bad_new_thread_type = false; $bad_new_thread_number = false; $missing_old_thread_number = false; $bad_old_thread_number = false; switch ($action) { case 'create': if (!$new_thread_title) { $missing_new_thread_title = true; } if (!$new_thread_name) { $missing_new_thread_name = true; } else { if (!preg_match('#^[\\w-]{2,}$#', $new_thread_name)) { $bad_new_thread_name = true; } } if (!$new_thread_number) { $bad_new_thread_number = false; } else { if (!is_numeric($new_thread_number)) { $bad_new_thread_number = true; } else { if ($new_thread_number < 1 or $new_thread_number > count($thread_list) + 1) { $bad_new_thread_number = true; } } } if (!$new_thread_type) { $missing_new_thread_type = true; } else { if (!in_array($new_thread_type, $supported_threads)) { $bad_new_thread_type = true; } } break; case 'delete': if (!$old_thread_number) { $missing_old_thread_number = true; } else { if (!is_numeric($old_thread_number)) { $bad_old_thread_number = true; } else { if ($old_thread_number < 1 or $old_thread_number > count($thread_list)) { $bad_old_thread_number = true; } } } break; default: break; } $confirm_delete_thread = false; switch ($action) { case 'create': if ($missing_new_thread_title or $missing_new_thread_name or $bad_new_thread_name or $bad_new_thread_number or $missing_new_thread_type or $bad_new_thread_type) { break; } $user_id = user_profile('id'); $np = thread_create($clang, $user_id, $new_thread_name, $new_thread_title, $new_thread_type, $new_thread_number); if (!$np) { break; } extract($np); /* thread_id thread_number */ $thread_title = $new_thread_title; $thread_url = url('threadedit', $lang) . '/' . $thread_id; $pos = $thread_number; if ($thread_list) { foreach ($thread_list as &$tr) { if ($tr['thread_number'] >= $pos) { $tr['thread_number']++; } if ($tr['pos'] >= $pos) { $tr['pos']++; } } array_splice($thread_list, $pos - 1, 0, array(compact('thread_id', 'thread_title', 'thread_number', 'thread_url', 'pos'))); array_multisort(range(1, count($thread_list)), $thread_list); } else { $pos = 1; $thread_list = array($pos => compact('thread_id', 'thread_title', 'thread_number', 'thread_url', 'pos')); } break; case 'delete': if ($missing_old_thread_number or $bad_old_thread_number) { break; } if (!$confirmed) { $confirm_delete_thread = true; break; } $thread_id = $thread_list[$old_thread_number]['thread_id']; $r = thread_delete($thread_id); if (!$r) { break; } unset($thread_list[$old_thread_number]); foreach ($thread_list as &$b) { if ($b['pos'] >= $old_thread_number) { $b['pos']--; } } $old_thread_number = false; break; case 'reorder': if (!$p) { break; } $neworder = range(1, count($p)); array_multisort($p, SORT_NUMERIC, $neworder); $number = 1; $nl = array(); foreach ($neworder as $i) { $tr =& $thread_list[$i]; if ($tr['thread_number'] != $number) { thread_set_number($tr['thread_id'], $number); $tr['thread_number'] = $number; } $tr['pos'] = $number; $nl[$number++] = $tr; } $thread_list = $nl; break; default: break; } head('title', translate('threadall:title', $lang)); head('description', false); head('keywords', false); head('robots', 'noindex, nofollow'); $site_title = translate('title', $lang); $view = url('thread', $clang) . '?' . 'slang=' . $lang; $banner = build('banner', $lang, $with_toolbar ? compact('headline') : compact('headline', 'view')); $scroll = true; $toolbar = $with_toolbar ? build('toolbar', $lang, compact('view', 'scroll')) : false; $inlanguages = view('inlanguages', false, compact('clang')); $errors = compact('missing_new_thread_title', 'bad_new_thread_title', 'missing_new_thread_name', 'missing_new_thread_type', 'bad_new_thread_name', 'bad_new_thread_type', 'bad_new_thread_number', 'missing_old_thread_number', 'bad_old_thread_number'); $content = view('editing/threadeditall', $lang, compact('clang', 'site_title', 'inlanguages', 'supported_threads', 'thread_list', 'new_thread_title', 'new_thread_type', 'new_thread_number', 'old_thread_number', 'confirm_delete_thread', 'errors')); $output = layout('editing', compact('toolbar', 'banner', 'content')); return $output; }
function configure($lang) { global $system_languages; global $base_url; $writable_files = array(CONFIG_DIRNAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DB_INC, CONFIG_DIRNAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . CONFIG_INC, CONFIG_DIRNAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ALIASES_INC, LOGOS_DIRNAME . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . SITELOGO_PNG, SITEMAP_XML, ROBOTS_TXT, AVATARS_DIRNAME, LOG_DIRNAME, TMP_DIRNAME, PHPQRCODECACHE_DIRNAME); $bad_write_permission = false; foreach ($writable_files as $fname) { $fpath = ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fname; clearstatcache(true, $fpath); if (!is_writable($fpath)) { if (!is_array($bad_write_permission)) { $bad_write_permission = array(); } $bad_write_permission[] = $fname; } } $token = false; if (isset($_POST['configure_token'])) { $token = readarg($_POST['configure_token']); } $action = 'init'; if (isset($_POST['configure_configure'])) { $action = 'configure'; } $sitename = $webmaster = ''; $content_languages = false; $default_language = false; $db_flag = false; $db_type = 'mysql'; $db_reuse = false; $db_host = 'localhost'; $db_admin_user = $db_admin_password = ''; $db_name = $db_user = $db_password = $db_prefix = ''; $site_admin_user = $site_admin_password = ''; switch ($action) { case 'init': $sitename = ''; $webmaster = '*****@*****.**'; $content_languages = array($lang); $default_language = $lang; $db_flag = true; $db_reuse = false; $db_name = 'mysite'; $db_user = '******'; $db_prefix = 'mysite_'; do { $db_password = newpassword(8); } while (!validate_password($db_password)); break; case 'configure': if (isset($_POST['configure_sitename'])) { $sitename = readarg($_POST['configure_sitename']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_webmaster'])) { $webmaster = readarg($_POST['configure_webmaster']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_content_languages'])) { $content_languages = readarg($_POST['configure_content_languages']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_default_language'])) { $default_language = readarg($_POST['configure_default_language']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_db_flag'])) { $db_flag = readarg($_POST['configure_db_flag']) == 'yes' ? true : false; } if (isset($_POST['configure_db_type'])) { $db_type = readarg($_POST['configure_db_type']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_db_reuse'])) { $db_reuse = readarg($_POST['configure_db_reuse']) == 'yes' ? true : false; } if (isset($_POST['configure_db_admin_user'])) { $db_admin_user = readarg($_POST['configure_db_admin_user']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_db_admin_password'])) { $db_admin_password = readarg($_POST['configure_db_admin_password']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_db_name'])) { $db_name = readarg($_POST['configure_db_name']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_db_host'])) { $db_host = readarg($_POST['configure_db_host']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_db_user'])) { $db_user = readarg($_POST['configure_db_user']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_db_password'])) { $db_password = readarg($_POST['configure_db_password']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_db_prefix'])) { $db_prefix = readarg($_POST['configure_db_prefix']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_site_admin_user'])) { $site_admin_user = readarg($_POST['configure_site_admin_user']); } if (isset($_POST['configure_site_admin_password'])) { $site_admin_password = readarg($_POST['configure_site_admin_password']); } break; default: break; } $bad_token = false; $missing_sitename = false; $missing_webmaster = false; $missing_content_languages = false; $bad_content_languages = false; $missing_default_language = false; $bad_default_language = false; $missing_db_admin_user = false; $missing_db_admin_password = false; $bad_db_type = false; $missing_db_name = false; $bad_db_name = false; $bad_db_prefix = false; $missing_db_host = false; $bad_db_host = false; $missing_db_user = false; $bad_db_user = false; $missing_db_password = false; $weak_db_password = false; $missing_site_admin_user = false; $bad_site_admin_user = false; $missing_site_admin_password = false; $weak_site_admin_password = false; $db_error = false; $file_error = false; $internal_error = false; switch ($action) { case 'configure': if (!isset($_SESSION['configure_token']) or $token != $_SESSION['configure_token']) { $bad_token = true; } if (empty($sitename)) { $missing_sitename = true; } if (empty($webmaster)) { $missing_webmaster = true; } if (empty($content_languages)) { $missing_content_languages = true; } else { if (!is_array($content_languages)) { $bad_content_languages = true; } else { foreach ($content_languages as $clang) { if (!in_array($clang, $system_languages)) { $bad_content_languages = true; break; } } if (empty($default_language)) { $default_language = $content_languages[0]; } else { if (!in_array($default_language, $content_languages)) { $bad_default_language = true; } } } } if ($db_flag) { if (empty($db_name)) { $missing_db_name = true; } else { if (!$db_reuse and !validate_db_name($db_name)) { $bad_db_name = true; } } if (empty($db_type) or !in_array($db_type, array('mysql', 'pgsql'))) { $bad_db_type = true; } if (!empty($db_prefix) and !validate_db_name($db_prefix)) { $bad_db_prefix = true; } if (!$db_reuse) { if (empty($db_admin_user)) { $missing_db_admin_user = true; } if (empty($db_admin_password)) { $missing_db_admin_password = true; } } if (empty($db_host)) { $missing_db_host = true; } else { if (!(validate_host_name($db_host) or validate_ip_address($db_host))) { $bad_db_host = true; } } if (empty($db_user)) { $missing_db_user = true; } else { if (!$db_reuse and !validate_db_name($db_user)) { $bad_db_user = true; } } if (empty($db_password)) { $missing_db_password = true; } else { if (!$db_reuse and !validate_password($db_password)) { $weak_db_password = true; } } if (empty($site_admin_user)) { $missing_site_admin_user = true; } else { if (!validate_db_name($site_admin_user)) { $bad_site_admin_user = true; } } if (empty($site_admin_password)) { $missing_site_admin_password = true; } else { if (!validate_password($site_admin_password)) { $weak_site_admin_password = true; } } } break; default: break; } switch ($action) { case 'configure': if ($bad_token or $bad_write_permission or $missing_sitename or $missing_webmaster or $missing_content_languages or $bad_default_language or $missing_db_admin_user or $missing_db_admin_password or $missing_db_name or $bad_db_name or $bad_db_type or $missing_db_host or $bad_db_host or $missing_db_user or $bad_db_user or $missing_db_password or $weak_db_password or $missing_site_admin_user or $bad_site_admin_user or $missing_site_admin_password or $weak_site_admin_password) { break; } $site_admin_mail = $site_admin_user . '@' . $sitename; $languages = array($default_language); foreach ($content_languages as $clang) { if ($clang != $default_language) { $languages[] = $clang; } } if ($db_flag) { switch ($db_type) { case 'pgsql': require_once 'configurepgsql.php'; break; case 'mysql': default: require_once 'configuremysql.php'; break; } if (!$db_reuse) { try { create_db($db_admin_user, $db_admin_password, 'localhost', $db_name, $db_user, $db_password); } catch (PDOException $e) { $db_error = $e->getMessage(); break; } } try { init_db($db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_password, $db_prefix, $site_admin_user, $site_admin_password, $site_admin_mail, $default_language); } catch (PDOException $e) { $db_error = $e->getMessage(); break; } $img = identicon($site_admin_user, AVATAR_SIZE); @imagepng($img, AVATARS_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $site_admin_user . '.png'); $db_inc = build_db_inc($db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_password, $db_prefix, $db_type); $config_inc = build_config_inc($sitename, $webmaster, $site_admin_user, 1, 'home', 'page', $languages); $features = array('captcha', 'avatar', 'rssfeed', 'home', 'contact', 'user', 'nobody', 'account', 'password', 'newuser', 'search', 'suggest', 'download', 'admin', 'adminuser', 'pagecontent', 'pagevisit', 'page', 'editpage', 'folder', 'folderedit', 'story', 'storyedit', 'book', 'bookedit', 'newsletter', 'newsletteredit', 'newslettersubscribe', 'newsletterunsubscribe', 'thread', 'threadedit', 'node', 'editnode', 'donation', 'paypalreturn', 'paypalcancel', 'sslverifyclient', 'saction'); $aliases_inc = build_aliases_inc($features, $languages); } else { $db_inc = build_db_inc(false, false, false, false, false, false); $config_inc = build_config_inc($sitename, $webmaster, $site_admin_user, false, 'homepage', 'anypage', $languages); $features = array('captcha', 'avatar', 'rssfeed', 'homepage', 'contact', 'donation', 'paypalreturn', 'paypalcancel', 'sslverifyclient', 'saction'); $aliases_inc = build_aliases_inc($features, $languages); } if (!$db_inc or !$config_inc or !$aliases_inc) { $internal_error = true; break; } if (!@file_put_contents(CONFIG_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . DB_INC, array('<?php', $db_inc))) { $file_error = true; break; } if (!@file_put_contents(CONFIG_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . CONFIG_INC, array('<?php', $config_inc))) { $file_error = true; break; } if (!@file_put_contents(CONFIG_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ALIASES_INC, array("<?php", $aliases_inc))) { $file_error = true; break; } $sitemap_xml = build_sitemap_xml($sitename, $languages); @file_put_contents(ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . SITEMAP_XML, array('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', "\n", $sitemap_xml)); $robots_txt = build_robots_txt($sitename, $languages); @file_put_contents(ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ROBOTS_TXT, $robots_txt); $logo = strlogo($sitename); @imagepng($logo, LOGOS_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . SITELOGO_PNG, 9, PNG_ALL_FILTERS); imagedestroy($logo); session_reopen(); reload($base_url); return false; default: break; } $_SESSION['configure_token'] = $token = token_id(); $errors = compact('bad_write_permission', 'missing_sitename', 'missing_webmaster', 'missing_content_languages', 'bad_default_language', 'missing_db_admin_user', 'missing_db_admin_password', 'bad_db_type', 'missing_db_name', 'bad_db_name', 'missing_db_host', 'bad_db_host', 'bad_db_prefix', 'missing_db_user', 'bad_db_user', 'missing_db_password', 'weak_db_password', 'missing_site_admin_user', 'bad_site_admin_user', 'missing_site_admin_password', 'weak_site_admin_password'); $output = view('configure', $lang, compact('token', 'sitename', 'webmaster', 'db_error', 'file_error', 'internal_error', 'content_languages', 'default_language', 'db_flag', 'db_type', 'db_reuse', 'db_admin_user', 'db_admin_password', 'db_name', 'db_host', 'db_prefix', 'db_user', 'db_password', 'site_admin_user', 'site_admin_password', 'errors')); return $output; }