function add_notify_create_wish() { $complete = __('Your wish was created'); $int_failed = __('You have some problems with creating your wish! Try again!'); $void = __('The title, the sum and the content in the form must be filled'); $goal = __('The sum must be integer and less than $1 000 000'); $images_fail = __('There is an error in uploading the image or you have not permission to upload the image! But your wish was created!'); if (isset($_GET['kp-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['kp-message']) == 'wish_completed') { rcl_notice_text($complete, 'success'); } if (isset($_GET['kp-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['kp-message']) == 'wish_failed') { rcl_notice_text($int_failed, 'warning'); } if (isset($_GET['kp-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['kp-message']) == 'wish_void') { rcl_notice_text($void, 'warning'); } if (isset($_GET['int-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['int-message']) == 'goal_failed') { rcl_notice_text($goal, 'warning'); } if (isset($_GET['kp-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['kp-message']) == 'images_fail') { rcl_notice_text($images_fail, 'warning'); } }
function rcl_notice_avatar_deleted() { if (isset($_GET['rcl-avatar']) && $_GET['rcl-avatar'] == 'deleted') { rcl_notice_text(__('Your avatar has been removed', 'wp-recall'), 'success'); } }
function rcl_new_group() { global $user_ID, $wpdb; $name_group = sanitize_text_field($_POST['rcl_group']['name']); $group_id = rcl_create_group(array('name' => $name_group, 'admin_id' => $user_ID)); if (!$group_id) { rcl_notice_text(__('Create a group failed', 'wp-recall'), 'error'); } else { wp_redirect(get_term_link((int) $group_id, 'groups')); exit; } }
function add_notify_rcl($text, $type = 'warning') { _deprecated_function('add_notify_rcl', '4.2', 'rcl_notice_text'); return rcl_notice_text($text, $type); }
function add_notify_update_profile() { $complete = 'Transfer completed'; $int_failed = 'The amount that can be transferred must be: integer, should be more than a zero, do not exceed the maximum amount possible for transfer.'; if (isset($_GET['kp-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['kp-message']) == 'transfer_completed') { rcl_notice_text($complete, 'success'); } if (isset($_GET['kp-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['kp-message']) == 'int_failed') { rcl_notice_text($int_failed, 'warning'); } }
function rcl_deleted_post_notice() { if (isset($_GET['public']) && $_GET['public'] == 'deleted') { rcl_notice_text(__('The publication has been successfully removed!', 'wp-recall'), 'warning'); } }
function add_notify_update_wish() { $complete = __('Updating completed'); $goal = __('The sum must be integer and less than $1 000 000'); $void = __('The title, the sum and the content in the form must be filled'); $int_failed = 'The amount that can be transferred must be: integer, should be more than a zero, do not exceed the maximum amount possible for transfer.'; $images_fail = __('There is an error in uploading the image or you have not permission to upload the image! But your wish was created!'); if (isset($_GET['kp-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['kp-message']) == 'wish_updated') { rcl_notice_text($complete, 'success'); } if (isset($_GET['kp-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['kp-message']) == 'int_failed') { rcl_notice_text($int_failed, 'warning'); } if (isset($_GET['kp-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['kp-message']) == 'wish_void') { rcl_notice_text($void, 'warning'); } if (isset($_GET['int-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['int-message']) == 'goal_failed') { rcl_notice_text($goal, 'warning'); } if (isset($_GET['kp-message']) && sanitize_text_field($_GET['kp-message']) == 'images_fail') { rcl_notice_text($images_fail, 'warning'); } }
function rcl_delete_file_notice() { if (isset($_GET['file']) && ($_GET['file'] = 'deleted')) { rcl_notice_text(__('File has deleted', 'wp-recall'), 'success'); } }