Exemplo n.º 1
 function _register($register)
     $this->_bbsUrl =& $register['bbsUrl'];
     $this->_job =& $register['job'];
     $this->_objectId =& $register['objectid'];
     $this->_optionId =& $register['optionid'];
     $this->_typeId =& $register['typeid'];
     $this->_action =& $register['action'];
     $this->_pwServer =& $register['pwServer'];
     $this->_uid =& $register['uid'];
     $this->_elementid =& $register['elementid'];
     $this->_authorid =& $register['authorid'];
     $this->_groupId =& $register['groupId'];
     $this->_db_ratepower =& $register['db_ratepower'];
     $this->_db_rategroup =& $register['db_rategroup'];
     $this->_ip = pwGetIp();
     $this->_noAjax =& $register['noAjax'];
     $this->_db_hackdb =& $register['db_hackdb'];
Exemplo n.º 2
*  Copyright (c) 2003-09  PHPWind.net. All rights reserved.
*  Support : http://www.phpwind.net
*  This software is the proprietary information of PHPWind.com.
!defined('R_P') && exit('Forbidden');
define('P_W', 'admincp');
define('UC_CLIENT_ROOT', R_P . '/uc_client/');
function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') && date_default_timezone_set('Etc/GMT+0');
require_once R_P . 'require/common.php';
include_once D_P . 'data/bbscache/config.php';
$timestamp = time();
$db_cvtime != 0 && ($timestamp += $db_cvtime * 60);
$onlineip = pwGetIp();
$db_cc && pwDefendCc($db_cc);
$ceversion = defined('CE') ? 1 : 0;
#PHPWind version
list($wind_version, $wind_repair, $wind_from) = explode(',', WIND_VERSION);
InitGP(array('adminjob', 'admintype', 'type', 'hackset', 'a_type', 'action', 'verify', 'adskin', 'job', 'ajax', 'admin_keyword'));
if (strpos($adminjob, '..') !== false || $admintype && strpos($admintype, '..') !== false) {
isset($_GET['adskin']) && ($adskin = GetGP('adskin'));
isset($adskin) ? Cookie('adskin', $adskin) : ($adskin = GetCookie('adskin'));
if ($ajax) {
    define('AJAX', '1');
if ($db_forcecharset && !defined('AJAX')) {
    @header("Content-Type:text/html; charset={$db_charset}");
Exemplo n.º 3
 function post($fid, $author, $title, $content, $tags = '', $convert = 1, $usesign = 1, $usehtml = 0, $topped = 0, $digest = 0, $p_type = '', $p_sub_type = '')
     global $winddb, $winduid, $windid, $groupid, $_G, $SYSTEM, $db_ipban;
     L::loadClass('forum', 'forum', false);
     $pwforum = new PwForum($fid);
     if (!$pwforum->isForum()) {
         return new ApiResponse('API_THREAD_FORUM_NOT_EXISTS');
         //return new ErrorMsg(API_THREAD_FORUM_NOT_EXISTS, 'Forum not exists');
     $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user');
     /* @var $userService PW_UserService */
     $winddb = $userService->getByUserName($author, true, true);
     if (empty($winddb)) {
         return new ApiResponse('API_THREAD_AUTHOR_NOT_EXISTS');
         //return new ErrorMsg(API_THREAD_AUTHOR_NOT_EXISTS, 'User not exists');
     $winduid = $winddb['uid'];
     $groupid = $winddb['groupid'];
     $windid = $winddb['username'];
     $groupid == '-1' && ($groupid = $winddb['memberid']);
     if ($groupid == 6 || getstatus($winddb['userstatus'], PW_USERSTATUS_BANUSER)) {
         return new ApiResponse('API_THREAD_THE_USER_BAN');
     //检查是否有html发帖权限 没有的话返回提示信息
     $htmlright = $this->db->get_value("SELECT rvalue FROM pw_permission WHERE uid='0' AND fid='0' AND rkey='htmlcode' AND gid=" . S::sqlEscape($groupid));
     if ($htmlright == '0') {
         return new ApiResponse('API_THREAD_NO_HTMLRIGHT');
     if ($db_ipban) {
         $onlineip = pwGetIp();
         $baniparray = explode(',', $db_ipban);
         foreach ($baniparray as $banip) {
             if ($banip && strpos(",{$onlineip}.", ',' . trim($banip) . '.') !== false) {
                 return new ApiResponse('API_THREAD_THE_IP_BAN');
     if (file_exists(D_P . "data/groupdb/group_{$groupid}.php")) {
         //* include pwCache::getPath(S::escapePath(D_P."data/groupdb/group_$groupid.php"));
         extract(pwCache::getData(S::escapePath(D_P . "data/groupdb/group_{$groupid}.php", false)));
     } else {
         //* include pwCache::getPath(D_P.'data/groupdb/group_1.php');
         extract(pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/groupdb/group_1.php', false));
     L::loadClass('post', 'forum', false);
     require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php';
     $pwpost = new PwPost($pwforum);
     $pwpost->errMode = true;
     L::loadClass('topicpost', 'forum', false);
     $topicpost = new topicPost($pwpost);
     $postdata = new topicPostData($pwpost);
     //* include_once pwCache::getPath(D_P.'data/bbscache/cache_post.php');
     extract(pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/bbscache/cache_post.php', false));
     //* include_once pwCache::getPath(D_P.'data/bbscache/forum_typecache.php');
     extract(pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/bbscache/forum_typecache.php', false));
     $t_db = $topic_type_cache[$fid];
     $postdata->setWtype($p_type, $p_sub_type, 1, $t_db);
     $postdata->setConvert($convert, 1);
     $postdata->setIfsign($usesign, $usehtml);
     if ($pwpost->errMsg && ($msg = reset($pwpost->errMsg))) {
         return new ApiResponse($msg);
         //$errmsg = $this->getErrMsg($msg);
         //return new ErrorMsg($errmsg[0], $errmsg[1]);
     $tid = $topicpost->getNewId();
     return new ApiResponse($tid);