if ($_GET["autofield" . $j] == $_POST["dfield" . $ix . "_" . $ix2]) { // columna que coinida infreso el valor $datakey .= ($datakey ? " and " : "") . $_GET["autofield" . $j] . " like '" . trim($_POST["dval" . $ix . "_" . $ix2]) . "'"; $auk .= ($auk ? "-" : "") . $_POST["dval" . $ix . "_" . $ix2]; } $i2++; $ix2 = $i2 == 0 ? "" : $i2; } $j++; } if ($datakey != "") { if ($sttdatato == "expedientes2") { $sql = mssql_query("update tb" . $sttdatato . " set anulado_exp=1 where " . $datakey); $sql = mssql_query("update tb" . $sttdatato . " set anulado_exp=1 where ODSSERVCOMP_EXP=" . $auk); foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { putxt($k . ":" . $v); } audit($sttdatato, 'A', $auk, $dsanul); //putxt($auk); } else { if ($sttdatato == "expedientes4" || $sttdatato == "expedientes5") { } else { $sql = mssql_query("delete from tb" . $sttdatato . " where " . $datakey); //putxt("delete from tb".$sttdatato." where ".$datakey); audit($sttdatato, 'E', $auk); } } //echo "delete from tb".$sttdatato." where ".$datakey; } else { $sql = mssql_query("delete from tb" . $sttdatato . " where " . $datos); audit($sttdatato, 'E', $auk);
$adds["codigo_prv"]=$row["CODIGO_AUX"]; $adds["AUXILIAR_PRV"]=$row["CODIGO_AUX"]; } else { roolback(); die("<b><span style='color:red'>Debe indicar nombre y rif.</span></b>"); } } } }*/ // Guardado Principal $con = ""; $conc = ""; //$sql=mssql_query("SELECT COLUMN_NAME,DATA_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='tb".$datato."'"); $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT COLUMN_NAME,DATA_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='tb" . $datato . "'"); while ($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) { putxt($_POST[$row[0]]); if (isset($adds[$row[0]])) { ///si existe en algun auxiliar $conc .= ($conc ? "," : "") . $row[0]; if ($row[1] == "smalldatetime" || $row[1] == "datetime") { $con .= ($con ? "," : "") . "'" . toDate($adds[$row[0]]) . "'"; } elseif ($row[1] == "float" || $row[1] == "numeric") { $con .= ($con ? "," : "") . "cast('" . str_replace(",", ".", $adds[$row[0]]) . "' as float)"; } else { $con .= ($con ? "," : "") . "'" . stripslashes(utf8_decode($adds[$row[0]])) . "'"; } } elseif (isset($_POST[$row[0]])) { $conc .= ($conc ? "," : "") . $row[0]; if ($row[1] == "smalldatetime" || $row[1] == "datetime") { if (trim($_POST[$row[0]]) == "") { $con .= ($con ? "," : "") . "NULL";
$data[] = $row; } echo json_encode($data); break; case "get_preFacturacion_coti": $sql = mssql_query("select \n\t\tproducto_ped as producto_fac,\n\t\tdescripcion_ped as descripcion_fac,\n\t\tcantidad_ped as cantidad_fac,\n\t\tprecio_ped as precio_fac,\n\t\tiva_pro_fac as iva_pro_fac,\n\t\ttotal_ped as total_fac\n\t\t from tbcotizacion2\n\t\t where \n\t\t\tnumero_ped in (select numero_ped from tbcotizacion1 where numero_ped='{$codigo}' and status_ped='1')\n\t\t\tand numero_ped not in (select pedido_fac from tbfacturacion1 where status_fac=1)\n\t\t"); putxt("select \n\t\tproducto_ped as producto_fac,\n\t\tdescripcion_ped as descripcion_fac,\n\t\tcantidad_ped as cantidad_fac,\n\t\tprecio_ped as precio_fac,\n\t\tiva_pro_fac as iva_pro_fac,\n\t\ttotal_ped as total_fac\n\t\t from tbcotizacion2\n\t\t where \n\t\t\tnumero_ped in (select numero_ped from tbcotizacion1 where numero_ped='{$codigo}' and status_ped='1')\n\t\t\tand numero_ped not in (select pedido_fac from tbfacturacion1 where status_fac=1)\n\t\t"); $data = array(); while ($row = mssql_fetch_array($sql, MSSQL_ASSOC)) { $data[] = $row; } echo json_encode($data); break; case "get_preFacturacion_ne": $sql = mssql_query("select \n\t\tproducto_ped as producto_fac,\n\t\tdescripcion_ped as descripcion_fac,\n\t\tcantidad_ped as cantidad_fac,\n\t\tprecio_ped as precio_fac,\n\t\tiva_pro_fac as iva_pro_fac,\n\t\ttotal_ped as total_fac\n\t\t from tbnotaentrega2\n\t\t where \n\t\t\tnumero_ped in (select numero_ped from tbnotaentrega1 where numero_ped='{$codigo}' and status_ped='1')\n\t\t\tand numero_ped not in (select pedido_fac from tbfacturacion1 where status_fac=1)\n\t\t"); putxt($sql); $data = array(); while ($row = mssql_fetch_array($sql, MSSQL_ASSOC)) { $data[] = $row; } echo json_encode($data); break; case "aprueba_comprasprovee": mssql_query("update tbcompras1 set status_fac=1 where numero_fac='{$fac}'"); mssql_query("update t1 set\n\t\tt1.existencia_pro = t1.existencia_pro + t2.cantidad_fac\n\t\tfrom tbProductos as t1\n\t\tinner join\n\t\ttbcompras2 as t2 on\n\t\tt1.codigo_pro = t2.producto_fac\n\t\twhere\n\t\tnumero_fac='{$fac}'"); echo 'OK'; break; case "revertir_comprasprovee": mssql_query("update tbcompras1 set status_fac=0 where numero_fac='{$fac}'"); mssql_query("update t1 set\n\t\tt1.existencia_pro = t1.existencia_pro - t2.cantidad_fac\n\t\tfrom tbProductos as t1\n\t\tinner join\n\t\ttbcompras2 as t2 on\n\t\tt1.codigo_pro = t2.producto_fac\n\t\twhere\n\t\tnumero_fac='{$fac}'"); echo 'OK';