Exemplo n.º 1
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "frontend/runtime"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "backend/runtime"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "console/runtime"));
// permissions
chmod(pth($root . "frontend/runtime"), 02777);
// permissions with setguid
chmod(pth($root . "backend/runtime"), 02777);
chmod(pth($root . "console/runtime"), 02777);
chmod(pth($root . "frontend/www/assets"), 02777);
chmod(pth($root . "backend/www/assets"), 02777);
//Copy *-environmnetName.php to *-env.php
$directories = array(pth($root . "common/config/"), pth($root . "frontend/config/"), pth($root . "backend/config/"), pth($root . "console/config/"));
// console
//choose environment specific configs
foreach ($directories as $dir) {
    $files = glob(pth($dir . "environments/" . "*-" . $envType . '.php'));
    foreach ($files as $srcFile) {
        $pattern = "/-" . $envType . ".php\$/";
        $dstFile = preg_replace($pattern, "-env.php", $srcFile);
        // remove "env/" or "environments\" from the path
        $dstFile = preg_replace('/environments\\\\|environments\\//', "", $dstFile);
        $res = copy($srcFile, $dstFile);
        if (!$res) {
            echo "Error. Failed to copy {$srcFile} to {$dstFile}\n";
        // for some reason after copying the permissions are wrong
        chmod($dstFile, 0644);
// create empty local configs if these do no exist yet
if ($envType == 'private') {
Exemplo n.º 2
        echo $row, "\n";
//Create and flush assets directory
rmdirRecursive(pth($root . "frontend/www/assets"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "frontend/www/assets"));
//Create and flush assets directory
rmdirRecursive(pth($root . "backend/www/assets"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "backend/www/assets"));
// runtime
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "frontend/runtime"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "console/runtime"));
createDirIfNotExists(pth($root . "backend/runtime"));
//Setting permissions
if (!$runningOnWindows) {
    chmod(pth($root . "frontend/runtime"), 02775);
    //permissions with setguid
    chmod(pth($root . "console/runtime"), 02775);
    chmod(pth($root . "backend/runtime"), 02775);
    chmod(pth($root . "frontend/www/assets"), 02775);
    chmod(pth($root . "backend/www/assets"), 02775);
//applying migrations
//adding in ability to specify to not migrate even when not in local environment. Needed for our newclient script
if ($envType != 'private' && !in_array('no-migrate', $argv) || in_array('migrate', $argv)) {
    runCommand(getPhpPath() . ' ' . $root . "yiic migrate --interactive=0");
    if (in_array($envType, array('private', 'int', 'qa'))) {
        runCommand(getPhpPath() . ' ' . $root . "yiic migrate --interactive=0 --connectionID=testdb");
echo "Done.\n";