public function __construct(\psm\Service\Database $db) { $this->db = $db; $this->setRetentionPeriod(psm_get_conf('log_retention_period', 365)); $this->archivers[] = new Archiver\UptimeArchiver($db); $this->archivers[] = new Archiver\LogsArchiver($db); }
/** * Check if an upgrade is required for the current version. * @return boolean * @see upgrade() */ public function isUpgradeRequired() { $version_db = psm_get_conf('version'); if (version_compare(PSM_VERSION, $version_db, '==')) { // version is up to date return false; } // different DB version, check if the version requires any changes // @todo this is currently a manual check for each version, similar to upgrade().. not a clean way if (version_compare($version_db, '3.1.0', '<')) { return true; } else { // change database version to current version so this check won't be required next time psm_update_conf('version', PSM_VERSION); } return false; }
/** * Prepare the template to show a list of all servers * @todo move the background colurs to the config */ protected function executeIndex() { // set background color to black $this->black_background = true; $this->twig->addGlobal('subtitle', psm_get_lang('menu', 'server_status')); // add header accessories $layout = $this->getUser()->getUserPref('status_layout', 0); $layout_data = array('label_last_check' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_check'), 'label_last_online' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'last_online'), 'label_rtime' => psm_get_lang('servers', 'latency'), 'block_layout_active' => $layout == 0 ? 'active' : '', 'list_layout_active' => $layout != 0 ? 'active' : ''); $this->setHeaderAccessories($this->twig->render('module/server/status/header.tpl.html', $layout_data)); $this->addFooter(false); // get the active servers from database $servers = $this->getServers(); $layout_data['servers_offline'] = array(); $layout_data['servers_online'] = array(); foreach ($servers as $server) { if ($server['active'] == 'no') { continue; } $server['last_checked_nice'] = psm_timespan($server['last_check']); $server['last_online_nice'] = psm_timespan($server['last_online']); $server['url_view'] = psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $server['server_id'], 'back_to' => 'server_status')); if ($server['status'] == "off") { $layout_data['servers_offline'][] = $server; } elseif ($server['warning_threshold_counter'] > 0) { $server['class_warning'] = 'warning'; $layout_data['servers_offline'][] = $server; } else { $layout_data['servers_online'][] = $server; } } $auto_refresh_seconds = psm_get_conf('auto_refresh_servers'); if (intval($auto_refresh_seconds) > 0) { $this->twig->addGlobal('auto_refresh', true); $this->twig->addGlobal('auto_refresh_seconds', $auto_refresh_seconds); } return $this->twig->render('module/server/status/index.tpl.html', $layout_data); }
/** * Execute pushover test * * @todo move test to separate class */ protected function testPushover() { $pushover = psm_build_pushover(); $pushover->setDebug(true); $user = $this->getUser()->getUser(); $api_token = psm_get_conf('pushover_api_token'); if (empty($api_token)) { $this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_error_noapp'), 'error'); } elseif (empty($user->pushover_key)) { $this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_error_nokey'), 'error'); } else { $pushover->setPriority(0); $pushover->setTitle(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_subject')); $pushover->setMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'test_message')); $pushover->setUser($user->pushover_key); if ($user->pushover_device != '') { $pushover->setDevice($user->pushover_device); } $result = $pushover->send(); if (isset($result['output']->status) && $result['output']->status == 1) { $this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_sent'), 'success'); } else { if (isset($result['output']->errors->error)) { $error = $result['output']->errors->error; } else { $error = 'Unknown'; } $this->addMessage(sprintf(psm_get_lang('config', 'pushover_error'), $error), 'error'); } } }
/** * Prepare the template to show the update screen for a single server */ protected function executeEdit() { $back_to = isset($_GET['back_to']) ? $_GET['back_to'] : ''; $tpl_data = $this->getLabels(); $tpl_data['edit_server_id'] = $this->server_id; $tpl_data['url_save'] = psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'save', 'id' => $this->server_id, 'back_to' => $back_to)); // depending on where the user came from, add the go back url: if ($back_to == 'view' && $this->server_id > 0) { $tpl_data['url_go_back'] = psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server', 'action' => 'view', 'id' => $this->server_id)); } else { $tpl_data['url_go_back'] = psm_build_url(array('mod' => 'server')); } $tpl_data['users'] = $this->db->select(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'users', null, array('user_id', 'name'), '', 'name'); switch ($this->server_id) { case 0: // insert mode $tpl_data['titlemode'] = psm_get_lang('system', 'insert'); $tpl_data['edit_value_warning_threshold'] = '1'; $edit_server = $_POST; break; default: // edit mode // get server entry $edit_server = $this->getServers($this->server_id); if (empty($edit_server)) { $this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'error_server_no_match'), 'error'); return $this->initializeAction('index'); } $tpl_data['titlemode'] = psm_get_lang('system', 'edit') . ' ' . $edit_server['label']; $user_idc_selected = $this->getServerUsers($this->server_id); foreach ($tpl_data['users'] as &$user) { if (in_array($user['user_id'], $user_idc_selected)) { $user['edit_selected'] = 'selected="selected"'; } } break; } if (!empty($edit_server)) { // attempt to prefill previously posted fields foreach ($edit_server as $key => $value) { $edit_server[$key] = psm_POST($key, $value); } $tpl_data = array_merge($tpl_data, array('edit_value_label' => $edit_server['label'], 'edit_value_ip' => $edit_server['ip'], 'edit_value_port' => $edit_server['port'], 'edit_value_timeout' => $edit_server['timeout'], 'default_value_timeout' => PSM_CURL_TIMEOUT, 'edit_value_pattern' => $edit_server['pattern'], 'edit_value_warning_threshold' => $edit_server['warning_threshold'], 'edit_type_selected_' . $edit_server['type'] => 'selected="selected"', 'edit_active_selected_' . $edit_server['active'] => 'selected="selected"', 'edit_email_selected_' . $edit_server['email'] => 'selected="selected"', 'edit_sms_selected_' . $edit_server['sms'] => 'selected="selected"', 'edit_pushover_selected_' . $edit_server['pushover'] => 'selected="selected"')); } $notifications = array('email', 'sms', 'pushover'); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { if (psm_get_conf($notification . '_status') == 0) { $tpl_data['warning_' . $notification] = true; $tpl_data['control_class_' . $notification] = 'warning'; $tpl_data['label_warning_' . $notification] = psm_get_lang('servers', 'warning_notifications_disabled_' . $notification); } else { $tpl_data['warning_' . $notification] = false; } } return $this->twig->render('module/server/server/update.tpl.html', $tpl_data); }
/** * Prepare a new SMS util. * * @return \psm\Txtmsg\TxtmsgInterface */ function psm_build_sms() { $sms = null; // open the right class // not making this any more dynamic, because perhaps some gateways need custom settings (like Mollie) switch (strtolower(psm_get_conf('sms_gateway'))) { case 'mosms': $sms = new \psm\Txtmsg\Mosms(); break; case 'smsit': $sms = new \psm\Txtmsg\Smsit(); break; case 'inetworx': $sms = new \psm\Txtmsg\Inetworx(); break; case 'mollie': $sms = new \psm\Txtmsg\Mollie(); $sms->setGateway(1); break; case 'spryng': $sms = new \psm\Txtmsg\Spryng(); break; case 'clickatell': $sms = new \psm\Txtmsg\Clickatell(); break; case 'textmarketer': $sms = new \psm\Txtmsg\Textmarketer(); break; case 'smsglobal': $sms = new \psm\Txtmsg\Smsglobal(); break; } // copy login information from the config file if ($sms) { $sms->setLogin(psm_get_conf('sms_gateway_username'), psm_get_conf('sms_gateway_password')); $sms->setOriginator(psm_get_conf('sms_from')); } return $sms; }
/** * This functions performs the text message notifications * * @param array $users * @return boolean */ protected function notifyByTxtMsg($users) { $sms = psm_build_sms(); if (!$sms) { return false; } // we have to build an userlist for the log table.. $userlist = array(); // add all users to the recipients list foreach ($users as $user) { $userlist[] = $user['user_id']; $sms->addRecipients($user['mobile']); } $message = psm_parse_msg($this->status_new, 'sms', $this->server); // Send sms $result = $sms->sendSMS($message); if (psm_get_conf('log_sms')) { // save to log psm_add_log($this->server_id, 'sms', $message, implode(',', $userlist)); } return $result; }
/** * Executes the saving of one of the servers */ protected function executeSave() { if (empty($_POST)) { // dont process anything if no data has been posted return $this->executeIndex(); } $encrypted_password = ''; if (!empty($_POST['website_password'])) { $new_password = psm_POST('website_password'); if ($this->server_id > 0) { $edit_server = $this->getServers($this->server_id); $hash = sha1($edit_server['website_password']); if ($new_password == $hash) { $encrypted_password = $edit_server['website_password']; } else { $encrypted_password = psm_password_encrypt($this->server_id . psm_get_conf('password_encrypt_key'), $new_password); } } else { // We need the server id to encrypt the password. Encryption will be done after the server is added $encrypted_password = ''; } } $clean = array('label' => trim(strip_tags(psm_POST('label', ''))), 'ip' => trim(strip_tags(psm_POST('ip', ''))), 'timeout' => isset($_POST['timeout']) && intval($_POST['timeout']) > 0 ? intval($_POST['timeout']) : null, 'website_username' => psm_POST('website_username', null), 'website_password' => $encrypted_password, 'port' => intval(psm_POST('port', 0)), 'type' => psm_POST('type', ''), 'pattern' => psm_POST('pattern', ''), 'warning_threshold' => intval(psm_POST('warning_threshold', 0)), 'active' => in_array($_POST['active'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['active'] : 'no', 'email' => in_array($_POST['email'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['email'] : 'no', 'sms' => in_array($_POST['sms'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['sms'] : 'no', 'pushover' => in_array($_POST['pushover'], array('yes', 'no')) ? $_POST['pushover'] : 'no'); // make sure websites start with http:// if ($clean['type'] == 'website' && substr($clean['ip'], 0, 4) != 'http') { $clean['ip'] = 'http://' . $clean['ip']; } // validate the lot $server_validator = new \psm\Util\Server\ServerValidator($this->db); try { if ($this->server_id > 0) { $server_validator->serverId($this->server_id); } $server_validator->label($clean['label']); $server_validator->type($clean['type']); $server_validator->ip($clean['ip'], $clean['type']); $server_validator->warningThreshold($clean['warning_threshold']); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $ex) { $this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'error_' . $ex->getMessage()), 'error'); return $this->executeEdit(); } // check for edit or add if ($this->server_id > 0) { // edit $this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers', $clean, array('server_id' => $this->server_id)); $this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'updated'), 'success'); } else { // add $clean['status'] = 'on'; $this->server_id = $this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers', $clean); // server has been added, re-encrypt if (!empty($_POST['website_password'])) { $cleanWebsitePassword = array('website_password' => psm_password_encrypt($this->server_id . psm_get_conf('password_encrypt_key'), psm_POST('website_password'))); $this->db->save(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'servers', $cleanWebsitePassword, array('server_id' => $this->server_id)); } $this->addMessage(psm_get_lang('servers', 'inserted'), 'success'); } // update users $user_idc = psm_POST('user_id', array()); $user_idc_save = array(); foreach ($user_idc as $user_id) { $user_idc_save[] = array('user_id' => intval($user_id), 'server_id' => intval($this->server_id)); } $this->db->delete(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'users_servers', array('server_id' => $this->server_id)); if (!empty($user_idc_save)) { // add all new users $this->db->insertMultiple(PSM_DB_PREFIX . 'users_servers', $user_idc_save); } $back_to = isset($_GET['back_to']) ? $_GET['back_to'] : 'index'; if ($back_to == 'view') { return $this->runAction('view'); } else { return $this->runAction('index'); } }
$includes = glob(PSM_PATH_INC . '*.inc.php'); foreach ($includes as $file) { include_once $file; } // init db connection $db = new psm\Service\Database(); // sanity check! if (!defined('PSM_INSTALL') || !PSM_INSTALL) { if ($db->getDbHost() === null) { // no config file has been loaded, redirect the user to the install header('Location: install.php'); die; } // config file has been loaded, check if we have a connection if (!$db->status()) { die('Unable to establish database connection...'); } // attempt to load configuration from database if (!psm_load_conf()) { // unable to load from config table header('Location: install.php'); die; } // config load OK, make sure database version is up to date $installer = new \psm\Util\Install\Installer($db); if ($installer->isUpgradeRequired()) { die('Your database is for an older version and requires an upgrade, <a href="install.php">please click here</a> to update your database to the latest version.'); } } $lang = psm_get_conf('language', 'en_US'); psm_load_lang($lang);
/** * Create the HTML code for the module. * * If XHR is on, no main template will be added. * * @param string $html HTML code to add to the main body * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response */ protected function createHTML($html = null) { if (!$this->xhr) { // in XHR mode, we will not add the main template $tpl_data = array('title' => strtoupper(psm_get_lang('system', 'title')), 'label_back_to_top' => psm_get_lang('system', 'back_to_top'), 'add_footer' => $this->add_footer, 'version' => 'v' . PSM_VERSION, 'messages' => $this->getMessages(), 'html_content' => $html); // add menu to page? if ($this->add_menu) { $tpl_data['html_menu'] = $this->createHTMLMenu(); } // add header accessories to page ? if ($this->header_accessories) { $tpl_data['header_accessories'] = $this->header_accessories; } // add modal dialog to page ? if (sizeof($this->modal)) { $html_modal = ''; foreach ($this->modal as $modal) { $html_modal .= $modal->createHTML(); } $tpl_data['html_modal'] = $html_modal; } // add sidebar to page? if ($this->sidebar !== null) { $tpl_data['html_sidebar'] = $this->sidebar->createHTML(); } if (psm_update_available()) { $tpl_data['update_available'] = str_replace('{version}', 'v' . psm_get_conf('version_update_check'), psm_get_lang('system', 'update_available')); } if ($this->black_background) { $tpl_data['body_class'] = 'black_background'; } $html = $this->twig->render('main/body.tpl.html', $tpl_data); } $response = new Response($html); return $response; }
if (!empty($_SERVER['argv'])) { foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $argv) { $argi = explode('=', ltrim($argv, '--')); if (count($argi) !== 2) { continue; } switch ($argi[0]) { case 'uri': define('PSM_BASE_URL', $argi[1]); break; case 'timeout': $cron_timeout = intval($argi[1]); break; } } } // prevent cron from running twice at the same time // however if the cron has been running for X mins, we'll assume it died and run anyway // if you want to change PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT, have a look in src/includes/ // or you can provide the --timeout=x argument $time = time(); if (psm_get_conf('cron_running') == 1 && $cron_timeout > 0 && $time - psm_get_conf('cron_running_time') < $cron_timeout) { die('Cron is already running. Exiting.'); } if (!defined('PSM_DEBUG') || !PSM_DEBUG) { psm_update_conf('cron_running', 1); } psm_update_conf('cron_running_time', $time); $autorun = $router->getService('util.server.updatemanager'); $autorun->run(true); psm_update_conf('cron_running', 0);
/** * Check the current server as a website * @param int $max_runs * @param int $run * @return boolean */ protected function updateWebsite($max_runs, $run = 1) { $starttime = microtime(true); // We're only interested in the header, because that should tell us plenty! // unless we have a pattern to search for! $curl_result = psm_curl_get($this->server['ip'], true, $this->server['pattern'] == '' ? false : true, $this->server['timeout'], true, $this->server['website_username'], psm_password_decrypt($this->server['server_id'] . psm_get_conf('password_encrypt_key'), $this->server['website_password'])); $this->rtime = microtime(true) - $starttime; // the first line would be the status code.. $status_code = strtok($curl_result, "\r\n"); // keep it general // $code[1][0] = status code // $code[2][0] = name of status code $code_matches = array(); preg_match_all("/[A-Z]{2,5}\\/\\d\\.\\d\\s(\\d{3})\\s(.*)/", $status_code, $code_matches); if (empty($code_matches[0])) { // somehow we dont have a proper response. $this->error = 'TIMEOUT ERROR: no response from server'; $result = false; } else { $code = $code_matches[1][0]; $msg = $code_matches[2][0]; // All status codes starting with a 4 or higher mean trouble! if (substr($code, 0, 1) >= '4') { $this->error = "HTTP STATUS ERROR: " . $code . ' ' . $msg; $result = false; } else { $result = true; //Okay, the HTTP status is good : 2xx or 3xx. Now we have to test the pattern if it's set up if ($this->server['pattern'] != '') { // Check to see if the pattern was found. if (!preg_match("/{$this->server['pattern']}/i", $curl_result)) { $this->error = 'TEXT ERROR : Pattern not found.'; $result = false; } } } } // check if server is available and rerun if asked. if (!$result && $run < $max_runs) { return $this->updateWebsite($max_runs, $run + 1); } return $result; }
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PHP Server Monitor. If not, see <>. * * @package phpservermon * @author Pepijn Over <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Pepijn Over <*****@*****.**> * @license GNU GPL v3 * @version Release: @package_version@ * @link **/ // include main configuration and functionality require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/bootstrap.php'; if (!psm_is_cli()) { die('This script can only be run from the command line.'); } // prevent cron from running twice at the same time // however if the cron has been running for X mins, we'll assume it died and run anyway // if you want to change PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT, have a look in src/includes/ $time = time(); if (psm_get_conf('cron_running') == 1 && $time - psm_get_conf('cron_running_time') < PSM_CRON_TIMEOUT) { die('Cron is already running. Exiting.'); } if (!defined('PSM_DEBUG') || !PSM_DEBUG) { psm_update_conf('cron_running', 1); } psm_update_conf('cron_running_time', $time); $autorun = new \psm\Util\Server\UpdateManager($db); $autorun->run(); psm_update_conf('cron_running', 0);