<?php //projeto/delete_categoria.php session_start(); require_once 'includes/funcoes.php'; require_once 'includes/Classes/Model/Materia.php'; //acesso indevido protectPage(); $idmateria = (int) (isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : 0); if ($idmateria) { $materia = new Materia(); if ($nrows = $materia->delete(compact('idmateria'))) { addMsg("{$nrows} materia(s) deletada(s) com sucesso."); } else { addMsg("Não foi possível deletar a categoria."); } } else { addMsg("Categoria inválida!"); } header('Location: materias.php');
<?php require_once "../../lib/init.php"; protectPage(9); @($id = DB::Safe($_GET['id'])); // Verify... if (!$id) { fail("Could not delete permission; please specify a valid ID."); } // Load the permission and make sure it belongs in the ward $p = Permission::Load($id); if (!$p->InWard($MEMBER->WardID)) { fail("That permission is not within your own ward..."); } // Delete this permission. $p->Delete(true); Response::Send(200);
<?php require_once "lib/init.php"; protectPage(0, true); if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { header("Location: /directory"); } $mem = Member::Load($_GET['id']); if (!$mem) { header("Location: /directory"); } // No member with given ID number, or member is not in the same ward $memInWard = $mem->WardID != $WARD->ID(); $memInLeaderStake = false; if ($LEADER != null) { $r = DB::Run("SELECT StakeID FROM Wards WHERE ID='{$mem->WardID}'"); $row = mysql_fetch_object($r); if ($row->StakeID == $LEADER->StakeID) { $memInLeaderStake = true; } } if (!$memInWard && !$memInLeaderStake) { header("Location: /directory"); } $isCurrent = $MEMBER && $MEMBER->ID() == $mem->ID(); // Get parts of the birth date $bdate = strtotime($mem->Birthday); $mm = date("F", $bdate); $dd = date("j", $bdate); $ordinal = date("S", $bdate); // Load survey questions in order to get the answers
<?php require_once "../../lib/init.php"; protectPage(11); @($id = DB::Safe($_GET['id'])); $c = Calling::Load($id); if (!is_object($c)) { fail("Bad calling ID."); } if ($c->Preset()) { fail("Can't delete a pre-defined calling."); } if ($c->WardID() != $MEMBER->WardID) { Response::Send(403, "Can't delete a calling which does not belong to your ward."); } if ($c->Delete(true)) { Response::Send(200); } else { fail("Oops, something went wrong. Please report this error."); }
<?php require_once "../../lib/init.php"; protectPage(13); if (!$_GET['id'] == $_SESSION['userID']) { fail("Please specify a user ID to delete"); } if ($_GET['id'] == $_SESSION['userID']) { fail("ERROR > Sorry; you can't delete your own account (yet...)"); } @($mem = Member::Load($_GET['id'])); if (!$mem) { fail("That user couldn't be loaded. Are you sure the account exists?"); } if ($mem->WardID != $MEMBER->WardID) { fail("You can only delete accounts of members in your own ward."); } if (!$mem->Delete(true)) { fail("Could not delete member; probably forgot to be set confirmation flag to 'true', or bad ID was supplied."); } header("Location: ../../directory");
<?php require_once "../../lib/init.php"; protectPage(12); // Grab the variables from the form @($memberID = $_GET['member']); if (!$memberID) { fail("No member was specified; nothing to do."); } $mem = Member::Load($memberID); if (!$mem) { fail("Could not load member with ID " . $memberID . " - please report this."); } if ($mem->WardID != $MEMBER->WardID) { fail("Member " . $memberID . " is not in your ward."); } if ($mem->DeletePictureFile()) { Response::Send(200, $memberID); } else { fail("Could not delete profile picture, probably because the user doesn't have a picture, or it is already the default one."); }
<?php require_once "../../lib/init.php"; protectPage(8); // Grab the variables from the form @($question = $_POST['question']); @($qtype = $_POST['qtype']); $ansArray = isset($_POST['ans']) ? $_POST['ans'] : null; $req = isset($_POST['req']) ? true : false; $visible = isset($_POST['visible']) ? true : false; // Validation if (!$question || strlen(trim($question)) < 3) { Response::Send(401, "Oops - did you type a question (at least 3 characters long)? Go BACK and try again."); } // Ready the answer options array; is it empty? $ansEmpty = true; if ($ansArray) { foreach ($ansArray as &$opt) { $opt = trim($opt); if ($opt != '') { $ansEmpty = false; break; } } } // Is this question designed to have answer choices/options? $multAns = $qtype == QuestionType::MultipleChoice || $qtype == QuestionType::MultipleAnswer; // Make sure that multiple-answer/choice questions have at least one // to choose from if ($multAns && $ansEmpty) { Response::Send(401, "Oops - for that type of question, it requires at least one possible answer (you have to add one). Go BACK and try again.");
<?php require_once "../../lib/init.php"; protectPage(7); // Find out what we're expecting to do here: // create, delete, assign a leader, or edit the group. $action = ""; if (isset($_GET['new'])) { $action = "new"; } elseif (isset($_GET['del'])) { $action = "del"; } elseif (isset($_GET['assign'])) { $action = "assign"; } elseif (isset($_GET['edit'])) { $action = "edit"; } else { Response::Send(400, "Not sure what to do."); } if ($action == "new") { @($name = $_POST['groupname']); @($ldr1 = $_POST['ldr1']); @($ldr2 = $_POST['ldr2']); @($ldr3 = $_POST['ldr3']); if (!$name) { Response::Send(400, "Can't create a group unless there's a name for it."); } if ($ldr1 == $ldr2 && $ldr1 != 0 || $ldr2 == $ldr3 && $ldr2 != 0 || $ldr1 == $ldr3 && $ldr3 != 0) { Response::Send(400, "Each leader of the group must be different."); } $fhe = new FheGroup(); $fhe->GroupName = $name;
<?php require_once "../lib/init.php"; protectPage(10); $r1 = DB::Run("SELECT ID FROM Privileges ORDER BY Privilege ASC"); $r2 = DB::Run("SELECT ID FROM Members WHERE WardID='{$MEMBER->WardID}' ORDER BY FirstName ASC, LastName ASC"); $r3 = DB::Run("SELECT ID FROM Callings WHERE WardID='{$MEMBER->WardID}' ORDER BY Name ASC"); $maxLen = 65; // Maximum display length of a calling name ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Manage site privileges — <?php echo $WARD ? $WARD->Name . " Ward" : SITE_NAME; ?> </title> <?php include "../includes/head.php"; ?> <style> .privlist { width: 100%; } form, label { font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.75em; } .privList td, .privList th {
<?php // Include common functions and declarations require_once "../../include/common.php"; require_once "../include/config.php"; // Create blog object $blog = new Blog(!empty($_GET["blogId"]) ? $_GET["blogId"] : 0); if (!empty($blog->id)) { // Include language include scriptPath . "/" . folderBlog . "/include/language/" . $blog->language . "/general.php"; // Protect page if (!empty($blog->userlevel)) { protectPage($blog->userlevel); } // Get the post list $items = array(); $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id FROM " . blogPostTableName . " WHERE blogId=" . $blog->id . " AND draft=0 ORDER BY posted DESC LIMIT 15"); for ($i = 0; list($id) = $result->fetchrow_array(); $i++) { $post = new Post($id); // Get categories $categories = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($post->categories); $i++) { $categories[] = $post->categories[$i][1]; } // Create new item $item = new RSSItem($post->id, $post->user->name, $categories, $post->getPostLink() . "#comments", scriptUrl . "/" . folderBlog . "/" . fileBlogCommentRSS . "?postId=" . $post->id, $post->getPostLink(), stripHtml(!empty($post->text) ? $post->text : $post->summary), $post->printRSSPostSummary(), $post->posted, $post->subject); $items[] = $item; } // Print feed $rss = new RSS($blog->title, $blog->description, $blog->getBlogLink(), scriptUrl . "/" . folderBlog . "/" . fileBlogPostRSS . "?blogId=" . $blog->id, $items); $rss->printRSSFeed();