function showtree($graph, $path = '', $ancestry = '') { $i = 0; foreach ($graph as $id => $node) { $i++; $anc = "{$ancestry}/{$id}"; $open = substr($path, 0, strlen($anc)) == $anc ? 1 : 0; print "<div class=" . ($i < sizeof($graph) ? "mid" : "last") . "><nobr>"; if (sizeof($node["children"])) { print "<img id=bw{$id} src='" . ($open ? "minus.gif" : "plus.gif") . "' width=18 height=9 onclick=\"treefold('{$id}')\">"; } else { print "<img src='nochildren.gif' width=18 height=9>"; } $cur = substr($path, -strlen($id) - 1) === "/{$id}"; if ($cur) { print "<b"; } else { print "<a href='" . projurl($id) . "' target='_parent' onclick=\"return treesel('{$anc}')\""; } if ($node["status"] != 'pending') { print " class=bg{$node['status']}"; } print ">"; print htmlentities($node["name"]); if ($cur) { print "</b>"; } else { print "</a>"; } print "</nobr></div>\n"; if (sizeof($node["children"])) { print "<div id=bc{$node['id']} class=" . ($i < sizeof($graph) ? "next" : "nonext") . " style='display:" . ($open ? 'block' : 'none') . "'>\n"; showtree($node["children"], $path, $anc); print "</div>\n"; } } }
<?php } else { ?> <td><a href="member.php?id=<?php echo $assignee; ?> "><?php echo $assignee; ?> </a></td> <?php } } ?> <td><a href="<?php echo projurl($projectinfo["id"]); ?> "><?php echo $projectinfo["id"]; ?> </a></td> <td><a href="member.php?id=<?php echo $projectinfo["lead"]; ?> "><?php echo $projectinfo["lead"]; ?> </a></td> <td><a href="member.php?id=<?php echo $dispute["plaintiff"]; ?>
Copyright 2008 John-Paul Gignac This file is part of Fossfactory-src. Fossfactory-src is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fossfactory-src is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Fossfactory-src. If not, see <>. */ $id = scrub($_REQUEST['id']); $submissionid = intval($_REQUEST['submissionid']); $accept = scrub($_REQUEST['accept']); if ($accept == 'true') { list($rc, $err) = ff_acceptsubmission($username, $submissionid); } elseif ($accept == 'false') { list($rc, $err) = ff_rejectsubmission($username, $submissionid, $_REQUEST["rejectreason"], 0); } elseif ($accept == 'prejudice') { list($rc, $err) = ff_rejectsubmission($username, $submissionid, '', 1); } header("Location: " . projurl($id, "tab=submissions")); ?>
<tr> <?php include_once "formattext.php"; foreach ($duties as $key => $duty) { if ($key % 2 == 0) { $background = "class=oddrow"; } else { $background = ''; } ?> <tr <?php echo $background; ?> > <td valign=top><a class=folder href="<?php echo projurl($duty["projectid"]); ?> "><?php echo htmlentities($duty['subject']); ?> </a></td> <td align=center valign=top><nobr> <tt><?php echo $duty["deadline"] ? date('M d, H:i:s&\\n\\b\\s\\p;T', $duty['deadline']) : "-"; ?> </tt></nobr></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table><br><br> <?php
?> :<?php echo $repoproject; ?> </tt></b> </p> <p> If it asks you for a password, enter "guest". </p> <?php } else { ?> <p> This project currently has no Git repository, but <a href="<?php echo projurl($repoproject); ?> ">this related project</a> has one. To work on this project, you will probably want to start by downloading the related Git repository as follows: </p> <p style='margin-left:3em'> <b><tt>git clone git@<?php echo $hostname; ?> :<?php echo $repoproject; ?> </tt></b> </p> <p>
that portion. Subprojects are FOSS Factory's mechanism for enabling collaborative design and development. </p> <p> When a subproject is created, the parent project's project lead may grant it a portion of the parent project's funding. The decision will be made based on the subproject's quality, clarity, scope and relevance. </p> <p> <a href="overview.php#subprojects">Learn more about subprojects.</a> </p> <b>Parent Project:</b> <a href="<?php echo projurl($parent["id"]); ?> "><?php echo htmlentities($parent["name"]); ?> </a><br><br> <input type=hidden name=p value="<?php echo $p; ?> "> </td><td valign="top" rowspan="3" width="0%"> <div class=important> <b>Tip:</b> When creating low-level subprojects, consider providing detailed interface descriptions. (Eg. function prototypes, class interfaces, command-line specs, etc.) This will ensure code-compatibility with the rest of the system.
$reqmts = trim($reqmts); $fundgoal2 = (int) ($fundgoal * 100); if ($_REQUEST["newproject_action"] === 'savedraft') { list($rc, $err) = ff_saveprojectdraft($username, $name, $fundgoal2, $reqmts, $draftid === '' ? false : $draftid); if ($rc) { header("Location: newproject.php?draft={$draftid}&name=" . urlencode($name) . "&reqmts=" . urlencode($reqmts) . "&err=1"); exit; } $draftid = $err; header("Location: account.php?tab=drafts"); exit; } list($rc, $id) = ff_createproject($username, $name, $reqmts, '', false, empty($draftid) ? false : $draftid); if (!$rc) { ff_setfundinggoal($username, $id, $fundgoal2 . $GLOBALS['pref_currency']); header("Location: " . projurl($id)); exit; } header("Location: newproject.php?draft={$draftid}&name=" . urlencode($name) . "&reqmts=" . urlencode($reqmts) . "&fundgoal=" . urlencode($fundgoal) . "&err=1"); exit; } apply_template("New Project", array(array("name" => "New Project", "href" => "newproject.php"))); if ($err) { print "<div class=error>" . htmlentities($err) . "</div>\n"; } ?> <h1>Create a New Project</h1> <script> function newProjectSubmitCheck() { f = document.form; if (!f.elements['name'].value.match(/[^ \n\r\t]/) ||
<?php list($rc, $features) = ff_getfeaturedprojects(); if (!$rc && sizeof($features) > 0) { ?> <div style="clear:both"> </div> <div id="featured_projects"> <h1>Featured Projects <a href="browse.php">(Browse All)</a></h1> <ul> <?php $count = 0; foreach ($features as $feature) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo projurl($feature["id"]); ?> "> <h2><?php echo htmlentities($feature["name"]); ?> </h2> <p><?php echo htmlentities($feature["abstract"]); ?> </p> <h3>Bounty: <em><?php echo convert_money($feature["bounty"]); ?> </em></h3> </a>
?> ""> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="<?php echo $GLOBALS["pref_currency"]; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-SponsorshipsBF"> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="<?php echo htmlentities($GLOBALS["SITE_URL"]); ?> paypal-return.php"> <input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="<?php echo htmlentities($GLOBALS["SITE_URL"]) . projurl($id, "tab=" . scrub($_REQUEST["tab"])); ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="<?php echo htmlentities($GLOBALS["SITE_URL"]); ?> paypal-ipn.php"> <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="<?php echo htmlentities($username); ?> /<?php echo $id; ?> "> <div> Sponsorship Amount: <?php
$watches = array(array("eventid" => "{$pid}-news")); list($rc, $events) = al_getrecentevents('watch:' . $pid . '-news'); if ($rc == 0) { foreach ($events as $e) { $item = new FeedItem(); $item->title = $e['subject']; $item->link = $GLOBALS['SITE_URL'] . $e['url']; $item->date = (int) $e['time']; $item->description = formatText($e['body']); $rss->addItem($item); } } } $rss->title = '[FF] ' . $pname; $rss->description = 'Recent events affecting FOSS Factory project \'' . $pname . '\''; $rss->link = $GLOBALS['SITE_URL'] . projurl($pid); } else { if ($_GET['src'] == 'userevents') { include_once "formattext.php"; $user = scrub($_GET['u']); list($rc, $watching) = al_getwatches($user); if ($rc == 0) { foreach ($watching as $w) { list($rc, $events) = al_getrecentevents('watch:' . $w['eventid']); if ($rc != 0) { continue; } foreach ($events as $e) { $item = new FeedItem(); $item->title = $e['subject']; $item->link = $GLOBALS['SITE_URL'] . $e['url'];
$ferror[] = $_FILES['thefile']['error'][$key]; } } if (!$iserror) { //we only process the submission if no errors at all were encountered list($rc, $subid) = ff_submitcode($GLOBALS['username'], $files, $_REQUEST['comments'], $id); if (!$rc) { header("Location: subsuccess.php?id={$id}"); exit; } $msg = "There was a problem receiving your file: {$rc} {$subid}"; } else { $msg = "There was a problem in submitting your file(s)"; } } apply_template($projinfo["name"], array(array("name" => "Projects", "href" => "browse.php"), array("name" => $projinfo["name"], "href" => projurl($id)), array("name" => "submit code", "href" => "submission.php?id={$id}"))); ?> <h1>Make a Submission</h1> <?php if ($msg) { ?> <div class=error><?php echo htmlentities($msg); ?> </div> <?php } ?> <script> formats = new Array(); <?php
error_log(date("Y-m-d H:i:s ") . "Successful PDT: {$info['txn_id']} {$info['txn_type']} {$err}\n{$dump}\n", 3, "{$GLOBALS['DATADIR']}/ipn-errors.log"); $custom = explode("/", $info["custom"]); if ($info["txn_type"] === 'subscr_payment') { if ($custom[4]) { header("Location: " . projurl(urlencode($custom[4]))); } else { header("Location: account.php?tab=subscription"); } exit; } list($rc, $currencies) = ff_currencies(); if ($rc) { print "Error fetching currencies: {$rc} {$currencies}"; exit; } $code = $info["mc_currency"]; $mult = $currencies[$code]["multiplier"]; $gross = round($info["mc_gross"] * $mult); $fee = round($info["mc_fee"] * $mult); if ($err !== 'Success' && $err !== 'Repeated transaction') { // It was a project creation header("Location: createdproject.php?p=" . scrub($err) . "&amt={$gross}{$code}"); exit; } if (sizeof($custom) == 1) { // The transaction was a direct reserve deposit header("Location: account.php?tab=reserve&err=deposit" . "¤cy={$code}&gross={$gross}&fee={$fee}"); exit; } header("Location: " . projurl($custom[1], "pp_err={$no_transfer}" . "¤cy={$code}&gross={$gross}&fee={$fee}")); exit;
function getduties($username) { $username = scrub($username); list($rc, $duties) = ff_getduties($username); if ($rc) { return array($rc, $duties); } $result = array(); foreach ($duties as $key => $duty) { list($rc, $projectinfo) = ff_getprojectinfo($duty["projectid"]); if ($rc) { return array($rc, $projectinfo); } $deadline = $duty["deadline"]; $tag = $deadline ? "newduty2" : "newduty"; if ($duty["type"] == 'dispute-plaintiff') { list($rc, $disputeinfo) = ff_getdisputeinfo($duty["id"]); if ($rc) { return array($rc, $disputeinfo); } $link = "dispute.php?id={$duty['id']}&requser={$username}"; $macros = array("subject" => $disputeinfo["subject"], "projectname" => $projectinfo["name"]); $textid = "plaintiff"; } else { if ($duty["type"] == 'dispute-defendant') { list($rc, $disputeinfo) = ff_getdisputeinfo($duty["id"]); if ($rc) { return array($rc, $disputeinfo); } $link = "dispute.php?id={$duty['id']}&requser={$username}"; $macros = array("subject" => $disputeinfo["subject"], "username" => $disputeinfo["plaintiff"], "projectname" => $projectinfo["name"], "deadline" => date("D F j, H:i:s T", $deadline)); if (sizeof($disputeinfo["arguments"] == 1)) { $textid = "{$tag}-newdispute"; } else { $textid = "{$tag}-dispute"; } } else { if ($duty["type"] == 'new-subproject') { list($rc, $pinfo) = ff_getprojectinfo($duty["id"]); if ($rc) { return array($rc, $pinfo); } $link = projurl($duty["projectid"], "tab=subprojects&requser={$username}"); $macros = array("projectname" => $pinfo["name"], "parentname" => $projectinfo["name"], "deadline" => date("D F j, H:i:s T", $deadline)); $textid = "{$tag}-newsubproject"; } else { if ($duty["type"] == 'code submission') { // Hide code submission duties on accepted projects if ($projectinfo["status"] == 'accept') { continue; } list($rc, $sinfo) = ff_getsubmissioninfo($duty["id"]); if ($rc) { return array($rc, $sinfo); } $link = projurl($duty["projectid"], "tab=submissions&requser={$username}#submission{$duty['id']}"); $macros = array("projectname" => $projectinfo["name"], "submitter" => $sinfo["username"], "deadline" => date("D F j, H:i:s T", $deadline)); $textid = "{$tag}-submission"; } else { if ($duty["type"] == 'change proposal') { list($rc, $postinfo) = ff_getpostinfo($duty["id"]); if ($rc) { return array($rc, $postinfo); } $link = projurl($duty["projectid"], "requser={$username}&post={$duty['id']}"); $macros = array("projectname" => $projectinfo["name"], "submitter" => $postinfo["owner"], "deadline" => date("D F j, H:i:s T", $deadline)); $textid = "{$tag}-changeproposal"; } } } } } list($rc, $subject) = ff_gettext("{$textid}-subject", $macros); if ($rc) { return array($rc, $subject); } list($rc, $body) = ff_gettext("{$textid}-body", $macros); if ($rc) { return array($rc, $body); } $duty["link"] = $link; $duty["subject"] = $subject; $duty["body"] = $body; $result[$key] = $duty; } return array(0, $result); }
$ancestry = implode("/", $historyarray['ancestors']); if (!$history[$i]['subject']) { $history[$i]['subject'] = 'No subject'; } print "<li>"; print "<span class=postdate>"; print date("Y-m-d H:i T", $history[$i]["time"]); print "</span> "; if ($history[$i]["action"] == 'accept') { print "<span class=accepted>[ACCEPTED]</span> "; } else { if ($history[$i]["action"] == 'reject') { print "<span class=rejected>[REJECTED]</span> "; } } print "<a href='" . projurl($id, "post=" . $history[$i]['postid']) . "' onClick='return fold3(\"reqmts{$id}\",\"" . $ancestry . "\")'>"; print htmlentities($history[$i]['subject']) . "</a>"; print "</li>\n"; } print "</ul>\n"; } show_forum("reqmts{$id}", $projinfo['name'], 0); } else { if ($tab == 'disputes') { include_once "disputelist.php"; show_dispute($id); } else { if ($tab == 'subprojects') { include_once 'allot.php'; } else { if ($tab == 'sponsors') {
> <td valign=top width="0%"><img class=arrow id="proj-<?php echo $myproject["id"]; ?> -arrow" src="arrow-right.gif" onClick="folder('proj-<?php echo $myproject["id"]; ?> ')"></td> <td valign=top width="100%"><a class=folder href="javascript:folder('proj-<?php echo $myproject["id"]; ?> ')"><?php echo htmlentities($myproject['name']); ?> </a> <a href="<?php echo projurl($myproject["id"]); ?> " style="text-decoration:none">[go]</a> <div id="proj-<?php echo $myproject["id"]; ?> -div" class=folded> <p style="font-size:small"> <b>Project Lead:</b> <?php echo htmlentities($myproject["lead"]); ?> <br> <b>Bounty:</b> <?php echo convert_money($myproject["bounty"]); ?> </p>
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fossfactory-src is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Fossfactory-src. If not, see <>. */ $parentid = scrub($_REQUEST["id"]); //get subprojects of project list($rc, $subprojects) = ff_getsubprojects($parentid); if ($rc) { print "Internal error: {$rc} {$subprojects}"; exit; } foreach ($subprojects as $subproject) { $allotment = round($_REQUEST["sub{$subproject['id']}"] * 10); if (isset($_REQUEST["sub{$subproject['id']}"]) && $allotment >= 0 && $allotment <= 1000 && (!$subproject["allotted"] || $allotment != $subproject["allotment"])) { ff_setallotment($username, $parentid, $subproject['id'], $allotment); } $priority = scrub($_REQUEST["pri{$subproject['id']}"]); if ($priority !== $subproject["priority"]) { ff_setpriority($username, $parentid, $subproject['id'], $priority); } } header("Location: " . projurl($parentid, "tab=subprojects")); exit;
return confirm('Really submit this bug report? Please read everything over carefully before submitting.'); } </script> <form method="post" name='form' style="clear:left" onSubmit="return checkAllot()"> <input type=hidden id=stopspam name=stopspam value="no"> <script>document.getElementById('stopspam').value='yes';</script> <input type=hidden name=p value="<?php echo $p; ?> "> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><tr> <td valign="top" colspan="2" width="100%"> <b>Project:</b> <a href="<?php echo projurl($parent["id"], "tab=subprojects"); ?> "><?php echo htmlentities($parent["name"]); ?> </a><br><br> </td> </tr><tr><td valign="bottom" width="50%"> <h2>Bug Priority</h2> <select name=priority> <?php foreach (array_keys($GLOBALS["priorities"]) as $priority) { if ($priority === 'subproject') { continue; } ?>
<b>Bounty:</b> <nobr><?php echo htmlentities(format_money($project["bounty"])); ?> </nobr> <?php if (ereg("[1-9]", $project["bounty"]) && !ereg("^[0-9]*{$GLOBALS['pref_currency']}\$", $project["bounty"])) { ?> <nobr>(Approx. <?php echo htmlentities(convert_money($project["bounty"])); ?> )</nobr><?php } ?> </p> <a href="<?php echo projurl($project["id"]); ?> ">project page</a> </div> </span></td> <td class=lead><?php echo $project['lead'] === '' ? "<i><none></i>" : htmlentities($project['lead']); ?> </td> <td class=bounty><nobr><?php echo htmlentities(convert_money($project["bounty"])); ?> </nobr></td> </tr> <?php }
?> <td colspan='4'> <i>Waiting for the plaintiff to respond...</i> <?php } else { if ($disputeinfo['status'] == 'defendant') { ?> <td colspan='4'> <i>Waiting for the project lead to respond...</i> <?php } else { if ($disputeinfo['status'] == 'waiting') { ?> <td colspan='4'> <i>This debate has been concluded, but has not yet been sent for arbitration. One or more <a href="<?php echo projurl($disputeinfo["projectid"], "tab=disputes#tabs"); ?> ">other disputes</a> must be decided before this one can proceed.</i> <?php } else { if ($disputeinfo['status'] == 'conflict') { ?> <td colspan='4'> <i>Waiting for the plaintiff to resolve a merge conflict...</i> <?php } else { ?> <td><?php echo date("Y-m-d H:i\\&\\n\\b\\s\\p\\;T", $disputeinfo["decided"]); ?> </td>
This file is part of Fossfactory-src. Fossfactory-src is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fossfactory-src is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Fossfactory-src. If not, see <>. */ $id = scrub($_REQUEST["id"]); $tab = scrub($_REQUEST["tab"]); if ($_GET['type'] == 'project') { $stop = intval($_REQUEST["stop"]); if ($GLOBALS["username"]) { ff_setvote($GLOBALS["username"], $id, !$stop); } } if ($_GET['type'] == 'funding' && ($_GET['vote'] == 'more' || $_GET['vote'] == 'less')) { if ($GLOBALS['username']) { ff_setfundingvote($GLOBALS['username'], $id, $_GET['vote'] == 'more'); } } header("Location: " . projurl($id, $tab ? "tab={$tab}" : ""));
$id = substr($topicid, 5); if (isset($_REQUEST["subject"])) { list($rc, $postid) = ff_createpost("{$topicid}", "{$_REQUEST['subject']}", "{$_REQUEST['body']}", $parent, $_REQUEST["anonymous"] ? '' : $username, '', $attachments, $_REQUEST["watchthread"] ? 1 : 0, "dispute.php?id={$disputeid}"); header("Location: dispute.php?id={$disputeid}&post={$postid}" . ($parent ? "#p{$parent}" : "")); exit; } } elseif (substr($topicid, 0, 4) == 'proj') { $id = substr($topicid, 4); if ($username !== '' && $_REQUEST["watchproject"]) { al_createwatch('$id-news', $username); } if (isset($_REQUEST["subject"])) { list($rc, $postid) = ff_createpost("{$topicid}", "{$_REQUEST['subject']}", "{$_REQUEST['body']}", $parent, $_REQUEST["anonymous"] ? '' : $username, '', $attachments, $_REQUEST["watchthread"] ? 1 : 0, projurl($id)); header("Location: " . projurl($id, "post={$postid}" . ($parent ? "#p{$parent}" : ""))); exit; } } elseif (substr($topicid, 0, 8) == 'feedback') { if (isset($_REQUEST["subject"])) { $tab = substr($topicid, 8); list($rc, $postid) = ff_createpost("{$topicid}", "{$_REQUEST['subject']}", "{$_REQUEST['body']}", $parent, $_REQUEST["anonymous"] ? '' : $username, '', $attachments, $_REQUEST["watchthread"] ? 1 : 0, "feedback.php" . ($tab ? "?tab={$tab}" : "")); header("Location: feedback.php?post={$postid}" . ($tab ? "&tab={$tab}" : "") . ($parent ? "#p{$parent}" : "")); exit; } } elseif (substr($topicid, 0, 4) == 'subm') { $id = substr($topicid, 4); if (isset($_REQUEST["subject"])) { list($rc, $postid) = ff_createpost("{$topicid}", "{$_REQUEST['subject']}", "{$_REQUEST['body']}", $parent, $_REQUEST["anonymous"] ? '' : $username, '', $attachments, $_REQUEST["watchthread"] ? 1 : 0, projurl($id, "tab=submissions")); header("Location: " . projurl($id, "tab=submissions&post={$postid}" . ($parent ? "#p{$parent}" : ""))); exit; } }
function error($rc, $err) { header("Location: " . projurl($GLOBALS["project"], "err=" . urlencode("{$rc} {$err}"))); exit; }
?> <th>Summary</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($subprojects as $subproject) { $totalallotment += $subproject['allotment'] / 10; ?> <tr<?php echo $subproject['status'] === 'complete' ? " bgcolor='#c0c0c0'" : ""; ?> > <td align=right valign=top><?php echo $subproject['status'] === 'complete' ? "<del style='color:#000'>" : ''; ?> <a href="<?php echo projurl($subproject["id"]); ?> "><?php echo $subproject['id']; ?> </a><?php echo $subproject['status'] == 'complete' ? '</del>' : ''; ?> </td> <td valign=top><?php if ($GLOBALS['username'] !== '' && $GLOBALS['username'] == $projinfo['lead']) { ?> <select name="pri<?php echo $subproject['id']; ?> ">
(at your option) any later version. Fossfactory-src is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Fossfactory-src. If not, see <>. */ $p = scrub($_REQUEST["p"]); $amt = "{$_REQUEST['amt']}"; apply_template("Project Created", array(array("name" => "Project Created", "href" => "createdproject.php?p={$p}&amt=" . urlencode($amt)))); ?> <div class=results> Thank you for creating a new FOSS Factory project. Your payment of <?php echo format_money($amt); ?> has been received. A receipt has been emailed to you. You may log into your account at <a href=""></a> to view details of the transaction. <p> <a href="<?php echo projurl($p); ?> ">Continue to Project Page</a> </p>
if( Number(amt) > n_sponsorship_amt[c]) { alert('You have requested more funds than are available to retract.\n'+ 'Please enter a smaller amount.'); return false; } if( amt.match( toobig_regex[c])) { alert('Due to system limitations, the largest amount '+ 'we can handle is '+max_amt[c]+'.'); return false; } return true; } </script> <form method=post action="<?php echo projurl($id); ?> " onSubmit="return checkRetractForm()" id="retract-form"> <input type=hidden name=tab value="<?php echo scrub($_REQUEST["tab"]); ?> "> <p> Current sponsorship: <?php echo format_money($sponsorship); ?> </p> <?php if ($num_currencies > 1) { ?> <div>