Exemplo n.º 1
function check_workunit_permission($id_workunit)
    global $config;
    // Delete workunit with ACL / Project manager check
    $workunit = get_db_row('tworkunit', 'id', $id_workunit);
    if ($workunit === false) {
        return false;
    $id_user = $workunit["id_user"];
    $id_task = get_db_value("id_task", "tworkunit_task", "id_workunit", $workunit["id"]);
    $id_project = get_db_value("id_project", "ttask", "id", $id_task);
    if ($id_user != $config["id_user"] && !give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "PM") && !project_manager_check($id_project)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
function show_workunit_user($id_workunit, $full = 0, $show_multiple = true)
    global $config;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM tworkunit WHERE id = {$id_workunit}";
    if ($res = mysql_query($sql)) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    } else {
    $timestamp = $row["timestamp"];
    $duration = $row["duration"];
    $id_user = $row["id_user"];
    $avatar = get_db_value("avatar", "tusuario", "id_usuario", $id_user);
    $nota = $row["description"];
    $have_cost = $row["have_cost"];
    $profile = $row["id_profile"];
    $public = $row["public"];
    $locked = $row["locked"];
    $work_home = $row["work_home"];
    $id_task = get_db_value("id_task", "tworkunit_task", "id_workunit", $row["id"]);
    if (!$id_task) {
        $id_incident = get_db_value("id_incident", "tworkunit_incident", "id_workunit", $row["id"]);
    $id_project = get_db_value("id_project", "ttask", "id", $id_task);
    $id_profile = get_db_value("id_profile", "tworkunit", "id", $id_workunit);
    $task_title = get_db_value("name", "ttask", "id", $id_task);
    if (!$id_task) {
        $incident_title = get_db_value("titulo", "tincidencia", "id_incidencia", $id_incident);
    $project_title = get_db_value("name", "tproject", "id", $id_project);
    // ACL Check for visibility
    if (!$public && $id_user != $config["id_user"]) {
        if ($id_task) {
            $task_access = get_project_access($config["id_user"], false, $id_task, false, true);
            if (!$task_access["manage"]) {
        } elseif (!give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "TM")) {
    echo "<form method='post' action='index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/projects/task_workunit'>";
    // Show data
    echo "<div class='notetitle'>";
    // titulo
    echo "<table class='blank' border=0 width='100%' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='margin-left: 0px;margin-top: 0px; background: transparent;'>";
    echo "<tr><td rowspan=4 width='7%'>";
    print_user_avatar($id_user, true);
    echo "<td width='60%'><b>";
    if ($id_task) {
        echo __('Task') . " </b> : ";
        echo "<a href='index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/projects/task_detail&id_task={$id_task}&operation=view'>{$task_title}</A>";
    } else {
        echo __('Ticket') . " </b> : ";
        echo "<a href='index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident&id={$id_incident}'>{$incident_title}</A>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td width='13%'>";
    echo "<b>" . __('Duration') . "</b>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td width='20%'>";
    echo " : " . format_numeric($duration);
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td>";
    // Public WU ?
    echo "<span style='margin-bottom:0px; padding-right:10px;'>";
    if ($public == 1) {
        echo "<img src='images/group.png' title='" . __('Public Workunit') . "' />";
    } else {
        echo "<img src='images/delete.png' title='" . __('Non public Workunit') . "' />";
    echo "</span>";
    echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td><b>";
    if ($id_task) {
        echo __('Project') . " </b> : ";
        echo "<a href='index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/projects/task&id_project={$id_project}'>{$project_title}</A>";
    } else {
        echo __('Group') . "</b> : ";
        echo dame_nombre_grupo(get_db_sql("SELECT id_grupo FROM tincidencia WHERE id_incidencia = {$id_incident}"));
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td><b>";
    if ($have_cost != 0) {
        $profile_cost = get_db_value("cost", "trole", "id", $profile);
        $cost = format_numeric($duration * $profile_cost);
        $cost = $cost . " &euro;";
    } else {
        $cost = __('N/A');
    echo __('Cost');
    echo "</b>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td>";
    echo " : " . $cost;
    echo "</td>";
    if ($show_multiple) {
        echo "<td>";
        echo print_checkbox_extended('op_multiple[]', $id_workunit, false, false, '', '', true);
        echo "</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td><b>";
    echo __('Work from home');
    echo "</b>";
    if ($work_home == 0) {
        $wfh = __('No');
    } else {
        $wfh = __('Yes');
    echo " : " . $wfh;
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td><b>";
    echo __('Profile');
    echo "</b></td><td>";
    echo " : " . get_db_value("name", "trole", "id", $profile);
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>";
    echo "<a href='index.php?sec=users&sec2=operation/users/user_edit&id={$id_user}'>";
    echo "<b>" . $id_user . "</b>";
    echo "</a>";
    echo " " . __('said on') . ' ' . $timestamp;
    echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</form>";
    // Body
    //echo "<div class='notebody'>";
    echo "<div class='notebody' id='wu_{$id_workunit}'>";
    echo "<table width='100%'  class='blank'>";
    echo "<tr><td valign='top'>";
    if (strlen($nota) > 1024 and $full == 0) {
        echo topi_richtext(clean_output_breaks(substr($nota, 0, 1024)));
        echo "<br><br>";
        echo "<a href='index.php?sec=users&sec2=operation/users/user_workunit_report&id_workunit=" . $id_workunit . "&title={$task_title}'>";
        echo __('Read more...');
        echo "</a>";
    } else {
        echo topi_richtext(clean_output_breaks($nota));
    echo "<td valign='top'>";
    echo "<table width='100%'  class='blank'>";
    if ($_GET["sec2"] == "operation/users/user_workunit_report") {
        $myurl = "index.php?sec=users&sec2=operation/users/user_workunit_report&id={$id_user}";
    } else {
        if ($id_project > 0) {
            $myurl = "index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/users/user_spare_workunit&id_project={$id_project}&id_task={$id_task}";
        } else {
            $myurl = "index.php?sec=users&sec2=operation/users/user_workunit_report&id={$id_user}";
    if (project_manager_check($id_project) == 1 or $id_user == $config["id_user"] or give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "TM")) {
        echo "<tr><td align='right'>";
        echo "<br>";
        echo "<a class='delete-workunit' id='delete-{$id_workunit}' href='{$myurl}&id_workunit={$id_workunit}&operation=delete' onclick='if (!confirm(\"" . __('Are you sure?') . "\")) return false;'><img src='images/cross.png'  title='" . __('Delete workunit') . "'/></a>";
    // Edit workunit
    if ((project_manager_check($id_project) == 1 or give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "TM") or $id_user == $config["id_user"]) and ($locked == "" or give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "UM"))) {
        echo "<tr><td align='right'>";
        echo "<br>";
        echo "<a class='edit-workunit' id='edit-{$id_workunit}' href='index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/users/user_spare_workunit&id_project={$id_project}&id_task={$id_task}&id_workunit={$id_workunit}&id_profile={$id_profile}'><img border=0 src='images/page_white_text.png' title='" . __('Edit workunit') . "'></a>";
        echo "</td>";
    // Lock workunit
    if ((project_manager_check($id_project) == 1 or give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "TM") or $id_user == $config["id_user"]) and $locked == "") {
        echo "<tr><td align='right'>";
        echo "<br>";
        echo "<a class='lock_workunit' id='lock-{$id_workunit}' href='{$myurl}&id_workunit={$id_workunit}&operation=lock'><img src='images/lock.png' title='" . __('Lock workunit') . "'></a>";
        echo "</td>";
    } else {
        echo "<tr><td align='right'>";
        echo "<br><img src='images/rosette.png' title='" . __('Locked by') . " {$locked}'";
        echo print_user_avatar($locked, true);
        echo "</td>";
    echo "</tr></table>";
    echo "</tr></table>";
    echo "</div>";
Exemplo n.º 3
//	$id_task = $workunit['id_task'];
//	$id_project = get_db_value ('id_project', 'ttask', 'id', $id_task);

	$id_user = $workunit['id_user'];
	$wu_user = $id_user;
	$duration = $workunit['duration']; 
	$description = $workunit['description'];
	$have_cost = $workunit['have_cost'];
	$id_profile = $workunit['id_profile'];
	$now = $workunit['timestamp'];
	$public = (bool) $workunit['public'];
	$now_date = substr ($now, 0, 10);
	$now_time = substr ($now, 10, 8);
	$work_home = $workunit['work_home'];
	if ($id_user != $config["id_user"] && ! project_manager_check ($id_project) ) {
		if (!give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "UM")){
			audit_db ($config["id_user"], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation",
			"Trying to access non owned workunit");
			require ("general/noaccess.php");
else {
	$id_user = $config["id_user"];
	$wu_user = $id_user;
	$duration = $config["pwu_defaultime"]; 
	$description = "";
	$id_inventory = array();
	$have_cost = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
// ---------------
// DELETE Workunit
// ---------------

if ($operation == "delete"){
	// Delete workunit with ACL / Project manager check
	$id_workunit = get_parameter ("id_workunit");
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM tworkunit WHERE id = $id_workunit";
	if ($res = mysql_query($sql)) 
	$id_user_wu = $row["id_user"];
	if (($id_user_wu == $config["id_user"]) OR (give_acl($config["id_user"], 0,"PM") ==1 ) OR (project_manager_check($id_project) == 1)){
		mysql_query ("DELETE FROM tworkunit where id = '$id_workunit'");
		if (mysql_query ("DELETE FROM tworkunit_task where id_workunit = '$id_workunit'")){
				$result_output = ui_print_success_message (__('Successfully deleted'), '', true, 'h3', true);
				audit_db ($id_user, $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "Work unit deleted", "Workunit for $id_user");
		} else {
			$result_output = ui_print_error_message (__('Not deleted. Error deleting data'), '', true, 'h3', true);
	} else {
		audit_db($id_user, $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation","Trying to delete WU $id_workunit without rigths");
		include ("general/noaccess.php");

// --------------------
Exemplo n.º 5
		$table->head[0] = __('Description');
		$table->head[1] = __('Amount');
		$table->head[2] = __('Filename');
		$table->head[3] = __('Delete');
		foreach ($costs as $cost) {
			$data = array ();
			$data[0] = $cost["description"];
			$data[1] = get_invoice_amount($cost["id"]);// Check
			$id_invoice = $cost["id"];
			$filename = get_db_sql ("SELECT filename FROM tattachment WHERE id_attachment = ". $cost["id_attachment"]);
			$data[2] = 	"<a href='".$config["base_url"]."/attachment/".$cost["id_attachment"]."_".$filename."'>$filename</a>";
			if (($config["id_user"] = $cost["id_user"]) OR (project_manager_check ($id_project))){
				$data[3] = 	"<a href='index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/projects/task_cost&id_task=$id_task&id_project=$id_project&operation=delete&id_invoice=$id_invoice '><img src='images/cross.png'></a>";
			array_push ($table->data, $data);
		print_table ($table);
	} else {
		echo ui_print_error_message(__('No data found'), '', true, 'h3', true);
	echo "</div>";
	echo "</div>";

if ($operation == ""){
Exemplo n.º 6
function user_belong_task($id_user, $id_task, $real = 0)
    global $config;
    if ($real == 0) {
        if (dame_admin($id_user) != 0) {
            return 1;
    $id_project = get_db_sql("SELECT id_project FROM ttask WHERE id = {$id_task}");
    // Project manager always has access to all tasks of his project
    if (project_manager_check($id_project) == 1) {
        return 1;
    $query1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) from trole_people_task WHERE id_task = {$id_task} AND id_user = '******'";
    $resq1 = mysql_query($query1);
    $rowdup = mysql_fetch_array($resq1);
    if ($rowdup[0] == 0) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return 1;
    // There is at least one role for this person in that project
Exemplo n.º 7
$id_task = (int) get_parameter ('id');
$operation = (string) get_parameter ('operation');

if ($operation == 'move') {
	// ACL
	$task_access = get_project_access ($config["id_user"], $id_project, $id_task, false, true);
	if (! $task_access["manage"]) {
		// Doesn't have access to this page
		audit_db($config['id_user'], $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation", "Trying to move a task without permission");
		no_permission ();
	$target_project = get_parameter ("target_project");
	$id_task = get_parameter ("id_task");
	if ((dame_admin($config['id_user'])==1) OR (project_manager_check ($id_project) == 1)){
		$sql = sprintf ('UPDATE ttask
			SET id_project = %d,
			id_parent_task = 0
			WHERE id = %d', $target_project, $id_task);
		process_sql ($sql);
		// Move subtasks of this task
		$sql = sprintf ('UPDATE ttask
			SET id_project = %d WHERE id_parent_task = %d', $target_project, $id_task);
		process_sql ($sql);
		task_tracking ($id_task, TASK_MOVED);
	else {
Exemplo n.º 8
    $table->width = '90%';
    $table->data = array();
    $table->head = array();
    $table->head[0] = __('Description');
    $table->head[1] = __('Amount');
    $table->head[2] = __('Filename');
    $table->head[3] = __('Delete');
    foreach ($costs as $cost) {
        $data = array();
        $data[0] = $cost["description"];
        $data[1] = get_invoice_amount($cost["id"]);
        // Check
        $id_invoice = $cost["id"];
        $filename = get_db_sql("SELECT filename FROM tattachment WHERE id_attachment = " . $cost["id_attachment"]);
        $data[2] = "<a href='" . $config["base_url"] . "/attachment/" . $cost["id_attachment"] . "_" . $filename . "'>{$filename}</a>";
        if ($config["id_user"] = $cost["id_user"] or project_manager_check($id_project)) {
            $data[3] = "<a href='index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/projects/task_cost&id_task={$id_task}&id_project={$id_project}&operation=delete&id_invoice={$id_invoice} '><img src='images/cross.png'></a>";
        array_push($table->data, $data);
if ($operation == "") {
    echo "<h3>";
    echo __('Add cost unit') . " - {$task_name}</A></h3>";
    echo "<div id='upload_control'>";
    $action = "index.php?sec=projects&sec2=operation/projects/task_cost&id_task={$id_task}&id_project={$id_project}";
    $table->id = 'cost_form';
    $table->width = '90%';
    $table->class = 'listing';
    $table->size = array();
Exemplo n.º 9
// ---------------
// DELETE Workunit
// ---------------
if ($operation == "delete") {
    // Delete workunit with ACL / Project manager check
    $id_workunit = get_parameter("id_workunit");
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM tworkunit WHERE id = {$id_workunit}";
    if ($res = mysql_query($sql)) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    } else {
    $id_user_wu = $row["id_user"];
    if ($id_user_wu == $config["id_user"] or give_acl($config["id_user"], 0, "PM") == 1 or project_manager_check($id_project) == 1) {
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM tworkunit where id = '{$id_workunit}'");
        if (mysql_query("DELETE FROM tworkunit_task where id_workunit = '{$id_workunit}'")) {
            $result_output = "<h3 class='suc'>" . __('Successfully deleted') . "</h3>";
            audit_db($id_user, $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "Work unit deleted", "Workunit for {$id_user}");
        } else {
            $result_output = "<h3 class='error'>" . __('Not deleted. Error deleting data') . "</h3>";
    } else {
        audit_db($id_user, $config["REMOTE_ADDR"], "ACL Violation", "Trying to delete WU {$id_workunit} without rigths");
        include "general/noaccess.php";
// --------------------
// Workunit report