Exemplo n.º 1
function html2xhtml($html)
    // Remove SCRIPT tags from the page being processed, as script content may
    // mess the firther html-parsing utilities
    $html = process_script($html);
    // Remove STYLE tags for the same reason and store them in the temporary variable
    // later they will be added back to HEAD section
    $styles = process_style($html);
    // Convert HTML character references to their Unicode analogues
    $html = quote_attrs($html);
    $html = escape_attrs_entities($html);
    $html = lowercase_tags($html);
    $html = lowercase_closing_tags($html);
    $html = fix_closing_tags($html);
    $html = close_tag("area", $html);
    $html = close_tag("base", $html);
    $html = close_tag("basefont", $html);
    $html = close_tag("br", $html);
    $html = close_tag("col", $html);
    $html = close_tag("embed", $html);
    $html = close_tag("frame", $html);
    $html = close_tag("hr", $html);
    $html = close_tag("img", $html);
    $html = close_tag("input", $html);
    $html = close_tag("isindex", $html);
    $html = close_tag("link", $html);
    $html = close_tag("meta", $html);
    $html = close_tag("param", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("checked", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("compact", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("declare", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("defer", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("disabled", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("ismap", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("multiple", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("nohref", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("noresize", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("noshade", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("nowrap", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("readonly", $html);
    $html = make_attr_value("selected", $html);
    $html = process_html($html);
    $html = process_body($html);
    $html = process_head($html);
    $html = process_p($html);
    $html = escape_amp($html);
    $html = escape_lt($html);
    $html = escape_gt($html);
    $html = escape_textarea_content($html);
    process_tables($html, 0);
    process_lists($html, 0);
    process_deflists($html, 0);
    process_selects($html, 0);
    $html = fix_tags($html);
    $html = fix_attrs($html);
    $html = insert_styles($html, $styles);
    return $html;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // set up the page to be grabbed
        // Nothing happens until we execute WordPress with the following:
        $wpUtdInt = null;
    } else {
        $wpuAbs->err_msg(GENERAL_ERROR, $wpuAbs->lang('WP_Not_Installed_Yet'), '', '', '');
} else {
    require $phpbb_root_path . 'wp-united/wp-template-loader.' . $phpEx;
//If we want to show the page inside phpBB header/footer, we need to process it first
if ($wpSettings['showHdrFtr'] == 'FWD' && !$wpuNoHead && !defined('WPU_REVERSE_INTEGRATION')) {
    $wpHdrInfo = process_head($retWpInc);
    //export styles to template - before or after phpBB depending on selection.
    $header_info_loc = $wpSettings['cssFirst'] == 'P' ? 'WP_HEADERINFO_LATE' : 'WP_HEADERINFO_EARLY';
    $template->assign_vars(array($header_info_loc => $wpHdrInfo));
    // We need to set the base HREF correctly, so that images and links in the phpBB header and footer work properly
    $wpuAbs->add_template_switch('PHPBB_BASE', $scriptPath);
    //Char Encoding
    if ('PHPBB2' == $wpuAbs->ver) {
        if ($wpSettings['charEncoding'] == 'MATCH_WP') {
            $lang['ENCODING'] = get_option('blog_charset');
    if ('PHPBB2' == $wpuAbs->ver) {
        include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.' . $phpEx;
    } else {
        global $wpu_page_title;