Exemplo n.º 1
 public function actionGetOnline()
     $session_model = $this->_getSessionModel();
     $bypass_privacy = $this->_getUserModel()->canBypassUserPrivacy();
     $visitor = XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();
     $online = $session_model->getSessionActivityRecords(array('cutOff' => array('>', $session_model->getOnlineStatusTimeout()), 'getInvisible' => $bypass_privacy, 'getUnconfirmed' => $bypass_privacy, 'forceInclude' => true), array('join' => XenForo_Model_Session::FETCH_USER, 'order' => 'view_date'));
     $online = $session_model->addSessionActivityDetailsToList($online);
     $totals = $session_model->getSessionActivityQuickList($visitor->toArray(), array('cutOff' => array('>', $session_model->getOnlineStatusTimeout())), $visitor['user_id'] ? $visitor->toArray() : null);
     $online_users = array();
     foreach ($online as $rec) {
         if (!$rec['user_id']) {
         $activity = '';
         if ($rec['activityDescription'] instanceof XenForo_Phrase) {
             $activity = $rec['activityDescription']->render();
         $out = array('userid' => $rec['user_id'], 'username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($rec['username'])));
         if ($activity != '') {
             $out['activity'] = prepare_utf8_string($activity);
         if ($visitor->getUserId() == $rec['user_id']) {
             $out['me'] = true;
         $avatarurl = process_avatarurl(XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl($rec, 'm'));
         if (strpos($avatarurl, '/xenforo/avatars/avatar_') !== false) {
             $avatarurl = '';
         if ($avatarurl != '') {
             $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
         $online_users[] = $out;
     return array('users' => $online_users, 'num_guests' => $totals['guests']);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function actionGetSubscriptions()
     $page = max($this->_input->filterSingle('page', XenForo_Input::UINT), 1);
     $perpage = $this->_input->filterSingle('perpage', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     if (!$perpage) {
         $perpage = XenForo_Application::get('options')->discussionsPerPage;
     $previewtype = $this->_input->filterSingle('previewtype', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     if (!$previewtype) {
         $previewtype = 2;
     $visitor = XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();
     $watch_model = $this->_getThreadWatchModel();
     $threads = $watch_model->getThreadsWatchedByUser($visitor['user_id'], false, array('join' => XenForo_Model_Thread::FETCH_FORUM | XenForo_Model_Thread::FETCH_USER, 'readUserId' => $visitor['user_id'], 'page' => $page, 'perPage' => $perpage, 'postCountUserId' => $visitor['user_id'], 'permissionCombinationId' => $visitor['permission_combination_id']));
     $threads = $watch_model->unserializePermissionsInList($threads, 'node_permission_cache');
     $threads = $watch_model->getViewableThreadsFromList($threads);
     $threads = $this->_prepareWatchedThreads($threads);
     $total = $watch_model->countThreadsWatchedByUser($visitor['user_id']);
     $this->canonicalizePageNumber($page, $perpage, $total, 'watched/threads/all');
     $thread_data = array();
     $thread_model = $this->_getThreadModel();
     $post_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Post');
     $preview_length = XenForo_Application::get('options')->discussionPreviewLength;
     $formatter = XenForo_BbCode_Formatter_Base::create('XenForo_BbCode_Formatter_Text');
     $parser = new XenForo_BbCode_Parser($formatter);
     foreach ($threads as &$thread) {
         $out = array('thread_id' => $thread['thread_id'], 'forum_title' => prepare_utf8_string($thread['node_title']), 'new_posts' => $thread['isNew'], 'forum_id' => $thread['node_id'], 'total_posts' => $thread['reply_count'] + 1, 'thread_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['title'])), 'post_lastposttime' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::dateTime($thread['last_post_date'], 'absolute')));
         if ($previewtype == 1) {
             $out += array('post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['username'])), 'post_userid' => $thread['user_id']);
         } else {
             $out += array('post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['last_post_username'])), 'post_userid' => $thread['last_post_user_id']);
         $post = $post_model->getPostById($thread[$previewtype == 1 ? 'first_post_id' : 'last_post_id'], array('join' => XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_USER));
         $avatarurl = process_avatarurl(XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl($post, 'm'));
         if (strpos($avatarurl, '/xenforo/avatars/avatar_') !== false) {
             $avatarurl = '';
         if ($avatarurl != '') {
             $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
         $preview = '';
         if ($preview_length) {
             $preview = $parser->render($post['message']);
         if ($preview != '') {
             $out['thread_preview'] = prepare_utf8_string(html_entity_decode($preview));
         if ($thread['discussion_type'] == 'poll') {
             $out['poll'] = true;
         $thread_data[] = $out;
     $out = array('threads' => $thread_data, 'total_threads' => $total);
     return $out;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function actionGetProfile()
     $visitor = XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();
     $permissions = $visitor->getPermissions();
     $session_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Session');
     $userid = $this->_input->filterSingle('userid', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     if (!$userid) {
         $userid = XenForo_Visitor::getUserId();
     try {
         $user = $this->getHelper('UserProfile')->assertUserProfileValidAndViewable($userid, array('join' => XenForo_Model_User::FETCH_LAST_ACTIVITY));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $online_info = $session_model->getSessionActivityRecords(array('user_id' => $user['user_id'], 'cutOff' => array('>', $session_model->getOnlineStatusTimeout())));
     $is_online = false;
     if (count($online_info) == 1) {
         $is_online = true;
     $posts = $user['message_count'];
     $joindate = prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::date($user['register_date'], 'absolute'));
     $out = array('username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($user['username'])), 'posts' => $posts, 'joindate' => $joindate, 'online' => $is_online, 'avatar_upload' => $visitor->canUploadAvatar());
     $maxFileSize = XenForo_Permission::hasPermission($permissions, 'avatar', 'maxFileSize');
     if ($maxFileSize > 0) {
         $out['avatar_resize'] = true;
     $avatarurl = process_avatarurl(XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl($user, 'm'));
     if (strpos($avatarurl, '/xenforo/avatars/avatar_') !== false) {
         $avatarurl = '';
     if ($avatarurl != '') {
         $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
     if ($visitor->hasAdminPermission('ban')) {
         $out['ban'] = true;
     // New Profile Fields
     $groups = array();
     // About
     $out_group = array('name' => 'about', 'values' => array(array('name' => prepare_utf8_string(fr_get_phrase('messages')), 'value' => strval($posts)), array('name' => prepare_utf8_string(fr_get_phrase('joined')), 'value' => $joindate), array('name' => prepare_utf8_string(fr_get_phrase('likes_received')), 'value' => strval($user['like_count']))));
     $groups[] = $out_group;
     // Additional information
     $out_group = array('name' => 'additional');
     // Status
     if (!empty($user['status'])) {
         $out_group['values'][] = array('name' => prepare_utf8_string(fr_get_phrase('status')), 'value' => prepare_utf8_string($user['status']));
     // Location
     if (!empty($user['location'])) {
         $out_group['values'][] = array('name' => prepare_utf8_string(fr_get_phrase('location')), 'value' => prepare_utf8_string($user['location']));
     // Occupation
     if (!empty($user['occupation'])) {
         $out_group['values'][] = array('name' => prepare_utf8_string(fr_get_phrase('occupation')), 'value' => prepare_utf8_string($user['occupation']));
     // About
     if (!empty($user['about'])) {
         $out_group['values'][] = array('name' => prepare_utf8_string(fr_get_phrase('about')), 'value' => prepare_utf8_string(remove_bbcode($user['about'], true, true)));
     if (count($out_group['values'])) {
         $groups[] = $out_group;
     $out['groups'] = $groups;
     return $out;
Exemplo n.º 4
function do_get_post()
    global $vbulletin, $db, $foruminfo, $threadinfo, $postid, $postinfo;
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('type' => TYPE_STR));
    $type = 'html';
    if ($vbulletin->GPC['type']) {
        $type = $vbulletin->GPC['type'];
    if (!$postinfo['postid']) {
        standard_error(fetch_error('invalidid', $vbphrase['post'], $vbulletin->options['contactuslink']));
    if ((!$postinfo['visible'] or $postinfo['isdeleted']) and !can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'])) {
        standard_error(fetch_error('invalidid', $vbphrase['post'], $vbulletin->options['contactuslink']));
    if ((!$threadinfo['visible'] or $threadinfo['isdeleted']) and !can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'])) {
        standard_error(fetch_error('invalidid', $vbphrase['thread'], $vbulletin->options['contactuslink']));
    $forumperms = fetch_permissions($threadinfo['forumid']);
    if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) or !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads'])) {
    if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewothers']) and ($threadinfo['postuserid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] or $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 0)) {
    // check if there is a forum password and if so, ensure the user has it set
    verify_forum_password($foruminfo['forumid'], $foruminfo['password']);
    $postbit_factory = new vB_Postbit_Factory();
    $postbit_factory->registry =& $vbulletin;
    $postbit_factory->forum =& $foruminfo;
    $postbit_factory->cache = array();
    $postbit_factory->bbcode_parser = new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
    $post = $db->query_first_slave("\n\tSELECT\n\tpost.*, post.username AS postusername, post.ipaddress AS ip, IF(post.visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted,\n\t    user.*, userfield.*, usertextfield.*,\n\t    " . iif($foruminfo['allowicons'], 'icon.title as icontitle, icon.iconpath,') . "\n\t    IF(user.displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid,\n\t\t" . iif($vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'], 'avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline,customavatar.width AS avwidth,customavatar.height AS avheight,') . "\n\t\t" . ((can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'], 'canmoderateposts') or can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'], 'candeleteposts')) ? 'spamlog.postid AS spamlog_postid,' : '') . "\n\t\teditlog.userid AS edit_userid, editlog.username AS edit_username, editlog.dateline AS edit_dateline, editlog.reason AS edit_reason, editlog.hashistory,\n\t\tpostparsed.pagetext_html, postparsed.hasimages,\n\t\tsigparsed.signatureparsed, sigparsed.hasimages AS sighasimages,\n\t\tsigpic.userid AS sigpic, sigpic.dateline AS sigpicdateline, sigpic.width AS sigpicwidth, sigpic.height AS sigpicheight\n\t\t" . iif(!($permissions['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canseehiddencustomfields']), $vbulletin->profilefield['hidden']) . "\n\t\t{$hook_query_fields}\n\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = post.userid)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield AS userfield ON(userfield.userid = user.userid)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usertextfield AS usertextfield ON(usertextfield.userid = user.userid)\n\t\t" . iif($foruminfo['allowicons'], "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "icon AS icon ON(icon.iconid = post.iconid)") . "\n\t\t" . iif($vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'], "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "avatar AS avatar ON(avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customavatar AS customavatar ON(customavatar.userid = user.userid)") . "\n\t\t" . ((can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'], 'canmoderateposts') or can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'], 'candeleteposts')) ? "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "spamlog AS spamlog ON(spamlog.postid = post.postid)" : '') . "\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "editlog AS editlog ON(editlog.postid = post.postid)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "postparsed AS postparsed ON(postparsed.postid = post.postid AND postparsed.styleid = " . intval(STYLEID) . " AND postparsed.languageid = " . intval(LANGUAGEID) . ")\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sigparsed AS sigparsed ON(sigparsed.userid = user.userid AND sigparsed.styleid = " . intval(STYLEID) . " AND sigparsed.languageid = " . intval(LANGUAGEID) . ")\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sigpic AS sigpic ON(sigpic.userid = post.userid)\n\t\t{$hook_query_joins}\n\t\tWHERE post.postid = {$postid}\n    ");
    $types = vB_Types::instance();
    $contenttypeid = $types->getContentTypeID('vBForum_Post');
    $attachments = $db->query_read_slave("\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\tfd.thumbnail_dateline, fd.filesize, IF(fd.thumbnail_filesize > 0, 1, 0) AS hasthumbnail, fd.thumbnail_filesize,\n\t\t\ta.dateline, a.state, a.attachmentid, a.counter, a.contentid AS postid, a.filename,\n\t\t\ttype.contenttypes\n\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment AS a\n\t\tINNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "filedata AS fd ON (a.filedataid = fd.filedataid)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachmenttype AS type ON (fd.extension = type.extension)\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\ta.contentid = {$postid}\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\ta.contenttypeid = {$contenttypeid}\n\t\tORDER BY a.attachmentid\n\t");
    $fr_images = array();
    while ($attachment = $db->fetch_array($attachments)) {
        $lfilename = strtolower($attachment['filename']);
        if (strpos($lfilename, '.jpe') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.png') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.gif') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.jpg') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.jpeg') !== false) {
            $tmp = array('img' => $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/attachment.php?attachmentid=' . $attachment['attachmentid']);
            if ($vbulletin->options['attachthumbs']) {
                $tmp['tmb'] = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/attachment.php?attachmentid=' . $attachment['attachmentid'] . '&stc=1&thumb=1';
            $fr_images[] = $tmp;
    $postbits = '';
    $postbit_obj =& $postbit_factory->fetch_postbit('post');
    $postbit_obj->cachable = $post_cachable;
    $postbits .= $postbit_obj->construct_postbit($post);
    if ($type == 'html') {
        $bbcode_parser = new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
        $vbulletin->templatecache['bbcode_quote'] = '
<div style=\\"margin:0px; margin-top:0px;\\">
	<table cellpadding=\\"$stylevar[cellpadding]\\" cellspacing=\\"0\\" border=\\"0\\" width=\\"100%\\">
		<td class=\\"alt2\\" style=\\"border:1px solid #777777;\\">
			".(($show[\'username\']) ? ("
					" . construct_phrase("$vbphrase[originally_posted_by_x]", "$username") . "
				<div style=\\"font-style:italic\\">$message</div>
			") : ("
        $css = <<<EOF
<style type="text/css">
body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 3;
  font: 13px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.alt2 {
  background-color: #e6edf5;
  font: 13px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
html {
    -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
        $html = $css . $bbcode_parser->parse($post['pagetext']);
        $image = '';
    } else {
        if ($type == 'facebook') {
            $html = fetch_censored_text(strip_bbcode(strip_quotes($post['pagetext']), false, true));
            if (count($fr_images)) {
                $image = $fr_images[0]['img'];
    // Figure out if we can post
    $canpost = true;
    if ($threadinfo['isdeleted'] or !$threadinfo['visible'] and !can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'], 'canmoderateposts')) {
        $canpost = false;
    if (!$foruminfo['allowposting'] or $foruminfo['link'] or !$foruminfo['cancontainthreads']) {
        $canpost = false;
    if (!$threadinfo['open']) {
        if (!can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'], 'canopenclose')) {
            $canpost = false;
    if (($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] != $threadinfo['postuserid'] or !$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) and (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewothers']) or !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canreplyothers']))) {
        $canpost = false;
    if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) or !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads']) or !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canreplyown']) and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == $threadinfo['postuserid']) {
        $canpost = false;
    // Avatar work
    $avatarurl = '';
    if ($post['avatarurl']) {
        $avatarurl = process_avatarurl($post['avatarurl']);
    // Get post date/time
    $postdate = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $post['dateline'], 1);
    $posttime = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $post['dateline']);
    // Parse the post for quotes and inline images
    list($text, $nuked_quotes, $images) = parse_post($post['pagetext'], $post['allowsmilie'] && $usesmilies);
    $out = array('html' => prepare_utf8_string($html), 'post_id' => $post['postid'], 'thread_id' => $post['threadid'], 'forum_id' => $foruminfo['forumid'], 'forum_title' => prepare_utf8_string($foruminfo['title_clean']), 'username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post['username'])), 'joindate' => prepare_utf8_string($post['joindate']), 'usertitle' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post['usertitle'])), 'numposts' => $post['posts'] ? (string) $post['posts'] : '0', 'userid' => $post['userid'], 'title' => prepare_utf8_string($post['title']), 'post_timestamp' => prepare_utf8_string(date_trunc($postdate) . ' ' . $posttime), 'canpost' => $canpost, 'quotable' => $nuked_quotes, 'canattach' => $forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canpostattachment'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], 'edittext' => prepare_utf8_string($post['pagetext']));
    if ($avatarurl != '') {
        $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
    if ($post['editlink']) {
        $out['canedit'] = true;
    if ($image != '') {
        $out['image'] = $image;
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function actionFindNew()
     $do = $this->_input->filterSingle('do', XenForo_Input::STRING);
     $days = $this->_input->filterSingle('days', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     $page = max($this->_input->filterSingle('page', XenForo_Input::UINT), 1);
     $perpage = $this->_input->filterSingle('perpage', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     if (!$perpage) {
         $perpage = XenForo_Application::get('options')->discussionsPerPage;
     $previewtype = $this->_input->filterSingle('previewtype', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     if (!$previewtype) {
         $previewtype = 2;
     $thread_model = $this->_getThreadModel();
     $search_model = $this->_getSearchModel();
     $post_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Post');
     $user_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User');
     $node_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Node');
     $userid = XenForo_Visitor::getUserId();
     $options = array('limit' => XenForo_Application::get('options')->maximumSearchResults);
     if ($do == 'getdaily') {
         if ($days < 0 || $days > 30) {
             $days = 3;
         $search_options = $options + array('order' => 'last_post_date', 'orderDirection' => 'desc');
         $threadids = array_keys($thread_model->getThreads(array('last_post_date' => array('>', XenForo_Application::$time - 86400 * $days), 'deleted' => false, 'moderated' => false), $search_options));
         $search_type = 'recent-threads';
     } else {
         $threadids = $thread_model->getUnreadThreadIds($userid, $options);
         $search_type = 'new-threads';
     $exclude = XenForo_Application::get('options')->forumrunnerExcludeForums;
     if (!$exclude) {
         $exclude = array();
     $forums = $node_model->getViewableNodeList(null, true);
     foreach ($exclude as $remove) {
         fr_remove_node_and_children($forums, $remove);
     $forums = array_keys($forums);
     $results = array();
     foreach ($threadids as $threadid) {
         $thread = $thread_model->getThreadById($threadid);
         if (!in_array($thread['node_id'], $forums)) {
         $results[] = array(XenForo_Model_Search::CONTENT_TYPE => 'thread', XenForo_Model_Search::CONTENT_ID => $threadid);
     $results = $search_model->getViewableSearchResults($results);
     if (!$results) {
         return $this->noResults();
     $search = $search_model->insertSearch($results, $search_type, '', array(), 'date', false);
     $search_id = $search['search_id'];
     $resultids = $search_model->sliceSearchResultsToPage($search, $page, $perpage);
     $results = $search_model->getSearchResultsForDisplay($resultids);
     if (!$results) {
         return $this->noResults();
     $thread_data = array();
     $preview_length = XenForo_Application::get('options')->discussionPreviewLength;
     foreach ($results['results'] as $result) {
         $thread = $result['content'];
         $post = $post_model->getPostById($thread[$previewtype == 1 ? 'first_post_id' : 'last_post_id'], array('join' => XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_USER));
         $preview = '';
         if ($preview_length) {
             $preview = preview_chop(XenForo_Helper_String::bbCodeStrip(XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($post['message']), true), $preview_length);
         $out = array('thread_id' => $thread['thread_id'], 'new_posts' => $thread['isNew'], 'forum_id' => $thread['node_id'], 'total_posts' => $thread['reply_count'] + 1, 'forum_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['node_title'])), 'thread_title' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($thread['title'])), 'post_lastposttime' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::dateTime($thread['last_post_date'], 'absolute')));
         if ($previewtype == 1) {
             $out['post_username'] = prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['username']));
             $out['post_userid'] = $thread['user_id'];
         } else {
             $out['post_username'] = prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['last_post_username']));
             $out['post_userid'] = $thread['last_post_user_id'];
         $user = $user_model->getUserById($out['post_userid']);
         if ($user !== false) {
             $avatarurl = process_avatarurl(XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl($user, 'm'));
             if (strpos($avatarurl, '/xenforo/avatars/avatar_') !== false) {
                 $avatarurl = '';
             if ($avatarurl != '') {
                 $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
         if ($preview != '') {
             $out['thread_preview'] = prepare_utf8_string(html_entity_decode($preview));
         if ($thread['discussion_type'] == 'poll') {
             $out['poll'] = true;
         if ($thread['prefix_id']) {
             $phrase = new XenForo_Phrase('thread_prefix_' . $thread['prefix_id']);
             $out['prefix'] = prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($phrase->render(false)));
         $thread_data[] = $out;
     $out = array('threads' => $thread_data, 'total_threads' => $search['result_count'], 'searchid' => $search_id);
     return $out;
Exemplo n.º 6
function get_article_comments($article, $associated_thread_id, $userinfo, &$pageno, &$perpage, &$total)
    require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_misc.php';
    require_once DIR . '/includes/functions.php';
    require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_databuild.php';
    require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_bigthree.php';
    $posts_out = array();
    $threadinfo = verify_id('thread', $associated_thread_id, 0, 1);
    $foruminfo = verify_id('forum', $threadinfo['forumid'], 0, 1);
    //First let's see if we have forum/thread view permissions. If not,
    // we're done
    if (!($permissions = can_view_thread($article->getNodeId(), $userinfo))) {
        return array();
    $forumperms = fetch_permissions($threadinfo['forumid']);
    //Normally this thread will be wide open, so let's get the list first
    // without checking. We'll verify each post anyway.
    //get our results
    $results = get_comments($permissions, $associated_thread_id);
    $record_count = count($results);
    if (!$results or !count($results)) {
        return array();
    //we accept the parameter "last" for pageno.
    if ($pageno == FR_LAST_POST) {
        $pageno = intval(($record_count + $perpage - 1) / $perpage);
        $first = ($pageno - 1) * $perpage;
    } else {
        $pageno = max(1, intval($pageno));
        $first = $perpage * ($pageno - 1);
    //Let's trim off the results we need.
    //This also tells us if we should show the "next" button.
    $post_array = array_slice($results, $first, $perpage, true);
    if (!$post_array) {
        return array();
    $firstpostid = false;
    $displayed_dateline = 0;
    if (vB::$vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] and vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
        $threadview = max($threadinfo['threadread'], $threadinfo['forumread'], TIMENOW - vB::$vbulletin->options['markinglimit'] * 86400);
    } else {
        $threadview = intval(fetch_bbarray_cookie('thread_lastview', $thread['threadid']));
        if (!$threadview) {
            $threadview = vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit'];
    require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_user.php';
    $show['inlinemod'] = false;
    $postids = array();
    $postids = ' post.postid in (' . implode(', ', $post_array) . ')';
    $posts = vB::$vbulletin->db->query_read($sql = "\n\tSELECT\n\tpost.*, post.username AS postusername, post.ipaddress AS ip, IF(post.visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted,\n\t    user.*, userfield.*, usertextfield.*,\n\t    " . iif($forum['allowicons'], 'icon.title as icontitle, icon.iconpath,') . "\n\t    " . iif(vB::$vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'], 'avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline,customavatar.width AS avwidth,customavatar.height AS avheight,') . "\n\t    " . ((can_moderate($thread['forumid'], 'canmoderateposts') or can_moderate($thread['forumid'], 'candeleteposts')) ? 'spamlog.postid AS spamlog_postid,' : '') . "\n\t    " . iif($deljoin, 'deletionlog.userid AS del_userid, deletionlog.username AS del_username, deletionlog.reason AS del_reason,') . "\n\t    editlog.userid AS edit_userid, editlog.username AS edit_username, editlog.dateline AS edit_dateline,\n\t    editlog.reason AS edit_reason, editlog.hashistory,\n\t    postparsed.pagetext_html, postparsed.hasimages,\n\t    sigparsed.signatureparsed, sigparsed.hasimages AS sighasimages,\n\t    sigpic.userid AS sigpic, sigpic.dateline AS sigpicdateline, sigpic.width AS sigpicwidth, sigpic.height AS sigpicheight,\n\t    IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid,\n\t    customprofilepic.userid AS profilepic, customprofilepic.dateline AS profilepicdateline, customprofilepic.width AS ppwidth, customprofilepic.height AS ppheight\n\t    " . iif(!($permissions['genericpermissions'] & vB::$vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canseehiddencustomfields']), vB::$vbulletin->profilefield['hidden']) . "\n\t    {$hook_query_fields}\n\t    FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post\n\t    LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = post.userid)\n\t    LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield AS userfield ON(userfield.userid = user.userid)\n\t    LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usertextfield AS usertextfield ON(usertextfield.userid = user.userid)\n\t    " . iif($forum['allowicons'], "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "icon AS icon ON(icon.iconid = post.iconid)") . "\n\t    " . iif(vB::$vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'], "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "avatar AS avatar ON(avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customavatar AS customavatar ON(customavatar.userid = user.userid)") . "\n\t    " . ((can_moderate($thread['forumid'], 'canmoderateposts') or can_moderate($thread['forumid'], 'candeleteposts')) ? "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "spamlog AS spamlog ON(spamlog.postid = post.postid)" : '') . "\n\t    {$deljoin}\n\t    LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "editlog AS editlog ON(editlog.postid = post.postid)\n\t    LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "postparsed AS postparsed ON(postparsed.postid = post.postid AND postparsed.styleid = " . intval(STYLEID) . " AND postparsed.languageid = " . intval(LANGUAGEID) . ")\n\t    LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sigparsed AS sigparsed ON(sigparsed.userid = user.userid AND sigparsed.styleid = " . intval(STYLEID) . " AND sigparsed.languageid = " . intval(LANGUAGEID) . ")\n\t    LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sigpic AS sigpic ON(sigpic.userid = post.userid)\n\t    LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customprofilepic AS customprofilepic ON (user.userid = customprofilepic.userid)\n\t    {$hook_query_joins}\n\t    WHERE {$postids}\n\t    ORDER BY post.dateline\n\t    ");
    if (!($forumperms & vB::$vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canseethumbnails']) and !($forumperms & vB::$vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['cangetattachment'])) {
        vB::$vbulletin->options['attachthumbs'] = 0;
    if (!($forumperms & vB::$vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['cangetattachment'])) {
        vB::$vbulletin->options['viewattachedimages'] = 0;
    $postcount = count($postid_array);
    $counter = 0;
    $postbits = '';
    vB::$vbulletin->noheader = true;
    while ($post = vB::$vbulletin->db->fetch_array($posts)) {
        if (!$privileges['can_moderate_forums']) {
            if ($privileges['is_coventry'] or $post['visible'] == 2) {
        // post/thread is deleted by moderator and we don't have permission to see it
        if (!($post['visible'] or $privileges['can_moderate_posts'])) {
        if (!intval($post['userid'])) {
            $post['avatarid'] = false;
        } else {
            if (!$post['hascustomavatar']) {
                if ($post['profilepic']) {
                    $post['hascustomavatar'] = 1;
                    $post['avatarid'] = true;
                    $post['avatarpath'] = "./image.php?u=" . $post['userid'] . "&amp;dateline=" . $post['profilepicdateline'] . "&amp;type=profile";
                    $post['avwidth'] = $post['ppwidth'];
                    $post['avheight'] = $post['ppheight'];
                } else {
                    $post['hascustomavatar'] = 1;
                    $post['avatarid'] = true;
                    // explicity setting avatarurl to allow guests comments to show unknown avatar
                    $post['avatarurl'] = $post['avatarpath'] = vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('imgdir_misc') . '/unknown.gif';
                    $post['avwidth'] = 60;
                    $post['avheight'] = 60;
        if ($tachyuser = in_coventry($post['userid']) and !can_moderate($thread['forumid'])) {
        if ($post['visible'] == 1 and !$tachyuser) {
            if ($postorder) {
                $post['postcount'] = --$postcount;
            } else {
                $post['postcount'] = ++$postcount;
        if ($tachyuser) {
            $fetchtype = 'post_global_ignore';
        } else {
            if ($ignore["{$post['userid']}"]) {
                $fetchtype = 'post_ignore';
            } else {
                if ($post['visible'] == 2) {
                    $fetchtype = 'post_deleted';
                } else {
                    $fetchtype = 'post';
        if (vB::$vbulletin->GPC['viewfull'] and $post['postid'] == $postinfo['postid'] and $fetchtype != 'post' and (can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid']) or !$post['isdeleted'])) {
            $fetchtype = 'post';
        if (!$firstpostid) {
            $firstpostid = $post['postid'];
        $post['islastshown'] = $post['postid'] == $lastpostid;
        $post['isfirstshown'] = ($counter == 1 and $fetchtype == 'post' and $post['visible'] == 1);
        $post['islastshown'] = $post['postid'] == $lastpostid;
        $post['attachments'] = $postattach["{$post['postid']}"];
        $canedit = false;
        if (!$threadinfo['isdeleted'] and !$post['isdeleted'] and (can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid'], 'caneditposts') or $threadinfo['open'] and $post['userid'] == vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] and $forumperms & vB::$vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['caneditpost'] and ($post['dateline'] >= TIMENOW - vB::$vbulletin->options['edittimelimit'] * 60 or vB::$vbulletin->options['edittimelimit'] == 0))) {
            $canedit = true;
        // Get post date/time
        $postdate = vbdate(vB::$vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $post['dateline'], 1);
        $posttime = vbdate(vB::$vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $post['dateline']);
        $attachments = array();
        $fr_images = array();
        // Attachments (images).
        if (count($post['attachments']) > 0) {
            foreach ($post['attachments'] as $attachment) {
                $lfilename = strtolower($attachment['filename']);
                if (strpos($lfilename, '.jpe') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.png') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.gif') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.jpg') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.jpeg') !== false) {
                    $fr_images[] = array('img' => vB::$vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/attachment.php?attachmentid=' . $attachment['attachmentid'], 'tmb' => vB::$vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/attachment.php?attachmentid=' . $attachment['attachmentid'] . '&stc=1&thumb=1');
        // Parse the post for quotes and inline images
        list($text, $nuked_quotes, $images) = parse_post($post['pagetext'], false);
        if (count($fr_images) > 0) {
            $text .= "<br/>";
            foreach ($fr_images as $attachment) {
                $text .= "<img src=\"{$attachment['img']}\"/>";
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            $fr_images[] = array('img' => $image);
        $avatarurl = '';
        // Avatar work
        if (vB::$vbulletin->options['avatarenabled']) {
            require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_user.php';
            $userinfo = fetch_userinfo($post['userid'], FETCH_USERINFO_AVATAR);
            if ($userinfo['avatarurl']) {
                $avatarurl = process_avatarurl($userinfo['avatarurl']);
        $tmp = array('post_id' => $post['postid'], 'thread_id' => $post['threadid'], 'forum_id' => $foruminfo['forumid'], 'username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post['username'])), 'joindate' => prepare_utf8_string($post['joindate']), 'usertitle' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post['usertitle'])), 'numposts' => $post['posts'], 'userid' => $post['userid'], 'title' => prepare_utf8_string($post['title']), 'post_timestamp' => prepare_utf8_string(date_trunc($postdate) . ' ' . $posttime), 'fr_images' => $fr_images, 'image_thumbs' => array());
        // Soft Deleted
        if ($post['visible'] == 2) {
            $tmp['deleted'] = true;
            $tmp['del_username'] = prepare_utf8_string($post['del_username']);
            if ($post['del_reason']) {
                $tmp['del_reason'] = prepare_utf8_string($post['del_reason']);
        } else {
            $tmp['text'] = $text;
            $tmp['quotable'] = $nuked_quotes;
            if ($canedit) {
                $tmp['canedit'] = true;
                $tmp['edittext'] = prepare_utf8_string($post['pagetext']);
        if ($avatarurl != '') {
            $tmp['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
        $posts_out[] = $tmp;
    if ($LASTPOST['dateline'] > $displayed_dateline) {
        $displayed_dateline = $LASTPOST['dateline'];
        if ($displayed_dateline <= $threadview) {
            $updatethreadcookie = true;
    // Set thread last view
    if ($displayed_dateline and $displayed_dateline > $threadview) {
        mark_thread_read($threadinfo, $foruminfo, vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], $displayed_dateline);
    $total = $record_count;
    return $posts_out;
Exemplo n.º 7
function do_showresults($searchid, $pagenumber = 1, $perpage = 25)
    global $vbulletin, $db, $show, $vbphrase, $current_user, $show;
    $vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] = FR_PREVIEW_LEN;
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('previewtype' => TYPE_INT));
    $previewtype = $vbulletin->GPC['previewtype'];
    if (!$previewtype) {
        $previewtype = 1;
    $bbcode_parser = new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
    // Get exclude IDs
    $exclude_ids = @explode(',', $vbulletin->options['forumrunner_exclude']);
    if (in_array('-1', $exclude_ids)) {
        $exclude_ids = array();
    if ($results = vB_Search_Results::create_from_searchid($current_user, $searchid)) {
        $pages = $results->get_page($pagenumber, $perpage, 10000);
    } else {
        $pages = array();
    if (count($pages) == 0) {
        $threads[]['error'] = strip_tags(fetch_error('searchnoresults', ''));
        return array('threads' => $threads, 'total_threads' => count($threads));
    $thread_data = array();
    $skipped = 0;
    foreach ($pages as $item) {
        switch (get_class($item)) {
            case 'vBForum_Search_Result_Thread':
                $thread = $item->get_thread();
                $foruminfo = fetch_foruminfo($thread->get_field('forumid'));
                $parentlist = explode(',', substr($foruminfo['parentlist'], 0, -3));
                $skip = false;
                foreach ($parentlist as $parent_id) {
                    if (in_array($parent_id, $exclude_ids)) {
                        $skip = true;
                if ($thread->get_field('visible') == 2) {
                    $skip = true;
                if ($skip) {
                $lastread = $thread->get_forum()->get_last_read_by_current_user($current_user);
                $legacy_thread = process_thread_array($thread->get_record(), $lastread);
                $date = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $thread->get_field('lastpost'));
                $time = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $thread->get_field('lastpost'));
                $previewinfo = $db->query_first_slave("\n\t\tSELECT *\n\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post\n\t\tWHERE postid = " . $thread->get_field($previewtype == 1 ? 'firstpostid' : 'lastpostid') . "\n\t    ");
                $preview = '';
                if (method_exists($bbcode_parser, 'get_preview')) {
                    $preview = $bbcode_parser->get_preview(fetch_censored_text($previewinfo['pagetext']), 200);
                } else {
                    // vB4 prior to vB4.0.4 did not have get_preview()
                    list($text, $nuked_quotes, $images) = parse_post($previewinfo['pagetext'], true, array());
                    $preview = preview_chop(fetch_censored_text($nuked_quotes), 200);
                $avatarurl = '';
                if ($previewinfo['userid'] > 0) {
                    $userinfoavatar = fetch_userinfo($previewinfo['userid'], FETCH_USERINFO_AVATAR);
                    fetch_avatar_from_userinfo($userinfoavatar, true, false);
                    if ($userinfoavatar['avatarurl'] != '') {
                        $avatarurl = process_avatarurl($userinfoavatar['avatarurl']);
                $tmp = array('thread_id' => $thread->get_field('threadid'), 'new_posts' => $show['gotonewpost'], 'forum_id' => $thread->get_field('forumid'), 'total_posts' => $thread->get_field('replycount'), 'forum_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($foruminfo['title'])), 'thread_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread->get_field('title'))), 'thread_preview' => prepare_utf8_string(preview_chop(strip_tags(strip_bbcode(html_entity_decode($preview))), FR_PREVIEW_LEN)), 'post_userid' => $previewinfo['userid'], 'post_lastposttime' => prepare_utf8_string(date_trunc($date) . ' ' . $time), 'post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($previewinfo['username'])));
                if ($avatarurl != '') {
                    $tmp['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
                if ($thread->get_field('prefixid')) {
                    $prefixid = $thread->get_field('prefixid');
                    $tmp['prefix'] = prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($vbphrase["prefix_{$prefixid}_title_plain"]));
                if ($thread->get_field('attach')) {
                    $tmp['attach'] = true;
                if ($thread->get_field('pollid')) {
                    $tmp['poll'] = true;
                $thread_data[] = $tmp;
            case 'vBForum_Search_Result_Post':
                $post = $item->get_post();
                $thread = $post->get_thread();
                $foruminfo = fetch_foruminfo($thread->get_field('forumid'));
                $parentlist = explode(',', substr($foruminfo['parentlist'], 0, -3));
                $skip = false;
                foreach ($parentlist as $parent_id) {
                    if (in_array($parent_id, $exclude_ids)) {
                        $skip = true;
                if ($post->get_field('visible') == 2) {
                    $skip = true;
                if ($skip) {
                $date = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $post->get_field('dateline'));
                $time = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $post->get_field('dateline'));
                $avatarurl = '';
                if ($post->get_field('userid') > 0) {
                    $userinfoavatar = fetch_userinfo($post->get_field('userid'), FETCH_USERINFO_AVATAR);
                    fetch_avatar_from_userinfo($userinfoavatar, true, false);
                    if ($userinfoavatar['avatarurl'] != '') {
                        $avatarurl = process_avatarurl($userinfoavatar['avatarurl']);
                $tmp = array('thread_id' => $post->get_field('threadid'), 'post_id' => $post->get_field('postid'), 'jump_to_post' => 1, 'forum_id' => $thread->get_field('forumid'), 'forum_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($foruminfo['title'])), 'thread_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread->get_field('title'))), 'thread_preview' => prepare_utf8_string(preview_chop(htmlspecialchars_uni(fetch_censored_text(strip_bbcode(strip_quotes(html_entity_decode($post->get_field('pagetext'))), false, true))), FR_PREVIEW_LEN)), 'post_userid' => $post->get_field('userid'), 'post_lastposttime' => prepare_utf8_string(date_trunc($date) . ' ' . $time), 'post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post->get_field('username'))));
                if ($avatarurl != '') {
                    $tmp['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
                if ($thread->get_field('prefixid')) {
                    $prefixid = $thread->get_field('prefixid');
                    $tmp['prefix'] = prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($vbphrase["prefix_{$prefixid}_title_plain"]));
                if ($post->get_field('attach')) {
                    $tmp['attach'] = true;
                $thread_data[] = $tmp;
    $out = array();
    if (is_array($thread_data) && count($thread_data) > 0) {
        $out['threads'] = $thread_data;
        $out['total_threads'] = max($results->get_confirmed_count() - $skipped, 0);
    } else {
        $out['threads'] = array();
        $out['total_threads'] = 0;
    $out['searchid'] = $searchid;
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function actionGetConversation()
     $conversationid = $this->_input->filterSingle('conversationid', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     $signature = $this->_input->filterSingle('signature', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     $page = max($this->_input->filterSingle('page', XenForo_Input::UINT), 1);
     $perpage = $this->_input->filterSingle('perpage', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     if (!$perpage) {
         $perpage = XenForo_Application::get('options')->messagesPerPage;
     $conversation_model = $this->_getConversationModel();
     $session_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Session');
     try {
         $conversation_info = $this->_getConversationOrError($conversationid);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $gotomessageid = 0;
     if ($page == FR_LAST_POST) {
         if (!$conversation_info['last_read_date']) {
             $page = 1;
         } else {
             if ($conversation_info['last_read_date'] >= $conversation_info['last_message_date']) {
                 $first_unread = false;
             } else {
                 $first_unread = $conversation_model->getNextMessageInConversation($conversationid, $conversation_info['last_read_date']);
             if (!$first_unread || $first_unread['message_id'] == $conversation_info['last_message_id']) {
                 $page = floor($conversation_info['reply_count'] / $perpage) + 1;
                 $gotomessageid = $conversation_info['last_message_id'];
             } else {
                 $before = $conversation_model->countMessagesBeforeDateInConversation($conversationid, $first_unread['message_date']);
                 $page = floor($before / $perpage) + 1;
                 $gotomessageid = $first_unread['message_id'];
     $recipients = $conversation_model->getConversationRecipients($conversationid);
     $messages = $conversation_model->getConversationMessages($conversationid, array('page' => $page, 'perPage' => $perpage));
     $max = $conversation_model->getMaximumMessageDate($messages);
     if ($max > $conversation_info['last_read_date']) {
         $conversation_model->markConversationAsRead($conversationid, XenForo_Visitor::getUserId(), $max, $conversation_info['last_message_date']);
     $messages = $conversation_model->prepareMessages($messages, $conversation_info);
     $user_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User');
     foreach ($messages as &$message) {
         $user = $user_model->getUserById($message['user_id']);
         $online_info = $session_model->getSessionActivityRecords(array('user_id' => $message['user_id'], 'cutOff' => array('>', $session_model->getOnlineStatusTimeout())));
         $is_online = false;
         if (count($online_info) == 1) {
             $is_online = true;
         list($text, $nuked_quotes, $images) = parse_post(fr_strip_smilies($this, XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($message['message'])), true);
         $fr_images = array();
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $fr_images[] = array('img' => $image);
         $avatarurl = '';
         if ($user !== false) {
             $avatarurl = process_avatarurl(XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl($user, 'm'));
             if (strpos($avatarurl, '/xenforo/avatars/avatar_') !== false) {
                 $avatarurl = '';
         $out = array('post_id' => $message['message_id'], 'thread_id' => $message['conversation_id'], 'username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($message['username'])), 'joindate' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::date($message['register_date'], 'absolute')), 'usertitle' => XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::helperUserTitle($user), 'numposts' => $user ? $user['message_count'] : 0, 'userid' => $message['user_id'], 'online' => $is_online, 'post_timestamp' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::dateTime($message['message_date'], 'absolute')), 'fr_images' => $fr_images, 'text' => $text, 'quotable' => $nuked_quotes);
         if ($avatarurl != '') {
             $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
         if ($signature) {
             $sig = trim(strip_tags(remove_bbcode($message['signature'], true, true), '<a>'));
             $sig = str_replace(array("\t", "\r"), array('', ''), $sig);
             $sig = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $sig);
             $out['sig'] = prepare_utf8_string($sig);
         $message_data[] = $out;
     $out = array('posts' => $message_data, 'total_posts' => $conversation_info['reply_count'] + 1, 'page' => $page, 'canattach' => false, 'canpost' => true, 'title' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($conversation_info['title'])), 'thread_link' => process_avatarurl(XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('conversations', $conversation_info)));
     if ($gotomessageid) {
         $out['gotopostid'] = $gotomessageid;
     $r = array_values($conversation_model->getConversationRecipients($conversationid));
     $recipients = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++) {
         if ($i != 0) {
             $recipients .= ', ';
         $recipients .= prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($r[$i]['username']));
     $out['recipients'] = $recipients;
     return $out;
Exemplo n.º 9
function do_get_pm()
    global $vbulletin, $db;
    require_once DIR . '/includes/class_postbit.php';
    require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_bigthree.php';
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('pmid' => TYPE_UINT, 'showhistory' => TYPE_BOOL));
    ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('private_showpm_start')) ? eval($hook) : false;
    $pm = $db->query_first_slave("\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\tpm.*, pmtext.*,\n\t\t\t" . iif($vbulletin->options['privallowicons'], "icon.title AS icontitle, icon.iconpath,") . "\n\t\t\tIF(ISNULL(pmreceipt.pmid), 0, 1) AS receipt, pmreceipt.readtime, pmreceipt.denied,\n\t\t\tsigpic.userid AS sigpic, sigpic.dateline AS sigpicdateline, sigpic.width AS sigpicwidth, sigpic.height AS sigpicheight\n\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm AS pm\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext AS pmtext ON(pmtext.pmtextid = pm.pmtextid)\n\t\t" . iif($vbulletin->options['privallowicons'], "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "icon AS icon ON(icon.iconid = pmtext.iconid)") . "\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmreceipt AS pmreceipt ON(pmreceipt.pmid = pm.pmid)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sigpic AS sigpic ON(sigpic.userid = pmtext.fromuserid)\n\t\tWHERE pm.userid=" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " AND pm.pmid=" . $vbulletin->GPC['pmid'] . "\n\t");
    if (!$pm) {
        json_error(strip_tags(fetch_error('invalidid', $vbphrase['private_message'], $vbulletin->options['contactuslink'])));
    $folderjump = construct_folder_jump(0, $pm['folderid']);
    // do read receipt
    $show['receiptprompt'] = $show['receiptpopup'] = false;
    if ($pm['receipt'] == 1 and $pm['readtime'] == 0 and $pm['denied'] == 0) {
        if ($permissions['pmpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_pmpermissions['candenypmreceipts']) {
            // set it to denied just now as some people might have ad blocking that stops the popup appearing
            $show['receiptprompt'] = $show['receiptpopup'] = true;
            $receipt_question_js = addslashes_js(construct_phrase($vbphrase['x_has_requested_a_read_receipt'], unhtmlspecialchars($pm['fromusername'])), '"');
            $db->shutdown_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmreceipt SET denied = 1 WHERE pmid = {$pm['pmid']}");
        } else {
            // they can't deny pm receipts so do not show a popup or prompt
            $db->shutdown_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmreceipt SET readtime = " . TIMENOW . " WHERE pmid = {$pm['pmid']}");
    } else {
        if ($pm['receipt'] == 1 and $pm['denied'] == 1) {
            $show['receiptprompt'] = true;
    $postbit_factory = new vB_Postbit_Factory();
    $postbit_factory->registry =& $vbulletin;
    $postbit_factory->cache = array();
    $postbit_factory->bbcode_parser = new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
    $postbit_obj =& $postbit_factory->fetch_postbit('pm');
    $pm_postbit = $pm;
    $postbit = $postbit_obj->construct_postbit($pm_postbit);
    // update message to show read
    if ($pm['messageread'] == 0) {
        $db->shutdown_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm SET messageread=1 WHERE userid=" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " AND pmid={$pm['pmid']}");
        if ($pm['folderid'] >= 0) {
            $userdm =& datamanager_init('User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_SILENT);
            $userdm->set('pmunread', 'IF(pmunread >= 1, pmunread - 1, 0)', false);
            $userdm->save(true, true);
    $cclist = array();
    $bcclist = array();
    $ccrecipients = '';
    $bccrecipients = '';
    $touser = unserialize($pm['touserarray']);
    if (!is_array($touser)) {
        $touser = array();
    foreach ($touser as $key => $item) {
        if (is_array($item)) {
            foreach ($item as $subkey => $subitem) {
                $userinfo = array('userid' => $subkey, 'username' => $subitem);
                $templater = vB_Template::create('pm_messagelistbit_user');
                $templater->register('userinfo', $userinfo);
                ${$key . 'list'}[] = $templater->render();
        } else {
            $userinfo = array('username' => $item, 'userid' => $key);
            $templater = vB_Template::create('pm_messagelistbit_user');
            $templater->register('userinfo', $userinfo);
            $bcclist[] = $templater->render();
    if (count($cclist) > 1 or is_array($touser['cc']) and !in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['username'], $touser['cc']) or $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == $pm['fromuserid'] and $pm['folderid'] == -1) {
        if (!empty($cclist)) {
            $ccrecipients = implode("\r\n", $cclist);
        if (!empty($bcclist) and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == $pm['fromuserid'] and $pm['folderid'] == -1) {
            if (empty($cclist) and count($bcclist == 1)) {
                $ccrecipients = implode("\r\n", $bcclist);
            } else {
                $bccrecipients = implode("\r\n", $bcclist);
        $show['recipients'] = true;
    $pm['senddate'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $pm['dateline']);
    $pm['sendtime'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $pm['dateline']);
    list($text, $nuked_quotes, $images) = parse_post($pm['message'], $vbulletin->options['privallowsmilies'] && $usesmiles);
    $fr_images = array();
    foreach ($images as $image) {
        $fr_images[] = array('img' => $image);
    // Avatar work
    $avatarurl = '';
    if ($pm_postbit['avatarurl']) {
        $avatarurl = process_avatarurl($pm_postbit['avatarurl']);
    $to_users = unserialize($pm['touserarray']);
    $users = array();
    if ($to_users !== false) {
        if ($to_users['cc']) {
            $users = $to_users['cc'];
        } else {
            $users = $to_users;
    $out = array('id' => $pm['pmid'], 'pm_unread' => $pm['messageread'] == 0, 'username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($pm['fromusername'])), 'to_usernames' => prepare_utf8_string(implode('; ', $users)), 'userid' => $pm['fromuserid'], 'title' => prepare_utf8_string($pm['title']), 'online' => fetch_online_status(fetch_userinfo($pm['fromuserid']), false), 'message' => $text, 'quotable' => $nuked_quotes, 'fr_images' => $fr_images, 'pm_timestamp' => prepare_utf8_string(date_trunc($pm['senddate'] . ' ' . $pm['sendtime'])));
    if ($avatarurl != '') {
        $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 10
function do_online()
    global $vbulletin, $db;
    $showmembers = true;
    $showguests = true;
    $showspiders = true;
    $datecut = TIMENOW - $vbulletin->options['cookietimeout'];
    $wol_event = array();
    $wol_pm = array();
    $wol_calendar = array();
    $wol_user = array();
    $wol_forum = array();
    $wol_link = array();
    $wol_thread = array();
    $wol_post = array();
    $sqlsort = 'user.username';
    $sortfield = 'username';
    $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = '';
    ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('online_query')) ? eval($hook) : false;
    $allusers = $db->query_read_slave("\n\tSELECT\n\t    user.username, session.useragent, session.location, session.lastactivity, user.userid, user.options, session.host, session.badlocation, session.incalendar, user.aim, user.icq, user.msn, user.yahoo, user.skype,\n\t    IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid\n\t{$hook_query_fields}\n\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session AS session\n\t" . iif($vbulletin->options['WOLguests'], " LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user USING (userid) ", ", " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user") . "\n\t{$hook_query_joins}\n\tWHERE session.lastactivity > {$datecut}\n\t" . iif(!$vbulletin->options['WOLguests'], " AND session.userid = user.userid", "") . "\n\t{$hook_query_where}\n\tORDER BY {$sqlsort} {$sortorder}\n    ");
    require_once DIR . '/includes/class_postbit.php';
    while ($users = $db->fetch_array($allusers)) {
        if ($users['userid']) {
            // Reg'd Member
            if (!$showmembers) {
            $users = array_merge($users, convert_bits_to_array($users['options'], $vbulletin->bf_misc_useroptions));
            $key = $users['userid'];
            if ($key == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
                // in case this is the first view for the user, fake it that show up to themself
                $foundviewer = true;
            if (empty($userinfo["{$key}"]['lastactivity']) or $userinfo["{$key}"]['lastactivity'] < $users['lastactivity']) {
                // need this to sort by lastactivity
                $userinfo["{$key}"] = $users;
                $userinfo["{$key}"]['musername'] = $users['musername'];
                $userinfo["{$key}"]['useragent'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($users['useragent']);
                $userinfoavatar = fetch_userinfo($key, FETCH_USERINFO_AVATAR);
                fetch_avatar_from_userinfo($userinfoavatar, true, false);
                if ($userinfoavatar['avatarurl'] != '') {
                    $userinfo["{$key}"]['avatarurl'] = process_avatarurl($userinfoavatar['avatarurl']);
                if ($users['invisible']) {
                    if ($permissions['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canseehidden'] or $key == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
                        $userinfo["{$key}"]['hidden'] = '*';
                        $userinfo["{$key}"]['invisible'] = 0;
                if ($vbulletin->options['WOLresolve'] and $permissions['wolpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_wolpermissions['canwhosonlineip']) {
                    $userinfo["{$key}"]['host'] = @gethostbyaddr($users['host']);
                $userinfo["{$key}"]['buddy'] = $buddy["{$key}"];
        } else {
            // Guest or Spider..
            $spider = '';
            if ($vbulletin->options['enablespiders'] and !empty($vbulletin->wol_spiders)) {
                if (preg_match('#(' . $vbulletin->wol_spiders['spiderstring'] . ')#si', $users['useragent'], $agent)) {
                    $agent = strtolower($agent[1]);
                    // Check ip address
                    if (!empty($vbulletin->wol_spiders['agents']["{$agent}"]['lookup'])) {
                        $ourip = ip2long($users['host']);
                        foreach ($vbulletin->wol_spiders['agents']["{$agent}"]['lookup'] as $key => $ip) {
                            if ($ip['startip'] and $ip['endip']) {
                                if ($ourip >= $ip['startip'] and $ourip <= $ip['endip']) {
                                    $spider = $vbulletin->wol_spiders['agents']["{$agent}"];
                            } else {
                                if ($ip['startip'] == $ourip) {
                                    $spider = $vbulletin->wol_spiders['agents']["{$agent}"];
                    } else {
                        $spider = $vbulletin->wol_spiders['agents']["{$agent}"];
            if ($spider) {
                if (!$showspiders) {
                $guests["{$count}"] = $users;
                $guests["{$count}"]['spider'] = $spider['name'];
                $guests["{$count}"]['spidertype'] = $spider['type'];
            } else {
                if (!$showguests) {
                $guests["{$count}"] = $users;
            $guests["{$count}"]['username'] = $vbphrase['guest'];
            $guests["{$count}"]['invisible'] = 0;
            $guests["{$count}"]['displaygroupid'] = 1;
            if ($vbulletin->options['WOLresolve'] and $permissions['wolpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_wolpermissions['canwhosonlineip']) {
                $guests["{$count}"]['host'] = @gethostbyaddr($users['host']);
            $guests["{$count}"]['count'] = $count + 1;
            $guests["{$count}"]['useragent'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($users['useragent']);
            ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('online_user')) ? eval($hook) : false;
    $online_users = array();
    if (is_array($userinfo)) {
        foreach ($userinfo as $userid => $user) {
            if ($user['invisible']) {
            $tmp = array('userid' => $userid, 'username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($user['username'])));
            if ($user['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
                $tmp['me'] = true;
            if ($user['avatarurl'] != '') {
                $tmp['avatarurl'] = $user['avatarurl'];
            $online_users[] = $tmp;
    $numguests = 0;
    if (is_array($guests)) {
        $numguests = count($guests);
    return array('users' => $online_users, 'num_guests' => $numguests);
Exemplo n.º 11
 private function processSearch(&$search)
     $vals = $this->_input->filter(array('page' => XenForo_Input::UINT, 'perpage' => XenForo_Input::UINT, 'previewtype' => XenForo_Input::UINT, 'starteronly' => XenForo_Input::UINT));
     $vals['page'] = max($vals['page'], 1);
     $vals['perpage'] = min(XenForo_Application::get('options')->discussionsPerPage, $vals['perpage']);
     if (!$vals['perpage']) {
         $vals['perpage'] = XenForo_Application::get('options')->discussionsPerPage;
     if (!$vals['previewtype']) {
         $vals['previewtype'] = 2;
     if ($vals['starteronly']) {
         $vals['previewtype'] = 1;
     $search_model = $this->_getSearchModel();
     $search_id = $search['search_id'];
     $resultids = $search_model->sliceSearchResultsToPage($search, $vals['page'], $vals['perpage']);
     $results = $search_model->getSearchResultsForDisplay($resultids);
     if (!$results) {
         return $this->sendError(new XenForo_Phrase('no_results_found'));
     $post_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Post');
     $user_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User');
     $thread_data = array();
     $preview_length = XenForo_Application::get('options')->discussionPreviewLength;
     foreach ($results['results'] as $result) {
         $thread = $result['content'];
         $is_post = $result['content_type'] == 'post';
         if ($is_post) {
             $post = $post_model->getPostById($thread['post_id'], array('join' => XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_USER));
         } else {
             $post = $post_model->getPostById($thread[$vals['previewtype'] == 1 ? 'first_post_id' : 'last_post_id'], array('join' => XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_USER));
         $preview = '';
         if ($preview_length) {
             $preview = preview_chop(XenForo_Helper_String::bbCodeStrip(XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($thread['message']), true), $preview_length);
         $out = array('thread_id' => $thread['thread_id'], 'new_posts' => $thread['isNew'], 'forum_id' => $thread['node_id'], 'total_posts' => $thread['reply_count'] + 1, 'forum_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['node_title'])), 'thread_title' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($thread['title'])));
         if ($is_post) {
             $out += array('post_id' => $thread['post_id'], 'jump_to_post' => 1, 'post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['username'])), 'post_userid' => $thread['user_id'], 'post_lastposttime' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::dateTime($thread['post_date'], 'absolute')));
         } else {
             if ($vals['previewtype'] == 1) {
                 $out += array('post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['username'])), 'post_userid' => $thread['user_id']);
             } else {
                 $out += array('post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['last_post_username'])), 'post_userid' => $thread['last_post_user_id']);
             $out['post_lastposttime'] = prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::dateTime($thread['last_post_date'], 'absolute'));
         $user = $user_model->getUserById($out['post_userid']);
         if ($user !== false) {
             $avatarurl = process_avatarurl(XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl($user, 'm'));
             if (strpos($avatarurl, '/xenforo/avatars/avatar_') !== false) {
                 $avatarurl = '';
             if ($avatarurl != '') {
                 $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
         if ($preview != '') {
             $out['thread_preview'] = prepare_utf8_string(html_entity_decode($preview));
         if ($thread['discussion_type'] == 'poll') {
             $out['poll'] = true;
         if ($thread['prefix_id']) {
             $phrase = new XenForo_Phrase('thread_prefix_' . $thread['prefix_id']);
             $out['prefix'] = prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($phrase->render(false)));
         $thread_data[] = $out;
     $out = array('threads' => $thread_data, 'total_threads' => $search['result_count'], 'searchid' => $search_id);
     return $out;
Exemplo n.º 12
function do_get_announcement()
    global $vbulletin, $db, $foruminfo;
    if (empty($foruminfo['forumid'])) {
    $usesmilies = false;
    // begin vbulletin
    $forumlist = '';
    if ($announcementinfo['forumid'] > -1 or $vbulletin->GPC['forumid']) {
        $foruminfo = verify_id('forum', $vbulletin->GPC['forumid'], 1, 1);
        $curforumid = $foruminfo['forumid'];
        $forumperms = fetch_permissions($foruminfo['forumid']);
        if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) or !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads'])) {
        // check if there is a forum password and if so, ensure the user has it set
        verify_forum_password($foruminfo['forumid'], $foruminfo['password']);
        $forumlist = fetch_forum_clause_sql($foruminfo['forumid'], 'announcement.forumid');
    } else {
        if (!$announcementinfo['announcementid']) {
    $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = '';
    $announcements = $db->query_read_slave("\n\t\tSELECT announcement.announcementid, announcement.announcementid AS postid, startdate, enddate, announcement.title, pagetext, announcementoptions, views, announcement.pagetext,\n\t\t\tuser.*, userfield.*, usertextfield.*,\n\t\t\tsigpic.userid AS sigpic, sigpic.dateline AS sigpicdateline, sigpic.width AS sigpicwidth, sigpic.height AS sigpicheight,\n\t\t\tIF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid\n\t\t\t" . ($vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'] ? ",avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline,customavatar.width AS avwidth,customavatar.height AS avheight" : "") . "\n\t\t\t" . ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] ? ", NOT ISNULL(announcementread.announcementid) AS readannouncement" : "") . "\n\t\t\t{$hook_query_fields}\n\t\tFROM  " . TABLE_PREFIX . "announcement AS announcement\n\t\t" . ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] ? "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "announcementread AS announcementread ON(announcementread.announcementid = announcement.announcementid AND announcementread.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")" : "") . "\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid=announcement.userid)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield AS userfield ON(userfield.userid=announcement.userid)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usertextfield AS usertextfield ON(usertextfield.userid=announcement.userid)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sigpic AS sigpic ON(sigpic.userid = announcement.userid)\n\t\t" . ($vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'] ? "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "avatar AS avatar ON(avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customavatar AS customavatar ON(customavatar.userid=announcement.userid)" : "") . "\n\t\t{$hook_query_joins}\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t" . ($vbulletin->GPC['announcementid'] ? "announcement.announcementid = " . $vbulletin->GPC['announcementid'] : "startdate <= " . TIMENOW . " AND enddate >= " . TIMENOW . " " . (!empty($forumlist) ? "AND {$forumlist}" : "")) . "\n\t\t\t{$hook_query_where}\n\t\tORDER BY startdate DESC, announcementid DESC\n\t");
    if ($db->num_rows($announcements) == 0) {
        // no announcements
    if (!$vbulletin->options['oneannounce'] and $vbulletin->GPC['announcementid'] and !empty($forumlist)) {
        $anncount = $db->query_first_slave("\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*) AS total\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "announcement AS announcement\n\t\t\tWHERE startdate <= " . TIMENOW . "\n\t\t\t\tAND enddate >= " . TIMENOW . "\n\t\t\t\tAND {$forumlist}\n\t\t");
        $anncount['total'] = intval($anncount['total']);
        $show['viewall'] = $anncount['total'] > 1 ? true : false;
    } else {
        $show['viewall'] = false;
    require_once DIR . '/includes/class_postbit.php';
    $show['announcement'] = true;
    $counter = 0;
    $anncids = array();
    $announcebits = '';
    $announceread = array();
    $postbit_factory = new vB_Postbit_Factory();
    $postbit_factory->registry =& $vbulletin;
    $postbit_factory->forum =& $foruminfo;
    $postbit_factory->cache = array();
    $postbit_factory->bbcode_parser = new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());
    while ($post = $db->fetch_array($announcements)) {
        $postbit_obj =& $postbit_factory->fetch_postbit('announcement');
        $post['counter'] = ++$counter;
        $anncids[] = $post['announcementid'];
        $announceread[] = "({$post['announcementid']}, " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")";
        // FRNR start
        $fr_images = array();
        $docattach = array();
        // Attachments (images).
        if (is_array($post['attachments']) && count($post['attachments']) > 0) {
            foreach ($post['attachments'] as $attachment) {
                $lfilename = strtolower($attachment['filename']);
                if (strpos($lfilename, '.jpe') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.png') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.gif') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.jpg') !== false || strpos($lfilename, '.jpeg') !== false) {
                    $tmp = array('img' => $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/attachment.php?attachmentid=' . $attachment['attachmentid']);
                    if ($vbulletin->options['attachthumbs']) {
                        $tmp['tmb'] = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/attachment.php?attachmentid=' . $attachment['attachmentid'] . '&stc=1&thumb=1';
                    $fr_images[] = $tmp;
                if (strpos($lfilename, '.pdf') !== false) {
                    $docattach[] = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/attachment.php?attachmentid=' . $attachment['attachmentid'];
        // Parse the post for quotes and inline images
        list($text, $nuked_quotes, $images) = parse_post($post['pagetext'], $usesmilies, $attachments);
        if (count($fr_images) > 0) {
            $text .= "<br/>";
            foreach ($fr_images as $attachment) {
                $text .= "<img src=\"{$attachment['img']}\"/>";
        foreach ($images as $image) {
            $fr_images[] = array('img' => $image);
        // Avatar work
        $avatarurl = '';
        if ($post['avatarurl']) {
            $avatarurl = process_avatarurl($post['avatarurl']);
        $tmp = array('username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post['username'])), 'userid' => $post['userid'], 'title' => prepare_utf8_string($post['title']), 'text' => $text, 'post_timestamp' => prepare_utf8_string(date_trunc($post['startdate'])), 'fr_images' => $fr_images);
        if ($avatarurl != '') {
            $tmp['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
        $posts_out[] = $tmp;
    if (!empty($anncids)) {
        $db->shutdown_query("\n\t\t\tUPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "announcement\n\t\t\tSET views = views + 1\n\t\t\tWHERE announcementid IN (" . implode(', ', $anncids) . ")\n\t\t");
        if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
            $db->shutdown_query("\n\t\t\t\tREPLACE INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "announcementread\n\t\t\t\t\t(announcementid, userid)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t" . implode(', ', $announceread) . "\n\t\t\t");
    if (!is_array($posts_out)) {
        $posts_out = array();
    return array('posts' => $posts_out, 'total_posts' => count($posts_out));
Exemplo n.º 13
 private function processThreads(&$threads, $previewtype)
     $thread_data = array();
     $thread_model = $this->_getThreadModel();
     $post_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Post');
     $preview_length = XenForo_Application::get('options')->discussionPreviewLength;
     foreach ($threads as &$thread) {
         // For each thread, get the first post/last post information as requested by user
         if ($thread_model->isRedirect($thread)) {
             // Redirect thread XXX RKJ
         $out = array('thread_id' => $thread['thread_id'], 'new_posts' => $thread['isNew'], 'forum_id' => $thread['node_id'], 'total_posts' => $thread['reply_count'] + 1, 'thread_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['title'])), 'post_lastposttime' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::dateTime($thread['last_post_date'])));
         if ($previewtype == 1) {
             $out += array('post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['username'])), 'post_userid' => $thread['user_id']);
         } else {
             $out += array('post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['last_post_username'])), 'post_userid' => $thread['last_post_user_id']);
         $post = $post_model->getPostById($thread[$previewtype == 1 ? 'first_post_id' : 'last_post_id'], array('join' => XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_USER));
         $avatarurl = process_avatarurl(XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl($post, 'm'));
         if (strpos($avatarurl, '/xenforo/avatars/avatar_') !== false) {
             $avatarurl = '';
         if ($avatarurl != '') {
             $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
         $preview = '';
         if ($preview_length) {
             $preview = preview_chop(XenForo_Helper_String::bbCodeStrip($post['message'], true), $preview_length);
         if ($preview != '') {
             $out['thread_preview'] = prepare_utf8_string(html_entity_decode($preview));
         if ($thread['discussion_type'] == 'poll') {
             $out['poll'] = true;
         if ($thread['prefix_id'] && isset($this->_prefixes[$thread['prefix_id']])) {
             $out['prefix'] = prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($this->_prefixes[$thread['prefix_id']]));
         $thread_data[] = $out;
     return $thread_data;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function actionGetThread()
     $threadid = $this->_input->filterSingle('threadid', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     $postid = $this->_input->filterSingle('postid', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     $signature = $this->_input->filterSingle('signature', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     $page = max($this->_input->filterSingle('page', XenForo_Input::UINT), 1);
     $perpage = $this->_input->filterSingle('perpage', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     if (!$perpage) {
         $perpage = XenForo_Application::get('options')->messagesPerPage;
     $visitor = XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();
     $user_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User');
     $thread_model = $this->_getThreadModel();
     $post_model = $this->_getPostModel();
     $forum_model = $this->_getForumModel();
     $session_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Session');
     $helper = $this->getHelper('ForumThreadPost');
     $post_helper = new ForumRunner_ControllerHelper_Post($this);
     try {
         list($thread_info, $forum_info) = $helper->assertThreadValidAndViewable($threadid, array('readUserId' => $visitor['user_id'], 'watchUserId' => $visitor['user_id']), array('readUserId' => $visitor['user_id']));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $gotopostid = 0;
     if ($page == FR_LAST_POST) {
         // Figure out our last post page and post id
         $options = $post_model->getPermissionBasedPostFetchOptions($thread_info, $forum_info);
         $read_date = $thread_model->getMaxThreadReadDate($thread_info, $forum_info);
         $first_unread = $post_model->getNextPostInThread($threadid, $read_date, $options);
         if (!$first_unread) {
             $first_unread = $post_model->getLastPostInThread($threadid, $options);
         if ($first_unread) {
             $page = floor($first_unread['position'] / $perpage) + 1;
             $gotopostid = $first_unread['post_id'];
         } else {
             $page = 1;
     } else {
         if ($postid) {
             try {
                 list($tpost, $tthread, $tforum) = $helper->assertPostValidAndViewable($postid);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
             $page = floor($tpost['position'] / $perpage) + 1;
             $gotopostid = $postid;
     if ($thread_model->isRedirect($thread_info)) {
         // Redirect thread! XXX RKJ
     $this->canonicalizePageNumber($page, $perpage, $thread_info['reply_count'] + 1, 'threads', $thread_info);
     $post_options = array_merge($post_model->getPermissionBasedPostFetchOptions($thread_info, $forum_info), array('perPage' => $perpage, 'page' => $page, 'join' => XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_USER | XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_USER_PROFILE | XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_FORUM, 'likeUserId' => $visitor['user_id']));
     if (!empty($post_options['deleted'])) {
         $post_options['join'] |= XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_DELETION_LOG;
     $posts = $post_model->getPostsInThread($threadid, $post_options);
     $posts = $post_model->getAndMergeAttachmentsIntoPosts($posts);
     $mod = array();
     $perms = $visitor->getNodePermissions($thread_info['node_id']);
     $thread_mod = $thread_model->addInlineModOptionToThread($thread_info, $forum_info, $perms);
     $max_post_date = $first_unread = $deleted = $moderated = 0;
     foreach ($posts as &$post) {
         $post_mod = $post_model->addInlineModOptionToPost($post, $thread_info, $forum_info, $perms);
         $mod = array_merge($mod, $post_mod);
         $post = $post_model->preparePost($post, $thread_info, $forum_info, $perms);
         if ($post['post_date'] > $max_post_date) {
             $max_post_date = $post['post_date'];
         if ($post['isDeleted']) {
         if ($post['isModerated']) {
         if (!$first_unread && $post['isNew']) {
             $first_unread = $post['post_id'];
     $thread_model->markThreadRead($thread_info, $forum_info, $max_post_date, $visitor['user_id']);
     fr_update_subsent($thread_info['thread_id'], $max_post_date);
     $post_data = array();
     foreach ($posts as &$post) {
         $user = $user_model->getUserById($post['user_id']);
         $online_info = $session_model->getSessionActivityRecords(array('user_id' => $post['user_id'], 'cutOff' => array('>', $session_model->getOnlineStatusTimeout())));
         $is_online = false;
         if (count($online_info) == 1) {
             $is_online = true;
         $fr_images = $docattach = array();
         if (isset($post['attachments']) && is_array($post['attachments'])) {
             foreach ($post['attachments'] as $attachment) {
                 $ext = strtolower($attachment['extension']);
                 $link = XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('attachments', $attachment);
                 if ($ext == 'jpe' || $ext == 'jpeg' || $ext == 'png' || $ext == 'gif' || $ext == 'jpg') {
                     $data = array('img' => fr_get_xenforo_bburl() . '/' . $link);
                     if ($attachment['thumbnailUrl']) {
                         $data['tmb'] = fr_get_xenforo_bburl() . '/' . $attachment['thumbnailUrl'];
                     $fr_images[] = $data;
                 } else {
                     if ($ext == 'pdf') {
                         $docattach[] = fr_get_xenforo_bburl() . '/' . $link;
         list($text, $nuked_quotes, $images) = parse_post(fr_strip_smilies($this, XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($post['message'])), true);
         if (count($fr_images) > 0) {
             $text .= "<br/>";
             foreach ($fr_images as $attachment) {
                 $text .= "<img src=\"{$attachment['img']}\"/>";
         foreach ($images as $image) {
             $fr_images[] = array('img' => $image);
         $avatarurl = '';
         if ($user !== false) {
             $avatarurl = process_avatarurl(XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl($user, 'm'));
             if (strpos($avatarurl, '/xenforo/avatars/avatar_') !== false) {
                 $avatarurl = '';
         $post_page = floor($post['position'] / XenForo_Application::get('options')->messagesPerPage) + 1;
         $out = array('post_id' => $post['post_id'], 'thread_id' => $post['thread_id'], 'forum_id' => $post['node_id'], 'forum_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post['node_title'])), 'username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post['username'])), 'joindate' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::date($post['register_date'], 'absolute')), 'usertitle' => strip_tags(XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::helperUserTitle($user)), 'numposts' => $user ? $user['message_count'] : 0, 'userid' => $post['user_id'], 'canlike' => $post['canLike'] ? true : false, 'likes' => $post['like_date'] > 0 ? true : false, 'title' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($post['title'])), 'online' => $is_online, 'post_timestamp' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::dateTime($post['post_date'], 'absolute')), 'post_link' => fr_get_xenforo_bburl() . '/' . XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('threads', $thread_info, array('page' => $post_page)) . '#post-' . $post['post_id'], 'fr_images' => $fr_images);
         if ($post['canDelete']) {
             $out['candelete'] = true;
         if ($post['likes']) {
             $out['likestext'] = prepare_utf8_string($post_helper->likesHtml($post['post_id'], $post['likes'], $post['like_date'], $post['likeUsers']));
             $like_users = '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($post['likeUsers']); $i++) {
                 if ($i != 0) {
                     $like_users .= ', ';
                 $like_users .= $post['likeUsers'][$i]['username'];
             $out['likesusers'] = prepare_utf8_string($like_users);
         if ($avatarurl != '') {
             $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
         if ($post['message_state'] == 'deleted') {
             $out += array('deleted' => true, 'del_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post['delete_username'])));
             if ($post['delete_reason']) {
                 $out['del_reason'] = prepare_utf8_string($post['delete_reason']);
         } else {
             if ($post['canEdit']) {
                 $out += array('canedit' => $post['canEdit']);
             $out += array('text' => $text, 'quotable' => $nuked_quotes, 'edittext' => prepare_utf8_string($post['message']));
         if (count($docattach)) {
             $out['docattach'] = $docattach;
         if ($signature) {
             $sig = trim(strip_tags(remove_bbcode($post['signature'], true, true), '<a>'));
             $sig = str_replace(array("\t", "\r"), array('', ''), $sig);
             $sig = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $sig);
             $out['sig'] = prepare_utf8_string($sig);
         $post_data[] = $out;
     $out = array('posts' => $post_data, 'total_posts' => $thread_info['reply_count'] + 1, 'page' => $page, 'canpost' => $thread_model->canReplyToThread($thread_info, $forum_info), 'canattach' => $forum_model->canUploadAndManageAttachment($forum_info), 'title' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Helper_String::censorString($thread_info['title'])), 'thread_link' => process_avatarurl(XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('threads', $thread_info, array('page' => $page))), 'subscribed' => $thread_info['thread_is_watched'] ? 1 : 0);
     if ($gotopostid) {
         $out['gotopostid'] = $gotopostid;
     if ($thread_info['discussion_type'] == 'poll') {
         $poll_model = $this->_getPollModel();
         $poll = $poll_model->getPollByContent('thread', $threadid);
         if ($poll) {
             $out['pollid'] = $poll['poll_id'];
     $modbit = 0;
     if (isset($mod['delete']) && $mod['delete']) {
         $modbit |= MOD_DELETEPOST;
     if ($thread_info['sticky'] && isset($thread_mod['unstick']) && $thread_mod['unstick']) {
         $modbit |= MOD_UNSTICK;
     if (!$thread_info['sticky'] && isset($thread_mod['stick']) && $thread_mod['stick']) {
         $modbit |= MOD_STICK;
     if (isset($thread_mod['delete']) && $thread_mod['delete']) {
         $modbit |= MOD_DELETETHREAD;
     if ($thread_info['discussion_open'] && isset($thread_mod['lock']) && $thread_mod['lock']) {
         $modbit |= MOD_CLOSE;
     if (!$thread_info['discussion_open'] && isset($thread_mod['unlock']) && $thread_mod['unlock']) {
         $modbit |= MOD_OPEN;
     if (isset($thread_mod['move']) && $thread_mod['move']) {
         $modbit |= MOD_MOVETHREAD;
     if (XenForo_Permission::hasPermission($visitor['permissions'], 'general', 'cleanSpam')) {
         $modbit |= MOD_SPAM_CONTROLS;
     $out['mod'] = $modbit;
     return $out;
Exemplo n.º 15
function do_get_profile()
    global $vbulletin, $db, $show, $vbphrase, $permissions, $imodcache;
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('userid' => TYPE_UINT));
    if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] && !$vbulletin->GPC['userid']) {
    if (!($permissions['forumpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) or !($permissions['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canviewmembers'])) {
    if (!$vbulletin->GPC['userid']) {
        $vbulletin->GPC['userid'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'];
    $userinfo = verify_id('user', $vbulletin->GPC['userid'], 1, $fetch_userinfo_options);
    if ($userinfo['usergroupid'] == 4 and !($permissions['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel'])) {
    $posts = $userinfo['posts'];
    $joindate = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $userinfo['joindate']);
    $out = array('username' => html_entity_decode($userinfo['username']), 'online' => fetch_online_status($userinfo, false), 'avatar_upload' => $vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'] && $permissions['genericpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericpermissions['canuseavatar'], 'posts' => $posts, 'joindate' => $joindate);
    $avatarurl_info = fetch_avatar_url($userinfo['userid']);
    if ($avatarurl_info) {
        $out['avatarurl'] = process_avatarurl($avatarurl_info[0]);
    $canbanuser = ($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel'] or can_moderate(0, 'canbanusers'));
    if ($canbanuser) {
        $out['ban'] = true;
    $groups = array();
    // About
    $out_group = array('name' => 'about', 'values' => array(array('name' => prepare_utf8_string($vbphrase['posts']), 'value' => strval(vb_number_format($userinfo['posts']))), array('name' => prepare_utf8_string($vbphrase['join_date']), 'value' => vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $userinfo['joindate']))));
    if (function_exists('itrader_user')) {
        $out_group['values'][] = array('name' => 'iTrader', 'value' => vb_number_format($userinfo['tradescore']) . ', ' . $userinfo['tradepcnt'] . '%');
        $out += array('itrader_score' => vb_number_format($userinfo['tradescore']), 'itrader_percent' => $userinfo['tradepcnt'] . '%');
    $groups[] = $out_group;
    $profileobj = new vB_UserProfile($vbulletin, $userinfo);
    $blockfactory = new vB_ProfileBlockFactory($vbulletin, $profileobj);
    $profileblock =& $blockfactory->fetch('ProfileFields');
    $profile = $profileblock->categories[0];
    // Additional information
    if (count($profile)) {
        $out_group = array('name' => 'additional');
        foreach ($profile as $profilefield) {
            $field_value = $userinfo["field{$profilefield['profilefieldid']}"];
            fetch_profilefield_display($profilefield, $field_value);
            if (!strlen(trim($field_value))) {
            $out_group['values'][] = array('name' => prepare_utf8_string($profilefield['title']), 'value' => prepare_utf8_string($profilefield['value']));
        if (count($out_group['values'])) {
            $groups[] = $out_group;
    $out['groups'] = $groups;
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 16
    public function actionGetPost()
        // Whole function is an ugly hack.  Revisit later.
        global $dependencies, $zresponse;
        $postid = $this->_input->filterSingle('postid', XenForo_Input::UINT);
        $type = $this->_input->filterSingle('type', XenForo_Input::STRING);
        $signature = $this->_input->filterSingle('signature', XenForo_Input::UINT);
        if (!$type || $type == '') {
            $type = 'html';
        $user_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_User');
        $session_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Session');
        $thread_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Thread');
        $forum_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Forum');
        $attachment_model = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Attachment');
        $helper = $this->getHelper('ForumThreadPost');
        try {
            list($post, $thread, $forum) = $helper->assertPostValidAndViewable($postid);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
        $post_model = $this->_getPostModel();
        $post = $post_model->getPostById($postid, array('join' => XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_THREAD | XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_FORUM | XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_USER | XenForo_Model_Post::FETCH_USER_PROFILE));
        $user = $user_model->getUserById($post['user_id']);
        $online_info = $session_model->getSessionActivityRecords(array('user_id' => $post['user_id'], 'cutOff' => array('>', $session_model->getOnlineStatusTimeout())));
        $is_online = false;
        if (count($online_info) == 1) {
            $is_online = true;
        $avatarurl = '';
        if ($user !== false) {
            $avatarurl = process_avatarurl(XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::getAvatarUrl($user, 'm'));
            if (strpos($avatarurl, '/xenforo/avatars/avatar_') !== false) {
                $avatarurl = '';
        $attachments = $attachment_model->getAttachmentsByContentId('post', $postid);
        $message = fr_strip_smilies($this, $post['message']);
        list($text, $nuked_quotes, $images) = parse_post($message, true, array());
        $image = '';
        if ($type == 'html') {
            $css = <<<EOF
<style type="text/css">
body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 3;
  font: 13px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.alt2 {
  background-color: #e6edf5;
  font: 13px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
html {
    -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
            $formatter = XenForo_BbCode_Formatter_Base::create('ForumRunner_BbCode_Formatter_BbCode_Post', array('smilies' => XenForo_Application::get('smilies')));
            $parser = new XenForo_BbCode_Parser($formatter);
            $html = $css . $parser->render($message);
            if ($signature && $post['signature']) {
                $html .= '<div style="border-top: 1px dashed grey; font-size: 9pt; margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px 0 0;">' . $parser->render(fr_strip_smilies($this, $post['signature'])) . '</div>';
        } else {
            if ($type == 'facebook') {
                $html = XenForo_Helper_String::censorString(XenForo_Helper_String::bbCodeStrip($message, true));
                if (count($attachments)) {
                    $attachments = array_values($attachments);
                    $link = XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('attachments', $attachments[0]);
                    $image = fr_get_xenforo_bburl() . '/' . $link;
        $post_page = floor($post['position'] / XenForo_Application::get('options')->messagesPerPage) + 1;
        $out = array('post_id' => $post['post_id'], 'thread_id' => $post['thread_id'], 'forum_id' => $post['node_id'], 'forum_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post['node_title'])), 'username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($post['username'])), 'joindate' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::date($post['register_date'], 'absolute')), 'usertitle' => XenForo_Template_Helper_Core::helperUserTitle($user), 'numposts' => $user ? $user['message_count'] : 0, 'userid' => $post['user_id'], 'title' => prepare_utf8_string($post['title']), 'online' => $is_online, 'post_timestamp' => prepare_utf8_string(XenForo_Locale::dateTime($post['post_date'], 'absolute')), 'html' => prepare_utf8_string($html), 'quotable' => $nuked_quotes, 'canpost' => $thread_model->canReplyToThread($thread, $forum), 'canattach' => $forum_model->canUploadAndManageAttachment($forum), 'post_link' => fr_get_xenforo_bburl() . '/' . XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('threads', $thread, array('page' => $post_page)) . '#post-' . $post['post_id']);
        if ($image != '') {
            $out['image'] = $image;
        if ($avatarurl != '') {
            $out['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
        return $out;
Exemplo n.º 17
function do_get_subscriptions()
    global $vbulletin, $db, $show, $vbphrase, $permissions, $subscribecounters;
    $vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] = FR_PREVIEW_LEN;
    if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
    if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] and $_REQUEST['do'] != 'removesubscription' or $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] and !($permissions['forumpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) or $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == 4 or !($permissions['genericoptions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_genericoptions['isnotbannedgroup'])) {
    $thread_data = array();
    $unread_subs = 0;
    // vbulletin expects folderid, but we will just get them all
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('folderid' => TYPE_NOHTML, 'perpage' => TYPE_UINT, 'pagenumber' => TYPE_UINT, 'sortfield' => TYPE_NOHTML, 'sortorder' => TYPE_NOHTML, 'previewtype' => TYPE_INT));
    $previewtype = $vbulletin->GPC['previewtype'];
    if (!$previewtype) {
        $previewtype = 1;
    $vbulletin->GPC['folderid'] = 'all';
    // Values that are reused in templates
    $sortfield =& $vbulletin->GPC['sortfield'];
    $perpage =& $vbulletin->GPC['perpage'];
    $pagenumber =& $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber'];
    $folderid =& $vbulletin->GPC['folderid'];
    if ($folderid == 'all') {
        $getallfolders = true;
        $show['allfolders'] = true;
    } else {
        $folderid = intval($folderid);
    $folderselect["{$folderid}"] = 'selected="selected"';
    // Build folder jump
    require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_misc.php';
    $folders = construct_folder_jump(1, $folderid, false, '', true);
    $templater = vB_Template::create('subscribe_folder_jump');
    $templater->register('folders', $folders);
    $folderjump = $templater->render();
    // look at sorting options:
    if ($vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'] != 'asc') {
        $vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'] = 'desc';
        $sqlsortorder = 'DESC';
        $order = array('desc' => 'selected="selected"');
    } else {
        $sqlsortorder = '';
        $order = array('asc' => 'selected="selected"');
    switch ($sortfield) {
        case 'title':
        case 'lastpost':
        case 'replycount':
        case 'views':
        case 'postusername':
            $sqlsortfield = 'thread.' . $sortfield;
            $handled = false;
            if (!$handled) {
                $sqlsortfield = 'thread.lastpost';
                $sortfield = 'lastpost';
    $sort = array($sortfield => 'selected="selected"');
    if ($getallfolders) {
        $totalallthreads = array_sum($subscribecounters);
    } else {
        $totalallthreads = $subscribecounters["{$folderid}"];
    // set defaults
    sanitize_pageresults($totalallthreads, $pagenumber, $perpage, 200, $vbulletin->options['maxthreads']);
    // display threads
    $limitlower = ($pagenumber - 1) * $perpage + 1;
    $limitupper = $pagenumber * $perpage;
    if ($limitupper > $totalallthreads) {
        $limitupper = $totalallthreads;
        if ($limitlower > $totalallthreads) {
            $limitlower = $totalallthreads - $perpage;
    if ($limitlower <= 0) {
        $limitlower = 1;
    $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = '';
    $getthreads = $db->query_read_slave("\n\t\tSELECT thread.threadid, emailupdate, subscribethreadid, thread.forumid, thread.postuserid\n\t\t\t{$hook_query_fields}\n\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribethread AS subscribethread\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON(thread.threadid = subscribethread.threadid)\n\t\t{$hook_query_joins}\n\t\tWHERE subscribethread.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . "\n\t\t\tAND thread.visible = 1\n\t\t\tAND canview = 1\n\t\t" . iif(!$getallfolders, "\tAND folderid = {$folderid}") . "\n\t\t\t{$hook_query_where}\n\t\tORDER BY {$sqlsortfield} {$sqlsortorder}\n\t\tLIMIT " . ($limitlower - 1) . ", {$perpage}\n\t");
    if ($totalthreads = $db->num_rows($getthreads)) {
        $forumids = array();
        $threadids = array();
        $emailupdate = array();
        $killthreads = array();
        while ($getthread = $db->fetch_array($getthreads)) {
            $forumperms = fetch_permissions($getthread['forumid']);
            if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) or !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads']) or $getthread['postuserid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] and !($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewothers'])) {
                $killthreads["{$getthread['subscribethreadid']}"] = $getthread['subscribethreadid'];
            $forumids["{$getthread['forumid']}"] = true;
            $threadids[] = $getthread['threadid'];
            $emailupdate["{$getthread['threadid']}"] = $getthread['emailupdate'];
            $subscribethread["{$getthread['threadid']}"] = $getthread['subscribethreadid'];
        $threadids = implode(',', $threadids);
    if (!empty($killthreads)) {
        // Update thread subscriptions
        $vbulletin->db->query_write("\n\t\t\tUPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribethread\n\t\t\tSET canview = 0\n\t\t\tWHERE subscribethreadid IN (" . implode(', ', $killthreads) . ")\n\t\t");
    if (!empty($threadids)) {
        $colspan = 5;
        $show['threadicons'] = false;
        // get last read info for each thread
        $lastread = array();
        foreach (array_keys($forumids) as $forumid) {
            if ($vbulletin->options['threadmarking']) {
                $lastread["{$forumid}"] = max($vbulletin->forumcache["{$forumid}"]['forumread'], TIMENOW - $vbulletin->options['markinglimit'] * 86400);
            } else {
                $lastread["{$forumid}"] = max(intval(fetch_bbarray_cookie('forum_view', $forumid)), $vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit']);
            if ($vbulletin->forumcache["{$forumid}"]['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['allowicons']) {
                $show['threadicons'] = true;
                $colspan = 6;
        if ($previewtype == 1) {
            $previewfield = "post.pagetext AS preview, post.username AS lastpost_username, post.userid AS lastpost_userid,";
            $previewjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.firstpostid)";
        } else {
            $previewfield = "post.pagetext AS preview, post.username AS lastpost_username, post.userid AS lastpost_userid,";
            $previewjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.lastpostid)";
        $hasthreads = true;
        $threadbits = '';
        $pagenav = '';
        $counter = 0;
        $toread = 0;
        $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] = intval($vbulletin->options['showvotes']);
        if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] and in_coventry($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], true)) {
            $lastpost_info = "IF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastpost, tachythreadpost.lastpost) AS lastpost, " . "IF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastposter, tachythreadpost.lastposter) AS lastposter, " . "IF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastposterid, tachythreadpost.lastposterid) AS lastposterid, " . "IF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastpostid, tachythreadpost.lastpostid) AS lastpostid";
            $tachyjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tachythreadpost AS tachythreadpost ON " . "(tachythreadpost.threadid = thread.threadid AND tachythreadpost.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ')';
        } else {
            $lastpost_info = 'thread.lastpost, thread.lastposter, thread.lastposterid, thread.lastpostid';
            $tachyjoin = '';
        $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = '';
        $threads = $db->query_read_slave("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tIF(thread.votenum >= " . $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] . ", thread.votenum, 0) AS votenum,\n\t\t\t\tIF(thread.votenum >= " . $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] . " AND thread.votenum > 0, thread.votetotal / thread.votenum, 0) AS voteavg,\n\t\t\t\tthread.votetotal,\n\t\t\t\t{$previewfield} thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle, thread.forumid, thread.pollid,\n\t\t\t\tthread.open, thread.replycount, thread.postusername, thread.prefixid,\n\t\t\t\t{$lastpost_info}, thread.postuserid, thread.dateline, thread.views, thread.iconid AS threadiconid,\n\t\t\t\tthread.notes, thread.visible, thread.attach, thread.taglist\n\t\t\t\t" . ($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] ? ", threadread.readtime AS threadread" : '') . "\n\t\t\t\t{$hook_query_fields}\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread\n\t\t\t{$previewjoin}\n\t\t\t" . ($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] ? " LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "threadread AS threadread ON (threadread.threadid = thread.threadid AND threadread.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")" : '') . "\n\t\t\t{$tachyjoin}\n\t\t\t{$hook_query_joins}\n\t\t\tWHERE thread.threadid IN ({$threadids})\n\t\t\tORDER BY {$sqlsortfield} {$sqlsortorder}\n\t\t");
        unset($sqlsortfield, $sqlsortorder);
        require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_forumdisplay.php';
        // Get Dot Threads
        $dotthreads = fetch_dot_threads_array($threadids);
        if ($vbulletin->options['showdots'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
            $show['dotthreads'] = true;
        } else {
            $show['dotthreads'] = false;
        if ($vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['ignorelist']) {
            // Get Buddy List
            $buddy = array();
            if (trim($vbulletin->userinfo['buddylist'])) {
                $buddylist = preg_split('/( )+/', trim($vbulletin->userinfo['buddylist']), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                foreach ($buddylist as $buddyuserid) {
                    $buddy["{$buddyuserid}"] = 1;
            DEVDEBUG('buddies: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($buddy)));
            // Get Ignore Users
            $ignore = array();
            if (trim($vbulletin->userinfo['ignorelist'])) {
                $ignorelist = preg_split('/( )+/', trim($vbulletin->userinfo['ignorelist']), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                foreach ($ignorelist as $ignoreuserid) {
                    if (!$buddy["{$ignoreuserid}"]) {
                        $ignore["{$ignoreuserid}"] = 1;
            DEVDEBUG('ignored users: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($ignore)));
        $foruminfo['allowratings'] = true;
        $show['notificationtype'] = true;
        $show['threadratings'] = true;
        $show['threadrating'] = true;
        while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($threads)) {
            $threadid = $thread['threadid'];
            // build thread data
            $thread = process_thread_array($thread, $lastread["{$thread['forumid']}"]);
            switch ($emailupdate["{$thread['threadid']}"]) {
                case 0:
                    $thread['notification'] = $vbphrase['none'];
                case 1:
                    $thread['notification'] = $vbphrase['instant'];
                case 2:
                    $thread['notification'] = $vbphrase['daily'];
                case 3:
                    $thread['notification'] = $vbphrase['weekly'];
                    $thread['notification'] = $vbphrase['n_a'];
            $avatarurl = '';
            if ($thread['lastpost_userid'] > 0) {
                $userinfoavatar = fetch_userinfo($thread['lastpost_userid'], FETCH_USERINFO_AVATAR);
                fetch_avatar_from_userinfo($userinfoavatar, true, false);
                if ($userinfoavatar['avatarurl'] != '') {
                    $avatarurl = process_avatarurl($userinfoavatar['avatarurl']);
            $tmp = array('thread_id' => $thread['threadid'], 'new_posts' => $show['gotonewpost'] ? true : false, 'forum_id' => $thread['forumid'], 'total_posts' => $thread['totalposts'] ? $thread['totalposts'] : 0, 'forum_title' => prepare_utf8_string($thread['forumtitle']), 'thread_title' => prepare_utf8_string($thread['threadtitle']), 'thread_preview' => prepare_utf8_string(preview_chop(html_entity_decode($thread['preview']), FR_PREVIEW_LEN)), 'post_userid' => $thread['lastpost_userid'], 'post_lastposttime' => prepare_utf8_string(date_trunc($thread['lastpostdate']) . ' ' . $thread['lastposttime']), 'post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['lastpost_username'])));
            if ($avatarurl != '') {
                $tmp['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
            if ($thread['attach']) {
                $tmp['attach'] = true;
            if ($thread['pollid']) {
                $tmp['poll'] = true;
            $thread_data[] = $tmp;
    } else {
        $totalallthreads = 0;
    $out = array('threads' => $thread_data, 'total_threads' => $totalallthreads);
    return $out;
Exemplo n.º 18
function do_get_forum()
    global $vbulletin, $db, $show, $vbphrase, $foruminfo;
    $canpost = true;
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('fid' => TYPE_INT, 'previewtype' => TYPE_INT));
    $previewtype = $vbulletin->GPC['previewtype'];
    if (!$previewtype) {
        $previewtype = 1;
    if (empty($foruminfo['forumid'])) {
        $forumid = -1;
    } else {
        $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('password' => TYPE_STR));
        // Check the forum password
        if ($vbulletin->GPC['password'] && $foruminfo['password'] == $vbulletin->GPC['password']) {
            // Set a temp cookie for guests
            if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
                set_bbarray_cookie('forumpwd', $foruminfo['forumid'], md5($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . $vbulletin->GPC['password']));
            } else {
                set_bbarray_cookie('forumpwd', $foruminfo['forumid'], md5($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . $vbulletin->GPC['password']), 1);
        $perpage = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'perpage', TYPE_UINT);
        $pagenumber = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'pagenumber', TYPE_UINT);
        $daysprune = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'daysprune', TYPE_INT);
        $sortfield = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'sortfield', TYPE_STR);
        // get permission to view forum
        $_permsgetter_ = 'forumdisplay';
        $forumperms = fetch_permissions($foruminfo['forumid']);
        if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview'])) {
        // Check for forum password!
        if (!verify_forum_password($foruminfo['forumid'], $foruminfo['password'], false)) {
        // Can we post in this forum?
        if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canpostnew'])) {
            $canpost = false;
        $forumid = $foruminfo['forumid'];
    // Can forum contain threads?
    $announcements_out = array();
    // These $_REQUEST values will get used in the sort template so they are assigned to normal variables
    $perpage = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'perpage', TYPE_UINT);
    $pagenumber = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'pagenumber', TYPE_UINT);
    $daysprune = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'daysprune', TYPE_INT);
    $sortfield = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'sortfield', TYPE_STR);
    // get permission to view forum
    $_permsgetter_ = 'forumdisplay';
    $forumperms = fetch_permissions($foruminfo['forumid']);
    if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview'])) {
    // disable thread preview if we can't view threads
    if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads'])) {
        $vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] = 0;
    // check if there is a forum password and if so, ensure the user has it set
    verify_forum_password($foruminfo['forumid'], $foruminfo['password']);
    // verify that we are at the canonical SEO url
    // and redirect to this if not
    //verify_seo_url('forum', $foruminfo, array('pagenumber' => $_REQUEST['pagenumber']));
    // get vbulletin->iforumcache - for use by makeforumjump and forums list
    // fetch the forum even if they are invisible since its needed
    // for the title but we'll unset that further down
    // also fetch subscription info for $show['subscribed'] variable
    cache_ordered_forums(1, 1, $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']);
    $show['newthreadlink'] = iif(!$show['search_engine'] and $foruminfo['allowposting'], true, false);
    $show['threadicons'] = iif($foruminfo['allowicons'], true, false);
    $show['threadratings'] = iif($foruminfo['allowratings'], true, false);
    $show['subscribed_to_forum'] = $vbulletin->forumcache["{$foruminfo['forumid']}"]['subscribeforumid'] != '' ? true : false;
    if (!$daysprune) {
        if ($vbulletin->userinfo['daysprune']) {
            $daysprune = $vbulletin->userinfo['daysprune'];
        } else {
            $daysprune = iif($foruminfo['daysprune'], $foruminfo['daysprune'], 30);
    $daysprune = -1;
    // FRNR
    // ### GET FORUMS, PERMISSIONS, MODERATOR iCACHES ########################
    // draw nav bar
    $navbits = array();
    $navbits[$vbulletin->options['forumhome'] . '.php' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl_q']] = $vbphrase['forum'];
    $parentlist = array_reverse(explode(',', substr($foruminfo['parentlist'], 0, -3)));
    foreach ($parentlist as $forumID) {
        $forumTitle = $vbulletin->forumcache["{$forumID}"]['title'];
        $navbits[fetch_seo_url('forum', array('forumid' => $forumID, 'title' => $forumTitle))] = $forumTitle;
    // pop the last element off the end of the $nav array so that we can show it without a link
    $navbits[''] = $foruminfo['title'];
    $navbits = construct_navbits($navbits);
    $navbar = render_navbar_template($navbits);
    $moderatorslist = '';
    $listexploded = explode(',', $foruminfo['parentlist']);
    $showmods = array();
    $show['moderators'] = false;
    $totalmods = 0;
    foreach ($listexploded as $parentforumid) {
        if (!$imodcache["{$parentforumid}"] or $parentforumid == -1) {
        foreach ($imodcache["{$parentforumid}"] as $moderator) {
            if ($showmods["{$moderator['userid']}"] === true) {
            $showmods["{$moderator['userid']}"] = true;
            $show['comma_leader'] = $moderatorslist != '';
            $show['moderators'] = true;
    // ### BUILD FORUMS LIST #################################################
    // get an array of child forum ids for this forum
    $foruminfo['childlist'] = explode(',', $foruminfo['childlist']);
    // define max depth for forums display based on $vbulletin->options[forumhomedepth]
    define('MAXFORUMDEPTH', $vbulletin->options['forumdisplaydepth']);
    if (($vbulletin->options['showforumusers'] == 1 or $vbulletin->options['showforumusers'] == 2 or $vbulletin->options['showforumusers'] > 2 and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) and !$show['search_engine']) {
        $datecut = TIMENOW - $vbulletin->options['cookietimeout'];
        $forumusers = $db->query_read_slave("\n    \t\tSELECT user.username, (user.options & " . $vbulletin->bf_misc_useroptions['invisible'] . ") AS invisible, user.usergroupid,\n    \t\t\tsession.userid, session.inforum, session.lastactivity, session.badlocation,\n    \t\t\tIF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid\n    \t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session AS session\n    \t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = session.userid)\n    \t\tWHERE session.lastactivity > {$datecut}\n    \t\tORDER BY" . iif($vbulletin->options['showforumusers'] == 1 or $vbulletin->options['showforumusers'] == 3, " username ASC,") . " lastactivity DESC\n    \t");
        $numberregistered = 0;
        $numberguest = 0;
        $doneuser = array();
        if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
            // fakes the user being in this forum
            $loggedin = array('userid' => $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], 'username' => $vbulletin->userinfo['username'], 'invisible' => $vbulletin->userinfo['invisible'], 'invisiblemark' => $vbulletin->userinfo['invisiblemark'], 'inforum' => $foruminfo['forumid'], 'lastactivity' => TIMENOW, 'musername' => $vbulletin->userinfo['musername']);
            $numberregistered = 1;
            $show['comma_leader'] = false;
            $doneuser["{$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']}"] = 1;
        $inforum = array();
        // this require the query to have lastactivity ordered by DESC so that the latest location will be the first encountered.
        while ($loggedin = $db->fetch_array($forumusers)) {
            if ($loggedin['badlocation']) {
            if (empty($doneuser["{$loggedin['userid']}"])) {
                if (in_array($loggedin['inforum'], $foruminfo['childlist']) and $loggedin['inforum'] != -1) {
                    if (!$loggedin['userid']) {
                        // this is a guest
                    } else {
                        if (fetch_online_status($loggedin)) {
                            $show['comma_leader'] = $activeusers != '';
                if ($loggedin['userid']) {
                    $doneuser["{$loggedin['userid']}"] = 1;
        if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
            $numberguest = $numberguest == 0 ? 1 : $numberguest;
        $totalonline = $numberregistered + $numberguest;
        unset($joingroupid, $key, $datecut, $invisibleuser, $userinfo, $userid, $loggedin, $index, $value, $forumusers, $parentarray);
        $show['activeusers'] = true;
    } else {
        $show['activeusers'] = false;
    // #############################################################################
    // get read status for this forum and children
    $unreadchildforums = 0;
    foreach ($foruminfo['childlist'] as $val) {
        if ($val == -1 or $val == $foruminfo['forumid']) {
        if ($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
            $lastread_child = max($vbulletin->forumcache["{$val}"]['forumread'], TIMENOW - $vbulletin->options['markinglimit'] * 86400);
        } else {
            $lastread_child = max(intval(fetch_bbarray_cookie('forum_view', $val)), $vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit']);
        if ($vbulletin->forumcache["{$val}"]['lastpost'] > $lastread_child) {
            $unreadchildforums = 1;
    $forumbits = fr_construct_forum_bit($forumid);
    // admin tools
    $show['post_queue'] = can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'], 'canmoderateposts');
    $show['attachment_queue'] = can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'], 'canmoderateattachments');
    $show['mass_move'] = can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'], 'canmassmove');
    $show['mass_prune'] = can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'], 'canmassprune');
    $show['post_new_announcement'] = can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'], 'canannounce');
    $show['addmoderator'] = $permissions['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel'];
    $show['adminoptions'] = ($show['post_queue'] or $show['attachment_queue'] or $show['mass_move'] or $show['mass_prune'] or $show['addmoderator'] or $show['post_new_announcement']);
    $navpopup = array('id' => 'forumdisplay_navpopup', 'title' => $foruminfo['title_clean'], 'link' => fetch_seo_url('forum', $foruminfo));
    if ($foruminfo['cancontainthreads']) {
        if ($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
            $foruminfo['forumread'] = $vbulletin->forumcache["{$foruminfo['forumid']}"]['forumread'];
            $lastread = max($foruminfo['forumread'], TIMENOW - $vbulletin->options['markinglimit'] * 86400);
        } else {
            $bbforumview = intval(fetch_bbarray_cookie('forum_view', $foruminfo['forumid']));
            $lastread = max($bbforumview, $vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit']);
        // Inline Moderation
        $show['movethread'] = can_moderate($forumid, 'canmanagethreads') ? true : false;
        $show['deletethread'] = (can_moderate($forumid, 'candeleteposts') or can_moderate($forumid, 'canremoveposts')) ? true : false;
        $show['approvethread'] = can_moderate($forumid, 'canmoderateposts') ? true : false;
        $show['openthread'] = can_moderate($forumid, 'canopenclose') ? true : false;
        $show['inlinemod'] = ($show['movethread'] or $show['deletethread'] or $show['approvethread'] or $show['openthread']) ? true : false;
        $show['spamctrls'] = ($show['inlinemod'] and $show['deletethread']);
        $url = $show['inlinemod'] ? SCRIPTPATH : '';
        // fetch popup menu
        if ($show['popups'] and $show['inlinemod']) {
        } else {
            $threadadmin_imod_thread_menu = '';
        // get announcements
        $announcebits = '';
        if ($show['threadicons'] and $show['inlinemod']) {
            $announcecolspan = 6;
        } else {
            if (!$show['threadicons'] and !$show['inlinemod']) {
                $announcecolspan = 4;
            } else {
                $announcecolspan = 5;
        $mindate = TIMENOW - 2592000;
        // 30 days
        $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = '';
        $announcements = $db->query_read_slave("\n    \t\tSELECT\n    \t\t\tannouncement.announcementid, startdate, title, announcement.views,\n    \t\t\tuser.username, user.userid, user.usertitle, user.customtitle, user.usergroupid,\n    \t\t\tIF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid\n    \t\t\t" . ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] ? ", NOT ISNULL(announcementread.announcementid) AS readannounce" : "") . "\n    \t\t\t{$hook_query_fields}\n    \t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "announcement AS announcement\n    \t\t" . ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] ? "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "announcementread AS announcementread ON (announcementread.announcementid = announcement.announcementid AND announcementread.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")" : "") . "\n    \t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = announcement.userid)\n    \t\t{$hook_query_joins}\n    \t\tWHERE startdate <= " . TIMENOW . "\n    \t\t\tAND enddate >= " . TIMENOW . "\n    \t\t\tAND " . fetch_forum_clause_sql($foruminfo['forumid'], 'forumid') . "\n    \t\t\t{$hook_query_where}\n    \t\tORDER BY startdate DESC, announcement.announcementid DESC\n    \t\t" . iif($vbulletin->options['oneannounce'], "LIMIT 1"));
        while ($announcement = $db->fetch_array($announcements)) {
            $announcement['title'] = fetch_censored_text($announcement['title']);
            $announcement['postdate'] = vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $announcement['startdate']);
            if ($announcement['readannounce'] or $announcement['startdate'] <= $mindate) {
                $announcement['statusicon'] = 'old';
            } else {
                $announcement['statusicon'] = 'new';
            $announcement['views'] = vb_number_format($announcement['views']);
            $announcementidlink = iif(!$vbulletin->options['oneannounce'], "&amp;a={$announcement['announcementid']}");
            // FRNR START
            if ($pagenumber == 1) {
                $avatarurl = '';
                $userinfoavatar = fetch_userinfo($announcement['userid'], FETCH_USERINFO_AVATAR);
                fetch_avatar_from_userinfo($userinfoavatar, true, false);
                if ($userinfoavatar['avatarurl'] != '') {
                    $avatarurl = process_avatarurl($userinfoavatar['avatarurl']);
                $tmp = array('thread_id' => $foruminfo['forumid'], 'announcement' => 1, 'new_posts' => $announcement['readannounce'] ? 0 : 1, 'thread_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($announcement['title'])), 'thread_preview' => prepare_utf8_string(preview_chop(html_entity_decode($announcement['pagetext']), FR_PREVIEW_LEN)), 'post_userid' => $announcement['userid'], 'post_lastposttime' => prepare_utf8_string(date_trunc($announcement['postdate'])), 'post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($announcement['username'])));
                if ($avatarurl != '') {
                    $tmp['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
                $announcements_out[] = $tmp;
            // FRNR END
        // display threads
        if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewothers'])) {
            $limitothers = "AND postuserid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " AND " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " <> 0";
        } else {
            $limitothers = '';
        if (can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'])) {
            $redirectjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "threadredirect AS threadredirect ON(thread.open = 10 AND thread.threadid = threadredirect.threadid)";
        } else {
            $redirectjoin = '';
        // filter out deletion notices if can't be seen
        if ($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canseedelnotice'] or can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'])) {
            $canseedelnotice = true;
            $deljoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "deletionlog AS deletionlog ON(thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid AND deletionlog.type = 'thread')";
        } else {
            $canseedelnotice = false;
            $deljoin = '';
        // remove threads from users on the global ignore list if user is not a moderator
        if ($Coventry = fetch_coventry('string') and !can_moderate($foruminfo['forumid'])) {
            $globalignore = "AND postuserid NOT IN ({$Coventry}) ";
        } else {
            $globalignore = '';
        // look at thread limiting options
        $stickyids = '';
        $stickycount = 0;
        if ($daysprune != -1) {
            if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] and in_coventry($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], true)) {
                $tachyjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tachythreadpost AS tachythreadpost ON " . "(tachythreadpost.threadid = thread.threadid AND tachythreadpost.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")";
                $datecut = " AND (thread.lastpost >= " . (TIMENOW - $daysprune * 86400) . " OR tachythreadpost.lastpost >= " . (TIMENOW - $daysprune * 86400) . ")";
            } else {
                $datecut = "AND lastpost >= " . (TIMENOW - $daysprune * 86400);
                $tachyjoin = "";
            $show['noposts'] = false;
        } else {
            $tachyjoin = "";
            $datecut = "";
            $show['noposts'] = true;
        // complete form fields on page
        $daysprunesel = iif($daysprune == -1, 'all', $daysprune);
        $daysprunesel = array($daysprunesel => 'selected="selected"');
        $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('sortorder' => TYPE_NOHTML, 'prefixid' => TYPE_NOHTML));
        // prefix options
        $prefix_options = fetch_prefix_html($foruminfo['forumid'], $vbulletin->GPC['prefixid']);
        $prefix_selected = array('anythread', 'anythread' => '', 'none' => '');
        if ($vbulletin->GPC['prefixid']) {
            //no prefix id
            if ($vbulletin->GPC['prefixid'] == '-1') {
                $prefix_filter = "AND thread.prefixid = ''";
                $prefix_selected['none'] = ' selected="selected"';
            } else {
                if ($vbulletin->GPC['prefixid'] == '-2') {
                    $prefix_filter = "AND thread.prefixid <> ''";
                    $prefix_selected['anyprefix'] = ' selected="selected"';
                } else {
                    $prefix_filter = "AND thread.prefixid = '" . $db->escape_string($vbulletin->GPC['prefixid']) . "'";
        } else {
            $prefix_filter = '';
            $prefix_selected['anythread'] = ' selected="selected"';
        // default sorting methods
        if (empty($sortfield)) {
            $sortfield = $foruminfo['defaultsortfield'];
        if (empty($vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'])) {
            $vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'] = $foruminfo['defaultsortorder'];
        // look at sorting options:
        if ('asc' != ($sortorder = $vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'])) {
            $sqlsortorder = 'DESC';
            $order = array('desc' => 'checked="checked"');
            $vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'] = 'desc';
        } else {
            $sqlsortorder = '';
            $order = array('asc' => 'checked="checked"');
        $sqlsortfield2 = '';
        switch ($sortfield) {
            case 'title':
                $sqlsortfield = 'thread.title';
            case 'lastpost':
                $sqlsortfield = 'lastpost';
            case 'replycount':
            case 'views':
                $sqlsortfield = 'views';
            case 'postusername':
                $sqlsortfield = $sortfield;
            case 'voteavg':
                if ($foruminfo['allowratings']) {
                    $sqlsortfield = 'voteavg';
                    $sqlsortfield2 = 'votenum';
            case 'dateline':
                $sqlsortfield = 'thread.dateline';
                // else, use last post
            // else, use last post
                $handled = false;
                if (!$handled) {
                    $sqlsortfield = 'lastpost';
                    $sortfield = 'lastpost';
        $sort = array($sortfield => 'selected="selected"');
        $visiblethreads = " AND visible = 1";
        /*if (!can_moderate($forumid, 'canmoderateposts'))
            		if (!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canseedelnotice']))
            			$visiblethreads = " AND visible = 1 ";
            			$visiblethreads = " AND visible IN (1,2)";
            		$visiblethreads = " AND visible IN (0,1,2)";
        $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = '';
        # Include visible IN (0,1,2) in order to hit upon the 4 column index
        $threadscount = $db->query_first_slave("\n    \t\tSELECT COUNT(*) AS threads, SUM(IF(thread.lastpost > {$lastread} AND open <> 10, 1, 0)) AS newthread\n    \t\t{$hook_query_fields}\n    \t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread\n    \t\t{$tachyjoin}\n    \t\t{$hook_query_joins}\n    \t\tWHERE forumid = {$foruminfo['forumid']}\n    \t\t\tAND sticky = 0\n    \t\t\t{$prefix_filter}\n    \t\t\t{$visiblethreads}\n    \t\t\t{$globalignore}\n    \t\t\t{$limitothers}\n    \t\t\t{$datecut}\n    \t\t\t{$hook_query_where}\n    \t");
        $totalthreads = $threadscount['threads'];
        $newthreads = $threadscount['newthread'];
        // set defaults
        sanitize_pageresults($totalthreads, $pagenumber, $perpage, 200, $vbulletin->options['maxthreads']);
        // get number of sticky threads for the first page
        // on the first page there will be the sticky threads PLUS the $perpage other normal threads
        // not quite a bug, but a deliberate feature!
        if ($pagenumber == 1) {
            $stickies = $db->query_read_slave("\n    \t\t\tSELECT thread.threadid, lastpost, open\n    \t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread\n    \t\t\tWHERE forumid = {$foruminfo['forumid']}\n    \t\t\t\tAND sticky = 1\n    \t\t\t\t{$prefix_filter}\n    \t\t\t\t{$visiblethreads}\n    \t\t\t\t{$limitothers}\n    \t\t\t\t{$globalignore}\n    \t\t");
            while ($thissticky = $db->fetch_array($stickies)) {
                if ($thissticky['lastpost'] >= $lastread and $thissticky['open'] != 10) {
                $stickyids .= ",{$thissticky['threadid']}";
            unset($thissticky, $stickies);
        $limitlower = ($pagenumber - 1) * $perpage;
        $limitupper = $pagenumber * $perpage;
        if ($limitupper > $totalthreads) {
            $limitupper = $totalthreads;
            if ($limitlower > $totalthreads) {
                $limitlower = $totalthreads - $perpage - 1;
        if ($limitlower < 0) {
            $limitlower = 0;
        if ($foruminfo['allowratings']) {
            $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] = intval($vbulletin->options['showvotes']);
            $votequery = "\n    \t\t\tIF(votenum >= " . $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] . ", votenum, 0) AS votenum,\n    \t\t\tIF(votenum >= " . $vbulletin->options['showvotes'] . " AND votenum > 0, votetotal / votenum, 0) AS voteavg,\n    \t\t";
        } else {
            $votequery = '';
        if ($previewtype == 1) {
            $previewfield = "post.pagetext AS preview, post.username AS lastpost_username, post.userid AS lastpost_userid,";
            $previewjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.firstpostid)";
        } else {
            $previewfield = "post.pagetext AS preview, post.username AS lastpost_username, post.userid AS lastpost_userid,";
            $previewjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.lastpostid)";
        if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] and in_coventry($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], true)) {
            $tachyjoin = "\n    \t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tachythreadpost AS tachythreadpost ON\n    \t\t\t\t(tachythreadpost.threadid = thread.threadid AND tachythreadpost.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")\n    \t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tachythreadcounter AS tachythreadcounter ON\n    \t\t\t\t(tachythreadcounter.threadid = thread.threadid AND tachythreadcounter.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")\n    \t\t";
            $tachy_columns = "\n    \t\t\tIF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastpost, tachythreadpost.lastpost) AS lastpost,\n    \t\t\tIF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastposter, tachythreadpost.lastposter) AS lastposter,\n    \t\t\tIF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastposterid, tachythreadpost.lastposterid) AS lastposterid,\n    \t\t\tIF(tachythreadpost.userid IS NULL, thread.lastpostid, tachythreadpost.lastpostid) AS lastpostid,\n    \t\t\tIF(tachythreadcounter.userid IS NULL, thread.replycount, thread.replycount + tachythreadcounter.replycount) AS replycount,\n    \t\t\tIF(thread.views<=IF(tachythreadcounter.userid IS NULL, thread.replycount, thread.replycount + tachythreadcounter.replycount), IF(tachythreadcounter.userid IS NULL, thread.replycount, thread.replycount + tachythreadcounter.replycount)+1, thread.views) AS views\n    \t\t";
        } else {
            $tachyjoin = '';
            $tachy_columns = 'thread.lastpost, thread.lastposter, thread.lastposterid, thread.lastpostid, thread.replycount, IF(thread.views<=thread.replycount, thread.replycount+1, thread.views) AS views';
        $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = '';
        $getthreadids = $db->query_read_slave("\n    \t\tSELECT " . iif($sortfield == 'voteavg', $votequery) . " thread.threadid,\n    \t\t\t{$tachy_columns}\n    \t\t\t{$hook_query_fields}\n    \t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread\n    \t\t{$tachyjoin}\n    \t\t{$hook_query_joins}\n    \t\tWHERE forumid = {$foruminfo['forumid']}\n    \t\t\tAND sticky = 0\n    \t\t\t{$prefix_filter}\n    \t\t\t{$visiblethreads}\n    \t\t\t{$globalignore}\n    \t\t\t{$limitothers}\n    \t\t\t{$datecut}\n    \t\t\t{$hook_query_where}\n    \t\tORDER BY sticky DESC, {$sqlsortfield} {$sqlsortorder}" . (!empty($sqlsortfield2) ? ", {$sqlsortfield2} {$sqlsortorder}" : '') . "\n    \t\tLIMIT {$limitlower}, {$perpage}\n    \t");
        $ids = '';
        while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($getthreadids)) {
            $ids .= ',' . $thread['threadid'];
        $ids .= $stickyids;
        unset($thread, $getthreadids);
        $hook_query_fields = $hook_query_joins = $hook_query_where = '';
        $threads = $db->query_read_slave("\n    \t\tSELECT {$votequery} {$previewfield}\n    \t\t\tthread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle, thread.forumid, pollid, open, postusername, postuserid, thread.iconid AS threadiconid,\n    \t\t\tthread.dateline, notes, thread.visible, sticky, votetotal, thread.attach, {$tachy_columns},\n    \t\t\tthread.prefixid, thread.taglist, hiddencount, deletedcount,\n    \t\t\tuser.usergroupid, user.homepage, user.options AS useroptions, IF(userlist.friend = 'yes', 1, 0) AS isfriend\n    \t\t\t" . (($vbulletin->options['threadsubscribed'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? ", NOT ISNULL(subscribethread.subscribethreadid) AS issubscribed" : "") . "\n    \t\t\t" . ($deljoin ? ", deletionlog.userid AS del_userid, deletionlog.username AS del_username, deletionlog.reason AS del_reason" : "") . "\n    \t\t\t" . (($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? ", threadread.readtime AS threadread" : "") . "\n    \t\t\t" . ($redirectjoin ? ", threadredirect.expires" : "") . "\n    \t\t\t{$hook_query_fields}\n    \t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread\n    \t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (user.userid = thread.lastposterid)\n    \t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userlist AS userlist ON (userlist.relationid = user.userid AND userlist.type = 'buddy' AND userlist.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")\n    \t\t\t{$deljoin}\n    \t\t\t" . (($vbulletin->options['threadsubscribed'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? " LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscribethread AS subscribethread ON(subscribethread.threadid = thread.threadid AND subscribethread.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . " AND canview = 1)" : "") . "\n    \t\t\t" . (($vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) ? " LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "threadread AS threadread ON (threadread.threadid = thread.threadid AND threadread.userid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . ")" : "") . "\n    \t\t\t{$previewjoin}\n    \t\t\t{$tachyjoin}\n    \t\t\t{$redirectjoin}\n    \t\t\t{$hook_query_joins}\n    \t\tWHERE thread.threadid IN (0{$ids}) {$hook_query_where}\n    \t\tORDER BY sticky DESC, {$sqlsortfield} {$sqlsortorder}" . (!empty($sqlsortfield2) ? ", {$sqlsortfield2} {$sqlsortorder}" : '') . "\n    \t");
        unset($limitothers, $delthreadlimit, $deljoin, $datecut, $votequery, $sqlsortfield, $sqlsortorder, $threadids, $sqlsortfield2);
        // Get Dot Threads
        $dotthreads = fetch_dot_threads_array($ids);
        if ($vbulletin->options['showdots'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']) {
            $show['dotthreads'] = true;
        } else {
            $show['dotthreads'] = false;
        $pageinfo = array();
        if ($vbulletin->GPC['prefixid']) {
            $pageinfo['prefixid'] = $vbulletin->GPC['prefixid'];
        if ($vbulletin->GPC['daysprune']) {
            $pageinfo['daysprune'] = $daysprune;
        $show['fetchseo'] = true;
        $oppositesort = $vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'] == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
        $pageinfo_voteavg = $pageinfo + array('sort' => 'voteavg', 'order' => 'voteavg' == $sortfield ? $oppositesort : 'desc');
        $pageinfo_title = $pageinfo + array('sort' => 'title', 'order' => 'title' == $sortfield ? $oppositesort : 'asc');
        $pageinfo_postusername = $pageinfo + array('sort' => 'postusername', 'order' => 'postusername' == $sortfield ? $oppositesort : 'asc');
        $pageinfo_flastpost = $pageinfo + array('sort' => 'lastpost', 'order' => 'lastpost' == $sortfield ? $oppositesort : 'asc');
        $pageinfo_replycount = $pageinfo + array('sort' => 'replycount', 'order' => 'replycount' == $sortfield ? $oppositesort : 'desc');
        $pageinfo_views = $pageinfo + array('sort' => 'views', 'order' => 'views' == $sortfield ? $oppositesort : 'desc');
        $pageinfo_sort = $pageinfo + array(sort => $sortfield, 'order' => $oppositesort, 'pp' => $perpage, 'page' => $pagenumber);
        if ($totalthreads > 0 or $stickyids) {
            if ($totalthreads > 0) {
            // check to see if there are any threads to display. If there are, do so, otherwise, show message
            if ($vbulletin->options['threadpreview'] > 0) {
                // Get Buddy List
                $buddy = array();
                if (trim($vbulletin->userinfo['buddylist'])) {
                    $buddylist = preg_split('/( )+/', trim($vbulletin->userinfo['buddylist']), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                    foreach ($buddylist as $buddyuserid) {
                        $buddy["{$buddyuserid}"] = 1;
                DEVDEBUG('buddies: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($buddy)));
                // Get Ignore Users
                $ignore = array();
                if (trim($vbulletin->userinfo['ignorelist'])) {
                    $ignorelist = preg_split('/( )+/', trim($vbulletin->userinfo['ignorelist']), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                    foreach ($ignorelist as $ignoreuserid) {
                        if (!$buddy["{$ignoreuserid}"]) {
                            $ignore["{$ignoreuserid}"] = 1;
                DEVDEBUG('ignored users: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($ignore)));
            $show['threads'] = true;
            $threadbits = '';
            $threadbits_sticky = '';
            $counter = 0;
            $toread = 0;
            while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($threads)) {
                // AND $counter++ < $perpage)
                // build thread data
                $thread = process_thread_array($thread, $lastread, $foruminfo['allowicons']);
                $realthreadid = $thread['realthreadid'];
                if ($thread['sticky']) {
                    $threadbit =& $threadbits_sticky;
                } else {
                    $threadbit =& $threadbits;
                // Soft Deleted Thread
                if ($thread['visible'] == 2) {
                    $show['threadtitle'] = (can_moderate($forumid) or $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] != 0 and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == $thread['postuserid']) ? true : false;
                    $show['deletereason'] = !empty($thread['del_reason']) ? true : false;
                    $show['viewthread'] = can_moderate($forumid) ? true : false;
                    $show['managethread'] = (can_moderate($forumid, 'candeleteposts') or can_moderate($forumid, 'canremoveposts')) ? true : false;
                    $show['moderated'] = ($thread['hiddencount'] > 0 and can_moderate($forumid, 'canmoderateposts')) ? true : false;
                    $show['deletedthread'] = $canseedelnotice;
                } else {
                    if (!$thread['visible']) {
                    $show['moderated'] = ($thread['hiddencount'] > 0 and can_moderate($forumid, 'canmoderateposts')) ? true : false;
                    $show['deletedthread'] = ($thread['deletedcount'] > 0 and $canseedelnotice) ? true : false;
                    $pageinfo_lastpage = array();
                    if ($show['pagenavmore']) {
                        $pageinfo_lastpage['page'] = $thread['totalpages'];
                    $pageinfo_newpost = array('goto' => 'newpost');
                    $pageinfo_lastpost = array('p' => $thread['lastpostid']);
                    // prepare the member action drop-down menu
                    $memberaction_dropdown = construct_memberaction_dropdown(fetch_lastposter_userinfo($thread));
                // FRNR Start
                $avatarurl = '';
                if ($thread['lastpost_userid'] > 0) {
                    $userinfoavatar = fetch_userinfo($thread['lastpost_userid'], FETCH_USERINFO_AVATAR);
                    fetch_avatar_from_userinfo($userinfoavatar, true, false);
                    if ($userinfoavatar['avatarurl'] != '') {
                        $avatarurl = process_avatarurl($userinfoavatar['avatarurl']);
                $tmp = array('thread_id' => $thread['threadid'], 'new_posts' => $show['gotonewpost'] ? 1 : 0, 'forum_id' => $thread['forumid'], 'total_posts' => $thread['totalposts'] ? $thread['totalposts'] : 0, 'thread_title' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['threadtitle'])), 'thread_preview' => prepare_utf8_string(preview_chop(html_entity_decode($thread['preview']), FR_PREVIEW_LEN)), 'post_userid' => $thread['lastpost_userid'], 'post_lastposttime' => prepare_utf8_string(date_trunc($thread['lastpostdate']) . ' ' . $thread['lastposttime']), 'post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['lastpost_username'])));
                if ($avatarurl != '') {
                    $tmp['avatarurl'] = $avatarurl;
                if ($thread['prefixid']) {
                    $tmp['prefix'] = prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($vbphrase["prefix_{$thread['prefixid']}_title_plain"]));
                if ($thread['attach']) {
                    $tmp['attach'] = true;
                if ($thread['pollid']) {
                    $tmp['poll'] = true;
                if ($thread['open'] == 10) {
                    // Special case for redirect threads
                    $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array('post_userid' => $thread['postuserid'], 'post_username' => prepare_utf8_string(strip_tags($thread['postusername'])), 'poll' => false));
                if ($thread['sticky']) {
                    $thread_data_sticky[] = $tmp;
                } else {
                    $thread_data[] = $tmp;
                // FRNR Stop
            unset($thread, $counter);
            $pageinfo_pagenav = array();
            if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['perpage'])) {
                $pageinfo_pagenav['pp'] = $perpage;
            if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['prefixid'])) {
                $pageinfo_pagenav['prefixid'] = $vbulletin->GPC['prefixid'];
            if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['sortfield'])) {
                $pageinfo_pagenav['sort'] = $sortfield;
            if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'])) {
                $pageinfo_pagenav['order'] = $vbulletin->GPC['sortorder'];
            if (!empty($vbulletin->GPC['daysprune'])) {
                $pageinfo_pagenav['daysprune'] = $daysprune;
            $pagenav = construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $perpage, $totalthreads, 'forumdisplay.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "f={$foruminfo['forumid']}", '', '', 'forum', $foruminfo, $pageinfo_pagenav);
        unset($threads, $dotthreads);
        // get colspan for bottom bar
        $foruminfo['bottomcolspan'] = 5;
        if ($foruminfo['allowicons']) {
        if ($show['inlinemod']) {
        $show['threadslist'] = true;
    } else {
        $show['threadslist'] = false;
        $canpost = false;
        // FRNR
    if (!$vbulletin->GPC['prefixid'] and $newthreads < 1 and $unreadchildforums < 1) {
        mark_forum_read($foruminfo, $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], TIMENOW);
    // FNRN Below
    $out = array();
    if (is_array($thread_data) && count($thread_data) > 0) {
        $out['threads'] = $thread_data;
    } else {
        $out['threads'] = array();
    if (is_array($thread_data_sticky) && count($thread_data_sticky) > 0) {
        $out['threads_sticky'] = $thread_data_sticky;
        $out['total_sticky_threads'] = count($thread_data_sticky);
    } else {
        $out['threads_sticky'] = array();
        $out['total_sticky_threads'] = 0;
    // Announcements become #1 on the threads
    if (is_array($announcements_out) && count($announcements_out) == 1) {
        array_unshift($out['threads'], $announcements_out[0]);
    $out['total_threads'] = $totalthreads ? $totalthreads : 0;
    if ($forumbits) {
        $out['forums'] = $forumbits;
    } else {
        $out['forums'] = array();
    $out['canpost'] = $canpost ? 1 : 0;
    $out['canattach'] = ($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canpostattachment'] and $vbulletin->userinfo['userid']);
    // Get thread prefixes for this forum (if any)
    $prefix_out = array();
    if ($prefixsets = fetch_prefix_array($forumid)) {
        foreach ($prefixsets as $prefixsetid => $prefixes) {
            $optgroup_options = '';
            foreach ($prefixes as $prefixid => $prefix) {
                if ($permcheck and !can_use_prefix($prefixid, $prefix['restrictions'])) {
                $optionvalue = $prefixid;
                $optiontitle = htmlspecialchars_uni($vbphrase["prefix_{$prefixid}_title_plain"]);
                $prefix_out[] = array('prefixid' => $prefixid, 'prefixcaption' => prepare_utf8_string($optiontitle));
    if ($foruminfo['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['prefixrequired']) {
        $out['prefixrequired'] = true;
    } else {
        $out['prefixrequired'] = false;
    $out['prefixes'] = $prefix_out;
    return $out;