$output = current($notification->job->outputs); $label = $output->label; $label_parts = explode('_', $label); $format = reset($label_parts); $id = end($label_parts); echo 'Expunging Media File ' . $id . "\n"; reason_expunge_entity($id, $user->id()); } elseif ($output->state != "finished") { echo 'Output ' . $output->id . ' for job ' . $notification->job->id . ' not successful in encoding.' . "\n"; echo 'There were errors or cancellations in the transcoding process.' . "\n"; set_error($media_work); } else { if ($media_work->get_value('av_type') == 'Video') { process_video($media_work, $notification, $mime_type_map, $netid); } elseif ($media_work->get_value('av_type') == 'Audio') { process_audio($media_work, $notification, $mime_type_map, $netid); } else { echo 'Media Work with id ' . $media_work->id() . ' has invalid av_type.' . "\n"; set_error($media_work); } } } else { echo 'No media work with entry_id ' . addslashes($notification->job->id) . ' found in database.' . "\n"; set_error($media_work); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Create a Media File for the output file encoded by Zencoder, and then attach it * to the Media Work it belongs to. Also create a thumbnail for the Media Work and update * some metadata on the original media work with info present in the output files. *
if ($media_work->get_value('transcoding_status') == 'converting') { // first check to see if all successfully transcoded $success = true; foreach ($notification->job->outputs as $label => $obj) { if ($obj->state != "finished") { $sucess = false; echo $obj->id . ' not successful in encoding.' . "\n"; break; } } if ($success) { reason_update_entity($media_work->get_value('id'), $media_work->get_owner()->get_value('id'), array('transcoding_status' => 'finalizing'), false); if ($media_work->get_value('av_type') == 'Video') { process_video($media_work, $notification, $netid); } elseif ($media_work->get_value('av_type') == 'Audio') { process_audio($media_work, $notification, $netid); } else { echo 'Media Work with id ' . $media_work->id() . ' has invalid av_type.' . "\n"; set_error($media_work); send_email($media_work, $notification->job, 'error', $netid); } } else { echo 'There were errors or cancellations in the transcoding process.' . "\n"; set_error($media_work); send_email($media_work, $notification->job, 'error', $netid); } } elseif ($media_work->get_value('transcoding_status') == 'error') { send_email($media_work, $notification->job, 'error', $netid); } } else { echo 'No media work with entry_id ' . addslashes($notification->job->id) . ' found in database.' . "\n";