function getInstaTag($title) { // 공연 이름 받아와서 url 검색! (insta api 사용) $tag = urlencode($title); $client_id = "996ffe9e18ab4712b0a135fd1e5608e3"; $url = '' . $tag . '&client_id=' . $client_id; // instagram API 이용 $all_result = processURL($url); $arrtag = json_decode($all_result); print_r($arrtag); // 데이터에서 태그 갯수 뽑아오기 if ($arrtag->data[0]) { $tagCount = $arrtag->data[0]->media_count; } else { $tagCount = 0; } // 태그 갯수 반환하기 return $tagCount; }
define('SU_RUN', 0); include_once 'config.php'; include_once 'constant.php'; include_once 'dbconn.php'; include_once 'function.php'; if ($_POST['action'] == 'new') { if (!(getUserFlag() & SU_USER_ADDURL)) { ?> { "Code" : 403, "Info" : "No Permission" } <?php return; } $url = processURL($_POST['url']); if ($url === false) { ?> { "Code" : 403, "Info" : "Illegal URL Schema" } <?php return; } if (SU_ID_TYPE == 34) { $idSpace = SU_ID_34; } else { if (SU_ID_TYPE == 36) { $idSpace = SU_ID_36; } else {
<?php echo '<script>console.log("run instajax.php 2");</script>'; $tag = 'bearbeer'; // $access_token = "1931710460.1b26bdc.c215f196c7fc491d851ab7d6d762f148"; $access_token = "1931710460.0e3b2da.b9b8e4f7070a43a489be526403229683"; $iniUrl = '' . $tag . '/media/recent?access_token=' . $access_token; if (isset($_POST["url"]) && !empty($_POST["url"])) { $url = $_POST["url"]; } else { $url = $iniUrl; echo ' null '; } echo $url . '<br>'; function processURL($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($ch, array(CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2)); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; } $all_result = processURL($url); $decoded_results = json_decode($all_result, true); foreach ($decoded_results['data'] as $item) { $image_link = $item['images']['thumbnail']['url']; // $image_link = $item['images']['standard_resolution']['url']; echo '<img src="' . $image_link . '" />'; } $nxtUrl = $decoded_results['pagination']['next_url']; $nxtUrl = "'" . $nxtUrl . "'"; echo '<button onClick="GetImg(' . $nxtUrl . ')" >NEXT</button>';
<?php function processURL($url) { return preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", '', parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH)); } // Check that a desired template is specified if (!isset($_POST['url'])) { exit; } $_GET['SUGGESTR_PAGE'] = processURL($_POST['url']) . '/'; // Set desired page /user/ $_GET['AJAX'] = true; // Tell controller that this is an ajax request for a page // Generate GET variables from desired URL $getString = parse_url($_POST['url'], PHP_URL_QUERY); $getVars = explode('&', $getString); foreach ($getVars as $varPair) { $vars = explode('=', $varPair); if (count($vars) == 2) { $_GET[$vars[0]] = $vars[1]; } } // Call main site script require_once '../../suggestr.php'; /* // Get supporting require_once('../../config.php'); require_once(BASE.'templating.php'); // Check template is real