Exemplo n.º 1
function help_invoke_main()
    $section = REQ('section');
    $path = SKIN . '/help/sections/';
    $scan = scan_dir($path);
    $result = array();
    foreach ($scan as $id) {
        $id = str_replace('.tpl', '', $id);
        if (!$section || $section && $section == $id) {
            $result[$id] = proc_tpl("help/sections/{$id}");
    cn_assign('help_sections', $result);
    if ($section) {
        echo exec_tpl('window', "style=help/style.css", "title=HELP - {$section}", 'content=' . exec_tpl('help/main'));
    } else {
        echoheader('-@help/style.css', 'Help section');
        echo exec_tpl('help/main');
Exemplo n.º 2
function rating_bar($id, $value = '1/1', $from = 1, $to = 5)
    global $_CACHE, $config_http_script_dir, $config_use_rater;
    if ($config_use_rater == 0) {
        return false;
    // only 1 times
    if (empty($_CACHE['use_script_rater'])) {
        $rate = proc_tpl('rater', array('cutepath' => $config_http_script_dir));
    } else {
        $rate = false;
    // increase rater
    // average ratings
    list($cr, $ur) = explode('/', $value);
    if ($ur == 0) {
        $ur = 1;
    $value = $cr / $ur;
    for ($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) {
        if ($value < $i) {
            $rate .= '<a href="#" id="' . $id . '_' . $i . '" onclick="rateIt(' . $id . ', ' . $i . ');">' . RATEN_SYMBOL . '</a>';
        } else {
            $rate .= '<a href="#" id="' . $id . '_' . $i . '" onclick="rateIt(' . $id . ', ' . $i . ');">' . RATEY_SYMBOL . '</a>';
    return $rate;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function showRow($title = "", $description = "", $field = "")
     global $i;
     if ($i % 2 == 0 and $title != "") {
         $bg = "bgcolor=#F7F6F4";
     } else {
         $bg = "";
     echo proc_tpl("options/syscon.row", array('bg' => $bg, 'title' => $title, 'field' => $field, 'description' => $description));
Exemplo n.º 4
} elseif ($action == "dosaverss") {
    if (strpos($rss_news_include_url, 'http://') === false) {
        msg("error", lang('Error!'), lang("The URL where you include your news must start with <b>http://</b>"));
    $handler = fopen(SERVDIR . "/cdata/rss_config.php", "w") or msg("error", lang('Error!'), "Can not open file ./cdata/rss_config.php");
    fwrite($handler, "<?PHP \n\n//RSS Configurations (Auto Generated file)\n\n");
    fwrite($handler, "\$rss_news_include_url = \"" . htmlspecialchars($rss_news_include_url) . "\";\n\n");
    fwrite($handler, "\$rss_title = \"" . htmlspecialchars($rss_title) . "\";\n\n");
    fwrite($handler, "\$rss_encoding = \"" . htmlspecialchars($rss_encoding) . "\";\n\n");
    fwrite($handler, "\$rss_language = \"" . htmlspecialchars($rss_language) . "\";\n\n");
    fwrite($handler, "?>");
    msg("wizard", lang("RSS Configuration Saved"), lang("The configurations were saved successfully") . ".<br><br><input onClick=\"document.location='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=wizards&action=customizerss';\" type=button value='Proceed With RSS Customization >>'>");
} elseif ($action == "customizerss") {
    echoheader("wizard", lang("RSS Customization"), make_breadcrumbs('main/options=options/wizards=Choose Wizards/wizards:rss=Rss Setup/wizards:rss_step2=Configuration/Complete'));
    // Detect the categories (if any)
    $cat_lines = file(SERVDIR . "/cdata/category.db.php");
    if (count($cat_lines) > 0) {
        $cat_options .= '<select style="" id=categories multiple size=5>' . "\n";
        foreach ($cat_lines as $single_line) {
            $cat_arr = explode("|", $single_line);
            $cat_options .= "<option value=\"{$cat_arr['0']}\">(ID:{$cat_arr['0']}) {$cat_arr['1']}</option>\n";
        $cat_options .= "</select><br><label for=allcategories><input onclick=\"if(this.checked){getElementById('categories').style.display='none';}else{getElementById('categories').style.display='';}\" type=checkbox id=allcategories value=yes>" . lang('Or show from all Categories') . "</label>";
    } else {
        $cat_options = lang("You do not have any categories") . ". <input type=hidden id=categories><input type=hidden id=allcategories>";
    // Show the HTML
    echo proc_tpl('wizard/customizerss', array('config_http_script_dir' => $config_http_script_dir, 'cat_options' => $cat_options));
Exemplo n.º 5
    if ($action == "quickadd") {
        die_stat(false, str_replace('%1', $add_ip, lang('The IP %1 is now banned from commenting')));
} elseif ($action == "remove") {
    if (empty($remove_ip)) {
        msg("error", lang('Error!'), lang("The IP or nick cannot be blank"), '#GOBACK');
// ********************************************************************************
// List all IP
// ********************************************************************************
echoheader("options", lang("Blocking IP / Nickname"), make_breadcrumbs('main/options=options/Block IP or nickname'));
$c = 0;
$iplist = array();
// read all lines
$ips = fopen(SERVDIR . '/cdata/ipban.db.php', 'r');
while (!feof($ips)) {
    $dip = explode('|', fgets($ips));
    if (empty($dip[0])) {
    if (substr($dip[0], 0, 2) == '<' . '?') {
    $e = $dip[2] ? format_date($dip[2], 'since-short') : 'never';
    $iplist[] = array('ip' => $dip[0], 'bg' => $c++ % 2 ? 'bgcolor="#F7F8FF"' : '', 'times' => $dip[1], 'expire' => $e);
echo proc_tpl('ipban/index');
Exemplo n.º 6
$files_arch = array();
// check for bad _GET and _POST
$user_post_query = cute_query_string($QUERY_STRING, array("archives", "start_from", "archive", "subaction", "id", "cnshow", "ucat", "dosearch", "story", "title", "user", "from_date_day", "from_date_month", "from_date_year", "to_date_day", "to_date_month", "to_date_year"), "post");
$date_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($from_date_month), intval($from_date_day), intval($from_date_year));
$date_to = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($to_date_month), intval($to_date_day), intval($to_date_year));
if (empty($search_form_hide) || isset($search_form_hide) && empty($dosearch)) {
    // Make parameters -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    list($day_from, $month_from, $year_from) = make_postponed_date($date_from);
    list($day_to, $month_to, $year_to) = make_postponed_date($date_to);
    $selected_search_arch = empty($archives) ? false : "checked='checked'";
    $story = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($story));
    $title = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($title));
    $author = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($author));
    $hide = ($title or $author or !empty($archives)) ? false : true;
    echo proc_tpl('search');
// Do Search -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($dosearch == "yes") {
    $mc_start = microtime(true);
    // In active news anyway
    $listing = array(time() => '/cdata/news.txt');
    // Also, search in archive if present (sort it)
    if (!empty($archives)) {
        $dir = read_dir(SERVDIR . '/cdata/archives');
        foreach ($dir as $vs) {
            if (preg_match('~(\\d+)\\.news\\.arch$~i', $vs, $c)) {
                $listing[$c[1]] = $vs;
Exemplo n.º 7
         } else {
             $img_result .= "<br><span style='color:red;'>{$image_name} ->This type of file is not allowed!</span>";
 // out html head image content
 $CSRF = CSRFMake();
 if ($action == "quick") {
     echo proc_tpl('images/quick.up', array('area' => $area, 'CKEditorFuncNum' => $CKEditorFuncNum, 'config_http_script_dir' => $config_http_script_dir), array('WYSYWIG' => $wysiwyg && $_REQUEST['CKEditorFuncNum']));
 } else {
     echoheader("images", "Manage Images", make_breadcrumbs('main/options=options/Manage Images'));
 // Add the JS for multiply image upload.
 echo proc_tpl('images/multi', array(), array('QUICK' => $action == "quick" && $wysiwyg == false ? 1 : 0));
 $i = 0;
 $img_dir = opendir(SERVDIR . "/uploads");
 while ($file = readdir($img_dir)) {
     //Yes we'll store them in array for sorting
     $images_in_dir[] = $file;
 foreach ($images_in_dir as $file) {
     $img_name_arr = explode(".", $file);
     $img_type = end($img_name_arr);
     if ((in_array($img_type, $allowed_extensions) or in_array(strtolower($img_type), $allowed_extensions)) and $file != ".." and $file != "." and is_file(SERVDIR . "/uploads/" . $file)) {
         $this_size = filesize(SERVDIR . "/uploads/" . $file);
         $total_size += $this_size;
Exemplo n.º 8
echoheader("options", "Categories", make_breadcrumbs('main/options=options/Manage Categories'));
$count_categories = 0;
$all_cats = hook('read_categories', file(SERVDIR . "/cdata/category.db.php"));
foreach ($all_cats as $cat_line) {
    if ($i++ % 2 != 0) {
        $bg = "bgcolor=#F7F6F4";
    } else {
        $bg = "";
    $cat_arr = explode("|", $cat_line);
    $cat_arr[1] = stripslashes(preg_replace(array("'\"'", "'\\''"), array("&quot;", "&#039;"), $cat_arr[1]));
    $cat_help_names[] = $cat_arr[1];
    $cat_help_ids[] = $cat_arr[0];
    $result .= "<tr><td {$bg}>&nbsp;<b>{$cat_arr['0']}</b></td><td {$bg} >{$cat_arr['1']}</td> <td {$bg} align=center>";
    if ($cat_arr[2] != "") {
        $result .= "<img border=0 src=\"{$cat_arr['2']}\" high=40 width=40 alt=\"{$cat_arr['2']}\">";
    } else {
        $result .= "---";
    $result .= "</td><td {$bg} align=center>";
    $result .= $cat_arr[3] == "" || $cat_arr[3] == "0" ? "<span title='" . lang('Everyone can Write') . "'>---</span>" : "";
    $result .= $cat_arr[3] == "1" ? lang("Only Admin") : "";
    $result .= $cat_arr[3] == "2" ? lang("Only Editors & Admin") : "";
    $result .= "</td> <td {$bg} align=center>\n                    <a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?mod=categories&action=edit&amp;catid={$cat_arr['0']}\">[" . lang('edit') . "]</a>\n                    <a href=\"{$PHP_SELF}?mod=categories&action=remove&amp;catid={$cat_arr['0']}\">[" . lang('delete') . "]</a></td> </tr>";
if ($count_categories == 0) {
    $result = "<tr><td colspan='5'><p><br><b>" . lang("You haven't defined any categories yet") . "</b><br>" . lang("categories are optional and you can write your news without having categories") . "<br></p></td></tr>";
echo proc_tpl('category/index', array('result' => $result, 'CSRF' => $CSRF));
Exemplo n.º 9
        // add user
        // Run Once
        if (!file_exists(SERVDIR . '/cdata/installed.mark')) {
            fclose(fopen(SERVDIR . '/cdata/installed.mark', 'w'));
            relocation("http://www.cutephp.com/thanks.php?referer=" . urlencode(base64_encode('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])));
        } else {
            msg('info', 'Notification', lang('You have successfully installed Cutenews! Refresh page to login.'));
if (empty($is_loged_in)) {
    echoheader("user", lang("Please Login"));
    echo proc_tpl('login_window', array('lastusername' => htmlspecialchars($username)), array('ALLOW_REG' => $config_allow_registration == "1" ? 1 : 0));
} elseif ($is_loged_in) {
    // User banned
    if ('blocked' == user_getban($member_db[UDB_NAME], true)) {
        $_SESS['user'] = false;
        msg('error', lang('Error!'), lang('You\'re banned!'));
    // ********************************************************************************
    // Include System Module
    // ********************************************************************************
    //name of mod   //access
    $system_modules = array('addnews' => 'user', 'editnews' => 'user', 'main' => 'user', 'options' => 'user', 'images' => 'user', 'editusers' => 'admin', 'editcomments' => 'admin', 'tools' => 'admin', 'ipban' => 'admin', 'about' => 'user', 'categories' => 'admin', 'massactions' => 'user', 'help' => 'user', 'debug' => 'admin', 'wizards' => 'admin', 'update' => 'user', 'rating' => 'user');
    list($system_modules, $mod, $stop) = hook('system_modules_expand', array($system_modules, $mod, false));
    // Plugin tells us: don't show anything, stop
Exemplo n.º 10
             $img_result .= "<br><span style='color:red;'>{$image_name} ->This type of file is not allowed!</span>";
         } else {
             // Image is OK, upload it
             copy($image, SERVDIR . "/uploads/" . $image_name) or $img_result .= "<br><span style='color: red;'>{$image_name} -> Couldn't copy image to server</span><br />Check if file_uploads is allowed in the php.ini file of your server";
             if (file_exists(SERVDIR . "/uploads/" . $image_name)) {
                 $img_result .= "<br><span style='color: green;'>{$image_name} -> Image was uploaded</span>";
                 if ($action == "quick") {
                     $img_result .= " <a title=\"Insert this image in the {$my_area}\" href=\"javascript:insertimage('{$image_name}');\">[insert it]</a>";
             // if file is uploaded succesfully
 // Add the JS for multiply image upload.
 echo proc_tpl('images/multi', array('CSRF' => $CSRF, 'img_result' => $img_result, 'wysiwyg' => $wysiwyg, 'CKEditorFuncNum' => $CKEditorFuncNum, 'area' => $area, 'action' => $action), array('QUICK' => $action == "quick" && $wysiwyg == false ? 1 : 0));
 $i = 0;
 $img_dir = opendir(SERVDIR . "/uploads");
 while ($file = readdir($img_dir)) {
     //Yes we'll store them in array for sorting
     $images_in_dir[] = $file;
 foreach ($images_in_dir as $file) {
     $img_name_arr = explode(".", $file);
     $img_type = end($img_name_arr);
     if ((in_array($img_type, $allowed_extensions) or in_array(strtolower($img_type), $allowed_extensions)) and $file != ".." and $file != "." and is_file(SERVDIR . "/uploads/" . $file)) {
         $this_size = filesize(SERVDIR . "/uploads/" . $file);
         $total_size += $this_size;
Exemplo n.º 11

if (!defined('INIT_INSTANCE')) {
    die('Access restricted');
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  Load the specified section in PopUp Window
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
if (isset($section)) {
    $section = preg_replace('~[^a-z0-9_]~i', '', $section);
    $help_section = proc_tpl('help/sections/' . $section);
    echo proc_tpl('help/index');
} else {
    echoheader("question", "Help Documentation");
    echo "<style type=\"text/css\">\n        <!--\n        .code {\n                font-family : Andale Mono, Courier;\n                border: 1px solid #BBCDDB;\n                margin:10px;\n                padding:4px;\n                background:#FBFFFF;\n        }\n        h1 {\n                background-color : #EAF0F4;\n                border : #000000 1px solid;\n                color : #000000;\n                font-family : Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\n                font-size : 15px;\n                font-weight : bold;\n                padding-bottom : 5px;\n                padding-left : 10px;\n                padding-right : 10px;\n                padding-top : 5px;\n                text-decoration : none;\n        }\n        td.r { font-weight: bold; text-align: right; }\n        -->\n        </style>";
    $help_section = false;
    $sections = read_dir(SERVDIR . SKIN . '/help/sections');
    foreach ($sections as $v) {
        $help_section .= proc_tpl(str_replace('.tpl', '', str_replace(SKIN . '/', '', $v)));
    echo $help_section;
Exemplo n.º 12
        $tpl = 'index_cke';
    } else {
        $tpl = 'index';
    list($_dateD, $_dateM, $_dateY, $_dateH, $_dateI) = make_postponed_date($postpone_date);
    // Add hooks for modify ckeditor
    $CKEDITOR_Settings = hook('CKEDITOR_Settings', false);
    $CKEDITOR_SetsName = hook('CKEDITOR_SetsName', 'settings');
    $Using_HTML = $options['use_html'];
    $Using_Avat = $config_use_avatar == 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
    $Unapproved = $source == 'unapproved' ? 1 : 0;
    // Remove "Approve" button from editor
    if ($member_db[UDB_ACL] == ACL_LEVEL_JOURNALIST) {
        $Unapproved = 0;
    echo proc_tpl('editnews/editnews/' . $tpl, array('id' => intval($id), 'item_db1' => $item_db[NEW_USER], 'item_db2' => $item_db[NEW_TITLE], 'item_db3' => $item_db[NEW_SHORT], 'item_db4' => $item_db[NEW_FULL], 'item_db5' => $item_db[NEW_AVATAR], 'short_story_smiles' => insertSmilies($short_story_id, 4, true, $use_wysiwyg), 'full_story_smiles' => insertSmilies($full_story_id, 4, true, $use_wysiwyg), 'dated' => $_dateD, 'datem' => $_dateM, 'datey' => $_dateY, 'dateh' => $_dateH, 'datei' => $_dateI));
} elseif ($action == 'move') {
    $id = intval($id);
    if (preg_match('~^[0-9]*$~', trim($source))) {
        $src = "archives/{$source}.news.arch";
    } elseif ($source) {
        $src = $source . '_news.txt';
    } else {
        $src = 'news.txt';
    // Only for present file
    if (!file_exists(SERVDIR . '/cdata/' . $src)) {
        $src = 'news.txt';
    $dbpath = SERVDIR . '/cdata/' . $src;
Exemplo n.º 13
function login_guest($keep_data = NULL, $username = NULL)
    global $_SESS;
    // Logout
    if (isset($_GET['widget_personal_logout'])) {
        $_SESSION = array();
    // Send new data
    $_SESSION['.CSRF'] = md5(mt_rand());
    if (!member_get()) {
        // Widget's login form
        echo proc_tpl('widgets/personal_login_form', "CSRF=" . $_SESSION['.CSRF'], 'KEEP=' . base64_encode(serialize($keep_data)), 'MSG=' . cn_front_msg_show('login', 'widget_personal_msg'), 'username='******'rememberme=' . (isset($_POST['cn_remember_me']) && !empty($_POST['cn_remember_me']) ? 'checked' : ''));
Exemplo n.º 14
    if (!$selected_news) {
        msg("error", lang('Error!'), lang("You have not specified any articles"), "#GOBACK");
    // --------
    $the_selected_news = array();
    list($news_file) = detect_source($source);
    $news = file($news_file);
    if (preg_match_all("~^(" . join('|', $selected_news) . ")\\|.*\$~m", join('', $news), $this, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($this as $the) {
            $item = explode('|', $the[0]);
            $the_selected_news[] = array('id' => $item[NEW_ID], 'date' => date('d-m-Y H:i:s', $item[NEW_ID]), 'title' => htmlspecialchars($item[NEW_TITLE]));
    $CSRF = CSRFMake();
    $msg = proc_tpl('mass/chdate', array('source' => $source));
    msg('info', lang('Change Date'), $msg);
} elseif ($action == 'dochangedate') {
    list($news_file, $comm_file) = detect_source($source);
    $db_news_file = file($news_file);
    $db_comm_file = file($comm_file);
    // Sort by ascending
    foreach ($dates as $id => $date) {
        $dates[$id] = strtotime($date);
    foreach ($dates as $id => $date) {
        if ($date <= time() + $config_date_adjust * 60) {
            // Don't touch this news: only change date
            $db_news_file = preg_replace("~^" . intval($id) . "\\|~m", $date . '|', $db_news_file);
Exemplo n.º 15
    echo proc_tpl('editusers/user', array('CSRF' => $CSRF, 'user_arr[2]' => $user_arr[2], 'user_arr[4]' => $user_arr[4], 'user_arr[5]' => $user_arr[5], 'user_arr[6]' => $user_arr[6], 'user_date' => date("r", $user_arr[0]), 'edit_level' => $edit_level, 'last_login' => empty($user_arr[UDB_LAST]) ? lang('never') : date('r', $user_arr[UDB_LAST]), 'id' => $id));
} elseif ($action == "doedituser") {
    list($id, $editemail, $editpassword, $editlevel) = GET('id,editemail,editpassword,editlevel');
    if (empty($id)) {
        die(lang("This is not a valid user"));
    if (false === ($the_user = user_search($id))) {
        die(lang("This is not a valid user"));
    if (check_email($editemail) == false) {
        die(lang("Invalid email"));
    // In case if email already exists, and email not eq. --> error
    $find_email = user_search($editemail, 'email');
    if ($find_email && $find_email[UDB_EMAIL] != $the_user[UDB_EMAIL]) {
        die(lang("User with this email already exists"));
    // Change password if present
    if (!empty($editpassword)) {
        $hmet = hash_generate($editpassword);
        $the_user[UDB_PASS] = $hmet[count($hmet) - 1];
    // Change user level anywhere
    $the_user[UDB_EMAIL] = $editemail;
    $the_user[UDB_ACL] = $editlevel;
    user_update($id, $the_user);
    echo proc_tpl('editusers/doedituser/saved');
Exemplo n.º 16
                fwrite($w, '$conf_rw_' . substr($i, 5) . ' = "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $v) . "\";\n");
        flock($w, LOCK_UN);
        $saved_ok = getpart('saved_ok');
    // Read data from datatable
    if (file_exists(SERVDIR . '/cdata/conf_rw.php')) {
        include SERVDIR . '/cdata/conf_rw.php';
    // Default values -----------------
    // Try to update htaccess
    if ($update_htaccess == 'Y') {
        $w = fopen($conf_rw_htaccess, 'w');
        flock($w, LOCK_EX);
        fwrite($w, "RewriteEngine ON\n");
        fwrite($w, "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d\n");
        fwrite($w, "RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\n");
        fwrite($w, "RewriteRule ^(.*)\$ /cn_friendly_url.php?rew=\$1&%{QUERY_STRING}[L]\n");
        flock($w, LOCK_UN);
    // view template
    echoheader('home', lang('URL Rewrite Manager'), make_breadcrumbs('main=main/options:options=options/tools:rewrite=Rewrite Manager', true));
    echo proc_tpl('tools/rewrites/index');
Exemplo n.º 17
    echo $prev_next_msg;
$username = $usermail = false;
$template_form = str_replace("{config_http_script_dir}", $config_http_script_dir, $template_form);
// Check if the remember script exists
if (!empty($_SESS['user'])) {
    $captcha_enabled = false;
    $member_db = user_search($_SESS['user']);
$template_form = str_replace('{username}', isset($member_db[UDB_NAME]) ? $member_db[UDB_NAME] : false, $template_form);
$template_form = str_replace('{usermail}', isset($member_db[UDB_EMAIL]) ? $member_db[UDB_EMAIL] : false, $template_form);
// Remember and Forget for unregistered only
$remember_user = '';
$remember_form = getpart('remember_me');
if ($member_db) {
    $remember_form = getpart('logged_as_member');
    $remember_user = getpart('logger_as_membersp', htmlspecialchars($member_db[UDB_NAME]), htmlspecialchars($member_db[UDB_EMAIL]));
} elseif ($_COOKIE['CNname']) {
    $remember_form = getpart('forget_me');
$gduse = function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor') ? 0 : 1;
$captcha_form = $config_use_captcha && $captcha_enabled ? proc_tpl('captcha_comments') : false;
$smilies_form = proc_tpl('remember_js') . insertSmilies('short', false);
$template_form = str_replace("{smilies}", $smilies_form, $template_form);
$template_form = str_replace('{remember_me}', $remember_form, $template_form);
$template_form = hook('comment_template_form', $template_form);
$remember_js = read_tpl('remember') . $remember_user;
echo proc_tpl('comment_form');
return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 18
$fs = 0;
foreach ($filesize as $i => $v) {
    if (file_exists(SERVDIR . $i)) {
        $fs_t = filesize(SERVDIR . $i);
    } else {
        $fs_t = 0;
    $msgs['fs'][] = array($v, formatsize($fs_t, $v));
    $fs += $fs_t;
if (function_exists('disk_free_space') && function_exists('disk_total_space')) {
    $msgs['fs'][] = array('Free disk space', formatsize(disk_free_space(SERVDIR)));
    $factor = (int) (100 * (1 - disk_free_space('/') / disk_total_space('/')));
    if ($factor > 100) {
        $factor = 100;
    if ($factor < 0) {
        $factor = 0;
} else {
    $factor = false;
$msgs['fs'][] = array("<a title='" . lang('View all Active News (Edit News)') . "' href='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=editnews&action=list'>" . lang('Active News') . "</a>", $stats_news);
$msgs['fs'][] = array(lang("Active Comments"), $count_comments);
$msgs['fs'][] = array("<a title='" . lang('View all Postponed Articles') . "' href='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=editnews&action=list&source=postponed'>" . lang('Postponed News') . "</a>", $count_postponed_news);
$msgs['fs'][] = array("<a title='" . lang('View all Unapproved Articles') . "' href='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=editnews&action=list&source=unapproved'>" . lang('Unapproved News') . "</a>", $count_unapproved_news);
$msgs['fs'][] = array("<a title='" . lang('View all Archives (Archive Manager)') . "' href='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=tools&action=archive'>" . lang('Archives') . "</a>", $stats_archives);
$msgs['fs'][] = array("<a title='" . lang('View all Users (Add/Edit Users)') . "' href='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=editusers&action=list'>" . lang('Users') . "</a>", $stats_users);
echo proc_tpl('main/syscheck', array('fs' => $msgs['fs'], 'free' => $factor));
Exemplo n.º 19
                if (!copy(OLDDIR . $fn, $path)) {
                    $fail[] = array('Cannot copy the file', OLDDIR . $fn, $path);
                if (!chmod($path, 0666)) {
                    $fail[] = array('Cannot change file mode', $path);
    //migrate skins
    $skins_dir = array();
    if (is_dir(OLDDIR . '/skins')) {
        $skins_dir = read_dir(OLDDIR . '/skins', array(), true, OLDDIR);
    } else {
        $fail[] = array('Folder not found', OLDDIR . '/skins');
    foreach ($skins_dir as $resourse) {
        if (stripos($resourse, '/skins/images/') !== false || preg_match('/(?<!default|compact|simple)\\.skin\\.php$/i', $resourse) > 0) {
            if (!copy(OLDDIR . $resourse, SERVDIR . $resourse)) {
                $fail[] = array('Cannot copy the file', OLDDIR . $resourse, SERVDIR . $resourse);
    // Place .htaccess to cdata section
    $w = fopen(SERVDIR . '/cdata/.htaccess', 'w');
    fwrite($w, "Deny From All");
    chmod(SERVDIR . '/cdata/.htaccess', 0644);
    $found_problems = proc_tpl('install/problemlist');
    msg('info', lang('Migration success'), lang("Congrats! You migrated to Cutenews " . VERSION) . " | <a href='index.php'>Login</a> " . $found_problems);
Exemplo n.º 20
        foreach ($cat_lines as $single_line) {
            $cat_arr = explode("|", $single_line);
            $_cat_html .= '<option ' . ($category == $cat_arr[0] ? ' selected ' : '') . ' value="' . $cat_arr[0] . '">' . $cat_arr[1] . '</option>';
        // new style
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($cat_lines as $single_line) {
            $cat_arr = explode("|", $single_line);
            $cat_id = $cat_arr[0];
            $cat_name = $cat_arr[1];
            $_multi_cat_html .= "<td style='font-size:10px;' valign=top><label for='cat" . $cat_id . "'><input " . ($category == $cat_id ? " checked " : '') . " style='background-color:transparent;border:0px;' type=checkbox name='category[]' id='cat" . $cat_id . "' value='" . $cat_id . "'>" . $cat_name . "</label></td>";
            if ($i % 4 == 0) {
                $_multi_cat_html .= '<tr>';
    // ON/OFF CKEditor
    $tpl = $use_wysiwyg ? 'index_cke' : 'index';
    list($_dateD, $_dateM, $_dateY, $_dateH, $_dateI) = make_postponed_date();
    // Add hooks for modify ckeditor
    $CKEDITOR_Settings = hook('CKEDITOR_Settings', false);
    $CKEDITOR_SetsName = hook('CKEDITOR_SetsName', 'settings');
    // Edit news not replace fields
    $title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']);
    $short_story = htmlspecialchars($_POST['short_story']);
    $full_story = htmlspecialchars($_POST['full_story']);
    $UseAvatar = $config_use_avatar == 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
    echo proc_tpl('addnews/' . $tpl, array('member_db8' => $member_db[UDB_AVATAR], 'cat_html' => $_cat_html, 'multi_cat_html' => $_multi_cat_html, 'insertsmiles' => insertSmilies($short_story_id, 4, true, $use_wysiwyg), 'insertsmiles_full' => insertSmilies($full_story_id, 4, true, $use_wysiwyg), 'dated' => $_dateD, 'datem' => $_dateM, 'datey' => $_dateY, 'dateh' => $_dateH, 'datei' => $_dateI));
Exemplo n.º 21
$fs = 0;
foreach ($filesize as $i => $v) {
    if (file_exists(SERVDIR . $i)) {
        $fs_t = filesize(SERVDIR . $i);
    } else {
        $fs_t = 0;
    $msgs['fs'][] = array($v, formatsize($fs_t, $v));
    $fs += $fs_t;
if (function_exists('disk_free_space') && function_exists('disk_total_space')) {
    $msgs['fs'][] = array('Free disk space', formatsize(disk_free_space(SERVDIR)));
    $factor = (int) (100 * (1 - disk_free_space('/') / disk_total_space('/')));
    if ($factor > 100) {
        $factor = 100;
    if ($factor < 0) {
        $factor = 0;
} else {
    $factor = false;
$msgs['fs'][] = array("<a title='" . lang('View all Active News (Edit News)') . "' href='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=editnews&action=list'>" . lang('Active News') . "</a>", $stats_news);
$msgs['fs'][] = array(lang("Active Comments"), $count_comments);
$msgs['fs'][] = array("<a title='" . lang('View all Postponed Articles') . "' href='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=editnews&action=list&source=postponed'>" . lang('Postponed News') . "</a>", $count_postponed_news);
$msgs['fs'][] = array("<a title='" . lang('View all Unapproved Articles') . "' href='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=editnews&action=list&source=unapproved'>" . lang('Unapproved News') . "</a>", $count_unapproved_news);
$msgs['fs'][] = array("<a title='" . lang('View all Archives (Archive Manager)') . "' href='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=tools&action=archive'>" . lang('Archives') . "</a>", $stats_archives);
$msgs['fs'][] = array("<a title='" . lang('View all Users (Add/Edit Users)') . "' href='{$PHP_SELF}?mod=editusers&action=list'>" . lang('Users') . "</a>", $stats_users);
echo proc_tpl('main/syscheck', array('exists' => $msgs['e'], 'x' => $msgs['x'], 'r' => $msgs['r'], 'w' => $msgs['w'], 'fs' => $msgs['fs'], 'free' => $factor), array('FREE' => $factor, 'SHOW' => $SHOW));
Exemplo n.º 22
 function syscon($config_name, $title, $options = null)
     global $counter;
     list($title, $desc) = explode('|', $title, 2);
     list($config_name, $opt) = explode('=', $config_name, 2);
     $out = '';
     $var = getoption($config_name);
     // Is digits or empty - INPUT
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $opt = $opt ? $opt : 40;
         if ($options == ':text:') {
             list($cols, $rows) = explode('/', $opt);
             $out = '<textarea cols="' . $cols . '" rows="' . $rows . '" name="save_con[' . $config_name . ']">' . htmlspecialchars($var) . '</textarea>';
         } elseif ($options == 'Y/N') {
             $checked = $var ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
             $out = '<input type="checkbox" name="save_con[' . $config_name . ']" value="1" ' . $checked . ' />';
         } elseif ($options == 'y/n') {
             $out = '<input type="radio" name="save_con[' . $config_name . ']" value="no" ' . ($var == 'no' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' /> No ';
             $out .= '<input type="radio" name="save_con[' . $config_name . ']" value="yes" ' . ($var != 'no' ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' /> Yes';
         } else {
             $out = '<input type="text" class="cn" name="save_con[' . $config_name . ']" value="' . $var . '" size="' . $opt . '" />';
     } elseif (is_array($options)) {
         $out = '<select name="save_con[' . $config_name . ']">';
         foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
             if ($var == $key) {
                 $selected = ' selected="selected" ';
             } else {
                 $selected = '';
             $out .= '<option value="' . $key . '"' . $selected . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</option>';
         $out .= '</select>';
     // --- make line ---
     if ($counter++ % 2 == 0) {
         $bg = "bgcolor=#F7F6F4";
     } else {
         $bg = "";
     return proc_tpl("options/syscon.row", array('bg' => $bg, 'title' => lang($title), 'field' => $out, 'description' => lang($desc)));
Exemplo n.º 23

if (!defined('INIT_INSTANCE')) {
    die('Access restricted');
// ********************************************************************************
// CuteCode
// ********************************************************************************
if ($action == "cutecode") {
    $read = proc_tpl('about/cutecode', array('target' => $target));
    echo $read;
} else {
    echoheader("question", lang("Help/About"));
    if (function_exists("md5")) {
        $functions_md5 = md5(join('', file(SERVDIR . "/core/core.php")));
    } else {
        $functions_md5 = "MD5NotSupported";
    // Try license key
    if (file_exists(SERVDIR . "/cdata/reg.php")) {
        include SERVDIR . "/cdata/reg.php";
    $read = proc_tpl('about/index', array('config_version_name' => $config_version_name, 'config_version_id' => $config_version_id, 'config_http_script_dir' => $config_http_script_dir, 'functions_md5' => $functions_md5, 'reg_site_key' => $reg_site_key), array('REG' => file_exists(SERVDIR . '/cdata/reg.php')));
    echo $read;
Exemplo n.º 24
    return FALSE;
if ($name && empty($user_member) == false) {
    $is_member = true;
    // Check stored password in cookies
    if ($CNpass and $user_member[UDB_PASS] == $CNpass) {
        $password = true;
    if (!empty($_SESS['user']) && $_SESS['user'] == $name) {
        $is_member = true;
    } elseif (empty($password)) {
        $comments = preg_replace(array("'\"'", "'\\''", "''"), array("&quot;", "&#039;", ""), $comments);
        $name = replace_comment("add", preg_replace("/\n/", "", $name));
        $mail = replace_comment("add", preg_replace("/\n/", "", $mail));
        $remcheck = $CNremember == '1' ? ' checked="checked" ' : '';
        echo proc_tpl('enter_passcode');
        return FALSE;
    } else {
        $gen = hash_generate($password);
        // password ok?
        if (in_array($user_member[UDB_PASS], $gen) || $CNpass && $user_member[UDB_PASS] == $CNpass) {
            // if check remember password -> echo this script
            if (empty($CNrememberPass) == false) {
                $name = htmlspecialchars($name);
                if (empty($mail)) {
                    $mail = htmlspecialchars($user_member[UDB_EMAIL]);
                echo read_tpl('remember') . '<script type="text/javascript">CNRememberPass("' . $user_member[UDB_PASS] . '", "' . $name . '", "' . $mail . '")</script>';
            // hide email
            $mail = $user_member[UDB_CBYEMAIL] ? false : $user_member[UDB_EMAIL];
Exemplo n.º 25
    foreach ($all_comments as $comment_line) {
        $comment_line_arr = explode("|>|", $comment_line);
        if ($comment_line_arr[0] == $newsid) {
            $comment_arr = explode("||", $comment_line_arr[1]);
            foreach ($comment_arr as $single_comment) {
                $single_arr = explode("|", $single_comment);
                if ($comid == $single_arr[0]) {
    $single_arr[4] = str_replace("<br />", "\n", $single_arr[4]);
    $comdate = date("D, d F Y h:i:s", $single_arr[0]);
    $CSRF = CSRFMake();
    echo proc_tpl('editcomments', array('newsid' => htmlspecialchars($newsid), 'comid' => htmlspecialchars($comid), 'comdate' => $comdate, 'source' => htmlspecialchars($source), 'single_arr[1]' => htmlspecialchars($single_arr[1]), 'single_arr[2]' => htmlspecialchars($single_arr[2]), 'single_arr[3]' => htmlspecialchars($single_arr[3]), 'single_arr[4]' => htmlspecialchars($single_arr[4]), 'CSRF' => $CSRF));
} elseif ($action == "doeditcomment") {
    if (empty($poster) and empty($deletecomment)) {
        echo lang("The poster cannot be blank");
    // CSRF check only for saving comments
    if (empty($deletecomment)) {
    if (empty($mail)) {
        $mail = lang("none");
    if (empty($poster)) {
        $poster = lang("Anonymous");
Exemplo n.º 26
        if ($symbol_count == $word_count) {
            $result .= ' ';
            $symbol_count = 0;
            $new_word = true;
    return $result;
if ($action == 'update') {
    $need_update = false;
    $last_version_file = fopen("http://cutephp.com/cutenews/latest_version.php", "r");
    list($last_version, $last_version_name) = explode('|', ob_get_clean());
    if ($last_version > $config_version_id) {
        $need_update = true;
    if ($need_update) {
        $update_key = base64_encode(create_random_string(50, 7));
        $update_temp = fopen(SERVDIR . '/cdata/update_temp.php', "w");
        fwrite($update_temp, "<?php\n\$update_key='" . $update_key . "';\n?>");
        setcookie('update', $update_key, time() + 60 * 60, '/');
        echoheader('info', lang("Update status"), make_breadcrumbs('main/options=options/Update Status'));
        echo proc_tpl('update/status');
    } else {
        msg('info', lang('Update status'), lang('No update: your revision is the latest one'));
Exemplo n.º 27

require_once 'core/init.php';
// plugin tells us: he is fork, stop
if (hook('fork_rss', false)) {
$rss = getoption('#rss');
if (empty($rss)) {
$config_http_script_dir = getoption('http_script_dir');
$rss_encoding = $rss['encoding'];
$rss_news_include_url = $rss['news_include_url'];
$rss_title = $rss['title'];
$rss_language = $rss['language'];
// -------
header("Content-type: text/xml", true);
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{$rss_encoding}\" ?>\r\n<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"{$config_http_script_dir}/skins/rss_style.css\" ?>\r\n<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:atom=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom\">\r\n<channel>\r\n<title>{$rss_title}</title>\r\n<link>{$rss_news_include_url}</link>\r\n<language>{$rss_language}</language>\r\n<description></description>\r\n<!-- <docs>This is an RSS 2.0 file intended to be viewed in a newsreader or syndicated to another site. For more information on RSS check: http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/aboutrss</docs> -->\r\n<generator>CuteNews</generator>\r\n<atom:link href=\"" . $config_http_script_dir . "/rss.php\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isset($_GET['number'])) {
    $number = intval($_GET['number']);
} else {
    $number = 15;
if (isset($_GET['only_active']) && $_GET['only_active']) {
    $only_active = $_GET['only_active'];
} else {
    $only_active = true;
$template = 'rss';
Exemplo n.º 28
    if (!$selected_news) {
        msg("error", lang('Error!'), lang("You have not specified any articles"), "#GOBACK");
    // --------
    $the_selected_news = array();
    list($news_file) = detect_source($source);
    $news = file($news_file);
    if (preg_match_all("~^(" . join('|', $selected_news) . ")\\|.*\$~m", join('', $news), $this, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($this as $the) {
            $item = explode('|', $the[0]);
            $the_selected_news[] = array('id' => $item[NEW_ID], 'date' => date('d-m-Y H:i:s', $item[NEW_ID]), 'title' => htmlspecialchars($item[NEW_TITLE]));
    $CSRF = CSRFMake();
    $msg = proc_tpl('mass/chdate');
    msg('info', lang('Change Date'), $msg);
} elseif ($action == 'dochangedate') {
    list($news_file, $comm_file) = detect_source($source);
    $db_news_file = file($news_file);
    $db_comm_file = file($comm_file);
    // Sort by ascending
    foreach ($dates as $id => $date) {
        $dates[$id] = strtotime($date);
    foreach ($dates as $id => $date) {
        if ($date <= time()) {
            // Don't touch this news: only change date
            $db_news_file = preg_replace("~^" . intval($id) . "\\|~m", $date . '|', $db_news_file);
Exemplo n.º 29
        $user_arr = user_search($the_email, 'email');
        $user = $user_arr[UDB_NAME];
    } else {
        add_to_log(':anonym:', 'Validate "s" parameter: invalid request');
        msg("error", lang('Error!'), lang("Validation is broken"), '#GOBACK');
    // Generate
    $salt = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz0123456789-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
        $new_pass .= $salt[rand(0, strlen($salt) - 1)];
    // Save new password
    $hmet = hash_generate($new_pass);
    $user_arr[UDB_PASS] = $hmet[count($hmet) - 1];
    user_update($user, $user_arr);
    $message = str_replace(array('%1', '%2'), array($user, $new_pass), lang("Hi %1,\nYour new password for CuteNews is\n\n    %2\n\nplease after you login change this password."));
    send_mail($user_arr[UDB_EMAIL], lang("Your New Password for CuteNews"), $message);
    add_to_log($user, lang('New password received'));
    msg("info", lang("Password Sent"), str_replace('%1', $user, lang("The new password for <b>%1</b> was sent to the email.")));
} else {
    if ($config_allow_registration != "1") {
        msg("error", lang('Error!'), lang("User registration is Disabled"), '#GOBACK');
    echoheader("user", lang("User Registration"));
    echo proc_tpl('register/reg', array('result' => $result));