} else { $formerror .= my_("Password could not be changed") . "\n"; } } } if (!$_POST || $formerror) { myError($w, $p, $formerror, FALSE); if ($user) { insert($w, heading(3, sprintf(my_("Change password for user %s"), $user))); } else { insert($w, heading(3, sprintf(my_("Change password for user %s"), getAuthUsername()))); } // start form insert($w, $f = form(array("method" => "post", "action" => $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]))); insert($f, $con = container("fieldset", array("class" => "fieldset"))); insert($con, $legend = container("legend", array("class" => "legend"))); insert($legend, text($title)); // display opening text if ($user) { insert($con, hidden(array("name" => "user", "value" => "{$user}"))); } insert($con, textbr(my_("New password (case sensitive!):"))); insert($con, password(array("name" => "password1", "value" => "{$password1}", "size" => "40", "maxlength" => "40"))); insert($con, textbrbr(my_("New password (again):"))); insert($con, password(array("name" => "password2", "value" => "{$password2}", "size" => "40", "maxlength" => "40"))); insert($con, generic("br")); insert($con, submit(array("value" => my_("Submit")))); insert($con, freset(array("value" => my_("Clear")))); } printhtml($p);
<div class="menu_setting_area edit"> <p class="menu_setting_tips">可创建最多10个过程,每个过程下可创建最多50个技术要求。</p> <div class="inner_container_box side_l cell_layout"> <div class="inner_container_box_bd"> <div class="inner_side"> <div class="bd"> <div class="menu_manage"> <div class="sub_title_bar light"> <h4>过程管理 </h4> <div class="opr_wrp"> <a class="opr_meta icon16_common add_gray" id="addBt" href="javascript:void(0);">添加</a> </div> </div> <div id="menuList" class="inner_menu_box gray with_switch ui-sortable ui-sortable-disabled"> <?php printhtml(); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="inner_main"> <div class="bd"> <div class="action_setting"> <div class="sub_title_bar light"> <h4>设置详情 </h4> </div> <div id="none" class="action_content default jsMain" style="display: block;"> <p class="action_tips">你可以先添加一个过程,然后开始为其设置过程详情</p> </div>
function myError($w, $p, $message, $terminate = TRUE) { // Changed by Stephen, 12/24/2004 // $w now equals the DIV container for the class. // $p now equals the pointer to the HTML container. // display error message if (!empty($message)) { $message = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($message)); insert($w, span($message, array("class" => "textError"))); } if ($terminate) { printhtml($p); exit; } }
} } fclose($fpinput); if ($cumliststr && ($printstr == "L" || $printstr == "A")) { $tmp = "<ul>{$cumliststr}</ul><p><p>" . $line; printhtml($tmp); enterdata("b", $tmp); } if ($cumtabstr && ($printstr == "T" || $printstr == "A")) { $tmp = "{$tab1}{$cumtabstr}{$tab2}" . $line; printhtml($tmp); enterdata("t", $tmp); } if ($cumparastr && ($printstr == "P" || $printstr == "A")) { $tmp = $cumparastr . $line; printhtml($tmp); enterdata("p", $tmp); } $sql = "SELECT id, style, text FROM library.rlahdbk ORDER BY id"; $result = mysql_query($sql); include "err_msg.inc"; $no = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "Total Entry: {$no}.<br>"; while (list($id, $style, $text) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //echo "<b>$id: $style</b><br>"; echo $text; } function enterdata($style, $text) { $text = ereg_replace("'", "\\'", $text); $text = ereg_replace('"', '\\"', $text);