function step2() { global $base, $wpdb; $dbname = stripslashes($_POST['dbname']); $uname = stripslashes($_POST['uname']); $passwrd = stripslashes($_POST['pwd']); $dbhost = stripslashes($_POST['dbhost']); $vhost = stripslashes($_POST['vhost']); $prefix = 'wp_'; // Hardcoded $base = stripslashes(dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])); if ($base != "/") { $base .= "/"; } // Test the db connection. define('DB_NAME', $dbname); define('DB_USER', $uname); define('DB_PASSWORD', $passwrd); define('DB_HOST', $dbhost); if (!file_exists('wp-config-sample.php')) { die('Sorry, I need a wp-config-sample.php file to work from. Please re-upload this file from your WordPress installation.'); } $wp_config_file = file('wp-config-sample.php'); // We'll fail here if the values are no good. require_once 'wp-includes/wp-db.php'; printheader(); $handle = fopen('wp-config.php', 'w'); foreach ($wp_config_file as $line) { switch (trim(substr($line, 0, 16))) { case "define('DB_NAME'": fwrite($handle, str_replace("wordpress", $dbname, $line)); break; case "define('DB_USER'": fwrite($handle, str_replace("'username'", "'{$uname}'", $line)); break; case "define('DB_PASSW": fwrite($handle, str_replace("'password'", "'{$passwrd}'", $line)); break; case "define('DB_HOST'": fwrite($handle, str_replace("localhost", $dbhost, $line)); break; case "define('VHOST',": fwrite($handle, str_replace("VHOSTSETTING", $vhost, $line)); break; case '$table_prefix =': fwrite($handle, str_replace('wp_', $prefix, $line)); break; case '$base = \'BASE\';': fwrite($handle, str_replace('BASE', $base, $line)); break; case "define('DOMAIN_C": $domain = get_clean_basedomain(); fwrite($handle, str_replace("current_site_domain", $domain, $line)); break; case "define('PATH_CUR": fwrite($handle, str_replace("current_site_path", str_replace('index.php', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), $line)); break; case "define('AUTH_KEY": case "define('AUTH_SAL": case "define('LOGGED_I": case "define('SECURE_A": case "define('NONCE_KE": fwrite($handle, str_replace('put your unique phrase here', md5(mt_rand()) . md5(mt_rand()), $line)); break; default: fwrite($handle, $line); break; } } fclose($handle); chmod('wp-config.php', 0644); define('VHOST', $vhost); }
/** * presents the login screen when authenticating witth sessions * */ function loginscreen($message = "<h3>Login to PhpLabWare</h3>") { global $_SERVER, $system_settings; $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if ($system_settings['secure_server']) { $server = getenv('HTTP_HOST'); if (!$server) { $server = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } $addres = "https://{$server}{$PHP_SELF}"; } else { $addres = $PHP_SELF; } $addres = url_get_string($addres); // prevent cross-site scripting: $addres = strip_xss_stuff($addres); printheader("Login to PhpLabWare"); echo "<noscript><br><align='center'><b><div id='nojs'>Javascript is not used. Although navigation of phplabware is possible without javascript, it is not actively supported and will limit functionality drastically. Please enable JavaScript to view this page properly.</div></b></align></br></noscript>\n"; echo "<form name='loginform' method='post' action='{$addres}' onSubmit='this.javascript_enabled.value=\"true\"'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='logon' value='true'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='javascript_enabled' value='0'>\n"; echo "<table align=center>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'>{$message}</td>\n"; $imstring = randomimage("frontims"); if ($imstring) { } echo "<td rowspan=6>   {$imstring}</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>Your login name:</td>\n"; echo "<td><input name='user' size=10 value=''></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td>Password:</td>\n"; echo "<td><input type='password' name='pwd' size=10 value=''></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'>"; if ($system_settings["secure_server"]) { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='ssl' checked>Keep a secure connection"; } echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'>"; echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Login'></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'>"; //echo "Note: Cookies must be enabled beyond this point</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n</form>\n"; printfooter(); }
function generate() { global $edit, $langmessage, $set, $pagenum, $menu, $templatepath, $selected, $LNEversion, $prefix, $out; $edit = 0; $count = 0; $go_sm = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<urlset\n\t\n xmlns=\"\"\n\t\n xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n\t\n xsi:schemaLocation=\"\n\">\n\n\t<url>\n\n\t<loc>http://" . sv(SERVER_NAME) . "/</loc>\n\n\t<priority>0.6</priority>\n\n\t<lastmod>" . date('Y-m-d') . "</lastmod>\n\n\t<changefreq>daily</changefreq>\n</url>\n"; while ($menu[$count][0] != "") { $result1 = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "paginas WHERE page=\"" . str_replace("_", "", $menu[$count][3]) . "\""); $row1 = fetch_array($result1); if ($row1['template'] != "") { $template2 = $row1['template']; } else { $template2 = $set['template']; } $row1['description'] = decode($row1['description']); $out = ""; $pagenum = str_replace("''", "'", $menu[$count][3]); $pagenum = str_replace("_", "", $pagenum); if (!strval(strstr($menu[$count][3], "*"))) { $selected['index'] = $menu[$count][0]; $selected['name'] = $menu[$count][4]; $selected['link'] = $menu[$count][3]; //query page record for template $page = "<?php \$pagenum=\"" . $pagenum . "\"; require_once \"./LightNEasy/runtime.php\"; ?>\n"; $page .= file_get_contents("templates/" . $template2 . "/template.php"); $go_sm .= "<url>\n\n\t\t\t<loc>http://" . sv(SERVER_NAME) . dirname(sv(REQUEST_URI)) . $menu[$count][3] . ".php</loc>\n\n\t\t\t<priority>0.5</priority>\n\n\t\t\t<lastmod>" . date('Y-m-d') . "</lastmod>\n\n\t\t\t<changefreq>daily</changefreq>\n\n\t\t\t</url>\n"; if (!($fp = fopen($pagenum . ".php", "w"))) { die($langmessage[110] . $pagenum . ".php"); } $contnt = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($row1['content'])); //Look in the content for header modules while ($page != "") { if ($pagearray = explode($set['openfield'], $page, 2)) { $out .= $pagearray[0]; $page = $pagearray[1]; if ($pagearray = explode($set['closefield'], $page, 2)) { $command = trim($pagearray[0]); $page = $pagearray[1]; switch ($command) { case "content": contentmarkers($contnt); $out .= "<?php content(\"" . $pagenum . "\"); ?>"; break; case "header": $out .= printheader(1, $selected['name'], $row1['description'], $template2); break; case "footer": $out .= "<?php print footer(); ?>"; break; case "search": $out .= "<?php print searchform(); ?>"; break; case "homelink": $out .= "<a href=\"" . $set['homepath'] . "\">{$langmessage['111']}</a>"; break; case "image": $out .= "templates/" . $set['template'] . "/images/"; break; case "extra": $out .= "<?php print extra(\"" . $selected['link'] . "\"); ?>\n"; break; case "login": $out .= "<?php print loginout(); ?>\n"; break; case "loginform": $out .= "<?php print loginform(); ?>\n"; break; case "mainmenu": $out .= "<?php print mainmenu(1); ?>\n"; break; case "mainmenu1": $out .= "<?php print mainmenu(1,1); ?>\n"; break; case "mainmenu2": $out .= "<?php print mainmenu(1,2); ?>\n"; break; case "mainmenu3": $out .= "<?php print mainmenu(1,3); ?>\n"; break; case "treemenu": $out .= "<?php print treemenu(1); ?>\n"; break; case "fullmenu": $out .= "<?php print fullmenu(1); ?>\n"; break; case "expmenu": $out .= "<?php print expmenu(1); ?>\n"; break; case "submenu": $out .= "<?php print submenu(1); ?>\n"; break; case "selected": $out .= $selected['name']; break; case "sitemap": $out .= sitemap(1); break; case "subtitle": $out .= $set['subtitle']; break; case "title": $out .= '<a href="' . $set['homepath'] . '">' . $set['title'] . '</a>'; break; default: if (strpos($command, "plugin") !== false) { $aa = explode(" ", $command, 2); $pluginpath = "plugins/" . trim($aa[1]); if (file_exists($pluginpath . "/first.mod")) { $out = file_get_contents($pluginpath . "/first.mod") . $out; } if (file_exists($pluginpath . "/header.mod")) { $out = str_replace("</head>", file_get_contents($pluginpath . "/header.mod") . "\n</head>", $out); } if (file_exists($pluginpath . "/onload.mod")) { $out = str_replace("<body", "<body onload=\"" . file_get_contents($pluginpath . "/onload.mod") . "\"", $out); } if (file_exists($pluginpath . "/include.mod")) { $out .= "<?php include \"plugins/" . trim($aa[1]) . "/include.mod\"; ?>\n"; } if (file_exists($pluginpath . "/place.mod")) { $out .= file_get_contents("{$pluginpath}/place.mod"); } } elseif (strpos($command, "extra") !== false) { $aa = explode(" ", $command, 2); $out .= "<?php print extra(\"" . $selected['link'] . "\"," . $aa[1] . "); ?>"; } else { $found = false; $addons = fetch_all(dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . $prefix . "addons WHERE active=1")); foreach ($addons as $addon) { if ($command == $addon['name']) { $out .= "<?php require_once \"addons/" . $addon['name'] . "/main.php\"; print " . $addon['fname'] . "(); ?>"; $found = true; break; } elseif (substr($command, 0, strlen($addon['name'])) == $addon['name']) { $found = true; $out .= "<?php require_once \"addons/" . $addon['name'] . "/main.php\"; "; $bb = trim(substr($command, strlen($addon['name']))); $aa = explode(" ", $bb); if ($aa[3] != "") { $out .= "print " . $addon['fname'] . "('{$aa['0']}','{$aa['1']}','{$aa['2']}','{$aa['3']}')"; } elseif ($aa[2] != "") { $out .= "print " . $addon['fname'] . "('{$aa['0']}','{$aa['1']}','{$aa['2']}')"; } elseif ($aa[1] != "") { $out .= "print " . $addon['fname'] . "('{$aa['0']}','{$aa['1']}')"; } else { $out .= "print " . $addon['fname'] . "('{$aa['0']}')"; } $out .= "; ?>"; break; } } if (!$found) { $out .= $command; } } } } else { break; } } else { break; } } if ($page != "") { $out .= $page; } fwrite($fp, $out); fclose($fp); @chmod($menu[$count][3] . ".php", 0755); if (file_exists($menu[$count][3] . ".html")) { unlink($menu[$count][3] . ".html"); } } $count++; } $go_sm .= "</urlset>\n"; $fp_go = fopen('sitemap.xml', 'w'); fwrite($fp_go, $go_sm); fclose($fp_go); unset($_SESSION[$set['password']]); setcookie('userpass', "", time() - 60); setcookie('userhandle', "", time() - 60); session_destroy(); unset($_GET['do']); header("Location: index.php"); }
/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2003 by Nico Stuurman<*****@*****.**> * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ // Needs get/postvars:tablename // optional get/postvar: viewnameid /// main include thingies require './include.php'; require './includes/db_inc.php'; require './includes/general_inc.php'; require './includes/report_inc.php'; printheader($httptitle); navbar($USER['permissions']); if ($USER['permissions'] < $WRITE) { echo "<h4 align='center'>You do not have sufficient priveleges to create or edit views</h4>\n"; printfooter(); exit; } if (isset($_POST['tablename'])) { $_GET['tablename'] = $_POST['tablename']; } $tableinfo = new tableinfo($db); if ($_GET['viewid']) { $viewid = $_GET['viewid']; } else { $viewid = $_POST['viewid']; }
$out .= expmenu(0); break; case "extra": $out .= extra(); break; case "footer": $out .= $set['footer']; break; case "fullmenu": $out .= fullmenu(0); break; case "search": $out .= searchform(); break; case "header": $out .= printheader(0, $selected['name'], $selected['description']); break; case "homelink": $out .= '<a href="' . $set['homepath'] . "\">{$langmessage['111']}</a>"; break; case "image": $out .= "./templates/" . $selected['template'] . "/images/"; break; case "login": $out .= loginout(); break; case "loginform": $out .= loginform(); break; case "mainmenu": $out .= mainmenu(0);
$pivot_dir = $dir . "/pivot"; $pivot_url = "pivot"; } elseif (file_exists($dir . "/pv_core.php")) { $pivot_dir = $dir; $pivot_url = "."; } else { die("Didn't find the Pivot directory!"); } // removing lots of spam can take quite a while.. set_time_limit(0); if ($_REQUEST["submit"] == "Remove Spam") { printheader("Removed"); spam(); } else { if ($_REQUEST["submit"] == "List Spam") { printheader("Listing"); echo form("Remove Spam"); spam(); } elseif ($_REQUEST["action"] == "help") { $link = sprintf("index.php?session=%s&menu=admin&func=admin&do=spamwasher", $Pivot_Vars['session']); echo ' <h2>Help</h2> <p>This tool helps you remove spam from comments and trackbacks in your Pivot.</p> <p>It has it\'s <a href="">own thread</a> in the Pivot forum. If you still have any questions after reading this page, ask your questions there.</p> <br /> <h3>A warning</h3> <p class="warn"><b>The script has no undo-function.</b><br />
echo "</tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; printfooter(); } if (!$version && $pwd) { // we connected to an empty database and have the password // now create the initial tables //$db->debug = true; include "./dd/0_001_inc.php"; } // $version is known, so we have a working database and must now authenticate if ($version) { $system_settings = unserialize(get_cell($db, "settings", "settings", "id", 1)); include "./includes/auth_inc.php"; allowonly($SUPER, $USER["permissions"]); printheader("Settings"); navbar($USER["permissions"]); // insert database updates here if ($version < $version_code) { $test = true; // Creates table antibodies if ($version < 0.0021) { include "./dd/0_0021_inc.php"; } // Creates table protocols if ($version < 0.0022) { include "./dd/0_0022_inc.php"; } // Creates table pdfs if ($version < 0.0023) { include "./dd/0_0023_inc.php";
<?php // login.php - Generic script for PhpLabWare // login.php - author: Nico Stuurman include './include.php'; printheader('PhpLabWare'); navbar($USER['permissions']); echo "<h3 align=center>Welcome to PhpLabWare</h3>\n"; printfooter();
<div class="color_box" id="orange"> <a href=""><h1>NOMADIC MATT</h1></a> </div> </div> <div id="right_col" > <div class="color_box" id="black"> <a href=""><h1>OUR AWSOME PLANET</h1></a> </div> <div class="articles"> <?php include 'scripts/getsetarticle.php'; $id = getlastid(); for ($i = $id; $i > $id - 4; $i--) { printheader($i); } ?> </div> </div> <div id="cleared"></div> </div> <footer> <div class="inline"><a href="index.php"><h1>Explore The World</h1></a></div> <div class="inline" id="copyright"> <p>Creatred by Yakov Yusipenko</p> <p>Contact me <a href=""></a></p> </div> </footer> </div>
* Dumps table content in tab-delimited file * * Takes 'tablename' as a get variable * * * * Copyright (c) 2003 by Nico Stuurman * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ // this may take a long time. Simply kill me if I hang ini_set('max_execution_time', '0'); require './include.php'; require './includes/db_inc.php'; require './includes/general_inc.php'; printheader($httptitle, false); navbar($USER['permissions']); if (!$USER['permissions'] & $SUPER) { echo "<h3 align='center'>Sorry, this page is not for you.</h3>\n"; printfooter($db, $USER); exit; } // Three GET variables are useful: // tablename // fields - let's you export only a subset of columns // valuesOnly - switch wether or not values should be 'expanded' $tablename = $_GET['tablename']; $tableid = get_cell($db, 'tableoftables', 'id', 'tablename', $tablename); if (!$tableid) { echo "<h3>This script will dump the contents of a table in a tab-delimited file. The contents of that file can be imported into phplabware or any other database program.</h3>"; $r = $db->execute("SELECT id,tablename FROM tableoftables");
function notFound($type) { http_response_code(404); printheader($type . ' Not Found'); print "<h1>" . $type . " Not Found</h1>" . "\n"; }
<?php // logout.php - kills the current session // logout.php - author: Nico Stuurman include './includes/functions_inc.php'; include './includes/init_inc.php'; if (isset($system_settings['tmpdir'])) { session_save_path($system_settings['tmpdir']); } session_start(); if (isset($system_settings['homeURL'])) { $head = "<META HTTP-EQUIV='Refresh' CONTENT='1;URL=" . $system_settings['homeURL'] . "'>\n"; } if ($_SESSION['PHP_AUTH_USER']) { printheader('Loging out', $head); navbar(false); session_destroy(); echo " <br><h3 align='center'>Thanks for logging out!</h5><br> "; } else { printheader('Loging out'); navbar(false); echo " <br><h3 align='center'>You better login first!</hr><br> "; } printfooter();
printheader($title); navbar($USER['permissions']); echo $result; show_user_form('me'); printfooter($db, $USER); exit; } // Only a groupadmin and sysadmin are allowed to view the remainder allowonly($ADMIN, $USER['permissions']); // set title and print headers $title .= 'User administration'; // extend title if user is an admin if (!($USER['permissions'] & $SUPER)) { $title .= ' in group ' . get_cell($db, 'groups', 'name', 'id', $USER['groupid']); } printheader($title); navbar($USER['permissions']); // Check whether modify or delete button has been chosen $del = false; $mod = false; if ($_POST) { //determine wether or not the remove-command is given and act on it while (list($key, $val) = each($_POST)) { if (substr($key, 0, 3) == "del") { $delarray = explode("_", $key); $del = true; } if (substr($key, 0, 3) == "mop") { $modarray = explode("_", $key); $mod = true; }
} echo "<table align='center'>\n"; echo "<tr><td>New Group Name:</td>\n"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='groupname' value='{$groupname}'></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td colspan=2 align='center'>"; if ($groupid) { echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Modify Group'>"; } else { echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Add Group'>"; } echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; } /****************************************************************/ printheader("Groups of PhpLabware"); navbar($USER["permissions"]); // when the 'Add a new Group' button has been chosen: if ($add) { group_form("", ""); } elseif ($mod == "true") { group_form($groupid, $groupname); } else { // print header of table echo "<table border=\"1\" align=center >\n"; echo "<caption>\n"; // first handle addition of a new group if ($submit == "Add Group") { if ($test = add_new_group($db, $groupname)) { echo "</caption>\n</table>\n"; echo "<table align='center'><caption>{$test}</caption></table>";
} /** * The user who will own the imported records * This way we default to the one doing the import */ if ($ownerid) { $USERAS = getUserInfo($db, false, $ownerid); } if (!isset($USERAS)) { $USERAS = $USER; } /** * Print header and do further checks on permissions */ $httptitle .= ' Import data'; printheader($httptitle, false, $jsfile); $tmpdir = $system_settings['tmpdir']; if (!($permissions & $USER)) { navbar($USER['permissions']); echo "<h3 align='center'><b>Sorry, this page is not for you</B></h3>"; printfooter($db, $USER); exit; } navbar($USER['permissions']); /** * interpret a date string according to the system settings * this can fail when importing data from another continent */ function mymktime($datestring) { global $system_settings;
function makeCaptions($new_captions) { global $baseURL, $scriptPath, $dir, $jheadBinary; # If there are new captions if (!empty($new_captions)) { # Get the old captions $captions = get_captions(true); # Append new captions to those already there foreach ($new_captions as $i => $c) { # Base 64 was the best way (I thought of) of dealing with oddly named images in the input form. $captions[base64_decode($i)][] = trim($c); # If the jhead binary is executable. if (is_executable($jheadBinary)) { setExifCaption(base64_decode($i), trim($c)); } } # Write the captions to disk. @file_put_contents($scriptPath . "cache/" . $dir . "captions.txt", serialize($captions)); # If the function was called from AJAX... (Only one update at a time). if (count($new_captions) == 1) { exit; } } $captions = get_captions(); $folder_scan_results = folder_scan(); $images_with_thumbs = images_with_thumbnails($folder_scan_results['images']); foreach ($images_with_thumbs as $idx => $image) { if (!array_key_exists($image, $captions)) { $captions[$image] = getExifCaption($image); } } /* Ajax Function. Compressed version of "The Ultimate Ajax Object" */ $title = "Captions: " . $dir; if (function_exists("printheader")) { printheader($title); } else { html_header($title); } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function ajaxObject(b,a){var c=this;this.updating=false;this.abort=function(){if(c.updating){c.updating=false;c.AJAX.abort();c.AJAX=null}};this.update=function(g,e){if(c.updating){return false}c.AJAX=null;if(window.XMLHttpRequest){c.AJAX=new XMLHttpRequest()}else{c.AJAX=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}if(c.AJAX==null){return false}else{c.AJAX.onreadystatechange=function(){if(c.AJAX.readyState==4){c.updating=false;c.callback(c.AJAX.responseText,c.AJAX.status,c.AJAX.responseXML);c.AJAX=null}};c.updating=new Date();if(/post/i.test(e)){var f=d+"?"+c.updating.getTime();"POST",f,true);c.AJAX.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");c.AJAX.setRequestHeader("Content-Length",g.length);c.AJAX.send(g)}else{var f=d+"?"+g+"×tamp="+(c.updating.getTime());"GET",f,true);c.AJAX.send(null)}return true}};var d=b;this.callback=a||function(){}}; // Update the caption. Setup to be called in an 'on change' so that all the comments are saved automatically // and Submit doesn't need to be pressed. function updateCaption(object) { var myRequest = new ajaxObject("<?php echo rrawurlencode($baseURL . "captions/" . $dir); ?> "); myRequest.update(encodeURIComponent("="+encodeURIComponent(object.value),"POST"); //location.reload(); } </script> <a href="<?php echo rrawurlencode($baseURL . $dir); ?> ">Return To Gallery</a> <form action="<?php echo rrawurlencode($baseURL . "captions/" . $dir); ?> " method="POST"> <table> <tr> <td align="right"> Album Title: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="<?php echo base64_encode('title'); ?> " id="title" size="20" value="<?php echo $captions['title']; ?> " tabindex="1" onchange="updateCaption(this)"> </td> </tr> <?php if (count($images_with_thumbs)) { foreach ($images_with_thumbs as $idx => $image) { $pictures .= "\t<tr><td align=\"right\">"; $pictures .= "<a href=\"" . rrawurlencode($baseURL . $dir . $image) . "\"><img src=\"" . rrawurlencode($baseURL . "cache/" . $dir . "preview/" . $image) . "\" alt=\"" . htmlentities($image) . "\"></a>"; $pictures .= "</td><td valign=\"bottom\"><textarea id=\"caption{$idx}\" name=\"" . base64_encode($image) . "\" rows=\"20\" cols=\"30\" tabindex=\"" . ($idx + 2) . "\" onchange=\"updateCaption(this)\">" . $captions[$image] . "</textarea></td></tr>\n"; } } echo $pictures; ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Change Captions"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php if (function_exists("printfooter")) { printfooter($title); } else { html_footer($title); } }
<?php require_once "07-PHP-functions3.php"; $default_header = "rgfdssss"; echo printheader(); echo printheader('12234');