private function doPassThree()
     if (max(array_column($this->OPTB_WOC, 'BLOCK')) == 0) {
         return $this->OPTB_WOC;
     } else {
         $OPTB_WOCnoBlock = $this->OPTB_WOC;
         $index = 0;
         foreach ($OPTB_WOCnoBlock as $_OPTB_WOCnoBlock) {
             $OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$index]['O_INDEX'] = $index;
         $loc = array();
         $block = array();
         foreach ($OPTB_WOCnoBlock as $key => $row) {
             $loc[$key] = $row['LOC'];
             $block[$key] = $row['BLOCK'];
         array_multisort($block, SORT_ASC, array_keys($OPTB_WOCnoBlock), SORT_ASC, $OPTB_WOCnoBlock);
         $debugg = $OPTB_WOCnoBlock;
         $OPTB_WOCnoBlock = array_array_key_filter($OPTB_WOCnoBlock, array('O_INDEX', 'LABEL', 'OPCODE', 'OPERAND'), true);
         $index = 0;
         $line = 5;
         foreach ($OPTB_WOCnoBlock as $_OPTB_WOCnoBlock) {
             if ($_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['OPCODE'] == 'USE' || $_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['LABEL'] === '*' || $_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['OPCODE'] == 'END') {
             } else {
                 $OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$index]['LINE'] = $line;
                 $line += 5;
                 $OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$index]['LOC'] = '';
                 $OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$index]['OBJECTCODE'] = '';
                 $OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$index]['COMMENT'] = '';
         $generateObjectCode = new GenerateObjectCode($OPTB_WOCnoBlock);
         $OPTB_WOCnoBlock = $generateObjectCode->getAfterPassTwo();
         // fix unknown bug..
         $index = 0;
         $pervious_O_INDEX = 'no_value';
         foreach ($OPTB_WOCnoBlock as $_OPTB_WOCnoBlock) {
             if ($_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['OPCODE'] == 'LTORG') {
             if(isset($_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['O_INDEX'])) {
             	if($_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['O_INDEX'] == $pervious_O_INDEX) {
             	$pervious_O_INDEX = $OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$index]['O_INDEX'];
             ////$this->OPTB_WOC[$_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['O_INDEX']]['realBLOCK'] = $OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$index]['BLOCK'];
         $generateObjectCode->writeTxt(RESULT_PATH . OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "optbnoBlock-woc.txt");
         $this->writeTxt(RESULT_PATH . OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "optbnoHaveBlock-woc.txt");
         // the foreach solution fail.. for loop success . don't ask why . don't modify the code
         $previousO_INDEX = 'no_value';
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($OPTB_WOCnoBlock); ++$i) {
             if ($previousO_INDEX == 'no_value' && trim($OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$i]['LABEL']) == '*') {
                 $previousO_INDEX = $OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$i]['O_INDEX'];
             if ($previousO_INDEX != 'no_value' && trim($OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$i]['LABEL']) == '*') {
                 $OPTB_WOCnoBlock[$i]['O_INDEX'] = ++$previousO_INDEX;
         //  $_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['OPERAND'] != '#MAXLEN')  fix unknow bug= =... kind of cheat-_-
         // so explain in other way. no idea why format 4 immediate address mode will fail in $OPTB_WOCnoBlock
         $index = 0;
         foreach ($OPTB_WOCnoBlock as $_OPTB_WOCnoBlock) {
             if (!empty($_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['O_INDEX']) && substr($_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['OPERAND'], 0, 1) != '#') {
                 $this->OPTB_WOC[$_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['O_INDEX']]['OBJECTCODE'] = $_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['OBJECTCODE'];
                 $this->OPTB_WOC[$_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['O_INDEX']]['realLOC'] = $_OPTB_WOCnoBlock['LOC'];
         print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "optbnoBlock-woc.html", $OPTB_WOCnoBlock);
         print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "optbnoHaveBlock-woc.html", $this->OPTB_WOC);
         //$this->OPTB_WOC = $OPTB_WOCnoBlock;
         //$this->OPTB_WOC = $debugg;
         //$this->OPTB_WOC = $OPTB_WOCnoBlock;
         return $this->OPTB_WOC;
 private function generateObjectProgram()
     global $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX;
     $OPTB_WOC_OP = array();
     $headerContent = '';
     $defineContent = '';
     $referContent = '';
     $textContent = '';
     $modificationContent = '';
     $endContent = '';
     $textRecordMaxLen = hexdec('1E');
     $textRecord = '';
     $TstartinggAdd = '';
     $Tlength = 0;
     // max = 1E
     $Ttemp = '';
     $perviouBlock = 0;
     if (max(array_column($this->OPTB_WOC, 'SECTION')) == 0) {
         if (max(array_column($this->OPTB_WOC, 'BLOCK')) > 0) {
             $moreThanOneBlock = true;
             $loc = array();
             $block = array();
             foreach ($this->OPTB_WOC as $key => $row) {
                 $loc[$key] = $row['LOC'];
                 $block[$key] = $row['BLOCK'];
             array_multisort(array_keys($this->OPTB_WOC), SORT_ASC, $this->OPTB_WOC);
         foreach ($this->OPTB_WOC as $_OPTB_WOC) {
             // testing...
             // if(!isset($_OPTB_WOC['ELOC']) || empty($_OPTB_WOC['ELOC']))  continue;
             // testing state not sure..
             // if(!isset($_OPTB_WOC['SIZE']) || empty($_OPTB_WOC['SIZE']))  continue;
             if (isset($_OPTB_WOC['realLOC']) || !empty($_OPTB_WOC['realLOC'])) {
                 $_OPTB_WOC['LOC'] = $_OPTB_WOC['realLOC'];
             if (!isset($_OPTB_WOC['BLOCK']) || empty($_OPTB_WOC['BLOCK'])) {
                 // no change
             } else {
                 $perviouBlock = $_OPTB_WOC['BLOCK'];
             if (!isset($_OPTB_WOC['LOC']) || empty($_OPTB_WOC['LOC'])) {
             } else {
                 $perviouBlock = $_OPTB_WOC['BLOCK'];
             if ($_OPTB_WOC['LINE'] == 5) {
                 $programName = $_OPTB_WOC['LABEL'];
                 $_OPTB_WOC['recordType'] = 'E';
                 $startingAddress = sprintf("%06X", hexdec($_OPTB_WOC['OPERAND']));
             } else {
                 if (!empty($_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'])) {
                     $_OPTB_WOC['recordType'] = 'T';
                     if ($Tlength == 0) {
                         $TstartinggAdd = '00' . $_OPTB_WOC['LOC'];
                         $Tlength = $_OPTB_WOC['SIZE'];
                         $Ttemp = $_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'] . '^';
                         // $Ttemp =  sprintf("%06X", hexdec($_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'])) . '^' ;
                         $writed = false;
                         //echo $Ttemp . "\n";
                     } else {
                         if (isset($_OPTB_WOC['ELOC']) && isset($_OPTB_WOC['LOC'])) {
                             if ($Tlength + hexdec($_OPTB_WOC['ELOC']) - hexdec($_OPTB_WOC['LOC']) <= $textRecordMaxLen && $_OPTB_WOC['BLOCK'] == $perviouBlock) {
                                 $Tlength += $_OPTB_WOC['SIZE'];
                                 $Ttemp .= $_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'] . '^';
                                 // $Ttemp .=  sprintf("%06X", hexdec($_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'])) . '^' ;
                                 $writed = false;
                                 //echo $Ttemp . "\n";
                             } else {
                                 $textContent .= 'T' . '^' . $TstartinggAdd . '^' . sprintf("%02X", $Tlength) . '^' . substr($Ttemp, 0, -1) . "\r\n";
                                 $Tlength = 0;
                                 $TstartinggAdd = '00' . $_OPTB_WOC['LOC'];
                                 $Tlength = $_OPTB_WOC['SIZE'];
                                 $Ttemp = $_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'] . '^';
                                 // $Ttemp =  sprintf("%06X", hexdec($_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'])) . '^' ;
                                 $writed = true;
                 } else {
                     if (!$writed) {
                         $textContent .= 'T' . '^' . $TstartinggAdd . '^' . sprintf("%02X", $Tlength) . '^' . substr($Ttemp, 0, -1) . "\r\n";
                         $Tlength = 0;
                         $TstartinggAdd = '00' . $_OPTB_WOC['LOC'];
                         $Ttemp = $_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'];
                         // $Ttemp =  sprintf("%06X", hexdec($_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'])) . '^' ;
                         $writed = true;
                     $_OPTB_WOC['recordType'] = 'SKIP';
             if ($_OPTB_WOC['OPCODE'][0] == '+' && in_array($_OPTB_WOC['OPERAND'], array('RDREC', 'WRREC'))) {
                 $_OPTB_WOC['recordType'] = 'M';
                 $modificationContent .= 'M' . '^' . sprintf("%06X", hexdec($_OPTB_WOC['LOC']) + 1) . '^' . '05' . "\r\n";
             array_push($OPTB_WOC_OP, $_OPTB_WOC);
         $textContent .= 'T' . '^' . $TstartinggAdd . '^' . sprintf("%02X", $Tlength) . '^' . substr($Ttemp, 0, -1) . "\r\n";
         $Tlength = 0;
         $TstartinggAdd = '00' . $_OPTB_WOC['LOC'];
         $Ttemp = $_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'];
         // $Ttemp =  sprintf("%06X", hexdec($_OPTB_WOC['OBJECTCODE'])) . '^' ;
         $writed = true;
         // first if scope fix bug-_- . don't modify dont ask dont touch
         if (max(array_column($this->OPTB_WOC, 'BLOCK')) > 0) {
             $endingAddress1 = max(array_column($this->OPTB_WOC, 'ELOC'));
             $endingAddress2 = max(array_column($this->OPTB_WOC, 'realLOC'));
             $endingAddress = $endingAddress1 > $endingAddress2 ? $endingAddress1 : $endingAddress2;
         } else {
             $endingAddress = 0;
             // initial  only .. just bullshit..
             foreach (array_reverse(array_column($this->OPTB_WOC, 'ELOC')) as $lastELOC) {
                 if (!empty($lastELOC)) {
                     echo "lastELOC : " . $lastELOC . "\r\n";
                     $endingAddress = $lastELOC;
         $programLength = hexdec($endingAddress) - hexdec($startingAddress);
         if (empty($programName)) {
             $programName = 'COPY';
         $programLength = sprintf("%06X", $programLength);
         $headerContent = 'H' . sprintf('%-6s', $programName) . '^' . $startingAddress . '^' . $programLength;
         $endContent = $startingAddress;
         $headerRecord = $headerContent . "\r\n";
         $defineRecord = $defineContent . "\r\n";
         $referRecord = $referContent . "\r\n";
         $textTrecord = $textContent;
         // contain new line dont worry
         $modificationRecord = $modificationContent;
         // contain new line dont worry
         $endRecord = 'E' . '^' . $endContent . "\r\n";
         if (empty($headerContent)) {
             $headerRecord = '';
         if (empty($defineContent)) {
             $defineRecord = '';
         if (empty($referContent)) {
             $referRecord = '';
         if (empty($textContent)) {
             $textTrecord = '';
         if (empty($modificationContent)) {
             $modificationRecord = '';
         // fix lastline T^00001D^00^ problem .. delete it
         $fixTextTrecord = explode("\r\n", $textTrecord);
         $tRecordLastIndex = key($fixTextTrecord);
         if (empty($fixTextTrecord[$tRecordLastIndex])) {
             $tRecordLastIndex = $tRecordLastIndex - 1;
         if (substr($fixTextTrecord[$tRecordLastIndex], -4) == '^00^') {
         $textTrecord = implode("\r\n", $fixTextTrecord);
         $this->objectProgramContent = $headerRecord . $defineRecord . $referRecord . $textTrecord . $modificationRecord . $endRecord;
         echo $this->objectProgramContent;
     } else {
         $objectProgram = array();
         $countSize = 0;
         $tLine = 0;
         $previousSection = 'no_value';
         $index = 0;
         $modificationArr = array();
         $modificationSortedArr = array();
         $storageTypeArr = array('RESW', 'RESB', 'BYTE', 'WORD');
         print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . '/' . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . 'fuckmeOPTB.html', $this->OPTB_WOC);
         $startLoc = sprintf("%04X", hexdec(array_search_value($this->OPTB_WOC, 'OPCODE', 'START', 'OPERAND')));
         foreach ($this->OPTB_WOC as $_OPTB) {
             if (!isset($_OPTB['SECTION']) || empty($_OPTB['SECTION'])) {
                 $_OPTB['SECTION'] = 0;
             if ($_OPTB['LINE'] == 5 || $_OPTB['OPCODE'] == 'START' || $_OPTB['OPCODE'] == 'CSECT') {
                 $objectProgram[$_OPTB['SECTION']]['NAME'] = $_OPTB['LABEL'];
             } else {
                 if ($_OPTB['OPCODE'] == 'EXTDEF') {
                     $extdef = explode(',', $_OPTB['OPERAND']);
                     //array_push($objectProgram[$_OPTB['SECTION']]['EXTDEF'], $extdef);
                     $objectProgram[$_OPTB['SECTION']]['EXTDEF'] = $extdef;
                 } else {
                     if ($_OPTB['OPCODE'] == 'EXTREF') {
                         $extref = explode(',', $_OPTB['OPERAND']);
                         //array_push($objectProgram[$_OPTB['SECTION']]['EXTREF'], $extref);
                         $objectProgram[$_OPTB['SECTION']]['EXTREF'] = $extref;
                     } else {
                         if (isset($_OPTB['OBJECTCODE']) && !empty($_OPTB['OBJECTCODE'])) {
                             if (!isset($_OPTB_WOC)) {
                                 $_OPTB['SIZE'] = strlen($_OPTB['OBJECTCODE']) / 2;
                             $countSize += $_OPTB['SIZE'];
                             if ($previousSection != $_OPTB['SECTION']) {
                                 $previousSection = $_OPTB['SECTION'];
                                 $countSize = 0;
                                 $tLine = 0;
                             if ($countSize >= $textRecordMaxLen || $index > 0 && $this->OPTB_WOC[$index - 1]['OPCODE'] == 'LTORG') {
                                 $countSize = 0;
                             $objectProgram[$_OPTB['SECTION']]['TEXT'][] = array('LOC' => $_OPTB['LOC'], 'OBJECTCODE' => $_OPTB['OBJECTCODE'], 'SIZE' => strlen($_OPTB['OBJECTCODE']) / 2, 'TLINE' => $tLine, 'INDEX' => $index);
         // end foreach
         $previousTLINE = 'no_vlaue';
         $opIndex = 0;
         $tIndex = 0;
         foreach ($objectProgram as $_objectProgram) {
             foreach ($_objectProgram['TEXT'] as $_TEXT) {
                 if (!isset($objectProgram[$opIndex]['TRECORD'][$_TEXT['TLINE']])) {
                     $objectProgram[$opIndex]['TRECORD'][$_TEXT['TLINE']]['STARTLOC'] = $_TEXT['LOC'];
                 if (!isset($objectProgram[$opIndex]['TRECORD'][$_TEXT['TLINE']]['LENGTH'])) {
                     $objectProgram[$opIndex]['TRECORD'][$_TEXT['TLINE']]['LENGTH'] = 0;
                 $objectProgram[$opIndex]['TRECORD'][$_TEXT['TLINE']]['LENGTH'] += $_TEXT['SIZE'];
             $previousTLINE = 'no_vlaue';
         // end foreach
         // fix some unique bug literal loc missing // only for this figure only= =..
         $index = 0;
         $lastELOC = 'no_value';
         foreach ($this->OPTB_WOC as $_OPTB) {
             if (isset($_OPTB['LABEL'])) {
                 if (!empty($_OPTB['ELOC'])) {
                     $lastELOC = $_OPTB['ELOC'];
                 if ($_OPTB['LABEL'] == '*') {
                     if ($_OPTB['OPCODE'][1] == 'C') {
                         $size = strlen(get_string_between($_OPTB['OPCODE'], "'", "'"));
                     } else {
                         if ($_OPTB['OPCODE'][1] == 'X') {
                             $size = strlen(get_string_between($_OPTB['OPCODE'], "'", "'")) / 2;
                             if ($size == 0.5) {
                                 $size = 1;
                     $this->OPTB_WOC[$index]['LOC'] = $lastELOC;
                     $this->OPTB_WOC[$index]['SIZE'] = $size;
                     $newELOC = hexdec($lastELOC) + $size;
                     $this->OPTB_WOC[$index]['ELOC'] = sprintf("%04X", $newELOC);
                     $lastELOC = $this->OPTB_WOC[$index]['ELOC'];
         // end foreach
         print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . '/' . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . 'fixedOPTB.html', $this->OPTB_WOC);
         $maxSection = max(array_column($this->OPTB_WOC, 'SECTION'));
         for ($i = 0; $i <= $maxSection; $i++) {
             $tmpOPTB = $this->optb_woc_filter('SECTION', $i);
             $maxLoc = max(array_column($tmpOPTB, 'ELOC'));
             //$minLoc = min(array_column($tmpOPTB, 'LOC'));
             $minLoc = array_column($tmpOPTB, 'LOC')[0];
             $objectProgram[$i]['LENGTH'] = hexdec($maxLoc) - hexdec($minLoc);
             $objectProgram[$i]['LENGTH'] = sprintf('%06X', $objectProgram[$i]['LENGTH']);
             $objectProgram[$i]['STARTLOC'] = $minLoc;
             $objectProgram[$i]['ENDLOC'] = $maxLoc;
         print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . '/' . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . 'objectprogramArray.html', $objectProgram);
         $content = '';
         $delimiter = '^';
         $objectProgramRes = array();
         for ($index = 0; $index < count($objectProgram); $index++) {
             // Header record :
             $objectProgramRes[$index] = 'H' . $delimiter . sprintf("%-6s", $objectProgram[$index]['NAME']) . $delimiter . sprintf("%06X", hexdec($objectProgram[$index]['STARTLOC'])) . $delimiter . sprintf("%06X", hexdec($objectProgram[$index]['ENDLOC'])) . "\r\n";
             // Define record :
             $dRecord = '';
             // initial as empty string
             if (!empty($objectProgram[$index]['EXTDEF'])) {
                 $dRecord = 'D';
                 for ($e = 0; $e < count($objectProgram[$index]['EXTDEF']); $e++) {
                     $defineLoc = $this->define_record_search_loc($objectProgram[$index]['EXTDEF'][$e], $index);
                     $defineSymbol = sprintf("%-6s", $objectProgram[$index]['EXTDEF'][$e]);
                     $dRecord .= $delimiter . $defineSymbol . $delimiter . sprintf("%06X", hexdec($defineLoc));
                 $objectProgramRes[$index] .= $dRecord . "\r\n";
             // end if extdef !empty
             // Refer record :
             $rRecord = '';
             // initial as empty string
             if (!empty($objectProgram[$index]['EXTREF'])) {
                 $rRecord = 'R';
                 for ($e = 0; $e < count($objectProgram[$index]['EXTREF']); $e++) {
                     $defineSymbol = sprintf("%-6s", $objectProgram[$index]['EXTREF'][$e]);
                     $rRecord .= $delimiter . $defineSymbol;
                 $objectProgramRes[$index] .= $rRecord . "\r\n";
             // end if extref !empty
             // Text record :
             $tRecord = '';
             // initial as empty string
             $tRecordLine = NULL;
             if (isset($objectProgram[$index]['TEXT']) && !empty($objectProgram[$index]['TEXT'])) {
                 for ($t = 0; $t < count($objectProgram[$index]['TRECORD']); $t++) {
                     $startLocTmp = sprintf("%06X", hexdec($objectProgram[$index]['TRECORD'][$t]['STARTLOC']));
                     $lengthTmp = sprintf("%02X", $objectProgram[$index]['TRECORD'][$t]['LENGTH']);
                     $tRecordLine[$t] = 'T' . $delimiter . $startLocTmp . $delimiter . $lengthTmp;
                     for ($t2 = 0; $t2 < count($objectProgram[$index]['TEXT']); $t2++) {
                         if ($objectProgram[$index]['TEXT'][$t2]['TLINE'] == $t) {
                             $tRecordLine[$t] .= $delimiter . $objectProgram[$index]['TEXT'][$t2]['OBJECTCODE'];
                         } else {
                             if ($objectProgram[$index]['TEXT'][$t2]['TLINE'] < $t) {
                             } else {
                                 if ($objectProgram[$index]['TEXT'][$t2]['TLINE'] > $t) {
                     // end inner for
                 // end for
                 print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . '/' . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . 'tRecordLine' . $index . '.html', $tRecordLine);
                 $tRecord = implode("\r\n", $tRecordLine);
                 $objectProgramRes[$index] .= $tRecord . "\r\n";
             // end if text record !empty
             // Modification record (revised) :
             $mRecord = '';
             if (isset($objectProgram[$index]['EXTREF']) && !empty($objectProgram[$index]['EXTREF'])) {
                 foreach ($objectProgram[$index]['EXTREF'] as $extref) {
                     if (!empty($this->modification_record($extref, $index))) {
                         $modificationArr[$index][] = $this->modification_record($extref, $index);
                     // end if
                 // end forach
                 // originating array ..
                 foreach ($modificationArr[$index] as $_extref) {
                     if (is_array($_extref)) {
                         foreach ($_extref as $__extref) {
                             $modificationSortedArr[$index][] = $__extref;
                         // end inner foreach
                     // end is_array
                 // end foreach
                 // sorting array :
                 $decloc = array();
                 foreach ($modificationSortedArr[$index] as $key => $row) {
                     $decloc[$key] = $row['DECLOC'];
                 array_multisort($decloc, SORT_ASC, $modificationSortedArr[$index]);
                 $mRecord = '';
                 foreach ($modificationSortedArr[$index] as $_extref) {
                     $mRecord .= 'M' . $delimiter . $_extref['LOC'] . $delimiter . $_extref['SIZE'] . $delimiter . $_extref['OPERATOR'] . $_extref['SYMBOL'] . "\r\n";
                 $objectProgramRes[$index] .= $mRecord;
                 //$objectProgramRes[$index] .= $mRecord . "\r\n";
             // end if extref record !empty
             // End record :
             $eRecord = '';
             if (isset($objectProgram[$index]['STARTLOC']) && !empty($objectProgram[$index]['STARTLOC'])) {
                 $eRecord .= 'E';
                 if ($index == 0) {
                     $eRecord .= $delimiter . $objectProgram[$index]['STARTLOC'];
                 $objectProgramRes[$index] .= $eRecord . "\r\n";
             // combine to file content ...
             $content .= $objectProgramRes[$index] . "\r\n\r\n\r\n";
         // end for loop
         echo $content;
         $this->objectProgramContent = $content;
         print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . '/' . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . 'modificationSortedArr' . $index . '.html', $modificationSortedArr);
         print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . '/' . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . 'modificationArr' . $index . '.html', $modificationArr);
     // end else
     // exit;
Exemplo n.º 3
 // ObjectCode
 // Operation table with object code array to html
 $OPTB_WOC = $GenerateObjectCode->getObjectCode();
 $OPTB_passOne = $GenerateObjectCode->getAfterPassOne();
 print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "optb-woc.html", $OPTB_WOC, "Operation Table with Object Code");
 print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "optb-passOne.html", $OPTB_passOne, "Operation Table passOne");
 // Symbol table array into to html
 $SYMTAB = $GenerateObjectCode->getSYMTAB();
 print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "symtab.html", $SYMTAB, "Symbol Table");
 // generate result file
 $OPTB_WOCtxtFile = RESULT_PATH . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "objectcode.txt";
 $GenerateObjectCode->writeCsv(RESULT_PATH . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "optb-woc.csv");
 $GenerateObjectCode->writeTxtPassOne(RESULT_PATH . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "optb-passOne.txt");
 // operation code array to html
 print_r_to_html(RESULT_PATH . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "optab.html", $OPTAB, "Operation Code Table");
 echo "You can review the result in sub folder \"result\"\n";
 // ObjectProgram
 $GenerateObjectProgram = new GenerateObjectProgram($OPTB_WOC);
 $obectProgramTxtFile = RESULT_PATH . $OUTPUT_LOG_PREFIX . "object-program.txt";
 // find out wrong object code
 //						my generate code	compare to 	original object code
 $originalCodeFile = ORIGIN_FILE_PATH . $path_parts['filename'] . '-objectcode.txt';
 if (file_exists($originalCodeFile)) {
     $orignalCode = csv_to_array($originalCodeFile, "\t");
     echo "Compare Target : " . ORIGIN_FILE_PATH . $path_parts['filename'] . '-objectcode.txt' . "\n";
     $comKey = array("LOC", "LABEL", "OPCODE", "OPERAND", "OBJECTCODE");
     $keep = true;
     $OPTB_WOC = array_array_key_filter($OPTB_WOC, $comKey, $keep);