Exemplo n.º 1

if (isset($this->row_messages) && $this->row_messages != '') {
	<ul id="inbox-msg">
		<div class="forum-post-author">
			<a href="profile.php?id=<?php 
    echo $this->row_messages['from_member_id'];
" class="title"><?php 
    echo get_display_name($this->row_messages['from_member_id']);
</a><br />

		<div class="forum-post-content">
    echo AT_print($this->row_messages['subject'], 'messages.subject');
				<div class="forum-post-ctrl">
					<a href="inbox/send_message.php?reply=<?php 
    echo $_GET['view'];
    echo _AT('reply');
Exemplo n.º 2
	if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->result_messages)) {
	<ul id="inbox-msg">
		<div class="forum-post-author">
			<a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $row['to_member_id']; ?>" class="title"><?php echo get_display_name($row['to_member_id']); ?></a><br />
			<?php print_profile_img($row['to_member_id']); ?>

		<div class="forum-post-content">
			<h3><?php echo AT_print($row['subject'], 'messages.subject'); ?></h3>
				<div class="forum-post-ctrl">
					<a href="inbox/send_message.php?forward=<?php echo $_GET['view']; ?>"><?php echo _AT('forward'); ?></a> | <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?delete=<?php echo $_GET['view']; ?>"><?php echo _AT('delete'); ?></a>
				<p class="date"><?php echo AT_date(_AT('forum_date_format'), $row['date_sent'], AT_DATE_MYSQL_DATETIME); ?></p>

			<div class="body">
				<p><?php echo AT_print($row['body'], 'messages.body'); ?></p>
			<div style="clear: both; font-size:0.1em"></div>
Exemplo n.º 3
$mod = $moduleFactory->getModule('_standard/profile_pictures');
if (admin_authenticate(AT_ADMIN_PRIV_USERS, TRUE) && $_POST['member_id'] && $mod->isEnabled() === TRUE) {
		<div class="row">
    echo _AT('picture');
    if (profile_image_exists($_POST['member_id'])) {
				<a href="get_profile_img.php?id=<?php 
        echo $_POST['member_id'] . SEP . 'size=o';
				<input type="checkbox" name="profile_pic_delete" value="1" id="profile_pic_delete" /><label for="profile_pic_delete"><?php 
        echo _AT('delete');
    } else {
        echo _AT('none');
 <a href="mods/_standard/profile_pictures/admin/profile_picture.php?member_id=<?php 
        echo $_POST['member_id'];
Exemplo n.º 4
function print_entry($row)
    global $page, $system_courses, $forum_info;
    static $counter;
	<script type="text/javascript">
	// script to control popin reply/edit boxs, disabled for now due to ID conflicts
	jQuery(document).ready( function () { 
    echo $row['post_id'];
").click(function() {
    echo $row['post_id'];
            return false;
    echo $row['post_id'];
").keypress(function(e) {
	            var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
	            if(code == 13 || code == 32) { 
    echo $row['post_id'];
    echo $row['post_id'];
 #subject" ).focus();
                    return false;

    echo $row['post_id'];
").click(function() {
    echo $row['post_id'];
            return false;
    echo $row['post_id'];
").keypress(function(e) {
	            var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
	            if(code == 13 || code == 32) { 
    echo $row['post_id'];
    echo $row['post_id'];
 #subject" ).focus();
                    return false;

    $reply_link = '<a href="#" id="reply-' . $row['post_id'] . '">';
    $reply_link = '<a href="mods/_standard/forums/forum/view.php?fid=' . $row['forum_id'] . SEP . 'pid=';
    if ($row['parent_id'] == 0) {
        $reply_link .= $row['post_id'];
    } else {
        $reply_link .= $row['parent_id'];
    //$reply_link .= SEP.'reply='.$row['post_id'].SEP.'page='.$page.'#post" >';
    $reply_link .= '#post" onClick="javascript:document.getElementById(\'subject\').value = \'Re: ' . $row['subject'] . '\'; " >';
    $reply_link .= '<img src="images/forum/forum_reply.png" alt="' . _AT('reply') . '" title="' . _AT('reply') . '"/></a>';

	<li class="<?php 
    if ($counter % 2) {
        echo 'odd';
    } else {
        echo 'even';
		<a name="<?php 
    echo $row['post_id'];
		<div class="forum-post-author">
			<a href="profile.php?id=<?php 
    echo $row['member_id'];
" class="title"><?php 
    echo htmlspecialchars(get_display_name($row['member_id']));
</a><br />

		<div class="forum-post-content">
    echo AT_print($row['subject'], 'forums_threads.subject');
				<div class="forum-post-ctrl">
    if (authenticate(AT_PRIV_FORUMS, AT_PRIV_RETURN)) {
        echo $reply_link;
						<a href="mods/_standard/forums/edit_post.php?fid=<?php 
        echo $row['forum_id'] . SEP . 'pid=' . $row['post_id'];
"><img src="images/forum/forum_edit.png" alt="<?php 
        echo _AT('edit');
" title="<?php 
        echo _AT('edit');
"/></a>  <a href="mods/_standard/forums/forum/delete_thread.php?fid=<?php 
        echo $row['forum_id'] . SEP . 'pid=' . $row['post_id'] . SEP . 'ppid=' . $row['parent_id'] . SEP;
nest=1"><img src="images/forum/forum_delete.png" alt="<?php 
        echo _AT('delete');
" title="<?php 
        echo _AT('delete');
					    <!-- <?php 
        echo $reply_link;
  <a href="#" id="edit-<?php 
        echo $row['post_id'];
"><img src="images/forum/forum_edit.png" alt="<?php 
        echo _AT('edit');
" title="<?php 
        echo _AT('edit');
"/></a>  <a href="mods/_standard/forums/forum/delete_thread.php?fid=<?php 
        echo $row['forum_id'] . SEP . 'pid=' . $row['post_id'] . SEP . 'ppid=' . $row['parent_id'] . SEP;
nest=1"><img src="images/forum/forum_delete.png" alt="<?php 
        echo _AT('delete');
" title="<?php 
        echo _AT('delete');
"/></a> -->
    } elseif ($row['member_id'] == $_SESSION['member_id'] && $row['udate'] + $forum_info['mins_to_edit'] * 60 > time()) {
        echo $reply_link;
  <a href="mods/_standard/forums/edit_post.php?fid=<?php 
        echo $row['forum_id'] . SEP . 'pid=' . $row['post_id'];
"><img src="images/forum/forum_edit.png" alt="<?php 
        echo _AT('edit');
" title="<?php 
        echo _AT('edit');
"></a> <span>(<?php 
        echo _AT('edit_for_minutes', round(($row['udate'] + $forum_info['mins_to_edit'] * 60 - time()) / 60));
					<!--	<?php 
        echo $reply_link;
  <a href="#" id="edit-<?php 
        echo $row['post_id'];
"><img src="images/forum/forum_edit.png" alt="<?php 
        echo _AT('edit');
" title="<?php 
        echo _AT('edit');
"></a> <span>(<?php 
        echo _AT('edit_for_minutes', round(($row['udate'] + $forum_info['mins_to_edit'] * 60 - time()) / 60));
)</span> -->
    } elseif ($_SESSION['valid_user'] == true) {
        echo $reply_link;
				<p class="date">&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php 
    echo AT_date(_AT('forum_date_format'), $row['date'], AT_DATE_MYSQL_DATETIME);


			<div class="body">
    echo apply_customized_format(AT_print($row['body'], 'forums_threads.body'));
    // popin edit/reply forms / disabled until ID conflict issue can be resolved
    //echo '<div class="forum_reply" id="reply-'.$row['post_id'].'">';
    //echo '</div>';
    //echo '<div class="forum_edit" id="edit-'.$row['post_id'].'">';
    //echo '</div>';
Exemplo n.º 5
				<dd><?php if (profile_image_exists($this->row['member_id'])): ?>
					//run a check to see if any personal album exists, if not, create one.
					$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pa_albums WHERE member_id='.$this->row['member_id'].' AND type_id='.AT_PA_TYPE_PERSONAL;
					$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
					if ($result){
						$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);	//album info.
						$aid = $row['id'];
					if (in_array('mods/_standard/photos/index.php', $_modules)){
						$img_link = AT_PA_BASENAME.'albums.php?id='.$aid;
					} else {
						$img_link = 'get_profile_img.php?id='.$this->row['member_id'].SEP.'size=o';
					<a href="<?php echo $img_link ?>"><?php print_profile_img($this->row['member_id'], 2); ?></a>
					<?php else: ?>
						<?php echo _AT('none'); ?>
					<?php endif; ?>
			<?php endif; ?>

			<dt><?php echo _AT('email'); ?></dt>
				<?php if($this->row['private_email']): ?>
					<?php echo _AT('private'); ?>
				<?php else: ?>
					<a href="mailto:<?php echo $this->row['email']; ?>"><?php echo $this->row['email']; ?></a>
				<?php endif; ?>
Exemplo n.º 6
function print_entry($row) {
	global $page, $system_courses, $forum_info;
	static $counter;

	$reply_link = '<a href="mods/_standard/forums/forum/view.php?fid='.$row['forum_id'].SEP.'pid=';
	if ($row['parent_id'] == 0) {
		$reply_link .= $row['post_id'];
	} else {
		$reply_link .= $row['parent_id'];
	$reply_link .= SEP.'reply='.$row['post_id'].SEP.'page='.$page.'#post" >'._AT('reply').'</a>';


	<li class="<?php if ($counter %2) { echo 'odd'; } else { echo 'even'; } ?>">
		<a name="<?php echo $row['post_id']; ?>"></a>
		<div class="forum-post-author">
			<a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $row['member_id']; ?>" class="title"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(get_display_name($row['member_id'])); ?></a><br />
			<?php print_profile_img($row['member_id']); ?>

		<div class="forum-post-content">
			<h3><?php echo AT_print($row['subject'], 'forums_threads.subject'); ?></h3>
				<div class="forum-post-ctrl">
					<?php if (authenticate(AT_PRIV_FORUMS, AT_PRIV_RETURN)): ?>
						<?php echo $reply_link; ?> | <a href="mods/_standard/forums/edit_post.php?fid=<?php echo $row['forum_id'].SEP.'pid='.$row['post_id']; ?>"><?php echo _AT('edit'); ?></a> | <a href="mods/_standard/forums/forum/delete_thread.php?fid=<?php echo $row['forum_id'].SEP.'pid='.$row['post_id'].SEP.'ppid='.$row['parent_id'].SEP; ?>nest=1"><?php echo _AT('delete'); ?></a>
					<?php elseif (($row['member_id'] == $_SESSION['member_id']) && (($row['udate'] + $forum_info['mins_to_edit'] * 60) > time())): ?>
						<?php echo $reply_link; ?> | <a href="mods/_standard/forums/edit_post.php?fid=<?php echo $row['forum_id'].SEP.'pid='.$row['post_id']; ?>"><?php echo _AT('edit'); ?></a> <span>(<?php echo _AT('edit_for_minutes', round((($row['udate'] + $forum_info['mins_to_edit'] * 60) - time())/60)); ?>)</span>
					<?php elseif ($_SESSION['valid_user']): ?>
						<?php echo $reply_link; ?>
					<?php endif; ?>
				<p class="date">&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo AT_date(_AT('forum_date_format'), $row['date'], AT_DATE_MYSQL_DATETIME); ?></p>


			<div class="body">
				<p><?php echo AT_print($row['body'], 'forums_threads.body'); ?></p>
Exemplo n.º 7
				<input type="radio" name="status" value="2" id="stud" <?php echo $stud; ?> /><label for="stud"><?php echo _AT('student'); ?></label>

				<input type="radio" name="status" value="3" id="inst" <?php echo $inst; ?> /><label for="inst"><?php echo _AT('instructor'); ?></label>

				<input type="hidden" name="old_status" value="<?php echo $_POST['old_status']; ?>" />
	<?php endif; ?>
<fieldset class="group_form"><legend class="group_form"><?php echo _AT('personal_information').' ('._AT('optional').')'; ?></legend>
	$mod = $moduleFactory->getModule('_standard/profile_pictures');
	if (admin_authenticate(AT_ADMIN_PRIV_USERS, TRUE) && $_POST['member_id'] && $mod->isEnabled() === TRUE): ?>
		<div class="row">
			<?php echo _AT('picture'); ?><br/>
			<?php if (profile_image_exists($_POST['member_id'])): ?>
				<a href="get_profile_img.php?id=<?php echo $_POST['member_id'].SEP.'size=o'; ?>"><?php print_profile_img($_POST['member_id']); ?></a>
				<input type="checkbox" name="profile_pic_delete" value="1" id="profile_pic_delete" /><label for="profile_pic_delete"><?php echo _AT('delete'); ?></label>
			<?php else: ?>
				<?php echo _AT('none'); ?> <a href="mods/_standard/profile_pictures/admin/profile_picture.php?member_id=<?php echo $_POST['member_id']; ?>"><?php echo _AT('add'); ?></a>
			<?php endif; ?>
	<?php endif; ?>

	<?php if (admin_authenticate(AT_ADMIN_PRIV_USERS, TRUE) && defined('AT_MASTER_LIST') && AT_MASTER_LIST): ?>
		<input type="hidden" name="old_student_id" value="<?php echo $_POST['old_student_id']; ?>" />
		<div class="row">
			<label for="student_id"><?php echo _AT('student_id'); ?></label><br />
				<input type="text" id="student_id" name="student_id" value="<?php echo $_POST['student_id']; ?>" size="20" /><br />
		<div class="row">
			<input type="checkbox" id="overwrite" name="overwrite" value="1" <?php if ($_POST['overwrite']) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /><label for="overwrite"><?php echo _AT('overwrite_master');?></label>
Exemplo n.º 8
$mod = $moduleFactory->getModule('_standard/profile_pictures');
if ($mod->isEnabled() === TRUE) {
    echo _AT('picture');
    if (profile_image_exists($this->row['member_id'])) {
					<a href="get_profile_img.php?id=<?php 
        echo $this->row['member_id'] . SEP . 'size=o';
    } else {
        echo _AT('none');
Exemplo n.º 9
if ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($this->result_messages)) {
	<ul id="inbox-msg">
		<div class="forum-post-author">
			<a href="profile.php?id=<?php 
    echo $row['from_member_id'];
" class="title"><?php 
    echo get_display_name($row['from_member_id']);
</a><br />

		<div class="forum-post-content">
    echo AT_print($row['subject'], 'messages.subject');
				<div class="forum-post-ctrl">
					<a href="inbox/send_message.php?reply=<?php 
    echo $_GET['view'];
    echo _AT('reply');