} else { if ($haystack == "polls") { $title = $row[$i]["question"]; $link = "/poll/" . $row[$i]["qid"]; $body = ""; $zid = $row[$i]["zid"]; } } } } search_result($title, $link, $zid, $row[$i]["time"], $body); } writeln('</main>'); writeln('</td>'); writeln('</tr>'); writeln('</table>'); print_footer(); die; } print_header("Search"); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_col">'); print_left_bar("main", "search"); writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); search_box(); writeln('</td>'); writeln('</tr>'); writeln('</table>'); print_footer();
// Pipecode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Pipecode. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // if ($zid != $auth_zid) { die("not your page"); } print_header(); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_col">'); print_left_bar("account", "feed"); writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln(' <tr>'); for ($c = 0; $c < 3; $c++) { writeln(' <td class="feed_box">'); writeln(' <table class="zebra">'); $r = 0; $row = run_sql("select feed_user.fid, title from feed_user inner join feed on feed_user.fid = feed.fid where zid = ? and col = ? order by pos", array($auth_zid, $c)); if (count($row) == 0) { writeln(' <tr><td>(no feeds)</td></tr>'); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($row); $i++) { writeln(' <tr>'); writeln(' <td>' . $row[$i]["title"] . '</td>');
function print_submit_box($title, $body, $story, $tid, $preview) { global $auth_zid; global $auth_user; print_header("Submit Story"); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_col">'); print_left_bar("main", "pipe"); writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); if ($preview) { $a["zid"] = $auth_zid; $topic = db_get_rec("topic", $tid); $a["title"] = $title; $a["topic"] = $topic["topic"]; $a["icon"] = $topic["icon"]; $a["story"] = $story; writeln('<h1>Preview</h1>'); writeln('<p>Check your links before you post!</p>'); print_article($a); } writeln('<form method="post">'); writeln('<div class="dialog_title">Submit Story</div>'); writeln('<div class="dialog_body">'); writeln('<table class="fill" style="padding: 0px">'); writeln(' <tr>'); writeln(' <td style="width: 80px">Title</td>'); writeln(' <td colspan="2"><input name="title" type="text" value="' . $title . '" required="required"/></td>'); writeln(' </tr>'); writeln(' <tr>'); writeln(' <td style="width: 80px">Topic</td>'); writeln(' <td colspan="2">'); writeln(' <select name="tid">'); $topics = db_get_list("topic", "topic", array("promoted" => 1)); $k = array_keys($topics); for ($i = 0; $i < count($topics); $i++) { $topic = $topics[$k[$i]]; if ($topic["tid"] == $tid) { writeln(' <option value="' . $topic["tid"] . '" selected="selected">' . $topic["topic"] . '</option>'); } else { writeln(' <option value="' . $topic["tid"] . '">' . $topic["topic"] . '</option>'); } } writeln(' </select>'); writeln(' </td>'); writeln(' </tr>'); writeln(' <tr>'); writeln(' <td style="width: 80px; vertical-align: top; padding-top: 12px">Story</td>'); writeln(' <td colspan="2"><textarea name="story" style="height: 200px" required="required">' . $body . '</textarea></td>'); writeln(' </tr>'); writeln(' <tr>'); $question = captcha_challenge(); writeln(' <td>Captcha</td>'); writeln(' <td><table><tr><td>' . $question . '</td><td><input name="answer" type="text" style="margin-left: 8px; width: 100px"/></td></tr></table></td>'); writeln(' <td class="right"><input type="submit" value="Submit"/> <input name="preview" type="submit" value="Preview"/></td>'); writeln(' </tr>'); writeln('</table>'); writeln('</div>'); writeln('</form>'); writeln('</td>'); writeln('</tr>'); writeln('</table>'); print_footer(); }
// (at your option) any later version. // // Pipecode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Pipecode. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // include "feed.php"; print_header(); if ($user_page == "") { writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_col">'); print_left_bar("main", "feed"); writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); } $zid = "bryan@{$server_name}"; print_feed_page($zid); if ($auth_zid == "") { writeln('<div style="text-align: center">This is a sample feed page. Login to create your own.</div>'); } else { writeln('<div style="text-align: center">This is a sample feed page. <a href="' . user_page_link($auth_zid) . 'feed/edit">Create</a> your own <a href="' . user_page_link($auth_zid) . '">homepage</a>.</div>'); } writeln(' </td>'); writeln(' </tr>'); writeln('</table>'); print_footer();
$clean = clean_url($poll_question["question"]); $type_id = $poll_question["type_id"]; if ($auth_zid == "") { $can_moderate = true; $hide_value = $auth_user["hide_threshold"]; $expand_value = $auth_user["expand_threshold"]; } else { $can_moderate = false; $hide_value = -1; $expand_value = 0; } print_header("Poll"); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_col">'); print_left_bar("main", "poll"); writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); vote_box($qid, true, false); if ($javascript_enabled) { render_sliders(0, 0, $qid); print_noscript(); } else { render_page(0, 0, $qid, false); } writeln(' </td>'); writeln(' </tr>'); writeln('</table>'); if ($javascript_enabled) { writeln('<script>'); writeln();
// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Pipecode. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // include "story.php"; $topic = $s2; print_header("Topics"); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_col">'); if ($topic == "") { print_left_bar("main", "topics"); } else { print_left_bar("main", $topic); } writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); if ($topic == "") { writeln('<h1>Topics</h1>'); $list = db_get_list("topic", "topic"); $k = array_keys($list); for ($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) { $topic = $list[$k[$i]]; writeln('<a href="/topic/' . $topic["topic"] . '"><div class="topic_box"><img alt="' . $topic["icon"] . '" src="/images/' . $topic["icon"] . '-64.png"/>' . $topic["topic"] . '</div></a>'); } } else { $topic = db_get_rec("topic", array("topic" => $topic)); $row = run_sql("select sid from story where tid = ? order by sid desc", array($topic["tid"])); for ($i = 0; $i < count($row); $i++) {
// Pipecode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Pipecode. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // include "render.php"; $cid = (int) $s2; if (!string_uses($cid, "[0-9]")) { die("invalid cid [{$cid}]"); } $comment = db_get_rec("comment", $cid); $can_moderate = false; $a = article_info($comment); print_header($comment["subject"]); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_col">'); print_left_bar("main", "stories"); writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); writeln('<h1>' . ucwords($a["type"]) . '</h1>'); writeln('<a href="' . $a["link"] . '">' . $a["title"] . '</a>'); writeln('<h2>Preview</h2>'); writeln(render_comment($comment["subject"], $comment["zid"], $comment["time"], $comment["cid"], $comment["comment"])); writeln('</div>'); writeln('</td>'); writeln('</tr>'); writeln('</table>');
// (at your option) any later version. // // Pipecode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Pipecode. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // include "pipe.php"; print_header("Pipe"); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_col">'); print_left_bar("main", "pipe"); writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); writeln('<h1>Stories in the Pipe</h1>'); writeln('<p>These are stories waiting to be published to the main page. Remember, anyone can <a href="/submit">submit</a> a new story!</p>'); $pipes = db_get_list("pipe", "time desc", array("closed" => 0)); if (count($pipes) == 0) { writeln('<h1>No stories in the pipe!</h1>'); writeln('<p><a href="/submit">Submit</a> one now or <a href="/pipe/history">view the history</a>.</p>'); } $k = array_keys($pipes); for ($i = 0; $i < count($pipes); $i++) { $pipe = $pipes[$k[$i]]; print_pipe_small($pipe["pid"], false); } if (count($pipes) > 0) {
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Pipecode. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // $page = http_get_int("page", array("default" => 1, "required" => false)); $description = karma_description($user_conf["karma"]); $icon = "karma-" . strtolower($description) . "-32.png"; $rows_per_page = 10; $row = run_sql("select count(zid) as row_count from karma_log where zid = ?", array($zid)); $row_count = (int) $row[0]["row_count"]; $pages_count = ceil($row_count / $rows_per_page); $row_start = ($page - 1) * $rows_per_page; print_header("Karma"); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_col">'); print_left_bar("account", "karma"); writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); writeln('<h1>Karma</h1>'); writeln('<table>'); writeln(' <tr>'); writeln(' <td><img alt="Karma Face" src="/images/' . $icon . '"/></td>'); writeln(' <td>' . $description . ' (' . $user_conf["karma"] . ')</td>'); writeln(' </tr>'); writeln('</table>'); $row = run_sql("select time, karma_log.value, karma_log.type_id, type, id from karma_log inner join karma_type on karma_log.type_id = karma_type.type_id where zid = ? order by time desc limit {$row_start}, {$rows_per_page}", array($zid)); writeln('<h1>Log</h1>'); writeln('<table class="zebra">'); writeln(' <tr>'); writeln(' <th>Time</th>'); writeln(' <th class="center">Points</th>');
// Pipecode is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Pipecode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Pipecode. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // include "feed.php"; if ($zid == $auth_zid) { print_header("", array("Edit"), array("news"), array("/feed/edit")); print_feed_page($zid); } else { print_header(); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_bar">'); print_left_bar("user", "comments"); writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); writeln('user page [' . $user_page . ']'); writeln('</td>'); writeln('</tr>'); writeln('</table>'); } print_footer();
$user_conf["time_zone"] = $time_zone; $user_conf["hide_threshold"] = $hide_threshold; $user_conf["expand_threshold"] = $expand_threshold; $user_conf["list_enabled"] = $list_enabled; $user_conf["real_name"] = $real_name; db_set_conf("user_conf", $user_conf, $auth_zid); //var_dump($user_conf); //die(); header("Location: /menu/"); die; } print_header("Settings"); writeln('<table class="fill">'); writeln('<tr>'); writeln('<td class="left_col">'); print_left_bar("account", "settings"); writeln('</td>'); writeln('<td class="fill">'); writeln('<h1>Settings</h1>'); writeln('<form method="post">'); beg_tab("JavaScript"); print_row(array("caption" => "Enable JavaScript", "check_key" => "javascript_enabled", "checked" => $user_conf["javascript_enabled"])); end_tab(); beg_tab("Date and Time"); print_row(array("caption" => "Time Zone", "option_key" => "time_zone", "option_list" => $zones, "option_value" => $user_conf["time_zone"])); end_tab(); beg_tab("Comments"); $scores = array("-1", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"); print_row(array("caption" => "Hide Threshold", "option_key" => "hide_threshold", "option_list" => $scores, "option_value" => $user_conf["hide_threshold"])); print_row(array("caption" => "Expand Threshold", "option_key" => "expand_threshold", "option_list" => $scores, "option_value" => $user_conf["expand_threshold"])); end_tab();