Exemplo n.º 1
    echo "<tr style=\"visibility: hidden;\" id=tr_2>";
    echo "<td width=75>Att:<br><span id=atf></span>(+<span id=atfc></span>)</td>";
    echo "<td width=75>Def:<br><span id=def></span>(+<span id=defc></span>)</td>";
    echo "<td width=75>Mob:<br><span id=ref></span>(+<span id=refc></span>)</td>";
    echo "<td width=75>Tar:<br><span id=taf></span>(+<span id=tafc></span>)</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    echo "<tr style=\"visibility: hidden;\" id=tr_3>";
    echo "<td width=150 colspan=2>HP: <span id=s_hpmax></span></td>";
    echo "<td width=150 colspan=2>EN: <span id=s_enmax></span></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    echo "<tr style=\"visibility: hidden;\" id=tr_4>";
    echo "<td width=150 colspan=2>回復率: <span id=hprec></span></td>";
    echo "<td width=150 colspan=2>回復率: <span id=enrec></span></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
    echo "<td colspan=4 align=right>" . printTHR('75%');
    echo "已方組織控制領地數目: {$occupiedAreas} <Br>已方組織本地軍力: " . number_format($localTickets) . "<br> 已方組織全國軍力: " . number_format($globalTickets);
    echo "<Br><input type=submit value=購買 onClick=\"return confirmBuy();\">";
    echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table></form>";
    echo "<div id=wepinfo style=\"position:absolute; z-index:10;color: black;\" align=left></div>";
    echo "<script language=\"Javascript\">setTimeout(\"processTable(document.setmain.set_ms.selectedIndex);\",500);</script>";
} elseif ($mode == 'process' && $actionb == 'buy') {
    $Error = false;
    $actionc = intval($actionc);
    if ($actionc < 0) {
        $Error = true;
    $sql = "SELECT \n\t`area_req`, `local_ticket`, `global_ticket`, `ticket_cost`, `cost`,\n\t`s_msuit`, `s_hpmax`, `s_enmax`, `s_ms_custom`, `s_wepa`, `s_wepb`, `s_wepc`, `s_eqwep`, `s_p_equip`\n\tFROM \n\t`" . $GLOBALS['DBPrefix'] . "phpeb_sys_ms_setinf` `inf`, \n\t`" . $GLOBALS['DBPrefix'] . "phpeb_sys_ms_setpreq` `preq`\n\tWHERE\n\t`inf_id` = `s_id` AND `sp_id` = " . $actionc . "\n\tLIMIT 1;";
    $query = mysql_query($sql) or die("發生錯誤: 代號 SETMS-001");
    $choices = mysql_num_rows($query);
Exemplo n.º 2
 if ($Bank['sh_outb']) {
     getOutbox($Bank['sh_outb'], 'b', $Game['username']);
 } else {
     echo "{$EmptyMsg}";
 echo "</td>";
 echo "<td width=33%><b style=\"font-size: 12pt;\">三號箱: </b><br>";
 if ($Bank['sh_outc']) {
     getOutbox($Bank['sh_outc'], 'c', $Game['username']);
 } else {
     echo "{$EmptyMsg}";
 echo "</td>";
 echo "</tr>";
 echo "</table>";
 echo "<br>";
 // Create New Deal
 unset($sql, $query, $BankUsers, $c_rcb);
 $c_rcb = 0;
 $exch_disabledtrue = '';
 $Exch_Avail = '';
 $sql = "SELECT `g`.`username` AS `username`, `gamename` FROM `" . $GLOBALS['DBPrefix'] . "phpeb_user_bank` `b`, `" . $GLOBALS['DBPrefix'] . "phpeb_user_game_info` `g` ";
 $sql .= "WHERE b.status = '1' AND b.username != '{$Bank['username']}' AND (!`sh_ina` OR !`sh_inb` OR !`sh_inc`) AND g.username = b.username ORDER BY `gamename`";
 $query = mysql_query($sql);
 while ($BankUsers = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
     $c_rcb += 1;
     $Exch_Avail .= "<option value='{$BankUsers['username']}'>{$BankUsers['gamename']}";
Exemplo n.º 3
        } elseif ($search_ms_inf['hprec'] < 1 && $search_ms_inf['hprec'] != 0) {
            $ShowHpRec = $search_ms_inf['hprec'] * 100 . '% /秒';
        } else {
            $ShowHpRec = '不會回復';
        if ($search_ms_inf['enrec'] >= 1) {
            $ShowEnRec = intval($search_ms_inf['enrec']) + $EN_BASE_RECOVERY . '/秒';
        } elseif ($search_ms_inf['enrec'] < 1 && $search_ms_inf['enrec'] != 0) {
            $ShowEnRec = $search_ms_inf['enrec'] * 100 . '% /秒';
        } else {
            $ShowEnRec = '不會回復';
        echo "<td width=38%>";
        echo "Hp回復率: {$ShowHpRec}";
        echo "<br>En回復率: {$ShowEnRec}";
        echo "Defending加成: {$search_ms_inf['def']}";
        echo "<br>Targeting加成: {$search_ms_inf['taf']}" . sprintTHR('100%');
        echo "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table>";
if ($mode == 'ranks') {
    echo "<form action='gen_info.php?action=ranks' method='post' name='typerkfrm'>";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=\"RkSbAct\" value='none'>";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=\"ByID\" value='true'>";
    echo "<input type=hidden name=\"searchPlayer\" value=''>";
    echo "<input type=hidden value='{$Pl_Value['USERNAME']}' name=Pl_Value[USERNAME]>";
Exemplo n.º 4
        if ($UsrWepB[0] && $UsrWepC[0]) {
            echo '<center>你沒有空位從倉庫拿出裝備。';
        } else {
            echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">";
            echo "function chkPut(){";
            echo "if (confirm(\"任何置放在熔解爐的物品, 都會失去所有狀態值!!\\n確定嗎?\") == true){";
            echo "whmainform.action = \"tactfactory.php?action=main\";whmainform.actionb.value='put';whmainform.actionc.value='wh';";
            echo "}else return false; }";
            echo "function chkView(){";
            echo "whmainform.action = \"tactfactory.php?action=main\";whmainform.actionb.value='view';whmainform.actionc.value='wh';";
            echo "}";
            echo "</script>";
            echo "<table align=center border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse\" bordercolor=\"#FFFFFF\" width=\"300\">";
            echo "<tr><td>取出武器、置放入熔爐及檢視藍圖:<br>";
            echo "<center><select name='getwep'><option value='none'>----------〔請選擇〕---------- {$SelWepOpt} </select><br>";
            echo "<input type=submit value=確定取出 onClick=\"whmainform.actionb.value='procget'\">";
            echo "<input type=submit value=置放入熔爐 onClick=\"return chkPut();\">";
            echo "<input type=submit value=檢視藍圖 onClick=\"return chkView();\">";
            echo "</center></td></tr></table>";
    } else {
        echo "<tr align=center><td colspan=9>倉庫中沒有武器</td></tr></table>";
    echo "</form>";
} else {
    echo "未定義動作!";
Exemplo n.º 5
 $ResaleValue = 0;
 if ($GenVal['msuit']) {
     GetMsDetails("{$GenVal['msuit']}", 'NowMS');
     $SellPrice = Floor($NowMS['price'] * 0.9);
     $Refund = floor(($GameVal['hpmax'] - $NowMS['hpfix']) / 100) * $Mod_HP_Cost;
     $Refund += floor(($GameVal['enmax'] - $NowMS['enfix']) / 10) * $Mod_EN_Cost;
     $ResaleValue = $SellPrice + $Refund;
 echo "歡迎來到機體生產工場!!!<hr><center>";
 if ($GameVal['organization'] != 0) {
     echo "<b>組織專屬: </b><br><input type=button value=組織機體研究所 {$BStyleB} style=\"{$BStyleA}\" onClick=\"buymsform.action='buysetms.php?action=main';buymsform.actionb.value='';buymsform.submit();\">" . sprintTHR('75%');
 echo "<b>選購機體: </b><br>";
 echo "<a name=imagetop><img src={$Unit_Image_Dir}/none.gif id=ms_sel onClick=\"buymsform.buymsbutton.click();\" style=\"cursor: crosshair;\"></a><br><span id=msnamesel align=center style='font-size: 16px;font-weight: Bold';>無機體</span><span id=priceselctd style=\"visibility: hidden;position: absolute;\">100</span>";
 echo "<table align=center border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse;font-size: 9pt;\" bordercolor=\"#FFFFFF\" width=\"740\">";
 echo "<tr align=center>";
 echo "<td width=\"20\">No.</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"195\">機體名稱</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"50\">Attacking</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"50\">Defending</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"50\">Mobility</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"50\">Targeting</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"50\">HP加成</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"55\">HP回復率</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"50\">EN加成</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"55\">EN回復率</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"30\">要求等級</td>";
 echo "<td width=\"85\">價錢</td>";
 echo "</tr>";