 * Team template and post metaboxes.
 * @since presscore 0.1
// File Security Check
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
// Display Team
$prefix = '_dt_team_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-display_team', 'title' => _x('Display Team Members by Category(s)', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}display", 'type' => 'fancy_category', 'mode' => 'taxonomy', 'post_type' => 'dt_team', 'taxonomy' => 'dt_team_category', 'post_type_info' => array('categories'), 'main_tab_class' => 'dt_all_blog', 'desc' => sprintf('<h2>%s</h2><p><strong>%s</strong> %s</p><p><strong>%s</strong></p><ul><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li></ul>', _x('ALL your Team  Members are being displayed on this page!', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('By default all your Team Members will be displayed on this page. ', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('But you can specify which Team  Members categories will (or will not) be shown.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('In tabs above you can select from the following options:', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('All', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; all Team  Members (from all categories) will be shown on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('Only', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; choose Team category(s) to be shown on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('All, except', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; choose which category(s) will be excluded from displaying on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2')))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-team.php')));
// Team options
$prefix = '_dt_team_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-team_options', 'title' => _x('Team Options', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('masonry layout', array('id' => "{$prefix}masonry_layout")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('gap between images', array('id' => "{$prefix}item_padding", 'name' => _x('Gap between team members (px):', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'desc' => _x('Team member paddings (e.g. 5 pixel padding will give you 10 pixel gaps between team members)', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('column target width', array('id' => "{$prefix}target_width")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('columns number', array('id' => "{$prefix}columns_number")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('100 percent width', array('id' => "{$prefix}full_width")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('background under post', array('id' => "{$prefix}bg_under_posts", 'name' => _x('Background under team members:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('team image sizing', array('id' => "{$prefix}image_layout", 'hide_fields' => array('original' => array("{$prefix}thumb_proportions"), 'round' => array("{$prefix}thumb_proportions")))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image proportions', array('id' => "{$prefix}thumb_proportions")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_exerpts", 'name' => _x('Show team members excerpts:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'divider' => 'top')), array('name' => _x('Number of team members on one page:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}ppp", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '', 'divider' => 'top'), array('before' => presscore_meta_boxes_advanced_settings_tpl('dt_portfolio-advanced'), 'name' => _x('Order:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}order", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'DESC', 'options' => $order_options), array('name' => _x('Orderby:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}orderby", 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array_intersect_key($orderby_options, array('date' => null, 'name' => null)), 'std' => 'date', 'after' => '</div>')), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-team.php')));
// Teammate options
// get team links array
$teammate_links = presscore_get_team_links_array();
$prefix = '_dt_teammate_options_';
// teammate metabox fields
$teammate_fields = array(Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}go_to_single", 'name' => _x('Link to teammate details page:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'divider' => 'bottom')), array('name' => _x('Position:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}position", 'type' => 'textarea', 'std' => ''));
// links fields
foreach ($teammate_links as $id => $data) {
    $teammate_fields[] = array('name' => $data['desc'], 'id' => "{$prefix}{$id}", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '', 'top_divider' => true);
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-testimonial_options', 'title' => _x('Options', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('dt_team'), 'context' => 'side', 'priority' => 'low', 'fields' => $teammate_fields);
Exemplo n.º 2
// Display Albums
$prefix = '_dt_albums_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-display_albums', 'title' => _x('Display Photo & Video Albums', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}display", 'type' => 'fancy_category', 'mode' => 'both', 'post_type' => 'dt_gallery', 'taxonomy' => 'dt_gallery_category', 'post_type_info' => array('categories', 'posts'), 'main_tab_class' => 'dt_all_albums', 'desc' => sprintf('<h2>%s</h2><p><strong>%s</strong> %s</p><p><strong>%s</strong></p><ul><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li></ul>', _x('ALL your Photo & Video albums are being displayed on this page!', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('By default all your Albums will be displayed on this page. ', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('But you can specify which Album(s) or Album category(s) will (or will not) be shown.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('In tabs above you can select from the following options:', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('All', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; all Albums will be shown on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('Only', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; choose Album(s) or Album category(s) to be shown on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('All, except', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; choose which Album(s) or Album category(s) will be excluded from displaying on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE)))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-albums.php', 'template-albums-jgrid.php')));
// Albums options
$prefix = '_dt_albums_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-albums_options', 'title' => _x('Albums Options', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-albums.php">', 'name' => _x('Layout:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}layout", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'masonry', 'options' => array('masonry' => array(_x('Masonry', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-masonry.png', 56, 80)), 'grid' => array(_x('Grid', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-grid.png', 56, 80))), 'divider' => 'bottom', 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-albums-jgrid.php,template-albums.php">', 'name' => _x('Gap between images (px):', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}item_padding", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '20', 'desc' => _x('Image paddings (e.g. 5 pixel padding will give you 10 pixel gaps between images)', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-albums-jgrid.php">', 'name' => _x('Row target height (px):', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}target_height", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '250', 'top_divider' => true, 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-albums.php">', 'name' => _x('Column target width (px):', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'desc' => _x('Real column width will slightly vary depending on site visitor screen width', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}target_width", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '370', 'top_divider' => true, 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-albums-jgrid.php,template-albums.php">', 'name' => _x('100% width:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}full_width", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'top_divider' => true, 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-albums.php">', 'name' => _x('Show albums descriptions:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}description", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'under_image', 'options' => array('under_image' => array(_x('Under images', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-under-images.png', 75, 50)), 'on_hoover' => array(_x('On image hover: align-left', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-left.png', 75, 50)), 'on_hoover_centered' => array(_x('On image hover: centred', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-centre.png', 75, 50)), 'on_dark_gradient' => array(_x('On dark gradient', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-gradient.png', 75, 50)), 'from_bottom' => array(_x('Move from bottom', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-bottom.png', 75, 50))), 'top_divider' => true, 'hide_fields' => array('under_image' => array("{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color", "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility"), 'on_hoover' => array("{$prefix}show_round_miniatures", "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility"), 'on_hoover_centered' => array("{$prefix}hover_content_visibility"), 'on_dark_gradient' => array("{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color"), 'from_bottom' => array("{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color"))), array('name' => _x('Show round image miniatures:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_round_miniatures", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 1, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Animation:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}hover_animation", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'fade', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('fade' => _x('Fade', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'move_to' => _x('Move', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'direction_aware' => _x('Direction aware', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), array('name' => _x('Background color:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}hover_bg_color", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'accent', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('dark' => _x('Dark', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'accent' => _x('Accent', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), array('name' => _x('Content:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'on_hoover', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('always' => _x('Always visible', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'on_hoover' => _x('On hover', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), array('name' => _x('Make all albums the same width:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}posts_same_width", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'top_divider' => true, 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-albums-jgrid.php">', 'name' => _x("Hide last row if there's not enough images to fill it:", 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}hide_last_row", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Show albums descriptions:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_description", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'on_hoover', 'options' => array('on_hoover' => array(_x('On image hover: align-left', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-left.png', 75, 50)), 'on_hoover_centered' => array(_x('On image hover: centred', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-centre.png', 75, 50)), 'on_dark_gradient' => array(_x('On dark gradient', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-gradient.png', 75, 50)), 'from_bottom' => array(_x('Move from bottom', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-bottom.png', 75, 50))), 'top_divider' => true, 'hide_fields' => array('on_hoover' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_show_round_miniatures", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility"), 'on_hoover_centered' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility"), 'on_dark_gradient' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color"), 'from_bottom' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color"))), array('name' => _x('Show round image miniatures:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_show_round_miniatures", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 1, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Animation:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'fade', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('fade' => _x('Fade', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'move_to' => _x('Move', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'direction_aware' => _x('Direction aware', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), array('name' => _x('Background color:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'accent', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('dark' => _x('Dark', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'accent' => _x('Accent', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), array('name' => _x('Content:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'on_hoover', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('always' => _x('Always visible', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'on_hoover' => _x('On hover', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'after' => '</div>'), array('name' => _x('Images sizing:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}image_layout", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'original', 'options' => array('original' => _x('preserve images proportions', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'resize' => _x('resize images', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'hide_fields' => array('original' => array("{$prefix}thumb_proportions")), 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Images proportions:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}thumb_proportions", 'type' => 'simple_proportions', 'std' => array('width' => 1, 'height' => 1)), array('name' => _x('Number of albums to display on one page:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}ppp", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '', 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Loading mode:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}load_style", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'ajax_pagination', 'options' => $load_style_options), array('name' => _x('Show albums titles:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_titles", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'before' => presscore_meta_boxes_advanced_settings_tpl('dt_portfolio-advanced')), array('name' => _x('Show albums excerpts:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_exerpts", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show meta information:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_terms", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show albums filter:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_filter", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Show ordering:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_ordering", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show all pages in paginator:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_all_pages", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Order:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}order", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'DESC', 'options' => $order_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Order by:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}orderby", 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array_intersect_key($orderby_options, array('date' => null, 'name' => null)), 'std' => 'date', 'after' => '</div>')), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-albums.php', 'template-albums-jgrid.php')));
// Display Photos
$prefix = '_dt_albums_media_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-display_albums_media', 'title' => _x('Display Photos & Videos', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}display", 'type' => 'fancy_category', 'mode' => 'both', 'post_type' => 'dt_gallery', 'taxonomy' => 'dt_gallery_category', 'post_type_info' => array('categories', 'posts'), 'main_tab_class' => 'dt_all_albums', 'desc' => sprintf('<h2>%s</h2><p><strong>%s</strong> %s</p><p><strong>%s</strong></p><ul><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li></ul>', _x('ALL Photos & Videos from all your Albums are being displayed on this page!', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('By default all your Photos & Videos will be displayed on this page. ', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('But you can specify which Album(s) or Album category(s) will (or will not) be shown.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('In tabs above you can select from the following options:', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('All', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; all Photos & Videos from all Albums will be shown on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('Only', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; choose Album(s) or Album category(s) to be shown on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('All, except', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; choose which Album(s) or Album category(s) will be excluded from displaying on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE)))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-media.php', 'template-media-jgrid.php')));
// Media template options
$prefix = '_dt_media_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-media_options', 'title' => _x('Gallery Options', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-media.php">', 'name' => _x('Layout:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}layout", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'masonry', 'options' => array('masonry' => array(_x('Masonry', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-masonry.png', 56, 80)), 'grid' => array(_x('Grid', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-grid.png', 56, 80))), 'divider' => 'bottom', 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-media-jgrid.php,template-media.php">', 'name' => _x('Gap between images (px):', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}item_padding", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '20', 'desc' => _x('Image paddings (e.g. 5 pixel padding will give you 10 pixel gaps between images)', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-media-jgrid.php">', 'name' => _x('Row target height (px):', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}target_height", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '250', 'top_divider' => true, 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-media.php">', 'name' => _x('Column target width (px):', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'desc' => _x('Real column width will slightly vary depending on site visitor screen width', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}target_width", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '370', 'top_divider' => true, 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-media-jgrid.php,template-media.php">', 'name' => _x('100% width:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}full_width", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'top_divider' => true, 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-media.php">', 'name' => _x('Show items descriptions:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}description", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'under_image', 'options' => array('under_image' => array(_x('Under images', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-under-images.png', 75, 50)), 'on_hoover' => array(_x('On image hover: align-left', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-left.png', 75, 50)), 'on_hoover_centered' => array(_x('On image hover: centred', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-centre.png', 75, 50)), 'on_dark_gradient' => array(_x('On dark gradient', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-gradient.png', 75, 50)), 'from_bottom' => array(_x('Move from bottom', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-bottom.png', 75, 50)), 'disabled' => array(_x('Disabled', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-disabled.png', 75, 50))), 'top_divider' => true, 'hide_fields' => array('under_image' => array("{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color", "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility"), 'on_hoover' => array("{$prefix}hover_content_visibility"), 'on_hoover_centered' => array("{$prefix}hover_content_visibility"), 'on_dark_gradient' => array("{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color"), 'from_bottom' => array("{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color"), 'disabled' => array("{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color", "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility"))), array('name' => _x('Animation:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}hover_animation", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'fade', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('fade' => _x('Fade', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'move_to' => _x('Move', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'direction_aware' => _x('Direction aware', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), array('name' => _x('Background color:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}hover_bg_color", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'accent', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('dark' => _x('Dark', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'accent' => _x('Accent', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), array('name' => _x('Content:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'on_hoover', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('always' => _x('Always visible', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'on_hoover' => _x('On hover', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-media-jgrid.php">', 'name' => _x('Show items descriptions:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_description", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'on_hoover', 'options' => array('on_hoover' => array(_x('On image hover: align-left', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-left.png', 75, 50)), 'on_hoover_centered' => array(_x('On image hover: centred', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-centre.png', 75, 50)), 'on_dark_gradient' => array(_x('On dark gradient', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-gradient.png', 75, 50)), 'from_bottom' => array(_x('Move from bottom', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-bottom.png', 75, 50)), 'disabled' => array(_x('Disabled', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-text-hover-disabled.png', 75, 50))), 'top_divider' => true, 'hide_fields' => array('on_hoover' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility"), 'on_hoover_centered' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility"), 'on_dark_gradient' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color"), 'from_bottom' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color"), 'disabled' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility"))), array('name' => _x('Animation:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'fade', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('fade' => _x('Fade', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'move_to' => _x('Move', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'direction_aware' => _x('Direction aware', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), array('name' => _x('Background color:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'accent', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('dark' => _x('Dark', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'accent' => _x('Accent', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), array('name' => _x('Content:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'on_hoover', 'top_divider' => true, 'options' => array('always' => _x('Always visible', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'on_hoover' => _x('On hover', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), array('name' => _x("Hide last row if there's not enough images to fill it", 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}hide_last_row", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'top_divider' => true, 'after' => '</div>'), array('name' => _x('Images sizing:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}image_layout", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'original', 'options' => array('original' => _x('preserve images proportions', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'resize' => _x('resize images', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'hide_fields' => array('original' => array("{$prefix}thumb_proportions")), 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Images proportions:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}thumb_proportions", 'type' => 'simple_proportions', 'std' => array('width' => 1, 'height' => 1)), array('name' => _x('Number of items to display on one page:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}ppp", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '', 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Loading mode:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}load_style", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'ajax_pagination', 'options' => $load_style_options), array('name' => _x('Show items titles:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_titles", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'before' => presscore_meta_boxes_advanced_settings_tpl('dt_portfolio-advanced')), array('name' => _x('Show items captions:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_exerpts", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show all pages in paginator:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_all_pages", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Order:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}order", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'DESC', 'options' => $order_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Order by:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}orderby", 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array_intersect_key($orderby_options, array('date' => null, 'name' => null)), 'std' => 'date', 'after' => '</div>')), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-media.php', 'template-media-jgrid.php')));
// Albums post media
$prefix = '_dt_album_media_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-album_post_media', 'title' => _x('Add/Edit Media', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('dt_gallery'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}items", 'type' => 'image_advanced_mk2')));
// Albums options
$prefix = '_dt_album_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-album_options', 'title' => _x('Album Options', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('dt_gallery'), 'context' => 'side', 'priority' => 'core', 'fields' => array(array('name' => _x('Exclude featured image from the album:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}exclude_featured_image", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0), array('name' => _x('Album preview width:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}preview", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'normal', 'options' => array('normal' => _x('normal', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'wide' => _x('wide', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'top_divider' => true)));
// Display Albums
$prefix = '_dt_albums_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-display_albums', 'title' => _x('Display Photo & Video Albums', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}display", 'type' => 'fancy_category', 'mode' => 'both', 'post_type' => 'dt_gallery', 'taxonomy' => 'dt_gallery_category', 'post_type_info' => array('categories', 'posts'), 'main_tab_class' => 'dt_all_albums', 'desc' => sprintf('<h2>%s</h2><p><strong>%s</strong> %s</p><p><strong>%s</strong></p><ul><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li></ul>', _x('ALL your Photo & Video albums are being displayed on this page!', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('By default all your Albums will be displayed on this page. ', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('But you can specify which Album(s) or Album category(s) will (or will not) be shown.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('In tabs above you can select from the following options:', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('All', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; all Albums will be shown on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('Only', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; choose Album(s) or Album category(s) to be shown on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('All, except', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; choose which Album(s) or Album category(s) will be excluded from displaying on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2')))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-albums.php', 'template-albums-jgrid.php')));
// Albums options
$prefix = '_dt_albums_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-albums_options', 'title' => _x('Albums Options', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('masonry layout', array('id' => "{$prefix}layout", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('gap between images', array('id' => "{$prefix}item_padding", 'show_on_template' => array('template-albums-jgrid.php', 'template-albums.php'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('row target height', array('id' => "{$prefix}target_height", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('column target width', array('id' => "{$prefix}target_width", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('columns number', array('id' => "{$prefix}columns_number", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('100 percent width', array('id' => "{$prefix}full_width", 'show_on_template' => array('template-albums-jgrid.php', 'template-albums.php'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('description style', array('id' => "{$prefix}description", 'name' => _x('Show albums descriptions:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'hide_fields' => array('under_image' => array("{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}lines_animation_effect", "{$prefix}bg_post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility", "{$prefix}title_visibility"), 'on_hoover_centered' => array("{$prefix}bg_under_masonry_posts", "{$prefix}post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}lines_animation_effect", "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility", "{$prefix}title_visibility"), 'on_dark_gradient' => array("{$prefix}bg_under_masonry_posts", "{$prefix}bg_post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color", "{$prefix}lines_animation_effect", "{$prefix}title_visibility"), 'from_bottom' => array("{$prefix}bg_under_masonry_posts", "{$prefix}bg_post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color", "{$prefix}lines_animation_effect", "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility", "{$prefix}title_visibility"), 'bg_with_lines' => array("{$prefix}bg_under_masonry_posts", "{$prefix}post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}bg_post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility")), 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover animation', array('id' => "{$prefix}hover_animation", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover background color', array('id' => "{$prefix}hover_bg_color", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('background under masonry post', array('name' => _x('Background under album:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}bg_under_masonry_posts", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover content visibility', array('id' => "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('content alignment', array('id' => "{$prefix}post_content_alignment", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('vertical left content alignment', array('id' => "{$prefix}bg_post_content_alignment", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover lines animation', array('id' => "{$prefix}lines_animation_effect", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover content visibility', array('id' => "{$prefix}title_visibility", 'name' => _x('Title visibility:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php')), array('id' => "{$prefix}posts_same_width", 'name' => _x('Make all albums the same width:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'divider' => 'top', 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums.php'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hide last row', array('id' => "{$prefix}hide_last_row", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('jgrid description style', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_description", 'name' => _x('Show albums descriptions:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'hide_fields' => array('on_hoover_centered' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_lines_animation_effect", "{$prefix}jgrid_post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility", "{$prefix}jgrid_title_visibility"), 'on_dark_gradient' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color", "{$prefix}jgrid_bg_post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}jgrid_lines_animation_effect", "{$prefix}jgrid_title_visibility"), 'from_bottom' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color", "{$prefix}jgrid_bg_post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}jgrid_lines_animation_effect", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility", "{$prefix}jgrid_title_visibility"), 'bg_with_lines' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", "{$prefix}jgrid_bg_post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}jgrid_post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility")), 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover animation', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover background color', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover content visibility', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('vertical left content alignment', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_bg_post_content_alignment", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('content alignment', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_post_content_alignment", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover lines animation', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_lines_animation_effect", 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover content visibility', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_title_visibility", 'name' => _x('Title visibility:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'show_on_template' => 'template-albums-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image sizing', array('id' => "{$prefix}image_layout", 'hide_fields' => array('original' => array("{$prefix}thumb_proportions")))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image proportions', array('id' => "{$prefix}thumb_proportions")), array('name' => _x('Number of albums to display on one page:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}ppp", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '', 'divider' => 'top'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('loading mode', array('id' => "{$prefix}load_style", 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('loading effect', array('id' => "{$prefix}load_effect")), array('before' => presscore_meta_boxes_advanced_settings_tpl('dt_portfolio-advanced'), 'name' => _x('Show albums titles:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_titles", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get('yes no values')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_exerpts", 'name' => _x('Show albums excerpts:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image miniatures', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_round_miniatures", 'divider' => 'top_and_bottom')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_categories_in_post_meta", 'name' => _x('Show album categories:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_date_in_post_meta", 'name' => _x('Show album date:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_author_in_post_meta", 'name' => _x('Show album author:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_comments_in_post_meta", 'name' => _x('Show album comments:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_numbers_in_post_meta", 'name' => _x('Show number of images &amp; videos:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_filter", 'name' => _x('Show albums filter:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('show name/date ordering', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_orderby")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('show asc/desc ordering', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_order")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('show all pages paginator', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_all_pages", 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('order', array('id' => "{$prefix}order", 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('orderby', array('id' => "{$prefix}orderby", 'after' => '</div>'))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-albums.php', 'template-albums-jgrid.php')));
// Display Photos
$prefix = '_dt_albums_media_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-display_albums_media', 'title' => _x('Display Photos & Videos', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}display", 'type' => 'fancy_category', 'mode' => 'both', 'post_type' => 'dt_gallery', 'taxonomy' => 'dt_gallery_category', 'post_type_info' => array('categories', 'posts'), 'main_tab_class' => 'dt_all_albums', 'desc' => sprintf('<h2>%s</h2><p><strong>%s</strong> %s</p><p><strong>%s</strong></p><ul><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li></ul>', _x('ALL Photos & Videos from all your Albums are being displayed on this page!', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('By default all your Photos & Videos will be displayed on this page. ', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('But you can specify which Album(s) or Album category(s) will (or will not) be shown.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('In tabs above you can select from the following options:', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('All', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; all Photos & Videos from all Albums will be shown on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('Only', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; choose Album(s) or Album category(s) to be shown on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('All, except', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; choose which Album(s) or Album category(s) will be excluded from displaying on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2')))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-media.php', 'template-media-jgrid.php')));
// Media template options
$prefix = '_dt_media_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-media_options', 'title' => _x('Gallery Options', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('masonry layout', array('id' => "{$prefix}layout", 'show_on_template' => 'template-media.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('gap between images', array('id' => "{$prefix}item_padding")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('row target height', array('id' => "{$prefix}target_height", 'show_on_template' => 'template-media-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('column target width', array('id' => "{$prefix}target_width", 'show_on_template' => 'template-media.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('columns number', array('id' => "{$prefix}columns_number", 'show_on_template' => 'template-media.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('100 percent width', array('id' => "{$prefix}full_width")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hide last row', array('id' => "{$prefix}hide_last_row", 'show_on_template' => 'template-media-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image sizing', array('id' => "{$prefix}image_layout", 'hide_fields' => array('original' => array("{$prefix}thumb_proportions")))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image proportions', array('id' => "{$prefix}thumb_proportions")), array('name' => _x('Number of items to display on one page:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}ppp", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '', 'divider' => 'top'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('loading mode', array('id' => "{$prefix}load_style", 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('loading effect', array('id' => "{$prefix}load_effect")), array('name' => _x('Show items titles:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_titles", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'before' => presscore_meta_boxes_advanced_settings_tpl('dt_portfolio-advanced')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_exerpts", 'name' => _x('Show items captions:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('show all pages paginator', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_all_pages", 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('order', array('id' => "{$prefix}order", 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('orderby', array('id' => "{$prefix}orderby", 'after' => '</div>'))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-media.php', 'template-media-jgrid.php')));
// Albums post media
$prefix = '_dt_album_media_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-album_post_media', 'title' => _x('Add/Edit Media', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('dt_gallery'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}items", 'type' => 'image_advanced_mk2')));
// Single album media settings //
$prefix = '_dt_album_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-album_options', 'title' => _x('Album Options', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('dt_gallery'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('select pages', array('name' => _x('Back button:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}back_button", 'divider' => 'bottom')), array('name' => _x('Open album:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}open_album", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'lightbox', 'options' => array('lightbox' => _x('Lightbox', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'post' => _x('Album page', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2')), 'bottom_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Show media as:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}type", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'slideshow', 'options' => array('slideshow' => array(_x('Slideshow', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('layout-slider.gif', 75, 50)), 'gallery' => array(_x('Gallery', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('layout-metro.gif', 75, 50)), 'list' => array(_x('List', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('layout-list.gif', 75, 50)), 'photo_scroller' => array(_x('PhotoScroller', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('photoscroller.gif', 75, 50)), 'masonry_grid' => array(_x('Masonry & Grid', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('gallery-masonry-and-grid.gif', 75, 50)), 'jgrid' => array(_x('Justified Grid', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('gallery-j-grid.gif', 75, 50))), 'hide_fields' => array('gallery' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions", "{$prefix}photo_scroller_container", "{$prefix}masonry_grid_container", "{$prefix}jgrid_container"), 'list' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions", "{$prefix}gallery_container", "{$prefix}photo_scroller_container", "{$prefix}masonry_grid_container", "{$prefix}jgrid_container"), 'slideshow' => array("{$prefix}gallery_container", "{$prefix}photo_scroller_container", "{$prefix}masonry_grid_container", "{$prefix}jgrid_container"), 'photo_scroller' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions", "{$prefix}gallery_container", "{$prefix}masonry_grid_container", "{$prefix}jgrid_container"), 'masonry_grid' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions", "{$prefix}gallery_container", "{$prefix}photo_scroller_container", "{$prefix}jgrid_container"), 'jgrid' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions", "{$prefix}gallery_container", "{$prefix}photo_scroller_container", "{$prefix}masonry_grid_container"))), array('name' => _x('Slider proportions:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}slider_proportions", 'type' => 'simple_proportions', 'std' => array('width' => '', 'height' => ''), 'top_divider' => true), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-input-' . $prefix . 'gallery_container rwmb-flickering-field">', 'name' => _x('Columns:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}gallery_columns", 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '4', 'options' => array('1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6'), 'multiple' => false, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Make first image large:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}gallery_make_first_big", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 1, 'after' => '</div>'), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-input-' . $prefix . 'photo_scroller_container rwmb-flickering-field">', 'name' => _x('Layout:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_layout", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'fullscreen', 'options' => array('fullscreen' => _x('Fullscreen slideshow', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'with_content' => _x('Fullscreen slideshow + text area', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2')), 'divider' => 'top'), array('name' => _x('Background under slideshow:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_bg_color", 'type' => 'color', 'std' => '#000000', 'divider' => 'top'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_overlay", 'name' => _x('Show pixel overlay:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'divider' => 'top')), array('name' => _x('Top padding:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_top_padding", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '0', 'divider' => 'top'), array('name' => _x('Bottom padding:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_bottom_padding", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '0', 'divider' => 'top'), array('name' => _x('Side paddings:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_side_paddings", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '0', 'divider' => 'top'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('opacity slider', array('name' => _x('Inactive image opacity (%):', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_inactive_opacity", 'std' => 15, 'divider' => 'top')), array('name' => _x('Thumbnails:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_thumbnails_visibility", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'show', 'options' => array('show' => _x('Show by default', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'hide' => _x('Hide by default', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'disabled' => _x('Disable', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2')), 'divider' => 'top'), array('name' => _x('Thumbnails width:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_thumbnails_width", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '', 'divider' => 'top'), array('name' => _x('Thumbnails height:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_thumbnails_height", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => 85, 'divider' => 'top'), array('name' => _x('Autoplay:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_autoplay", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'play', 'options' => array('play' => _x('Play', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'paused' => _x('Paused', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2')), 'divider' => 'top'), array('name' => _x('Autoplay speed:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_autoplay_speed", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '4000', 'divider' => 'top'), array('type' => 'heading', 'name' => _x('Landscape images', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => 'fake_id', 'divider' => 'top'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('photoscroller max width', array('id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_ls_max_width")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('photoscroller min width', array('id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_ls_min_width")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('photoscroller filling mode desktop', array('id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_ls_fill_dt")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('photoscroller filling mode mobile', array('id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_ls_fill_mob")), array('type' => 'heading', 'name' => _x('Portrait images', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => 'fake_id', 'divider' => 'top'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('photoscroller max width', array('id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_pt_max_width")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('photoscroller min width', array('id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_pt_min_width")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('photoscroller filling mode desktop', array('id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_pt_fill_dt")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('photoscroller filling mode mobile', array('id' => "{$prefix}photo_scroller_pt_fill_mob", 'after' => '</div>')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('masonry layout', array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-input-' . $prefix . 'masonry_grid_container rwmb-flickering-field">', 'id' => "{$prefix}mg_layout", 'divider' => 'top', 'options' => array('masonry' => array(_x('Masonry', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('gallery-masonry.gif', 60, 48)), 'grid' => array(_x('Grid', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('gallery-grid.gif', 60, 48))))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('gap between images', array('id' => "{$prefix}mg_item_padding", 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('column target width', array('id' => "{$prefix}mg_target_width")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('columns number', array('id' => "{$prefix}mg_columns_number")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('100 percent width', array('id' => "{$prefix}mg_full_width")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image sizing', array('id' => "{$prefix}mg_image_layout", 'hide_fields' => array('original' => array("{$prefix}mg_thumb_proportions")))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image proportions', array('id' => "{$prefix}mg_thumb_proportions")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('loading effect', array('id' => "{$prefix}mg_load_effect", 'after' => '</div>')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('gap between images', array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-input-' . $prefix . 'jgrid_container rwmb-flickering-field">', 'id' => "{$prefix}jg_item_padding", 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('row target height', array('id' => "{$prefix}jg_target_height")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('100 percent width', array('id' => "{$prefix}jg_full_width")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hide last row', array('id' => "{$prefix}jg_hide_last_row")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image sizing', array('id' => "{$prefix}jg_image_layout", 'hide_fields' => array('original' => array("{$prefix}jg_thumb_proportions")))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image proportions', array('id' => "{$prefix}jg_thumb_proportions")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('loading effect', array('id' => "{$prefix}jg_load_effect", 'after' => '</div>')), array('name' => _x('Exclude featured image from the album:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}exclude_featured_image", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'divider' => 'top'), array('name' => _x('Album preview width:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}preview", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'normal', 'options' => array('normal' => _x('normal', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'wide' => _x('wide', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2')), 'divider' => 'top')));
 * @since 1.0.0
// File Security Check
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
// Display Portfolio
$prefix = '_dt_portfolio_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-display_portfolio', 'title' => _x('Display Portfolio Category(s)', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}display", 'type' => 'fancy_category', 'mode' => 'taxonomy', 'post_type' => 'dt_portfolio', 'taxonomy' => 'dt_portfolio_category', 'post_type_info' => array('categories'), 'main_tab_class' => 'dt_all_portfolio', 'desc' => sprintf('<h2>%s</h2><p><strong>%s</strong> %s</p><p><strong>%s</strong></p><ul><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li></ul>', _x('ALL your Portfolio projects are being displayed on this page!', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('By default all your Portfolio projects will be displayed on this page. ', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('But you can specify which Portfolio project category(s) will (or will not) be shown.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('In tabs above you can select from the following options:', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('All', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; all Projects will be shown on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('Only', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; choose Project category(s) to be shown on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x('All, except', 'backend', 'the7mk2'), _x(' &mdash; choose which Project category(s) will be excluded from displaying on this page.', 'backend', 'the7mk2')))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-portfolio-list.php', 'template-portfolio-masonry.php', 'template-portfolio-jgrid.php')));
// Portfolio options
$prefix = '_dt_portfolio_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-portfolio_options', 'title' => _x('Portfolio Options', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('list layout', array('id' => "{$prefix}list_layout", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-list.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('background under post', array('name' => _x('Background under projects:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}bg_under_list_posts", 'divider' => 'top', 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-list.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover background color', array('name' => _x('Image rollover color:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}list_hover_bg_color", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-list.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('masonry layout', array('id' => "{$prefix}masonry_layout", 'divider' => 'bottom', 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('gap between images', array('id' => "{$prefix}item_padding", 'divider' => false, 'show_on_template' => array('template-portfolio-masonry.php', 'template-portfolio-jgrid.php'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('row target height', array('id' => "{$prefix}target_height", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('column target width', array('id' => "{$prefix}target_width", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('columns number', array('id' => "{$prefix}columns_number", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('100 percent width', array('id' => "{$prefix}full_width", 'show_on_template' => array('template-portfolio-jgrid.php', 'template-portfolio-masonry.php'))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('description style', array('name' => _x('Show projects descriptions:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}description", 'hide_fields' => array('under_image' => array("{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility"), 'on_hoover_centered' => array("{$prefix}bg_under_masonry_posts", "{$prefix}post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility"), 'on_dark_gradient' => array("{$prefix}bg_under_masonry_posts", "{$prefix}post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color"), 'from_bottom' => array("{$prefix}bg_under_masonry_posts", "{$prefix}post_content_alignment", "{$prefix}hover_animation", "{$prefix}hover_bg_color")), 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover animation', array('id' => "{$prefix}hover_animation", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover background color', array('id' => "{$prefix}hover_bg_color", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('background under masonry post', array('name' => _x('Background under projects:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}bg_under_masonry_posts", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('content alignment', array('id' => "{$prefix}post_content_alignment", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover content visibility', array('id' => "{$prefix}hover_content_visibility", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('jgrid description style', array('name' => _x('Show projects descriptions:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_description", 'hide_fields' => array('on_hoover_centered' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility"), 'on_dark_gradient' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color"), 'from_bottom' => array("{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color")), 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover animation', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_animation", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover background color', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_bg_color", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hover content visibility', array('id' => "{$prefix}jgrid_hover_content_visibility", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-jgrid.php')), array('name' => _x('Make all projects the same width:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}posts_same_width", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'divider' => 'top', 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-masonry.php'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('hide last row', array('id' => "{$prefix}hide_last_row", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-jgrid.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image sizing', array('id' => "{$prefix}image_layout", 'hide_fields' => array('original' => array("{$prefix}thumb_proportions")))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image proportions', array('id' => "{$prefix}thumb_proportions")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('media content width', array('id' => "{$prefix}thumb_width", 'show_on_template' => 'template-portfolio-list.php')), array('name' => _x('Number of projects to display on one page:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}ppp", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '', 'divider' => 'top_and_bottom'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('loading mode', array('id' => "{$prefix}load_style")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('loading effect', array('id' => "{$prefix}load_effect", 'show_on_template' => array('template-portfolio-jgrid.php', 'template-portfolio-masonry.php'))), array('before' => presscore_meta_boxes_advanced_settings_tpl('dt_portfolio-advanced'), 'name' => _x('Show projects titles:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_titles", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show projects excerpts:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_exerpts", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show project categories:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_categories_in_post_meta", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Show project date:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_date_in_post_meta", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show project author:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_author_in_post_meta", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show project comments:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_comments_in_post_meta", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show details icons:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_details", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Show links icons:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_links", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show zoom icons:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_zoom", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-portfolio-list.php">', 'top_divider' => true, 'name' => _x('Show details buttons:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_details_buttons", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'after' => '</div>'), array('name' => _x('Show categories filter:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_filter", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Show name / date ordering:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_orderby", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show asc. / desc. ordering:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_order", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '1', 'options' => $yes_no_options), array('name' => _x('Show all pages in paginator:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_all_pages", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Order:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}order", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'DESC', 'options' => $order_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Orderby:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}orderby", 'type' => 'select', 'options' => array_intersect_key($orderby_options, array('date' => null, 'name' => null)), 'std' => 'date', 'after' => '</div>')), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-portfolio-list.php', 'template-portfolio-masonry.php', 'template-portfolio-jgrid.php')));
// Portfolio post media
$prefix = '_dt_project_media_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-portfolio_post_media', 'title' => _x('Add/Edit Project Media', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('dt_portfolio'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}items", 'type' => 'image_advanced_mk2')));
// Portfolio post media options
$prefix = '_dt_project_media_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-portfolio_post_media_options', 'title' => _x('Media Options', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('dt_portfolio'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('name' => _x('Layout settings:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}layout", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'left', 'options' => array('left' => array(_x('Media on the left of content', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('right-content.gif', 75, 50)), 'right' => array(_x('Media on the right of content', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('left-content.gif', 75, 50)), 'before' => array(_x('Media before content area', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('bottom-content.gif', 75, 50)), 'after' => array(_x('Media after content area', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('top-content.gif', 75, 50)), 'disabled' => array(_x('Media disabled (blank page)', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('no-media-content.gif', 75, 50))), 'hide_fields' => array('before' => array("{$prefix}enable_floationg_content"), 'after' => array("{$prefix}enable_floationg_content"), 'disabled' => array("{$prefix}enable_floationg_content"))), array('name' => _x('Enable floating content:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}enable_floationg_content", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 1, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Show media as:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}type", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'slideshow', 'options' => array('slideshow' => array(_x('Slideshow', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('layout-slider.gif', 75, 50)), 'gallery' => array(_x('Gallery', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('layout-metro.gif', 75, 50)), 'list' => array(_x('List', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), array('layout-list.gif', 75, 50))), 'hide_fields' => array('gallery' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions"), 'list' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions", "{$prefix}gallery_container"), 'slideshow' => array("{$prefix}gallery_container")), 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Slider proportions:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}slider_proportions", 'type' => 'simple_proportions', 'std' => array('width' => '', 'height' => ''), 'top_divider' => true), array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-input-' . $prefix . 'gallery_container rwmb-flickering-field">', 'name' => _x('Columns', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}gallery_columns", 'type' => 'select', 'std' => '4', 'options' => array('1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6'), 'multiple' => false, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Make first image large:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}gallery_make_first_big", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 1, 'after' => '</div>')));
// Portfolio post options
$prefix = '_dt_project_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-portfolio_post', 'title' => _x('Project Options', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'pages' => array('dt_portfolio'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('select pages', array('name' => _x('Back button:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}back_button", 'divider' => 'bottom')), array('name' => _x('Project link:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_link", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'hide_fields' => array("{$prefix}link", "{$prefix}link_name", "{$prefix}link_target")), array('name' => _x('Link:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}link", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''), array('name' => _x('Caption:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}link_name", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => ''), array('name' => _x('Target:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}link_target", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '', 'options' => array('' => _x('_self', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), '_blank' => _x('_blank', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'))), array('name' => _x('Hide featured image on project page:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}hide_thumbnail", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Open images in lightbox:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}open_thumbnail_in_lightbox", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Related projects category:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}related_mode", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'same', 'options' => array('same' => _x('from the same category', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'custom' => _x('choose category(s)', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2')), 'hide_fields' => array('same' => array("{$prefix}related_categories")), 'top_divider' => true), array('id' => "{$prefix}related_categories", 'type' => 'taxonomy_list', 'options' => array('taxonomy' => 'dt_portfolio_category', 'type' => 'checkbox_list', 'args' => array())), array('name' => _x('Project preview width:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}preview", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'normal', 'options' => array('normal' => _x('normal', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'wide' => _x('wide', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2')), 'before' => '<p><small>' . sprintf(_x('Related projects can be enabled / disabled from %sTheme Options / Blog, Portfolio, Gallery%s', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), '<a href="' . esc_url(add_query_arg('page', 'of-blog-and-portfolio-menu', get_admin_url() . 'admin.php')) . '" target="_blank">', '</a>') . '</small></p><div class="dt_hr"></div><p><strong>' . _x('Project Preview Options', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2') . '</strong></p>'), array('name' => _x('Preview style:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}preview_style", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'featured_image', 'options' => array('featured_image' => _x('featured image', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'slideshow' => _x('slideshow', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2')), 'hide_fields' => array('featured_image' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions"))), array('name' => _x('Slider proportions:', 'backend metabox', 'the7mk2'), 'id' => "{$prefix}slider_proportions", 'type' => 'simple_proportions', 'std' => array('width' => '', 'height' => ''))));
Exemplo n.º 5

 * Blog and Post metaboxes.
 * @since presscore 0.1
// File Security Check
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
// Blog category
$prefix = '_dt_blog_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-display_blog', 'title' => _x('Display Blog Categories', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}display", 'type' => 'fancy_category', 'mode' => 'taxonomy', 'post_type' => 'post', 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'post_type_info' => array('categories'), 'main_tab_class' => 'dt_all_blog', 'desc' => sprintf('<h2>%s</h2><p><strong>%s</strong> %s</p><p><strong>%s</strong></p><ul><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li></ul>', _x('ALL your Blog posts are being displayed on this page!', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('By default all your Blog posts will be displayed on this page. ', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('But you can specify which Blog categories will (or will not) be shown.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('In tabs above you can select from the following options:', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('All', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; all Blog posts (from all categories) will be shown on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('Only', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; choose Blog category(s) to be shown on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('All, except', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; choose which category(s) will be excluded from displaying on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE)))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-blog-list.php', 'template-blog-masonry.php')));
// Blog options
$prefix = '_dt_blog_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-blog_options', 'title' => _x('Blog Options', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('masonry layout', array('id' => "{$prefix}layout", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('gap between images', array('id' => "{$prefix}item_padding", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('column target width', array('id' => "{$prefix}target_width", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('columns number', array('id' => "{$prefix}columns_number", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('100 percent width', array('id' => "{$prefix}full_width", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-masonry.php')), array('name' => _x('Make all posts the same width:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}posts_same_width", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'divider' => 'top', 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-masonry.php'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('background under masonry post', array('name' => _x('Background under posts:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}bg_under_masonry_posts", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('content alignment', array('id' => "{$prefix}post_content_alignment", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-masonry.php', 'divider' => 'top_and_bottom')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('list layout', array('id' => "{$prefix}list_layout", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-list.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('background under post', array('name' => _x('Background under posts:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}bg_under_list_posts", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-list.php', 'divider' => 'top_and_bottom')), array('name' => _x('Enable fancy date:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}enable_fancy_date", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 1), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image sizing', array('id' => "{$prefix}image_layout", 'hide_fields' => array('original' => array("{$prefix}thumb_proportions")))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('image proportions', array('id' => "{$prefix}thumb_proportions")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('media content width', array('id' => "{$prefix}thumb_width", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-list.php')), array('name' => _x('Number of posts to display on one page:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}ppp", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '', 'divider' => 'top'), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('loading mode', array('id' => "{$prefix}load_style", 'divider' => 'top', 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('loading effect', array('id' => "{$prefix}load_effect", 'show_on_template' => 'template-blog-masonry.php')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('show all pages paginator', array('before' => presscore_meta_boxes_advanced_settings_tpl('dt_blog-advanced'), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_all_pages")), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_exerpts", 'name' => _x('Show excerpts:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_details", 'name' => _x('Show read more buttons:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_categories_in_post_meta", 'name' => _x('Show post categories:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_date_in_post_meta", 'name' => _x('Show post date:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_author_in_post_meta", 'name' => _x('Show post author:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('radio yes no', array('id' => "{$prefix}show_comments_in_post_meta", 'name' => _x('Show post comments:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE))), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('order', array('id' => "{$prefix}order", 'divider' => 'top')), Presscore_Meta_Box_Field_Template::get_as_array('orderby', array('id' => "{$prefix}orderby", 'after' => '</div>'))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-blog-list.php', 'template-blog-masonry.php')));
// Post options
$prefix = '_dt_post_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-post_options', 'title' => _x('Post Options', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('post'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('name' => __('Hide featured image on post page:', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}hide_thumbnail", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0), array('name' => _x('Related posts category:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}related_mode", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'same', 'options' => array('same' => _x('from the same category', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'custom' => _x('choose category(s)', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'hide_fields' => array('same' => array("{$prefix}related_categories")), 'top_divider' => true), array('id' => "{$prefix}related_categories", 'type' => 'taxonomy_list', 'options' => array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'type' => 'checkbox_list', 'args' => array()), 'multiple' => true), array('name' => _x('Post preview width:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}preview", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'normal', 'options' => array('normal' => _x('normal', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'wide' => _x('wide', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'before' => '<p><small>' . sprintf(_x('Related posts can be enabled / disabled from %sTheme Options / Blog, Portfolio, Gallery%s', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), '<a href="' . add_query_arg('page', 'of-blog-and-portfolio-menu', get_admin_url() . 'admin.php') . '" target="_blank">', '</a>') . '</small></p><div class="dt_hr"></div><p><strong>' . _x('Post Preview Options', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE) . '</strong></p>'), array('name' => _x('For gallery post format:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}preview_style_gallery", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'standard_gallery', 'options' => array('standard_gallery' => _x('standard image gallery', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'hovered_gallery' => _x('featured image with gallery hover', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'slideshow' => _x('slideshow', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'before' => '<div class="dt_hr"></div><p><strong>' . _x('Post Preview Style', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE) . '</strong></p>', 'hide_fields' => array('standard_gallery' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions"), 'hovered_gallery' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions"))), array('name' => _x('Slider proportions:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}slider_proportions", 'type' => 'simple_proportions', 'std' => array('width' => '', 'height' => '')), array('name' => _x('For video post format:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}preview_style_video", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'image_play', 'options' => array('image' => _x('image', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'image_play' => _x('image with "Play" icon', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)))));
Exemplo n.º 6

 * Blog and Post metaboxes.
 * @since presscore 0.1
// File Security Check
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
// Blog category
$prefix = '_dt_blog_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-display_blog', 'title' => _x('Display Blog Categories', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('id' => "{$prefix}display", 'type' => 'fancy_category', 'mode' => 'taxonomy', 'post_type' => 'post', 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'post_type_info' => array('categories'), 'main_tab_class' => 'dt_all_blog', 'desc' => sprintf('<h2>%s</h2><p><strong>%s</strong> %s</p><p><strong>%s</strong></p><ul><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li><li><strong>%s</strong>%s</li></ul>', _x('ALL your Blog posts are being displayed on this page!', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('By default all your Blog posts will be displayed on this page. ', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('But you can specify which Blog categories will (or will not) be shown.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('In tabs above you can select from the following options:', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('All', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; all Blog posts (from all categories) will be shown on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('Only', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; choose Blog category(s) to be shown on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x('All, except', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE), _x(' &mdash; choose which category(s) will be excluded from displaying on this page.', 'backend', LANGUAGE_ZONE)))), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-blog-list.php', 'template-blog-masonry.php')));
// Blog options
$prefix = '_dt_blog_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-blog_options', 'title' => _x('Blog Options', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('page'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('before' => '<div class="rwmb-hidden-field hide-if-js" data-show-on="template-blog-masonry.php">', 'name' => _x('Layout:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}layout", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'masonry', 'options' => array('masonry' => array(_x('Masonry', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-masonry.png', 56, 80)), 'grid' => array(_x('Grid', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), array('admin-grid.png', 56, 80)))), array('name' => _x('Gap between images (px):', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}item_padding", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '5', 'desc' => _x('Image paddings (e.g. 5 pixel padding will give you 10 pixel gaps between images)', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Column target width (px):', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'desc' => _x('Real column width will slightly vary depending on site visitor screen width', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}target_width", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '370', 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('100% width:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}full_width", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Make all posts the same width:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}posts_same_width", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0, 'top_divider' => true, 'after' => '<div class="dt_hr"></div></div>'), array('name' => _x('Images sizing:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}image_layout", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'original', 'options' => array('original' => _x('preserve images proportions', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'resize' => _x('resize images', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'hide_fields' => array('original' => array("{$prefix}thumb_proportions"))), array('name' => _x('Images proportions:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}thumb_proportions", 'type' => 'simple_proportions', 'std' => array('width' => 1, 'height' => 1)), array('name' => _x('Number of posts to display on one page:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}ppp", 'type' => 'text', 'std' => '', 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Show all pages in paginator:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}show_all_pages", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => '0', 'options' => $yes_no_options, 'before' => presscore_meta_boxes_advanced_settings_tpl('dt_blog-advanced')), array('name' => _x('Order:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}order", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'DESC', 'options' => $order_options, 'top_divider' => true), array('name' => _x('Order by:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}orderby", 'type' => 'select', 'options' => $orderby_options, 'std' => 'date', 'after' => '</div>')), 'only_on' => array('template' => array('template-blog-list.php', 'template-blog-masonry.php')));
// Post options
$prefix = '_dt_post_options_';
$DT_META_BOXES[] = array('id' => 'dt_page_box-post_options', 'title' => _x('Post Options', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'pages' => array('post'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'fields' => array(array('name' => __('Hide featured image on post page:', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}hide_thumbnail", 'type' => 'checkbox', 'std' => 0), array('name' => _x('Related posts category:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}related_mode", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'same', 'options' => array('same' => _x('from the same category', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'custom' => _x('choose category(s)', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'hide_fields' => array('same' => array("{$prefix}related_categories")), 'top_divider' => true), array('id' => "{$prefix}related_categories", 'type' => 'taxonomy_list', 'options' => array('taxonomy' => 'category', 'type' => 'checkbox_list', 'args' => array()), 'multiple' => true), array('name' => _x('Post preview width:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}preview", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'normal', 'options' => array('normal' => _x('normal', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'wide' => _x('wide', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'before' => '<p><small>' . sprintf(_x('Related posts can be enabled / disabled from %sTheme Options / Blog &amp; Portfolio%s', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), '<a href="' . add_query_arg('page', 'of-blog-and-portfolio-menu', get_admin_url() . 'admin.php') . '" target="_blank">', '</a>') . '</small></p><div class="dt_hr"></div><p><strong>' . _x('Post Preview Options', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE) . '</strong></p>'), array('name' => _x('For gallery post format:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}preview_style_gallery", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'standard_gallery', 'options' => array('standard_gallery' => _x('standard image gallery', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'hovered_gallery' => _x('featured image with gallery hover', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'slideshow' => _x('slideshow', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)), 'before' => '<div class="dt_hr"></div><p><strong>' . _x('Post Preview Style', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE) . '</strong></p>', 'hide_fields' => array('standard_gallery' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions"), 'hovered_gallery' => array("{$prefix}slider_proportions"))), array('name' => _x('Slider proportions:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}slider_proportions", 'type' => 'simple_proportions', 'std' => array('width' => '', 'height' => '')), array('name' => _x('For video post format:', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'id' => "{$prefix}preview_style_video", 'type' => 'radio', 'std' => 'image_play', 'options' => array('image' => _x('image', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE), 'image_play' => _x('image with "Play" icon', 'backend metabox', LANGUAGE_ZONE)))));