function amr_GET_params($attributes = array())
    /*  We are passed the widget or shortcode attributes,
          check them, get what we can there, then check for passed parameters (form or query string )
         Anything unset we will get from the default settings for that listtype.
         The defaults list type is 1.
         then set the amr_limits (note the calendar options may overwrite these)
    global $amr_limits, $amr_listtype, $amr_liststyle, $amr_options, $amr_groupings, $amr_fields_needed, $amr_event_columns, $amr_formats, $amr_globaltz, $change_view_allowed, $amr_calendar_url, $amrW;
    // indicates if widget,
    $amr_options = amr_GETset_options();
    $defaults = array('listtype' => $amr_listtype, 'startoffset' => '', 'hoursoffset' => '', 'monthsoffset' => '', 'daysoffset' => '', 'start' => '', 'days' => '', 'events' => '', 'months' => '', 'hours' => '', 'weeks' => '', 'tz' => '', 'eventpoststoo' => '1', 'agenda' => '', 'calendar' => '', 'eventmap' => '0', 'show_views' => '1', 'show_month_nav' => '0', 'show_look_more' => '0', 'day_links' => '1', 'month_year_dropdown' => '0', 'month_prev_next' => '0', 'calendar_properties' => '1', 'pagination' => '1', 'headings' => '1', 'ignore_query' => '', 'grouping' => '', 'more_url' => '', 'no_filters' => '0', 'sort_later_events_first' => '0', 'exclude_in_progress' => '0');
    $shortcode_params = shortcode_atts($defaults, $attributes);
    if (!empty($attributes)) {
        // if there is stuff left - must be urls
        foreach ($attributes as $i => $v) {
            if (is_numeric($i) or $i == 'ics') {
                // ie if it is a value passed with no name, we expect only urls like that
                if (substr($v, 0, 1) == ':') {
                    /* attempt to maintain old filter compatibity */
                    $shortcode_params['urls'][$i] = substr($v, 1);
                $v2 = str_ireplace('webcal://', 'http://', $v);
                //keep the webcal
                if (function_exists('filter_var') and !filter_var($v2, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
                    /* rejecting a valid URL on php 5.2.14  */
                    echo '<h2>' . sprintf(__('Invalid Ical URL %s', 'amr-ical-events-list'), $v2) . '</h2>';
                    if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
                        echo '<p>Notes to admin only (does not show if not logged in as admin): 
						<li>If you have put [ical in the widget - take it out! </li>
						<li>the php validation functon does not cope with internationalised domain, please contact the developer if this affects you.</li>
                } else {
                    $shortcode_params['urls'][$i] = esc_url_raw($v);
        // end foreach
    //end if
    // handle taxonomies we do not even know about yet
    /*  get the parameters we want out of the attributes, supplying defaults for anything missing  */
    /* but now we may have missed taxonomies etc as the defaults do not know about them, so get the diff  */
    if (!empty($attributes)) {
        //var_dump($shortcode_params); // - this could be multi-d array due to urls so array diff will throw a notice in php 5.4
        // maybe extract somehow ourselves?  or use array_diff_key instead /****
        $taxo_selection = array_diff_key($attributes, $shortcode_params);
    // if we had some taxos, marge them into shortcode selection
    if (!empty($taxo_selection)) {
        $shortcode_params = array_merge($shortcode_params, $taxo_selection);
    $allow_query = (!isset($shortcode_params['ignore_query']) or !$shortcode_params['ignore_query']);
    $ignore_query_all = (isset($shortcode_params['ignore_query']) and $shortcode_params['ignore_query'] == 'all');
    if ($allow_query) {
        parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $queryargs);
        /* Get anything passed in the query string that will override shortcodes */
        // check for posted values to get around that pesky problem
        if (isset($_GET['start'])) {
            $queryargs['start'] = $_GET['start'];
        foreach ($queryargs as $i => $arg) {
            $queryargs[$i] = filter_var($arg, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
            //Strip tags,
        if ($change_view_allowed) {
            // for upcoming events widget, may want to allow query of days etc, but not the listtype change
            if (isset($queryargs['calendar'])) {
                $queryargs['listtype'] = $queryargs['calendar'];
            if (isset($queryargs['agenda'])) {
                $queryargs['listtype'] = $queryargs['agenda'];
        if (isset($_GET['debugq'])) {
            echo '<hr> Query allowed, attributes/args to consider adding:<br />';
        $shortcode_params = array_merge($shortcode_params, $queryargs);
        /* If the input arrays have the same string keys, then the later value for that key will overwrite the previous one.
        	If, however, the arrays contain numeric keys, the later value will not overwrite the original value, but will be appended.
        //		if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {echo '<hr>After merge with query args<br />'; var_dump($shortcode_params); }
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['debugq'])) {
            echo '<hr>Ignoring most query parameters ';
    // save the global list type first
    if (!empty($shortcode_params['listtype'])) {
        $amr_listtype = $shortcode_params['listtype'];
    //	unset($attributes['listtype']);
    if ($change_view_allowed and $allow_query) {
        // then we will NOT ignore these query parameters as that  will break our navigation
        //if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {echo '<br />Allowed to change views';}
        if (isset($_GET['listtype'])) {
            $amr_listtype = intval($_GET['listtype']);
        if (isset($_GET['eventmap'])) {
            $amr_listtype = 'eventmap';
        // havent figured this out yet
    // check the listtype here ?
    if (empty($amr_options['listtypes'][$amr_listtype])) {
        if (current_user_can('administrator')) {
            echo sprintf(__('System error - event list type %s missing - please inform administrator.', 'amr-ical-events-list'), $amr_listtype);
            _e('Now using an available list type to list events', 'amr-ical-events-list');
        $amr_listtype = amr_first_available_listtype();
    $amr_liststyle = isset($amr_options['listtypes'][$amr_listtype]['general']['ListHTMLStyle']) ? $amr_options['listtypes'][$amr_listtype]['general']['ListHTMLStyle'] : ($amr_liststyle = 'table');
    //; 'list'
    if (!empty($shortcode_params['more_url'])) {
        $amr_calendar_url = esc_url($shortcode_params['more_url']);
    // always respond to start
    //	if (in_array ($amr_liststyle, array('smallcalendar','largecalendar', 'weekscalendar'))) {
    // then query args overeride even if we have ignore query
    if (!$ignore_query_all) {
        if (isset($_GET['start'])) {
            $queryargs['start'] = $_GET['start'];
        //need here too
        if (!empty($queryargs['start'])) {
            $shortcode_params['start'] = abs((int) $queryargs['start']);
            if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {
                echo '<br />START = ' . $shortcode_params['start'];
            //			$shortcode_params['start'] = (substr((string) $shortcode_params['start'],0,6).'01'); //set to month start - done in month shortcdoe?
        if (!empty($queryargs['months'])) {
            $shortcode_params['months'] = abs((int) $queryargs['months']);
        if (!empty($queryargs['tz'])) {
            $shortcode_params['tz'] = filter_var($queryargs['tz'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['debugall'])) {
            echo '<br/>** Ignoring all query parameters';
    //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- now do thelimits array
    // then get the limits for that list type
    $amr_limits = $amr_options['listtypes'][$amr_listtype]['limit'];
    /* get the default limits */
    if ($amr_liststyle === 'weekscalendar') {
        $amr_limits['weeks'] = 2;
        // default for horizontal calendar
    if ($amr_liststyle === 'largecalendar' or $amr_liststyle === 'smallcalendar') {
        if (empty($amr_limits['months'])) {
            $amr_limits['months'] = 1;
        // default for horizontal calendar
    // now check groupings
    $gg = '';
    if (!empty($shortcode_params['grouping'])) {
        $gg = ucwords($shortcode_params['grouping']);
    if (!empty($_GET['grouping'])) {
        $gg = ucwords($_GET['grouping']);
    if (!($gg == '')) {
        if (array_key_exists($gg, $amr_groupings)) {
            // if it is a valid grouping
            $amr_options['listtypes'][$amr_listtype]['grouping'][$gg] = true;
    if (!empty($shortcode_params)) {
        foreach ($shortcode_params as $i => $v) {
            // must be atts not limits as atts may hold more then limits - limits just has initial limits
            if (in_array($i, array('headings', 'show_views', 'agenda', 'eventmap', 'calendar', 'eventpoststoo', 'pagination', 'calendar_properties', 'no_filters', 'show_month_nav', 'show_look_more', 'day_links', 'more_url', 'month_year_dropdown', 'month_prev_next'))) {
                $amr_limits[$i] = abs(intval($v));
                // only unset if empty  what??? - else will lose others
            } else {
                if (in_array($i, array('days', 'events', 'months', 'listtype', 'hours', 'weeks', 'daysoffset', 'startoffset', 'hoursoffset', 'monthsoffset'))) {
                    if (!empty($v)) {
                        $amr_limits[$i] = (int) $v;
                    // can be negative, so no abs
        if (!empty($amr_limits['listtype'])) {
            $amr_listtype = $amr_limits['listtype'];
            if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) {
                echo '<br />listtype set to: ';
    // else might be a taxonomy or categeory etc  ... pass through - not if we have filtered string
    /* ----check if we want to overwrite the wordpress timezone */
    if (!empty($shortcode_params['tz'])) {
        // allows one to overwrite the timezone
        $amr_globaltz = timezone_open($shortcode_params['tz']);
    //clear it out so we do not pass to wp query
    //clear it out so we do not pass to wp query
    if (isset($_GET['tzdebug'])) {
        echo '<p>Plugin/Wordpress Timezone:' . timezone_name_GET($amr_globaltz);
        echo ', current offset is ' . $amr_globaltz->getOffset(date_create('now', $amr_globaltz)) / (60 * 60) . '</p>';
    $pos_int_options = array("options" => array("min_range" => 1, "max_range" => 1000));
    $neg_int_options = array("options" => array("min_range" => -1000, "max_range" => 1000));
    /* check non url parameters  */
    if (empty($shortcode_params['start'])) {
        $amr_limits['start'] = date_create('now', $amr_globaltz);
    } else {
        $amr_limits['start'] = abs((int) $shortcode_params['start']);
    // clear it out so we do not pass it to wp query
    // work out whether we are doing a calendar or not.  calendars must still respond to at least the month navigation
    foreach ($amr_limits as $i => $a) {
        // create our date objects
        if ($i === 'start' or $i === 'end') {
            if (!is_object($a)) {
                $dateok = checkdate(substr($a, 4, 2), substr($a, 6, 2), substr($a, 0, 4));
                /* year */
                if ($dateok) {
                    $amr_limits[$i] = date_create($a, $amr_globaltz);
                    if (!is_object($amr_limits[$i])) {
                        amr_tell_error($i . ' ' . __('Date could not be converted to date object.', 'amr-ical-events-list') . __('Check date and global timezone.', 'amr-ical-events-list'));
                } else {
                    _e('Invalid Start Date', 'amr-ical-events-list');
                    echo '<br />' . $i . ' ' . $a;
                    $amr_limits[$i] = date_create('now', $amr_globaltz);
            /*  else all is okay - we have default date of now */
    if (!empty($shortcode_params['daysoffset'])) {
        /* keeping startoffset for old version compatibility, but allowing for daysoffset for compatibility with other offsets */
        $amr_limits['startoffset'] = (int) $shortcode_params['daysoffset'];
        // can be negative
    /* ---- check for urls that are either passed by query or form, or are in the shortcode with a number or not ie: not ics =  */
    //set up global for easier access
    $amr_formats = $amr_options['listtypes'][$amr_listtype]['format'];
    // now adjust our start dta if necessary
    if (!empty($amr_limits['startoffset'])) {
        $daysoffset = (int) $amr_limits['startoffset'];
        if ($daysoffset > 0) {
            $daysoffset = '+' . (string) $daysoffset . ' days';
        } else {
            $daysoffset = (string) $daysoffset . ' days';
        date_modify($amr_limits['start'], $daysoffset);
    if (!empty($amr_limits['hoursoffset'])) {
        $hrsoffset = (int) $amr_limits['hoursoffset'];
        if ($hrsoffset > 0) {
            $hrsoffset = '+' . (string) $hrsoffset . ' hours';
        } else {
            $hrsoffset = (string) $hrsoffset . ' hours';
        date_modify($amr_limits['start'], $hrsoffset);
        /*** as per request from jd  */
    if (!empty($amr_limits['monthsoffset'])) {
        $mthsoffset = (int) $amr_limits['monthsoffset'];
        if ($mthsoffset >= 0) {
            $mthsoffset = '+' . (string) $mthsoffset . ' months';
        } else {
            $mthsoffset = (string) $mthsoffset . ' months';
        date_modify($amr_limits['start'], $mthsoffset);
    if (!empty($amr_limits['hours'])) {
        /* then set the time to the beginning of the day , and get rid of months and days */
        date_time_set($amr_limits['start'], $amr_limits['start']->format('G'), 0, 0);
        /* set the time to beginning of the hour */
    if (!empty($amr_limits['months'])) {
        /* then set the date to the beginning of the month and get rid of days */
        $days = (int) $amr_limits['start']->format('d');
        if ($days > 1) {
            $amr_limits['start']->modify('-' . ($days - 1) . ' days');
        date_time_set($amr_limits['start'], 0, 0, 0);
    if (empty($amr_limits['hours'])) {
        /* else use the days and  then set the time to the beginning of the day */
        date_time_set($amr_limits['start'], 0, 0, 0);
    $wkst = ical_GET_weekstart();
    // get the wp start of week
    if (isset($_GET['debugwks'])) {
        echo '<br/>wkst = ' . $wkst;
    if (!empty($amr_limits['weeks'])) {
        // weeks overrides all else
        $amr_limits['start'] = amr_GET_human_start_of_week($amr_limits['start'], $wkst);
        /* set to start of week */
        $amr_limits['days'] = $amr_limits['weeks'] * 7;
        if (isset($_GET['debugwks'])) {
            echo '<br />Start set to = ' . $amr_limits['start']->format('c');
    //	now find our end date  - may get overridden if calendar
    if (is_object($amr_limits['start'])) {
        $amr_limits['end'] = new Datetime();
        //if cloning dont need tz
        $amr_limits['end'] = clone $amr_limits['start'];
    } else {
        // something horribly wrong here
        amr_tell_eror(__('Error: Start data of range is not a date object. Please advise administrator', 'amr-ical-events-list'));
    if (!empty($amr_limits['months'])) {
        date_modify($amr_limits['end'], '+' . $amr_limits['months'] . ' months');
    if (!empty($amr_limits['days'])) {
        date_modify($amr_limits['end'], '+' . $amr_limits['days'] . ' days');
    if (!empty($amr_limits['hours'])) {
        date_modify($amr_limits['end'], '+' . $amr_limits['hours'] . ' hours');
    } else {
        date_modify($amr_limits['end'], '-1 second');
    /* so that we do not include events starting in the next time period */
    if (isset($_GET['debug'])) {
        echo '<br/>end = ' . $amr_limits['end']->format('c');
    //	date_time_set ($amr_limits['end'],23,59,59);  // if we have this, do we need the -1 second below?
    if (isset($_GET['debugq'])) {
        echo '<hr> Before passing others <br />';
        echo amr_echo_parameters();
    $amr_event_columns = prepare_order_and_sequence($amr_options['listtypes'][$amr_listtype]['compprop']);
    //do once earlier
    $amr_fields_needed = amr_extract_fields($amr_event_columns);
    // setup global
    return $shortcode_params;
    // only return params needed for wp query ?
Exemplo n.º 2
 function amr_list_properties($icals, $tid, $class)
     /* List the calendar properties if requested in options  */
     global $amr_options, $amr_liststyle, $amr_listtype;
     /* --- setup the html tags ---------------------------------------------- */
     //if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) var_dump($icals);
     if ($amr_liststyle === 'custom') {
         // get the stored file uirl, if it does not exist, set to table
         $custom_htmlstyle_file = amr_get_htmlstylefile();
         if (empty($custom_htmlstyle_file)) {
             $amr_liststyle = 'table';
     switch ($amr_liststyle) {
         case 'list':
             $d = '<span ';
             $dc = '</span>';
             $r = '<div ';
             $rc = '</div>';
             $htm['box'] = '<div';
             $htm['boxc'] = '</div>';
         case 'breaks':
             $d = '<span ';
             $dc = '</span>';
             $r = '<span ';
             $rc = '</span>';
             $htm['box'] = '<div';
             $htm['boxc'] = '</div>';
         case 'table':
         case 'HTML5table':
             // still using a table, so columns will work  but with html5 elements too
             $d = '<td';
             $dc = '</td>';
             $r = '<tr';
             $rc = '</tr> ';
             $htm['box'] = '<table';
             $htm['boxc'] = '</table>';
         case 'HTML5':
             $htm['box'] = '<section';
             $htm['boxc'] = '</section>';
             $r = '<header><h2';
             $rc = '</h2></header> ';
             $d = '';
             $dc = '';
         case 'custom':
             $where_am_i = 'in_calendar_properties';
             include $custom_htmlstyle_file;
             /* the old way or tableoriginal*/
             $r = '<tr';
             $d = '<td';
             $rc = '</tr> ';
             $dc = '</td>';
             $htm['box'] = '<table';
             $htm['boxc'] = '</table>';
     $html = '';
     $columns = prepare_order_and_sequence($amr_options['listtypes'][$amr_listtype]['calprop']);
     if (!$columns) {
     //if (ICAL_EVENTS_DEBUG) var_dump($columns);
     //	if (!($order)) return;
     foreach ($icals as $i => $p) {
         /* go through the options list and list the properties */
         $rowhtml = '';
         //20140806 col 1 of cal properties were being overwritten - fix
         foreach ($columns as $col => $data) {
             $cprop = '';
             foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
                 if (!empty($icals[$i][$k])) {
                     /*only take the fields that are specified in options  */
                     $cprop .= amr_format_value($icals[$i][$k], $k, $icals[$i], $v['Before'], $v['After']);
             if (empty($cprop)) {
                 $cprop = '&nbsp;';
             if (!empty($d)) {
                 // if we have a td type html to bracket the column with
                 $cprop = $d . ' class="col' . $col . '">' . $cprop . $dc;
             $cprop .= AMR_NL;
             $rowhtml .= $cprop;
         // end of columns for one calendar
         $html .= $r . ' class="cal' . $i . '" >' . $rowhtml . $rc . AMR_NL;
     // end of calendars
     if (!empty($html)) {
         $html = (!empty($htm['box']) ? $htm['box'] . ' id="' . $tid . '" class="' . $class . '">' : '') . $html . (!empty($htm['boxc']) ? $htm['boxc'] : '');
     return $html;