include 'inc/config.php'; // Configuration php file include 'inc/top.php'; // Meta data and header include 'inc/side.php'; // Navigation content ?> <!-- Pre Page Content --> <div id="pre-page-content"> <h1><i class="glyphicon-user themed-color"></i><?php echo get_name($_SESSION['view_people']); ?> <br><small><?php $name = pos_dep($_SESSION['view_people']); echo $name['Position'] . ' - ' . $name['Name']; ?> </small></h1> </div> <!-- END Pre Page Content --> <!-- Page Content --> <div id="page-content"> <?php $people = get_full($_SESSION['view_people']); // Get all informations about people ?> <!-- Breadcrumb -->
</div> <!-- END Pre Page Content --> <!-- Page Content --> <div id="page-content"> <!-- Breadcrumb --> <!-- You can have the breadcrumb stick on scrolling just by adding the following attributes with their values (data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="250") --> <!-- You can try it on other elements too , the sticky position and style can be adjusted in the css/main.css with .affix class --> <div class="block block-themed"> <!-- Faq Title --> <div class="block-title"> <h4><?php echo get_name($_SESSION['is_valid']); ?> - <?php $name = pos_dep($_SESSION['is_valid']); echo $name['Position'] . ' ' . $name['Name']; ?> </small></h4> </div> <!-- END Breadcrumb --> <div class="block-content"> <!-- Faq Tabs --> <div class="tabs-left clearfix"> <!-- Tab links --> <ul id="faq-tabs" class="nav nav-tabs" data-toggle="tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#faq-tabs-section1"><i class="icon-asterisk text-black"></i> <strong>Bảng lương</strong></a></li> <li><a href="#faq-tabs-section2"><i class="icon-paper-clip text-black"></i> <strong>Lịch sử nhận lương</strong></a></li> </ul> <!-- END Tab links -->
$labels['3']['text'] = "Pending.."; $labels['4']['class'] = "label-info"; $labels['4']['text'] = "Manual Approval"; $labels['5']['class'] = "label-inverse"; $labels['5']['text'] = "Spam Account"; ?> <?php $em = get_em(); // var_dump(;die; foreach ($em as $key => $i) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class="span1 text-center hidden-phone">' . ($key + 1) . '</td>'; echo '<td><a href=?action=show_profile_different&EId=' . $i['EId'] . '>' . $i['Name'] . '</a></td>'; echo '<td class="hidden-phone hidden-tablet">'; $name = pos_dep($i['EId']); echo $name['Position'] . ' - ' . $name['Name']; if ($dep_auth['Authority'] == 5) { echo '</td>'; echo '<td class="span1 text-center">'; echo '<div class="btn-group">'; echo ' </div>'; echo ' </td>'; } // Xóa nhân viên if ($dep_auth['Authority'] >= 4) { # code... echo "<td>"; echo "<form action='index.php' id='inputform' method='post' class='form-horizontal' >"; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete_employee">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="EId" value=' . $i['EId'] . '>';