Exemplo n.º 1

<!-- 커뮤니티 최신글 시작 { -->
<section id="sidx_lat">
    <h2>커뮤니티 최신글</h2>
echo latest('theme/shop_basic', 'notice', 5, 30);
echo latest('theme/shop_basic', 'free', 5, 25);
echo latest('theme/shop_basic', 'qa', 5, 20);
<!-- } 커뮤니티 최신글 끝 -->

echo poll('theme/shop_basic');
// 설문조사

echo visit('theme/shop_basic');
// 접속자

include_once G5_THEME_SHOP_PATH . '/shop.tail.php';
Exemplo n.º 2

include 'signalling.php';
$room_id = $_POST['room_id'];
$client_id = $_POST['client_id'];
$last_msg_timestamp = $_POST['last_msg_timestamp'];
$new_msgs = poll($room_id, $client_id, $type, $last_msg_timestamp);
Exemplo n.º 3

if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) {
// 개별 페이지 접근 불가


echo poll('basic');
// 설문조사


<div id="ft">
echo popular('basic');
// 인기검색어
echo visit('basic');
// 방문자수
    <div id="ft_copy">
        <div id="ft_company">
            <a href="<?php 
Exemplo n.º 4
use Metaregistrar\EPP\eppException;
use Metaregistrar\EPP\eppPollRequest;
use Metaregistrar\EPP\eppResponse;
 * This script polls for new messages in the EPP system
 * The messages tell you if a domain name was transferred away to another provider
 * Or it tells you that your credit balance is low
 * Please use the pollack function to acknowledge a message and remove it from the queue
try {
    echo "Polling for messages\n";
    // Please enter your own settings file here under before using this example
    if ($conn = eppConnection::create('')) {
        // Connect and login to the EPP server
        if ($conn->login()) {
            $messageid = poll($conn);
            if ($messageid) {
                pollack($conn, $messageid);
} catch (eppException $e) {
    echo "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
 * @param $conn Metaregistrar\EPP\eppConnection
 * @return null|string
function poll($conn)
Exemplo n.º 5
$group_name_list = obj_to_array(json_decode(get_group_name_list_mask($cookie['login']['vfwebqq'])));
// 获取管理员id
// $my_uin = get_friend_uin($friend_list);
// print_r($friend_list);
// 回复数据
$reply = unserialize(read_file("parse.ini"));
$face = array("9" => array("哭啥?有啥不开心的?说出来让我们开心一下"), "5" => array("不哭,乖", "哭啥?有啥不开心的?说出来让我们开心一下"), "13" => array("笑得这么开心?", "在笑哪个妹子呢?"), "58" => array("老板,来根大麻", "红塔山多少钱一包?"), "105" => array("鄙视俺的人那么多,你排队去", "不许插队,吼吼!~~~"));
// =======================================================
// |新开进程进行监控
// =======================================================
while (TRUE) {
    $d = poll($cookie['login']['psessionid'], $cookie['clientid']);
    $msg = obj_to_array(json_decode($d));
    echo $d;
    if ($msg['retcode'] === 0) {
        foreach ($msg['result'] as $v) {
            // 			print_r($v);
            // 针对个人
            if ($v['poll_type'] == "message") {
                $data = trim($v['value']['content'][1]);
                // 处理换行
                $data = implode("\\\\n", explode("\n", $data));
                // 普通回复
                if (array_key_exists($data, $reply)) {
                    if (is_array($reply[$data]) && ($count = count($reply[$data]))) {
                        send_buddy_msg($v['value']['from_uin'], $reply[$data][mt_rand(0, $count - 1)], $cookie['login']['psessionid'], $cookie['clientid']);
                    } else {
Exemplo n.º 6

<!-- 커뮤니티 최신글 시작 { -->
<section id="sidx_lat">
    <h2>커뮤니티 최신글</h2>
echo latest('shop_basic', 'notice', 5, 30);
echo latest('shop_basic', 'free', 5, 25);
echo latest('shop_basic', 'qa', 5, 20);
<!-- } 커뮤니티 최신글 끝 -->

echo poll('shop_basic');
// 설문조사

echo visit('shop_basic');
// 접속자

include_once G5_SHOP_PATH . '/shop.tail.php';
Exemplo n.º 7
if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) {
// 개별 페이지 접근 불가
if (G5_COMMUNITY_USE === false) {
    include_once G5_THEME_MSHOP_PATH . '/shop.head.php';


echo poll('theme/basic');
// 설문조사


<div id="ft">
echo popular('theme/basic');
// 인기검색어
echo visit('theme/basic');
// 방문자수
    <div id="ft_copy">
Exemplo n.º 8

    <div class="block"><?php 
echo mw_latest_comment(5);
$side[] = ob_get_clean();

foreach ($side as $row) {
    echo $row;

$poll = poll("theme/mw5");
if ($poll) {
    echo "<div class=\"block\">{$poll}</div>";


Exemplo n.º 9
        $keys = array("time", "location", "domain", "ref", "swidth", "sheight", "cookies", "ip", "agent", "historylen");
        $aux = array();
        foreach ($keys as $k) {
            $aux[$k] = $row[$k];
        $aux['country'] = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, $aux['ip']);
        $aux['type'] = 'pageview';
        # At some point LLOOGG supported the ability to display user clicks
        # adsense ADs. Now the javascript we inject no longer support this
        # but the support inside LLOOGG itself remains.
        if ($row['event_id'] == LOG_EVENT_ADCLICK) {
            $aux['type'] = 'adclick';
        $t[] = $aux;
        if ($row['id'] > $maxid) {
            $maxid = $row['id'];
    $t[] = $maxid + 1;
    if ($proto >= 2) {
        $t[] = logTodayVisitors();
        $t[] = logTodayPageviews();
    $json = new Services_JSON();
    $output = $json->encode($t);
    echo $output;
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
Exemplo n.º 10
function test13($conn)
    $polldata = poll($conn);
    /* @var $polldata Metaregistrar\EPP\eppPollResponse */
    while ($polldata->getMessageCount() > 0) {
        pollack($conn, $polldata->getMessageId());
        $polldata = poll($conn);
Exemplo n.º 11
                    <li class="gnb_2dli"><a href="<?php echo $row2['me_link']; ?>" target="_<?php echo $row2['me_target']; ?>" class="gnb_2da"><?php echo $row2['me_name'] ?></a></li>

                if($k > 0)
                    echo '</ul>'.PHP_EOL;

            if ($i == 0) {  ?>
                <li id="gnb_empty">메뉴 준비 중입니다.<?php if ($is_admin) { ?> <br><a href="<?php echo G5_ADMIN_URL; ?>/menu_list.php">관리자모드 &gt; 환경설정 &gt; 메뉴설정</a>에서 설정하실 수 있습니다.<?php } ?></li>
            <?php } ?>
<!-- } 상단 끝 -->


<!-- 콘텐츠 시작 { -->
<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="aside">
        <?php echo outlogin('basic'); // 외부 로그인  ?>
        <?php echo poll('basic'); // 설문조사  ?>
    <div id="container">
        <?php if ((!$bo_table || $w == 's' ) && !defined("_INDEX_")) { ?><div id="container_title"><?php echo $g5['title'] ?></div><?php } ?>
Exemplo n.º 12
echo $table_width;
' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
    <td width=43></td>
    <!-- 왼쪽 메뉴 -->
    <td width=220 valign=top>
echo outlogin("basic");
// 외부 로그인

        <div style='height:10px;'></div>

echo poll("basic");
// 설문조사

        <div style='height:10px;'></div>

echo visit("basic");
// 방문자수

        <div style='height:10px;'></div>

echo connect();
// 현재 접속자수