function cg2_header($function, $name) { // only send header once - v2.51 static $alreadySent = false; if ($alreadySent) { return; } $alreadySent = true; // set title and button $title = sprintf("%s > <a href='?menu=_codeGenerator'>%s</a> > ", t('Admin'), t('Code Generator')) . htmlencode($name); $button = ''; // <input class="button" type="button" name="null" value="Start Over >>" onclick="window.location=\'?menu=_codeGenerator\'"/>'; // get header html $html = plugin_header('###TITLE###', $button, false); $html = preg_replace('/###TITLE###/', $title, $html); $html = preg_replace('/<form method="post"/', '<form method="get"', $html); // use get form so users can use browser back button with reposting form // add javascript (not yet needed or used) $oldHtml = $html; $jsPath = "lib/menus/_codeGenerator/generator_functions.js"; $jsTag = "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$jsPath}?" . filemtime(SCRIPT_DIR . "/{$jsPath}") . "'></script>\n"; // on file change browsers should no longer use cached versions $html = preg_replace("|^\\s*<!-- /javascript -->|m", "{$jsTag}\$0", $oldHtml); if ($oldHtml == $html) { dieAsCaller("Could insert javascript tag!"); } // add hidden fields $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='menu' value='_codeGenerator' />\n"; $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='_generator' value='{$function}' />\n"; // return $html; }
function cg2_homepage($error = '') { if ($error) { alert($error); } // header $title = t('Admin') . " > <a href='?menu=_codeGenerator'>" . t('Code Generator') . "</a>\n"; $html = plugin_header('###TITLE###', '', false); $html = preg_replace('/###TITLE###/', $title, $html); // list internal generators $html .= _cg2_getGeneratorList(t("Create a Viewer"), t("'Viewers' are PHP files that display the data from the CMS in all the different 'views' you might have on your site."), "private"); // list other generators (added by plugins) $html .= _cg2_getGeneratorList(t("Other Generators"), t("Plugins can add their own code generators here"), "public"); // footer $html .= plugin_footer(); // print $html; exit; }
<?php require_once 'conf/'; require_once 'inc/'; require_once 'inc/'; $host = validate_get(GET('h'), 'host'); $plugin = validate_get(GET('p'), 'plugin'); if (GET('a') == 'del') { plugin_header($host, $plugin, 1); } else { plugin_header($host, $plugin, 0); graphs_from_plugin($host, $plugin); }
if (!$plugins) { echo "Unknown host\n"; return false; } # first the ones defined in overview foreach ($CONFIG['overview'] as $plugin) { if (in_array($plugin, $plugins)) { printf('<div id="%s">' . "\n", $plugin); plugin_header($host, $plugin, 0); graphs_from_plugin($host, $plugin); print "</div>\n"; } } # other plugins foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $CONFIG['overview'])) { printf('<div id="%s">' . "\n", $plugin); if ($splugin == $plugin) { plugin_header($host, $plugin, 0); graphs_from_plugin($host, $plugin); } else { plugin_header($host, $plugin, 1); } print "</div>\n"; } } html_end(); $content = ob_get_clean(); $redis->setex("cache:grapher:host:{$host}:{$splugin}", 300, $content); http_cache_etag(); http_send_data($content);
require_once 'conf/'; require_once 'inc/'; require_once 'inc/'; header("Content-Type: text/html"); $host = GET('h'); $plugin = GET('p'); $selected_plugins = !$plugin ? $CONFIG['overview'] : array($plugin); html_start(); printf("<fieldset id=\"%s\">", htmlentities($host)); printf("<legend>%s</legend>", htmlentities($host)); echo <<<EOT <input type="checkbox" id="navicon" class="navicon" /> <label for="navicon"></label> EOT; if (!strlen($host) || !($plugins = collectd_plugins($host))) { echo "Unknown host\n"; return false; } plugins_list($host, $selected_plugins); echo '<div class="graphs">'; foreach ($selected_plugins as $selected_plugin) { if (in_array($selected_plugin, $plugins)) { plugin_header($host, $selected_plugin); graphs_from_plugin($host, $selected_plugin, empty($plugin)); } } echo '</div>'; printf("</fieldset>"); html_end();
$selected_plugins = !$plugin ? $CONFIG['overview'] : array($plugin); html_start(); printf('<fieldset id="%s">', htmlentities($host)); printf('<legend>%s</legend>', htmlentities($host)); echo <<<EOT <input type="checkbox" id="navicon" class="navicon" /> <label for="navicon"></label> EOT; if (!($plugins = collectd_plugins($host))) { echo "Unknown host\n"; return false; } plugins_list($host, $selected_plugins); echo '<div class="graphs">'; plugin_header($host, $plugin); $args = GET(); print '<ul class="time-range">' . "\n"; foreach ($CONFIG['term'] as $key => $s) { $args['s'] = $s; $selected = selected_timerange($seconds, $s); printf('<li><a %s href="%s%s">%s</a></li>' . "\n", $selected, htmlentities($CONFIG['weburl']), htmlentities(build_url('detail.php', $args)), htmlentities($key)); } print "</ul>\n"; if ($CONFIG['graph_type'] == 'canvas') { chdir($CONFIG['webdir']); include $CONFIG['webdir'] . '/graph.php'; } else { printf("<img src=\"%s%s\">\n", htmlentities($CONFIG['weburl']), htmlentities(build_url('graph.php', GET()))); } echo '</div>';