Exemplo n.º 1
  <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
if (is_file('extensions/sortabletable.js')) {
  <script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/sortabletable.js"></script>
  <meta name="generator" content="CrazyStat" />
$link = 'href="nojs.php" onclick="' . ($config_stat_ext_lytebox ? 'parent.myLytebox.end();' : 'window.close(); return false;') . '"';
echo pie_map($modul, $link, 360);
 <a <?php 
echo $link;
><img src="piechart.php?<?php 
echo SIDX . '&amp;modul=' . $modul;
&amp;size=360" width="360" height="360" align="left" style="margin:20px" alt="<?php 
echo L_MODULEOUT_PIE_CHART . ' ' . constant('L_MODULES_' . strtoupper($modul) . '_P');
" usemap="#map_<?php 
echo $modul;
" /></a>
 <div style="width: 260px; height: 380px; overflow:auto;">
Exemplo n.º 2
function module_out($modul)
    global $list_modules_limit, $list_modules_diagram, $config_stat_max_style, $config_stat_limit, $config_stat_pie_colors, $config_stat_referer_ignore, $config_stat_long_bars, $config_stat_scroll_middle, $config_stat_scroll_right, $config_stat_files_maxlength, $config_stat_bar_length, $config_stat_pie_size, $config_stat_files_hide_dir, $config_stat_ext_lytebox, $ajaxRefresh, $config_stat_files_link, $config_stat_weekdays_sunday_first;
    $module_werte = $_SESSION['module_' . $modul . '_data'];
    $gesamt = $_SESSION['module_' . $modul . '_total'];
    $max = $_SESSION['module_' . $modul . '_max'];
    $max_name = $_SESSION['module_' . $modul . '_max_name'];
    $name = constant('L_MODULES_' . strtoupper($modul) . '_S');
    $name_p = constant('L_MODULES_' . strtoupper($modul) . '_P');
    echo '   <!-- Start Modul ' . ucfirst($modul) . ' -->' . "\n";
    if (!isset($_GET['modul'])) {
        echo '   <div id="module_' . $modul . '">';
    if ($modul == 'hit') {
    <table class="modul">
      <tr><th colspan="2" class="modul"><a href="show_stat.php?<?php 
        echo SIDX;
&amp;changed=hit" onclick="return refresh('hit','mode=refresh');"><img src="img/refresh.png" align="right" title="<?php 
        echo L_REFRESH;
" alt="<?php 
        echo L_REFRESH;
" width="16" height="16" /></a><?php 
        echo L_MODULES_HIT_P;
        echo L_MODULEOUT_HITS_PI;
        echo $module_werte['gesamt'];
        echo $module_werte['gesamt_ip'];
        echo $module_werte['diesen_monat'];
        echo $module_werte['letzten_monat'];
        echo $module_werte['user_online'];
        echo @$module_werte['max_tag'];
        echo $module_werte['max'];
        echo number_format($module_werte['durchschnitt'], 2, L_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR, L_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR);
        echo number_format($module_werte['proUser'], 2, L_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR, L_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR);
        echo floor($module_werte['visit_time_avg']) . L_MINUTES_ABR . ' ' . round(($module_werte['visit_time_avg'] - floor($module_werte['visit_time_avg'])) * 60) . L_SECONDS_ABR;
        echo number_format($module_werte['visit_time_total'] / 60 / 60 / 24, 2, L_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR, L_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR) . ' ' . L_DAYS;
    } else {
        if (!isset($config_stat_limit[$modul]) || $config_stat_limit[$modul] != 0) {
            if (in_array($modul, $list_modules_limit)) {
                if (!isset($module_werte) || !is_array($module_werte) || count($module_werte) < 1) {
                    $module_werte = array(L_MODULEOUT_NO_DATA => 0);
                } else {
            if ($_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_time_span']) {
                if (!empty($_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_time_name'])) {
                    $zeitabschnitt = $_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_time_name'];
                } else {
                    $zeitabschnitt_start = date(L_DATE_FORMAT, $_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_time_start']);
                    $zeitabschnitt_ende = date(L_DATE_FORMAT, $_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_time_end']);
                    $zeitabschnitt = $zeitabschnitt_start . '-' . $zeitabschnitt_ende;
            } else {
                $zeitabschnitt = L_MODULEOUT_TOTAL_TIME;
            echo '   <table class="modul">';
            echo "\n" . '    <tr><th colspan="2" class="modul">' . konsole($modul) . ($_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_ip'] ? L_VISITS : L_PAGEIMPRESSIONS) . '/' . $name . ' <span class="spanne">(' . $zeitabschnitt . ")</span></th></tr>\n   ";
            // ______________________Pie Chart______________________
            if (in_array($modul, $list_modules_diagram) && $_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_piechart']) {
                $link = 'href="pie_zoom.php?' . SIDX . '&amp;modul=' . $modul . '&amp;" ' . ($config_stat_ext_lytebox ? 'rel="lyteframe" rev="width: 700px; height: 420px; scrolling: no;"' : "onclick=\"kreis_zoom=window.open('pie_zoom.php?" . SIDX . "&amp;modul=" . $modul . "','kreis_zoom','height=420, width=700'); kreis_zoom.focus(); return false;\"") . ' target="_blank"';
                $link_map = 'href="pie_zoom.php?' . SIDX . '&amp;modul=' . $modul . '&amp;" ' . ($config_stat_ext_lytebox ? 'target="lyteframe" ' : "onclick=\"kreis_zoom=window.open('pie_zoom.php?" . SIDX . "&amp;modul=" . $modul . "','kreis_zoom','height=420, width=700'); kreis_zoom.focus(); return false;\"");
                echo '<a ' . $link . 'title="' . L_MODULEOUT_PIE_CHART . ' ' . $name_p . '"><img
				src="piechart.php?' . SIDX . '&amp;modul=' . $modul . '"
				id="kreisdiagramm_' . $modul . '"
				alt="' . L_MODULEOUT_PIE_CHART . ' ' . $name . '"
				width="' . $config_stat_pie_size . '"
				height="' . $config_stat_pie_size . '"
				usemap="#map_' . $modul . '" /></a>';
                echo pie_map($modul, $link_map, $config_stat_pie_size);
                if ($_SESSION['scroll'] && in_array($modul, $list_modules_limit)) {
                    echo '<div style="width:180px; height:1px;"></div>';
                    // Minwidth-ersatz
                    if ($modul == 'browser') {
                        $h = 113;
                        $w = $config_stat_scroll_middle - 100;
                    } else {
                        $h = 113;
                        $w = $config_stat_scroll_right - 100;
                    echo '<div class="daten" ' . ($_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_all'] ? 'style="height:' . $h . 'px;"' : '') . '>';
      <table class="daten" id="daten_<?php 
                echo $modul;
         <th title="<?php 
                echo L_MODULEOUT_SORT_BY . ' ' . $name;
                echo $name;
         <th title="<?php 
                echo L_MODULEOUT_SORT_BY_NUM;
                echo L_MODULEOUT_NUM;
         <th title="<?php 
                echo L_MODULEOUT_SORT_BY_PER;
                echo L_MODULEOUT_PER;
        <tr class="gesamt">
                echo L_MODULEOUT_TOTAL;
                echo $gesamt;
                echo '(' . L_AVG_SYMBOL . ' ' . average($gesamt, $module_werte) . ')';
                $farben = $config_stat_pie_colors;
                $grauton = 0;
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($module_werte as $eintrag => $anzahl) {
                    $prozent = prozent($anzahl, $gesamt);
                    if ($_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_all'] || $i < $config_stat_limit[$modul]) {
                        if (!isset($farben[$i])) {
                            $grauton += 20;
                            if ($grauton > 255) {
                                $grauton = 0;
                            $farben[$i] = 'rgb(' . $grauton . ',' . $grauton . ',' . $grauton . ')';
                        if ($modul == 'resolution') {
                            if (empty($eintrag)) {
                                $eintrag = L_ANALYZE_UNSAVED;
                            } elseif ($eintrag == '?') {
                                $eintrag = L_ANALYZE_UNKNOWN_RESOLUTION;
                        echo '<tr><td><span style="background-color:' . $farben[$i] . ';">&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;' . htmlentities($eintrag, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8") . '</td><td>' . $anzahl . '</td><td>' . $prozent . ' %</td></tr>';
                    } elseif ($prozent < 2) {
                if ($_SESSION['scroll'] && in_array($modul, $list_modules_limit)) {
                    echo '</div>';
            } elseif ($modul == 'referer' && $_SESSION['tree'] !== false) {
                // Referer zusammenfassen
                $referer2 = $module_werte;
                foreach ($referer2 as $referer => $anzahl) {
                    $url_info = parse_url($referer);
                    if (!isset($url_info['host'])) {
                        $url_info['host'] = '';
                    $referer = str_replace(empty($url_info['scheme']) ? '' : $url_info['scheme'] . '://' . $url_info['host'], '', $referer);
                    $module_werte[$url_info['host']][$referer] = $anzahl;
                // Array mit Anzahl hits pro Host erstellen
                $gesamt_hosts = 0;
                $max_referer_hosts = 0;
                if (isset($module_werte)) {
                    foreach ($module_werte as $eintrag => $wert) {
                        if (is_array($wert)) {
                            $hostanz_array[$eintrag] = 0;
                            foreach ($wert as $wert2) {
                                $hostanz_array[$eintrag] += $wert2;
                            @($gesamt_hosts += $hostanz_array[$eintrag]);
                            if ($config_stat_long_bars && $hostanz_array[$eintrag] > $max_referer_hosts) {
                                $max_referer_hosts = $hostanz_array[$eintrag];
                if ($_SESSION['tree'] == 'mk') {
                    //  use plugin mktree
                    echo ' <tr><th colspan="2">' . $name . '<span class="ref130">' . L_MODULEOUT_NUM . '</span><span style="position:absolute; right:510px">' . L_MODULEOUT_RATIO . '</span></th></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><ul class="mktree" id="tree1">';
                    // Hosts durchgehen
                    $i = 0;
                    if (isset($hostanz_array)) {
                        foreach ($hostanz_array as $eintrag => $hostanz) {
                            $wert = $module_werte;
                            $wert = $wert[$eintrag];
                            // Ausgabe
                            if (!isset($config_stat_limit[$modul]) || (!$_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_all'] && $i < $config_stat_limit[$modul] || $_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_all'])) {
                                echo '<li>';
                                $prozent = prozent($hostanz, $gesamt_hosts);
                                if ($config_stat_long_bars && isset($max_referer_hosts)) {
                                    $prozent2 = round(prozent($hostanz, $max_referer_hosts) / 100 * $config_stat_bar_length);
                                } else {
                                    $prozent2 = round($prozent / 100 * $config_stat_bar_length);
                                $rest = $config_stat_bar_length - $prozent2;
                                if (is_string($eintrag)) {
                                    echo $eintrag;
                                // Hostname ausgeben
                                if (is_array($wert)) {
                                    // einzelne Referer durchgehen
                                    echo '<span class="ref130">' . $hostanz . '</span><span class="ref20"><img src="img/bar1.gif" height="10" width="' . $prozent2 . '" title="' . $prozent . '%" alt="' . $prozent . '%" /><img src="img/bar0.gif" height="10" width="' . $rest . '" title="' . $prozent . '%" alt="" /></span>';
                                    // Anzahl Hits  und Balken des Host
                                    echo '<ul>';
                                    foreach ($wert as $eintrag2 => $wert2) {
                                        // Einzelne Referer des hosts durchgehen
                                        if (strlen($eintrag2) > 100) {
                                            // kuerzen?
                                            $eintrag2_ungekuertzt = $eintrag2;
                                            $eintrag2 = substr($eintrag2, 0, 100) . "[...]";
                                        } else {
                                            $eintrag2_ungekuertzt = $eintrag2;
                                        $eintrag2 = '<a href=\'' . linkprep('http://' . $eintrag . $eintrag2_ungekuertzt) . '\' class="referer" target="_blank">' . htmlentities($eintrag2, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8") . '</a>' . "\n";
                                        echo '<li>' . $eintrag2;
                                        // einzelnen referer ausgeben
                                        if (is_int($wert2)) {
                                            $prozent = prozent($wert2, $gesamt_hosts);
                                            if ($config_stat_long_bars && isset($max)) {
                                                $prozent2 = round(prozent($wert2, $max) / 100 * $config_stat_bar_length);
                                            } else {
                                                $prozent2 = round($prozent / 100 * $config_stat_bar_length);
                                            $rest = $config_stat_bar_length - $prozent2;
                                            echo '<span class="ref130">' . $wert2 . '</span><span class="ref20"><img src="extensions/lightblue.gif" height="10" width="' . $prozent2 . '" title="' . $prozent . '%" alt="' . $prozent . '%" /><img src="img/bar0.gif" height="10" width="' . $rest . '" title="' . $prozent . '%" alt="" /></span>';
                                        echo '</li>';
                                    echo '</ul>';
                                echo '</li>';
                            } else {
                    echo '</ul>';
                    if (!$ajaxRefresh) {
                        echo '<script type="text/javascript">mk=true; ajaxTree=false;</script>';
                    echo '<div style="border-top: 1px solid #CACACA;"><span style="margin-left: 20px">' . L_MODULEOUT_TOTAL . '</span><span class="ref130">' . $gesamt . ' (&#248; ' . average($gesamt, $module_werte) . ')</span></div>';
                } elseif ($_SESSION['tree'] == 'ajax') {
                    //mit plugin ajaxTree
                    echo ' <tr><td colspan="2">';
                    // Speichere Baum-Daten in Session fuer ref_pages.php
                    $anz_hosts = count($hostanz_array);
                    if (isset($config_stat_limit[$modul]) && $anz_hosts > $config_stat_limit[$modul] && !$_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_all']) {
                        $_SESSION['module_referer_hosts'] = array();
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $config_stat_limit[$modul]; $i++) {
                            $_SESSION['module_referer_hosts'][key($hostanz_array)] = $module_werte[key($hostanz_array)];
                    } else {
                        $_SESSION['module_referer_hosts'] = $module_werte;
                    // save keys for refpages.php
                    @($_SESSION['module_referer_keys'] = array_keys($hostanz_array));
                    if (isset($config_stat_limit[$modul]) && $anz_hosts > $config_stat_limit[$modul] && !$_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_all']) {
                        $anz_hosts = $config_stat_limit[$modul];
                    // pass data to JavaScript (using JSON)
                    $js_data = array();
                    $js_data['parents'] = array();
                    $js_data['laenge'] = $config_stat_bar_length;
                    $js_data['gesamt'] = $gesamt_hosts;
                    $js_data['gesamt2'] = $config_stat_long_bars && isset($max) ? $max : $gesamt;
                    $js_data['host_anz'] = $anz_hosts;
                    $js_data['childs'] = array(0);
                    $js_data['sid'] = SIDX;
     <table style="width:100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="daten_referer">
       <col width="10" />
       <col width="*" />
       <col width="50" />
       <col width="110" />
        <th colspan="2"><?php 
                    echo $name;
                    echo L_MODULEOUT_NUM;
                    echo L_MODULEOUT_RATIO;
                    echo '<tr class="gesamt"><td></td><td>' . L_MODULEOUT_TOTAL . ' ' . L_MODULEOUT_PAGES . '/' . L_MODULEOUT_DOMAINS . '</td><td>' . $gesamt . '/' . count($hostanz_array) . '</td><td>' . '(' . L_AVG_SYMBOL . ' ' . average($gesamt, $module_werte) . ')' . '</td></tr>';
      <tbody id="tabelle">
                    // Hosts durchgehen
                    $id = 0;
                    $js_data['hosts'] = array("");
                    if (isset($hostanz_array)) {
                        foreach ($hostanz_array as $eintrag => $hostanz) {
                            // Ausgabe
                            if (!isset($config_stat_limit[$modul]) || (!$_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_all'] && $id <= $config_stat_limit[$modul] || $_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_all'])) {
                                $prozent = prozent($hostanz, $gesamt_hosts);
                                if ($config_stat_long_bars && isset($max_referer_hosts)) {
                                    $prozent2 = round(prozent($hostanz, $max_referer_hosts) / 100 * $config_stat_bar_length);
                                } else {
                                    $prozent2 = round($prozent / 100 * $config_stat_bar_length);
                                $rest = $config_stat_bar_length - $prozent2;
                                $handle = 'onclick="menuclick(' . $id . '); return false;"';
                                $js_data['childs'][] = count($module_werte[$eintrag]);
                                $js_data['hosts'][] = $eintrag;
                                echo '<tr id="row' . $id . '" class="ajaxTreeZeile' . $id % 2 . '"><td><img src="extensions/ajaxTree/plus';
                                if ($anz_hosts == 1) {
                                    echo '5';
                                } elseif ($id == 1) {
                                    echo '1';
                                } elseif ($id == $anz_hosts) {
                                    echo '3';
                                } else {
                                    echo '2';
                                echo '.gif" alt="+" title="" id="pic' . $id . '" ' . $handle . ' class="ajaxTreeHand" /></td>';
                                echo '<td><a href="nojs.php" ' . $handle . ' class="ajaxTreeDomain">' . $eintrag . '</a></td>
								<td>' . $hostanz . '</td>
								<td><img src="img/bar1.gif" height="10" width="' . $prozent2 . '" title="' . $prozent . '%" alt="' . $prozent . '%" /><img src="img/bar0.gif" height="10" width="' . $rest . '" title="' . $prozent . '%" alt="" /></td>
                            } else {
     <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
     var js_data = <?php 
                    echo json_encode($js_data);
                    $_SESSION['ajax_tree_js_data'] = $js_data;
                echo '</td></tr>';
            } else {
                echo ' <tr><td colspan="2">';
                if ($_SESSION['scroll'] && in_array($modul, $list_modules_limit) && $modul != 'referer' && $modul != 'keyword') {
                    echo '<div style="width:' . ($modul == 'browser' ? 240 : 300) . 'px; height:1px"></div>';
                    // replacement of minwidth
                    if ($modul == 'browser') {
                        $h = 113;
                    } elseif ($modul == 'file') {
                        $h = 220;
                    } elseif ($modul == 'colordepth') {
                        $h = 95;
                    } else {
                        $h = 102;
                    echo '<div style="' . ($_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_all'] ? 'height:' . $h . 'px; overflow:auto; ' : '') . 'width:100%;">';
                echo '<table class="daten" id="daten_' . $modul . '"><thead><tr><th title="' . L_MODULEOUT_SORT_BY . ' ' . $name . '">' . $name . '</th><th title="' . L_MODULEOUT_SORT_BY_NUM . '">' . ($modul == 'day' ? L_MODULEOUT_NUM_ABR : L_MODULEOUT_NUM) . '</th><th title="' . L_MODULEOUT_SORT_BY_RATIO . '">' . L_MODULEOUT_RATIO . '</th></tr></thead>
          <tfoot><tr class="gesamt"><td>' . L_MODULEOUT_TOTAL . '</td><td>' . $gesamt . '</td><td>' . '(' . L_AVG_SYMBOL . ' ' . average($gesamt, $module_werte) . ')</td></tr></tfoot>
                if ($modul == 'weekday') {
                    if (!$config_stat_weekdays_sunday_first && isset($module_werte[0])) {
                        $module_werte[7] = $module_werte[0];
                    $tag_namen = explode(' ', L_CALENDAR_WEEKDAYS);
                    $tag_namen[] = $tag_namen[0];
                $i = 0;
                if (isset($module_werte)) {
                    if (isset($_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_time_rel_startid'])) {
                        $startid = calc_start_id($_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_time_rel_startid']);
                        for ($goid = 1; $goid < $startid; $goid++) {
                    for ($togo = count($module_werte); $togo > 0; $togo--) {
                        if (current($module_werte) === false) {
                            // start from the beginning
                            $separate = true;
                        } else {
                            $separate = false;
                        list($eintrag, $anzahl) = each($module_werte);
                        if (!isset($config_stat_limit[$modul]) || ($_SESSION['set_' . $modul . '_all'] || $i < $config_stat_limit[$modul])) {
                            $prozent = prozent($anzahl, $gesamt);
                            if ($config_stat_long_bars && isset($max)) {
                                $prozent2 = round(prozent($anzahl, $max) / 100 * $config_stat_bar_length);
                            } else {
                                $prozent2 = round($prozent / 100 * $config_stat_bar_length);
                            $rest = $config_stat_bar_length - $prozent2;
                            if (isset($max_name) && $eintrag == $max_name && !in_array($modul, $list_modules_limit)) {
                                $markiere = " class='max'";
                            } else {
                                $markiere = '';
                            if ($modul == 'file') {
                                $eintrag = urldecode($eintrag);
                                $eintrag_ungekuertzt = $eintrag;
                                if (!isset($config_stat_files_hide_dir) || $config_stat_files_hide_dir) {
                                    $eintrag = basename($eintrag);
                                if ($eintrag_ungekuertzt[strlen($eintrag_ungekuertzt) - 1] == '/') {
                                    $eintrag .= '/';
                                if (strlen($eintrag) > $config_stat_files_maxlength) {
                                    $eintrag = substr($eintrag, 0, $config_stat_files_maxlength - 2) . '[...]';
                                $eintrag = htmlentities($eintrag, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
                                if (is_string($config_stat_files_link)) {
                                    $eintrag = '<a href=\'' . linkprep($config_stat_files_link . $eintrag_ungekuertzt) . '\' target="_blank">' . $eintrag . '</a>';
                            } elseif ($modul == 'colordepth') {
                                $eintrag = '<span title="' . pow(2, $eintrag) . ' ' . L_MODULEOUT_COLORS . '">' . prettyInt(pow(2, $eintrag)) . ' ' . L_MODULEOUT_COLORS . ' (' . $eintrag . ' ' . L_BIT . ')</span>';
                            } elseif ($modul == 'keyword' && isset($_SESSION['module_keyword_orig'][$eintrag])) {
                                $eintrag = $_SESSION['module_keyword_orig'][$eintrag];
                            if ($modul == 'referer') {
                                $eintrag_ungekuertzt = $eintrag;
                                $eintrag = htmlentities(substr($eintrag, 0, 100), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8") . ' ' . htmlentities(substr($eintrag, 100, 100), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
                            } elseif (!isset($eintrag_ungekuertzt)) {
                                $eintrag_ungekuertzt = $eintrag;
                            if ($modul == 'weekday' && isset($tag_namen[$eintrag])) {
                                $eintrag = $tag_namen[$eintrag];
                            } elseif ($modul == 'referer') {
                                $eintrag = '<a href=\'' . linkprep($eintrag_ungekuertzt) . '\' class="referer" target="_blank">' . $eintrag . '</a>';
                            if ($modul == 'file') {
                                echo "<tr><td title='" . str_replace("'", '&#39;', htmlentities($eintrag_ungekuertzt, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")) . "' style='cursor:help'>" . $eintrag . "</td>";
                            } else {
                                echo '<tr' . ($separate ? ' class="separate"' : '') . '><td' . $markiere . '>' . $eintrag . '</td>';
                            echo '<td' . $markiere . '>' . $anzahl . '</td><td' . $markiere . '><img src="img/bar1.gif" height="10" width="' . $prozent2 . '" title="' . $prozent . '%" alt="' . $prozent . '%" /><img src="img/bar0.gif" height="10" width="' . $rest . '" title="' . $prozent . '%" alt="" /></td></tr>' . "\n    ";
                        } else {
                echo '</tbody>';
                echo '</table>';
                if ($_SESSION['scroll'] && in_array($modul, $list_modules_limit) && $modul != 'referer' && $modul != 'keyword') {
                    echo '</div>';
                echo '</td></tr>';
            echo "\n" . '   </table>';
    if (!isset($_GET['modul'])) {
        echo "\n" . '   </div>';
        if (is_file('extensions/sortabletable.js') && $modul != 'hit' && ($modul != 'referer' || $_SESSION['tree'] === false)) {
   <script type="text/javascript">
   t=new SortableTable(document.getElementById('daten_<?php 
            echo $modul;
'), 100);
    echo "\n" . '   <!-- Ende Modul ' . ucfirst($modul) . ' -->' . "\n";