function phpdigSearch($id_connect, $query_string, $option = 'start', $refine = 0, $refine_url = '', $lim_start = 0, $limite = 10, $browse = 0, $site = 0, $path = '', $relative_script_path = '.', $template = '', $adlog_flag = 0, $rssdf = '', $template_demo = '')
    global $c, $phpdig_words_chars;
    $relative_script_path = $c['path'] . 'ext/phpdig';
    // check input
    // $id_connect set in connect.php file
    // $query_string cleaned in $query_to_parse in search_function.php file
    if ($option != "start" && $option != "any" && $option != "exact") {
        $option = SEARCH_DEFAULT_MODE;
    if ($refine != 0 && $refine != 1) {
        $refine = 0;
    // $refine_url set in search_function.php file
    // $lim_start set in search_function.php file
    settype($limite, 'integer');
    if ($limite != 10 && $limite != 30 && $limite != 100) {
        $limite = SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT;
    if ($browse != 0 && $browse != 1) {
        $browse = 0;
    if (eregi("^[0-9]+[,]", $site)) {
        $tempbust = explode(",", $site);
        $site = $tempbust[0];
        $path = $tempbust[1];
    settype($site, 'integer');
    // now set to integer
    settype($path, 'string');
    // make sure set to string
    if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $my_path = addslashes($path);
    } else {
        $my_path = addslashes(stripslashes($path));
        $path = stripslashes($path);
    if (empty($site) && empty($path)) {
        $refine = 0;
    } else {
        $refine = 1;
    if ($path == "-###-") {
        $site = 0;
        $path = "";
        $refine = 0;
    // $relative_script_path set in search.php file
    // $template set in config.php file
    // $adlog_flag set in search.php file
    // $rssdf set in search.php file
    // $template_demo set in config.php
    $timer = new phpdigTimer('html');
    // init variables
    settype($maxweight, 'integer');
    $ignore = '';
    $ignore_common = '';
    $ignore_message = '';
    $ignore_commess = '';
    $wheresite = '';
    $wherepath = '';
    $table_results = '';
    $final_result = '';
    $search_time = 0;
    $strings = '';
    $num_tot = 0;
    $leven_final = "";
    $exclude = array();
    $nav_bar = '';
    $pages_bar = '';
    $previous_link = '';
    $next_link = '';
    $mtime = explode(' ', microtime());
    $start_time = $mtime[0] + $mtime[1];
    $timer->start('All backend');
    $timer->start('parsing strings');
    if (!$option) {
        $option = SEARCH_DEFAULT_MODE;
    if (!in_array($option, array('start', 'any', 'exact'))) {
        return 0;
    // the query was filled
    if ($query_string) {
        $common_words = phpdigComWords("{$relative_script_path}/includes/common_words.txt");
        $like_start = array("start" => "", "any" => "", "exact" => "");
        $like_end = array("start" => "%", "any" => "%", "exact" => "%");
        $like_operator = array("start" => "like", "any" => "like", "exact" => "like");
        if ($refine) {
            $wheresite = "AND spider.site_id = {$site} ";
            if ($path && strlen($path) > 0) {
                $my_path = str_replace(" ", "\\%20", $my_path);
                $wherepath = "AND spider.path = '{$my_path}' ";
            $refine_url = "&refine=1&site={$site}&path=" . urlencode($path);
        } else {
            $refine_url = "";
        settype($lim_start, "integer");
        if ($lim_start < 0) {
            $lim_start = 0;
        $n_words = count(explode(" ", $query_string));
        $ncrit = 0;
        $tin = "0";
        if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            $query_to_parse = addslashes($query_string);
        } else {
            $query_to_parse = $query_string;
        $my_query_string_link = stripslashes($query_to_parse);
        $query_to_parse = str_replace('_', '\\_', $query_to_parse);
        // avoid '_' in the query
        $query_to_parse = str_replace('%', '\\%', $query_to_parse);
        // avoid '%' in the query
        $query_to_parse = str_replace('\\"', ' ', $query_to_parse);
        // avoid '"' in the query
        $query_to_parse = phpdigStripAccents(strtolower($query_to_parse));
        //made all lowercase
        $what_query_chars = "[^" . $phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING] . " \\'.\\_~@#\$:&\\%/;,=-]+";
        // epure chars \'._~@#$:&%/;,=-
        if (eregi($what_query_chars, $query_to_parse)) {
            $query_to_parse = eregi_replace($what_query_chars, " ", $query_to_parse);
        $query_to_parse = ereg_replace('([' . $phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING] . '])[\'.\\_~@#$:&\\%/;,=-]+($|[[:space:]]$|[[:space:]][' . $phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING] . '])', '\\1 \\2', $query_to_parse);
        $query_to_parse = trim(ereg_replace(" +", " ", $query_to_parse));
        // no more than 1 blank
        $query_for_strings = $query_to_parse;
        $query_for_phrase = $query_to_parse;
        $test_short = $query_to_parse;
        $query_to_parse2 = explode(" ", $query_to_parse);
        usort($query_to_parse2, "phpdigByLength");
        $query_to_parse = implode(" ", $query_to_parse2);
        if (isset($query_to_parse2)) {
        if (SMALL_WORDS_SIZE >= 1) {
            $ignore_short_flag = 0;
            $test_short_counter = 0;
            $test_short2 = explode(" ", $test_short);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($test_short2); $i++) {
                $test_short2[$i] = trim($test_short2[$i]);
            $test_short2 = array_unique($test_short2);
            $test_short3 = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($test_short2); $i++) {
                if (strlen($test_short2[$i]) <= SMALL_WORDS_SIZE && strlen($test_short2[$i]) > 0) {
                    $test_short2[$i] .= " ";
                    $test_short3[] = $test_short2[$i];
            $test_short = implode(" ", $test_short3);
            if (isset($test_short2)) {
            if (isset($test_short3)) {
            while (ereg('( [^ ]{1,' . SMALL_WORDS_SIZE . '} )|( [^ ]{1,' . SMALL_WORDS_SIZE . '})$|^([^ ]{1,' . SMALL_WORDS_SIZE . '} )', $test_short, $regs)) {
                for ($n = 1; $n <= 3; $n++) {
                    if ($regs[$n] || $regs[$n] == 0) {
                        if (!eregi("\"" . trim(stripslashes($regs[$n])) . "\", ", $ignore)) {
                            $ignore .= "\"" . trim(stripslashes($regs[$n])) . "\", ";
                        $test_short = trim(str_replace($regs[$n], "", $test_short));
            if (strlen($test_short) <= SMALL_WORDS_SIZE) {
                if (!eregi("\"" . $test_short . "\", ", $ignore)) {
                    $ignore .= "\"" . stripslashes($test_short) . "\", ";
                $test_short = trim(str_replace($test_short, "", $test_short));
        $ignore = str_replace("\"\", ", "", $ignore);
        if ($option != "exact") {
            if ($ignore && $ignore_short_flag > 1 && $test_short_counter > 1) {
                $ignore_message = $ignore . ' ' . phpdigMsg('w_short_plur');
            } elseif ($ignore) {
                $ignore_message = $ignore . ' ' . phpdigMsg('w_short_sing');
        $ignore_common_flag = 0;
        while (ereg("(-)?([^ ]{" . (SMALL_WORDS_SIZE + 1) . ",}).*", $query_for_strings, $regs)) {
            $query_for_strings = trim(str_replace($regs[2], "", $query_for_strings));
            if (!isset($common_words[stripslashes($regs[2])])) {
                if ($regs[1] == '-') {
                    $exclude[$ncrit] = $regs[2];
                    $query_for_phrase = trim(str_replace("-" . $regs[2], "", $query_for_phrase));
                } else {
                    $strings[$ncrit] = $regs[2];
                $kconds[$ncrit] = '';
                if ($option != 'any') {
                    $kconds[$ncrit] .= " AND k.twoletters = '" . addslashes(substr(str_replace('\\', '', $regs[2]), 0, 2)) . "' ";
                $kconds[$ncrit] .= " AND k.keyword " . $like_operator[$option] . " '" . $like_start[$option] . $regs[2] . $like_end[$option] . "' ";
            } else {
                $ignore_common .= "\"" . stripslashes($regs[2]) . "\", ";
        if ($option != "exact") {
            if ($ignore_common && $ignore_common_flag > 1) {
                $ignore_commess = $ignore_common . ' ' . phpdigMsg('w_common_plur');
            } elseif ($ignore_common) {
                $ignore_commess = $ignore_common . ' ' . phpdigMsg('w_common_sing');
        $timer->stop('parsing strings');
        if ($ncrit && is_array($strings)) {
            $query = "SET OPTION SQL_BIG_SELECTS = 1";
            mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
            $my_spider2site_array = array();
            $my_sitecount_array = array();
            for ($n = 0; $n < $ncrit; $n++) {
                $timer->start('spider queries');
                $query = "SELECT spider.spider_id,sum(weight) as weight, spider.site_id\r\n           FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "keywords as k," . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "engine as engine, " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "spider as spider\r\n           WHERE engine.key_id = k.key_id\r\n           " . $kconds[$n] . "\r\n           AND engine.spider_id = spider.spider_id {$wheresite} {$wherepath}\r\n           GROUP BY spider.spider_id,spider.site_id ";
                $result = mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
                $num_res_temp = mysql_num_rows($result);
                $timer->stop('spider queries');
                $timer->start('spider fills');
                if ($num_res_temp > 0) {
                    if (!isset($exclude[$n])) {
                        $num_res[$n] = $num_res_temp;
                        while (list($spider_id, $weight, $site_id) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                            $s_weight[$n][$spider_id] = $weight;
                            $my_spider2site_array[$spider_id] = $site_id;
                            $my_sitecount_array[$site_id] = 0;
                    } else {
                        $num_exclude[$n] = $num_res_temp;
                        while (list($spider_id, $weight) = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                            $s_exclude[$n][$spider_id] = 1;
                } elseif (!isset($exclude[$n])) {
                    $num_res[$n] = 0;
                    $s_weight[$n][0] = 0;
                $timer->stop('spider fills');
            $timer->start('reorder results');
            if ($option != "any") {
                if (is_array($num_res)) {
                    list($id_most) = each($num_res);
                    while (list($spider_id, $weight) = each($s_weight[$id_most])) {
                        $weight_tot = 1;
                        while (list($n) = each($num_res)) {
                            settype($s_weight[$n][$spider_id], 'integer');
                            $weight_tot *= sqrt($s_weight[$n][$spider_id]);
                        if ($weight_tot > 0) {
                            $final_result[$spider_id] = $weight_tot;
            } else {
                if (is_array($num_res)) {
                    while (list($spider_id, $site_id) = each($my_spider2site_array)) {
                        $weight_tot = 0;
                        while (list($n) = each($num_res)) {
                            settype($s_weight[$n][$spider_id], 'integer');
                            $weight_tot += sqrt($s_weight[$n][$spider_id]);
                        if ($weight_tot > 0) {
                            $final_result[$spider_id] = $weight_tot;
            if (isset($num_exclude) && is_array($num_exclude)) {
                while (list($id) = each($num_exclude)) {
                    while (list($spider_id) = each($s_exclude[$id])) {
                        if (isset($final_result[$spider_id])) {
            if ($option == "exact") {
                if (is_array($final_result) && count($final_result) > 0) {
                    $exact_phrase_flag = 0;
                    $query_for_phrase_array = explode(" ", $query_for_phrase);
                    $reg_strings = str_replace('@#@', ' ', phpdigPregQuotes(str_replace('\\', '', implode('@#@', $query_for_phrase_array))));
                    $stop_regs = "[][(){}[:blank:]=&?!&#%\$£*@+%:;,/\\.'\"]";
                    $reg_strings = "({$stop_regs}{1}|^)({$reg_strings})({$stop_regs}{1}|\$)";
                    while (list($spider_id, $weight) = each($final_result)) {
                        $content_file = $relative_script_path . '/' . TEXT_CONTENT_PATH . $spider_id . '.txt';
                        if (is_file($content_file)) {
                            $f_handler = fopen($content_file, 'r');
                            $extract_content = preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/", " ", fread($f_handler, filesize($content_file)));
                            if (!eregi($reg_strings, $extract_content)) {
                                $exact_phrase_flag = 1;
                        if ($exact_phrase_flag == 1) {
                            if (isset($final_result[$spider_id])) {
                            $exact_phrase_flag = 0;
            if (!$refine && NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_SITE != -1) {
                if (is_array($final_result) && count($final_result) > 0) {
                    while (list($spider_id, $weight) = each($final_result)) {
                        $site_id = $my_spider2site_array[$spider_id];
                        $current_site_counter = $my_sitecount_array[$site_id];
                        if ($current_site_counter < NUMBER_OF_RESULTS_PER_SITE) {
                        } else {
                            if (isset($final_result[$spider_id])) {
            $timer->stop('reorder results');
        $timer->stop('All backend');
        $timer->start('All display');
        if (is_array($final_result) && count($final_result) > 0) {
            $lim_start = max(0, $lim_start - $lim_start % $limite);
            $n_start = $lim_start + 1;
            $num_tot = count($final_result);
            if ($n_start + $limite - 1 < $num_tot) {
                $n_end = $lim_start + $limite;
                $more_results = 1;
            } else {
                $n_end = $num_tot;
                $more_results = 0;
            if ($n_start > $n_end) {
                $n_start = 1;
                $n_end = min($num_tot, $limite);
                $lim_start = 0;
                if ($n_end < $num_tot) {
                    $more_results = 1;
            // ereg for text snippets and highlighting
            if ($option == "exact") {
                $reg_strings = str_replace('@#@', ' ', phpdigPregQuotes(str_replace('\\', '', implode('@#@', $query_for_phrase_array))));
            } else {
                $reg_strings = str_replace('@#@', '|', phpdigPregQuotes(str_replace('\\', '', implode('@#@', $strings))));
            $stop_regs = "[][(){}[:blank:]=&?!&#%\$£*@+%:;,/\\.'\"]";
            switch ($option) {
                case 'any':
                    $reg_strings = "({$stop_regs}{1}|^)({$reg_strings})()";
                case 'exact':
                    $reg_strings = "({$stop_regs}{1}|^)({$reg_strings})({$stop_regs}{1}|\$)";
                    $reg_strings = "({$stop_regs}{1}|^)({$reg_strings})()";
            $timer->start('Result table');
            //fill the results table
            for ($n = 1; $n <= $n_end; $n++) {
                list($spider_id, $s_weight) = each($final_result);
                if (!$maxweight) {
                    $maxweight = $s_weight;
                if ($n >= $n_start) {
                    $timer->start('Display queries');
                    $query = "SELECT sites.site_url, sites.port, spider.path,spider.file,spider.first_words,sites.site_id,spider.spider_id,spider.last_modified,spider.md5 " . "FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "spider AS spider, " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "sites AS sites " . "WHERE spider.spider_id={$spider_id} AND sites.site_id = spider.site_id";
                    $result = mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
                    $content = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
                    if ($content['port']) {
                        $content['site_url'] = ereg_replace('/$', ':' . $content['port'] . '/', $content['site_url']);
                    $weight = sprintf("%01.2f", 100 * $s_weight / $maxweight);
                    $url = eregi_replace("([" . $phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING] . "])[/]{2,}", "\\1/", urldecode($content['site_url'] . $content['path'] . $content['file']));
                    $js_url = urlencode(eregi_replace("^[a-z]{3,5}://", "", $url));
                    $url = str_replace("\"", "%22", str_replace("'", "%27", str_replace(" ", "%20", trim($url))));
                    $l_site = "<a class='phpdig' href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?refine=1&amp;template_demo=" . $template_demo . "&amp;query_string=" . urlencode($my_query_string_link) . "&amp;site=" . $content['site_id'] . "&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'>" . htmlspecialchars(urldecode($content['site_url']), ENT_QUOTES) . "</a>";
                    if ($content['path']) {
                        $content['path'] = urlencode(urldecode($content['path']));
                        $content2['path'] = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($content['path']), ENT_QUOTES);
                        $l_path = ", " . phpdigMsg('this_path') . " : <a class='phpdig' href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?refine=1&amp;template_demo=" . $template_demo . "&amp;query_string=" . urlencode($my_query_string_link) . "&amp;site=" . $content['site_id'] . "&amp;path=" . $content['path'] . "&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}' >" . $content2['path'] . "</a>";
                    } else {
                        $content2['path'] = "";
                        $l_path = "";
                    $first_words = $content['first_words'];
                    $timer->stop('Display queries');
                    $extract = "";
                    //Try to retrieve matching lines if the content-text is set to 1
                    if (CONTENT_TEXT == 1 && DISPLAY_SNIPPETS) {
                        $content_file = $relative_script_path . '/' . TEXT_CONTENT_PATH . $content['spider_id'] . '.txt';
                        if (is_file($content_file)) {
                            $num_extracts = 0;
                            $my_extract_size = SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH;
                            $my_filesize_for_while = filesize($content_file);
                            while ($num_extracts == 0 && $my_extract_size <= $my_filesize_for_while) {
                                // ***
                                $f_handler = fopen($content_file, 'r');
                                while ($num_extracts < DISPLAY_SNIPPETS_NUM && ($extract_content = preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/", " ", fread($f_handler, $my_extract_size)))) {
                                    if (eregi($reg_strings, $extract_content)) {
                                        $match_this_spot = eregi_replace($reg_strings, "\\1<\\2>\\3", $extract_content);
                                        $first_bold_spot = strpos($match_this_spot, "<");
                                        $first_bold_spot = max($first_bold_spot - round(SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH / 2, 0), 0);
                                        $extract_content = substr($extract_content, $first_bold_spot, max(SNIPPET_DISPLAY_LENGTH, 2 * strlen($query_string)));
                                        $extract .= ' ...' . phpdigHighlight($reg_strings, $extract_content) . '... ';
                                if ($my_extract_size < $my_filesize_for_while) {
                                    $my_extract_size *= 100;
                                    if ($my_extract_size > $my_filesize_for_while) {
                                        $my_extract_size = $my_filesize_for_while;
                                } else {
                            // ends ***
                    list($title, $text) = explode("\n", $first_words);
                    $title = htmlspecialchars(phpdigHighlight($reg_strings, urldecode($title)), ENT_QUOTES);
                    $title = phpdigSpanReplace($title);
                    $table_results[$n] = array('weight' => $weight, 'img_tag' => '<img border="0" src="' . WEIGHT_IMGSRC . '" width="' . ceil(WEIGHT_WIDTH * $weight / 100) . '" height="' . WEIGHT_HEIGHT . '" alt="" />', 'page_link' => "<a class=\"phpdig\" href=\"" . $url . "\" onmousedown=\"return clickit(" . $n . ",'" . $js_url . "')\" target=\"" . LINK_TARGET . "\" >" . $title . "</a>", 'limit_links' => phpdigMsg('limit_to') . " " . $l_site . $l_path, 'filesize' => sprintf('%.1f', ereg_replace('.*_([0-9]+)$', '\\1', $content['md5']) / 1024), 'update_date' => ereg_replace('^([0-9]{4})[-]?([0-9]{2})[-]?([0-9]{2}).*', PHPDIG_DATE_FORMAT, $content['last_modified']), 'complete_path' => $url, 'link_title' => $title);
                    $table_results[$n]['text'] = '';
                    if (DISPLAY_SUMMARY) {
                        $table_results[$n]['text'] = htmlspecialchars(phpdigHighlight($reg_strings, preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/", " ", ereg_replace('(@@@.*)', '', wordwrap($text, SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH, '@@@')))), ENT_QUOTES);
                        $table_results[$n]['text'] = phpdigSpanReplace($table_results[$n]['text']);
                    if (DISPLAY_SUMMARY && DISPLAY_SNIPPETS) {
                        $table_results[$n]['text'] .= "\n<br/><br/>\n";
                    if (DISPLAY_SNIPPETS) {
                        if ($extract) {
                            $extract = htmlspecialchars($extract, ENT_QUOTES);
                            $extract = phpdigSpanReplace($extract);
                            $table_results[$n]['text'] .= $extract;
                        } else {
                            if (!$table_results[$n]['text']) {
                                $table_results[$n]['text'] = htmlspecialchars(phpdigHighlight($reg_strings, preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/", " ", ereg_replace('(@@@.*)', '', wordwrap($text, SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH, '@@@')))), ENT_QUOTES);
                                $table_results[$n]['text'] = phpdigSpanReplace($table_results[$n]['text']);
            $timer->stop('Result table');
            $timer->start('Final strings');
            $url_bar = SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo={$template_demo}&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string=" . urlencode($my_query_string_link) . "{$refine_url}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}&amp;lim_start=";
            if ($lim_start > 0) {
                $previous_link = $url_bar . ($lim_start - $limite);
                $nav_bar .= "<a class=\"phpdig\" href=\"{$previous_link}\" >&lt;&lt;" . phpdigMsg('previous') . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; \n";
            $tot_pages = ceil($num_tot / $limite);
            $actual_page = $lim_start / $limite + 1;
            $page_inf = max(1, $actual_page - 5);
            $page_sup = min($tot_pages, max($actual_page + 5, 10));
            for ($page = $page_inf; $page <= $page_sup; $page++) {
                if ($page == $actual_page) {
                    $nav_bar .= " <span class=\"phpdigHighlight\">{$page}</span> \n";
                    $pages_bar .= " <span class=\"phpdigHighlight\">{$page}</span> \n";
                } else {
                    $nav_bar .= " <a class=\"phpdig\" href=\"" . $url_bar . ($page - 1) * $limite . "\" >{$page}</a> \n";
                    $pages_bar .= " <a class=\"phpdig\" href=\"" . $url_bar . ($page - 1) * $limite . "\" >{$page}</a> \n";
            if ($more_results == 1) {
                $next_link = $url_bar . ($lim_start + $limite);
                $nav_bar .= " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=\"phpdig\" href=\"{$next_link}\" >" . phpdigMsg('next') . "&gt;&gt;</a>\n";
            $mtime = explode(' ', microtime());
            $search_time = sprintf('%01.2f', $mtime[0] + $mtime[1] - $start_time);
            $result_message = stripslashes(ucfirst(phpdigMsg('results')) . " {$n_start}-{$n_end}, {$num_tot} " . phpdigMsg('total') . ", " . phpdigMsg('on') . " \"" . htmlspecialchars($query_string, ENT_QUOTES) . "\" ({$search_time} " . phpdigMsg('seconds') . ")");
            $timer->stop('Final strings');
        } else {
            if (is_array($strings)) {
                $strings = array_values($strings);
                $num_in_strings_arr = count($strings);
            } else {
                $num_in_strings_arr = 0;
            $leven_final = "";
            $leven_sum = 0;
            if ($num_in_strings_arr > 0 && strlen($path) == 0) {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $num_in_strings_arr; $i++) {
                    $soundex_query = "SELECT keyword FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "keywords WHERE SOUNDEX(CONCAT('Q',keyword)) = SOUNDEX(CONCAT('Q','" . $strings[$i] . "')) LIMIT 500";
                    $soundex_results = mysql_query($soundex_query, $id_connect);
                    if (mysql_num_rows($soundex_results) > 0) {
                        $leven_ind = 0;
                        $leven_amt1 = 256;
                        $leven_keyword = array();
                        while (list($soundex_keyword) = mysql_fetch_array($soundex_results)) {
                            $leven_amt2 = min(levenshtein(stripslashes($strings[$i]), $soundex_keyword), $leven_amt1);
                            if ($leven_amt2 < $leven_amt1 && $leven_amt2 >= 0 && $leven_amt2 <= 5) {
                                $leven_keyword[$leven_ind] = stripslashes($soundex_keyword);
                            $leven_amt1 = $leven_amt2;
                        $leven_count = count($leven_keyword);
                        $leven_sum = $leven_sum + $leven_amt1;
                        if ($leven_count > 0) {
                            $leven_final .= $leven_keyword[$leven_count - 1] . " ";
                        if (isset($leven_keyword)) {
            $num_tot = 0;
            $result_message = phpdigMsg('noresults');
            if (strlen(trim($leven_final)) > 0 && $leven_sum > 0) {
                $leven_query = trim($leven_final);
                $result_message .= ". " . phpdigMsg('alt_try') . " <a class=\"phpdigMessage\" href=\"" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo={$template_demo}&amp;query_string=" . urlencode($leven_query) . "\"><i>" . htmlspecialchars($leven_query, ENT_QUOTES) . "</i></a>?";
        if (isset($tempresult)) {
        $title_message = stripslashes(ucfirst(phpdigMsg('s_results')) . " " . phpdigMsg('on') . " " . htmlspecialchars($query_string, ENT_QUOTES));
    } else {
        $title_message = 'PhpDig ' . PHPDIG_VERSION;
        $result_message = phpdigMsg('no_query') . '.';
    if (PHPDIG_LOGS == true && !$browse && !$refine && $adlog_flag == 0) {
        if (is_array($final_result)) {
            phpdigAddLog($id_connect, $option, $strings, $exclude, count($final_result), $search_time);
        } else {
            phpdigAddLog($id_connect, $option, $strings, $exclude, 0, $search_time);
    $timer->start('Template parsing');
    $powered_by_link = "<font size=\"1\" face=\"verdana,arial,sans-serif\">";
    if (ALLOW_RSS_FEED == true && !defined('LIST_LINKS') && $num_tot > 0) {
        $powered_by_link .= "<a href=\"" . $rssdf . "\">" . phpdigMsg('viewRSS') . "</a><br>";
    if (LIST_ENABLE == true && !defined('LIST_LINKS')) {
        if (!empty($template_demo)) {
            $listplate = "template_demo={$template_demo}";
        } else {
            $listplate = "";
        $powered_by_link .= "<a href=\"" . LIST_PAGE . "?{$listplate}\">" . phpdigMsg('viewList') . "</a><br>";
    $powered_by_link .= "<a href=\"\">" . phpdigMsg('powered_by') . "</a><br></font>";
    if (is_array($strings)) {
        $js_string = implode(" ", $strings);
    } else {
        $js_string = "";
    $js_for_clicks = "\r\n<script language=\"JavaScript\">\r\n<!--\r\nfunction clickit(cn,clink) {\r\n  if(document.images) {\r\n     (new Image()).src=\"clickstats.php?num=\"+cn+\"&url=\"+clink+\"&val=" . urlencode($js_string) . "\";\r\n  }\r\n  return true;\r\n}\r\n//-->\r\n</script>\r\n";
    if ($template == 'array' || is_file($template)) {
        $phpdig_version = PHPDIG_VERSION;
        $t_mstrings = compact('js_for_clicks', 'powered_by_link', 'title_message', 'phpdig_version', 'result_message', 'nav_bar', 'ignore_message', 'ignore_commess', 'pages_bar', 'previous_link', 'next_link');
        $t_fstrings = phpdigMakeForm($query_string, $option, $limite, SEARCH_PAGE, $site, $path, 'template', $template_demo, $num_tot, $refine);
        if ($template == 'array') {
            return array_merge($t_mstrings, $t_fstrings, array('results' => $table_results));
        } else {
            $t_strings = array_merge($t_mstrings, $t_fstrings);
            phpdigParseTemplate($template, $t_strings, $table_results);
    } else {
        include $relative_script_path . '/libs/htmlheader.php';
        print $title_message;
        include $relative_script_path . '/libs/htmlmetas.php';
.phpdigHighlight {color:<?php 
        print HIGHLIGHT_COLOR;
.phpdigMessage {padding:1px;background-color:#002288;color:white;}
<script language="JavaScript">
function clickit(cn,clink) {
  if(document.images) {
    (new Image()).src="clickstats.php?num="+cn+"&url="+clink+"&val=<?php 
        echo urlencode($js_string);
  return true;
<body bgcolor="white">
<div align="center">
<img src="phpdig_logo_2.png" width="200" height="114" alt="phpdig <?php 
        print PHPDIG_VERSION;
" border="0" />
<br />
        phpdigMakeForm($query_string, $option, $limite, SEARCH_PAGE, $site, $path, 'classic', $template_demo, $num_tot, $refine);
<h3><span class="phpdigMsg"><?php 
        print $result_message;
<br /><span class="phpdigAlert"><?php 
        print $ignore_message;
<br /><span class="phpdigAlert"><?php 
        print $ignore_commess;
        if (is_array($table_results)) {
            while (list($n, $t_result) = each($table_results)) {
                print "<p style='background-color:#CCDDFF;'>\n";
                print "<b>{$n}. <font style='font-size:10;'>[" . $t_result['weight'] . " %]</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $t_result['page_link'] . "</b>\n<br />\n";
                print "<font style='font-size:10;background-color:#BBCCEE;'>" . $t_result['limit_links'] . "</font>\n<br />\n";
                print "</p>\n";
                print "<blockquote style='background-color:#EEEEEE;font-size:10;'>\n";
                print $t_result['text'];
                print "</blockquote>\n";
        print "<p style='text-align:center;background-color:#CCDDFF;font-weight:bold'>\n";
        print $nav_bar;
        print "</p>\n";
<hr />
<div align="center">
        if ($query_string) {
            phpdigMakeForm($query_string, $option, $limite, SEARCH_PAGE, $site, $path, 'classic', $template_demo, $num_tot, $refine);
<div align='center'>
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='phpdig_powered_2.png' width='88' height='28' border='0' alt='Powered by PhpDig' /></a> &nbsp;
    $timer->stop('Template parsing');
    $timer->stop('All display');
function phpdigMakeForm($query_string = "", $option = "start", $limite = 10, $result_page = "search.php", $site = "", $path = "", $mode = 'classic', $template_demo = "", $num_tot = 0, $refine = 0)
    // $result_page is SEARCH_PAGE from config.php file
    // $mode is 'template' from search_function.php file
    $result = array();
    if (!isset($option)) {
        $option = 'start';
    settype($limite, 'integer');
    if ($limite == 0) {
        $limite = 10;
    $check_start = array('start' => 'checked="checked"', 'any' => '', 'exact' => '');
    $check_any = array('start' => '', 'any' => 'checked="checked"', 'exact' => '');
    $check_exact = array('start' => '', 'any' => '', 'exact' => 'checked="checked"');
    $limit10 = array(10 => 'selected="selected"', 30 => '', 100 => '');
    $limit30 = array(10 => '', 30 => 'selected="selected"', 100 => '');
    $limit100 = array(10 => '', 30 => '', 100 => 'selected="selected"');
    $limitopt_flag = 0;
    if (!in_array(SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT, array(10, 30, 100))) {
        $limitopt_flag = 1;
        $limit10[SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT] = "";
        $limit30[SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT] = "";
        $limit100[SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT] = "";
        $limitdef = array(10 => '', 30 => '', 100 => '', SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT => 'selected="selected"');
        $limitoptdef = "<option " . $limitdef[$limite] . ">" . SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT . "</option>";
    $limitopt10 = "<option " . $limit10[$limite] . ">10</option>";
    $limitopt30 = "<option " . $limit30[$limite] . ">30</option>";
    $limitopt100 = "<option " . $limit100[$limite] . ">100</option>";
    $limitselectopts = array(10 => $limitopt10, 30 => $limitopt30, 100 => $limitopt100);
    if ($limitopt_flag == 1) {
        $limitselectopts[SEARCH_DEFAULT_LIMIT] = $limitoptdef;
    $selectoptlist = "";
    foreach ($limitselectopts as $selectopt) {
        $selectoptlist .= $selectopt;
    $query_string2 = urlencode(stripslashes($query_string));
    if (defined('LIST_LINKS')) {
        $result['templates_links'] = "\r\n<b>" . phpdigMsg('choose_temp') . "</b> : \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=phpdig.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>phpdig.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=black.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>black.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=simple.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>simple.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=green.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>green.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=grey.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>grey.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=yellow.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>yellow.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=bluegrey.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>bluegrey.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=terminal.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>terminal.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=linear.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>linear.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=lightgreen.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>lightgreen.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=newspaper.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>newspaper.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=corporate.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>corporate.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . LIST_PAGE . "?template_demo=gaagle.html&amp;" . LIST_ACTION . "&amp;page=" . LIST_PAGES . "'><u>gaagle.html</u></a> \r\n";
    } else {
        $result['templates_links'] = "\r\n<b>" . phpdigMsg('choose_temp') . "</b> : \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=phpdig.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>phpdig.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=black.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>black.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=simple.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>simple.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=green.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>green.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=grey.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>grey.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=yellow.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>yellow.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=bluegrey.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>bluegrey.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=terminal.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>terminal.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=linear.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>linear.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=lightgreen.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>lightgreen.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=newspaper.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>newspaper.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=corporate.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>corporate.html</u></a> \r\n<a href='" . SEARCH_PAGE . "?template_demo=gaagle.html&amp;result_page=" . SEARCH_PAGE . "&amp;browse=1&amp;query_string={$query_string2}&amp;limite={$limite}&amp;option={$option}'><u>gaagle.html</u></a> \r\n";
        $dropdown_flag = 0;
        $relative_script_path = '.';
        if (is_file("{$relative_script_path}/includes/connect.php")) {
            include "{$relative_script_path}/includes/connect.php";
        } else {
            die("Unable to find connect.php file for dropdown menu.\n");
        if ($num_tot == 0 || empty($site) && empty($path)) {
            $dropdown_flag = 1;
            $path = "";
        } else {
            if (isset($site) && is_numeric($site) && $site > 0) {
                $site = (int) $site;
                if (DROPDOWN_URLS) {
                    $dd_query = mysql_query('SELECT DISTINCT ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites.site_url AS ' . 'site_url,' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'spider.path AS path ' . 'FROM ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites,' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'spider ' . 'WHERE ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites.site_id = ' . $site . ' ' . 'AND ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites.site_id = ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'spider.site_id ' . 'AND ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'spider.path != ""', $id_connect);
                } else {
                    $dd_query = mysql_query('SELECT DISTINCT path FROM ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'spider WHERE site_id = ' . $site . ' AND path != ""', $id_connect);
                if (@mysql_num_rows($dd_query) > 0) {
                    $result['form_head'] = "<form action='{$result_page}' method='post'>\r\n            <input type='hidden' name='site' value='{$site}'/>\r\n            <input type='hidden' name='refine' value='{$refine}'/>\r\n            <input type='hidden' name='template_demo' value='{$template_demo}'/>\r\n            <input type='hidden' name='result_page' value='{$result_page}'/>";
                    $result['form_dropdown'] = phpdigMsg('narrow_path') . ": <select name='path'>";
                    $result['form_dropdown'] .= "<option value='-###-'>" . phpdigMsg('searchall') . "</option>";
                    // value needs to be something unique, not blank
                    while ($dd_data = mysql_fetch_array($dd_query)) {
                        if ($path == $dd_data['path']) {
                            $result['form_dropdown'] .= "<option value='" . $dd_data['path'] . "' selected>" . $dd_data['site_url'] . $dd_data['path'] . "</option>";
                        } else {
                            $result['form_dropdown'] .= "<option value='" . $dd_data['path'] . "'>" . $dd_data['site_url'] . $dd_data['path'] . "</option>";
                    $result['form_dropdown'] .= "</select> <a href=\"{$result_page}\">" . phpdigMsg('restart') . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $dropdown_flag = 1;
            } else {
                $dropdown_flag = 1;
        if ($dropdown_flag == 1) {
            if (DROPDOWN_URLS) {
                $dd_query = mysql_query('SELECT DISTINCT ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites.site_id AS ' . 'site_id,' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites.site_url AS site_url,' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'spider.path AS path ' . 'FROM ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites,' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'spider ' . 'WHERE ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites.site_id = ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'spider.site_id', $id_connect);
            } else {
                $dd_query = mysql_query('SELECT site_id,site_url FROM ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites', $id_connect);
            $result['form_head'] = "<form action='{$result_page}' method='post'>\r\n      <input type='hidden' name='path' value='" . htmlspecialchars($path, ENT_QUOTES) . "'/>\r\n      <input type='hidden' name='refine' value='{$refine}'/>\r\n      <input type='hidden' name='template_demo' value='{$template_demo}'/>\r\n      <input type='hidden' name='result_page' value='{$result_page}'/>";
            $result['form_dropdown'] = phpdigMsg('select_site') . ": <select name='site'>";
            $result['form_dropdown'] .= "<option value=''>" . phpdigMsg('searchall') . "</option>";
            while ($dd_data = mysql_fetch_array($dd_query)) {
                $result['form_dropdown'] .= "<option value='" . $dd_data['site_id'] . "," . $dd_data['path'] . "'>" . $dd_data['site_url'] . $dd_data['path'] . "</option>";
            $result['form_dropdown'] .= "</select> <a href=\"{$result_page}\">" . phpdigMsg('restart') . "</a>";
    } else {
        $result['form_dropdown'] = '';
        $result['form_head'] = "<form action='{$result_page}' method='post'>\r\n  <input type='hidden' name='site' value='{$site}'/>\r\n  <input type='hidden' name='path' value='" . htmlspecialchars($path, ENT_QUOTES) . "'/>\r\n  <input type='hidden' name='template_demo' value='{$template_demo}'/>\r\n  <input type='hidden' name='result_page' value='{$result_page}'/>\r\n  ";
    $result['form_foot'] = "</form>";
    $result['form_title'] = phpdigMsg('search');
    $result['form_field'] = "<input type='text' class='phpdiginputtext' size='" . SEARCH_BOX_SIZE . "' maxlength='" . SEARCH_BOX_MAXLENGTH . "' name='query_string' value='" . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($query_string), ENT_QUOTES) . "'/>";
    $result['form_select'] = phpdigMsg('display') . "\r\n  <select name='limite' class='phpdigselect'>\r\n  {$selectoptlist}\r\n  </select>\r\n  " . phpdigMsg('results') . "\r\n ";
    $result['form_button'] = "<input type='submit' class='phpdiginputsubmit' name='search' value='" . phpdigMsg('go') . "'/>";
    $result['form_radio'] = "<input type=\"radio\" class='phpdiginputradio' name=\"option\" value=\"start\" " . $check_start[$option] . "/>" . phpdigMsg('w_begin') . "&nbsp;\r\n <input type=\"radio\" class='phpdiginputradio' name=\"option\" value=\"exact\" " . $check_exact[$option] . "/>" . phpdigMsg('w_whole') . "&nbsp;\r\n <input type=\"radio\" class='phpdiginputradio' name=\"option\" value=\"any\" " . $check_any[$option] . "/>" . phpdigMsg('w_part') . "&nbsp;\r\n ";
    if ($mode == 'classic') {
        print $form_head;
<table class="borderCollapse">
  <td class="blueForm">
        print $form_title;
  <td class="greyForm">
        print $form_field;
        print $form_button;
        print $form_select;
 <td class="greyForm">
        print $form_radio;
    } else {
        return $result;
Exemplo n.º 3
        while (mysql_num_rows($result_id) > 0) {
            $query = "DELETE FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "tempspider";
            $result_id = mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
            // do not remove me as i MAY be needed to make a nice stop
            echo phpdigMsg('wait');
            $query = "SELECT * FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "tempspider";
            $result_id = mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
    mysql_query('UPDATE ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites SET locked=0 WHERE locked=1', $id_connect);
    $query = "UPDATE " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "sites SET stopped=0";
    $result_id = mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
    echo "<strong>" . phpdigMsg('done') . "</strong>";
<br /><br />
<a href="index.php?sid=<?php 
echo $sid;
" >[<?php 
]</a> <?php 
<br /><br />
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='../phpdig_powered_2.png' width='88' height='28' border='0' alt='Powered by PhpDig' /></a>
Exemplo n.º 4
print phpdigMsg('upd_sites');
<a href="statistics.php?sid=<?php 
echo $sid;
print phpdigMsg('statistics');
<a href="stop_spider.php?stop=1&sid=<?php 
echo $sid;
print phpdigMsg('StopSpider');
<td colspan="2">
<p class="grey">
Exemplo n.º 5
print "Optimizing tables..." . $br;
@mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "spider", $id_connect);
@mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "engine", $id_connect);
@mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "keywords", $id_connect);
//display end of indexing
if ($run_mode == 'http') {
<hr />
<a href="index.php?sid=<?php 
    echo $sid;
" target="contentset">[<?php 
]</a> <?php 
    if (isset($mode) && isset($site_id) && $mode == 'small') {
        print '<br /><a href="update_frame.php?sid=' . $sid . '&site_id=' . $site_id . '" target="contentset">[' . phpdigMsg('back') . ']</a> ' . phpdigMsg('to_update') . '.';
} else {
    print $br;
$locks = phpdigMySelect($id_connect, 'SELECT locked FROM ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites WHERE locked = 1');
if (is_array($locks)) {
} else {
    mysql_query('UPDATE ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites SET locked=1', $id_connect);
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT spider_id FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "spider WHERE file = '';");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "engine WHERE spider_id=" . $row['spider_id'] . ";");
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "spider WHERE spider_id=" . $row['spider_id'] . ";");
        phpdigDelText($relative_script_path, $row['spider_id']);
        echo $count . " ";
    echo phpdigMsg('done');
    mysql_query('UPDATE ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites SET locked=0', $id_connect);
<br /><br />
<a href="index.php?sid=<?php 
echo $sid;
" >[<?php 
]</a> <?php 
<br /><br />
function phpdigIndexFile($id_connect, $tempfile, $tempfilesize, $site_id, $origine, $localdomain, $path, $file, $content_type, $upddate, $last_modified, $tags, $ftp_id = '')
    global $allowed_link_chars, $phpdig_words_chars, $common_words, $relative_script_path, $s_yes, $s_no, $br;
    $date = date("YmdHis", time());
    if (!isset($tempfile) || !is_file($tempfile)) {
        return 0;
    settype($page_desc, 'string');
    settype($page_keywords, 'string');
        if (is_array($tags)) {
            if (isset($tags['description'])) {
                $page_desc = phpdigCleanHtml($tags['description']);
            if (isset($tags['keywords'])) {
                $page_keywords = phpdigCleanHtml($tags['keywords']);
    $file_content = file($tempfile);
    $textalts = "";
    //verify the array $text is empty
    $n_chunk = 0;
    $n_cline = 0;
    $text[0] = '';
    $exclude = false;
    foreach ($file_content as $num => $line) {
        if (trim($line)) {
            if ($content_type == 'HTML' && trim($line) == PHPDIG_EXCLUDE_COMMENT) {
                $exclude = true;
            } else {
                if (trim($line) == PHPDIG_INCLUDE_COMMENT) {
                    $exclude = false;
            if (!$exclude) {
                //extract alt attributes of images
                if (eregi("(alt=|title=)[[:blank:]]*[\\'\"][[:blank:]]*([ a-z0-9È-Ë]+)[[:blank:]]*[\\'\"]", $line, $regs)) {
                    $textalts .= $regs[2];
                //extract the domains names not local and not banned to add in keywords
                while (eregi("<a([^>]*href[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*[\\'\"]?((([a-z]{3,5}://)+(([.a-zA-Z0-9-])+(:[0-9]+)*))*({$allowed_link_chars}\\[?{$allowed_link_chars}\\]?{$allowed_link_chars}))(#[.a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[\\'\" ]?)", $line, $regs)) {
                    $line = str_replace($regs[1], "", $line);
                    if ($regs[5] && $regs[5] != $localdomain && !eregi(BANNED, $regs[2]) && ereg('[a-z]+', $regs[5])) {
                        if (!isset($nbre_mots[$regs[5]])) {
                            $nbre_mots[$regs[5]] = 1;
                        } else {
                //cut the text after $n_chunk characters
                if (strlen($text[$n_chunk]) > CHUNK_SIZE) {
                    //cut only before an opening tag
                    if ($content_type != 'HTML' or eregi("^[[:blank:]]*<[a-z]+[^>]*>", $line)) {
                        $n_cline = 0;
                        $text[$n_chunk] = " ";
                $text[$n_chunk] .= trim($line) . " ";
    //store the number of chunks
    $max_chunk = $n_chunk;
    //free the array containing file content
    if (isset($file_content)) {
    $doc_title = "";
    //purify from html tags and store the title
    if (is_array($text) && $content_type == 'HTML') {
        foreach ($text as $n_chunk => $chunk) {
            $chunk = phpdigCleanHtml($chunk);
            $text[$n_chunk] = trim($chunk['content']) . " ";
            $doc_title .= $chunk['title'];
    //set the title in order <title>, filename, or unknown
    if (isset($doc_title) && $doc_title) {
        $titre_resume = $doc_title;
    } elseif (isset($file) && $file) {
        $titre_resume = $file;
    } else {
        $titre_resume = "Untitled";
    //title and small description
    if (!is_array($page_desc)) {
        $page_desc['content'] = '';
    } else {
        $page_desc['content'] = ' ' . $page_desc['content'];
    $db_some_text = preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/", " ", implode("", $text));
    if (strlen($db_some_text) > SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH) {
        $db_some_text = substr($db_some_text, 0, SUMMARY_DISPLAY_LENGTH) . "...";
    $first_words = preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/", " ", $titre_resume) . "\n" . preg_replace("/([ ]{2,}|\n|\r|\r\n)/", " ", $page_desc['content'] . $db_some_text) . "...";
    //hashed string to detect doubles
    $md5 = md5($titre_resume . $page_desc['content'] . $text[$max_chunk]) . '_' . $tempfilesize;
    //double test :
    $phpdigTestDouble = phpdigTestDouble($id_connect, $site_id, $md5, $upddate, $last_modified);
    //if no double detected, continue indexing
    if ($phpdigTestDouble == 0) {
        $text_title = "";
        //weight of title and description is there
        if (APPEND_TITLE_META) {
            for ($itl = 0; $itl < TITLE_WEIGHT; $itl++) {
                $text_title .= $doc_title . " " . $page_desc['content'] . " ";
            $add_text = $text_title;
            if (is_array($textalts) && isset($textalts['content'])) {
                $add_text .= $textalts['content'];
            if (is_array($page_keywords) && isset($page_keywords['content'])) {
                $add_text .= " " . $page_keywords['content'];
            array_push($text, $add_text);
        //words list and occurence of each of them
        $total = 0;
        foreach ($text as $n_chunk => $text2) {
            $text2 = phpdigEpureText($text2, SMALL_WORDS_SIZE);
            $separators = " ";
            if (isset($token)) {
            for ($token = strtok($text2, $separators); $token !== FALSE; $token = strtok($separators)) {
                if (!isset($nbre_mots[$token])) {
                    $nbre_mots[$token] = 1;
                } else {
        $distinct_words = @count($nbre_mots);
        //modify the spider reccord
        $spider_id = phpdigUpdSpiderRow($id_connect, $site_id, $path, $file, $first_words, $upddate, $md5, $last_modified, $distinct_words, $tempfilesize);
        //here store extract the textual content (return a new ftp_id in case of reconnection)
        $ftp_id = phpdigWriteText($relative_script_path, $spider_id, $text, $ftp_id);
        //end of textual.
        //delete old engine reccord
        $query = "DELETE FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "engine WHERE spider_id={$spider_id}";
        mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
        //database insert
        $it = 0;
        $sqlvalues = "";
        while (list($key, $value) = @each($nbre_mots)) {
            $key = trim($key);
            if (!get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {
                $key = addslashes($key);
            //no small words nor stop words
            if (strlen($key) > SMALL_WORDS_SIZE and strlen($key) <= MAX_WORDS_SIZE and !isset($common_words[$key]) and ereg('^[' . $phpdig_words_chars[PHPDIG_ENCODING] . '#$]', $key)) {
                //if keyword exists, retrieve id, else insert it
                $requete = "SELECT key_id FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "keywords WHERE keyword = '" . $key . "'";
                $result_insert = mysql_query($requete, $id_connect);
                $num = mysql_num_rows($result_insert);
                if ($num == 0) {
                    //inserts new keyword
                    $requete = "INSERT INTO " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "keywords (keyword,twoletters) VALUES ('" . $key . "','" . addslashes(substr(str_replace('\\', '', $key), 0, 2)) . "')";
                    mysql_query($requete, $id_connect);
                    $key_id = mysql_insert_id($id_connect);
                } else {
                    //existing keyword
                    $keyid = mysql_fetch_row($result_insert);
                    $key_id = $keyid[0];
                //New index record
                if ($it == 0) {
                    $sqlvalues .= "({$spider_id},{$key_id},{$value})";
                    $it = 1;
                } else {
                    $sqlvalues .= ",\n({$spider_id},{$key_id},{$value})";
        if (isset($nbre_mots)) {
        //One query for the entire page
        $requete = "INSERT INTO " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "engine (spider_id,key_id, weight) VALUES {$sqlvalues}\n";
        $result_insert = mysql_query($requete, $id_connect);
        print $s_yes;
    } else {
        $spider_id = -1;
        print $s_no . phpdigMsg('double') . $br;
    if (isset($text)) {
    return $spider_id;
        $id_key = mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
        if (mysql_num_rows($id_key) < 1) {
            //if this key_id is not in engine database, delete it
            print "X ";
            $query_delete = "DELETE FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "keywords WHERE key_id={$key_id}";
            $id_del = mysql_query($query_delete, $id_connect);
        } else {
            print ". ";
    if ($del) {
        print "<br />{$del}" . phpdigMsg('keywordsnotok');
    } else {
        print "<br />" . phpdigMsg('keywordsok');
    mysql_query('UPDATE ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites SET locked=0', $id_connect);
<br />
<a href="index.php?sid=<?php 
echo $sid;
]</a> <?php 
Exemplo n.º 9
echo $tdhtm, '&nbsp;';
if (api_is_allowed_to_edit()) {
    echo '<textarea name="mdsc" id="mdsc" rows="10" cols="60">', htmlspecialchars($pkwc), '</textarea>';
} else {
    echo '<textarea name="mdsc" id="mdsc" class="dvc"> </textarea>';
        <input type="hidden" id="kwdswere_string" name="kwdswere_string"/>
        <input type="submit" id="form_submit" onClick="document.getElementById('kwdswere_string').value = document.getElementById('kwds_string').value; return prepSearch(event);" value="<?php 
echo phpdigMsg('go');

<div id="popup" noWrap="1" class="pup">


Exemplo n.º 10
<input type="text" id="kwds_string" class="kwl" onKeyUp="takeTypeIn(this, 150, -100, '60%'); checkEnter(event); return true;"/>

<form action="<?php echo api_get_self()?>" method="post">
    <td><?php echo $tdhtm, '&nbsp;'; ?>
    <?php if (api_is_allowed_to_edit())
               echo '<textarea name="mdsc" id="mdsc" rows="10" cols="60">', htmlspecialchars($pkwc), '</textarea>';
          else echo '<textarea name="mdsc" id="mdsc" class="dvc"> </textarea>';
        <input type="hidden" id="kwdswere_string" name="kwdswere_string"/>
        <input type="submit" id="form_submit" onClick="document.getElementById('kwdswere_string').value = document.getElementById('kwds_string').value; return prepSearch(event);" value="<?php echo phpdigMsg('go')?>"/>

<div id="popup" noWrap="1" class="pup">



<div noWrap="1" id="maindiv">
    <?php if ($keywordscache == '') { ?> &#xa0; <?php } else { ?>
Exemplo n.º 11
    if (!$locked) {
        if ($path_name) {
            print "<a href='update.php?path=" . urlencode($path_name) . "&amp;site_id={$site_id}&amp;sid={$sid}&amp;deny=1&amp;sup=1#{$aname2}' target='_self' ><img src='deny.gif' width='10' height='10' border='0' align='middle' alt='" . phpdigMsg('exclude') . "' /></a>&nbsp;\n";
        } else {
            print "<img src='fill.gif' width='10' height='10' border='0' align='middle' alt='' />&nbsp;\n";
        print "<a href='update.php?site_id={$site_id}&sid=" . $sid . "&path=" . urlencode($path_name) . "&sup=1#{$aname2}' target='_self'><img src='no.gif' width='10' height='10' border='0' align='middle' alt='" . phpdigMsg('delete') . "' /></a>&nbsp;\n";
        print "<a href='update.php?path=" . urlencode($path_name) . "&sid=" . $sid . "&site_id={$site_id}&exp=1' target='contentset'><img src='yes.gif' width='10' height='10' border='0' align='middle' alt='" . phpdigMsg('reindex') . "' /></a>&nbsp;\n";
    if ($path_name == "") {
        $path_name_aff = "<i><b style='color:red;'>" . phpdigMsg('root') . "</b></i>";
    print '<code>' . $path_name_aff . "</code>&nbsp;<a href='files.php?path=" . urlencode($path_name) . "&site_id={$site_id}&sid=" . $sid . "' target='files' ><img src='details.gif' width='10' height='10' border='0' align='middle' alt='" . phpdigMsg('files') . "' /></a><br />\n";
<a href="index.php?sid=<?php 
echo $sid;
" target='contentset'>[<?php 
]</a> <?php 
Exemplo n.º 12
        $id_spider = mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
        if (mysql_num_rows($id_spider) < 1) {
            //if no-existent in the spider page, delete from engine
            print "X ";
            $query_delete = "DELETE FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "engine WHERE spider_id={$spider_id}";
            $id_del = mysql_query($query_delete, $id_connect);
        } else {
            print "- ";
    if ($del) {
        print "<br />{$del}" . phpdigMsg('enginenotok');
    } else {
        print "<br />" . phpdigMsg('engineok');
    mysql_query('UPDATE ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites SET locked=0', $id_connect);
<br />
<a href="index.php?sid=<?php 
echo $sid;
" >[<?php 
]</a> <?php 
Exemplo n.º 13
        $res = mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
        if ($res) {
            while (list($key_id) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
                //delete references to this keyword in the engine table
                $query = "DELETE FROM " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "engine WHERE key_id={$key_id}";
                mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
                $numdel = mysql_affected_rows($id_connect);
                print "{$numdel}" . phpdigMsg('deletedfor') . " " . stripslashes($common) . " ({$key_id})<br />";
                $numtot += $numdel;
            //delete this common word from the keywords table
            $query = "DELETE from " . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . "keywords where keyword like '{$common}'";
        mysql_query($query, $id_connect);
    print "<h3>" . phpdigMsg('cleanuptotal') . "{$numtot}" . phpdigMsg('cleaned') . "</h3>";
    mysql_query('UPDATE ' . PHPDIG_DB_PREFIX . 'sites SET locked=0', $id_connect);
<br /><br />
<a href="index.php?sid=<?php 
echo $sid;
]</a> <?php 
<br /><br />