<?php phpInfo(); ?>
<html> <body> <h1>Hello, It works!</h1> <?php $name = 'sind'; echo "hello {$name}"; ?> <?php echo phpInfo(); ?> </body> </html>
/** * Render page info @ingroup pages * * Because this function is a potential security risk, it is only available for admins */ function showPhpInfo() { phpInfo(); }
<?php print phpInfo(); ?>
<?php require __DIR__ . '/lib/base.php'; include_once 'avro.php'; F3::route('GET /', 'home'); function home() { echo "Hello, X.commerce! You should be posting to /cse/offer/create\n"; } F3::route('GET /testphp', function () { echo print_r(get_loaded_extensions(), true); echo print_r(phpInfo(), true); }); F3::route('POST /cse/offer/create', 'cse'); function cse() { // Open the log file to which to write outputs $fp = fopen('test.log', 'at'); // Get all http headers in the received message $headers = getallheaders(); // Get the posted message body // NOTE: The message body is currently in Avro binary form $post_data = file_get_contents("php://input"); // Get the URI of the Avro schema on the OCL server that adheres to the /cse/offer/create contract $schema_uri = $headers['X-XC-SCHEMA-URI']; // Get the contents of the Avro schema identified by the URI retrieved above $content = file_get_contents($schema_uri); // Parse the CSE Avro schema and place results in an AvroSchema object $schema = AvroSchema::parse($content); //fwrite($fp, $schema); //fwrite($fp, "\n");
public static function checkCompileDirRequirementsInInstallMode() { $installDir = self::resolveCompileDirInInstallMode(); if ($installDir == self::INSTALL_STREAM . '://:') { ob_start(); phpInfo(); $info = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (strstr($info, 'Suhosin') !== false) { $template = new Gpf_Io_File(Gpf_Paths::getInstance()->getFullBaseServerPath() . Gpf_Paths::INSTALL_DIR . Gpf_Paths::TEMPLATES_DIR . Gpf_Paths::INSTALL_DIR . Gpf_Paths::DEFAULT_THEME . 'accounts_wrong_permission.stpl'); $body = $template->getContents(); $body = str_replace('{$path}', Gpf_Paths::getInstance()->getFullBaseServerPath() . Gpf_Paths::ACCOUNTS_DIR, $body); die($body); } } }