Exemplo n.º 1
  * Retrieve a list of recent messages for all forums for which the user has
  * read permission, for a particular forum, for a list of forums or for a
  * particular thread. Optionally, only top level thread messages can be
  * retrieved.
  * The original version of this function came from Jim Winstead of mysql.com
  * @param integer $limit
  *     Limit the number of returned messages to this number.
  * @param integer $offset
  *     When using the $limit parameter to limit the number of returned
  *     messages, this parameter can be used to specify the retrieval offset.
  * @param integer $forum_id
  *     A forum_id, an array of forum_ids or 0 (zero) to retrieve messages
  *     from any forum.
  * @param integer $thread
  *     A thread id or 0 (zero) to retrieve messages from any thread.
  * @param integer $list_type
  *     This parameter determines the type of list that has to be returned.
  *     Options for this parameter are:
  *     - LIST_RECENT_MESSAGES: return a list of recent messages
  *     - LIST_RECENT_THREADS: return a list of recent threads
  *     - LIST_UPDATED_THREADS: return a list of recently updated threads
  *     - LIST_UNREAD_MESSAGES: return a list of unread messages
  * @return array
  *     An array of recent messages, indexed by message_id. One special key
  *     "users" is set too. This one contains an array of all involved
  *     user_ids.
 public function get_recent_messages($limit, $offset = 0, $forum_id = 0, $thread = 0, $list_type = LIST_RECENT_MESSAGES)
     global $PHORUM;
     // Backward compatibility for the old $threads_only parameter.
     if (is_bool($list_type)) {
         $list_type = $list_type ? LIST_RECENT_THREADS : LIST_RECENT_MESSAGES;
     settype($limit, 'int');
     settype($offset, 'int');
     settype($thread, 'int');
     settype($list_type, 'int');
     $this->sanitize_mixed($forum_id, 'int');
     if ($list_type == LIST_UNREAD_MESSAGES) {
         if (empty($PHORUM['user']['user_id'])) {
             trigger_error(__METHOD__ . ": \$list_type parameter LIST_UNREAD_MESSAGES " . "used, but no authenticated user available; this feature " . "can only be used for authenticated users", E_USER_ERROR);
     // In case -1 is used as "any" value by the caller.
     if ($forum_id < 0) {
         $forum_id = 0;
     if ($thread < 0) {
         $thread = 0;
     // Parameter checking.
     if ($list_type < 0 || $list_type > 3) {
         trigger_error(__METHOD__ . ": illegal \$list_type parameter used", E_USER_ERROR);
     if ($list_type != LIST_RECENT_MESSAGES && $thread) {
         trigger_error(__METHOD__ . ":\$thread parameter can only be " . "used with \$list_type = LIST_RECENT_MESSAGES", E_USER_ERROR);
     // We have to check what forums the active Phorum user can read first.
     // Even if a $thread is passed, we have to make sure that the user
     // can read the containing forum. Here we convert the $forum_id
     // argument into an argument that is usable for
     // phorum_api_user_check_access(), in such way that it will always
     // return an array of accessible forum_ids.
     if ($forum_id == 0) {
         $forum_id = PHORUM_ACCESS_LIST;
     } elseif (!is_array($forum_id)) {
         $forum_id = array($forum_id => $forum_id);
     $allowed_forums = phorum_api_user_check_access(PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_READ, $forum_id);
     // If the user is not allowed to see any forum,
     // then return an empty array.
     if (empty($allowed_forums)) {
         return array();
     // Keep track of the database index that we want to force
     // in order to optimize the query.
     $use_key = NULL;
     // We need to differentiate on which key to use.
     // If selecting on a specific thread, then the best index
     // to use would be the thread_message index.
     if ($thread) {
         $use_key = 'thread_message';
     } elseif (count($allowed_forums) == 1) {
         switch ($list_type) {
             case LIST_RECENT_MESSAGES:
             case LIST_UNREAD_MESSAGES:
                 $use_key = 'forum_recent_messages';
             case LIST_RECENT_THREADS:
                 $use_key = 'list_page_flat';
             case LIST_UPDATED_THREADS:
                 $use_key = 'list_page_float';
     } else {
         switch ($list_type) {
             case LIST_RECENT_MESSAGES:
             case LIST_UNREAD_MESSAGES:
                 $use_key = 'PRIMARY';
             case LIST_RECENT_THREADS:
                 $use_key = 'recent_threads';
             case LIST_UPDATED_THREADS:
                 $use_key = 'updated_threads';
     // Build the SQL query.
     $sql = "SELECT msg.* FROM {$this->message_table} msg";
     if ($this->_can_USE_INDEX && $use_key !== NULL) {
         $sql .= " USE INDEX ({$use_key})";
     if ($list_type == LIST_UNREAD_MESSAGES) {
         $sql .= " LEFT JOIN {$this->user_newflags_min_id_table} min\n                  ON msg.forum_id = min.forum_id AND\n                  min.user_id = " . (int) $PHORUM['user']['user_id'] . " LEFT JOIN {$this->user_newflags_table} new\n                  ON msg.message_id = new.message_id AND\n                  new.user_id = " . (int) $PHORUM['user']['user_id'];
     $sql .= " WHERE msg.status = " . PHORUM_STATUS_APPROVED;
     // When we are retrieving unread messages, we need to find out
     // how many new messages we have and what forums contain those
     // new messages. This is a relatively light query, which' output
     // can be used to greatly improve the query that we need to
     // run here.
     if ($list_type == LIST_UNREAD_MESSAGES) {
         $tmp = $this->get_forums($allowed_forums, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2);
         $tmp = phorum_api_newflags_apply_to_forums($tmp, PHORUM_NEWFLAGS_COUNT);
         $unread_count = 0;
         $unread_forums = array();
         foreach ($tmp as $f) {
             if (!empty($f['new_messages'])) {
                 $unread_count += $f['new_messages'];
                 $unread_forums[$f['forum_id']] = $f['forum_id'];
         // No new messages? Then we're done here.
         if ($unread_count == 0) {
             return array();
         // Otherwise, update the query parameters to improve
         // the unread messages query.
         if ($unread_count < $limit) {
             $limit = $unread_count;
         $allowed_forums = $unread_forums;
     if (count($allowed_forums) == 1) {
         $sql .= " AND msg.forum_id = " . array_shift($allowed_forums);
     } else {
         $sql .= " AND msg.forum_id IN (" . implode(",", $allowed_forums) . ")";
     if ($thread) {
         $sql .= " AND msg.thread = {$thread}";
     $sql .= " AND msg.moved = 0";
     if ($list_type == LIST_UNREAD_MESSAGES) {
         $sql .= " AND (min_id IS NULL OR msg.message_id > min_id)\n                      AND new.message_id IS NULL";
     if ($list_type == LIST_RECENT_THREADS || $list_type == LIST_UPDATED_THREADS) {
         $sql .= ' AND msg.parent_id = 0';
     if ($list_type == LIST_UPDATED_THREADS) {
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY msg.modifystamp DESC';
     } else {
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY msg.datestamp DESC';
     // Retrieve matching messages from the database.
     $messages = $this->interact(DB_RETURN_ASSOCS, $sql, 'message_id', NULL, $limit, $offset);
     // Post processing of received messages.
     $involved_users = array();
     foreach ($messages as $id => $message) {
         // Unpack the message meta data.
         $messages[$id]['meta'] = empty($message['meta']) ? array() : unserialize($message['meta']);
         // Collect all involved users.
         if (isset($message['user_id'])) {
             $involved_users[$message['user_id']] = $message['user_id'];
     // Store the involved users in the message array.
     $messages['users'] = $involved_users;
     return $messages;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * This function handles preparing forum or folder data
 * for use in the templates.
 * @param array $forums
 *     An array of forum and/or folder data records to format.
 * @param int $flags
 *     If the {@link PHORUM_FLAG_ADD_UNREAD_INFO} flag is set, then template
 *     data for showing new messages/threads will be added to the data records.
 *     The exact data that is added depends on the value of the
 *     $PHORUM['show_new_on_index'] setting variable.
 * @param array
 *     The same as the $forums argument array, with formatting applied
 *     and template variables added.
function phorum_api_format_forums($forums, $flags = 0)
    global $PHORUM;
    static $index_url_template;
    static $list_url_template;
    static $markread_url_template;
    static $feed_url_template;
    if (empty($feed_url_template)) {
        $index_url_template = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL, '%forum_id%');
        $orig_forum_id = $PHORUM['forum_id'];
        $PHORUM['forum_id'] = '%forum_id%';
        $post_url_template = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_POSTING_URL);
        $PHORUM['forum_id'] = $orig_forum_id;
        $list_url_template = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_LIST_URL, '%forum_id%');
        $markread_url_template = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL, '%forum_id%', 'markread', '%folder_id%');
        $feed_url_template = phorum_api_url(PHORUM_FEED_URL, '%forum_id%', 'type=' . $PHORUM['default_feed']);
    // For tracking forums for which we have to check unread messages.
    $forums_to_check = array();
    foreach ($forums as $forum_id => $forum) {
        // Setup template data for folders.
        if ($forum['folder_flag']) {
            // A URL for the index view for this folder. We also set this
            // one up as URL->LIST, because up to Phorum 5.3 that variable
            // was in use.
            $forum['URL']['INDEX'] = $forum['URL']['LIST'] = str_replace('%forum_id%', $forum_id, $index_url_template);
        } else {
            // A URL for the message list for this forum.
            $forum['URL']['LIST'] = str_replace('%forum_id%', $forum_id, $list_url_template);
            // A "mark forum read" URL for authenticated users.
            if ($PHORUM['user']['user_id']) {
                $forum['URL']['MARK_READ'] = str_replace(array('%forum_id%', '%folder_id%'), array($forum_id, $PHORUM['forum_id']), $markread_url_template);
            // A URL to post a new message.
            $forum['URL']['POST'] = str_replace('%forum_id%', $forum_id, $post_url_template);
            // A URL to the syndication feed.
            if (!empty($PHORUM['use_rss'])) {
                $forum['URL']['FEED'] = str_replace('%forum_id%', $forum_id, $feed_url_template);
            // For dates, we store an unmodified version to always have
            // the original date available for modules. Not strictly
            // needed for this one, since we to not override the original
            // "last_post_time" field, but we still add it to be compliant
            // with the rest of the Phorum code.
            $forum['raw_last_post'] = $forum['last_post_time'];
            // Format the last post time, unless no messages were posted at all.
            if ($forum['message_count'] > 0) {
                $forum['last_post'] = phorum_api_format_date($PHORUM['long_date_time'], $forum['last_post_time']);
            } else {
                $forum['last_post'] = '&nbsp;';
            // Some number formatting.
            $forum['raw_message_count'] = $forum['message_count'];
            $forum['message_count'] = number_format($forum['message_count'], 0, $PHORUM['dec_sep'], $PHORUM['thous_sep']);
            $forum['raw_thread_count'] = $forum['thread_count'];
            $forum['thread_count'] = number_format($forum['thread_count'], 0, $PHORUM['dec_sep'], $PHORUM['thous_sep']);
            $forums_to_check[] = $forum_id;
        // Put the formatted record back in the array.
        $forums[$forum_id] = $forum;
    // Add unread message information.
    if ($flags & PHORUM_FLAG_ADD_UNREAD_INFO && $PHORUM['show_new_on_index'] != PHORUM_NEWFLAGS_NOCOUNT && $PHORUM['user']['user_id'] && !empty($forums_to_check)) {
        $forums = phorum_api_newflags_apply_to_forums($forums, $PHORUM['show_new_on_index'], $forums_to_check);
    return $forums;