Exemplo n.º 1
function phorum_check_language($is_install = false)
    global $PHORUM;
    $checked = array();
    // Check for the default language file.
    if (!file_exists("./include/lang/{$PHORUM["default_forum_options"]["language"]}.php")) {
        return array(PHORUM_SANITY_WARN, "Your default language is set to\n         \"" . htmlspecialchars($PHORUM["default_forum_options"]["language"]) . "\",\n         but the language file \"include/lang/" . htmlspecialchars($PHORUM["default_forum_options"]["language"] . ".php") . "\" is\n         not available on your system (anymore?).", "Install the specified language file to make this default\n         language work or change the Default Language setting\n         under General Settings.");
    $checked[$PHORUM["default_forum_options"]["language"]] = true;
    // If this check is run at install time, we're done.
    if ($is_install) {
        return array(PHORUM_SANITY_OK, NULL, NULL);
    // Check for the forum specific language file(s).
    require_once './include/api/forums.php';
    $forums = phorum_api_forums_get(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_INACTIVE);
    foreach ($forums as $id => $forum) {
        if (!empty($forum["language"]) && !$checked[$forum["language"]] && !file_exists("./include/lang/{$forum["language"]}.php")) {
            $type = $forum['folder_flag'] ? 'folder' : 'forum';
            return array(PHORUM_SANITY_WARN, "The language for {$type} \"" . htmlspecialchars($forum["name"]) . "\" is set to\n               \"" . htmlspecialchars($forum["language"]) . "\",\n               but the language file \"include/lang/" . htmlspecialchars($forum["language"] . ".php") . "\" is\n               not available on your system (anymore?).", "Install the specified language file to make this language\n               work or change the language setting for the forum.");
        $checked[$forum["language"]] = true;
    // All checks are OK.
    return array(PHORUM_SANITY_OK, NULL, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 2
function phorum_readable_permissions()
    global $PHORUM;
    $newperms = array();
    if (isset($PHORUM["user"]["permissions"])) {
        $forums = phorum_api_forums_get(array_keys($PHORUM["user"]["permissions"]));
        foreach ($PHORUM["user"]["permissions"] as $forum => $perms) {
            if (isset($forums[$forum])) {
                if ($perms & PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_MODERATE_MESSAGES) {
                    $newperms[] = array('forum' => $forums[$forum]["name"], 'perm' => $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['PermModerator']);
                if ($perms & PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_READ) {
                    $newperms[] = array('forum' => $forums[$forum]["name"], 'perm' => $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['PermAllowRead']);
                if ($perms & PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_REPLY) {
                    $newperms[] = array('forum' => $forums[$forum]["name"], 'perm' => $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['PermAllowReply']);
                if ($perms & PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_NEW_TOPIC) {
                    $newperms[] = array('forum' => $forums[$forum]["name"], 'perm' => $PHORUM['DATA']['LANG']['PermAllowPost']);
    return $newperms;
Exemplo n.º 3
function phorum_check_upload_limits($is_install)
    global $PHORUM;
    if ($is_install) {
        return array(PHORUM_SANITY_SKIP, NULL, NULL);
    // Keep track if uploads are used.
    $upload_used = false;
    // Get the maximum file upload size for PHP.
    list($system_max_upload, $php_max_upload, $db_max_upload) = phorum_api_system_get_max_upload();
    // Check limits for file uploading in personal profile.
    if ($PHORUM["file_uploads"] && $PHORUM["max_file_size"]) {
        $upload_used = true;
        $res = phorum_single_check_upload_limits($PHORUM["max_file_size"] * 1024, "the Max File Size option for user file uploads " . "(in their profile)", $php_max_upload, $db_max_upload);
        if ($res != NULL) {
            return $res;
    // Check limits for attachment uploading in forums.
    require_once './include/api/forums.php';
    foreach ($forums as $id => $forum) {
        if ($forum["max_attachments"] > 0 && $forum["max_attachment_size"]) {
            $upload_used = true;
            $res = phorum_single_check_upload_limits($forum["max_attachment_size"] * 1024, "the Max File Size option for uploading attachments\n                 in the forum \"{$forum['name']}\"", $php_max_upload, $db_max_upload);
            if ($res != NULL) {
                return $res;
    // No upload functionality found so far? Then we're done.
    if (!$upload_used) {
        return array(PHORUM_SANITY_OK, NULL);
    // Check if the upload temp directory can be written.
    $tmpdir = get_cfg_var('upload_tmp_dir');
    if (!empty($tmpdir)) {
        $fp = @fopen("{$tmpdir}/sanity_checks_dummy_uploadtmpfile", "w");
        if (!$fp) {
            return array(PHORUM_SANITY_CRIT, "The system is unable to write files\n             to PHP's upload tmpdir \"" . htmlspecialchars($tmpdir) . "\".\n             The system error was:<br/><br/>" . htmlspecialchars($php_errormsg) . ".", "Change the upload_tmp_dir setting in your php.ini file\n             or give your webserver more permissions for the current\n             upload directory.");
    return array(PHORUM_SANITY_OK, NULL, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 4
 $skipsession = FALSE;
 if (phorum_page == 'css' || phorum_page == 'javascript') {
     $skipsession = TRUE;
 // If the Phorum is disabled, display a message.
 if (isset($PHORUM["status"]) && $PHORUM["status"] == PHORUM_MASTER_STATUS_DISABLED) {
     if (!empty($PHORUM["disabled_url"])) {
     } else {
         echo "This Phorum is currently administratively disabled. Please " . "contact the web site owner at " . htmlspecialchars($PHORUM['system_email_from_address']) . " " . "for more information.";
 if (!empty($PHORUM["forum_id"])) {
     // Load the settings for the currently active forum.
     $forum_settings = phorum_api_forums_get($PHORUM["forum_id"], null, null, null, PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_INACTIVE);
     if ($forum_settings === NULL) {
          * [hook]
          *     common_no_forum
          * [description]
          *     This hook is called in case a forum_id is requested for
          *     an unknown or inaccessible forum. It can be used for
          *     doing things like logging the bad requests or fully
          *     overriding Phorum's default behavior for these cases
          *     (which is redirecting the user back to the index page).
          * [category]
          *     Request initialization
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Retrieve data for all forums inheriting their settings from a certain forum.
 * @param integer $forum_id
 *     The forum_id for which to check what forums inherit its setting.
 * @return array
 *     An array of forums, index by the their forum_id and sorted
 *     by their display order.
function phorum_api_forums_by_inheritance($forum_id = 0)
    return phorum_api_forums_get(NULL, NULL, NULL, $forum_id);
Exemplo n.º 6
        $forums[$forum_id] = $folder;
        // Keep track of folders that are shown below the starting node.
        $folders[$forum_id] = array();
// Loop over all the folders (flat view sections) that we will show and get
// their child forums and folders.
foreach ($folders as $folder_id => $dummy) {
    // These folders are level zero folders. To the child forums and folders,
    // level 1 will be assigned. The level value can be used in the template
    // to see where a new top level folder starts.
    $forums[$folder_id]['level'] = 0;
    // Retrieve the children for the current folder. For the (v)root folder,
    // we only retrieve the contained forums, since its folders will be shown
    // as separate sections in the flat index view instead.
    $children = phorum_api_forums_get(NULL, $folder_id, NULL, $PHORUM['vroot'], $PHORUM['vroot'] == $folder_id ? PHORUM_FLAG_FORUMS : 0);
    foreach ($children as $child_forum_id => $child_forum) {
        // If inaccessible forums should be hidden on the index, then check
        // if the current user has rights to access the current forum.
        if (!$child_forum['folder_flag'] && $PHORUM['hide_forums'] && !phorum_api_user_check_access(PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_READ, $child_forum_id)) {
        // These are level one forums and folders.
        $child_forum['level'] = 1;
        // Remember the data.
        $forums[$child_forum_id] = $child_forum;
        // Add the forum or folder to the child list for the current folder.
        $folders[$folder_id][$child_forum_id] = $child_forum_id;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 7
                foreach ($files as $file_id => $data) {
                    if (phorum_api_file_check_delete_access($file_id)) {
            // Run a hook for performing custom actions after cleanup.
            if (isset($PHORUM["hooks"]["delete"])) {
                phorum_api_hook("delete", array($msgthd_id));
$PHORUM['DATA']['PREPOST'] = array();
if ($gotforums) {
    $foruminfo = phorum_api_forums_get($mod_forums, NULL, NULL, $PHORUM['vroot']);
} else {
    $foruminfo = array();
foreach ($mod_forums as $forum => $rest) {
    $checkvar = 1;
    // Get the threads
    $rows = array();
    // get the thread set started
    $rows = $PHORUM['DB']->get_unapproved_list($forum, $showwaiting, $moddays);
    // loop through and read all the data in.
    foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
        $rows[$key]['forumname'] = $foruminfo[$forum]['name'];
        $rows[$key]['checkvar'] = $checkvar;
        if ($checkvar) {
Exemplo n.º 8
            } else {
                echo "Error Saving Group Forum Permissions";
if ($error) {
require_once './include/admin/PhorumInputForm.php';
$groups = $PHORUM['DB']->get_groups(0, TRUE);
 * @todo Add PHORUM_FLAG_FORUMS when the phorum_get_forum_info() call
 *       from below is APIfied.
$forums = phorum_api_forums_get(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_INACTIVE);
if (isset($_REQUEST["edit"]) && !empty($_REQUEST['group_id'])) {
    $group_id_in = empty($_POST['group_id']) ? $_GET['group_id'] : $_POST['group_id'];
    $_GET['group_id'] = (int) $group_id_in;
    $group = $groups[$_GET["group_id"]];
    $frm = new PhorumInputForm("", "post");
    $frm->addbreak("Edit Group");
    $frm->hidden("module", "groups");
    $frm->hidden("section", "edit");
    // for getting back to the edit-page
    $frm->hidden('edit', '1');
    $frm->hidden("group_id", $_GET["group_id"]);
    $open_options = array(PHORUM_GROUP_CLOSED => "No", PHORUM_GROUP_OPEN => "Yes", PHORUM_GROUP_REQUIRE_APPROVAL => "Yes (require Group Moderator approval)");
    $frm->addrow("Name:", $frm->text_box("name", $group["name"], 50));
    $frm->addrow("Allow Membership Requests:", $frm->select_tag("open", $open_options, $group["open"], ""));
Exemplo n.º 9
 * @param integer $flag
 *   $flag can be 0, 1, 2 or 3
 *   0 = all forums / folders
 *   1 = all forums
 *   2 = only forums + vroot-folders (used in banlists)
 *   3 = only vroot-folders
 * @param integer $vroot
 *   This parameter can be -1, 0 or > 0
 *    -1 returns forums from all vroots
 *     0 returns only forums / folders from the root (vroot = 0)
 *   > 0 returns only forums / folders within the given vroot
function phorum_get_forum_info($flag = 0, $vroot = -1)
    $folders = array();
    $forums = phorum_api_forums_get(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_INACTIVE);
    foreach ($forums as $forum) {
        if (($flag == 0 || $forum['folder_flag'] == 0 && $flag != 3 || $flag == 2 && $forum['vroot'] > 0 && $forum['vroot'] == $forum['forum_id'] || $flag == 3 && $forum['vroot'] == $forum['forum_id']) && ($vroot == -1 || $vroot == $forum['vroot'])) {
            // Build a string path for the current forum record.
            $parts = $forum['forum_path'];
            $path = implode('::', $parts);
            // When we are not requesting vroot folders specifically,
            // then add an indication when the current forum record
            // is a vroot folder.
            if ($flag != 3 && $forum['vroot'] && $forum['vroot'] == $forum['forum_id']) {
                $path .= " (Virtual Root)";
            $folders[$forum["forum_id"]] = $path;
    asort($folders, SORT_STRING);
    return $folders;
Exemplo n.º 10
function phorum_build_forum_list()
    // Check what forums the current user can read.
    $allowed_forums = phorum_api_user_check_access(PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_READ, PHORUM_ACCESS_LIST);
    $forum_picker = array();
    // build forum drop down data
    require_once './include/api/forums.php';
    $forums = phorum_api_forums_get($allowed_forums);
    foreach ($forums as $forum) {
        $tmp_forums[$forum["forum_id"]]["forum_id"] = $forum["forum_id"];
        $tmp_forums[$forum["forum_id"]]["parent"] = $forum["parent_id"];
        $tmp_forums[$forum["parent_id"]]["children"][] = $forum["forum_id"];
        if (empty($forums[$forum["parent_id"]]["childcount"])) {
            $forums[$forum["parent_id"]]["childcount"] = 1;
        } else {
    $order = array();
    $stack = array();
    $curr_id = $PHORUM['vroot'];
    while (count($tmp_forums)) {
        if (empty($seen[$curr_id])) {
            if ($curr_id != $PHORUM['vroot']) {
                if ($forums[$curr_id]["active"]) {
                    $order[$curr_id] = $forums[$curr_id];
                $seen[$curr_id] = true;
        array_unshift($stack, $curr_id);
        $data = $tmp_forums[$curr_id];
        if (isset($data["children"])) {
            if (count($data["children"])) {
                $curr_id = array_shift($tmp_forums[$curr_id]["children"]);
            } else {
                $curr_id = array_shift($stack);
        } else {
            $curr_id = array_shift($stack);
        if (!is_numeric($curr_id)) {
    foreach ($order as $forum) {
        if ($forum["folder_flag"]) {
            // Skip empty folders.
            if (empty($forums[$forum['forum_id']]['childcount'])) {
            $url = phorum_get_url(PHORUM_INDEX_URL, $forum["forum_id"]);
        } else {
            $url = phorum_get_url(PHORUM_LIST_URL, $forum["forum_id"]);
        $indent = count($forum["forum_path"]) - 2;
        if ($indent < 0) {
            $indent = 0;
        $forum_picker[$forum["forum_id"]] = array("forum_id" => $forum["forum_id"], "parent_id" => $forum["parent_id"], "folder_flag" => $forum["folder_flag"], "name" => $forum["name"], "stripped_name" => strip_tags($forum["name"]), "indent" => $indent, "indent_spaces" => str_repeat("&nbsp;", $indent), "url" => $url, "path" => $forum["forum_path"]);
    return $forum_picker;
Exemplo n.º 11
//   You should have received a copy of the Phorum License                    //
//   along with this program.                                                 //
//                                                                            //
if (!defined("PHORUM_ADMIN")) {
require_once './include/api/forums.php';
// Show message if set in the URL.
if (isset($_GET['okmsg'])) {
$folder_id = (int) (isset($_GET["parent_id"]) ? $_GET["parent_id"] : 0);
$parent_parent_id = (int) (isset($_GET["pparent"]) ? $_GET["pparent"] : 0);
// Load the info for the current folder.
$folder = phorum_api_forums_get($folder_id);
// Load the list of forums and folders that are in the current folder.
$forums = phorum_api_forums_by_folder_id($folder_id, PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_INACTIVE);
// Change the display order of the items in the list.
if (isset($_GET['display_up']) || isset($_GET['display_down'])) {
    if (isset($_GET['display_up'])) {
        $forum_id = (int) $_GET['display_up'];
        $movement = 'up';
    } else {
        $forum_id = (int) $_GET['display_down'];
        $movement = 'down';
    phorum_api_forums_change_order($folder_id, $forum_id, $movement, 1);
    // Get a fresh forum list with updated order.
    $forums = phorum_api_forums_by_folder_id($folder_id);
Exemplo n.º 12
    { call      : "getforumsettings",
      forum_id  : 10 }
    Retrieve the default forum settings:
    { call      : "getforumsettings",
      forum_id  : 0 }
    An object containing the settings data for a forum.
    The call will return an error if no forum exists for the provided
    forum_id or if the active user does not have read access for the
    Maurice Makaay <*****@*****.**>
if (!defined('PHORUM')) {
require_once PHORUM_PATH . '/include/api/forums.php';
// Process the arguments.
$forum_id = phorum_ajax_getarg('forum_id', 'int');
// For forum_id = 0, we return the default settings.
if ($forum_id == 0) {
// Retrieve and return the forum data. No permission checking is needed.
// The forum_id parameter is checked from common.php already.
$data = phorum_api_forums_get($forum_id);
if (!$data) {
    phorum_ajax_error("Forum {$forum_id} does not exist");
Exemplo n.º 13
//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of           //
//                                                                            //
//   You should have received a copy of the Phorum License                    //
//   along with this program.                                                 //
//                                                                            //
if (!defined("PHORUM")) {
require_once PHORUM_PATH . '/include/api/format/forums.php';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve information from the database
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve the children for the current folder.
$forums = phorum_api_forums_get(NULL, $PHORUM['forum_id'], NULL, $PHORUM['vroot']);
// For the directory index view, we show the folders and forums separately.
// Here we separate the forum_ids for these two.
$folder_ids = array();
$forum_ids = array();
foreach ($forums as $forum_id => $forum) {
    // Handle folders.
    if ($forum['folder_flag']) {
        $folder_ids[] = $forum_id;
    } else {
        // If inaccessible forums should be hidden on the index, then check
        // if the current user has rights to access the current forum.
        if (!$forum['folder_flag'] && $PHORUM['hide_forums'] && !phorum_api_user_check_access(PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_READ, $forum_id)) {
        $forum_ids[] = $forum_id;
Exemplo n.º 14
// After running this script, you can use those groups for assigning
// moderators to the forums.
// if we are running in the webserver, bail out
if ('cli' != php_sapi_name()) {
    echo "This script cannot be run from a browser.";
define("PHORUM_ADMIN", 1);
define('phorum_page', 'create_moderator_groups');
chdir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/..");
require_once './common.php';
require_once './include/api/forums.php';
// Make sure that the output is not buffered.
print "\nCreate forum moderator groups ...\n";
$forums = phorum_api_forums_get();
// Find out which forums already have a moderator group available.
$forum_has_moderator = array();
$groups = $PHORUM['DB']->get_groups();
foreach ($groups as $id => $group) {
    foreach ($group['permissions'] as $forum_id => $permission) {
        if ($permission & PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_MODERATE_MESSAGES) {
            $forum_has_moderator[$forum_id] = TRUE;
foreach ($forums as $forum_id => $fdata) {
    if (!empty($fdata['folder_flag'])) {
    print "> forum {$fdata['name']} ";
Exemplo n.º 15
         *     Same as input.
        phorum_hook('after_split', $_POST['message']);
        if (!isset($PHORUM['DATA']['OKMSG'])) {
            $PHORUM['DATA']['OKMSG'] = "";
        $PHORUM['DATA']["URL"]["REDIRECT"] = $PHORUM["DATA"]["URL"]["LIST"];
// remove the affected messages from the cache if caching is enabled.
if ($PHORUM['cache_messages']) {
    $invalidate_forums = array();
    foreach ($invalidate_message_cache as $message) {
        phorum_cache_remove('message', $message["message_id"]);
        $invalidate_forums[$message['forum_id']] = $message['forum_id'];
    if (is_array($invalidate_forums) && count($invalidate_forums)) {
        require_once './include/api/forums.php';
        // retrieve the data for all involved forums to get the correct cache version
        $forums_data = phorum_api_forums_get($invalidate_forums);
        // increment the cache version for all involved forums once
        foreach ($invalidate_forums as $forum_id) {
            phorum_db_update_forum(array('forum_id' => $forum_id, 'cache_version' => $forums_data[$forum_id]['cache_version'] + 1));
if (!isset($PHORUM['DATA']['BACKMSG'])) {
    $PHORUM['DATA']["BACKMSG"] = $PHORUM['DATA']["LANG"]["BackToList"];
Exemplo n.º 16
//                                                                            //
if (!defined("PHORUM_ADMIN")) {
require_once './include/api/forums.php';
if ($_GET["confirm"] == "Yes") {
    $res = phorum_api_forums_delete((int) $_GET['forum_id']);
    if ($res === NULL) {
        $msg = "No action was taken.";
    } else {
        $msg = $res['folder_flag'] ? "The folder has been deleted. All forums and folders from " . "this folder have been moved to the folder's parent." : "The forum and all messages it contained have been deleted.";
} elseif ($_GET["confirm"] == "No") {
    $msg = "No action was taken.";
} else {
    $forum = phorum_api_forums_get((int) $_GET['forum_id'], NULL, NULL, NULL, PHORUM_FLAG_INCLUDE_INACTIVE);
    if ($forum["folder_flag"]) {
        $msg = "Are you sure you want to delete {$forum['name']}?  All forums and folders in this folder will be moved to this folder's parent.";
    } else {
        $msg = "Are you sure you want to delete {$forum['name']}?  All messages in this forum will be deleted";
    $frm_url = phorum_admin_build_url();
    $msg .= "<form action=\"{$frm_url}\" method=\"get\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phorum_admin_token\" value=\"{$PHORUM['admin_token']}\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"module\" value=\"{$module}\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"forum_id\" value=\"{$forum['forum_id']}\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"folder_flag\" value=\"{$forum['folder_flag']}\" /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"confirm\" value=\"Yes\" />&nbsp;<input type=\"submit\" name=\"confirm\" value=\"No\" /></form>";
<div class="PhorumInfoMessage"><?php 
echo $msg;