public function __construct($node, $cookie) { $this->link = peb_connect($node, $cookie); if (!$this->link) { throw new Exception(sprintf("Can't connect to node: %s with cookie: %s", $node, $cookie)); } }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <title>Twitter Everyday Hashtags Twitter</title> <head> <?php $link = peb_connect("cat@food", "abc"); if (!$link) { // die('Could not connect: ' . peb_error()); Header("Location: http://site1.local/404.php"); } $msg = peb_encode("[~s]", array(array("hello"))); //The sender must include a reply address. use ~p to format a link identifier to a valid Erlang pid. $result = peb_rpc("server", "tags_finland", $msg, $link); $rs = peb_decode($result); $msgS = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $rs); if (count($msgS) > 1) { $tags = $msgS; $resultL = peb_rpc("server", "likes_finland", $msg, $link); $rsL = peb_decode($resultL); $likes = $rsL[0]; } else { Header("Location: http://site1.local/404.php"); } peb_close($link); ?> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='Results for <?php echo $_GET['hashtag']; ?> '" onFocus="if (this.value=='Results for <?php echo $_GET['hashtag']; ?> ')this.value='' "> <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="Search Again!"/> </form> </div> <br> <?php set_time_limit(0); $link = peb_connect('Something@bryndlir-pinecone-2194177', 'abc'); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect' . peb_error()); } $msg = peb_vencode('[~p,~a]', array(array($link, $_GET['hashtag']))); peb_send_byname('pong', $msg, $link); $message = peb_receive($link); $rs = peb_vdecode($message); $glans = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $rs); $uses = $glans[1]; $twitter_id = $_SESSION["twitter_id"]; $theHashtag = $_GET['hashtag']; //print_r($uses); $query = "SELECT twitter_id FROM myhistory WHERE (twitter_id = '{$twitter_id}' AND hashtag = '{$theHashtag}')"; $doesExist = false; $result = mysqli_query($db, $query);
<?php /** NOTE this requires the use of the mypeb PHP extension **/ echo "\n\nRUNNING MYPEB Erlang Bridge Tests\n\n"; $link = peb_connect('erlnode', 'secret'); echo "The link is: " . $link; if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . peb_error()); } $msg = peb_encode('[~a,~p,~s]', array("echo", array($link, 'getinfo'), "Hello World")); //The sender must include a reply address. use ~p to format a link identifier to a valid Erlang pid. peb_send_byname('erlnode', $msg, $link); $message = peb_receive($link); $rs = peb_decode($message); print_r($rs); $serverpid = $rs[0][0]; peb_close($link);