Exemplo n.º 1
    array ("field" => "column3","type" => "int", "length" =>  11),
    array ("field" => "column4","type" => "int", "length" =>  11),
    array ("field" => "column5","type" => "int", "length" =>  11),
    array ("field" => "column6","type" => "int", "length" =>  11)
    schema_arrays::$table_schedule = array (
    array ("field" => "Repeat_Type","type" => "int", "length" =>  5),
    array ("field" => "companygroup","type" => "varchar", "length" =>  40)
echo "\t<body> ";
echo "NOTES: <BR>";
echo "+Commas and " . htmlspecialchars("&nbsp;") . " are replaced before inserting into the db.<BR>";
echo "+Preserve value means that the existing value in the form won't be overwritten from the db when \"Refresh Fields\" is clicked.<BR>";
echo "+\"Initial Before Unique Code\" search is done before any table tag searches.<BR>";
<!--<form name="UpdateValues" action="regex_table_structure.php?offset=<?php 
echo $seek_offset;
&frame=form" method=POST > -->
<a href="#" rel="toggle[functions]" data-openimage="collapse.jpg" data-closedimage="expand.jpg"><img src="collapse.jpg" border="0" /></a> <a href="javascript:animatedcollapse.show('functions')">Slide Down</a> || <a href="javascript:animatedcollapse.hide('functions')">Slide Up</a>

<div id="functions" style="width: 400px; background: #FFFFFF">

This is some text.
/*if ($frame == 'parent')

<frameset cols="50%,*">
 	<frame src="http://localhost/regex_test/regex_table_structure.php?offset=<?php	echo $seek_offset;?>&frame=display" name=table_structure_display>
  <frame src="http://localhost/regex_test/regex_table_structure.php?offset=<?php	echo $seek_offset;?>&frame=form" name=table_structure_form>
<!--  <frame src=<?=$PHP_SELF?>?frame=whc_left#here name=whc_left>
  <frame src=<?=$PHP_SELF?>?frame=whc_right name=whc_right> -->

echo "\t<body> ";
echo "<BR>processing offset :" . $seek_offset . "<BR>";
	Count the number of open table tags prior to the offset location

<A HREF="create_data_set.php">Create Data Set</A>