Exemplo n.º 1
function ryzom_unset_url_param($name)
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['URL_PARAMS'])) {
        $GLOBALS['URL_PARAMS'] = parse_query($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    return $GLOBALS['URL_PARAMS'];
 * @param string $task Task request to be fulfilled.
 * @param string $db_name Path to a database containing tables required by
 * @param string $hash
 * @param string $pubkey
 * @param string $crypt
 * @param string $password
 * @param string $salt
 * @param string $iv
 * @return array|string
 * @throws \ErrorException
function run_crypt_task($task, $db_name, $hash, $pubkey, $crypt = NULL, $password = NULL, $salt = NULL, $iv = NULL)
    $db = null;
    $success = array("result" => "success");
    $failure = array("result" => "failure");
    $error = "";
    $error_flag = false;
    $tasks = array("addClient", "studentFunction");
    try {
        $db = new ClientDeviceSQL($db_name);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $failure["error"] = $e->getMessage();
        return $failure;
    if (!$error_flag) {
        switch ($task) {
            case $tasks[0]:
                $success[$tasks[0]] = $db->addKey($pubkey);
            case $tasks[1]:
                if (!$db->keyAuthorized($hash)) {
                    $failure["error"] = "Key not authorized for action.";
                    return $failure;
                $task_string = $db->decryptString($crypt, $hash);
                $data = parse_query($task_string);
                if (array_key_exists("function", $data) && (array_key_exists("userID", $data) || is_exception($data["function"]))) {
                    $ret = run_task($data["userID"], $data["function"], $db_name);
                    $success[$tasks[1]] = $db->encrypt_string(json_encode($ret), $hash);
                } else {
                    $error = "Malformed URL";
                    $error_flag = true;
    if (!$error_flag) {
        return $success;
    } else {
        $failure["error"] = $error;
        return $error;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * rawurlencode function that is path-safe (does not encode /)
 * @param string $path URL
 * @return string
function pathurlencode($path)
    $parts = parse_url($path);
    if (isset($parts['query'])) {
        //	some kind of query link
        $pairs = parse_query($parts['query']);
        if (preg_match('/^a=.*\\&i=?/i', $parts['query'])) {
            //image URI, handle & in file/folder names
            $index = 'a';
            foreach ($pairs as $p => $q) {
                switch ($p) {
                    case 'i':
                        $index = 'i';
                    case 'a':
                        if (is_null($q)) {
                            $pairs[$index] .= '&' . $p;
                        } else {
                            if (in_array($p, array('s', 'w', 'h', 'cw', 'ch', 'cx', 'cy', 'q', 'c', 't', 'wmk', 'admin', 'effects', 'z'))) {
                                // image processor parameters
                                break 2;
                            } else {
                                $pairs[$index] .= '&' . $p . '=' . $q;
        foreach ($pairs as $name => $value) {
            if ($value) {
                $pairs[$name] = implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $value)));
        $parts['query'] = build_query($pairs);
    $parts['path'] = implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $parts['path'])));
    return build_url($parts);
Exemplo n.º 4
* put your comment there...
* @param mixed $query
* @param mixed $search_type
* @param mixed $parms
* @param mixed $wg_ids
* @param mixed $publicOnly
function REQUEST_to_query($query, $search_type, $parms = NULL, $wg_ids = NULL, $publicOnly = false)
    // wg_ids is a list of the workgroups we can access; Records records marked with a rec_OwnerUGrpID not in this list are omitted
    /* use the supplied _REQUEST variables (or $parms if supplied) to construct a query starting with $query */
    if (!$parms) {
        $parms = $_REQUEST;
    if (!defined('stype') && @$parms['stype']) {
        define('stype', @$parms['stype']);
    if (!$wg_ids && function_exists('get_user_id')) {
        $wg_ids = mysql__select_array(USERS_DATABASE . '.sysUsrGrpLinks left join ' . USERS_DATABASE . '.sysUGrps grp on grp.ugr_ID=ugl_GroupID', 'ugl_GroupID', 'ugl_UserID=' . get_user_id() . ' and grp.ugr_Type != "User" order by ugl_GroupID');
    if (!@$parms['qq'] && !preg_match('/&&|\\bAND\\b/i', @$parms['q'])) {
        $query .= parse_query($search_type, @$parms['q'], @$parms['s'], $wg_ids, $publicOnly);
    } else {
        // search-within-search gives us top-level ANDing (full expressiveness of conjunctions and disjunctions! hot damn)
        // basically for free!
        		$q_bits = explode('&&', $parms['qq']);
        		if ($parms['q']) array_push($q_bits, $parms['q']);
        $qq = @$parms['qq'];
        if ($parms['q']) {
            if ($qq) {
                $qq .= ' && ' . $parms['q'];
            } else {
                $qq = $parms['q'];
        $q_bits = preg_split('/&&|\\bAND\\b/i', $qq);
        $where_clause = '';
        $q_clauses = array();
        foreach ($q_bits as $q_bit) {
            $q = parse_query($search_type, $q_bit, @$parms['s'], $wg_ids, $publicOnly);
            // for each qbit if there is owner/vis followed by clause followed by order by, capture it for and'ing
            preg_match('/.*?where [(]rec_OwnerUGrpID=[-0-9]* or (?:rec_NonOwnerVisibility="public"|not rec_NonOwnerVisibility="hidden")(?: or rec_OwnerUGrpID in \\([0-9,]*\\))?[)] and (.*?) order by/s', $q, $matches);
            if ($matches[1]) {
                array_push($q_clauses, '(' . $matches[1] . ')');
        $where_clause = join(' and ', $q_clauses);
        // check last qbits for form of owner/vis prefix and order by suffix, then capture and add them
        if (preg_match('/(.*?where [(]rec_OwnerUGrpID=[0-9]* or (?:rec_NonOwnerVisibility="public"|not rec_NonOwnerVisibility="hidden")(?: or rec_OwnerUGrpID in [(][0-9,]*[)])?[)] and ).*?( order by.*)$/s', $q, $matches)) {
            $query .= $matches[1] . $where_clause . $matches[2];
    if (array_key_exists("l", $parms) || array_key_exists("limit", $parms)) {
        if (array_key_exists("l", $parms)) {
            $limit = intval(@$parms["l"]);
        } else {
            if (array_key_exists("limit", $parms)) {
                $limit = intval(@$parms["limit"]);
                // this is back in since hml.php passes through stuff from sitemap.xmap
            } else {
                $limit = 100;
        if ($limit < 1) {
        if (@$limit) {
            //ARTEM. It should not overwrite the limit specified in dispPreferences $limit = min($limit, 1000);
        } else {
            $limit = 100;
            // Artem says 12/3/12 that this will not happen b/c it only happens if the parameter is bad.
        if (array_key_exists("o", $parms)) {
            $offset = intval(@$parms["o"]);
        } else {
            if (array_key_exists("offset", $parms)) {
                $offset = intval(@$parms["offset"]);
                // this is back in since hml.php passes through stuff from sitemap.xmap
        $query .= (@$limit ? " limit {$limit}" : "") . (@$offset ? " offset {$offset} " : "");
    return $query;
Exemplo n.º 5
* main request to find crosstab data
* @param mixed $mysqli
* @param mixed $params
*               dt_page - detail type for page/groups
*               dt_col - detail type for columns
*               dt_row - detail type for rows
*               agg_mode - aggreagation mode: sum, avg, count   
*               agg_field - field for avg or sum mode
*               q - current Heurist query
function getCrossTab($mysqli, $params)
    $dt_page = @$params['dt_page'];
    if ($dt_page) {
        $pagefld = ", d4.dtl_Value as page";
    } else {
        $pagefld = "";
    $dt_col = @$params['dt_col'];
    if ($dt_col) {
        $columnfld = "d1.dtl_Value as cls, ";
    } else {
        $columnfld = "0, ";
    $mode = @$params['agg_mode'];
    $issum = ($mode == "avg" || $mode == "sum") && @$params['agg_field'];
    if ($issum) {
        $mode = $mode . "(cast(d3.dtl_Value as decimal(20,2)))";
    } else {
        $mode = "count(*)";
    if (function_exists('get_user_id')) {
        $wg_ids = mysql__select_array(USERS_DATABASE . '.sysUsrGrpLinks left join ' . USERS_DATABASE . '.sysUGrps grp on grp.ugr_ID=ugl_GroupID', 'ugl_GroupID', 'ugl_UserID=' . get_user_id() . ' and grp.ugr_Type != "User" order by ugl_GroupID');
    } else {
        $wg_ids = null;
    $search_type = @$params['w'] == "bookmark" || @$params['w'] == "b" ? $params['w'] : "all";
    $where = getWhereRecordIds($params);
    if ($where == null) {
        $where = parse_query($search_type, @$params['q'], null, $wg_ids, false);
    } else {
        $where = parse_query($search_type, 'ids:' . $where, null, $wg_ids, false);
    //remove order by
    $pos = strrpos($where, " order by ");
    if ($pos) {
        $where = substr($where, 0, $pos);
    //insert our where clauses
    $pos = strpos($where, " where ");
    $where_1 = substr($where, 0, $pos);
    $where_2 = substr($where, $pos + 7);
    $query = "select d2.dtl_Value as rws, " . $columnfld . $mode . " as cnt " . $pagefld . " " . $where_1;
    $query = $query . " left join recDetails d2 on d2.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and d2.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . $params['dt_row'];
    if ($dt_col) {
        $query = $query . " left join recDetails d1 on d1.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and d1.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . $dt_col;
    if ($dt_page) {
        $query = $query . " left join recDetails d4 on d4.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and d4.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . $dt_page;
    if ($issum) {
        $query = $query . " ,recDetails d3 " . " where d3.dtl_RecID=rec_ID and d3.dtl_Value is not null && d3.dtl_DetailTypeID=" . $params['agg_field'] . " and " . $where_2;
    } else {
        $query = $query . " where " . $where_2;
        //20130517 rec_RectypeID=".$params['rt'];
    //20130517 $query = $query." and ".$where_2;
    $query = $query . " group by d2.dtl_Value ";
    if ($dt_col) {
        $query = $query . ", d1.dtl_Value";
    if ($dt_page) {
        $query = $query . ", d4.dtl_Value ";
    $query = $query . " order by ";
    if ($dt_page) {
        if ($params['dt_pagetype'] == "integer" || $params['dt_pagetype'] == "float") {
            $query = $query . " cast(d4.dtl_Value as decimal(20,2)), ";
        } else {
            $query = $query . " d4.dtl_Value, ";
    if ($params['dt_rowtype'] == "integer" || $params['dt_rowtype'] == "float") {
        $query = $query . " cast(d2.dtl_Value as decimal(20,2)) ";
    } else {
        $query = $query . " d2.dtl_Value ";
    if ($dt_col) {
        if ($params['dt_coltype'] == "integer" || $params['dt_coltype'] == "float") {
            $query = $query . ", cast(d1.dtl_Value as decimal(20,2))";
        } else {
            $query = $query . ", d1.dtl_Value";
    $res = $mysqli->query($query);
    if (!$res) {
        $response = array("status" => "INVALID REQUEST", "message" => $mysqli->error);
        //$response = $system->addError(HEURIST_DB_ERROR, "Search query error", $mysqli->error);
    } else {
        $outp = array();
        while ($row = $res->fetch_row()) {
            array_push($outp, $row);
        $response = array("status" => "OK", "data" => $outp);
    return $response;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Prints a download link for an album zip of the current album (therefore to be used only on album.php/image.php).
 * This function only creates a download count and then redirects to the original Zenphoto album zip download.
 * @param string $linktext
 * @param object $albumobj
 * @param bool $fromcache if true get the images from the cache
function printDownloadAlbumZipURL($linktext = NULL, $albumobj = NULL, $fromcache = NULL)
    global $_zp_current_album;
    $request = parse_url(getRequestURI());
    if (isset($request['query'])) {
        $query = parse_query($request['query']);
    } else {
        $query = array();
    if (is_null($albumobj)) {
        $albumobj = $_zp_current_album;
    if (!is_null($albumobj) && !$albumobj->isDynamic()) {
        $file = $albumobj->name . '.zip';
        if (getOption('downloadList_showdownloadcounter')) {
            $downloaditem = DownloadList::getListItemFromDB($file);
            if ($downloaditem) {
                $downloadcount = ' - ' . sprintf(ngettext('%u download', '%u downloads', $downloaditem['data']), $downloaditem['data']);
            } else {
                $downloadcount = ' - ' . gettext('0 downloads');
            $filesize = '<small>' . $downloadcount . '</small>';
        } else {
            $filesize = '';
        if (!empty($linktext)) {
            $file = $linktext;
        $query['download'] = $albumobj->name;
        $query['albumzip'] = 'true';
        if ($fromcache) {
            $query['fromcache'] = 'true';
        $link = FULLWEBPATH . '/' . preg_replace('~^' . WEBPATH . '/~', '', $request['path']) . '?' . http_build_query($query);
        echo '<a href="' . html_encode($link) . '" rel="nofollow" class="downloadlist_link">' . html_encode($file) . '</a>' . $filesize;
Exemplo n.º 7
$iconImgStyle = array();
$iconImgStyle["border"] = "0px";
$iconImgStyle["position"] = "absolute";
$iconImgStyle["top"] = "5px";
$iconImgStyle["left"] = "5px";
//$iconImgStyle["width"] = "100%";
//$iconImgStyle["height"] = "100%";
$overlayImgStyle = array();
$overlayImgStyle["position"] = "absolute";
$overlayImgStyle["border"] = "0px";
$overlayImgStyle["top"] = "0px";
$overlayImgStyle["left"] = "0px";
$overlayImgStyle["width"] = "100%";
$overlayImgStyle["height"] = "100%";
$urlComponents = parse_url($url);
$queryParts = parse_query($url);
if (array_key_exists("v", $queryParts)) {
    $videoId = $queryParts["v"];
//$iconUrl = "http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/$videoId/default.jpg";
$targetFrame = $_GET["targetFrame"];
//print $targetFrame;

<div style="<?php 
foreach ($iconDivStyle as $key => $value) {
    print "{$key}:{$value};";
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Prints the album password form
 * @param string $hint hint to the password
 * @param bool $showProtected set false to supress the password protected message
 * @param bool $showuser set true to force the user name filed to be present
 * @param string $redirect optional URL to send the user to after successful login
 * @since 1.1.3
function printPasswordForm($_password_hint, $_password_showuser = NULL, $_password_showProtected = true, $_password_redirect = NULL)
    global $_zp_login_error, $_zp_password_form_printed, $_zp_current_search, $_zp_gallery, $_zp_gallery_page, $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image, $theme, $_zp_current_page, $_zp_authority;
    if ($_zp_password_form_printed) {
    $_zp_password_form_printed = true;
    if (is_null($_password_redirect)) {
        $parts = parse_url(getRequestURI());
        if (array_key_exists('query', $parts)) {
            $query = parse_query($parts['query']);
        } else {
            $query = array();
        $query['userlog'] = 1;
        if (isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] == 'password') {
            // redirecting here would be terribly confusing
            $parts['path'] = SEO_WEBPATH;
        $parts['query'] = http_build_query($query);
        $action = build_url($parts);
        $_password_redirect = $action;
	<div id="passwordform">
    if ($_password_showProtected && !$_zp_login_error) {
        echo gettext("The page you are trying to view is password protected.");
    if ($loginlink = zp_apply_filter('login_link', NULL)) {
        $logintext = gettext('login');
			<a href="<?php 
        echo $loginlink;
" title="<?php 
        echo $logintext;
        echo $logintext;
    } else {
        $_zp_authority->printLoginForm($_password_redirect, false, $_password_showuser, false, $_password_hint);
Exemplo n.º 9
                # Three word book title (ie. Doctrine and Covenants, Words of Mormon)
                $book .= ' ' . $query[2];
                $chapter = $query[3];
    if (strcspn($query[0], '0123456789') != strlen($query[0])) {
        # Book that starts with a number (ie. 1 Nephi, 2 Corinthians, 3 John)
        $book = $query[0] . ' ' . $query[1];
        $chapter = $query[2];
    $get_verse = explode(':', $chapter);
    $result['book'] = $book;
    $result['chapter'] = $get_verse[0];
    $result['verse'] = $get_verse[1];
    return $result;
// End of parse_query()
$query = parse_query($_REQUEST['query']);
$book = mysql_escape_string($query['book']);
$sql = <<<SQL
\tSELECT b.*
\tFROM lds_scriptures_books b
\tWHERE b.book_title='{$book}'
$results = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die('Something went wrong! ' . mysql_error());
$line = mysql_fetch_array($results);
$verse_url = $query['verse'] ? '/' . $query['verse'] : "";
$url = "/" . $line['lds_org'] . "/" . $query['chapter'] . $verse_url;
echo json_encode($url);
Exemplo n.º 10
 $to = $_REQUEST["to"];
 $map_status = array();
 $map_status = get_map_server_outgoing_queue_status($school_id, $from, $to);
 $html = "";
 $html .= "<table class='table table-bordered tab-inc-stat'>";
 $html .= "<thead>\n                <th>Tablet-Id</th>\n                <th>action</th>\n                <th>table</th>\n                <th id='data-width'>data</th>\n                <th>status</th>\n                <th>created_at</th>\n              </thead>";
 $html .= "<tbody>";
 foreach ($map_status["status"] as $map) {
     $tab_id = $map["tab_id"];
     $table = $map["table_name"];
     $action = $map["action"];
     $query = $map["query"];
     $ack = $map["ack"];
     $created_at = $map["created_at"];
     $parse_map = array();
     $parse_map = json_encode(parse_query($action, $query));
     $parse_str = str_replace('\\"', '', $parse_map);
     if ($ack == 0) {
         $ack_icon = "<i class='icon-remove-sign'></i>";
     } else {
         $ack_icon = "<i class='icon-ok-sign'></i>";
     $html .= "<tr>";
     $html .= "<td>{$tab_id}</td>";
     $html .= "<td>" . strtolower($action) . "</td>";
     $html .= "<td>{$table}</td>";
     $html .= "<td>{$parse_str}</td>";
     $html .= "<td>{$ack_icon}</td>";
     $html .= "<td>{$created_at}</td>";
     $html .= "</tr>";
Exemplo n.º 11
function ryzom_render_www_begin($url = '')
    $style1 = 'position: relative; padding-top: 20px; padding-right: 30px; margin-bottom: -3px';
    $style2 = 'position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 0; ';
    if (ON_IPHONE) {
        $style1 = 'position: relative; padding-top: 30px; padding-right: 30px; ';
        $style2 = 'position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; padding-right: 0px;';
        $marginBottom = '';
    if (!$url) {
        $url_params = parse_query($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . http_build_query($url_params);
    return '
		<br />
		<div id="main">
				<div style="' . $style1 . '">
					<a href="' . $url . '&lang=en"><img hspace="5" border="0" src="' . RYAPI_URL . 'data/img/lang/en.png" alt="English" /></a>
					<a href="' . $url . '&lang=fr"><img hspace="5" border="0" src="' . RYAPI_URL . 'data/img/lang/fr.png" alt="French" /></a>
					<a href="' . $url . '&lang=de"><img hspace="5" border="0" src="' . RYAPI_URL . 'data/img/lang/de.png" alt="German" /></a>
					<a href="' . $url . '&lang=es"><img hspace="5" border="0" src="' . RYAPI_URL . 'data/img/lang/es.png" alt="Spanish" /></a>
					<a href="' . $url . '&lang=ru"><img hspace="5" border="0" src="' . RYAPI_URL . 'data/img/lang/ru.png" alt="Russian" /></a>
					<div style="' . $style2 . '">
						<a href="http://www.ryzom.com/"><img border="0" src="' . RYAPI_URL . 'data/img/logo.gif" alt=""/></a>
Exemplo n.º 12
 * 分拆url的参数为数组
 * @param type $url
function http_parse_query($url, $decode = false)
    $parsed_link = parse_url($url);
    if (empty($parsed_link["query"])) {
        return array();
    return parse_query($parsed_link["query"], $decode);
Exemplo n.º 13
 * rawurlencode function that is path-safe (does not encode /)
 * @param string $path URL
 * @return string
function pathurlencode($path)
    $parts = parse_url($path);
    if (isset($parts['query'])) {
        //	some kind of query link
        $pairs = parse_query($parts['query']);
        $parts['query'] = http_build_query($pairs);
    if (array_key_exists('path', $parts)) {
        $parts['path'] = implode("/", array_map("rawurlencode", explode("/", $parts['path'])));
    return build_url($parts);
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Prints a download link for an album zip of the current album (therefore to be used only on album.php/image.php).
 * This function only creates a download count and then redirects to the original album zip download.
 * @param string $linktext
 * @param object $albumobj
 * @param bool $fromcache if true get the images from the cache
function printDownloadAlbumZipURL($linktext = NULL, $albumobj = NULL, $fromcache = NULL)
    global $_zp_current_album;
    $request = parse_url(getRequestURI());
    if (isset($request['query'])) {
        $query = parse_query($request['query']);
    } else {
        $query = array();
    if (is_null($albumobj)) {
        $albumobj = $_zp_current_album;
    if (!is_null($albumobj)) {
        $query['albumzip'] = 'true';
        if (get_class($albumobj) == 'favorites') {
            $query['download'] = $file = gettext('My favorites');
            $query['user'] = $albumobj->name;
            $instance = $query['instance'] = $albumobj->instance;
            if ($instance) {
                $file .= '[' . $instance . ']';
                $query['download'] .= '[' . $instance . ']';
            $file .= '.zip';
        } else {
            $query['download'] = $albumobj->name;
            $file = $albumobj->name . '.zip';
        if ($fromcache) {
            $query['fromcache'] = 'true';
        if (getOption('downloadList_showdownloadcounter')) {
            $downloaditem = DownloadList::getListItemFromDB($file);
            if ($downloaditem) {
                $downloadcount = $downloaditem['data'];
            } else {
                $downloadcount = 0;
            $filesize = '<small> - ' . sprintf(ngettext('%u download', '%u downloads', $downloadcount), $downloadcount) . '</small>';
        } else {
            $filesize = '';
        if (!empty($linktext)) {
            $file = $linktext;
        $link = preg_replace('~^' . WEBPATH . '/~', '', $request['path']);
        echo '<a href="' . FULLWEBPATH . '/' . html_encode(pathurlencode($link)) . '?' . http_build_query($query) . '" rel="nofollow class="downloadlist_link"">' . html_encode($file) . '</a>' . $filesize;
Exemplo n.º 15
* Use the supplied _REQUEST variables (or $params if supplied) to construct a query starting with $query prefix
* @param System $system
* @param mixed $query  -  prefix (usually SELECT with list of fields)
* @param mixed $params

stype  - (OUTDATED) type of search: key - by tag title, all - by title of record and titles of its resource, by default by record title
s - sort order   (NOTE!!!  sort may be defined in "q" parameter also)
l or limit  - limit of records
o or offset
w - domain of search a|all, b|bookmark, e (everything)

qq - several conjunctions and disjunctions
q  - query string

keywords for 'q' parameter
url:  url
title: title contains
t:  record type id
f:   field id
tag:   tag
id:  id
n:   description
usr:   user id

* @param mixed $currentUser - array with indexes ugr_ID, ugr_Groups (list of group ids)
*                       we can access; Records records marked with a rec_OwnerUGrpID not in this list are omitted
function get_sql_query_clauses($db, $params, $currentUser = null)
    global $mysqli;
    $mysqli = $db;
    /* use the supplied _REQUEST variables (or $params if supplied) to construct a query starting with $select_clause */
    if (!$params) {
        $params = array();
    if (!defined('stype') && @$params['stype']) {
        define('stype', @$params['stype']);
    // 1. DETECT CURRENT USER AND ITS GROUPS, if not logged search only all records (no bookmarks) ----------------------
    $wg_ids = array();
    //may be better use $system->get_user_group_ids() ???
    if ($currentUser && @$currentUser['ugr_ID'] > 0) {
        if (@$currentUser['ugr_Groups']) {
            $wg_ids = array_keys($currentUser['ugr_Groups']);
        $currUserID = $currentUser['ugr_ID'];
        array_push($wg_ids, $currUserID);
    } else {
        $currUserID = 0;
        $params['w'] = 'all';
    array_push($wg_ids, 0);
    // be sure to include the generic everybody workgroup
    $publicOnly = @$params['publiconly'] == 1;
    // 2. DETECT SEARCH DOMAIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (strcasecmp(@$params['w'], 'B') == 0 || strcasecmp(@$params['w'], BOOKMARK) == 0) {
        // my bookmark entries
        $search_domain = BOOKMARK;
    } else {
        if (@$params['w'] == 'e') {
            //everything - including temporary
            $search_domain = EVERYTHING;
        } else {
            // all records entries
            $search_domain = null;
    // 3a. SPECIAL CASE for _BROKEN_
    $needbroken = false;
    if (@$params['q'] && preg_match('/\\b_BROKEN_\\b/', $params['q'])) {
        $params['q'] = preg_replace('/\\b_BROKEN_\\b/', '', $params['q']);
        $needbroken = true;
    $neednotlinked = false;
    if (@$params['q'] && preg_match('/\\b_NOTLINKED_\\b/', $params['q'])) {
        $params['q'] = preg_replace('/\\b_NOTLINKED_\\b/', '', $params['q']);
        $neednotlinked = true;
    // 4. QUERY MAY BE SIMPLE or full expressiveness ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    $query = parse_query($search_domain, @$params['q'], @$params['s'], @$params['parentquery'], $currUserID);
    $where_clause = $query->where_clause;
    // 4a. SPECIAL CASE for _BROKEN_
    if ($needbroken) {
        $where_clause = '(to_days(now()) - to_days(rec_URLLastVerified) >= 8) ' . ($where_clause ? ' and ' . $where_clause : '');
    if ($neednotlinked) {
        $where_clause = '(not exists (select rl_ID from recLinks where rl_SourceID=TOPBIBLIO.rec_ID  or rl_TargetID=TOPBIBLIO.rec_ID )) ' . ($where_clause ? ' and ' . $where_clause : '');
    // 5. DEFINE USERGROUP RESTRICTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ($search_domain != EVERYTHING) {
        if ($where_clause) {
            $where_clause = '(' . $where_clause . ') and ';
        if ($search_domain == BOOKMARK) {
            $where_clause .= ' (bkm_UGrpID=' . $currUserID . ' and not TOPBIBLIO.rec_FlagTemporary) ';
        } else {
            if ($search_domain == BIBLIO) {
                //NOT USED
                $where_clause .= ' (bkm_UGrpID is null and not TOPBIBLIO.rec_FlagTemporary) ';
            } else {
                $where_clause .= ' not TOPBIBLIO.rec_FlagTemporary ';
    if ($publicOnly) {
        $query->recVisibilityType = "public";
    if ($query->recVisibilityType && $query->recVisibilityType != "hidden") {
        $where2 = '(TOPBIBLIO.rec_NonOwnerVisibility="' . $query->recVisibilityType . '")';
    } else {
        if ($query->recVisibilityType) {
            $where2 = 'TOPBIBLIO.rec_NonOwnerVisibility="hidden" and ';
        } else {
            $where2 = '(not TOPBIBLIO.rec_NonOwnerVisibility="hidden") or ';
        $where2 = '( ' . $where2 . 'TOPBIBLIO.rec_OwnerUGrpID in (' . join(',', $wg_ids) . ') )';
    $where_clause = $where_clause . ' and ' . $where2;
    // 6. DEFINE LIMIT AND OFFSET ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $limit = get_limit($params);
    $offset = get_offset($params);
    // 7. COMPOSE QUERY  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    return array("from" => $query->from_clause, "where" => $where_clause, "sort" => $query->sort_clause, "limit" => " LIMIT {$limit}", "offset" => $offset > 0 ? " OFFSET {$offset} " : "");