/** * Save blog in database. * @param $readPost Read values from post. * @return ErrorLog if there were errors. */ function saveBlog($readPost = true) { // Create ErrorLog object $errorLog = new ErrorLog(); if ($this->hasAdministerPermission()) { global $dbi, $log, $login, $module; // Check if data is submitted from the form checkSubmitter(); // Include language include scriptPath . "/include/language/" . pageLanguage . "/general.php"; include scriptPath . "/" . folderBlog . "/include/language/" . $this->language . "/general.php"; // Save values from post if ($readPost) { $this->category = parseHtml(getPostValue("category"), 0); $this->description = parseHtml(getPostValue("description"), 1); $this->language = getPostValue("language"); $this->postLimit = getPostValue("postLimit"); $this->showRSSLink = getPostValue("showRSSLink"); $this->showRSSCommentsLink = getPostValue("showRSSCommentsLink"); $this->subscribers = parseHtml(getPostValue("subscribers"), 0); $this->title = parseHtml(getPostValue("title"), 0); } // Validate data if (empty($this->language)) { $this->language = pageDefaultLanguage; } if (empty($this->title)) { $errorLog->addError("title", $lBlogEdit["MissingTitle"]); } else { if (empty($this->id)) { $blog = new Blog("", $this->title); if (!empty($blog->id)) { $errorLog->addError("title", $lBlogEdit["BlogExists"]); } } } // If there were no errors update database if (!$errorLog->hasErrors()) { if (empty($this->id)) { // Get max position $result = $dbi->query("SELECT MAX(position) FROM " . blogTableName); if ($result->rows()) { list($position) = $result->fetchrow_array(); $position++; } else { $position = 0; } // Insert blog into database $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . blogTableName . "(title,category,description,subscribers,language,postLimit,showRSSLink,showRSSCommentsLink,position) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote($this->title) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->category) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->description) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->subscribers) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->language) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->postLimit) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->showRSSLink) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->showRSSCommentsLink) . "," . $dbi->quote($position) . ")"); // Get new blog id $this->id = $dbi->getInsertId(); // Set default permissions $login->setModuleContentPermissions(blogContentId, $this->id, "Visitors", 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); $login->setModuleContentPermissions(blogContentId, $this->id, "Users", 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); } else { // Update blog in database $dbi->query("UPDATE " . blogTableName . " SET title=" . $dbi->quote($this->title) . ",category=" . $dbi->quote($this->category) . ",description=" . $dbi->quote($this->description) . ",subscribers=" . $dbi->quote($this->subscribers) . ",language=" . $dbi->quote($this->language) . ",postLimit=" . $dbi->quote($this->postLimit) . ",showRSSLink=" . $dbi->quote($this->showRSSLink) . ",showRSSCommentsLink=" . $dbi->quote($this->showRSSCommentsLink) . " WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($this->id)); } // Upload index picture if (!empty($_FILES["img_0"])) { uploadFile($_FILES["img_0"], "blog_" . $this->id, array("image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg", "image/gif"), 0, 50, 50); } // Log transaction $log->logTransaction(blogContentId, $this->id); } else { if (!empty($_FILES["img_0"]["tmp_name"])) { $errorLog->addError("upload", $lErrors["ReUploadImages"]); } } } return $errorLog; }
function findText($html = null) { if ($html == null) { return false; } $tags = array(); $text = array(); if (is_string($html)) { $tags = parseHtml($html); } else { if (is_array($html)) { $tags = $html; } else { $tags = false; } } if ($tags == false) { return false; } foreach ($tags as $t) { if ($t['TAG'] == false && $t['TYPE'] == 'T' && isset($t['TXT'])) { $text[] = $t['TXT']; } } return $text; }
function ParseImages($text) { global $import_directory; global $q_warnings; global $q_errors; if (stripos(" " . $text, "<img") > 0) { $output = ''; while ($text) { if (stripos(" " . $text, "<img") > 0) { $pre = substr($text, 0, stripos($text, "<img")); $imgtag = substr($text, stripos($text, "<img")); $imgtag = substr($imgtag, 0, stripos($imgtag, ">") + 1); $rest = substr($text, stripos($text, "<img")); $rest = substr($rest, stripos($rest, ">") + 1); $output .= $pre; // we have a src tag? if (stripos($imgtag, "src") > 0) { $data = parseHtml($imgtag); $src = $data['IMG'][0]['src']; $basename = basename($src); $filename = FindFile($import_directory, $basename); if ($filename) { $basename = basename($filename); $uniqueFilename = unique_filename($basename); copy($import_directory . "/" . $filename, $cfg_web_root . 'media/' . $uniqueFilename); $data['IMG'][0]['src'] = "/media/" . $basename; // recreate img tag $imgtag = "<img "; foreach ($src = $data['IMG'][0] as $tag => $value) { $imgtag .= "{$tag}=\"{$value}\" "; } $imgtag .= "/>"; } else { $q_warnings[] = "Missing image {$basename}"; } } $output .= $imgtag; $text = $rest; } else { $output .= $text; $text = ""; } } $text = $output; } return $text; }
<?php // My parser include_once "lib/tag-finder.php"; // Variables $yvonne_url = "http://pics.mytrapster.com/yvonne.php"; $html_resp = ""; $html_doc = ""; $html_dsp = ""; // Fetch the html try { $html_resp = file_get_contents($yvonne_url); $html_doc = parseHtml($html_resp); $html_dsp = sprintf('{"url":"%s","thumb":"%s"}', $html_doc[0]['ATTR'][0]['val'], $html_doc[1]['ATTR'][0]['val']); } catch (Exception $ex) { $html_dsp = $ex->getMessage(); } // Output header("Content-type: text/plain"); echo $html_dsp;
/** * Save page to database. * @param readPost Read values from post (default true). * @return ErrorLog object if there were errors. */ function savePage($readPost = true) { // Create ErrorLog object $errorLog = new ErrorLog(); // Check if user has edit permission if ($this->hasEditPermission()) { global $dbi, $log, $login, $revision; global $lEditPage; // Save old text for revision $oldText = ""; // Get values if ($readPost) { // Check submitter checkSubmitter(); // Get values $this->disableComments = getPostValue("disableComments"); $this->link = getPostValue("link"); $this->navbarTitle = getPostValue("navbarTitle"); $this->parent = new Page(getPostValue("parentId")); $this->separator = getPostValue("separator"); $this->showComments = getPostValue("showComments"); $this->showInMenu = getPostValue("showInMenu"); $this->showLastModified = getPostValue("showLastModified"); $oldText = $this->text; $this->text = parseHtml(getPostValue("text"), 4); $this->text = parseThumbnailImages($this->text); $this->title = getPostValue("title"); $lastUpdated = getPostValue("lastUpdated"); } else { $this->parent = new Page(0); } // Validate data if (empty($this->title)) { $errorLog->addError("title", $lEditPage["TitleMissing"]); } if (!empty($lastUpdated)) { if ($lastUpdated != $this->getLastUpdated()) { $errorLog->addError("pageModified", $lEditPage["PageModified"]); } } // If no errors save page if (!$errorLog->hasErrors()) { $exists = false; if (!empty($this->id)) { $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id FROM " . pageTableName . " WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($this->id)); if ($result->rows()) { $exists = true; } } if ($exists) { // Update page in database $dbi->query("UPDATE " . pageTableName . " SET parentId=" . $dbi->quote($this->parent->id) . ",title=" . $dbi->quote($this->title) . ",text=" . $dbi->quote($this->text) . ",link=" . $dbi->quote($this->link) . ",navbarTitle=" . $dbi->quote($this->navbarTitle) . ",showInMenu=" . $dbi->quote($this->showInMenu) . ",showLastModified=" . $dbi->quote($this->showLastModified) . ",showComments=" . $dbi->quote($this->showComments) . ",disableComments=" . $dbi->quote($this->disableComments) . ",`separator`=" . $dbi->quote($this->separator) . " WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($this->id)); } else { // Get position $result = $dbi->query("SELECT MAX(position) FROM " . pageTableName); if ($result->rows()) { list($position) = $result->fetchrow_array(); $position++; } else { $position = 0; } // Insert page into database $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . pageTableName . "(" . (!empty($this->id) ? "id," : "") . "parentId,title,link,text,navbarTitle,showInMenu,showLastModified,showComments,disableComments,position,`separator`) VALUES(" . (!empty($this->id) ? $dbi->quote($this->id) . "," : "") . $dbi->quote($this->parent->id) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->title) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->link) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->text) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->navbarTitle) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->showInMenu) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->showLastModified) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->showComments) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->disableComments) . "," . ($position + 1) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->separator) . ")"); // Get new page id $this->id = $dbi->getInsertId(); // Set permissions for reading the page $login->setModuleContentPermissions(pageContentTypeId, $this->id, "Visitors", 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); $login->setModuleContentPermissions(pageContentTypeId, $this->id, "Users", 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); // Free result set $result->finish(); } // Log transaction $log->logTransaction(pageContentTypeId, $this->id); // Save page revision $revision->saveTextRevision(pageModuleId, pageContentTypeId, $this->id, $oldText, $this->text); // Delete cache $this->deleteCache(); } // Return errors if any return $errorLog; } }
} if (!checkEmail($friendEmail)) { $errors->addError("friendEmail", $lSendToFriend["InvalidFriendMail"]); } if ($settings->commentsRequireValidation) { if (!audit()) { $errors->addError("validation", $lComment["WrongValidation"]); } } // Check if errors were found if (!$errors->hasErrors()) { $info = parseHtml($info, 0); $info = str_replace("&", "&", $info); // Prepare message $message = !empty($info) ? $message . "\n\n" . $info . "\n" . $link : ($showInformation ? sprintf($lSendToFriend["MailMessage"], $message, $link) : $message); $message = parseHtml($message, 0); $message = str_replace("&", "&", $message); // Send link if (mail($friendEmail, !empty($subject) ? $subject : $lSendToFriend["MailSubject"], $message, "From: " . $name . " <" . $email . ">\n")) { redirect(scriptUrl . "/" . fileSendToFriend . "?success=1" . (!empty($windowTitle) ? "&windowTitle=" . encodeParameter($windowTitle) : "") . (showPopup ? "&popup=1" : "")); } else { $errors->addError("misc", $lSendToFriend["DeliveryFailed"]); } } } } // Add navigation link $site->addNavigationLink(scriptUrl . "/" . fileSendToFriend, !empty($windowTitle) ? $windowTitle : $lSendToFriend["Header"]); // Print common header $site->printHeader(); if (!empty($_GET["success"])) {
/** * Save user in database. * @param $readPost Read values from post. * @param $validate Validate input values. * @return ErrorList object if there were errors. */ function saveUser($readPost = true, $validate = true) { global $dbi, $errors, $group, $log, $login, $module, $settings; // Include language include scriptPath . "/include/language/" . pageLanguage . "/admin.php"; include scriptPath . "/include/language/" . pageLanguage . "/general.php"; // Save values into this user object if ($readPost) { if (empty($this->id)) { $this->username = getValue("u_username"); } if ($login->isWebmaster()) { $this->activated = getValue("u_activated"); $this->activated = !$this->activated; } $this->groupId = getValue("u_groupId"); $this->name = getValue("u_name"); $this->email = getValue("u_email"); $this->phone = getValue("u_phone"); $this->mobile = getValue("u_mobile"); $this->facebook = getValue("u_facebook"); $this->twitter = getValue("u_twitter"); $this->linkurl = getValue("u_linkurl"); $this->linkname = getValue("u_linkname"); $this->location = getValue("u_location"); $this->department = getValue("u_department"); $this->position = getValue("u_position"); $this->profileText = parseHtml(getValue("u_profileText"), 2); $this->signature = getValue("u_signature"); $this->hideEmail = getValue("u_hideEmail"); $this->hideTelephone = getValue("u_hideTelephone"); $this->hideInUserlist = getValue("u_hideInUserlist"); $this->hideOnlineStatus = getValue("u_hideOnlineStatus"); $this->notifyAboutChanges = getValue("u_notifyAboutChanges"); $this->categoryId = getValue("categoryId"); if (empty($this->id)) { $this->password = getValue("u_passwd"); $repeatedPassword = getValue("u_repeated_passwd"); } $groups = getValue("u_groups"); $profile = getValue("profile"); } if ($validate) { // Check submitter checkSubmitter(scriptUrl); if ($this->hasAdministerPermission() && !$profile) { $userType = getValue("userType"); $this->administrator = 0; $this->webmaster = 0; if (!empty($userType)) { switch ($userType) { case 1: // Webmaster $this->webmaster = 1; break; case 2: // Administrator $this->administrator = 1; break; } } } // Validate username $this->validateUsername($this->username); // Validate full name if (empty($this->name)) { $errors->addError("name", $lEditUser["MissingFullName"]); } // Validate email if (!$login->isWebmaster()) { if (empty($this->email)) { $errors->addError("email", $lEditUser["MissingEmail"]); } } // Validate email is valid and not already registered if (!empty($this->email)) { if (!checkEmail($this->email)) { $errors->addError("email", $lEditUser["InvalidEmail"]); } else { $result = $dbi->query("SELECT id FROM " . userDataTableName . " WHERE " . (!empty($this->id) ? "id!=" . $dbi->quote($this->id) . " AND " : "") . "email=" . $dbi->quote($this->email)); if ($result->rows()) { $errors->addError("email", $lEditUser["EmailExists"]); } } } // Validate password if (empty($this->id)) { $this->validatePassword($this->password, $repeatedPassword); } // Validate code if (empty($this->id) && !$this->hasAdministerPermission() && $settings->requireValidation) { if (!audit()) { $errors->addError("validation", $lEditUser["WrongValidation"]); } } } // If no errors save user data if (!$errors->hasErrors()) { // Check if user category exists if (!empty($this->categoryId)) { $result = $dbi->query("SELECT Id FROM " . userCategoryTableName . " WHERE Id=" . $dbi->quote($this->categoryId) . " OR Title=" . $dbi->quote($this->categoryId)); if ($result->rows()) { list($this->categoryId) = $result->fetchrow_array(); } else { // Get max position $position = 0; $result = $dbi->query("SELECT MAX(Position) FROM " . userCategoryTableName); if ($result->rows()) { list($maxPosition) = $result->fetchrow_array(); $position = $maxPosition + 1; } // Insert the new category $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . userCategoryTableName . "(Title,Position) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote($this->categoryId) . "," . $dbi->quote($position) . ")"); $this->categoryId = $dbi->getInsertId(); } } if (!empty($this->id)) { // Update basic user information $dbi->query("UPDATE " . userTableName . " SET " . (!empty($this->username) ? "username="******"," : "") . "groupId=" . $dbi->quote($this->groupId) . ",registered=registered,lastLogged=lastLogged,lastUpdated=NOW()" . (!empty($this->password) ? ",password="******"") . ",administrator=" . $dbi->quote($this->administrator) . ",webmaster=" . $dbi->quote($this->webmaster) . ",activated=" . $dbi->quote($this->activated) . " WHERE id=" . $this->id); // Update information about user $dbi->query("UPDATE " . userDataTableName . " SET categoryId=" . $dbi->quote($this->categoryId) . ",name=" . $dbi->quote($this->name) . ",email=" . $dbi->quote($this->email) . ",phone=" . $dbi->quote($this->phone) . ",mobile=" . $dbi->quote($this->mobile) . ",linkurl=" . $dbi->quote($this->linkurl) . ",linkname=" . $dbi->quote($this->linkname) . ",facebook=" . $dbi->quote($this->facebook) . ",twitter=" . $dbi->quote($this->twitter) . ",location=" . $dbi->quote($this->location) . ",department=" . $dbi->quote($this->department) . ",position=" . $dbi->quote($this->position) . ",profileText=" . $dbi->quote($this->profileText) . ",signature=" . $dbi->quote($this->signature) . ",hideEmail=" . $dbi->quote($this->hideEmail) . ",hideTelephone=" . $dbi->quote($this->hideTelephone) . ",hideInUserlist=" . $dbi->quote($this->hideInUserlist) . ",hideOnlineStatus=" . $dbi->quote($this->hideOnlineStatus) . ",notifyAboutChanges=" . $dbi->quote($this->notifyAboutChanges) . " WHERE id=" . $this->id); } else { // Generate cookie $cookie = $login->generateCookie(); if (!$login->isLoggedIn()) { // Generate random string if ($settings->activateWithEmail) { $activationKey = generateRandomString(32); } // Insert data into database $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . userTableName . " (username,password,groupId,cookie,webmaster,administrator,activated,activationKey) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote(trim($this->username)) . "," . $dbi->quote(md5(trim($this->password))) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->groupId) . "," . $dbi->quote($cookie) . ",0,0," . ($settings->activateWithEmail && !$this->activated ? 0 : 1) . "," . ($settings->activateWithEmail ? $dbi->quote($activationKey) : "''") . ")"); } else { // Insert data into database $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . userTableName . " (username,password,groupId,cookie,webmaster,administrator,activated) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote(trim($this->username)) . "," . $dbi->quote(md5(trim($this->password))) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->groupId) . "," . $dbi->quote($cookie) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->webmaster) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->administrator) . ",1)"); } // Get new id of user $this->id = $dbi->getInsertId(); // Insert user information $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . userDataTableName . "(id,categoryId,name,email,phone,mobile,linkurl,linkname,facebook,twitter,location,department,position,profileText,signature,hideEmail,hideTelephone,hideOnlineStatus,notifyAboutChanges) VALUES(" . $this->id . "," . $dbi->quote($this->categoryId) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->name) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->email) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->phone) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->mobile) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->linkurl) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->linkname) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->facebook) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->twitter) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->location) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->department) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->position) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->profileText) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->signature) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->hideEmail) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->hideTelephone) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->hideOnlineStatus) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->notifyAboutChanges) . ")"); // Send mail to registered user if (!$login->isLoggedIn() && $settings->activateWithEmail) { // Send registration email $mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->CharSet = "UTF-8"; $mail->From = pageAdminMail; $mail->Sender = pageAdminMail; $mail->FromName = pageTitle; $mail->Subject = sprintf($lEditUser["WelcomeEmailSubject"], pageTitle); $mail->Body = sprintf($lEditUser["WelcomeEmailText"], $this->name, scriptUrl . "/" . fileProfileActivate . "?id=" . $this->id . "&activate=1&activationKey=" . $activationKey); $mail->IsHTML(false); $mail->AddAddress($this->email); $mail->Send(); } // Notify listeners that user was inserted if (function_exists("userInserted")) { userInserted($this->id); } } // Set permissions for user if ($this->hasAdministerPermission() && !$profile) { if (!empty($userType)) { // Remove permissions if any $dbi->query("DELETE FROM " . permissionTableName . " WHERE moduleContentTypeId='' AND moduleContentId='' AND type='User' AND typeId=" . $dbi->quote($this->id)); // If module administrator set permissions if ($userType == 3) { $permissions = getValue("permissions"); $result = $dbi->query("SELECT Id FROM " . moduleTableName); if ($result->rows()) { for ($i = 0; list($moduleId) = $result->fetchrow_array(); $i++) { if (!empty($permissions[$moduleId])) { // Initialize values $administrator = 0; $comment = 0; $create = 0; $delete = 0; $edit = 0; $grant = 0; $publish = 0; $read = 0; // Get permission type switch ($permissions[$moduleId]) { case 1: $read = 1; break; case 2: $read = 1; $comment = 1; break; case 3: $read = 1; $comment = 1; $create = 1; $edit = 1; break; case 4: $read = 1; $comment = 1; $create = 1; $edit = 1; $publish = 1; break; case 5: $read = 1; $comment = 1; $create = 1; $edit = 1; $publish = 1; $delete = 1; break; case 6: $read = 1; $comment = 1; $create = 1; $edit = 2; $publish = 1; $delete = 2; break; case 7: $administrator = 1; break; } // Check if any permissions have been set if ($administrator || $comment != 0 || $create != 0 || $delete != 0 || $edit != 0 || $grant != 0 || $publish != 0 || $read != 0) { // Set permissions for module content $login->setModulePermissions($moduleId, "User", $this->id, $administrator, $comment, $create, $delete, $edit, $publish, $read); } } } } } } // Add to groups $group->deleteGroupRefs($this->id); if (!empty($groups)) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($groups); $i++) { $group->addToGroup($groups[$i], $this->id); } } } // Upload index picture if (!empty($_FILES["img_0"]["tmp_name"])) { $size = getImageDimensions($_FILES["img_0"]["tmp_name"]); $height = $size[1] * (150 / $size[0]); resizeToFile($_FILES["img_0"]["tmp_name"], 150, $height, scriptPath . "/" . folderUploadedFiles . "/user_" . $this->id . ".jpg", 100); } // Call any custom sections global $site; if (!empty($site->editUserSections)) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($site->editUserSections); $i++) { if (function_exists($site->editUserSections[$i]["saveFunction"])) { $site->editUserSections[$i]["saveFunction"]($this->id); } } } // Log transaction $log->logTransaction(userContentTypeId, $this->id); } else { if (!empty($this->password)) { $errors->addError("reenterPassword", $lEditUser["ReenterPasswords"]); } if (!empty($_FILES["img_0"]["tmp_name"])) { $errors->addError("upload", $lErrors["ReUploadImages"]); } } // Return list of errors return $errors; }
/** * Save blog post. * @param $readPost Read values from post. * @return ErrorLog object if there were errors. */ function savePost($readPost = true) { global $category, $dbi, $log, $login; // Check if data is submitted from the form if ($readPost) { checkSubmitter(); } // Create ErrorLog object $errorLog = new ErrorLog(); // Get blog id and create blog object $this->blog = new Blog(getValue("blogId")); // Check if blog exists if (!empty($this->blog->id)) { if ($this->hasEditPermission()) { // Include language include scriptPath . "/" . folderBlog . "/include/language/" . $this->blog->language . "/general.php"; // Save if post was draft before $draftBefore = $this->draft; // Save blog post values if ($readPost) { $this->categories = explode(",", getPostValue("categories")); $this->disableComments = getPostValue("disableComments"); $this->draft = getPostValue("draft"); $this->showComments = getPostValue("showComments"); $this->subject = parseHtml(getPostValue("subject"), 1); $this->summary = parseThumbnailImages(parseHtml(getPostValue("summary"), 4)); $this->text = parseThumbnailImages(parseHtml(getPostValue("text"), 4)); $userId = getPostValue("userId"); // Get publication time $day = getPostValue("day"); $month = getPostValue("month"); $year = getPostValue("year"); $hour = getPostValue("hour"); $minute = getPostValue("minute"); // Process input if (!empty($day) && !empty($month) && !empty($year)) { $this->posted = mktime($hour, $minute, 0, $month, $day, $year); } if (!empty($userId)) { $this->user = new User($userId); } } // Validate post data if (empty($this->posted)) { $this->posted = mktime(); } if (empty($userId)) { $this->user = new User($login->id); } if (empty($this->subject)) { $errorLog->addError("subject", $lBlogEditPost["MissingSubject"]); } // Check if post has been modified $lastUpdated = getValue("lastUpdated"); if ($lastUpdated != $this->getLastUpdated()) { $errorLog->addError("postModified", $lBlogEditPost["PostModified"]); } // Prepare values for notification $subject = "[" . $this->blog->title . "] " . $this->subject; $message = "<p>" . $lBlogEditPost["NotifyInsert"] . " '" . $this->blog->title . "'.</p>" . "<p><b>" . $lBlogEditPost["Name"] . "</b></p><p>" . $login->name . "</p>" . "<p><b>" . $lBlogEditPost["Subject"] . "</b></p><p>" . $this->subject . "</p>" . "<p><b>" . $lBlogEditPost["Summary"] . "</b></p>" . parseString(!empty($this->summary) ? $this->summary : (!empty($this->text) ? $this->text : "")) . "<p>--<br />" . $lBlogEditPost["ReadPost"] . ": " . $this->getPostLink() . "<br />" . $lBlogEditPost["VisitBlog"] . ": " . $this->blog->getBlogLink() . "</p>"; $sender = $login->name; // If no errors proceed, otherwise return errors if (!$errorLog->hasErrors()) { if (empty($this->id)) { // Insert into database $dbi->query("INSERT INTO " . blogPostTableName . "(blogId,userId,subject,summary,text,posted,lastUpdated,showComments,disableComments,draft) VALUES(" . $dbi->quote($this->blog->id) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->user->id) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->subject) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->summary) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->text) . ",FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $dbi->quote($this->posted) . "),NOW()," . $dbi->quote($this->showComments) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->disableComments) . "," . $dbi->quote($this->draft) . ")"); // Get new post id $this->id = $dbi->getInsertId(); // Notify subscribers about the new post if (!$this->draft) { $this->notifySubscribers($sender, $subject, $message); } } else { // Update values in database $dbi->query("UPDATE " . blogPostTableName . " SET blogId=" . $dbi->quote($this->blog->id) . ",userId=" . $dbi->quote($this->user->id) . ",subject=" . $dbi->quote($this->subject) . ",summary=" . $dbi->quote($this->summary) . ",text=" . $dbi->quote($this->text) . ",posted=FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $dbi->quote($this->posted) . "),lastUpdated=lastUpdated,showComments=" . $dbi->quote($this->showComments) . ",disableComments=" . $dbi->quote($this->disableComments) . ",draft=" . $dbi->quote($this->draft) . " WHERE id=" . $dbi->quote($this->id)); // Notify subscribers if the post was a draft previously if (!$this->draft && $draftBefore) { $this->notifySubscribers($sender, $subject, $message); } } // Associate categories with this post $category->addCategoryReferences(blogModuleId, blogPostContentId, $this->id, $this->categories); // Log transaction $log->logTransaction(blogPostContentId, $this->id); // Delete cached files if (!empty($this->blog)) { $this->blog->deleteCache(); } } } } return $errorLog; }
<?php require_once ('../helperPhp/parser.php'); parseHtml($_POST["source"]); ?>