  * Generates a page for the first step of password recovery process.
  * @param Request $request
  * @return string Rendered page content
 public function indexAction(Request $request)
     if ($this->getOperator()) {
         // If the operator is logged in just redirect him to the home page.
         return $this->redirect($request->getUriForPath('/operator'));
     $page = array('version' => MIBEW_VERSION, 'title' => getlocal('Trouble Accessing Your Account?'), 'headertitle' => getlocal('Mibew Messenger'), 'show_small_login' => true, 'fixedwrap' => true, 'errors' => array());
     $login_or_email = '';
     if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
         // When HTTP GET method is used the form is just rendered but the
         // user does not pass any data. Thus we need to prevent CSRF attacks
         // only for POST requests
     if ($request->isMethod('POST') && $request->request->has('loginoremail')) {
         $login_or_email = $request->request->get('loginoremail');
         $to_restore = MailUtils::isValidAddress($login_or_email) ? operator_by_email($login_or_email) : operator_by_login($login_or_email);
         if (!$to_restore) {
             $page['errors'][] = getlocal('No such Operator');
         $email = $to_restore['vcemail'];
         if (count($page['errors']) == 0 && !MailUtils::isValidAddress($email)) {
             $page['errors'][] = "Operator hasn't set his e-mail";
         if (count($page['errors']) == 0) {
             $token = sha1($to_restore['vclogin'] . (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes') ? openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32) : time() + microtime() . mt_rand(0, 99999999)));
             // Update the operator
             $to_restore['dtmrestore'] = time();
             $to_restore['vcrestoretoken'] = $token;
             $href = $this->getRouter()->generate('password_recovery_reset', array('id' => $to_restore['operatorid'], 'token' => $token), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
             // Load mail templates and substitute placeholders there.
             $mail_template = MailTemplate::loadByName('password_recovery', get_current_locale());
             if (!$mail_template) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot load "password_recovery" mail template');
             $this->sendMail(MailUtils::buildMessage($email, $email, $mail_template->buildSubject(), $mail_template->buildBody(array(get_operator_name($to_restore), $href))));
             $page['isdone'] = true;
             return $this->render('password_recovery', $page);
     $page['formloginoremail'] = $login_or_email;
     $page['localeLinks'] = get_locale_links();
     $page['isdone'] = false;
     return $this->render('password_recovery', $page);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * EPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them
 * with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
 * Contributors:
 *    Evgeny Gryaznov - initial API and implementation
require_once '../libs/common.php';
require_once '../libs/operator.php';
require_once '../libs/settings.php';
require_once '../libs/notify.php';
$errors = array();
$page = array('version' => $version);
$loginoremail = "";
if (isset($_POST['loginoremail'])) {
    $loginoremail = getparam("loginoremail");
    $torestore = is_valid_email($loginoremail) ? operator_by_email($loginoremail) : operator_by_login($loginoremail);
    if (!$torestore) {
        $errors[] = getlocal("no_such_operator");
    $email = $torestore['vcemail'];
    if (count($errors) == 0 && !is_valid_email($email)) {
        $errors[] = "Operator hasn't set his e-mail";
    if (count($errors) == 0) {
        $token = md5(time() + microtime() . rand(0, 99999999));
        $link = connect();
        $query = "update {$mysqlprefix}chatoperator set dtmrestore = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, vcrestoretoken = '{$token}' where operatorid = " . $torestore['operatorid'];
        perform_query($query, $link);
        $href = get_app_location(true, false) . "/operator/resetpwd.php?id=" . $torestore['operatorid'] . "&token={$token}";
        webim_mail($email, $email, getstring("restore.mailsubj"), getstring2("restore.mailtext", array(get_operator_name($torestore), $href)), $link);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Processes submitting of the form which is generated in
  * {@link \Mibew\Controller\OperatorController::showEditFormAction()} method.
  * @param Request $request Incoming request.
  * @return string Rendered page content.
 public function submitFormAction(Request $request)
     $errors = array();
     $operator = $this->getOperator();
     $op_id = $request->attributes->getInt('operator_id');
     $login = $request->request->get('login');
     $email = $request->request->get('email');
     $password = $request->request->get('password');
     $password_confirm = $request->request->get('passwordConfirm');
     $local_name = $request->request->get('name');
     $common_name = $request->request->get('commonname');
     $code = $request->request->get('code');
     if (!$local_name) {
         $errors[] = no_field('Name');
     if (!$common_name) {
         $errors[] = no_field('International name (Latin)');
     // The login is needed only for new operators. If login is changed for
     // existing operator the stored password hash becomes invalid.
     if (!$op_id) {
         if (!$login) {
             $errors[] = no_field('Login');
         } elseif (!preg_match("/^[\\w_\\.]+\$/", $login)) {
             $errors[] = getlocal('Login should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol.');
     if (!$email || !MailUtils::isValidAddress($email)) {
         $errors[] = wrong_field('E-mail');
     if ($code && !preg_match("/^[A-Za-z0-9_]+\$/", $code)) {
         $errors[] = getlocal('Code should contain only latin characters, numbers and underscore symbol.');
     if (!$op_id && !$password) {
         $errors[] = no_field('Password');
     if ($password != $password_confirm) {
         $errors[] = getlocal('Entered passwords do not match');
     $existing_operator = operator_by_login($login);
     $duplicate_login = !$op_id && $existing_operator || $op_id && $existing_operator && $op_id != $existing_operator['operatorid'];
     if ($duplicate_login) {
         $errors[] = getlocal('Please choose another login because an operator with that login is already registered in the system.');
     // Check if operator with specified email already exists in the database.
     $existing_operator = operator_by_email($email);
     $duplicate_email = !$op_id && $existing_operator || $op_id && $existing_operator && $op_id != $existing_operator['operatorid'];
     if ($duplicate_email) {
         $errors[] = getlocal('Please choose another email because an operator with that email is already registered in the system.');
     if (count($errors) != 0) {
         $request->attributes->set('errors', $errors);
         // The form should be rebuild. Invoke appropriate action.
         return $this->showFormAction($request);
     if (!$op_id) {
         // Create new operator and redirect the current operator to avatar
         // page.
         $new_operator = create_operator($login, $email, $password, $local_name, $common_name, '', $code);
         $redirect_to = $this->generateUrl('operator_avatar', array('operator_id' => $new_operator['operatorid']));
         return $this->redirect($redirect_to);
     // Mix old operator's fields with updated values
     $target_operator = array('vcemail' => $email, 'vclocalename' => $local_name, 'vccommonname' => $common_name, 'code' => $code) + operator_by_id($op_id);
     // Set the password only if it's not an empty string.
     if ($password !== '') {
         $target_operator['vcpassword'] = calculate_password_hash($target_operator['vclogin'], $password);
     // Update operator's fields in the database.
     // Operator's data are cached in the authentication manager, thus we need
     // to manually update them.
     if ($target_operator['operatorid'] == $operator['operatorid']) {
         // Check if the admin has set his password for the first time.
         $to_dashboard = check_password_hash($operator['vclogin'], '', $operator['vcpassword']) && $password != '';
         // Update operator's fields.
         // Redirect the admin to the home page if needed.
         if ($to_dashboard) {
             return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('home_operator'));
     // Redirect the operator to edit page again to use GET method instead of
     // POST.
     $redirect_to = $this->generateUrl('operator_edit', array('operator_id' => $op_id, 'stored' => true));
     return $this->redirect($redirect_to);