/** * Adds options to print at the frontend. * * @since 1.0.0 */ function opanda_signin_locker_options($options, $id) { $options['terms'] = opanda_terms_url(); $options['privacyPolicy'] = opanda_privacy_policy_url(); if (!get_option('opanda_terms_use_pages', false)) { $options['termsPopup'] = array('width' => 570, 'height' => 400); } $options['theme'] = 'great-attractor'; $actions = explode(',', opanda_get_item_option($id, 'connect_buttons')); $hasEmailForm = in_array('email', $actions); if ($hasEmailForm) { $emailFormIndex = array_search('email', $actions); unset($actions[$emailFormIndex]); } $options['groups'] = $hasEmailForm ? array('connect-buttons', 'subscription') : array('connect-buttons'); // connect buttons $options['connectButtons'] = array(); $options['connectButtons']['order'] = $actions; if (in_array('facebook', $actions)) { $options['connectButtons']['facebook'] = array('actions' => opanda_signin_locker_get_actions($id, 'facebook_actions'), 'appId' => opanda_get_option('facebook_appid')); } if (in_array('twitter', $actions)) { $options['connectButtons']['twitter'] = array('actions' => opanda_signin_locker_get_actions($id, 'twitter_actions'), 'follow' => array('user' => opanda_get_item_option($id, 'twitter_follow_user'), 'notifications' => opanda_get_item_option($id, 'twitter_follow_notifications')), 'tweet' => array('message' => opanda_get_item_option($id, 'twitter_tweet_message'))); } if (in_array('google', $actions)) { $options['connectButtons']['google'] = array('actions' => opanda_signin_locker_get_actions($id, 'google_actions'), 'clientId' => opanda_get_option('google_client_id'), 'youtubeSubscribe' => array('channelId' => opanda_get_item_option($id, 'google_youtube_channel_id'))); } if (in_array('linkedin', $actions)) { $linkedInActions = opanda_signin_locker_get_actions($id, 'linkedin_actions'); if (($key = array_search('follow', $linkedInActions)) !== false) { unset($linkedInActions[$key]); } $options['connectButtons']['linkedin'] = array('actions' => $linkedInActions, 'apiKey' => opanda_get_option('linkedin_api_key')); } // subscription options if ($hasEmailForm) { $options['subscription'] = array(); $options['subscription']['text'] = opanda_get_item_option($id, 'subscribe_before_form', false); $options['subscription']['form'] = array('actions' => opanda_signin_locker_get_actions($id, 'email_actions'), 'buttonText' => opanda_get_item_option($id, 'subscribe_button_text', false), 'noSpamText' => opanda_get_item_option($id, 'subscribe_after_button', false), 'type' => opanda_get_item_option($id, 'subscribe_name') ? 'name-email-form' : 'email-form'); } $optinMode = opanda_get_item_option($id, 'subscribe_mode'); $service = opanda_get_option('subscription_service', 'database'); $listId = 'database' === $service ? 'default' : opanda_get_item_option($id, 'subscribe_list', false); $options['subscribeActionOptions'] = array('listId' => $listId, 'service' => $service, 'doubleOptin' => in_array($optinMode, array('quick-double-optin', 'double-optin')), 'confirm' => in_array($optinMode, array('double-optin'))); return $options; }
?> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="onp-title"><?php _e('Terms of Service URL', 'bizpanda'); ?> </td> <td> <p><?php _e('Recommended to set it in order to make the work of the plugin transparent for the users. While the plugin activation, we created one for you:', 'bizpanda'); ?> </p> <p><i><?php echo opanda_terms_url(); ?> </i></p> <p><?php _e('You can change it or create your own one.', 'bizpanda'); ?> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="onp-help-section"> <p><?php _e('6. In the sidebar on the left, select "APIs" and enable the following APIs:', 'bizpanda');
/** * Renders content of the metabox. * * @see FactoryMetaboxes321_Metabox * @since 1.0.0 * * @return void */ public function html() { global $bizpanda; $query_string = '?action=onp_sl_preview'; $query_string = apply_filters('opanda_preview_url', $query_string); $extra_data = array('data-lang' => get_option('opanda_lang'), 'data-short-lang' => get_option('opanda_short_lang'), 'data-facebook-appid' => get_option('opanda_facebook_appid'), 'data-facebook-version' => get_option('opanda_facebook_version', 'v1.0')); $extra_data['data-vk-appid'] = get_option('opanda_vk_appid'); $extra_data['data-url'] = admin_url('admin-ajax.php') . $query_string; $extra_data = apply_filters('onp_sl_preview_data_wrap', $extra_data); $dataPrint = sizeof($extra_data) ? ' ' : ''; foreach ($extra_data as $key => $val) { $dataPrint .= $key . '="' . $val . '" '; } $dataPrint = rtrim($dataPrint, ' '); $showStyleRollerOffer = BizPanda::isSinglePlugin() && BizPanda::hasPlugin('sociallocker'); ?> <script> function onp_sl_update_preview_height(height) { jQuery("#lock-preview-wrap iframe").height(height); } var pluginName = '<?php echo $bizpanda->pluginName; ?> '; window.opanda_proxy_url = '<?php echo opanda_proxy_url(); ?> ' window.opanda_facebook_app_id = '<?php echo get_option('opanda_facebook_appid'); ?> '; window.opanda_google_client_id = '<?php echo get_option('opanda_google_client_id'); ?> '; window.opanda_linkedin_api_key = '<?php echo get_option('opanda_linkedin_api_key'); ?> '; window.opanda_terms = '<?php echo opanda_terms_url(); ?> '; window.opanda_privacy_policy = '<?php echo opanda_privacy_policy_url(); ?> '; window.opanda_subscription_service_name = '<?php echo get_option('opanda_subscription_service', 'none'); ?> '; <?php if (defined('ONP_OP_STYLER_PLUGIN_ACTIVE')) { ?> window.onp_sl_styleroller = true; <?php } else { ?> window.onp_sl_styleroller = false; window.onp_sl_styleroller_offer_text = '<?php _e('Want more themes?', 'bizpanda'); ?> '; window.onp_sl_styleroller_offer_url = '<?php echo $bizpanda->options['styleroller']; ?> '; <?php } ?> <?php if ($showStyleRollerOffer) { ?> window.onp_sl_show_styleroller_offer = true; <?php } else { ?> window.onp_sl_show_styleroller_offer = false; <?php } ?> </script> <p class="note"><strong><?php _e('Note', 'bizpanda'); ?> :</strong> <?php _e('In the preview mode, some features of the locker may not work properly.', 'bizpanda'); ?> </p> <div id="lock-preview-wrap"<?php echo $dataPrint; ?> > <iframe allowtransparency="1" frameborder="0" hspace="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="preview" vspace="0" width="100%"> <?php _e('Your browser doen\'t support the iframe tag.', 'bizpanda'); ?> </iframe> </div> <?php }