Exemplo n.º 1
        function showEdPostNTSettings($ntOpts, $post)
            global $nxs_plurl;
            $post_id = $post->ID;
            $nt = $this->ntInfo['lcode'];
            $ntU = $this->ntInfo['code'];
            foreach ($ntOpts as $ii => $ntOpt) {
                $pMeta = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($post_id, 'snap' . $ntU, true));
                if (is_array($pMeta) && isset($pMeta[$ii]) && is_array($pMeta[$ii])) {
                    $ntOpt = $this->adjMetaOpt($ntOpt, $pMeta[$ii]);
                if (empty($ntOpt['imgToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['imgToUse'] = '';
                $doIT = $ntOpt['do' . $ntU] && (is_array($pMeta) || $ntOpt['catSel'] != '1');
                $imgToUse = $ntOpt['imgToUse'];
                if (empty($ntOpt['urlToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['urlToUse'] = '';
                $urlToUse = $ntOpt['urlToUse'];
                $isAvail = $ntOpt['uPass'] != '' && $ntOpt['uName'] != '';
                $msgFormat = htmlentities($ntOpt['msgFrmt'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
                $msgFormatT = htmlentities($ntOpt['msgTFrmt'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
      <tr><th style="text-align:left;" colspan="2"> 
                if ($ntOpt['catSel'] == '1' && trim($ntOpt['catSelEd']) != '') {
 <input type="hidden" class="nxs_SC" id="nxs_SC_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['catSelEd'];
" /> <?php 
                if (!empty($ntOpt['tagsSelX'])) {
  <input type="hidden" class="nxs_TG" id="nxs_TG_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['tagsSelX'];
" /> <?php 
                if ($isAvail) {
 <input type="hidden" name="<?php 
                    echo $nt;
                    echo $ii;
                    echo $ntU;
]" value="<?php 
                    echo $post->post_status == "publish" ? $doIT : '0';
        <input class="nxsGrpDoChb" value="1" id="do<?php 
                    echo $ntU . $ii;
" <?php 
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
                        echo 'disabled="disabled"';
 type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                    echo $nt;
                    echo $ii;
                    echo $ntU;
]" <?php 
                    if ((int) $doIT == 1) {
                        echo 'checked="checked" title="def"';
      <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="display: inline; font-size: 13px; background-image: url(<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
                echo $nt;
                echo $this->ntInfo['name'];
 - <?php 
                _e('publish to', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
 (<i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                echo $ntOpt['nName'];
</i>)</div></th> <td><?php 
                //## Only show RePost button if the post is "published"
                if ($post->post_status == "publish" && $isAvail) {
<input alt="<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('SV');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('SV', event);" onclick="return false;" type="button" class="button" name="rePostTo<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
_repostButton" id="rePostTo<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
_button" value="<?php 
                    _e('Repost to ' . $this->ntInfo['name'], 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
" />
                if (is_array($pMeta) && isset($pMeta[$ii]) && is_array($pMeta[$ii]) && isset($pMeta[$ii]['pgID'])) {
 <span id="pstd<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 10px;">
                      <a style="font-size: 10px;" href="<?php 
                    echo $pMeta[$ii]['postURL'];
" target="_blank"><?php 
                    $nType = $this->ntInfo['name'];
                    printf(__('Posted on', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g'), $nType);
                    echo isset($pMeta[$ii]['pDate']) && $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] != '' ? " (" . $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] . ")" : "";
                if (!$isAvail) {
<tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right:10px;"></th> <td><b>Setup your <?php 
                    echo $this->ntInfo['name'];
 Account to AutoPost to <?php 
                    echo $this->ntInfo['name'];
                } else {
                    if ($post->post_status != "publish" && function_exists('nxs_doSMAS5')) {
                        $ntOpt['postTime'] = get_post_time('U', false, $post_id);
                        nxs_doSMAS5($nt, $ii, $ntOpt);
                    if ($ntOpt['rpstOn'] == '1') {
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" class="nxsTHRow">
                <input value="0"  type="hidden" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"/><input value="nxsi<?php 
                        echo $ii;
ap" type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"  <?php 
                        if (!empty($ntOpt['rpstPostIncl'])) {
                            echo "checked";
                <td> <?php 
                        _e('Include in "Auto-Reposting" to this network.', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                </td></tr> <?php 
     <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" style="vertical-align:top; padding-top: 6px; text-align:right; width:60px; padding-right:10px;"><?php 
                    _e('Title Format:', 'NS_SPAP');
                  <td><input value="<?php 
                    echo $msgFormatT;
" type="text" name="<?php 
                    echo $nt;
                    echo $ii;
][msgTFrmt]" style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('msgFrmtT<?php 
                    echo $nt . $ii;
                    nxs_doShowHint("msgFrmtT" . $nt . $ii, '', '58');
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" style="vertical-align:top;  padding-top: 6px; text-align:right; width:60px; padding-right:10px;"><?php 
                    _e('Text Format:', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                <textarea cols="150" rows="1" id="<?php 
                    echo $nt . $ii;
msgFrmt" name="<?php 
                    echo $nt;
                    echo $ii;
][msgFrmt]"  style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('#<?php 
                    echo $nt . $ii;
msgFrmt').attr('rows', 4); jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('msgFrmt<?php 
                    echo $nt . $ii;
                    echo $msgFormat;
</textarea> <?php 
                    nxs_doShowHint("msgFrmt" . $nt . $ii, '', '58');
                    /* ## Select Image & URL ## */
                    nxs_showImgToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $imgToUse);
                    nxs_showURLToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $urlToUse);
Exemplo n.º 2
        function showEdPostNTSettings($ntOpts, $post)
            global $nxs_plurl;
            $post_id = $post->ID;
            $nt = 'li';
            $ntU = 'LI';
            foreach ($ntOpts as $ii => $ntOpt) {
                $pMeta = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($post_id, 'snapLI', true));
                if (is_array($pMeta) && isset($pMeta[$ii])) {
                    $ntOpt = $this->adjMetaOpt($ntOpt, $pMeta[$ii]);
                if (empty($ntOpt['imgToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['imgToUse'] = '';
                if (empty($ntOpt['urlToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['urlToUse'] = '';
                if (empty($ntOpt['catSel'])) {
                    $ntOpt['catSel'] = '';
                $doLI = $ntOpt['doLI'] && (is_array($pMeta) || $ntOpt['catSel'] != '1');
                $imgToUse = $ntOpt['imgToUse'];
                $urlToUse = $ntOpt['urlToUse'];
                $isAvailLI = isset($ntOpt['liOAuthVerifier']) && $ntOpt['liOAuthVerifier'] != '' && $ntOpt['liAccessTokenSecret'] != '' && $ntOpt['liAccessToken'] != '' && $ntOpt['liAPIKey'] != '' || $ntOpt['ulName'] !== '' && $ntOpt['uPass'] !== '';
                $liMsgFormat = htmlentities($ntOpt['liMsgFormat'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
                $liMsgFormatT = htmlentities($ntOpt['liMsgFormatT'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
<tr><th style="text-align:left;" colspan="2">
                if ($ntOpt['catSel'] == '1' && trim($ntOpt['catSelEd']) != '') {
 <input type="hidden" class="nxs_SC" id="nxs_SC_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['catSelEd'];
" /> <?php 
                if (!empty($ntOpt['tagsSelX'])) {
  <input type="hidden" class="nxs_TG" id="nxs_TG_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['tagsSelX'];
" /> <?php 
                if ($isAvailLI) {
<input class="nxsGrpDoChb" value="1" id="doLI<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" <?php 
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
                        echo 'disabled="disabled"';
 type="checkbox" name="li[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][doLI]" <?php 
                    if ((int) $doLI == 1) {
                        echo 'checked="checked" title="def"';
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
 <input type="hidden" name="li[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][doLI]" value="<?php 
                        echo $doLI;
"> <?php 
      <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="display: inline; font-size: 13px; background-image: url(<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/li16.png);">LinkedIn - <?php 
                _e('publish to', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
 (<i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                echo $ntOpt['nName'];
                //## Only show RePost button if the post is "published"
                if ($post->post_status == "publish" && $isAvailLI) {
<input alt="<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('SV');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('SV', event);" onclick="return false;" type="button" class="button" name="rePostToLI_repostButton" id="rePostToLI_button" value="<?php 
                    _e('Repost to LinkedIn', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
" />
                if (is_array($pMeta) && isset($pMeta[$ii]) && is_array($pMeta[$ii]) && isset($pMeta[$ii]['pgID'])) {
                    // prr($pMeta[$ii]);
 <span id="pstdLI<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 10px;">
                      <a style="font-size: 10px;" href="<?php 
                    if ($pMeta[$ii]['postURL'] != '') {
                        echo $pMeta[$ii]['postURL'];
                    } elseif ($ntOpt['uPage'] != '') {
                        echo $ntOpt['uPage'];
                    } else {
" target="_blank"><?php 
                    $nType = "LinkedIn";
                    printf(__('Posted on', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g'), $nType);
                    echo isset($pMeta[$ii]['pDate']) && $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] != '' ? " (" . $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] . ")" : "";
                if (!$isAvailLI) {
<tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right:10px;"></th> <td><b>Setup your LinkedIn Account to AutoPost to LinkedIn</b>
                } else {
                    if ($post->post_status != "publish" && function_exists('nxs_doSMAS5')) {
                        $ntOpt['postTime'] = get_post_time('U', false, $post_id);
                        nxs_doSMAS5($nt, $ii, $ntOpt);
                    if ($ntOpt['rpstOn'] == '1') {
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" class="nxsTHRow">
                <input value="0"  type="hidden" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"/><input value="nxsi<?php 
                        echo $ii;
li" type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"  <?php 
                        if (!empty($ntOpt['rpstPostIncl'])) {
                            echo "checked";
                <td> <?php 
                        _e('Include in "Auto-Reposting" to this network.', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                </td></tr> <?php 
                <tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; vertical-align:top; padding-top: 0px; padding-right:10px;"> <?php 
                    _e('Post Type:', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
        <input type="radio" name="li[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][postType]" value="T" <?php 
                    if ($ntOpt['postType'] == 'T') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
                    _e('Text Post', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
  - <i><?php 
                    _e('just text message', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
        <span class="nxs_li_nxapi_<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="display: <?php 
                    echo !empty($ntOpt['apiToUse']) && $ntOpt['apiToUse'] == 'nx' ? "block" : "none";
        <input type="radio" name="li[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][postType]" value="I" <?php 
                    if ($ntOpt['postType'] == 'I') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
                    echo $nt . $ii;
').show();" /> <?php 
                    _e('Post to LinkedIn as "Image post"', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
 - <i><?php 
                    _e('big image with text message', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
</i><br/> </span>            
        <input type="radio" name="li[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][postType]" value="A" <?php 
                    if (!isset($ntOpt['postType']) || $ntOpt['postType'] == '' || $ntOpt['postType'] == 'A') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
                    echo $nt . $ii;
').hide();" /><?php 
                    _e('Text Post with "attached" blogpost', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" style="vertical-align:top; padding-top: 6px; text-align:right; width:60px; padding-right:10px;"><?php 
                    _e('Message Format:', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                <textarea cols="150" rows="1" id="li<?php 
                    echo $ii;
SNAPformat" name="li[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][SNAPformat]"  style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('#li<?php 
                    echo $ii;
SNAPformat').attr('rows', 4); jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('apLIMsgFrmt<?php 
                    echo $ii;
                    echo $liMsgFormat;
                    nxs_doShowHint("apLIMsgFrmt" . $ii);
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" style="vertical-align:top; padding-top: 6px; text-align:right; width:60px; padding-right:10px;"><?php 
                    _e('Title Format (Groups Only):', 'social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g');
                <td><input value="<?php 
                    echo $liMsgFormatT;
" type="text" name="li[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][SNAPformatT]"  style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('apLIMsgFrmtT<?php 
                    echo $ii;
                    nxs_doShowHint("apLIMsgFrmtT" . $ii, '', '58');
                    /* ## Select Image & URL ## */
                    nxs_showImgToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $imgToUse);
                    nxs_showURLToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $urlToUse);

Exemplo n.º 3
        function showEdPostNTSettings($ntOpts, $post)
            global $nxs_plurl;
            $post_id = $post->ID;
            $nt = 'vk';
            $ntU = 'VK';
            foreach ($ntOpts as $ii => $ntOpt) {
                $pMeta = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($post_id, 'snapVK', true));
                if (is_array($pMeta)) {
                    $ntOpt = $this->adjMetaOpt($ntOpt, $pMeta[$ii]);
                if (empty($ntOpt['imgToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['imgToUse'] = '';
                if (empty($ntOpt['urlToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['urlToUse'] = '';
                $doVK = $ntOpt['doVK'] && (is_array($pMeta) || $ntOpt['catSel'] != '1');
                $imgToUse = $ntOpt['imgToUse'];
                $urlToUse = $ntOpt['urlToUse'];
                $isAvailVK = $ntOpt['url'] != '' && $ntOpt['vkAppID'] != '' || $ntOpt['uPass'] != '';
                $isAttachVK = $ntOpt['attch'];
                $msgFrmt = htmlentities($ntOpt['msgFrmt'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
                $postType = $ntOpt['postType'];
      <tr><th style="text-align:left;" colspan="2"> 
                if ($ntOpt['catSel'] == '1' && trim($ntOpt['catSelEd']) != '') {
 <input type="hidden" class="nxs_SC" id="nxs_SC_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['catSelEd'];
" /> <?php 
                if (!empty($ntOpt['tagsSelX'])) {
  <input type="hidden" class="nxs_TG" id="nxs_TG_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['tagsSelX'];
" /> <?php 
                if ($isAvailVK) {
<input class="nxsGrpDoChb" value="1" id="doVK<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" <?php 
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
                        echo 'disabled="disabled"';
 type="checkbox" name="vk[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][doVK]" <?php 
                    if ((int) $doVK == 1) {
                        echo 'checked="checked" title="def"';
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
 <input type="hidden" name="vk[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][doVK]" value="<?php 
                        echo $doVK;
"> <?php 
        <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="display: inline; font-size: 13px; background-image: url(<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/vk16.png);">vKontakte(VK) - <?php 
                _e('publish to', 'nxs_snap');
 (<i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                echo $ntOpt['nName'];
                //## Only show RePost button if the post is "published"
                if ($post->post_status == "publish" && $isAvailVK) {
          <input alt="<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('SV');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('SV', event);" onclick="return false;" type="button" class="button" name="rePostToVK_repostButton" id="rePostToVK_button" value="<?php 
                    _e('Repost to vKontakte(VK)', 'nxs_snap');
" />
                if (is_array($pMeta) && is_array($pMeta[$ii]) && isset($pMeta[$ii]['pgID'])) {
 <span id="pstdVK<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 10px;">
             <a style="font-size: 10px;" href="http://vk.com/wall<?php 
                    echo $pMeta[$ii]['pgID'];
" target="_blank"><?php 
                    $nType = "vKontakte(VK)";
                    printf(__('Posted on', 'nxs_snap'), $nType);
                    echo isset($pMeta[$ii]['pDate']) && $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] != '' ? " (" . $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] . ")" : "";
                if (!$isAvailVK) {
<tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right:10px;"></th> <td><b>Setup and Authorize your vKontakte(VK) Account to AutoPost to vKontakte(VK)</b>
                } else {
                    if ($post->post_status != "publish" && function_exists('nxs_doSMAS5')) {
                        $ntOpt['postTime'] = get_post_time('U', false, $post_id);
                        nxs_doSMAS5($nt, $ii, $ntOpt);
                    if ($ntOpt['rpstOn'] == '1') {
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" class="nxsTHRow">
                <input value="0"  type="hidden" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"/><input value="nxsi<?php 
                        echo $ii;
vk" type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"  <?php 
                        if (!empty($ntOpt['rpstPostIncl'])) {
                            echo "checked";
                <td> <?php 
                        _e('Include in "Auto-Reposting" to this network.', 'nxs_snap');
                </td></tr> <?php 
        <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" valign="top" class="nxsTHRow"><?php 
                    _e('Message Format:', 'nxs_snap');
          <textarea cols="150" rows="1" id="vk<?php 
                    echo $ii;
SNAPformat" name="vk[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][SNAPformat]"  style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('#vk<?php 
                    echo $ii;
SNAPformat').attr('rows', 4); jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('apVKTMsgFrmt<?php 
                    echo $ii;
                    echo $msgFrmt;
                    nxs_doShowHint("apVKTMsgFrmt" . $ii);
            <br/><div ><input value="0" type="hidden" name="vk[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][addBackLink]" />
              <input value="1" type="checkbox" name="vk[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][addBackLink]"  <?php 
                    if (isset($ntOpt['addBackLink']) && (int) $ntOpt['addBackLink'] == 1) {
                        echo "checked";
 /> <?php 
                    _e('Add backlink to the post', 'nxs_snap');
        <tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; vertical-align:top; padding-top: 0px; padding-right:10px;"> <?php 
                    _e('Post Type:', 'nxs_snap');
          (<a id="showShAtt" style="font-weight: normal" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('<?php 
                    echo $ii;
VKX');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('<?php 
                    echo $ii;
VKX', event);" onclick="return false;" class="underdash" href="http://www.nextscripts.com/blog/"><?php 
                    _e('What\'s the difference?', 'nxs_snap');
          <input type="radio" name="vk[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][PostType]" value="T" <?php 
                    if ($postType == 'T') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <?php 
                    _e('Text Post', 'nxs_snap');
 - <i><?php 
                    _e('just text message', 'nxs_snap');
          <input type="radio" name="vk[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][PostType]" value="I" <?php 
                    if ($postType == 'I') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <?php 
                    _e('Image Post', 'nxs_snap');
 - <i><?php 
                    _e('big image with text message', 'nxs_snap');
                    if (function_exists("nxs_doPostToVK")) {
            <input type="radio" name="vk[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][PostType]" value="A" <?php 
                        if (!isset($postType) || $postType == '' || $postType == 'A') {
                            echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <?php 
                        _e('Text Post with "attached" blogpost', 'nxs_snap');
<br/><div class="popShAtt" id="popShAtt<?php 
                    echo $ii;
VKX"><h3>vKontakte(VK) <?php 
                    _e('Post Types', 'nxs_snap');
</h3><img src="<?php 
                    echo $nxs_plurl;
img/vkPostTypesDiff6.png" width="600" height="257" alt="<?php 
                    _e('Post Types', 'nxs_snap');
                    /* ## Select Image & URL ## */
                    nxs_showImgToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $imgToUse);
                    nxs_showURLToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $urlToUse);
Exemplo n.º 4
        function showEdPostNTSettings($ntOpts, $post)
            global $nxs_plurl;
            $post_id = $post->ID;
            $nt = 'tr';
            $ntU = 'TR';
            foreach ($ntOpts as $ii => $ntOpt) {
                $pMeta = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($post_id, 'snapTR', true));
                // prr($ntOpts); echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; prr($pMeta); echo "#######";
                if (is_array($pMeta) && isset($pMeta[$ii]) && is_array($pMeta[$ii])) {
                    $ntOpt = $this->adjMetaOpt($ntOpt, $pMeta[$ii]);
                if (empty($ntOpt['imgToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['imgToUse'] = '';
                if (empty($ntOpt['urlToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['urlToUse'] = '';
                if (empty($ntOpt['trMsgTFormat'])) {
                    $ntOpt['trMsgTFormat'] = '';
                $doTR = $ntOpt['doTR'] && (is_array($pMeta) || (is_array($pMeta) || $ntOpt['catSel'] != '1'));
                $imgToUse = $ntOpt['imgToUse'];
                $urlToUse = $ntOpt['urlToUse'];
                $isAvailTR = isset($ntOpt['trAccessTocken']) && isset($ntOpt['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token_secret']) && $ntOpt['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token_secret'] !== '';
                $trMsgFormat = htmlentities($ntOpt['trMsgFormat'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
                $trMsgTFormat = htmlentities($ntOpt['trMsgTFormat'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
 <tr><th style="text-align:left;" colspan="2">
                if ($ntOpt['catSel'] == '1' && trim($ntOpt['catSelEd']) != '') {
 <input type="hidden" class="nxs_SC" id="nxs_SC_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['catSelEd'];
" /> <?php 
                if (!empty($ntOpt['tagsSelX'])) {
  <input type="hidden" class="nxs_TG" id="nxs_TG_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['tagsSelX'];
" /> <?php 
                if ($isAvailTR) {
<input class="nxsGrpDoChb" value="1" id="doTR<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" <?php 
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
                        echo 'disabled="disabled"';
 type="checkbox" name="tr[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][doTR]" <?php 
                    if ((int) $doTR == 1) {
                        echo 'checked="checked" title="def"';
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
 <input type="hidden" name="tr[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][doTR]" value="<?php 
                        echo $doTR;
"> <?php 
      <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="display: inline; font-size: 13px; background-image: url(<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/tr16.png);">Tumblr - <?php 
                _e('publish to', 'nxs_snap');
 (<i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                echo $ntOpt['nName'];
</i>) </div></th><td><?php 
                //## Only show RePost button if the post is "published"
                if ($post->post_status == "publish" && $isAvailTR) {
<input alt="<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('SV');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('SV', event);" onclick="return false;"Z type="button" class="button" name="rePostToTR_repostButton" id="rePostToTR_button" value="<?php 
                    _e('Repost to Tumblr', 'nxs_snap');
" />
                if (is_array($pMeta) && isset($pMeta[$ii]) && is_array($pMeta[$ii]) && isset($pMeta[$ii]['pgID'])) {
 <span id="pstdTR<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 10px;">
                      <a style="font-size: 10px;" href="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['trURL'];
                    echo $pMeta[$ii]['pgID'];
" target="_blank"><?php 
                    $nType = "Tumblr";
                    printf(__('Posted on', 'nxs_snap'), $nType);
                    echo isset($pMeta[$ii]['pDate']) && $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] != '' ? " (" . $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] . ")" : "";
                if (!$isAvailTR) {
<tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right:10px;"></th> <td><b>Setup and authorize your Tumblr Account to AutoPost to Tumblr</b>
                } else {
                    if ($post->post_status != "publish" && function_exists('nxs_doSMAS5')) {
                        $ntOpt['postTime'] = get_post_time('U', false, $post_id);
                        nxs_doSMAS5($nt, $ii, $ntOpt);
                    if ($ntOpt['rpstOn'] == '1') {
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" class="nxsTHRow">
                <input value="0"  type="hidden" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"/><input value="nxsi<?php 
                        echo $ii;
tr" type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"  <?php 
                        if (!empty($ntOpt['rpstPostIncl'])) {
                            echo "checked";
                <td> <?php 
                        _e('Include in "Auto-Reposting" to this network.', 'nxs_snap');
                </td></tr> <?php 
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:60px; padding-right:10px;">
                <input type="radio" name="tr[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][apTRPostType]" value="T" <?php 
                    if ($ntOpt['trPostType'] != 'I') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
  /> <br/>                
                    _e('Text Post. Title Format:', 'nxs_snap');
</b>&nbsp;<input value="<?php 
                    echo $trMsgTFormat;
" type="text" name="tr[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][SNAPTformat]" style="width:270px;" onfocus="jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('apTRTMsgFrmt<?php 
                    echo $ii;
                    nxs_doShowHint("apTRTMsgFrmt" . $ii);
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:60px; padding-right:10px;">
                <input type="radio" name="tr[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][apTRPostType]" value="I" <?php 
                    if ($ntOpt['trPostType'] == 'I') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
  />  <br/>                
                <td><b>Image Post</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
                <input type="radio" name="tr[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][apTRPostType]" value="V" <?php 
                    if ($ntOpt['trPostType'] == 'V') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
  /> <b>Video Post</b> <?php 
                    nxs_doShowHint("apTRTMsgFrmt" . $ii);
                <input type="radio" name="tr[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][apTRPostType]" value="U" <?php 
                    if ($ntOpt['trPostType'] == 'U') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
  /> <b>Audio Post</b> <?php 
                    nxs_doShowHint("apTRTMsgFrmt" . $ii);
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" class="nxsTHRow"><?php 
                    _e('Text Format:', 'nxs_snap');
                <textarea cols="150" rows="1" id="tr<?php 
                    echo $ii;
SNAPformat" name="tr[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][SNAPformat]"  style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('#tr<?php 
                    echo $ii;
SNAPformat').attr('rows', 4); jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('apTRMsgFrmt<?php 
                    echo $ii;
                    echo $trMsgFormat;
                    nxs_doShowHint("apTRMsgFrmt" . $ii);
                    /* ## Select Image & URL ## */
                    nxs_showImgToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $imgToUse);
                    nxs_showURLToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $urlToUse);
Exemplo n.º 5
        function showEdPostNTSettings($ntOpts, $post)
            global $nxs_plurl;
            $post_id = $post->ID;
            $nt = 'pn';
            $ntU = 'PN';
            foreach ($ntOpts as $ii => $ntOpt) {
                $pMeta = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($post_id, 'snapPN', true));
                if (is_array($pMeta)) {
                    $ntOpt = $this->adjMetaOpt($ntOpt, $pMeta[$ii]);
                if (empty($ntOpt['imgToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['imgToUse'] = '';
                if (empty($ntOpt['urlToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['urlToUse'] = '';
                $doPN = $ntOpt['doPN'] && (is_array($pMeta) || $ntOpt['catSel'] != '1');
                $imgToUse = $ntOpt['imgToUse'];
                $urlToUse = $ntOpt['urlToUse'];
                $isAvailPN = $ntOpt['pnUName'] != '' && $ntOpt['pnPass'] != '';
                $pnMsgFormat = htmlentities($ntOpt['pnMsgFormat'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
      <tr><th style="text-align:left;" colspan="2">
                if ($ntOpt['catSel'] == '1' && trim($ntOpt['catSelEd']) != '') {
 <input type="hidden" class="nxs_SC" id="nxs_SC_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['catSelEd'];
" /> <?php 
                if (!empty($ntOpt['tagsSelX'])) {
  <input type="hidden" class="nxs_TG" id="nxs_TG_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['tagsSelX'];
" /> <?php 
                if ($isAvailPN) {
<input class="nxsGrpDoChb" value="1" id="doPN<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" <?php 
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
                        echo 'disabled="disabled"';
 type="checkbox" name="pn[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][doPN]" <?php 
                    if ((int) $doPN == 1) {
                        echo 'checked="checked" title="def"';
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
 <input type="hidden" name="pn[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][doPN]" value="<?php 
                        echo $doPN;
"> <?php 
      <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="display: inline; font-size: 13px; background-image: url(<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/pn16.png);">Pinterest - <?php 
                _e('publish to', 'nxs_snap');
 (<i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                echo $ntOpt['nName'];
</i>)</div></th> <td><?php 
                //## Only show RePost button if the post is "published"
                if ($post->post_status == "publish" && $isAvailPN) {
<input alt="<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('SV');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('SV', event);" onclick="return false;"  type="button" class="button" name="rePostToPN_repostButton" id="rePostToPN_button" value="<?php 
                    _e('Repost to Pinterest', 'nxs_snap');
" />

                if (is_array($pMeta) && is_array($pMeta[$ii]) && isset($pMeta[$ii]['postURL'])) {
 <span id="pstdPN<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 10px;">
          <a style="font-size: 10px;" href="<?php 
                    echo $pMeta[$ii]['postURL'];
" target="_blank"><?php 
                    $nType = "Pinterest";
                    printf(__('Posted on', 'nxs_snap'), $nType);
                    echo isset($pMeta[$ii]['pDate']) && $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] != '' ? " (" . $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] . ")" : "";
                if (!$isAvailPN) {
<tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right:10px;"></th> <td><b>Setup your Pinterest Account to AutoPost to Pinterest</b>
                } else {
                    if ($post->post_status != "publish" && function_exists('nxs_doSMAS5')) {
                        $ntOpt['postTime'] = get_post_time('U', false, $post_id);
                        nxs_doSMAS5($nt, $ii, $ntOpt);
                    if ($ntOpt['rpstOn'] == '1') {
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" class="nxsTHRow">
                <input value="0"  type="hidden" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"/><input value="nxsi<?php 
                        echo $ii;
pn" type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"  <?php 
                        if (!empty($ntOpt['rpstPostIncl'])) {
                            echo "checked";
                <td> <?php 
                        _e('Include in "Auto-Reposting" to this network.', 'nxs_snap');
                </td></tr> <?php 
                <tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right:10px;">Select Board</th>
                <td><select name="pn[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][apPNBoard]" id="apPNBoard">
                    if (!empty($ntOpt['pnBoardsList'])) {
                        $gPNBoards = $ntOpt['pnBoardsList'];
                        if (base64_encode(base64_decode($gPNBoards)) === $gPNBoards) {
                            $gPNBoards = base64_decode($gPNBoards);
                        if ($ntOpt['pnBoard'] != '') {
                            $gPNBoards = str_replace($ntOpt['pnBoard'] . '"', $ntOpt['pnBoard'] . '" selected="selected"', $gPNBoards);
                        echo $gPNBoards;
                    } else {
              <option value="0">None(Click above to retrieve your boards)</option>
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" class="nxsTHRow"><?php 
                    _e('Text Message Format:', 'nxs_snap');
                <textarea cols="150" rows="1" id="pn<?php 
                    echo $ii;
SNAPformat" name="pn[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][SNAPformat]"  style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('#pn<?php 
                    echo $ii;
SNAPformat').attr('rows', 4); jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('apPNMsgFrmt<?php 
                    echo $ii;
                    echo $pnMsgFormat;
                    nxs_doShowHint("apPNMsgFrmt" . $ii);
                    /* ## Select Image & URL ## */
                    nxs_showImgToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $imgToUse);
                    nxs_showURLToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $urlToUse);
Exemplo n.º 6
        function showEdPostNTSettings($ntOpts, $post)
            global $nxs_plurl;
            $post_id = $post->ID;
            $nt = 'fb';
            $ntU = 'FB';
            foreach ($ntOpts as $ii => $ntOpt) {
                $pMeta = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($post_id, 'snapFB', true));
                if (is_array($pMeta) && isset($pMeta[$ii]) && is_array($pMeta[$ii])) {
                    $ntOpt = $this->adjMetaOpt($ntOpt, $pMeta[$ii]);
                if (empty($ntOpt['postType']) && !empty($ntOpt['fbPostType'])) {
                    $ntOpt['postType'] = $ntOpt['fbPostType'];
                //## Compatibility with ver <3.2
                if (empty($ntOpt['postType']) && !empty($ntOpt['PostType'])) {
                    $pt = $ntOpt['PostType'];
                    $ntOpt['postType'] = $pt;
                //## Compatibility with ver <3.2
                if (empty($ntOpt['imgToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['imgToUse'] = '';
                if (empty($ntOpt['urlToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['urlToUse'] = '';
                $doFB = $ntOpt['doFB'] && (is_array($pMeta) || $ntOpt['catSel'] != '1');
                $imgToUse = $ntOpt['imgToUse'];
                $urlToUse = $ntOpt['urlToUse'];
                $isAvailFB = $ntOpt['fbURL'] != '' && $ntOpt['fbAppID'] != '' && $ntOpt['fbAppSec'] != '';
                $isAttachFB = $ntOpt['fbAttch'];
                $fbMsgFormat = htmlentities($ntOpt['fbMsgFormat'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
                $fbPostType = $ntOpt['postType'];
      <tr><th style="text-align:left;" colspan="2"> 
                if ($ntOpt['catSel'] == '1' && trim($ntOpt['catSelEd']) != '') {
 <input type="hidden" class="nxs_SC" id="nxs_SC_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['catSelEd'];
" /> <?php 
                if (!empty($ntOpt['tagsSelX'])) {
  <input type="hidden" class="nxs_TG" id="nxs_TG_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['tagsSelX'];
" /> <?php 
                if ($isAvailFB) {
<input class="nxsGrpDoChb" value="1" id="doFB<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" <?php 
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
                        echo 'disabled="disabled"';
 type="checkbox" name="fb[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][doFB]" <?php 
                    if ((int) $doFB == 1) {
                        echo 'checked="checked" title="def"';
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
 <input type="hidden" name="fb[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][doFB]" value="<?php 
                        echo $doFB;
"> <?php 
      <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="display: inline; font-size: 13px; background-image: url(<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/fb16.png);">Facebook - <?php 
                _e('publish to', 'nxs_snap');
 (<i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                echo $ntOpt['nName'];
                //## Only show RePost button if the post is "published"
                if ($post->post_status == "publish" && $isAvailFB) {
    <input alt="<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;margin-left: 10px" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('SV');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('SV', event);" onclick="return false;" type="button" class="button" name="rePostToFB_repostButton" id="rePostToFB_button" value="<?php 
                    _e('Repost to Facebook', 'nxs_snap');
" />
                    if ($ntOpt['riComments'] == '1' && (is_array($pMeta) && is_array($pMeta[$ii]) && isset($pMeta[$ii]['pgID']) && strpos($pMeta[$ii]['pgID'], '_') !== false)) {
       <input alt="<?php 
                        echo $ii;
" style="float: right; " onclick="return false;" type="button" class="button" name="riToFB_repostButton" id="riToFB_button" value="<?php 
                        _e('Import Comments from Facebook', 'nxs_snap');
" />
                if (is_array($pMeta) && isset($pMeta[$ii]) && is_array($pMeta[$ii]) && isset($pMeta[$ii]['pgID']) && strpos($pMeta[$ii]['pgID'], '_') !== false) {
                    $pid = explode('_', $pMeta[$ii]['pgID']);
 <span id="pstdFB<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 10px;">
                      <a style="font-size: 10px;" href="http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=<?php 
                    echo $pid[1] . '&id=' . $pid[0];
" target="_blank"><?php 
                    $nType = "Facebook";
                    printf(__('Posted on', 'nxs_snap'), $nType);
                    echo isset($pMeta[$ii]['pDate']) && $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] != '' ? " (" . $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] . ")" : "";
                if (!$isAvailFB) {
<tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right:10px;"></th> <td><b>Setup and Authorize your Facebook Account to AutoPost to Facebook</b>
                } else {
                    if ($post->post_status != "publish" && function_exists('nxs_doSMAS5')) {
                        $ntOpt['postTime'] = get_post_time('U', false, $post_id);
                        nxs_doSMAS5($nt, $ii, $ntOpt);
                    if ($ntOpt['rpstOn'] == '1') {
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" class="nxsTHRow">
                <input value="0"  type="hidden" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"/><input value="nxsi<?php 
                        echo $ii;
fb" type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"  <?php 
                        if (!empty($ntOpt['rpstPostIncl'])) {
                            echo "checked";
                <td> <?php 
                        _e('Include in "Auto-Reposting" to this network.', 'nxs_snap');
                </td></tr> <?php 
                <tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right:10px;">
             <tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; vertical-align:top; padding-top: 0px; padding-right:10px;"> <?php 
                    _e('Post Type:', 'nxs_snap');
                (<a id="showShAtt" style="font-weight: normal" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('<?php 
                    echo $ii;
X');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('<?php 
                    echo $ii;
X', event);" onclick="return false;" class="underdash" href="http://www.nextscripts.com/blog/"><?php 
                    _e('What\'s the difference?', 'nxs_snap');
        <input type="radio" name="fb[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][postType]" value="T" <?php 
                    if ($fbPostType == 'T') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <?php 
                    _e('Text Post', 'nxs_snap');
  - <i><?php 
                    _e('just text message', 'nxs_snap');
        <input type="radio" name="fb[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][postType]" value="I" <?php 
                    if ($fbPostType == 'I') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <?php 
                    _e('Image Post', 'nxs_snap');
 - <i><?php 
                    _e('big image with text message', 'nxs_snap');
        <input type="radio" name="fb[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][postType]" value="A" <?php 
                    if (!isset($fbPostType) || $fbPostType == '' || $fbPostType == 'A') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <?php 
                    _e('Text Post with "attached" blogpost', 'nxs_snap');
 &lt;-- (<a id="showShAtt" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('<?php 
                    echo $ii;
');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('<?php 
                    echo $ii;
', event);" onclick="return false;" class="underdash" href="http://www.nextscripts.com/blog/"><?php 
                    _e('What\'s the difference?', 'nxs_snap');
</a>) <br/>

<div style="width:100%; margin-left: 25px;"><strong><?php 
                    _e('Link attachment type:', 'nxs_snap');
&nbsp;</strong> <input value="2"  id="apFBAttchShare<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" onchange="doSwitchShAtt(0,<?php 
                    echo $ii;
);" type="radio" name="fb[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][AttachPost]" <?php 
                    if ((int) $isAttachFB == 2) {
                        echo "checked";
                    _e('Share a link to your blogpost', 'nxs_snap');
 .. <?php 
                    _e('or', 'nxs_snap');
               <input value="1"  id="apFBAttch<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" onchange="doSwitchShAtt(1,<?php 
                    echo $ii;
);" type="radio" name="fb[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][AttachPost]"  <?php 
                    if ((int) $isAttachFB == 1) {
                        echo "checked";
                    _e('Attach your blogpost', 'nxs_snap');
<div class="popShAtt" id="popShAtt<?php 
                    echo $ii;
                    _e('Two ways of attaching post on Facebook', 'nxs_snap');
</h3> <img src="<?php 
                    echo $nxs_plurl;
img/fb2wops.png" width="600" height="257" alt="<?php 
                    _e('Two ways of attaching post on Facebook', 'nxs_snap');
<div class="popShAtt" id="popShAtt<?php 
                    echo $ii;
                    _e('Facebook Post Types', 'nxs_snap');
</h3><img src="<?php 
                    echo $nxs_plurl;
img/fbPostTypesDiff6.png" width="600" height="398" alt="<?php 
                    _e('Facebook Post Types', 'nxs_snap');
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" style="vertical-align:top; padding-top: 6px; text-align:right; width:60px; padding-right:10px;"><?php 
                    _e('Message Format:', 'nxs_snap');
                    if (1 == 1) {
                <textarea cols="150" rows="2" id="fb<?php 
                        echo $ii;
SNAPformat" name="fb[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][SNAPformat]"  style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('#fb<?php 
                        echo $ii;
SNAPformat').attr('rows', 4); jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('apFBTMsgFrmt<?php 
                        echo $ii;
                        echo $fbMsgFormat;
                    } else {
                <input value="<?php 
                        echo $fbMsgFormat;
" type="text" name="fb[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][SNAPformat]"  style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('apFBTMsgFrmt<?php 
                        echo $ii;
                        nxs_doShowHint("apFBTMsgFrmt" . $ii, '', '58');
                    /* ## Select Image & URL ## */
                    nxs_showImgToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $imgToUse);
                    nxs_showURLToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $urlToUse);
        function showEdPostNTSettings($ntOpts, $post)
            global $nxs_plurl;
            $post_id = $post->ID;
            $nt = 'gp';
            $ntU = 'GP';
            foreach ($ntOpts as $ii => $ntOpt) {
                $pMeta = maybe_unserialize(get_post_meta($post_id, 'snapGP', true));
                if (is_array($pMeta) && isset($pMeta[$ii]) && is_array($pMeta[$ii])) {
                    $ntOpt = $this->adjMetaOpt($ntOpt, $pMeta[$ii]);
                if (empty($ntOpt['imgToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['imgToUse'] = '';
                if (empty($ntOpt['urlToUse'])) {
                    $ntOpt['urlToUse'] = '';
                $doGP = $ntOpt['doGP'] && (is_array($pMeta) || $ntOpt['catSel'] != '1');
                $imgToUse = $ntOpt['imgToUse'];
                $urlToUse = $ntOpt['urlToUse'];
                $isAvailGP = $ntOpt['gpUName'] != '' && $ntOpt['gpPass'] != '';
                $gpMsgFormat = htmlentities($ntOpt['gpMsgFormat'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
                if (!isset($ntOpt['postType']) || $ntOpt['postType'] == '') {
                    if ((int) $ntOpt['imgPost'] == 1) {
                        $ntOpt['postType'] = 'I';
                    if ((int) $ntOpt['gpAttch'] == 1 || $isNew) {
                        $ntOpt['postType'] = 'A';
                $gpPostType = $ntOpt['postType'];
      <tr><th style="text-align:left;" colspan="2">
                if ($ntOpt['catSel'] == '1' && trim($ntOpt['catSelEd']) != '') {
 <input type="hidden" class="nxs_SC" id="nxs_SC_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['catSelEd'];
" /> <?php 
                if (!empty($ntOpt['tagsSelX'])) {
  <input type="hidden" class="nxs_TG" id="nxs_TG_<?php 
                    echo $ntU;
                    echo $ii;
" value="<?php 
                    echo $ntOpt['tagsSelX'];
" /> <?php 
                if ($isAvailGP) {
<input class="nxsGrpDoChb" value="1" id="doGP<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" <?php 
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
                        echo 'disabled="disabled"';
 type="checkbox" name="gp[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][doGP]" <?php 
                    if ((int) $doGP == 1) {
                        echo 'checked="checked" title="def"';
                    if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
 <input type="hidden" name="gp[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][doGP]" value="<?php 
                        echo $doGP;
"> <?php 
      <div class="nsx_iconedTitle" style="display: inline; font-size: 13px; background-image: url(<?php 
                echo $nxs_plurl;
img/gp16.png);">Google+ - <?php 
                _e('publish to', 'nxs_snap');
 (<i style="color: #005800;"><?php 
                echo $ntOpt['nName'];
</i>)</div></th> <td><?php 
                //## Only show RePost button if the post is "published"
                if ($post->post_status == "publish" && $isAvailGP) {
<input alt="<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('SV');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('SV', event);" onclick="return false;" type="button" class="button" name="rePostToGP_repostButton" id="rePostToGP_button" value="<?php 
                    _e('Repost to Google+', 'nxs_snap');
" />
                if (is_array($pMeta) && isset($pMeta[$ii]) && is_array($pMeta[$ii]) && isset($pMeta[$ii]['pgID'])) {
 <span id="pstdGP<?php 
                    echo $ii;
" style="float: right;padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 10px;">
                      <a style="font-size: 10px;" href="https://plus.google.com/<?php 
                    echo $pMeta[$ii]['pgID'];
" target="_blank"><?php 
                    $nType = "Google+";
                    printf(__('Posted on', 'nxs_snap'), $nType);
                    echo isset($pMeta[$ii]['pDate']) && $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] != '' ? " (" . $pMeta[$ii]['pDate'] . ")" : "";
                if (!$isAvailGP) {
<tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right:10px;"></th> <td><b>Setup your Google+ Account to AutoPost to Google+</b>
                } else {
                    if ($post->post_status != "publish" && function_exists('nxs_doSMAS5')) {
                        $ntOpt['postTime'] = get_post_time('U', false, $post_id);
                        nxs_doSMAS5($nt, $ii, $ntOpt);
                    if ((int) $doGP == 1 && $post->post_status == "publish" && isset($ntOpt['timeToRun']) && $ntOpt['timeToRun'] > time()) {
 <tr><th style="text-align:left; color: purple;" colspan="2">
                        _e('Autopost has been schedulled for', 'nxs_snap');
                        echo date('F j, Y, g:i a', $ntOpt['timeToRun']);
</th> <?php 
                    if ($ntOpt['rpstOn'] == '1') {
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" class="nxsTHRow">
                <input value="0"  type="hidden" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"/><input value="nxsi<?php 
                        echo $ii;
gp" type="checkbox" name="<?php 
                        echo $nt;
                        echo $ii;
][rpstPostIncl]"  <?php 
                        if (!empty($ntOpt['rpstPostIncl'])) {
                            echo "checked";
                <td> <?php 
                        _e('Include in "Auto-Reposting" to this network.', 'nxs_snap');
                </td></tr> <?php 
                <tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; vertical-align:top; padding-top: 0px; padding-right:10px;"> <?php 
                    _e('Post Type:', 'nxs_snap');
                (<a id="showShAtt" style="font-weight: normal" onmouseout="hidePopShAtt('<?php 
                    echo $ii;
XG');" onmouseover="showPopShAtt('<?php 
                    echo $ii;
XG', event);" onclick="return false;" class="underdash" href="http://www.nextscripts.com/blog/"><?php 
                    _e('What\'s the difference?', 'nxs_snap');
        <input type="radio" name="gp[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][postType]" value="T" <?php 
                    if ($gpPostType == 'T') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
 /> <?php 
                    _e('Text Post', 'nxs_snap');
  - <i><?php 
                    _e('just text message', 'nxs_snap');
        <input type="radio" name="gp[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][postType]" value="I" <?php 
                    if ($gpPostType == 'I') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
                    echo $nt . $ii;
').show();" /> <?php 
                    _e('Post to Google+ as "Image post"', 'nxs_snap');
 - <i><?php 
                    _e('big image with text message', 'nxs_snap');
        <input type="radio" name="gp[<?php 
                    echo $ii;
][postType]" value="A" <?php 
                    if (!isset($gpPostType) || $gpPostType == '' || $gpPostType == 'A') {
                        echo 'checked="checked"';
                    echo $nt . $ii;
').hide();" /><?php 
                    _e('Text Post with "attached" blogpost', 'nxs_snap');
        <div class="popShAtt" id="popShAtt<?php 
                    echo $ii;
                    _e('Google+ Post Types', 'nxs_snap');
</h3><img src="<?php 
                    echo $nxs_plurl;
img/gpPostTypesDiff6.png" width="600" height="285" alt="<?php 
                    _e('Google+ Post Types', 'nxs_snap');
                    if ($ntOpt['gpCommID'] != '') {
     <tr><th scope="row" style="text-align:right; width:150px; padding-top: 5px; padding-right:10px;">Community Category</th>
                <td><select name="gp[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][apGPCCat]" id="apGPCCat">
                        if (!empty($ntOpt['gpCCatsList'])) {
                            $gCats = $ntOpt['gpCCatsList'];
                            if (base64_encode(base64_decode($gCats)) === $gCats) {
                                $gCats = base64_decode($gCats);
                            if ($ntOpt['gpCCat'] != '') {
                                $gCats = str_replace($ntOpt['gpCCat'] . '"', $ntOpt['gpCCat'] . '" selected="selected"', $gCats);
                            echo $gCats;
                        } else {
              <option value="0">None(Please go to settings and retreive)</option>
                    /* ## Message Format ## */
                <tr id="altFormat1" style=""><th scope="row" style="vertical-align:top;  padding-top: 6px; text-align:right; width:60px; padding-right:10px;"><?php 
                    _e('Message Format:', 'nxs_snap');
                    if (1 == 1) {
                <textarea cols="150" rows="1" id="gp<?php 
                        echo $ii;
SNAPformat" name="gp[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][SNAPformat]"  style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('#gp<?php 
                        echo $ii;
SNAPformat').attr('rows', 4); jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('apGPMsgFrmt<?php 
                        echo $ii;
                        echo $gpMsgFormat;
                    } else {
                <input value="<?php 
                        echo $gpMsgFormat;
" type="text" name="gp[<?php 
                        echo $ii;
][SNAPformat]"  style="width:60%;max-width: 610px;" onfocus="jQuery('.nxs_FRMTHint').hide();mxs_showFrmtInfo('apGPMsgFrmt<?php 
                        echo $ii;
                        nxs_doShowHint("apGPMsgFrmt" . $ii);
                    /* ## Select Image & URL ## */
                    nxs_showImgToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $imgToUse, !isset($gpPostType) || $gpPostType == '' || $gpPostType == 'A');
                    nxs_showURLToUseDlg($nt, $ii, $urlToUse);