Exemplo n.º 1
 function nxs_getURL($options, $postID, $addURLParams = '')
     global $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster;
     $gOptions = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options;
     if (!isset($options['urlToUse']) || trim($options['urlToUse']) == '') {
         $myurl = trim(get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_MYURL', true));
     $ssl = !empty($gOptions['ht']) && $gOptions['ht'] == ord('h');
     if (!empty($myurl)) {
         $options['urlToUse'] = $myurl;
     if (isset($options['urlToUse']) && trim($options['urlToUse']) != '' || $ssl) {
         $options['atchUse'] = 'F';
     } else {
         $options['urlToUse'] = get_permalink($postID);
     $options['urlToUse'] = $ssl ? $gOptions['useSSLCert'] : $options['urlToUse'];
     // $addURLParams = trim($gOptions['addURLParams']);
     if ($addURLParams != '') {
         $options['urlToUse'] .= (strpos($options['urlToUse'], '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addURLParams;
     $forceSURL = trim(get_post_meta($postID, '_snap_forceSURL', true));
     if (empty($forceSURL)) {
         $forceSURL = !empty($options['forceSURL']);
     } else {
         $forceSURL = $forceSURL == '1';
     if (!empty($options['suUName'])) {
         $forceSURL = false;
     //## SU does not allow Shorteners
     if ($forceSURL) {
         $options['urlToUse'] = nxs_mkShortURL($options['urlToUse'], $postID);
     return $options;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function nxs_doPublishToTR($postID, $options)
     $ntCd = 'TR';
     $ntCdL = 'tr';
     $ntNm = 'Tumblr';
     //if (isset($options['timeToRun'])) wp_unschedule_event( $options['timeToRun'], 'nxs_doPublishToTR',  array($postID, $options));
     $blogTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
     if ($blogTitle == '') {
         $blogTitle = home_url();
     $ii = $options['ii'];
     if (!isset($options['pType'])) {
         $options['pType'] = 'im';
     if ($options['pType'] == 'sh') {
         sleep(rand(1, 10));
     $logNT = '<span style="color:#014A76">Tumblr</span> - ' . $options['nName'];
     $snap_ap = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap' . $ntCd, true);
     $snap_ap = maybe_unserialize($snap_ap);
     if ($options['pType'] != 'aj' && is_array($snap_ap) && (nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPosted', '1') || nxs_chArrVar($snap_ap[$ii], 'isPrePosted', '1'))) {
         $snap_isAutoPosted = get_post_meta($postID, 'snap_isAutoPosted', true);
         if ($snap_isAutoPosted != '2') {
             nxs_addToLogN('W', 'Notice', $logNT, '-=Duplicate=- Post ID:' . $postID, 'Already posted. No reason for posting duplicate' . ' |' . $options['pType']);
     //## Format
     if ($postID == '0') {
         echo "Testing ... <br/><br/>";
         $msg = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle;
         $msgT = 'Test Post from ' . $blogTitle;
         $options['trPostType'] == 'T';
     } else {
         $post = get_post($postID);
         if (!$post) {
         $trMsgFormat = $options['trMsgFormat'];
         $msg = nsFormatMessage($trMsgFormat, $postID);
         $trMsgTFormat = $options['trMsgTFormat'];
         $msgT = nsFormatMessage($trMsgTFormat, $postID);
         nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, $ntCd, $options['ii'], array('isPrePosted' => '1'));
     //prr($options); die();
     //## Post
     require_once 'apis/trOAuth.php';
     $consumer_key = $options['trConsKey'];
     $consumer_secret = $options['trConsSec'];
     $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $options['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token'], $options['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token_secret']);
     $trURL = trim(str_ireplace('http://', '', $options['trURL']));
     if (substr($trURL, -1) == '/') {
         $trURL = substr($trURL, 0, -1);
     $tggs = array();
     if ($options['trInclTags'] == '1') {
         $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
         $tggs = array();
         foreach ($t as $tagA) {
             $tggs[] = $tagA->name;
         $tags = implode(',', $tggs);
     if ($options['trInclCats'] == '1') {
         $t = wp_get_post_categories($postID);
         foreach ($t as $c) {
             $cat = get_category($c);
             $tggs[] = $cat->name;
         $tags = implode(',', $tggs);
     $postDate = ($post->post_date_gmt != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $post->post_date_gmt : gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($post->post_date))) . " GMT";
     //## Adds date to Tumblr post. Thanks to Kenneth Lecky
     $extInfo = ' | PostID: ' . $postID . " - " . $post->post_title . ' |' . $options['pType'];
     $postArr = array('tags' => $tags, 'date' => $postDate);
     if ($options['trPostType'] == 'V') {
         $vids = nsFindVidsInPost($post);
         if (count($vids) > 0) {
             $ytUrl = $vids[0];
         if (trim($ytUrl) == '') {
             $options['trPostType'] = 'T';
     if ($options['trPostType'] == 'U') {
         $aud = nsFindAudioInPost($post);
         if (count($aud) > 0) {
             $aUrl = $aud[0];
         if (trim($aUrl) == '') {
             $options['trPostType'] = 'T';
     if ($options['trPostType'] == 'I') {
         $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID, 'large', $options['trDefImg']);
         if (trim($imgURL) == '') {
             $options['trPostType'] = 'T';
     if ($options['trPostType'] == 'I') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'photo';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $postArr['source'] = $imgURL;
         if (!isset($options['cImgURL']) || $options['cImgURL'] == '' || $options['cImgURL'] == 'R') {
             $postArr['link'] = get_permalink($postID);
         } elseif ($options['cImgURL'] == 'S') {
             $postArr['link'] = get_permalink($postID);
             $postArr['link'] = nxs_mkShortURL($postArr['link']);
     } elseif ($options['trPostType'] == 'U') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'audio';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $postArr['external_url'] = $aUrl;
     } elseif ($options['trPostType'] == 'V') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'video';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $embedTxt = '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $ytUrl . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
         $postArr['embed'] = $embedTxt;
     } else {
         $postArr['title'] = $msgT;
         $postArr['type'] = 'text';
         $postArr['source'] = get_permalink($postID);
         $postArr['body'] = $msg;
     $postinfo = $tum_oauth->post("http://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/" . $trURL . "/post", $postArr);
     // prr($postinfo);  prr($postArr);
     $code = $postinfo->meta->status;
     // echo "XX".print_r($code);  prr($postinfo); // prr($msg); prr($postinfo); echo $code."VVVV"; die("|====");
     if ($code == 201) {
         if ($postID == '0') {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Test', $logNT, 'OK - TEST Message Posted ');
             echo 'OK - Message Posted, please see your Tumblr  Page. <br/> Result:';
         } else {
             nxs_addToLogN('S', 'Posted', $logNT, 'OK - Message Posted ', $extInfo);
             nxs_metaMarkAsPosted($postID, 'TR', $options['ii'], array('isPosted' => '1', 'pgID' => $postinfo->response->id, 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
     } else {
         nxs_addToLogN('E', 'Error', $logNT, '-=ERROR=- ' . print_r($postinfo, true), $extInfo);
         if ($postID == '0') {
         $code .= " - " . $postinfo->meta->msg . $postinfo->errmsg;
     return $code;
 function nxs_doFormatMsg($format, $message, $addURLParams = '')
     global $nxs_urlLen;
     $msg = nxs_doSpin($format);
     // prr($msg); prr($message);// Make "message default"
     $msgDef = array('title' => '', 'announce' => '', 'text' => '', 'url' => '', 'surl' => '', 'urlDescr' => '', 'urlTitle' => '', 'imageURL' => array(), 'videoCode' => '', 'videoURL' => '', 'siteName' => '', 'tags' => '', 'cats' => '', 'authorName' => '', 'orID' => '');
     $message = array_merge($msgDef, $message);
     if (preg_match('/%URL%/', $msg)) {
         $url = $message['url'];
         if ($addURLParams != '') {
             $url .= (strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addURLParams;
         $nxs_urlLen = nxs_strLen($url);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%URL%", $url, $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%SURL%/', $msg)) {
         if (isset($message['surl']) && $message['surl'] != '') {
             $url = $message['surl'];
         } else {
             $url = $message['url'];
             if ($addURLParams != '') {
                 $url .= (strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addURLParams;
             $url = nxs_mkShortURL($url);
         $nxs_urlLen = nxs_strLen($url);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%SURL%", $url, $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%IMG%/', $msg)) {
         if (isset($message['imgURL']) && is_array($message['imgURL'])) {
             $imgURL = trim($message['imgURL']['large']);
             if ($imgURL == '') {
                 $imgURL = trim($message['imgURL']['medium']);
             if ($imgURL == '') {
                 $imgURL = trim($message['imgURL']['original']);
             if ($imgURL == '') {
                 $imgURL = trim($message['imgURL']['thumb']);
         } elseif (!empty($message['imgURL'])) {
             $imgURL = $message['imgURL'];
         } else {
             $imgURL = '';
         $msg = str_ireplace("%IMG%", $imgURL, $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%IMGLARGE%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%IMG%", trim($message['imgURL']['large'], $msg));
     if (preg_match('/%IMGMEDIUM%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%IMGMEDIUM%", trim($message['imgURL']['medium'], $msg));
     if (preg_match('/%IMGTHUMB%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%IMGTHUMB%", trim($message['imgURL']['thumb'], $msg));
     if (preg_match('/%IMGORIGINAL%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%IMGORIGINAL%", trim($message['imgURL']['original'], $msg));
     if (preg_match('/%ORID%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%ORID%", $message['orID'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%TITLE%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%TITLE%", $message['title'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%STITLE%/', $msg)) {
         $title = substr($message['title'], 0, 115);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%STITLE%", $title, $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%AUTHORNAME%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%AUTHORNAME%", $message['authorName'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%SITENAME%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%SITENAME%", $message['siteName'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%ANNOUNCE%/', $msg)) {
         $sText = trim($message['announce']) != '' ? $message['announce'] : nsTrnc($message['description'], 300, " ", "...");
         $msg = str_ireplace("%ANNOUNCE%", $sText, $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%EXCERPT%/', $msg)) {
         $sText = trim($message['announce']) != '' ? $message['announce'] : nsTrnc($message['description'], 300, " ", "...");
         $msg = str_ireplace("%EXCERPT%", $sText, $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%RAWEXCERPT%/', $msg)) {
         $sText = trim($message['announce']) != '' ? $message['announce'] : nsTrnc($message['description'], 300, " ", "...");
         $msg = str_ireplace("%RAWEXCERPT%", $sText, $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%TEXT%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%TEXT%", $message['description'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%FULLTEXT%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", $message['description'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%RAWTEXT%/', $msg)) {
         $msg = str_ireplace("%RAWTEXT%", $message['description'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%TAGS%/', $msg)) {
         $tags = nxs_doProcessTags($message['tags']);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%TAGS%", $tags['tags'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%HTAGS%/', $msg)) {
         $tags = nxs_doProcessTags($message['tags']);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%HTAGS%", $tags['htags'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%CATS%/', $msg)) {
         $tags = nxs_doProcessTags($message['cats']);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%CATS%", $tags['cats'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%HCATS%/', $msg)) {
         $tags = nxs_doProcessTags($message['hcats']);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%HCATS%", $tags['hcats'], $msg);
     if (preg_match('/%+CF-[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+%/', $msg)) {
         $msgA = explode('%CF', $msg);
         $mout = '';
         foreach ($msgA as $mms) {
             if (substr($mms, 0, 1) == '-' && stripos($mms, '%') !== false) {
                 $mGr = CutFromTo($mms, '-', '%');
                 $cfItem = $message[$mGr];
                 $mms = str_ireplace("-" . $mGr . "%", $cfItem, $mms);
             $mout .= $mms;
         $msg = $mout;
     return trim($msg);
Exemplo n.º 4
 function nsFormatMessage($msg, $postID, $addURLParams = '')
     global $ShownAds, $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster, $nxs_urlLen;
     $post = get_post($postID);
     $options = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options;
     // if ($addURLParams=='' && $options['addURLParams']!='') $addURLParams = $options['addURLParams'];
     $msg = stripcslashes($msg);
     if (isset($ShownAds)) {
         $ShownAdsL = $ShownAds;
     // $msg = htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes($msg));
     $msg = nxs_doSpin($msg);
     if (preg_match('%URL%', $msg)) {
         $url = get_permalink($postID);
         if ($addURLParams != '') {
             $url .= (strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addURLParams;
         $nxs_urlLen = nxs_strLen($url);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%URL%", $url, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%SURL%', $msg)) {
         $url = get_permalink($postID);
         if ($addURLParams != '') {
             $url .= (strpos($url, '?') !== false ? '&' : '?') . $addURLParams;
         $url = nxs_mkShortURL($url, $postID);
         $nxs_urlLen = nxs_strLen($url);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%SURL%", $url, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%IMG%', $msg)) {
         $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($postID);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%IMG%", $imgURL, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%TITLE%', $msg)) {
         $title = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_title, $lng);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%TITLE%", $title, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%STITLE%', $msg)) {
         $title = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_title, $lng);
         $title = substr($title, 0, 115);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%STITLE%", $title, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%AUTHORNAME%', $msg)) {
         $aun = $post->post_author;
         $aun = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $aun);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%AUTHORNAME%", $aun, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%ANNOUNCE%', $msg)) {
         $postContent = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng);
         if (stripos($postContent, '<!--more-->') !== false) {
             $postContentEx = explode('<!--more-->', $postContent);
             $postContent = $postContentEx[0];
         } elseif (stripos($postContent, '&lt;!--more--&gt;') !== false) {
             $postContentEx = explode('&lt;!--more--&gt;', $postContent);
             $postContent = $postContentEx[0];
         } else {
             $postContent = nsTrnc($postContent, $options['anounTagLimit']);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%ANNOUNCE%", $postContent, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%TEXT%', $msg)) {
         if ($post->post_excerpt != "") {
             $excerpt = apply_filters('the_content', nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt, $lng));
         } else {
             $excerpt = apply_filters('the_content', nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng));
         $excerpt = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($excerpt)), 300, " ", "...");
         $msg = str_ireplace("%TEXT%", $excerpt, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%EXCERPT%', $msg)) {
         if ($post->post_excerpt != "") {
             $excerpt = apply_filters('the_content', nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt, $lng));
         } else {
             $excerpt = apply_filters('the_content', nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng));
         $excerpt = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($excerpt)), 300, " ", "...");
         $msg = str_ireplace("%EXCERPT%", $excerpt, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%RAWEXTEXT%', $msg)) {
         if ($post->post_excerpt != "") {
             $excerpt = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt, $lng);
         } else {
             $excerpt = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng);
         $excerpt = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($excerpt)), 300, " ", "...");
         $msg = str_ireplace("%RAWEXTEXT%", $excerpt, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%RAWEXCERPT%', $msg)) {
         if ($post->post_excerpt != "") {
             $excerpt = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_excerpt, $lng);
         } else {
             $excerpt = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng);
         $excerpt = nsTrnc(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($excerpt)), 300, " ", "...");
         $msg = str_ireplace("%RAWEXCERPT%", $excerpt, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%TAGS%', $msg)) {
         $t = wp_get_object_terms($postID, 'product_tag');
         if (empty($t) || is_wp_error($pt) || !is_array($t)) {
             $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
         $tggs = array();
         foreach ($t as $tagA) {
             $tggs[] = $tagA->name;
         $tags = implode(', ', $tggs);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%TAGS%", $tags, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%CATS%', $msg)) {
         $t = wp_get_post_categories($postID);
         $cats = array();
         foreach ($t as $c) {
             $cat = get_category($c);
             $cats[] = str_ireplace('&', '&amp;', $cat->name);
         $ctts = implode(', ', $cats);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%CATS%", $ctts, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%HCATS%', $msg)) {
         $t = wp_get_post_categories($postID);
         $cats = array();
         foreach ($t as $c) {
             $cat = get_category($c);
             $cats[] = "#" . trim(str_replace(' ', '', str_replace('  ', '', trim(str_ireplace('&', '', str_ireplace('&amp;', '', $cat->name))))));
         $ctts = implode(', ', $cats);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%HCATS%", $ctts, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%HTAGS%', $msg)) {
         $t = wp_get_object_terms($postID, 'product_tag');
         if (empty($t) || is_wp_error($pt) || !is_array($t)) {
             $t = wp_get_post_tags($postID);
         $tggs = array();
         foreach ($t as $tagA) {
             $tggs[] = "#" . trim(str_replace(' ', '', preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\p{L}\\p{N}\\s]/u', '', trim(ucwords(str_ireplace('&', '', str_ireplace('&amp;', '', $tagA->name)))))));
         $tags = implode(', ', $tggs);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%HTAGS%", $tags, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%CF-[a-zA-Z0-9]%', $msg)) {
         $msgA = explode('%CF', $msg);
         $mout = '';
         foreach ($msgA as $mms) {
             if (substr($mms, 0, 1) == '-' && stripos($mms, '%') !== false) {
                 $mGr = CutFromTo($mms, '-', '%');
                 $cfItem = get_post_meta($postID, $mGr, true);
                 $mms = str_ireplace("-" . $mGr . "%", $cfItem, $mms);
             $mout .= $mms;
         $msg = $mout;
     if (preg_match('%FULLTEXT%', $msg)) {
         $postContent = apply_filters('the_content', nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng));
         $msg = str_ireplace("%FULLTEXT%", $postContent, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%RAWTEXT%', $msg)) {
         $postContent = nxs_doQTrans($post->post_content, $lng);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%RAWTEXT%", $postContent, $msg);
     if (preg_match('%SITENAME%', $msg)) {
         $siteTitle = htmlspecialchars_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), ENT_QUOTES);
         $msg = str_ireplace("%SITENAME%", $siteTitle, $msg);
     if (isset($ShownAds)) {
         $ShownAds = $ShownAdsL;
     // FIX for the quick-adsense plugin
     return trim($msg);
Exemplo n.º 5
 function doPostToNT($options, $message)
     $badOut = array('pgID' => '', 'isPosted' => 0, 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Error' => '');
     //## Check settings
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $badOut['Error'] = 'No Options';
         return $badOut;
     if (!isset($options['trConsKey']) || trim($options['trConsSec']) == '' || empty($options['trAccessTocken'])) {
         $badOut['Error'] = 'Not Configured';
         return $badOut;
     if (!isset($options['postType']) && isset($options['trPostType'])) {
         $options['postType'] = $options['trPostType'];
     //## Compatibility with v <3.2
     if (empty($options['imgSize'])) {
         $options['imgSize'] = '';
     if (empty($message['postDate'])) {
         $message['postDate'] = '';
     if (empty($options['trMsgTFormat'])) {
         $options['trMsgTFormat'] = '%TITLE%';
     //## Format
     if (!empty($message['pText'])) {
         $msg = $message['pText'];
     } else {
         $msg = nxs_doFormatMsg($options['trMsgFormat'], $message);
     if (!empty($message['pTitle'])) {
         $msgT = $message['pTitle'];
     } else {
         $msgT = nxs_doFormatMsg($options['trMsgTFormat'], $message);
     //## Post
     $options['trURL'] = trim(str_ireplace('http://', '', $options['trURL']));
     if (substr($options['trURL'], -1) == '/') {
         $options['trURL'] = substr($options['trURL'], 0, -1);
     require_once 'apis/trOAuth.php';
     $consumer_key = $options['trConsKey'];
     $consumer_secret = $options['trConsSec'];
     $tum_oauth = new TumblrOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $options['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token'], $options['trAccessTocken']['oauth_token_secret']);
     $postArr = array('tags' => $message['tags'], 'date' => $message['postDate']);
     if ($options['fillSrcURL'] == '1') {
         $postArr['source_url'] = $message['url'];
     if (isset($message['imageURL'])) {
         $imgURL = trim(nxs_getImgfrOpt($message['imageURL'], $options['imgSize']));
     } else {
         $imgURL = '';
     // postType
     if ($options['postType'] == 'I') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'photo';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $postArr['source'] = $imgURL;
         if (!isset($options['cImgURL']) || $options['cImgURL'] == '' || $options['cImgURL'] == 'R') {
             $postArr['link'] = $message['url'];
         } elseif ($options['cImgURL'] == 'S') {
             $postArr['link'] = $message['url'];
             $postArr['link'] = nxs_mkShortURL($postArr['link']);
     } elseif ($options['postType'] == 'U') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'audio';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $postArr['external_url'] = $aUrl;
     } elseif ($options['postType'] == 'V') {
         $postArr['type'] = 'video';
         $postArr['caption'] = $msg;
         $embedTxt = '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $message['videoURL'] . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
         $postArr['embed'] = $embedTxt;
     } else {
         $postArr['title'] = $msgT;
         $postArr['type'] = 'text';
         $postArr['source'] = $message['url'];
         $postArr['body'] = $msg;
     $postinfo = $tum_oauth->post("http://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/" . $options['trURL'] . "/post", $postArr);
     // prr("http://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/".$options['trURL']."/post");  prr($postinfo);  prr($postArr);
     $code = $postinfo->meta->status;
     // echo "XX".print_r($code);  prr($postinfo); // prr($msg); prr($postinfo); echo $code."VVVV"; die("|====");
     if ($code == 201) {
         return array('postID' => $postinfo->response->id, 'isPosted' => 1, 'postURL' => 'http://' . $options['trURL'] . "/post/" . $postinfo->response->id, 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     } else {
         $badOut['Error'] .= $code . " - " . $postinfo->meta->msg . (isset($postinfo->errmsg) ? $postinfo->errmsg : '') . " | " . print_r($postinfo, true);
     return $badOut;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function doPostToNT($options, $message)
     global $nxs_gCookiesArr;
     $badOut = array('pgID' => '', 'isPosted' => 0, 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Error' => '');
     //## Check settings
     if (!is_array($options)) {
         $badOut['Error'] = 'No Options';
         return $badOut;
     if (!isset($options['pnUName']) || trim($options['pnPass']) == '') {
         $badOut['Error'] = 'Not Configured';
         return $badOut;
     $pass = substr($options['pnPass'], 0, 5) == 'g9c1a' ? nsx_doDecode(substr($options['pnPass'], 5)) : $options['pnPass'];
     if (empty($options['imgSize'])) {
         $options['imgSize'] = '';
     //## Format
     if (!empty($message['pText'])) {
         $msg = $message['pText'];
     } else {
         $msg = nxs_doFormatMsg($options['pnMsgFormat'], $message);
     $boardID = $options['pnBoard'];
     // prr($boardID); prr($_POST); die();
     if (isset($message['imageURL'])) {
         $imgURL = trim(nxs_getImgfrOpt($message['imageURL'], $options['imgSize']));
     } else {
         $imgURL = '';
     if ($imgURL == '') {
         $badOut['Error'] .= 'NO Image.';
     $urlToGo = !empty($message['url']) ? $message['url'] : '';
     //## Check for existing session
     if (isset($options['ck'])) {
         $nxs_gCookiesArr = maybe_unserialize($options['ck']);
     $loginError = true;
     if (is_array($nxs_gCookiesArr)) {
         $loginError = doCheckPinterest();
     if ($loginError !== false) {
         $loginError = doConnectToPinterest($options['pnUName'], $pass);
     if ($loginError !== false) {
         $badOut['Error'] = print_r($loginError, true) . " - BAD USER/PASS";
         return $badOut;
     if (preg_match('/\\$(\\d+\\.\\d+)/', $msg, $matches)) {
         $price = $matches[0];
     } else {
         $price = '';
     if (isset($options['cImgURL']) && $options['cImgURL'] == 'S') {
         $urlToGo = nxs_mkShortURL($urlToGo);
     } elseif (isset($options['cImgURL']) && $options['cImgURL'] == 'N') {
         $urlToGo = '';
     $ret = doPostToPinterest($msg, $imgURL, $urlToGo, $boardID, 'TITLE WHERE IS IT?', $price, $urlToGo . "/GTH/");
     if ($ret == 'OK') {
         $ret = array("code" => "OK", "post_id" => '');
     if (is_array($ret) && !empty($ret['post_id'])) {
         return array('postID' => str_ireplace('/pin/', '', $ret['post_id']), 'isPosted' => 1, 'postURL' => $ret['post_url'], 'pDate' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
     } else {
         $badOut['Error'] .= 'Something went wrong - ' . print_r($ret, true);
     return $badOut;