function lastPage($threadid, $ppp) { global $debug; $count = numPostsInThread($threadid); $debug->add('board', 'posts in thread ' . $threadid . ': ' . $count); $page = floor(($count - 1) / $ppp) + 1; return $page; }
$postid = postAdd($threadid, $_POST['post'], @$_POST['attachments']); redirect(makeURL('board', array('boardid' => $boardid, 'threadid' => $threadid, 'page' => lastPage($threadid, $config->get('board', 'posts-per-page'))), 'post' . $postid)); } @($quoteid = (int) $_GET['quoteid']); if ($quoteid > 0) { $q = getQuote($quoteid); $u = $user->getUserByID($q['userid']); $a = str_replace("%u", $u['nickname'], $lang->get('quote_by')); $quote = '[quote][i][url="' . makeURL('profile', array('userid' => $q['userid'])) . '"]' . $a . "[/url][/i]\n" . $q['post'] . "[/quote]"; $smarty->assign('quote', $quote); } else { $smarty->assign('quote', ''); } // Pages $ppp = $config->get('board', 'posts-per-page'); @$pages->setValues($_GET['page'], $ppp, numPostsInThread($threadid)); $smarty->assign('pages', $pages->get('board', array('boardid' => $boardid, 'threadid' => $threadid))); $smarty->assign('path', $template_dir . "/thread.tpl"); $smarty->assign('board', $board); $smarty->assign('thread', $thread); @($pl = postList($threadid, $_GET['page'])); $smarty->assign('pl', $pl); $smarty->assign('number', $pl[count($pl) - 1]['number'] + 1); // if user is logged in, it is the last page and thread is not closed, show answer field $debug->add('board', 'lastpage: ' . $pages->lastPage() . ' page: ' . $pages->thisPage()); if ($login->currentUser() !== false && $thread['closed'] == 0 && $pages->lastPage() == $pages->thisPage() && $mode != 'thread_add') { $smarty->assign('showadd', true); $u = $login->currentUser(); $u['avatar'] = $avatar->makeAvatar($u['avatar']); $smarty->assign('me', $u); $smarty->assign('attach_file_button', uploadButton('media/attachments/', 'attachments', $lang->get('attach_file'), true));