// Standard Receipt Data
$amount = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Amount"]);
$locale = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Locale"]);
$batchNo = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_BatchNo"]);
$command = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Command"]);
$message = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Message"]);
$version = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Version"]);
$cardType = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Card"]);
$orderInfo = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_OrderInfo"]);
$receiptNo = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_ReceiptNo"]);
$merchantID = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Merchant"]);
$authorizeID = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_AuthorizeId"]);
$merchTxnRef = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_MerchTxnRef"]);
$transactionNo = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_TransactionNo"]);
$acqResponseCode = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_AcqResponseCode"]);
$txnResponseCode = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_TxnResponseCode"]);
// 3-D Secure Data
$verType = array_key_exists("vpc_VerType", $_GET) ? $_GET["vpc_VerType"] : "No Value Returned";
$verStatus = array_key_exists("vpc_VerStatus", $_GET) ? $_GET["vpc_VerStatus"] : "No Value Returned";
$token = array_key_exists("vpc_VerToken", $_GET) ? $_GET["vpc_VerToken"] : "No Value Returned";
$verSecurLevel = array_key_exists("vpc_VerSecurityLevel", $_GET) ? $_GET["vpc_VerSecurityLevel"] : "No Value Returned";
$enrolled = array_key_exists("vpc_3DSenrolled", $_GET) ? $_GET["vpc_3DSenrolled"] : "No Value Returned";
$xid = array_key_exists("vpc_3DSXID", $_GET) ? $_GET["vpc_3DSXID"] : "No Value Returned";
$acqECI = array_key_exists("vpc_3DSECI", $_GET) ? $_GET["vpc_3DSECI"] : "No Value Returned";
$authStatus = array_key_exists("vpc_3DSstatus", $_GET) ? $_GET["vpc_3DSstatus"] : "No Value Returned";
// *******************
// *******************
// FINISH TRANSACTION - Process the VPC Response Data
// =====================================================
// For the purposes of demonstration, we simply display the Result fields on a
Exemplo n.º 2
$acqResponseCode = null2unknown($map, "vpc_AcqResponseCode");
$txnResponseCode = null2unknown($map, "vpc_TxnResponseCode");

// CSC Receipt Data
$cscResultCode   = null2unknown($map, "vpc_CSCResultCode");
$cscACQRespCode  = null2unknown($map, "vpc_AcqCSCRespCode");

// AVS Receipt Data
$avsResultCode   = null2unknown($map, "vpc_AVSResultCode");
$vACQAVSRespCode = null2unknown($map, "vpc_AcqAVSRespCode");
$avs_City        = null2unknown($map, "vpc_AVS_City");
$avs_Country     = null2unknown($map, "vpc_AVS_Country");
$avs_Street01    = null2unknown($map, "vpc_AVS_Street01");
$avs_PostCode    = null2unknown($map, "vpc_AVS_PostCode");
$avs_StateProv   = null2unknown($map, "vpc_AVS_StateProv");
$avsRequestCode  = null2unknown($map, "vpc_AVSRequestCode");


// FINISH TRANSACTION - Process the VPC Response Data
// =====================================================
// For the purposes of demonstration, we simply display the Result fields on a
// web page.

// Show 'Error' in title if an error condition
$errorTxt = "";
// Show the display page as an error page 
if ($txnResponseCode == "7" || $txnResponseCode != "No Value Returned") {
    $errorTxt = "Error ";
$auth_time = null2unknown($_GET["auth_time"]);
$message = null2unknown($_GET["message"]);
$req_amount = null2unknown($_GET["req_amount"]);
$auth_avs_code_raw = null2unknown($_GET["auth_avs_code_raw"]);
$auth_cv_result = null2unknown($_GET["auth_cv_result"]);
$req_reference_number = null2unknown($_GET["req_reference_number"]);
$req_currency = null2unknown($_GET["req_currency"]);
$signed_date_time = null2unknown($_GET["signed_date_time"]);
$auth_cv_result_raw = null2unknown($_GET["auth_cv_result_raw"]);
$auth_amount = null2unknown($_GET["auth_amount"]);
$reason_code = null2unknown($_GET["reason_code"]);
$req_locale = null2unknown($_GET["req_locale"]);
$auth_code = null2unknown($_GET["auth_code"]);
$vpc_Merchant = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Merchant"]);
$bill_trans_ref_no = null2unknown($_GET["bill_trans_ref_no"]);
$auth_avs_code = null2unknown($_GET["auth_avs_code"]);
// *******************
// *******************
// FINISH TRANSACTION - Process the VPC Response Data
// =====================================================
// For the purposes of demonstration, we simply display the Result fields on a
// web page.
// Show 'Error' in title if an error condition
// Show this page as an error page if vpc_TxnResponseCode equals '7'
if ($txnResponseCode == "7" || $txnResponseCode == "No Value Returned" || $errorExists) {
    $errorTxt = "Error ";
// This is the display title for 'Receipt' page
$title = $_GET["Title"];
// The URL link for the receipt to do another transaction.
    $stringHashData = rtrim($stringHashData, "&");
    if (strtoupper($vpc_Txn_Secure_Hash) == strtoupper(hash_hmac('SHA256', $stringHashData, pack('H*', $SECURE_SECRET)))) {
        $hashValidated = "CORRECT";
    } else {
        $hashValidated = "INVALID HASH";
} else {
    $hashValidated = "INVALID HASH";
$amount = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_Amount"]);
// So tien thanh toan
$orderInfo = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_OrderInfo"]);
// Ma hoa don (ID dat hang)
$txnResponseCode = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_TxnResponseCode"]);
// Ma tra ve
$vpc_MerchTxnRef = null2unknown($_GET["vpc_MerchTxnRef"]);
// Ma giao dich do OnePage Sinh ra dung de QueryDR sau nay
$payment_id = (int) $_GET['vpc_TransactionNo'];
if ($hashValidated == "CORRECT" and $txnResponseCode == "0") {
    // Giao dich thanh cong
    $nv_transaction_status = 4;
} elseif ($hashValidated == "INVALID HASH" and $txnResponseCode == "0") {
    // Tam giu
    $nv_transaction_status = 2;
} else {
    // Giao dich that bai
    $nv_transaction_status = 3;
$error_text = "";
// Chi tiet
$transaction_i = array();
function parseDigitalReceipt()
    $dReceipt = array("amount" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_Amount']), "locale" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_Locale']), "batchNo" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_BatchNo']), "command" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_Command']), "message" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_Message']), "version" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_Version']), "cardType" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_Card']), "orderInfo" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_OrderInfo']), "receiptNo" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_ReceiptNo']), "merchantID" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_Merchant']), "authorizeID" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_AuthorizeId']), "merchTxnRef" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_MerchTxnRef']), "transactionNo" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_TransactionNo']), "acqResponseCode" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_AcqResponseCode']), "txnResponseCode" => null2unknown($_REQUEST['vpc_TxnResponseCode']));
    return $dReceipt;