$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_right_featured"] = array("name" => __('Right Feature Column', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the page to display in the right feature column on the frontpage. Remember to set a featured image for this page if you want one to appear.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_right_featured", "default" => nimbus_random_page(), "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "select", "options" => nimbus_pages_arr());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "frontpage", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Content Area Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_fp_content_pos"] = array("name" => __('Display Content Position', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select where you would like to display content on the frontpage. This content is being pulled from the page you\'ve designated as "Frontpage" (often your Home page) in the settings at Settings >> Reading.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_fp_content_pos", "default" => "below", "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("below" => __('Below Featured Pages', 'nimbus'), "above" => __('Above Featured Pages', 'nimbus'), "none" => __('Don\'t Display Content', 'nimbus')));
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_fp_content_sidebar"] = array("name" => __('Display Content Sidebar', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Choose to display a sidebar on the frontpage or full width', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_fp_content_sidebar", "default" => "sidebar", "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("sidebar" => __('Display a sidebar', 'nimbus'), "full" => __('Display content full width', 'nimbus')));
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "frontpage", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Blog Row Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_toggle_fp_blog"] = array("name" => __('Display Blog Row', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Check here to display the custom blog row', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_toggle_fp_blog", "tab" => "frontpage", "default" => "1", "label" => "Show Blog", "type" => "checkbox");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_posts_on_home"] = array("name" => __('Number of Posts on the Home page', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the number of posts you would like to be visible on the home page in addition to the featured article.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_posts_on_home", "default" => "5", "type" => "text", "tab" => "frontpage");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("type" => "close_tab");
/* * *************************************************************************************************** */
// Blog
/* * *************************************************************************************************** */
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["blog_tab"] = array("name" => __('Blog', 'nimbus'), "id" => "blog_tab", "tab" => "tab", "url" => "blog", "icon" => "fa-quote-left", "type" => "tab");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "blog", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Blog Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["posts_on_blog"] = array("name" => __('Number of Posts on the Blog', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the number of posts you would like to be visible on the Blog, Archives, Tags and other blog-related pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "posts_on_blog", "default" => "10", "type" => "text", "tab" => "blog");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_post_meta_single"] = array("name" => __('Display Meta Information on Posts', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select the folllowing information you would like to have displayed on post pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_post_meta_single", "tab" => "blog", "default" => array("title" => "1", "categories" => "1", "tags" => "1"), "type" => "multicheck", "options" => nimbus_include_post_meta());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_post_meta_blog"] = array("name" => __('Display Meta Information on Blog and Archive', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select the folllowing information you would like to have displayed on blog and archive pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_post_meta_blog", "tab" => "blog", "default" => array("categories" => "1", "tags" => "1"), "type" => "multicheck", "options" => nimbus_include_blog_meta());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["display_bio"] = array("name" => __('Display Author Bio', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select to display the author\'s bio at the bottom of the post.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "display_bio", "tab" => "blog", "default" => "1", "label" => "Display Bio", "type" => "checkbox");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("type" => "close_tab");
/* * *************************************************************************************************** */
// Design
/* * *************************************************************************************************** */
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["design_tab"] = array("name" => __('Design', 'nimbus'), "id" => "design_tab", "tab" => "tab", "url" => "design", "icon" => "fa-pencil-square-o", "type" => "tab");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "design", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Design Appearance Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Body Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_bg_color", "html" => "<p>Please use the WordPress core <a href='" . admin_url() . "themes.php?page=custom-background'>Background</a> setting under Appearance >> Background.</p>", "tab" => "design", "type" => "item_html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array("tab" => "design", "html" => "<h1>" . __('Menu Appearance Options', 'nimbus') . "</h1>", "type" => "html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_menu_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Menu Row Backgound Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the dropdown menus.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_menu_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#121212', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_menu_active_color"] = array("name" => __('Menu Row Item Active Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for items that are active.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_menu_active_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#505050', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_menu_hover_color"] = array("name" => __('Menu Row Item Hover Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for items that are hovered over.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_menu_hover_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#727272', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_dd_backgound_color"] = array("name" => __('Dropdown Menu Backgound Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the dropdown menus.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_dd_backgound_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_dd_box_color"] = array("name" => __('Dropdown Menu Box Shadow Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the box-shadow color for the dropdown menus.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_dd_box_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#555555', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_dd_hover_color"] = array("name" => __('Dropdown Menu Item Hover Backgound Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the dropdown menu items on hover.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_dd_hover_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#f2f2f2', "type" => "color");
Exemplo n.º 2
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_instagram_url"] = array("name" => __('Instagram URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your Instagram public profile', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_instagram_url", "default" => "", "type" => "pro", "tab" => "social");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_tumblr_url"] = array("name" => __('Tumblr URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your Tumblr public profile', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_tumblr_url", "default" => "", "type" => "pro", "tab" => "social");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_mail_url"] = array("name" => __('Email Contact', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Email address you would like to have visitors contact you through', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_mail_url", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "social");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_hide_rss_icon"] = array("name" => __('Hide RSS Feed Button', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Check here to hide the RSS Feed icon in the social media icon section', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_hide_rss_icon", "tab" => "social", "default" => "0", "label" => "Hide RSS Icon", "info" => "<p>" . __('Make sure this box is checked in order for your social media icons to be displayed in the footer.', 'nimbus') . "</p>", "type" => "checkbox");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_display_social_buttons"] = array("name" => __('Display Social Media Buttons', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Check here to display social media buttons in the sidebar', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_display_social_buttons", "tab" => "social", "default" => "1", "label" => "Display Buttons", "info" => "<p>" . __('Make sure this box is checked in order for your social media icons to be displayed in the footer.', 'nimbus') . "</p>", "type" => "checkbox");
// Contact
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["contact_tab"] = array("name" => __('Contact Info', 'nimbus'), "id" => "contact_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "contact", "type" => "tab");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["public_phone"] = array("name" => __('Public Phone Number', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the phone number that may be displayed. Leave blank to dispay none.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "public_phone", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "contact", "classes" => "");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["public_email"] = array("name" => __('Public Email', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the email address that may be displayed. Leave blank to dispay none.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "public_email", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "contact", "classes" => "");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["public_fax"] = array("name" => __('Public Fax', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the fax number that may be displayed. Leave blank to dispay none.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "public_fax", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "contact", "classes" => "");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["address"] = array("name" => __('Public Address', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the physical address that may be displayed. Leave blank to dispay none. ', 'nimbus'), "id" => "address", "tab" => "contact", "default" => "", "type" => "textarea");
// Blog
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["blog_tab"] = array("name" => "Blog", "id" => "blog_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "blog", "type" => "tab");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_blog_content_toggle"] = array("name" => __('Blog Display', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Choose between excerpts or full content on blog pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_blog_content_toggle", "default" => "excerpt", "tab" => "blog", "type" => "radio", "options" => array("excerpt" => __('Excerpt', 'nimbus'), "full" => __('Full Content', 'nimbus')));
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["post_meta_single"] = array("name" => "Display Meta Information on Posts", "desc" => "Select the following information you would like to have displayed on post pages.", "id" => "post_meta_single", "tab" => "blog", "default" => array("title" => "1", "post_thumb" => "1", "author" => "1", "date" => "1", "categories" => "1", "tags" => "1"), "type" => "multicheck", "options" => nimbus_include_post_meta());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["post_meta_blog"] = array("name" => "Display Meta Information on Home and Archive", "desc" => "Select the folllowing information you would like to have displayed on blog and archive pages.", "id" => "post_meta_blog", "tab" => "blog", "default" => array("title" => "1", "author" => "1", "date" => "1", "categories" => "1"), "type" => "multicheck", "options" => nimbus_include_blog_meta());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["display_bio"] = array("name" => "Display Author Bio", "desc" => "Select to display the author's bio at the bottom of the post.", "id" => "display_bio", "tab" => "blog", "default" => "1", "label" => "Display Bio", "info" => "<p>The author bio will be displayed at the bottom of the post. This information is coming from the <strong>Profile</strong> page located under <strong>Users >> Your Profile</strong>.</p>", "type" => "checkbox");
// Design
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["design_tab"] = array("name" => __('Design', 'nimbus'), "id" => "design_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "design", "type" => "tab");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Body Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_bg_color", "html" => "<p>Please use the WordPress core <a href='" . admin_url() . "themes.php?page=custom-background'>Background</a> setting under Appearance >> Background.</p>", "tab" => "design", "type" => "item_html");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_background_pattern"] = array("name" => __('Body Background Pattern Overlay', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the pattern overlay you for the background of your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_background_pattern", "default" => "stripes.png", "tab" => "design", "type" => "select", "class" => "", "options" => nimbus_patterns());
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Content Column Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the main content column.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["header_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Header Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the Header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "header_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#dde1dd', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["header_bottom_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Header Bottom Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the bottom border color for the Header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "header_bottom_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#c8ccc8', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["menu_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Menu Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the Menu.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "menu_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["buttons_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Button Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the Buttons.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "buttons_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["buttons_stroke_color"] = array("name" => __('Buttons Stroke Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the stroke color for the buttons.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "buttons_stroke_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#aeaeae', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_border_thickness"] = array("name" => __('Image Border Thickness', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the thickness of borders (in pixals) that suround all images within the content area of your website. Set to zero for no border.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_border_thickness", "default" => "1", "type" => "text", "tab" => "design", "classes" => "minitext");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_padding_thickness"] = array("name" => __('Image Padding', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the padding for all images in content area. Set to zero for no padding.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_padding_thickness", "default" => "4", "type" => "text", "tab" => "design", "classes" => "minitext");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_stroke_color"] = array("name" => __('Image Stroke Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the one pixel stroke color for theme images in the content area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_stroke_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#b6b6b6', "type" => "color");
$NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Image Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the four pixel border color for theme images in the content area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color");