Exemplo n.º 1
 public function main()
     App::import('vendor', 'inc/packer');
     $js_pack = Configure::read("Asset.filter.js");
     $time = date('YmdHis', time());
     $p = new Packer();
     $js_out = $css_out = '';
     //delete old file
     $old = nforum_cache_read('asset_pack');
     if (is_array($old)) {
         @unlink(APP . 'www/js/' . $old['js']);
         @unlink(APP . 'www/css/' . $old['css']);
     /* handle js*/
     $js = array('jquery-1.7.2.min.js', 'jquery-ui-1.8.20.min.js', 'jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js', 'underscore-min.js', 'backbone-min.js', 'plupload.min.js', 'jquery.tools.min.js', 'jquery.placeholder.min.js', 'jquery.cookie.js', 'jquery.simpletree.js', 'jquery.jplayer.min.js', 'jquery.xslider.min.js', 'forum.config.js', 'forum.lib.js', 'forum.xwidget.js', 'forum.xubb.js', 'forum.keyboard.js');
     foreach ($js as $v) {
         $js_out .= $js_pack && !strstr($v, 'min.js') ? $p->pack(APP . 'www/js/' . $v, 'js', false) : file_get_contents(APP . 'www/js/' . $v);
     $js_file = 'pack_' . $this->_hash($js_out) . '.js';
     file_put_contents(APP . 'www/js/' . $js_file, $js_out);
     /* handle js end */
     /* handle css */
     $css = array('common.css', 'jquery-ui-1.8.20.css', 'jplayer.blue.monday.css', 'ansi.css', 'ubb.css', 'keyboard.css');
     foreach ($css as $v) {
         $css_out .= $p->pack(APP . 'www/css/' . $v, 'css', false);
     $css_file = 'pack_' . $this->_hash($css_out) . '.css';
     file_put_contents(APP . 'www/css/' . $css_file, $css_out);
     /* handle css end */
     $asset = array('js' => $js_file, 'css' => $css_file);
     nforum_cache_write('asset_pack', $asset);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function index()
     $this->css[] = "xwidget.css";
     $this->notice = array(array("url" => Configure::read("site.notice.url"), "text" => Configure::read("site.notice.text")));
     App::import('vendor', 'model/widget');
     $u = User::getInstance();
     $ret = $w = array();
     $ret = Widget::wGet($u);
     if (empty($ret)) {
         $this->set("widget", array());
     $persistent = Configure::read("widget.persistent");
     if ($persistent) {
         $time = (array) nforum_cache_read("widget_time");
         $update = false;
     $w = array_fill(1, $u->getCustom("userdefine1", 31) == 1 ? 3 : 2, array());
     foreach ($ret as $v) {
         $w[$v['col']][$v['row']] = $v;
         if ($persistent) {
             try {
                 $ww = Widget::getInstance($v['name']);
                 if (!$ww->wHasPerm(User::getInstance())) {
                     $ww = new EWidget('你无权访问此应用');
                     $html = Widget::html($ww->wGetList());
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($v['name'], "favor-") === 0) {
                         $html = Widget::html($ww->wGetList());
                     } else {
                         if (!isset($time[$v['name']]) || $time[$v['name']] < $ww->wGetTime() || false === ($html = nforum_cache_read("widget_" . $v['name']))) {
                             $time[$v['name']] = $ww->wGetTime();
                             $html = Widget::html($ww->wGetList());
                             nforum_cache_write("widget_" . $v['name'], $html);
                             $update = true;
             } catch (WidgetNullException $e) {
                 $ww = new EWidget();
                 //if persistent,it will not check wiget time and will not update widget_time.
                 $html = Widget::html($ww->wGetList());
             $w[$v['col']][$v['row']]['content'] = $html;
     if ($persistent && $update) {
         nforum_cache_write("widget_time", $time);
     foreach ($w as &$v) {
     $this->set("widget", $w);
     $this->jsr[] = 'SYS.widget.persistent=' . ($persistent ? 'true' : 'false');
     $this->jsr[] = "xWidget.init(SESSION.get('is_login'), SESSION.get('id'))";
Exemplo n.º 3
 function main()
     $db = DB::getInstance();
     $week = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time() - 86400 * 7));
     $sql = "select vid,subject,num from pl_vote where start>{$week} and status=1 order by num desc,vid desc limit 10";
     $res = $db->all($sql);
     nforum_cache_write("vote_week", $res);
     $week = strtotime(date("Y-m-01", time()));
     $sql = "select vid,subject,num from pl_vote where start>{$week} and status=1 order by num desc,vid desc limit 10";
     $res = $db->all($sql);
     nforum_cache_write("vote_month", $res);
     $week = strtotime(date("Y-01-01", time()));
     $sql = "select vid,subject,num from pl_vote where start>{$week} and status=1 order by num desc,vid desc limit 10";
     $res = $db->all($sql);
     nforum_cache_write("vote_year", $res);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function main()
     $week = array("日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六");
     $date[] = "周" . $week[intval(date("w"))];
     $date[] = "周" . $week[intval(date("w", time() + 24 * 60 * 60))];
     $date[] = "周" . $week[intval(date("w", time() + 2 * 24 * 60 * 60))];
     $file = "http://php.weather.sina.com.cn/xml.php?city=%B1%B1%BE%A9&password=DJOYnieT8234jlsK&day=";
     $res = "";
     for ($j = 0; $j <= 2; $j++) {
         $data = file_get_contents($file . $j);
         $xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
         xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
         xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
         xml_parse_into_struct($xml_parser, $data, $vals);
         $encoding = Configure::read("App.encoding");
         for ($i = 0; $i <= count($vals) - 1; $i++) {
             if ($vals[$i]['tag'] == "status1" && $vals[$i]['type'] == "complete") {
                 $curStatB = nforum_iconv("utf-8", $encoding, $vals[$i]['value']);
             if ($vals[$i]['tag'] == "status2" && $vals[$i]['type'] == "complete") {
                 $curStatE = nforum_iconv("utf-8", $encoding, $vals[$i]['value']);
             if ($vals[$i]['tag'] == "temperature1" && $vals[$i]['type'] == "complete") {
                 $curTemp1 = $vals[$i]['value'];
             if ($vals[$i]['tag'] == "temperature2" && $vals[$i]['type'] == "complete") {
                 $curTemp2 = $vals[$i]['value'];
             if ($vals[$i]['tag'] == "power1" && $vals[$i]['type'] == "complete") {
                 $curWind1 = nforum_iconv("utf-8", $encoding, $vals[$i]['value']);
             if ($vals[$i]['tag'] == "power2" && $vals[$i]['type'] == "complete") {
                 $curWind2 = nforum_iconv("utf-8", $encoding, $vals[$i]['value']);
             if ($vals[$i]['tag'] == "zwx_l" && $vals[$i]['type'] == "complete") {
                 $zwx = nforum_iconv("utf-8", $encoding, $vals[$i]['value']);
             if ($vals[$i]['tag'] == "Weather" && $vals[$i]['type'] == "open") {
                 $curDate = "";
                 $curStatB = "";
                 $curStatE = "";
                 $curTemp1 = "";
                 $curTemp2 = "";
                 $img = "";
                 $curWind1 = "";
                 $curWind2 = "";
                 $zwx = "";
             if ($vals[$i]['tag'] == "Weather" && $vals[$i]['type'] == "close") {
                 $img = $this->st2img($curStatB);
                 if ($curStatB != $curStatE) {
                     $curStatB .= "转" . $curStatE;
                     $img .= "" . $this->st2img($curStatE);
                 if ($curWind1 != $curWind2) {
                     $curWind1 .= "至" . $curWind2 . "级";
                 } else {
                     $curWind1 .= "级";
                 $res .= "|" . $date[$j] . " " . $curStatB . " " . $curTemp1 . "℃-" . $curTemp2 . "℃" . "&风力:" . $curWind1 . (empty($zwx) ? "" : " 紫外线:" . $zwx) . "#" . $img;
     nforum_cache_write('weather_day', substr($res, 1));
Exemplo n.º 5
 private function _cache_write($name, $modify, $content)
     nforum_cache_write('rss_' . $name, $content);
     $this->_time[$name] = $modify;
     nforum_cache_write('rss_time', $this->_time);