Exemplo n.º 1
     if (count($orders) > 0) {
         $ord = " AND " . implode(" AND ", $orders);
         $_SESSION['client_search'] = $orders2;
 if (!$wg) {
     $wg = "c_shortname_c";
     $jak = "asc";
 $razem = $db->GetOne("select count(*) as ile from wind_client WHERE c_type_e IN ('{$typ}', 'dw')" . $ord);
 $news = "SELECT * FROM wind_client WHERE c_type_e IN ('{$typ}', 'dw')" . $ord . " ORDER BY {$wg} {$jak}";
 $sql = $db->SelectLimit($news, $count, $offset);
 naglowek('nip', 'c_nip_c');
 naglowek('tt', 'c_name_c');
 naglowek('sh', 'c_shortname_c');
 naglowek('ph', 'c_phone_c');
 if ($sql) {
     if (checkPerm('cli', 4)) {
         if ($sql->RecordCount() > 0) {
             while ($new = $sql->FetchRow()) {
                 if ($new["c_id_s"] > 0) {
                     print "<form method=\"post\" name=\"delete_client_" . $new["c_id_s"] . "\" action=\"client\">";
                     print hidden("del_client", $new["c_id_s"]);
                     print hidden("typ", $new['c_type_e']);
                     print "</form>";
Exemplo n.º 2
    if ($list == 1) {
        $offset += 0;
        $count = 100;
        if (!$wg) {
            $wg = "o_name_c";
            $jak = "asc";
        $razem = $db->GetOne("select count(*) as ile from wind_office");
        $news = "SELECT * FROM wind_office ORDER BY {$wg} {$jak}";
        $sql = $db->SelectLimit($news, $count, $offset);
        naglowek('tt', 'o_name_c');
        if ($sql) {
            if ($sql->RecordCount() > 0) {
                while ($new = $sql->FetchRow()) {
                    if ($new["o_id_s"] > 0) {
                        print "<form method=\"post\" name=\"delete_office_" . $new["o_id_s"] . "\" action=\"office\">";
                        print hidden("del_office", $new["o_id_s"]);
                        print "</form>";
<table width='95%' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=1 bordercolor="#cfcfcf" rules="rows">
Exemplo n.º 3
     $orders2['s_phone'] = $s_phone;
     if (count($orders) > 0) {
         $ord = " AND " . implode(" AND ", $orders);
         $_SESSION['executive_search'] = $orders2;
 if (!$wg) {
     $wg = "e_shortname_c";
     $jak = "asc";
 $razem = $db->GetOne("select count(*) as ile from wind_executive WHERE 1=1" . $ord);
 $news = "SELECT * FROM wind_executive WHERE 1=1" . $ord . " ORDER BY {$wg} {$jak}";
 $sql = $db->SelectLimit($news, $count, $offset);
 naglowek('tt', 'e_name_c');
 naglowek('sh', 'e_shortname_c');
 naglowek('ph', 'e_phone_c');
 if ($sql) {
     if (checkPerm('exec', 4)) {
         if ($sql->RecordCount() > 0) {
             while ($new = $sql->FetchRow()) {
                 if ($new["e_id_s"] > 0) {
                     print "<form method=\"post\" name=\"delete_executive_" . $new["e_id_s"] . "\" action=\"executive\">";
                     print hidden("del_executive", $new["e_id_s"]);
                     print "</form>";
Exemplo n.º 4
     //radca ma dostęp tylko do spraw sądowych i komorniczych
     $ord .= ' AND ca_stage_e IN ("ep", "es", "ek")';
 if (!$wg) {
     $wg = "ca_number_i";
     $jak = "desc";
 $razem = $db->GetOne("select count(*) as ile from wind_case WHERE 1=1" . $ord);
 $news = "SELECT *, c1.c_shortname_c as debtor, c2.c_shortname_c as creditor, cu_short_c, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ca_input_d) as data\nFROM wind_case \nLEFT JOIN wind_users ON cu_id_s=ca_agent_id_k \nLEFT JOIN wind_client c1 ON c1.c_id_s=ca_debtor_id_k \nLEFT JOIN wind_client c2 ON c2.c_id_s=ca_creditor_id_k \nWHERE 1=1" . $ord . " GROUP BY ca_id_s ORDER BY {$wg} {$jak}";
 //, SUM(pi_amount_f) as wplaty, (SUM(frn_amount_left_f)-SUM(pi_amount_f)) as pozostalo //  LEFT JOIN wind_payin ON pi_case_id_k=ca_id_s
 $sql = $db->SelectLimit($news, $count, $offset);
 naglowek('date', 'ca_input_d');
 naglowek('num', 'ca_number_c');
 naglowek('pc', 'cu_short_c');
 naglowek('dc', 'debtor');
 naglowek('wc', 'creditor');
 if ($sql) {
     if (checkPerm('case', 4)) {
         if ($sql->RecordCount() > 0) {
             while ($new = $sql->FetchRow()) {
                 if ($new["ca_id_s"] > 0) {
                     print "<form method=\"post\" name=\"delete_case_" . $new["ca_id_s"] . "\" action=\"case\">";
                     print hidden("del_case", $new["ca_id_s"]);
                     print "</form>";