Exemplo n.º 1
 * MySupport 0.4 - Task File

 * Copyright 2010 Matthew Rogowski

 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at

 ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
function task_mysupport($task)
    global $mybb, $db, $lang;
    $task_log = $lang->task_mysupport_ran;
    // if this is empty or 0 it'll effect all threads
    if ($mybb->settings['mysupporttaskautosolvetime'] > 0) {
        $cut = TIME_NOW - intval($mybb->settings['mysupporttaskautosolvetime']);
        $mysupport_forums = implode(",", array_map("intval", mysupport_forums()));
        // are there any MySupport forums??
        if (!empty($mysupport_forums)) {
            // select all the unsolved threads in MySupport forums where the last post was before the cut-off time, and either the status time is before the cut-off time, or the status of the thread has never been changed
            // this means it's not been posted in, and no MySupport actions have taken place on it, within the cut-off time
            $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid", "status != '1' AND fid IN (" . $db->escape_string($mysupport_forums) . ") AND lastpost < '" . intval($cut) . "' AND (statustime < '" . intval($cut) . "' OR statustime = '0')");
            $tids = array();
            while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                $tids[] = $thread['tid'];
            $threads_solved = false;
            // if there are any threads to mark as solved
            if (!empty($tids)) {
                mysupport_change_status($tids, 1, true);
                $threads_solved = true;
        if ($threads_solved) {
            $task_log .= $lang->sprintf($lang->task_mysupport_autosolve_count, count($tids));
    if ($mybb->settings['mysupporttaskbackup'] > 0) {
        $timecut = TIME_NOW - $mybb->settings['mysupporttaskbackup'];
        $query = $db->simple_select("mysupport", "*", "type = 'backup' AND extra > '" . intval($timecut) . "'");
        // no backups have been made within the cut off time
        if ($db->num_rows($query) == 0) {
            if (!defined('MYBB_ADMIN_DIR')) {
                if (!isset($config['admin_dir'])) {
                    $config['admin_dir'] = "admin";
                define('MYBB_ADMIN_DIR', MYBB_ROOT . $config['admin_dir'] . "/");
            if (is_writable(MYBB_ADMIN_DIR . "backups")) {
                $name = substr(md5($mybb->user['uid'] . TIME_NOW), 0, 10) . random_str(54);
                $file = MYBB_ADMIN_DIR . "backups/mysupport_backup_" . $name . ".sql";
                $f = @fopen($file, "w");
                @fwrite($f, "<?php\n");
                @fwrite($f, "/**\n * Backup of MySupport data\n * Generated: " . date("dS F Y \\a\\t H:i", TIME_NOW) . "\n * Only to be imported via the MySupport backup importer.\n**/\n\n");
                require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/plugins/mysupport/mysupport.php";
                $mysupport_columns = mysupport_table_columns(2);
                foreach ($mysupport_columns as $table => $columns) {
                    switch ($table) {
                        case "forums":
                            $id_field = "fid";
                        case "threads":
                            $id_field = "tid";
                        case "users":
                            $id_field = "uid";
                        case "usergroups":
                            $id_field = "gid";
                    $columns = implode(", ", array_map($db->escape_string, array_keys($columns)));
                    $query = $db->simple_select($table, $id_field . "," . $columns);
                    $columns = explode(", ", $columns);
                    while ($r = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                        $set = "";
                        foreach ($columns as $column) {
                            if (!empty($set)) {
                                $set .= ", ";
                            $set .= "`" . $column . "` = '" . $r[$column] . "'";
                        $q = "\$queries[] = \"UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . $table . " SET " . $set . " WHERE `" . $id_field . "` = '" . $r[$id_field] . "'\";\n";
                        @fwrite($f, $q);
                $query = $db->simple_select("mysupport");
                while ($r = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                    $keys = array();
                    $vals = array();
                    foreach ($r as $key => $val) {
                        $keys[] = "`" . $key . "`";
                        $vals[] = "'" . $val . "'";
                    $q = "\$queries[] = \"INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mysupport (" . implode(",", $keys) . ") VALUES (" . implode(",", $vals) . ")\";\n";
                    @fwrite($f, $q);
                @fwrite($f, "?>");
                $insert = array("type" => "backup", "name" => $db->escape_string($name), "extra" => TIME_NOW);
                $db->insert_query("mysupport", $insert);
                // get the latest 3 backups
                $query = $db->simple_select("mysupport", "mid", "type = 'backup'", array("order_by" => "extra", "order_dir" => "DESC", "limit" => 3));
                $backups = array(0);
                while ($backup = $db->fetch_field($query, "mid")) {
                    $backups[] = $backup;
                $backups = implode(",", array_map("intval", $backups));
                // select all the backups that aren't the last 3
                $query = $db->simple_select("mysupport", "mid, name", "type = 'backup' AND mid NOT IN (" . $db->escape_string($backups) . ")");
                while ($backup = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
                    if (file_exists(MYBB_ADMIN_DIR . "backups/mysupport_backup_" . $backup['name'] . ".sql")) {
                        @unlink(MYBB_ADMIN_DIR . "backups/mysupport_backup_" . $backup['name'] . ".sql");
                    $db->delete_query("mysupport", "mid = '" . intval($backup['mid']) . "'");
                $task_log .= " " . $lang->task_mysupport_backup_ran;
    if (!empty($task_log)) {
        add_task_log($task, $task_log);
    SELECT `t`.`tid`, `t`.`subject`, `t`.`fid`, `f`.`name`, `t`.`status`, `t`.`statusuid`, `u1`.`username` AS `statusuid_username`, `t`.`statustime`, `t`.`bestanswer`, `t`.`assign`, `u2`.`username` AS `assign_username`, `t`.`assignuid`, `u3`.`username` AS `assignuid_username`, `t`.`priority`, `m`.`name` AS `priority_name`, `t`.`prefix`, `tp`.`prefix` AS `prefix_name`
    FROM `mybb_threads` `t`
    LEFT JOIN `mybb_forums` `f` ON `t`.`fid` = `f`.`fid`
    LEFT JOIN `mybb_threadprefixes` `tp` ON `t`.`prefix` = `tp`.`pid`
    LEFT JOIN `mybb_users` `u1` ON `t`.`statusuid` = `u1`.`uid`
    LEFT JOIN `mybb_users` `u2` ON `t`.`assign` = `u2`.`uid`
    LEFT JOIN `mybb_users` `u3` ON `t`.`assignuid` = `u3`.`uid`
    LEFT JOIN `mybb_mysupport` `m` ON `t`.`priority` = `m`.`mid`
    WHERE CONCAT(',', f.parentlist, ',') LIKE '%,1,%'
    AND `t`.`closed` NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
    ORDER BY `t`.`tid` ASC;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Get the count of technical or assigned threads.
 * @param int The FID we're in.
 * @return int The number of technical or assigned threads in this forum.
function mysupport_get_count($type, $fid = 0)
    global $mybb, $db, $cache;
    $fid = intval($fid);
    $mysupport_forums = implode(",", array_map("intval", mysupport_forums()));
    $count = 0;
    $forums = $cache->read("forums");
    if ($type == "technical") {
        // there's no FID given so this is loading the total number of technical threads
        if ($fid == 0) {
            foreach ($forums as $forum => $info) {
                $count += $info['technicalthreads'];
        } else {
            $forums_list = array();
            foreach ($forums as $forum => $info) {
                $parentlist = $info['parentlist'];
                if (strpos("," . $parentlist . ",", "," . $fid . ",") !== false) {
                    $forums_list[] = $forum;
            foreach ($forums_list as $forum) {
                $count += $forums[$forum]['technicalthreads'];
    } elseif ($type == "assigned") {
        $assigned = unserialize($mybb->user['assignedthreads']);
        if (!is_array($assigned)) {
            return 0;
        // there's no FID given so this is loading the total number of assigned threads
        if ($fid == 0) {
            foreach ($assigned as $fid => $threads) {
                $count += $threads;
        } else {
            $forums_list = array();
            foreach ($forums as $forum => $info) {
                $parentlist = $info['parentlist'];
                if (strpos("," . $parentlist . ",", "," . $fid . ",") !== false) {
                    $forums_list[] = $forum;
            foreach ($forums_list as $forum) {
                $count += $assigned[$forum];
    return $count;