Exemplo n.º 1
function db_optimize()
    global $WORKING, $STATIC;
    trigger_error(sprintf(__('%d. try for database optimize...', 'backwpup'), $WORKING['DB_OPTIMIZE']['STEP_TRY']), E_USER_NOTICE);
    if (!isset($WORKING['DB_OPTIMIZE']['DONETABLE']) or !is_array($WORKING['DB_OPTIMIZE']['DONETABLE'])) {
        $WORKING['DB_OPTIMIZE']['DONETABLE'] = array();
    //to backup
    $tabelstobackup = array();
    $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM `" . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . "`");
    //get table status
    if (!$result) {
        trigger_error(sprintf(__('Database error %1$s for query %2$s', 'backwpup'), mysql_error(), "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . "`;"), E_USER_ERROR);
    while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        if (!in_array($data[0], $STATIC['JOB']['dbexclude'])) {
            $tabelstobackup[] = $data[0];
    //Set num of todos
    $WORKING['STEPTODO'] = count($tabelstobackup);
    if (count($tabelstobackup) > 0) {
        foreach ($tabelstobackup as $table) {
            if (in_array($table, $WORKING['DB_OPTIMIZE']['DONETABLE'])) {
            $result = mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE `' . $table . '`');
            if (!$result) {
                trigger_error(sprintf(__('Database error %1$s for query %2$s', 'backwpup'), mysql_error(), "OPTIMIZE TABLE `" . $table . "`"), E_USER_ERROR);
            $optimize = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $WORKING['DB_OPTIMIZE']['DONETABLE'][] = $table;
            if ($optimize['Msg_type'] == 'error') {
                trigger_error(sprintf(__('Result of table optimize for %1$s is: %2$s', 'backwpup'), $table, $optimize['Msg_text']), E_USER_ERROR);
            } elseif ($optimize['Msg_type'] == 'warning') {
                trigger_error(sprintf(__('Result of table optimize for %1$s is: %2$s', 'backwpup'), $table, $optimize['Msg_text']), E_USER_WARNING);
            } else {
                trigger_error(sprintf(__('Result of table optimize for %1$s is: %2$s', 'backwpup'), $table, $optimize['Msg_text']), E_USER_NOTICE);
        trigger_error(__('Database optimize done!', 'backwpup'), E_USER_NOTICE);
    } else {
        trigger_error(__('No tables to optimize', 'backwpup'), E_USER_WARNING);
    //set done
function update_option($option = 'backwpup_jobs', $data)
    global $WORKING, $STATIC;
    $serdata = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($data));
    $query = "UPDATE " . $STATIC['WP']['OPTIONS_TABLE'] . " SET option_value= '" . $serdata . "' WHERE option_name='" . trim($option) . "' LIMIT 1";
    $res = mysql_query($query);
    if (!$res) {
        trigger_error(sprintf(__('Database error %1$s for query %2$s', 'backwpup'), mysql_error(), $query), E_USER_ERROR);
        return false;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected function verifyUser($args)
     if ($args['msisdn'] == '' || $args['number'] == '') {
         return array('error' => 1, 'message' => 'Mandatory field missing');
     $verifyEmailQry = "select ver_number from register where email = '" . $args['msisdn'] . "@mobifyi.com'";
     $verifyEmailRes = mysql_query($verifyEmailQry, $this->db->conn);
     $verifyRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($verifyEmailRes);
     if ($verifyRow['ver_number'] == $args['number']) {
         $updateVerificationNumberQry = "update ver_number = '' where msisdn = '" . $args['msisdn'] . "'";
         mysql_update($updateVerificationNumberQry, $this->db->conn);
         return array('error' => 0, 'message' => 'Verified Successfully');
     } else {
         return array('error' => 1, 'message' => 'Verification failed');
Exemplo n.º 4
function cron_logErrorsOnDieOrExit()
    if (!@$GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM']) {
    $summary = t("Returned errors");
    $output = ob_get_clean();
    $runtime = sprintf("%0.2f", microtime(true) - $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_START']);
    // update job log entry
    mysql_update('_cron_log', $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM'], null, array('summary' => $summary, 'output' => $output, 'runtime' => $runtime));
    // send email
    $secondsAgo = time() - $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['bgtasks_lastEmail'];
    if ($secondsAgo >= 60 * 60) {
        // don't email more than once an hour
        // get email placeholders
        $cronLog = mysql_get('_cron_log', $GLOBALS['CRON_JOB_LOG_NUM']);
        $placeholders = array('bgtask.date' => $cronLog['createdDate'], 'bgtask.activity' => $cronLog['activity'], 'bgtask.summary' => nl2br(htmlencode($cronLog['summary'])), 'bgtask.completed' => $cronLog['completed'], 'bgtask.function' => $cronLog['function'], 'bgtask.output' => nl2br(htmlencode($cronLog['output'])), 'bgtask.runtime' => $cronLog['runtime'], 'bgtask.function' => $cronLog['function'], 'bgtasks.logsUrl' => realUrl("?menu=_cron_log", $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl']), 'bgtasks.settingsUrl' => realUrl("?menu=admin&action=general#background-tasks", $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl']));
        // send message
        $errors = sendMessage(emailTemplate_loadFromDB(array('template_id' => 'CMS-BGTASK-ERROR', 'placeholders' => $placeholders)));
        if ($errors) {
            die("Mail Error: {$errors}");
        // update last emailed time
        $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['bgtasks_lastEmail'] = time();
Exemplo n.º 5

include "../../includes/sessionAdmin.php";
include "../../includes/conexion.php";
include "../../includes/mysql_util.php";
$matricula = $_POST["matricula"];
$nombres = $_POST["nombres"];
$APaterno = $_POST["APaterno"];
$AMaterno = $_POST["AMaterno"];
$FechaNacimiento = $_POST["FechaNacimiento"];
$Enfermedades = $_POST["Enfermedades"];
$Alergias = $_POST["Alergias"];
$Telefono = $_POST["Telefono"];
$Email = $_POST["Email"];
$estudios = $_POST["estudios"];
$result = mysql_update("maestro", array('m_nombre' => $nombres, 'm_apellidopaterno' => $APaterno, 'm_apellidomaterno' => $AMaterno, 'm_fechanac' => $FechaNacimiento, 'm_curp' => $CURP, 'm_enfermedades' => $Enfermedades, 'm_alergias' => $Alergias, 'm_numlocal' => $Telefono, 'm_email' => $Email, 'm_estudios' => $estudios), $matricula);
if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
    $alertMsg = "Maestro actualizado satisfactoriamente";
} elseif (!$result) {
    $alertMsg = "Algo salio mal: " . mysql_error();
} else {
    $alertMsg = "No encontramos ningun maestro con la matricula m{$matricula} o no hubo cambios en la informacion";
echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n\t\t\t\talert(\"{$alertMsg}\");\n\t\t\t\twindow.location.href = \"../../vistas/menus/menuAdmin.php\"\n\t\t\t</script>";
Exemplo n.º 6
                    $password = sha1($newpass);
                } else {
                    // TFS 0.3/4
                    if (config('salt') === true) {
                        $saltdata = mysql_select_single("SELECT `salt` FROM `accounts` WHERE `email`='{$email}' LIMIT 1;");
                        if ($saltdata !== false) {
                            $salt .= $saltdata['salt'];
                    $password = sha1($salt . $newpass);
                $user = mysql_select_single("SELECT `p`.`id` AS `player_id`, `a`.`name`, `a`.`id` AS `account_id` FROM `players` `p` INNER JOIN `accounts` `a` ON `p`.`account_id` = `a`.`id` WHERE `p`.`name` = '{$character}' AND `a`.`email` = '{$email}' AND `a`.`name` = '{$username}' LIMIT 1;");
                if ($user !== false) {
                    // Found user
                    // Give him the new password
                    mysql_update("UPDATE `accounts` SET `password`='{$password}' WHERE `id`='" . $user['account_id'] . "' LIMIT 1;");
                    // Send him a mail with the new password
                    $mailer = new Mail($config['mailserver']);
                    $title = "{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}: Your new password";
                    $body = "<h1>Account Recovery</h1>";
                    $body .= "<p>Your new password is: <b>{$newpass}</b><br>";
                    $body .= "We recommend you to login and change it before you continue playing. <br>";
                    $body .= "Enjoy your stay at " . $config['mailserver']['fromName'] . ". <br>";
                    $body .= "<hr>I am an automatic no-reply e-mail. Any emails sent back to me will be ignored.</p>";
                    $mailer->sendMail($email, $title, $body, $user['name']);
					<h1>Account Found!</h1>
					<p>We have sent your new password to <b><?php 
                    echo $email;
Exemplo n.º 7
         * If config is set to store local version of file, store it
        if ($store_local) {
            // Split text/html; charset=UTF-8
            $type_info = explode("; ", $page_data['type']);
            // Only store 'text/html' files
            // TO DO enable range of file types to save
            if ($type_info[0] == 'text/html') {
                $data['html'] = $page_data['html'];
         *  Store data
        mysql_update('urls', $data, array('ID' => $id));
         * If in debug mode, close the <ul> we opened above
        if (isset($_GET['debug'])) {
            echo "</ul>";
    //End foreach URL
//End While uncrawled URLs
 * If we're done, let the user know the good news
if (sizeof($urls) == 0) {
    echo "<p>No URLs to crawl!</p>";
Exemplo n.º 8
require_once 'engine/init.php';
include 'layout/overall/header.php';
// Declare as int
$view = isset($_GET['view']) && (int) $_GET['view'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['view'] : false;
if ($view !== false) {
    if (!empty($_POST['reply_text'])) {
        // Save ticket reply on database
        $query = array('tid' => $view, 'username' => getValue($_POST['username']), 'message' => getValue($_POST['reply_text']), 'created' => time());
        $fields = '`' . implode('`, `', array_keys($query)) . '`';
        $data = '\'' . implode('\', \'', $query) . '\'';
        mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_tickets_replies` ({$fields}) VALUES ({$data})");
        mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_tickets` SET `status`='Staff-Reply' WHERE `id`='{$view}' LIMIT 1;");
    $ticketData = mysql_select_single("SELECT * FROM znote_tickets WHERE id='{$view}' LIMIT 1;");
	<h1>View Ticket #<?php 
    echo $ticketData['id'];
	<table class="znoteTable ThreadTable table table-striped">
		<tr class="yellow">
    echo getClock($ticketData['creation'], true);
				 - Created by: 
Exemplo n.º 9
                     $bidend = time() + $config['houseConfig']['auctionPeriod'];
                     mysql_update("UPDATE `houses` SET `highest_bidder`='" . $player['id'] . "', `bid`='{$bid_amount}', `last_bid`='{$lastbid}', `bid_end`='{$bidend}' WHERE `id`='" . $house['id'] . "' LIMIT 1;");
                     $house = mysql_select_single("SELECT `id`, `owner`, `paid`, `name`, `rent`, `town_id`, `size`, `beds`, `bid`, `bid_end`, `last_bid`, `highest_bidder` FROM `houses` WHERE `id`='" . $house['id'] . "';");
                 echo "<b><font color='green'>You have the highest bid on this house!</font></b>";
             } else {
                 echo "<b><font color='red'>You need to place a bid that is higher or equal to {$minbid}gp.</font></b>";
         } else {
             // Check if current bid is higher than last_bid
             if ($bid_amount > $house['last_bid']) {
                 // Should only apply to external players, allowing a player to up his pledge without
                 // being forced to pay his full previous bid.
                 if ($house['highest_bidder'] != $player['id']) {
                     $lastbid = $bid_amount + 1;
                     mysql_update("UPDATE `houses` SET `last_bid`='{$lastbid}' WHERE `id`='" . $house['id'] . "' LIMIT 1;");
                     $house = mysql_select_single("SELECT `id`, `owner`, `paid`, `name`, `rent`, `town_id`, `size`, `beds`, `bid`, `bid_end`, `last_bid`, `highest_bidder` FROM `houses` WHERE `id`='" . $house['id'] . "';");
                     echo "<b><font color='orange'>Unfortunately your bid was not higher than previous bidder.</font></b>";
                 } else {
                     echo "<b><font color='orange'>You already have a higher pledge on this house.</font></b>";
             } else {
                 echo "<b><font color='red'>Too low bid amount, someone else has a higher bid active.</font></b>";
     } else {
         echo "<b><font color='red'>You don't have enough money to bid this high.</font></b>";
 } else {
     echo "<b><font color='red'>Your character is to low level, must be higher level than ", $config['houseConfig']['levelToBuyHouse'] - 1, " to buy a house.</font></b>";
Exemplo n.º 10

include "../../includes/sessionAdmin.php";
include "../../includes/conexion.php";
include "../../includes/mysql_util.php";
$matricula = $_POST["matricula"];
$descripcion = $_POST["descripcion"];
$result = mysql_update("periodo", $conexion, array('per_desc' => $descripcion), $matricula);
if (!$result) {
    $alertMsg = "Algo salio mal: " . mysqli_error($conexion);
} else {
    $alertMsg = "Periodo actualizado satisfactoriamente";
echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n\t\t\t\talert(\"{$alertMsg}\");\n\t\t\t\twindow.history.go(-2);\n\t\t\t</script>";
function _errorlog_sendEmailAlert()
    if (!$GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['advanced']['phpEmailErrors']) {
    // once run function once per page-view
    static $alreadySent = false;
    if ($alreadySent) {
    $alreadySent = true;
    // check if email sent in last hour
    $sentInLastHour = mysql_count('_error_log', " `dateLogged` > (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 HOUR) AND email_sent = 1");
    // send hourly alert
    if (!$sentInLastHour) {
        // send email
        $secondsAgo = time() - $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['bgtasks_lastEmail'];
        if ($secondsAgo >= 60 * 60) {
            // don't email more than once an hour
            // get date format
            if ($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['dateFormat'] == 'dmy') {
                $dateFormat = "jS M, Y - h:i:s A";
            } elseif ($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['dateFormat'] == 'mdy') {
                $dateFormat = "M jS, Y - h:i:s A";
            } else {
                $dateFormat = "M jS, Y - h:i:s A";
            // load latest error list
            $latestErrors = mysql_select('_error_log', "`dateLogged` > (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 HOUR) ORDER BY `dateLogged` DESC LIMIT 25");
            $latestErrorsList = '';
            foreach ($latestErrors as $thisError) {
                $latestErrorsList .= date($dateFormat, strtotime($thisError['dateLogged'])) . "\n";
                $latestErrorsList .= $thisError['error'] . "\n";
                $latestErrorsList .= $thisError['filepath'] . " (line " . $thisError['line_num'] . ")\n";
                $latestErrorsList .= $thisError['url'] . "\n\n";
            // set email_sent flag for ALL records
            mysql_update('_error_log', null, 'TRUE', array('email_sent' => 1));
            // send email message
            $placeholders = array('error.hostname' => parse_url($GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl'], PHP_URL_HOST), 'error.latestErrorsList' => nl2br(htmlencode($latestErrorsList)), 'error.errorLogUrl' => realUrl("?menu=_error_log", $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['adminUrl']));
            $errors = sendMessage(emailTemplate_loadFromDB(array('template_id' => 'CMS-ERRORLOG-ALERT', 'placeholders' => $placeholders)));
            // log/display email sending errors
            if ($errors) {
                trigger_error("Unable to send error notification email from " . __FUNCTION__ . ": {$errors}", E_USER_NOTICE);
                die(__FUNCTION__ . ": {$errors}");
Exemplo n.º 12
* verify account
* @param mixed $email
* @param mixed $code
function verify_account($email, $code, $data = array())
    global $conn;
    $rs = mysql_query('select * from crx_demo_users where email="' . mysql_real_escape_string($email) . '" and activation_code="' . mysql_real_escape_string($code) . '"', $conn);
    if (mysql_num_rows($rs)) {
        $update = array('verify' => '1');
        if (is_array($data) && count($data)) {
            $update = array_merge($update, $data);
        mysql_update('crx_demo_users', $update, 'email="' . mysql_real_escape_string($email) . '"');
        return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
function db_dump()
    global $WORKING, $STATIC;
    trigger_error(sprintf(__('%d. try for database dump...', 'backwpup'), $WORKING['DB_DUMP']['STEP_TRY']), E_USER_NOTICE);
    if (!isset($WORKING['DB_DUMP']['DONETABLE']) or !is_array($WORKING['DB_DUMP']['DONETABLE'])) {
        $WORKING['DB_DUMP']['DONETABLE'] = array();
    //to backup
    $tabelstobackup = array();
    $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM `" . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . "`");
    //get table status
    if (!$result) {
        trigger_error(sprintf(__('Database error %1$s for query %2$s', 'backwpup'), mysql_error(), "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . "`;"), E_USER_ERROR);
    while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        if (!in_array($data[0], $STATIC['JOB']['dbexclude'])) {
            $tabelstobackup[] = $data[0];
    $WORKING['STEPTODO'] = count($tabelstobackup);
    //Set maintenance
    if (count($tabelstobackup) > 0) {
        $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . "`");
        //get table status
        if (!$result) {
            trigger_error(sprintf(__('Database error %1$s for query %2$s', 'backwpup'), mysql_error(), "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `" . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . "`;"), E_USER_ERROR);
        while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $status[$data['Name']] = $data;
        if ($file = fopen($STATIC['TEMPDIR'] . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . '.sql', 'wb')) {
            fwrite($file, "-- ---------------------------------------------------------\n");
            fwrite($file, "-- Dump with BackWPup ver.: " . $STATIC['BACKWPUP']['VERSION'] . "\n");
            fwrite($file, "-- Plugin for WordPress " . $STATIC['WP']['VERSION'] . " by Daniel Huesken\n");
            fwrite($file, "-- http://backwpup.com/\n");
            fwrite($file, "-- Blog Name: " . $STATIC['WP']['BLOGNAME'] . "\n");
            fwrite($file, "-- Blog URL: " . $STATIC['WP']['SITEURL'] . "\n");
            fwrite($file, "-- Blog ABSPATH: " . $STATIC['WP']['ABSPATH'] . "\n");
            fwrite($file, "-- Table Prefix: " . $STATIC['WP']['TABLE_PREFIX'] . "\n");
            fwrite($file, "-- Database Name: " . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . "\n");
            fwrite($file, "-- Dump on: " . date('Y-m-d H:i.s', time() + $STATIC['WP']['TIMEDIFF']) . "\n");
            fwrite($file, "-- ---------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
            //for better import with mysql client
            fwrite($file, "/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40101 SET NAMES '" . mysql_client_encoding() . "' */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='" . mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT @@time_zone"), 0) . "' */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */;\n\n");
            //make table dumps
            foreach ($tabelstobackup as $table) {
                if (in_array($table, $WORKING['DB_DUMP']['DONETABLE'])) {
                _db_dump_table($table, $status[$table], $file);
                $WORKING['DB_DUMP']['DONETABLE'][] = $table;
                $WORKING['STEPDONE'] = count($WORKING['DB_DUMP']['DONETABLE']);
            //for better import with mysql client
            fwrite($file, "\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */;\n");
            fwrite($file, "/*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */;\n");
            trigger_error(__('Database dump done!', 'backwpup'), E_USER_NOTICE);
        } else {
            trigger_error(__('Can not create database dump!', 'backwpup'), E_USER_ERROR);
    } else {
        trigger_error(__('No tables to dump', 'backwpup'), E_USER_WARNING);
    //add database file to backupfiles
    if (is_readable($STATIC['TEMPDIR'] . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . '.sql')) {
        $filestat = stat($STATIC['TEMPDIR'] . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . '.sql');
        trigger_error(sprintf(__('Add database dump "%1$s" with %2$s to backup file list', 'backwpup'), $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . '.sql', formatbytes($filestat['size'])), E_USER_NOTICE);
        $WORKING['ALLFILESIZE'] += $filestat['size'];
        add_file(array(array('FILE' => $STATIC['TEMPDIR'] . $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . '.sql', 'OUTFILE' => $STATIC['WP']['DB_NAME'] . '.sql', 'SIZE' => $filestat['size'], 'ATIME' => $filestat['atime'], 'MTIME' => $filestat['mtime'], 'CTIME' => $filestat['ctime'], 'UID' => $filestat['uid'], 'GID' => $filestat['gid'], 'MODE' => $filestat['mode'])));
    //Back from maintenance
    //set done
Exemplo n.º 14

include 'functions.php';
$code = $_REQUEST['code'];
$subcode = $_REQUEST['subCode'];
$sender = $_REQUEST['mobile'];
$servNum = $_REQUEST['serviceNumber'];
//service number
$mess = $_REQUEST['info'];
//generate code
$code = RandomString(10);
if (count(select_sql('select * from crx_demo_users where phone="' . $sender . '"'))) {
    mysql_update('crx_demo_users', array('verify' => '1', 'activation_code' => $code), 'phone="' . $sender . '"');
} else {
    //add new demo
    //add user to crx_demo_users table
    $id = mysql_insert('crx_demo_users', array('phone' => $sender, 'verify' => '1', 'activation_code' => $code));
    //add advertising data to crx_ads
    mysql_insert('crx_ads', array('user' => $id));
//0 là sms dạng text
$resp = "0|Your Code:" . $code . ' Login URL: http://app-ads.hoangweb.com/ksn-crx/admin.php';
echo $resp;
Exemplo n.º 15
if (isset($_POST['bajaGrupoCursos'])) {
    $bajaGrupoCursos = 1;
    $_SESSION['bajaGrupoCursos'] = 1;
} else {
    $bajaGrupoCursos = 0;
    $_SESSION['bajaGrupoCursos'] = 0;
if (isset($_POST['cambioGrupoCursos'])) {
    $cambioGrupoCursoselds = 1;
    $_SESSION['cambioGrupoCursos'] = 1;
} else {
    $cambioGrupoCursoselds = 0;
    $_SESSION['cambioGrupoCursos'] = 0;
if (isset($_POST['verReportes'])) {
    $verReportes = 1;
    $_SESSION['verReportes'] = 1;
} else {
    $verReportes = 0;
    $_SESSION['verReportes'] = 0;
$result = mysql_update("permiso", $conexion, array('p_aAdmin' => $altaAdmin, 'p_bAdmin' => $bajaAdmin, 'p_cAdmin' => $cambioAdmin, 'p_aMaestro' => $altaMaestro, 'p_bMaestro' => $bajaMaestro, 'p_cMaestro' => $cambioMaestro, 'p_aAlumno' => $altaAlumno, 'p_bAlumno' => $bajaAlumno, 'p_cAlumno' => $cambioAlumno, 'p_aPeriodo' => $altaPeriodo, 'p_bPeriodo' => $bajaPeriodo, 'p_cPeriodo' => $cambioPeriodo, 'p_aGruposCursos' => $altaGrupoCursos, 'p_bGruposCursos' => $bajaGrupoCursos, 'p_cGruposCursos' => $cambioGrupoCursoselds, 'p_verReportes' => $verReportes), $id_permiso);
if (mysqli_affected_rows($conexion) > 0) {
    $alertMsg = "Permiso actualizado satisfactoriamente";
} elseif (!$result) {
    $alertMsg = "Algo salio mal: " . mysql_error();
} else {
    $alertMsg = "No encontramos ningun Permiso con el id {$id_permiso} o no hubo cambios en la informacion";
echo "<script>\t\n\t\t\talert(\"{$alertMsg}\");\t\t\n\t\t\twindow.location.href = \"../../vistas/menus/menuABCAdmins.php\"\n\t\t\t</script>";
Exemplo n.º 16
require '../engine/database/connect.php';

<h1>Gesior and Modern shop points to Znote AAC shop points</h1>
<p>Convert donation/shop points from previous Gesior/Modern installation to Znote AAC:</p>
$accounts = mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `premium_points` FROM `accounts` WHERE `premium_points`>'0';");
$accountids = array();
foreach ($accounts as $acc) {
    $accountids[] = $acc['id'];
$accidlist = join(',', $accountids);
if ($accounts !== false) {
    echo "<p>Detected: " . count($accounts) . " accounts who have points in old system.</p>";
} else {
    die("<h1>All accounts already converted. :)</h1>");
$znote_accounts = mysql_select_multi("SELECT `account_id`, `points` FROM `znote_accounts` WHERE `account_id` IN ({$accidlist});");
if (count($accounts) !== count($znote_accounts)) {
    die("<h1><font color='red'>Failed to syncronize accounts. You need to convert all accounts to Znote AAC first!</font></h1>");
// Order old accounts by id.
$idaccounts = array();
foreach ($accounts as $acc) {
    $idaccounts[$acc['id']] = $acc['premium_points'];
foreach ($znote_accounts as $acc) {
    mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points`='" . ($acc['points'] + $idaccounts[$acc['account_id']]) . "' WHERE `account_id`='" . $acc['account_id'] . "' LIMIT 1;");
mysql_update("UPDATE `accounts` SET `premium_points`='0';");
echo "<h1><font color='green'>Successfully converted all points!</font></h1>";
Exemplo n.º 17
function znote_visitor_set_data($visitor_data)
    $exist = false;
    $ip = ip2long(getIP());
    foreach ((array) $visitor_data as $row) {
        if ($ip == $row['ip']) {
            $exist = true;
            $value = $row['value'];
    if ($exist && isset($value)) {
        // Update the value
        mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_visitors` SET `value` = '{$value}' WHERE `ip` = '{$ip}'");
    } else {
        // Insert new row
        mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_visitors` (`ip`, `value`) VALUES ('{$ip}', '1')");
Exemplo n.º 18
$SueldoPadre = $_POST["SueldoPadre"];
$NombreMadre = $_POST["NombreMadre"];
$OcupacionMadre = $_POST["OcupacionMadre"];
$EmpresaMadre = $_POST["EmpresaMadre"];
$SueldoMadre = $_POST["SueldoMadre"];
$OtrosEstudios = $_POST["OtrosEstudios"];
$SuspendidoEstudios = $_POST["SuspendidoEstudios"];
$MateriasReprobadas = $_POST["MateriasReprobadas"];
$ApoyoEconomico = $_POST["ApoyoEconomico"];
$EnteroEscuela = $_POST["EnteroEscuela"];
$PorqueEstudiarCR = $_POST["PorqueEstudiarCR"];
$PorqueEstudiarEnfermeria = $_POST["PorqueEstudiarEnfermeria"];
$OtrasCarrerasPosibles = $_POST["OtrasCarrerasPosibles"];
$RegistroCeneval = $_POST["RegistroCeneval"];
$RegistroEscuela = $_POST["RegistroEscuela"];
$ExamenPsicometrico = $_POST["ExamenPsicometrico"];
$Entrevisto = $_POST["Entrevisto"];
$CelularPadre = $_POST["celularPadre"];
$CelularMadre = $_POST["celularMadre"];
$Estatus = $_POST["Estatus"];
$id_carrera = $_POST["carrera"];
$id_nivelEscolar = $_POST["nivel"];
$result = mysql_update("alumno", $conexion, array('a_nombre' => $nombres, 'a_apellidpaterno' => $APaterno, 'a_apellidomaterno' => $AMaterno, 'a_fechanac' => $FechaNacimiento, 'a_lugarnac' => $LugarNacimiento, 'a_nacionalidad' => $Nacionalidad, 'a_sexo' => $Sexo, 'a_estadocivil' => $EstadoCivil, 'a_gposanguineo' => $GrupoSanguineo, 'a_rh' => $RH, 'a_curp' => $CURP, 'a_servmedico' => $ServicioMedico, 'a_trabajo' => $ActualmenteLaborando, 'a_enfermedades' => $Enfermedades, 'a_alergias' => $Alergias, 'a_debilidadmotriz' => $DebilidadMotriz, 'a_domicilio' => $Direccion, 'a_cp' => $CP, 'a_colonia' => $Colonia, 'a_municipio' => $Municipio, 'a_numlocal' => $Telefono, 'a_email' => $Email, 'a_nompapa' => $NombrePadre, 'a_ocupacionpapa' => $OcupacionPadre, 'a_empresapapa' => $EmpresaPadre, 'a_sueldopapa' => $SueldoPadre, 'a_nommama' => $NombreMadre, 'a_ocupacionmama' => $OcupacionMadre, 'a_empresamama' => $EmpresaMadre, 'a_sueldomama' => $SueldoMadre, 'a_otrosestudios' => $OtrosEstudios, 'a_suspencionestudios' => $SuspendidoEstudios, 'a_matreprobadas' => $MateriasReprobadas, 'a_aval' => $ApoyoEconomico, 'a_promocionesc' => $EnteroEscuela, 'a_objcruzroja' => $PorqueEstudiarCR, 'a_objenfermeria' => $PorqueEstudiarEnfermeria, 'a_otracarrera' => $OtrasCarrerasPosibles, 'a_ceneval' => $RegistroCeneval, 'a_regescuela' => $RegistroEscuela, 'a_psicometrico' => $ExamenPsicometrico, 'a_entrevista' => $Entrevisto, 'a_celPadre' => $CelularPadre, 'a_celMadre' => $CelularMadre, 'a_estatus' => $Estatus, 'id_carrera' => $id_carrera, 'id_nivelEscolar' => $id_nivelEscolar), $matricula);
if (mysqli_affected_rows($conexion) > 0) {
    $alertMsg = "Alumno actualizado satisfactoriamente";
} elseif (!$result) {
    $alertMsg = "Algo salio mal: " . mysqli_error($conexion);
} else {
    $alertMsg = "No encontramos ningun alumno con la matricula a{$matricula} o no hubo cambios en la informacion";
echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\talert(\"{$alertMsg}\");\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.location.href = \"../../vistas/menus/menuABCAlumnos.php\"\n\t\t\t\t</script>";
Exemplo n.º 19
$m_gposanguineo = $_POST["m_gposanguineo"];
$m_rh = $_POST["m_rh"];
$m_curp = $_POST["m_curp"];
$m_servmedico = $_POST["m_servmedico"];
$m_trabajo = $_POST["m_trabajo"];
$m_enfermedades = $_POST["m_enfermedades"];
$m_alergias = $_POST["m_alergias"];
$m_debilidadmotriz = $_POST["m_debilidadmotriz"];
$m_domicilio = $_POST["m_domicilio"];
$m_numext = $_POST["m_numext"];
$m_numint = $_POST["m_numint"];
$m_cp = $_POST["m_cp"];
$m_colonia = $_POST["m_colonia"];
$m_municipio = $_POST["m_municipio"];
$m_numlocal = $_POST["m_numlocal"];
$m_numcelular = $_POST["m_numcelular"];
$m_escolaridad = $_POST["m_escolaridad"];
$m_otrosestudios = $_POST["m_otrosestudios"];
$m_email = $_POST["m_email"];
//$m_fecharegistro = $_POST["m_fecharegistro"];
//$m_estudios = $_POST["m_estudios"];
$m_estatus = 1;
$result = mysql_update("maestro", $conexion, array('m_nombre' => $m_nombre, 'm_apellidopaterno' => $m_apellidopaterno, 'm_apellidomaterno' => $m_apellidomaterno, 'm_fechanac' => $m_fechanac, 'm_edad' => $m_edad, 'm_lugarnac' => $m_lugarnac, 'm_nacionalidad' => $m_nacionalidad, 'm_sexo' => $m_sexo, 'm_estadocivil' => $m_estadocivil, 'm_gposanguineo' => $m_gposanguineo, 'm_rh' => $m_rh, 'm_curp' => $m_curp, 'm_servmedico' => $m_servmedico, 'm_trabajo' => $m_trabajo, 'm_enfermedades' => $m_enfermedades, 'm_alergias' => $m_alergias, 'm_debilidadmotriz' => $m_debilidadmotriz, 'm_domicilio' => $m_domicilio, 'm_numext' => $m_numext, 'm_numint' => $m_numint, 'm_cp' => $m_cp, 'm_colonia' => $m_colonia, 'm_municipio' => $m_municipio, 'm_numlocal' => $m_numlocal, 'm_numcelular' => $m_numcelular, 'm_escolaridad' => $m_escolaridad, 'm_otrosestudios' => $m_otrosestudios, 'm_email' => $m_email, 'm_fecharegistro' => date("Y-m-d"), 'm_estudios' => $m_escolaridad, 'm_estatus' => $m_estatus), $matricula);
if (mysqli_affected_rows($conexion) > 0) {
    $alertMsg = "Maestro actualizado satisfactoriamente";
} elseif (!$result) {
    $alertMsg = "Algo salio mal: " . mysqli_error($conexion);
} else {
    $alertMsg = "No encontramos ningun maestro con la matricula a{$matricula} o no hubo cambios en la informacion";
echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\talert(\"{$alertMsg}\");\n\t\t\t\t\twindow.location.href = \"../../vistas/menus/menuABCMaestros.php\"\n\t\t\t\t</script>";
Exemplo n.º 20
		<p>We have sent you an email with an activation link to your submitted email address.</p>
		<p>If you can't find the email within 5 minutes, check your junk/trash inbox as it may be mislocated there.</p>
    } else {
        echo 'Congratulations! Your account has been created. You may now login to create a character.';
} elseif (isset($_GET['authenticate']) && empty($_GET['authenticate'])) {
    // Authenticate user, fetch user id and activation key
    $auid = isset($_GET['u']) && (int) $_GET['u'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['u'] : false;
    $akey = isset($_GET['k']) && (int) $_GET['k'] > 0 ? (int) $_GET['k'] : false;
    // Find a match
    $user = mysql_select_single("SELECT `id` FROM `znote_accounts` WHERE `account_id`='{$auid}' AND `activekey`='{$akey}' AND `active`='0' LIMIT 1;");
    if ($user !== false) {
        $user = $user['id'];
        // Enable the account to login
        mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `active`='1' WHERE `id`='{$user}' LIMIT 1;");
        echo '<h1>Congratulations!</h1> <p>Your account has been created. You may now login to create a character.</p>';
    } else {
        echo '<h1>Authentication failed</h1> <p>Either the activation link is wrong, or your account is already activated.</p>';
} else {
    if (empty($_POST) === false && empty($errors) === true) {
        if ($config['log_ip']) {
        $register_data = array('name' => $_POST['username'], 'password' => $_POST['password'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'ip' => ip2long(getIP()), 'created' => time());
        user_create_account($register_data, $config['mailserver']);
        if (!$config['mailserver']['debug']) {
            header('Location: register.php?success');
Exemplo n.º 21
            $cache = new Cache('engine/cache/changelog');
            $cache->setContent(mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `text`, `time`, `report_id`, `status` FROM `znote_changelog` ORDER BY `id` DESC;"));
    // If we should give user price
    if ($price > 0) {
        $account = mysql_select_single("SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`email` FROM `accounts` AS `a` \n            INNER JOIN `players` AS `p` ON `p`.`account_id` = `a`.`id`\n            WHERE `p`.`name` = '{$playerName}' LIMIT 1;");
        if ($account !== false) {
            // transaction log
            mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_paypal` VALUES ('', '{$reportId}', 'report@admin." . $user_data['name'] . " to " . $account['email'] . "', '" . $account['id'] . "', '0', '" . $price . "')");
            // Process payment
            $data = mysql_select_single("SELECT `points` AS `old_points` FROM `znote_accounts` WHERE `account_id`='" . $account['id'] . "';");
            // Give points to user
            $new_points = $data['old_points'] + $price;
            mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points`='{$new_points}' WHERE `account_id`='" . $account['id'] . "'");
            // Remind GM that he sent points to character
            echo "<font color='green' size='5'>" . $playerName . " has been granted " . $price . " points for his reports.</font>";
    // GET logic (Edit report data and specify how many [if any] points to give to user)
} elseif (!empty($_GET)) {
    // Fetch GET data
    $action = getValue($_GET['action']);
    $playerName = getValue($_GET['name']);
    $reportId = getValue($_GET['id']);
    // Fetch the report we intend to modify
    foreach ($reports as $sid => $sa) {
        foreach ($sa as $rid => $ra) {
            if ($rid == $reportId) {
                $report = $reports[$sid][$reportId];
Exemplo n.º 22

include "../../includes/sessionAdmin.php";
include "../../includes/conexion.php";
include "../../includes/mysql_util.php";
$matricula = $_POST["matricula"];
$nombres = $_POST["nombres"];
$APaterno = $_POST["APaterno"];
$AMaterno = $_POST["AMaterno"];
$FechaNacimiento = $_POST["FechaNacimiento"];
$Enfermedades = $_POST["Enfermedades"];
$Alergias = $_POST["Alergias"];
$Telefono = $_POST["Telefono"];
$Email = $_POST["Email"];
$result = mysql_update("administrador", array('d_nombre' => $nombres, 'd_apellidopaterno' => $APaterno, 'd_apellidomaterno' => $AMaterno, 'd_fechanac' => $FechaNacimiento, 'd_curp' => $CURP, 'd_enfermedades' => $Enfermedades, 'd_alergias' => $Alergias, 'd_numlocal' => $Telefono, 'd_email' => $Email), $matricula);
if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
    $alertMsg = "Administrador actualizado satisfactoriamente";
} elseif (!$result) {
    $alertMsg = "Algo salio mal: " . mysql_error();
} else {
    $alertMsg = "No encontramos ningun Administrador con la matricula d{$matricula} o no hubo cambios en la informacion";
echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n\t\t\t\talert(\"{$alertMsg}\");\n\t\t\t\twindow.location.href = \"../../vistas/menus/menuAdmin.php\"\n\t\t\t</script>";
Exemplo n.º 23
 } else {
     $action = 0;
 // POST delete
 if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
     $delete = isset($_POST['delete']) ? (int) $_POST['delete'] : 0;
     if ($delete && $action == 1) {
         mysql_delete("DELETE FROM `znote_changelog` WHERE `id`='{$delete}' LIMIT 1;");
         echo "<h2>Changelog message deleted!</h2>";
         $updateCache = true;
 } else {
     if ($status) {
         // POST update
         if ($changelogId > 0) {
             mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_changelog` SET `text`='{$changelogText}' WHERE `id`='{$changelogId}' LIMIT 1;");
             echo "<h2>Changelog message updated!</h2>";
             $updateCache = true;
         } else {
             // POST create
             $time = time();
             mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_changelog` (`text`, `time`, `report_id`, `status`) VALUES ('{$changelogText}', '{$time}', '0', '35');");
             echo "<h2>Changelog message created!</h2>";
             $updateCache = true;
 if ($action === 2) {
     $old = mysql_select_single("SELECT `text` FROM `znote_changelog` WHERE `id`='{$changelogId}' LIMIT 1;");
 // HTML to create or update
Exemplo n.º 24
    // If empty post
// Display whatever output we figure out to add
if (empty($errors) === false) {
    echo '<font color="red"><b>';
    echo output_errors($errors);
    echo '</b></font>';
// end
<h1>Admin Page.</h1>
$basic = user_znote_data('version', 'installed', 'cached');
if ($basic['version'] !== $version) {
    mysql_update("UPDATE `znote` SET `version`='{$version}';");
    $basic = user_znote_data('version', 'installed', 'cached');
echo "Running Znote AAC Version: " . $basic['version'] . ".<br>";
echo "Last cached on: " . getClock($basic['cached'], true) . ".<br>";
		<b>Permanently Delete/erase character from database:</b> 
		<form type="submit" action="" method="post">
			<input type="text" name="del_name" placeholder="Character name...">
		<b>Ban/violate :3 character and/or his account:</b>
Exemplo n.º 25
$WORKING['PID'] = getmypid();
// execute function on job shutdown
if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
    pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, 'job_shutdown');
//try to disable safe mode
@ini_set('safe_mode', '0');
// Now user abrot allowed
@ini_set('ignore_user_abort', '0');
//disable user abort
//update running file
//mysql connect
//Load needed files
foreach ($WORKING['STEPS'] as $step) {
    $stepfile = strtolower($step) . '.php';
    if ($step != 'JOB_END') {
        if (is_file(BACKWPUP_JOBRUN_FOLDER . $stepfile)) {
            require_once BACKWPUP_JOBRUN_FOLDER . $stepfile;
        } else {
            trigger_error(sprintf(__('Can not find job step file: %s', 'backwpup'), $stepfile), E_USER_ERROR);
// Working step by step
foreach ($WORKING['STEPS'] as $step) {
    //display some info massages bevor fist step
    if (count($WORKING['STEPSDONE']) == 0) {
Exemplo n.º 26
    if (!empty($_POST['reply_text'])) {
        // Save ticket reply on database
        $query = array('tid' => $view, 'username' => getValue($_POST['username']), 'message' => getValue($_POST['reply_text']), 'created' => time());
        $fields = '`' . implode('`, `', array_keys($query)) . '`';
        $data = '\'' . implode('\', \'', $query) . '\'';
        mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_tickets_replies` ({$fields}) VALUES ({$data})");
        mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_tickets` SET `status`='Staff-Reply' WHERE `id`='{$view}' LIMIT 1;");
    } else {
        if (!empty($_POST['admin_ticket_close'])) {
            $ticketId = (int) $_POST['admin_ticket_id'];
            mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_tickets` SET `status` = 'CLOSED' WHERE `id` ='{$ticketId}' LIMIT 1;");
        } else {
            if (!empty($_POST['admin_ticket_open'])) {
                $ticketId = (int) $_POST['admin_ticket_id'];
                mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_tickets` SET `status` = 'Open' WHERE `id` ='{$ticketId}' LIMIT 1;");
            } else {
                if (!empty($_POST['admin_ticket_delete'])) {
                    $ticketId = (int) $_POST['admin_ticket_id'];
                    mysql_delete("DELETE FROM `znote_tickets` WHERE `id`='{$ticketId}' LIMIT 1;");
                    header("Location: admin_helpdesk.php");
    $ticketData = mysql_select_single("SELECT * FROM znote_tickets WHERE id='{$view}' LIMIT 1;");
	<h1>View Ticket #<?php 
    echo $ticketData['id'];
function resetPassword()
    $GLOBALS['sentEmail'] = false;
    // error checking
    if (!@$_REQUEST['userNum']) {
        die("No 'userNum' value specified!");
    if (!@$_REQUEST['resetCode']) {
        die("No 'resetCode' value specified!");
    if (!_isValidPasswordResetCode(@$_REQUEST['userNum'], @$_REQUEST['resetCode'])) {
        alert(t("Password reset code has expired or is not valid. Try resetting your password again."));
        showInterface('forgotPassword.php', false);
    // load user
    global $user;
    $user = mysql_get(accountsTable(), (int) @$_REQUEST['userNum']);
    // Lookup username or email
    if (@$_REQUEST['submitForm']) {
        disableInDemoMode('', 'resetPassword.php');
        // error checking
        $textErrors = getNewPasswordErrors(@$_REQUEST['password'], @$_REQUEST['password:again'], $user['username']);
        // v2.52
        if ($textErrors) {
        // update password
        $newPassword = getPasswordDigest($_REQUEST['password']);
        mysql_update(accountsTable(), $user['num'], null, array('password' => $newPassword));
        // show login
        alert(t('Password updated!'));
        $_REQUEST = array();
        showInterface('login.php', false);
Exemplo n.º 28
        if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_02' || $config['salt'] === false) {
            $password = user_data($old_id, 'password');
            $p_pass = $password['password'];
        // Verify lenght of password is less than 28 characters (most likely a plain password)
        if (strlen($p_pass) < 28 && $old_id > 1) {
            // encrypt it with sha1
            if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_02' || $config['salt'] === false) {
                $p_pass = sha1($p_pass);
            if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_03' && $config['salt'] === true) {
                $p_pass = sha1($password['salt'] . $p_pass);
            // Update their password so they are sha1 encrypted
            mysql_update("UPDATE `accounts` SET `password`='{$p_pass}' WHERE `id`='{$old}';");
            $updated_pass += 1;
// validate players
if ($all_account !== false) {
    $time = time();
    foreach ($all_account as $all) {
        $chars = user_character_list_player_id($all);
        if ($chars !== false) {
            // since char list is not false, we found a character list
            // Lets loop through the character list
            foreach ($chars as $c) {
                // Is character not compatible yet?
                if (user_character_is_compatible($c) == 0) {
Exemplo n.º 29
require 'config.php';
require 'engine/database/connect.php';
// check that the request comes from PayGol server
if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('', '', ''))) {
    header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden");
    die("Error: Unknown IP");
// get the variables from PayGol system
$message_id = $_GET['message_id'];
$service_id = $_GET['service_id'];
$shortcode = $_GET['shortcode'];
$keyword = $_GET['keyword'];
$message = $_GET['message'];
$sender = $_GET['sender'];
$operator = $_GET['operator'];
$country = $_GET['country'];
$custom = $_GET['custom'];
$points = $_GET['points'];
$price = $_GET['price'];
$currency = $_GET['currency'];
$paygol = $config['paygol'];
$new_points = $paygol['points'];
// Update logs:
mysql_insert("INSERT INTO `znote_paygol` VALUES ('', '{$custom}', '{$price}', '{$new_points}', '{$message_id}', '{$service_id}', '{$shortcode}', '{$keyword}', '{$message}', '{$sender}', '{$operator}', '{$country}', '{$currency}')");
// Fetch points
$account = mysql_select_single("SELECT `points` FROM `znote_accounts` WHERE `account_id`='{$custom}';");
// Calculate new points
$new_points = $account['points'] + $new_points;
// Update new points
mysql_update("UPDATE `znote_accounts` SET `points`='{$new_points}' WHERE `account_id`='{$custom}'");
Exemplo n.º 30

include "../../includes/sessionAdmin.php";
include "../../includes/conexion.php";
include "../../includes/mysql_util.php";
$matricula = $_POST["matricula"];
$gru_nombre = $_POST["grupo"];
$result = mysql_update("grupo", $conexion, array('gru_nombre' => $gru_nombre), $matricula);
if (!$result) {
    $alertMsg = "Algo salio mal: " . mysqli_error($conexion);
} else {
    $alertMsg = "Grupo editado satisfactoriamente";
echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n\t\t\t\talert(\"{$alertMsg}\");\n\t\t\t\twindow.history.go(-2);\n\t\t\t</script>";