Exemplo n.º 1
function createShittalkRow($text)
    $text_escaped = mysql_escape_mimic(strip_double_quotes($text));
    $today = mysql_escape_mimic(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `shittalkDB`\n            (`text`, `date_created`, `custom`)\n            VALUES ('{$text_escaped}', '{$today}', 0);";
    $result = mySqlQuery($sql);
    return $result;
Exemplo n.º 2
function clean_title(&$title, $key)
    $title = substr($title, 1, strlen($title) - 2);
    $title = urldecode($title);
    $title = mysql_escape_mimic($title);
    $title = "'" . $title . "'";
    return $title;
function getUpvotedTextRowsForCfg($limit = 150)
    $response = [];
    $limit_escaped = mysql_escape_mimic($limit);
    $sql = "SELECT *, `upvotes` - `downvotes` AS `netVotes` FROM shittalkDB WHERE (`upvotes` - `downvotes`) >= 5 ORDER by `netVotes` DESC LIMIT {$limit_escaped};";
    $result = mySqlQuery($sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
        while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
            $response[] = $row['text'];
    return $response;
 protected static function sanitize($input)
     # Emails get mutilated here -- let's check that first
     $preg = "/[a-z0-9!#\$%&'*+=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#\$%&'*+=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+(?:[a-z]{2}|com|org|net|edu|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|asia|jobs|museum)\\b/";
     if (preg_match($preg, $input) === 1) {
         # It's an email, let's escape it and be done with it
         $output = mysql_escape_mimic($input);
         return $output;
     if (is_array($input)) {
         foreach ($input as $var => $val) {
             $output[$var] = self::staticSanitize($val);
     } else {
         if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
             $input = stripslashes($input);
         $input = htmlentities(self::cleanInput($input));
         $input = str_replace('_', '_', $input);
         // Fix _ potential wildcard
         $input = str_replace('%', '%', $input);
         // Fix % potential wildcard
         $input = str_replace("'", ''', $input);
         $input = str_replace('"', '"', $input);
         $output = mysql_escape_mimic($input);
     return $output;
function timestampDeletion($count = 0, $downvotes = 0, $upvotes = 0)
    $timestamp = date('Y-m-d G:i:s');
    $count_escaped = mysql_escape_mimic($count);
    $downvotes_escaped = mysql_escape_mimic($downvotes);
    $upvotes_escaped = mysql_escape_mimic($upvotes);
    $sql = "UPDATE `timestamps`\n            SET uses = uses + 1,\n            last_use = '{$timestamp}',\n            num_deleted = num_deleted + '{$count_escaped}',\n            downvotes_deleted = downvotes_deleted + '{$downvotes_escaped}',\n            upvotes_deleted = upvotes_deleted + '{$upvotes_escaped}'\n            WHERE `action` = 'delete_Downvoted';";
    $result = mySqlQuery($sql);
    if ($result === true) {
        echo 'Updated timestamp<br />';
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 6
$in = array(&$_GET, &$_POST);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    while (list($k, $v) = each($in)) {
        foreach ($v as $key => $val) {
            if (!is_array($val)) {
                $in[$k][mysql_escape_mimic(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($key), ENT_QUOTES))] = mysql_escape_mimic(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($val), ENT_QUOTES));
            } else {
                $in[] =& $in[$k][$key];
} else {
    while (list($k, $v) = each($in)) {
        foreach ($v as $key => $val) {
            if (!is_array($val)) {
                $in[$k][mysql_escape_mimic(htmlspecialchars($key, ENT_QUOTES))] = mysql_escape_mimic(htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES));
            } else {
                $in[] =& $in[$k][$key];
if (!function_exists('json_encode')) {
    function json_encode($a = false)
         * This function encodes a PHP array into JSON
         * Function from php.net by Steve
         * Returns: @JSON
        if (is_null($a)) {
Exemplo n.º 7
function chatlog($mysql, $sender, $sendcontent, $replycontent)
    $query = "INSERT INTO `chatlog` (`id`, `sender`, `sendcontent`, `replycontent`) VALUES (NULL, '" . mysql_escape_mimic($sender) . "', '" . mysql_escape_mimic($sendcontent) . "', '" . mysql_escape_mimic($replycontent) . "');";
Exemplo n.º 8
function downvoteRow($id)
    $id_escaped = mysql_escape_mimic($id);
    $sql = "UPDATE shittalkDB SET downvotes = downvotes + 1 WHERE `id` = {$id_escaped};";
    $result = mySqlQuery($sql);
    return $result;
Exemplo n.º 9

include_once 'funciones.php';
if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['comentario']) && $_POST['comentario'] !== 'Insertar comentario (indique su correo si es posible)...') {
        $comentario =& $_POST['comentario'];
    } else {
        $comentario = '';
    $db = new PDO('sqlite:cpanel/avisos.sqlite');
    $db->query('INSERT INTO avisos (url, comentario, ip, referer, useragent) VALUES (\'' . mysql_escape_mimic($_POST['url']) . '\', \'' . mysql_escape_mimic($comentario) . '\', \'' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '\', \'' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '\', \'' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . '\');');